Torsion Fields Levitation

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1 2009-12-03 09:37:21 Share

• Author: sss333
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1 of 15 6/5/2023, 8:53 PM
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These are fields that carry not power, but information potential. With the help of torsion fields, you can lift
objects of any weight, including a person, as in levitation mode. Torsion fields are created in the Highest
Tantra mode with one

operator. An electromagnetic field is created around the object, for women the field is twisted
counterclockwise ( ), and for men it is clockwise ( ), for the entire width and height of the object plus 20 cm
above it and 20 cm below it.

The field is created with a thickness of 20 cm around the object and spins more and more until a lifting force
is created that exceeds the Earth's gravitational force. This promotion takes 30-40 minutes. Then the object
begins to lift off the ground and with the help of the feed from the ajna, it can be moved through the air in
any direction. This can be done with any object, be it a huge boulder or a car. The fields are twisted in the
form of a tape 10 cm wide along the object, the field is applied like an adhesive tape, wound up like a ball.
After the fields are untwisted, in the form of a ball of threads, a powerful information signal is given from the
ajna and the flow from the ajna repeats the twisting of the adhesive tape around the object. A powerful
information field is created, the object twists in a spiral or against, depending on what kind of energy it
carries, male (+) or female (-). Lifting a person into the air with the help of torsion fields does not entail the
destruction of the kidneys, as in the levitation mode. In the Highest Tantra, a person who owns psychic
energy can independently produce a levitation mode without outside help, only with the use of his own
psychic power of ajna, the psychic power of a person is many times stronger than the energy power of a
diesel locomotive or aircraft turbines. Torsion fields are not subject to people with a low spiritual level.
Levitation with

To fly in the physical body, it is necessary to enter the BT mode with a raised kundalini. It is necessary to
make spins to shift the center of consciousness, from between the eyebrows to the back of the head through
the brain and leave it in this state, without giving the center of consciousness from the epiphysis to the
between the eyebrows, a powerful release of psychic energy from the ajna immediately increases. With Ajna,

2 of 15 6/5/2023, 8:53 PM
torsion fields

we spin the energy around the patient in clockwise direction ( ) in women against ( ), starting from 20 cm
below the patient’s feet and spinning around him the flow rising upwards and breaking off above the head 20
cm. the speed of twisting the spiral, at this time the patient begins to rotate in a circle in the opposite direction
of the twist, pushing the arms apart due to centrifugal force - the effect of unwinding the spiral. The more
layers are wound on the patient, the longer and faster the spin-up will be. The imposition of spirals on the
patient with the help of torsion fields, twists up to 8 times with periodic unwinding. Then 40 spirals are
twisted around the patient with acceleration, then a torsion ring begins to be applied to the patient from the
forehead to the back of the head, along the back to the feet 20 cm underground and forward at least 18 rings,
then the same ring from the side, starting from the left shoulder, left cheek, right cheek, right shoulder to the
ground and 20 cm underground with the transition to the right side of the body 18 times. Then twist
diagonally left and right. 18 times after all the spins performed, a powerful stream of psychic force is
supplied from ajna to the coccyx of the patient and the spinning of flows with centripetal force begins, at this
time the force of attraction of the earth and the gravitational field ceases to act. A powerful beam of psychic
energy throws the patient up, leaving all fears and vices on the ground. With the help of rapid flows of torsion
fields, it is possible to cleanse the karma of patients from vices. The levitation mode with the help of torsion
fields does not have a negative impact on the patient's organs. In the somnambulism mode, it is possible to
purify the patient's soul with the help of torsion fields and treat the patient remotely over long distances. The
more (km) from the patient, the stronger the flow that has a healing effect. The first experiment was carried
out on April 18, 2001. a stream of torsion fields was applied to the patient from a distance of 92 km. The
patient during the session could not stand on his feet, making unimaginable figures. Treatment in torsion
fields is more significant and powerful. With the help of psychic power, the patient's healing effect is quickly
achieved. The greater the distance (km.) from the doctor to the patient, the faster his body is cleared of
diseases and vices. With the help of torsion fields, it is possible to lift heavy objects and move them in space,
reincarnate into previous and future reincarnations, direct the monad of thin bodies in space and time.

