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DATE: 8th JULY,2021.
Capital University of Science & Technology

The location of the H block is on the right side of the parking area while on the back of the admission block
E and is on the front of the back door of the university. It has 4 story and it is the academic block of civil
department. While on the ground floor there are two labs while on the first floor there are also few labs with
engineer room and the survey store on the 2nd floor there is also labs of civil department while on the 3rd
floor there is study room and library and the computer lab.

Orientation is the positioning of a building in relation to seasonal variations in the sun's path as well as
prevailing wind patterns. Good orientation can increase the energy efficiency of your home, making it more
comfortable to live in and cheaper to run. ... Orientate your home to make best use of sunlight and winds.
The main benefit of building orientation is the energy efficiency of your home or building. It saves the
heating, lighting and cooling cost of your building. Avail natural light, winds and sun to your building so
that you can enjoy the warmth of the sun in winter, and cool breezes during summer.
Capital University of Science & Technology

Sustainable construction means using renewable and recyclable materials when building new structures, as
well as reducing energy consumption and waste. The primary goal of sustainable construction is to reduce
the industry's impact on the environment. In case of our block the building is sustainably constructed on
which the solar panels are used for the energy consumption. They will convert the solar energy into
electricity which be used to fulfill the requirement of the building.
Capital University of Science & Technology

According to the rule of the orientation I visited the block with respect to the is constructed
on the rule of orientation north south east and west. While on the ground floor the following labs and the
toilet are constructed with the one kitchen.
Capital University of Science & Technology

While on the first floor the soil lab and the engineer’s room and survey store and toilet.
Capital University of Science & Technology
Capital University of Science & Technology

While on the 2nd floor the high way labs, instruction labs and many other labs are constructed which are
used by the students of civil engineers. These all are used by the student of the civil department.
Capital University of Science & Technology

While on the 4th floor there is the study room and the library and computer lab is constructed for the student.
They are mostly used room or area by the student according to the orientation rule.

While the whole building is almost constructed according to the orientation of the building rules and by the
rule of sustainability also.
Capital University of Science & Technology


The following rules of orientation are followed by the building:

The area is fully developed near the university site. The site having the good view of landscape on the back
of the area here is river side also.
The rooms must be used in the side of the sun the most used room are kitchen survey store and the engineer’s
room so they are located on the side of the sun.
Capital University of Science & Technology
Capital University of Science & Technology

Then the least used room are mostly labs toilets hey are not on the front of the sun. this rule is also
followed by the building orientation.

For solar gain, as well as considering location, orientation and window size and placement, it is also
important to consider the thermal performance and solar heat gain efficiency of the glazing unit itself.
Capital University of Science & Technology
Capital University of Science & Technology

Passive solar heating makes use of the building components to collect, store, distribute, and control solar
heat gains to reduce the demand for fossil fuel powered space heating. Passive solar heating strategies also
provide opportunities for day lighting and views to the outdoors through well positioned windows. The goal
of passive design is to maximize solar gain while minimizing conductance. Passive cooling removes or
rejects heat from the building, keeping temperatures cool. Avoiding any mechanical operations to moderate
temperature achieves energy and cost savings by alleviating the cooling load demanded. Shading devices
can also reduce unwanted solar gains by blocking the sun during the summer months, while natural
ventilation, which relies on natural airflow and breezes, can reduce the need for mechanical cooling when
the building is occupied.
Capital University of Science & Technology

While solar gain for passive heating is important, other considerations include noise, daylighting, protection
from prevailing winds, access to breezes for ventilation, shade to prevent summer overheating and glare,
views, privacy, access, indoor/outdoor flow, owners’ preferences, and covenants and planning restrictions.
Where passive cooling is more of a priority than passive heating, the building should be oriented to take
advantage of prevailing breezes. If optimal orientation can be achieved, it will reduce some of the heating
requirement, reduce energy costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Effective solar orientation requires
a good understanding of sun paths at the site at different times of the year.
Capital University of Science & Technology
Capital University of Science & Technology

On the visited of the h block the most of the rules are followed by the building while there should be some
greenly in this area that will also be a part of the orientation rule. It may also contain the more ventilation
area for the proper ventilation purpose.

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