Syphilis-Asier Martín Barroso

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What is syphilis?
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can cause
serious health problems without treatment. Infection develops in
stages (primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary).

Its classification: Signs and sympthoms:

Infectious (STI)/bacteria
Pandemic Primary stage:
Can be cogenital/hereditary Single sore or multiple sores(were the desease enter your
body) can be founded in: penis, vagina, anus, rectum and
lips or in the mouth. They last 3-6 weeks.

Background: Secondary stage:

The origin of syphilis is lost at the Skin rushes on the affected areas, those rushes are: rough,
red or reddish-brown. With this rushes can be developed
dawn of time, for example, in
some sympthoms which are: fever, swollen lymph glands,
Europe all countries had cases and sore throat, patchy hair loss, headaches, weight loss,
the disease was always called the muscle aches and fatigue (feeling very tired).
disease of x country and said Latent Stage:
country the disease of another. It No signs and sympthoms the desease can be in this stage
also had many names, until the for years.
16th century when Girolamo Tertiary Stage:
Fracastoro mentioned it as its Occurs 10-30 years after your infection and damages your
current name as: "Syphilis sive internal organs that can result in death.
Morbus Gallicus", also the desease
had the name of the "great
imitator" due the large list of Important data:
possible sympthoms that it has.
You can catch the disease at
any point in your life, even
before you are born.
The most effective method to
How does the desease counteract the disease is the
use of penicillin. If you have
affect us? allergy to penicillin your doctor
In the early stages of the disease it can give you other antibiotic
appears normal without possible options.
serious changes to our daily lives, You can be infected via sexual,
but when it is already advanced it via blood and from a mother to
is very possible to cause tumors, the fetus.
blindness and paralysis. Also, it
can damage the brain, nervous
system and other organs and
cause death itself. The worst part
of this deaseases is that it don't
only affects us, it affects all the
people around you andthe best
way to prevent these diseases is
by being responsible and taking all
available protective measures.

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