With the help of torsion fields, it is possible to treat in BT in the presence of one doctor, replacing BT with 4
doctors in the presence of an office, 4 walls of which are completely covered with mirrors to a height of 2m
20 cm. When treating in torsion fields, the healing effect increases hundreds of times, while treating body and
soul, which should be in harmony, only then all diseases recede and the patient becomes like a Tibetan monk
or an Optina elder who, having lived a long and righteous life, says: “I will leave tomorrow” and passes away
completely healthy (there is care, and there is death). The cause of death is not in age, it is in the vices and
torment of the soul. It is possible to use communication and information exchange at any distance with the
help of brain vibrations and torsion fields, like a telephone. The human brain works by radiating f, 20 Hz is
considered the norm, at 60 Hz a person becomes hysterical, over 120 Hz schizophrenia, at f 14-7 Hz (alpha
waves), the subconscious opens and sleep occurs. Vibrations of the brain f 4-2 Hz (tetra waves), a person can
connect to the information field of the Earth (transcendental egregor). A person during a session of
somnambulism can be connected to a transcendental egregor and master the greatest knowledge of the Earth.

2 2009-12-03 09:40:29 Share

• Author: sss333
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3 of 15 6/5/2023, 8:53 PM
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When H. Hertz experimentally obtained artificial electromagnetic waves a hundred years ago, it became a
milestone not only in science and technology, but also gave rise to a fundamentally new situation in the
surrounding space of the Earth. This is confirmed by modern discoveries and technologies in the field of
subtle physical fields, which allow us to take a different look at seemingly completely ordinary and familiar
things for us. Thus, studies conducted in the United States and Sweden have revealed that electromagnetic
fields created by technical systems that are hundreds of times weaker than the natural field of the Earth can
be hazardous to health. [The electrostatic field strength in the monitor area is 1 - 10 V / m, magnetic
induction is 0.1 - 10 mGs, which is significantly lower than the natural natural background of the Earth
(about 140 V / m and about 400 mGs, respectively). By the way, electromagnetic radiation is of the same
order in the area where televisions, cordless telephones, office equipment and other household electrical
appliances are located. These discoveries allow us to better understand the nature of the world around us, and,
in particular, we will talk about the interaction of electromagnetic oscillations from various electronic devices
with the human structure.
The human structure, from a biological point of view, is a set of many oscillatory circuits. The heart, lungs,
stomach, etc., i.e. all internal organs, function at their own frequencies and rhythms. [In total, about 300 daily
rhythms have been identified in the human body]. Based on this, we can say that oscillatory processes, and
these include magnetic and electromagnetic radiation, form the basis of our universe. But which of them are
"harmful" to humans, which are "useful", biologists have not yet explained this.
What do physicists say about this? Today, the cutting edge of modern science is the theory of elementary
particles ("Theory of physical vacuum", "Theory of torsion fields", "Microleptonic field theory", etc.). This is
a theory in which scientists try to explain the origin of everything in the world. The latest achievement is the
derived equation of "physical vacuum", which characterizes and describes the empty curved, plus swirling
space. The theory under consideration describes the birth from vacuum not only of elementary particles, but
also of more complex physical objects (teleportation).
What does torsion theory explain? Based on the main provisions of this theory, it follows that each
independent parameter of elementary particles corresponds to its own independent field. Considering such an
independent parameter as spin - a quantum analogue of the angular momentum of rotation, it "follows" that
spin or rotation at the macroscopic level must generate its own material field, which ensures the interaction

