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h:NO- 004-101- 2o2o-016 RDLL.NO-
1.|(C) Promotion
2CA) Sals Pronmotion
3. (A Salusman
4. B) emobions
5(C Produet, Price, promobi'on, pla ce
6. A) Consumue 8eods
7. A) Producb mise
2(d) Tdra genMation.
9.(J awaueni
|14C low prico coith hiah gualiby
L9(a) i ce Skimmin
1s Cd Solubion to specfie Problun o maulkiting.
14 (d ) Consum Satis facdion
15Ca 3kimmin prica.

16 Ca)actual Cushoat uoup-3

19 Ans-The most Common +unctions o etailes aL

Bugin8. A oubaile bug

a coid vanity o aoods
fsom dilherent sholsaluws abu estimatiung custormu's
uutailu nmaintaurvs a meady 8tock o goodN
ii) 3tovage: A thu shop.
tham in
and displag
dutaie &alls the 0ods i n Small a,uantiti
t) 8elling: Tu
acc.oxdiha to bhe dumand tastL
and Paehence o
arikant Mixrso
nN0-004- 107 2020-016 1ROJLL ND-DO4- BBA- 2020-016
Consumu tha aoods
Ceading and Packuh: The uetaituu gradesand cwho usal
b manuhattuuus
Chich aue not araded fsonm
oten ca 8oods
Lranspos tation: Ritailuuetals outtels
manuactulws to theix

The vauubus away o New Product Duuslopmartda-

7 Jn-
2 Paoduct Debinilion
1. Tduaion Product descoueuy 8tauts
-Explo'se lara -aine Cove Functionall
-Fl out nawaliwe - Un durs Fant maukt Si20and
Ceploxin8 idias. Leuenuc
4. Detaild s i a n
3. Pro totypin 4
-Rehinumnt ot Proto&yP
- Creats Prototype Detailed product desían
- Creat MVP
Mauket etaHch
6. Cormmerciali 2ation
5. Valldotion/Tertin feal lomplut
Ensuxing th prototy Pe o egin ChTM ecuti
Cwosked a P) annud
Customeul Succem învolue-
- Tasina viabilitg of ment
the inan eials - Product Launched.

23A Channl Flows uuh to 6ha maukaing funcl ions

Peetorme.d b manuta ChuLdd, wholesalus, ue tail
and ohuu channl membes coh in channl. eaht
uniuusSal ehannl Mows haui seen i duntifieed.
.Phasical posseMion

03duain Paymat
Raieant Miro
REaNO-004-1O7-2020-016 /ROLL:NO-O04-BBA-2020-016
Chahnus o Distribution

Man uhachwneatholsaleeRetailu ConSuma

Cohousale /Produc

wtail Manuhactuu Rataiu ConSum

tai /Poducex

Dioect Manuhactu ConSumu

/ Producn
24 o . Pricing otjecues auu goals that auide goue Pici
Shra for you Sonvice o r Product
objeckiues provides direction
COorking Out you pricin9
for e v s t of the p»icing proceM and guides yoeu
choice o Pricin9 Strategies wka to mut thosk objechiues
The factor in &ttina Pricase a
. Maukuing objechiuws
Maukubing Mibe Sksata9
.Oxganizabonal Considuuatlons
The Mauke and Demand1
Consumen PeACplion o Price an d ualue
.Compeilors, Cosks , Pstces, and ohey

94) 7 keg Factors to make a SucceMul Hrand a

I.Gualiby Maintaining comus to rand

Guality isimpor tant elnmenb ewhen ik
should. matth osic
in8 he Product you &ling au

mauket funchional neceities. A h:gh-qjualibeg

brand hP
in achieving hi8h Protits and dlaugt ghauus as Compa
to CompeitorS
2. Pos4ioning Tt ls eMential to creala an impree
Ravikont Mimra
RECn-ND- DD4-10-2020-014ROLL/NO- DO4- RBA- 2020-016
Posittonnj taugetins thu uighe sb o audiences,cse.
bing rust, and showeasirg, bhe advantages ds choo sins
o producf un busins
change, thak is cwhy
3 Reposi tionen Maukb Con&tanH
sposi tionung bhu brand vital he rand posi'tion
Cill ecome irY elevant t t h mauket ChangA, as tt
coill tmpact Cusfomuu's neds

4! Communic aton A brand needs to build shrong Communi-

Cabion to Sat tt8 Position tn the maukes You nued to
make Hou awamn a n d Projecb a posihue brond
ewonall to uuin forca Custome
5Lontexm Penception bakes yeans to build Jogal
Cusborms and make impreMiuL 6rand value

and mak
kTntexnal maukiin 9 Intunal Communicabion
tng a u enbial Paub o brondhg Trainning
3tahts impoy tant oSeuvice Companies aue dapendunt
eontact ehcwen &uvice Provides and uuu
on peuwonal
Reauch about you Compeit/on Jt 1s important to
77. tn the mankk to undushn
anayr youu compe676oss on their positioning You trand
a e coorking
hoc thuy
Coosk on making y o u periece and
Psocem hould
to competitors,
Proouels a s Compaued
matrloc A Beh makrix i a modulwd to
24 Lthd-BCh dons-totm
to ard coith
Onalyze a huyinm's Pooducbs
Strategle Plannig Th matrisc. hlps Compani estden6ify
neco roeoth opportuni bitand decide how t y houdd
lnwst for th Futu
Most Companti obhe a oid, vauw Produchs,
dliwn sealu etuuns bhan ohe
some businu a bromework Poy
The BeCn matri 8 s t h
evalu abng kh Succ oh each Product to help th
Kavikant Mirsa
RENO-004-107-2020-014 ROLLNO -004-BBA-2020-01
Conpany dibuminu cuhich ons 6huy should inwst
more. mon into Qnd cuhieh 6h hould eliminad
Swor Anabysis
A SewoT analysls hlps you unduustkand inteunals and
Cckewnal fackors thak can make or bs eak gom Succe
6ocwand oum maukbing Aoal 8woT i an
bhat 8tands Por StaengBhs, coeakneues, oppox tunities
and, hr eats
Thu SwoT onadg proces abradnsorming technaw
Tt '3 designed ulp you undusband euhak might
dierentiar gou rom J a u ompeti ation and what
Cuke upon than oppos tuni
s Souwces you haue to ere

cPEST Analysis
A Pest analysis 8uids us to ldentily eechiue Skrat-
eaies on ttng Prioaitaallocati ng ueASo uuee
Plannin9 For i and dunlophment .badmap and
Foxmulabing Conrol mechanisms. with th Onass
you can idanbiy Potential opportuniAie and Breaks
amociated eoith gou Srata8d and i g u ouk
c o o to taka advontage o ham Omd avojd than.

the vaulous 3keps and Procs o aukebing

27) cauehs aur-

Tdnt; h probluwn -

.Probuwm bo 8oluu
. Project obfech}ues
Rekaeh uestons

Raikont Mishxa
KEa NO- 004-107 2020-o16 RoLLNO- 004-BBA-2020-016
2 elop Bhu uustauch plan
Zn fosmation needad ,
Kereach A oanalyiis mithod
Respon Sibla. pativ.
3 Con du lA eauch
Selondauy data. ueview
rimauy data ColLeck/on

8ui bab melhod a tecthnt9,u.

Analyr and upoxt fin dung

Data Yosrnatting A analysis
Infeepsetation o uOs ults
Report ueco mmn dabona.

55 Take acion

Chought and Plannin

Evaluation of options
lo Cowws add ukmunk d execuibn

Rauikant Miha3a

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