4 of 15 6/5/2023, 8:53 PM
torsion fields

between objects that have spin or rotation. The reason for the study of torsion fields was a large number of
phenomenal phenomena identified by various scientists during physical experiments over a fairly long period
of time, and which did not fit into the general laws of classical physics, as well as those mental capabilities of
people who could consistently reproduce their extraordinary capabilities. Moreover, torsion fields are by no
means a theoretical abstraction that explains these phenomena; the existence of these fields has been
confirmed experimentally. There are generators of torsion fields, experimental power plants, the use of these
technologies allows you to change the properties of material objects, for example, metals and their alloys, a
very promising direction of these technologies is the search for minerals, etc., in addition, means of
protection against various kinds hazardous radiation...
Scientists, explaining the nature of torsion fields, came to the conclusion that, depending on the direction of
rotation, there are right torsion and left torsion fields. Moreover, as studies have shown, right torsion fields
are in a certain general sense useful for humans, they improve the fluidity of all media, increase the
conductivity of cell membranes, with an increase in fluidity, the likelihood of plaques in the blood decreases,
there is a general improvement in metabolic processes, the homeostasis of a person as a whole improves and
etc. Moreover, it is possible to choose the frequency characteristics in such a way that they can affect not the
whole organism as a whole, but only individual organs, causing therapeutic effects. In turn, left torsion fields
negatively affect a person. And what is interesting - it is the left torsion fields that prevail in most, if not all,
household electrical appliances ...
Recent studies by scientists in the field of physical vacuum and torsion fields have shown that the torsion
component of the electromagnetic field, which is a very complex superposition of the left and right torsion
fields that arise impulsively during the operation of electromagnetic devices, can also have a negative impact
on the human body, which cannot be shielded by traditional methods, because it is a superposition of a more
subtle than electromagnetic radiation. Moreover, these components have a complex negative impact on the
information and energy structure of a person.
At present, a whole direction has been developed for the protection and neutralization of electromagnetic
radiation. How does this protection work? Since, during operation, an electronic device creates a very
complex superposition of electromagnetic radiation, which has a volumetric-spatial form of propagation, to
localize such a source, it is necessary to create a volumetric contour or network around the source itself. This
is achieved by placing several local devices on the source body. When these devices are close to each other in
a certain order, they begin to interact with each other, forming a spiral network that closes the source of
negative radiation like a power shield. The complex of components of negative radiation, getting into such a
network, changes its orientation, obeying the law of a spiral right-handed power system or network. The
system of joint emitters takes the form of a ball, which ultimately gives a reorientation of the total form of
radiation (electromagnetic, torsion, microleptonic, etc.) coming from a specific radiation source (monitor and
system unit, TV, radiotelephone, etc. ). Moreover, with certain settings of this protective network, changes
from the left torsion field to the right torsion field are possible. Thus, the localization and neutralization of
negative radiation takes place. According to this principle of radiation of thin physical fields, the protection
But besides this, there is another negative impact that affects the information and energy structure of a person
- this is the so-called psi-impact, or rather the psi-fields of impact, (although both are holograms, the lattice of
which can also serve as a computer). It is associated with overexcitation, with negative information-energy
received from monitor screens, TVs in a closed unmanifested (single space) circuit. An example is computer
games with an aggressive focus. (See the article "The Psychology of the Gamer".)
Currently, this is practically the only protection known to me that uses the method of volumetric reflective
function of many small operational geometric force fields that create a stable complex of a discharged field
from negative influences.

3 2009-12-03 09:41:48 Share

• Author: sss333
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5 of 15 6/5/2023, 8:53 PM
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Psychotronic weapons developed in the last century, with the discovery and introduction of new technologies
- torsion generators, have come into life and concern not only dissidents and human rights activists, but also
every person.

The use by special services of technologies of control and suppression of the individual, in order to establish
a new world domination, requires each person to actively counter criminal encroachments on human rights
and freedoms.

The work of the special services to subdue the population is accompanied by targeted and selective
destruction and torture, both of people who do not fit into the new totalitarian world order, and of those who
are randomly selected, both to test existing methods and to improve them. In fact, today every person can be
included in the list of those exterminated from the face of the earth, since no one is guaranteed to control who
and for what fell out of favor. A simple analysis of the available information convinces that the special
services eliminate any person, regardless of his position and merits to society. These are ordinary workers and
high-ranking officials and employees of law enforcement agencies.

The goals of classifying and actively discrediting psychotronic equipment based on torsion fields are not
known for certain. One can only assume the following:
World energy resources are running out.
In this case, a part of the population will be gradually liquidated, and who will be the first and who will be the
second, will be decided by someone up there, it is not known what principle they are guided by. The
mysterious deaths of loyal high-ranking officials, written off as accidents, the terror of ordinary citizens who
have never interfered in politics or crime, cannot but make you wonder - who will be next? Criminal offenses
are revealed through falsification and punishment of the innocent. Terrorism is rampant. The most incurable
diseases and physical deformities that can be easily eliminated by medical torsion equipment are left without
attention. Civil servants and heads of large business structures associated with the authorities live and act like
desperate suicide bombers, little guided by the laws, until they themselves are destroyed by those for whom
they work.
The use of torsion technology is dangerous to health, so it was not allowed into widespread use.

6 of 15 6/5/2023, 8:53 PM
torsion fields

In this case, its uncontrolled use by the special services by the public is all the more dangerous, since it is
well known that the special services have never considered the extent of the harm caused by their actions. If
the use of such technologies is harmful to others, an international ban on its use and strict control is needed,
with the involvement of public organizations.
Torsion technique classified:
A. To prevent its criminal use by criminals and politicians.
The question is, how is it being used now? Just for criminal selfish purposes by criminals and politicians.
And this, it can be assumed, is only the beginning, since the lack of control always leads to even greater
abuses. If we draw an analogy with conventional weapons - where they are put within the framework of the
law - there are crimes with their use, but their number is incomparably smaller, in those regions where the
law is inactive - "hot spots", from where terrorism spreads to peaceful cities. The fact that in "hot spots"
torsion weapons will be produced and used in a handicraft way does not stand up to criticism. Firstly, who
will check whether it is being produced and whether it is being used now? And secondly, industrial torsion
equipment is incomparably more perfect. It is possible that all the terrorists of the world today are already
registered and controlled by the torsion units of the special services. Why isn't there more weighty opposition
against them? Why, instead of protecting us, are the secret services hiding behind our backs? All this needs to
be clarified.
b. So that talented "kulibins" do not unwind electricity meters, do not bully their neighbors and do not rob
Do you believe that the secret services are interested in this? Search the Internet, you will find descriptions,
principles of operation and you can buy a ready-made torsion generator. On the Internet and in life, the
special services are fighting against evidence of the existence of torsion fields and the state use of such
You can assume anything else. In any case, remember that what is done beyond the possibility of control,
with the use of deceit, even if it affects your rights and freedoms at least minimally today, will never be used
for your benefit.

How do intelligence agencies cover up their crimes and keep people in line? If you are aware of such
technology, they will select arguments for you, in accordance with your knowledge and beliefs. Those who
know about the use of such technology by the special services are obliged to remain silent. Why? Is it
because by exchanging opinions, you will find out that everything was explained to your interlocutor
differently? Why, in the name of what goals do you need to lie to your loved ones - friends, parents, children,
beloved, just an outsider whom you do not know yet - is he good or bad? For what person, who stole
advanced technologies from you, are you obliged to give your health, honor and life? Why is a model of a
society based on cruelty, meanness, lack of principle, servility being built? For your benefit? When you
personally need to apply the principle - "Divide and Conquer", then for whose benefit?

These questions will remain unanswered until the state can be forced to admit the existence and use of torsion
weapons. And the first point in this case should be the task of officially recognizing the existence of torsion
fields. Numerous testimonies of scientists and developers affected by the use of torsion generators must be
collected in order to recognize: official science of the fact of the existence of torsion fields; and the state, for
the legislative regulation of the use of torsion technology. All organizations around the world counteracting
psychotronic terror need to join their efforts - exchange information, coordinate work, create a common
information bank in which to accumulate information widely available via the Internet on countering
psychoterror , to unite the efforts of the victims to organize coordinated mass actions, to look for ways of
financial self-sufficiency for the victims, to create a political party.
To rally the victims and to form public opinion, it is necessary: a common newspaper, Internet mailing lists,
an entertainment Internet portal ...

4 2009-12-03 09:48:50 Share


7 of 15 6/5/2023, 8:53 PM
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• Author: sss333
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dear friends, I have long focused on torsion fields, because this is the "philosopher's stone"!

5 2009-12-03 18:11:20 Share

• Author: Nika
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8 of 15 6/5/2023, 8:53 PM
torsion fields

sss333 wrote:

I have long focused on torsion fields, because this is the "philosopher's stone

Actually, I was familiar with these fields about 5 years ago, but somehow they didn’t settle in my head.
physics. in our school of magic they were taught them at the school of Bagirov in cosmoenergy. Will have to
read more carefully. By the way, I’ll get into my lectures, there were also several interesting pages on this
subject. sss333
Are you really catching up with this topic at all?

6 2009-12-04 12:50:07 Share

• Author: Absolut
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Tell me about the "banal case", a very interesting topic

7 2009-12-04 12:59:36 Share

• Author: sss333
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9 of 15 6/5/2023, 8:53 PM
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2010-03-05 07:22:17

Nika wrote:

Are you really catching up with this topic at all?

I will say in a simple way, due to the instantaneous speed of these fields and feedback, the brain first
perceives these fields that radiate everything that surrounds us, the brain decodes them and gives a picture
that we should see, we also radiate torsion bars, the point is if learn to replace the information of the torsion
bars of some object, then you can do whatever you want with these objects, I tried the most banal way to
check, I took a cube for playing backgammon, guessed some number, threw it and that number fell out, and
this is not a coincidence, because I I did this many times, you can call it the power of thought, but initially the
information is carried by torsion bars, replacing the information, we change the properties of the object.
but it should also depend on the energy, the higher the energy vibrations, the higher the spin of the torsion
fields and the greater the chance to do something or get some information from space, the law of isotherics,
like attracts like, that is, the higher the vibration, the higher the spin of the torsion, new channels of high
energy and information will be opened that are inaccessible to other people, but there is still a dependence on
the side of rotation of left or right-hand torsion fields and this needs to be sorted out. this is my point of view.
If anyone knows better, please correct me.

8 2009-12-04 14:01:19 Share

• Author: sss333
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Nika wrote:

Actually, I was familiar with these fields about 5 years ago, but somehow they didn’t settle in my

I also heard about them for a long time, but I didn’t pay much attention to them, only as you gain knowledge
you understand that the whole point is in them, they also contain the memory of space, what was in the past
and what will be in the future.

9 2009-12-04 16:54:11 Share

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sss333 wrote:

information is carried by torsion bars, replacing information, we change the properties of the
but it should also depend on the energy, the higher the energy vibrations, the higher the spin of
the torsion fields and the greater the chance to do something or get some information from space,
the law of isotherics, like attracts like, that is, the higher the vibration, the higher the spin of the
torsion, new channels of high energy and information inaccessible to other people will be

Thank you, everything is very clear explained, my brain liked it.

11 of 15 6/5/2023, 8:53 PM
torsion fields

And then there are such "vumniks" that you just don't know half of the words you read what they will say.
That is, in this way the third eye develops, if in a simple way.

sss333 wrote:

I also heard about them for a long time, but I didn’t pay much attention to them, only as you gain
knowledge you understand that the whole point is in them, they also contain the memory of
space, what happened in the past and what will happen in the future

so there is a time for everything.

10 2009-12-04 19:59:42 Share

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The invisible world is reality
Physicists have discovered that torsion fields can also be generated by shape. Moreover, the fields can be
both positive and negative. That is, in fact, they agreed with psychics and clairvoyants working with the
biofield (torsion fields). Now the task of physicists is to understand how these fields affect the mental and
physical health of a person. And they do, that's for sure. In some rooms we feel comfortable, but in some
“something presses” on us, some works of art cheer us up, and some seem to take away strength. We consider
some of our acquaintances to be energy vampires, and with someone we immediately forget about everything

11 2009-12-05 03:11:50 Share


12 of 15 6/5/2023, 8:53 PM
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• Author: sss333
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2010-03-05 07:22:17

Nika wrote:

That is, in this way the third eye develops, if in a simple way.

if you develop spiritually, increase energy vibrations, then the third eye opens and new channels of
information will be available.

12 2009-12-05 08:32:58 Share

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13 of 15 6/5/2023, 8:53 PM
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sss333 wrote:

if you are developing spiritually

all this is understandable, if you don’t already have such a gift from birth, then you can develop anything in
yourself, the main thing is to practice and not go where you don’t know. Everyone watched probably "The
Battle of Psychics"? So there Alexey Pokhabov (with such a surname, by the way, a very pleasant young
man) said that he had nothing at all, he developed everything in himself.

here he is interesting about death: Alex, what happens to a person when he dies?
It seems to me that people are not aware of their own death. At this moment, consciousness connects with the
subconscious, and a kind of dream begins. In the subconscious of each person, there are several personalities
left over from past lives. Some time after his death, probably until the fortieth day, the deceased person feeds
on the residual life energy, memories, and after, when they end, he has no other choice but to be reborn in
another body.

That is, in the global sense of death does not exist?

There is no death, and life, in general, no. Life is a very relative concept. There is an energy that can be
multidirectional. But this does not change anything on a qualitative level.

13 2010-01-29 12:31:51 Share

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Either we are trying to reduce everything to primitive unreasonable energies, or we believe that we are an
experiment of aliens from somewhere from Sirius. When you see a table or an airplane, no one has any other
idea about their origin, except that they are the result of someone's collective work. Why does this thought

14 of 15 6/5/2023, 8:53 PM
torsion fields

not arise when we talk about a person, about his organization and anatomical and, say, chakras, acupuncture
points, energy channels, aura, etc.? Why do we not, say, perceive the evolution of life on the planet as
someone's systematic work, but simply as a chain of accidents. When we see a table with snacks, does
anyone perceive it as an accident? And when we see, for example, the most complex structure called a
titmouse - please. I simply do not want to take and admit the existence on Earth of another working Mind,
except for the human one. Well, aliens, strangers, still all right, because they are like in a blockbuster which
you can turn around, if anything ...

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