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BEED 2GE - 1

1. the tyranny of the some is only possible through cowardice and

negligence on the part of others

As the world goes by, many things have happened and changed but somehow
there is something in the world that remains the same and people find it hard to
overcome and this is the enemy of all people in the world. In every government
there are people who overly use their power, most of the time it is the president
or the people under him. Sometimes tyrants can be your boss, your relatives,
your family or someone who thinks they are above you.

Most people, especially here in the Philippines, don't mind other people even
before the time of the Spanish Era. Even if we see the tyranny in our own eyes,
we do not do anything about it. First because it is not you who's been humiliated
and second you are afraid that those tyrants will take revenge on you that will
affect your family as well. Often time, we endure all the hardship and oppression
before we can fully think of fighting back. We didn't immediately think that at the
very beginning we should have been brave enough to stand up against to those
abusive and oppressors before things would have gone on and gotten worse.
Even before the Spanish era, people thought it was not yet the right time to fight
because we are weak and incapacitated, but then when is the right time to fight
for the right? Even in these modern times, when we will be brave enough to stop
people from thinking that the rich are above all the poor? When we will be smart
enough to vote for the right people to lead our country? When we will speak up
for right and to stop the growth of tyranny? Silence and fear is not the answer.
There are a lot of ways to stop all the abuse and it starts by believing in
ourselves and having a proper education. Dr. Jose Rizal once said that "Without
education and liberty, which are the soil and the sun of man, no reform is
possible, no measure can give the result desired." Meaning to say we must all be
educated to change our lives and most of all to reform all anomalies and to stop
being abused by tyranny. We will not get our hearts desire without proper
education to lead us step forward.

For Rizal, the mission of education is to elevate the country to the highest seat of
glory and to develop the people's mentality. Since education is the foundation of
society and a prerequisite for social progress, Rizal claimed that only through
education could the country be saved from domination. Being a coward and
negligence will only result in a long time of suffering that we need to endure. Let
us all cover ourselves with knowledge through education, to right all wrongs and
to be brave enough to put an end to all forms of tyranny.
BEED 2GE - 1

If the filipina will not change her mode of being, let her rear no more
children, let her merely give to them. she must cease to be the
mistress of the home, otherwise she will unconsciously betray
husband, child, native, land and all.

A mother plays a vital role in the life of every individual. They serve as a life giver for
every child. They are the woman behind every successful husband and children. Mother
serves as the light of every house for they give knowledge, guidance and love. But what
will happen to the world if every mother is incapacitated to speak up for the right and for
themselves? How can they serve as the light if they are blinded by wrong and

In the time of Rizal, women were downgraded. They don't enjoy the liberty as well as
men. They are only taught how to be submissive to their husbands. They are like slaves
in their own house for they are only taught how to serve their husbands and take good
care of their children. Women before didn't have much right to enjoy compared to men.
As for Dr. Jose Rizal, if the Filipina will not change her mode of being, let her rear no
more children, let her merely give to them. she must cease to be the mistress of the
home, otherwise she will unconsciously betray husband, child, native, land and all.
Filipinas before were influenced by the teachings of the friars and Rizal hoped that they
would change their living and the principles they lived by. A mother is a role model to
their children and her values would be passed on to her children. If a woman has
questionable morals and debilitated character, then it is better for her not to give birth to
a child as the child would be the one to suffer. They are also more likely to sacrifice their
spouse, children, and motherland for the beliefs and principles they are taught. They
were taught wrongly and if they don't change, then they should not rear children as the
cycle would continue.

As of today, we can say that one of the fruits of the labor of the young women of
Malolos was the liberty enjoyed by women of today. I am glad that they move forward to
change their lives by wanting to be educated. By that, they become a more competent
mother not for their families but for their motherland as well. Women of today must
continue to appreciate and be thankful for the bravery of the women of Malolos for its
stand as one of the reasons why women today are empowered. We must also be
inspired by the letters that Rizal gave to the young women of Malolos. For he is one,
who first appreciated the women of our country.
BEED 2GE - 1

All men are born equal, naked without bonds, God did not create man
to be slave; nor did he endow him with intelligence to have him
hoodwinked, or adorn him with reason to have him deceived by

God creates humanity in a way that is very different from the way God created the
physical world. Humans are a masterpiece of creation because we are made in God's
image, we are spiritual beings who possess dignity, value, and worth.

We are all children of God. We are all born equal and we will all die regardless of our
status in life. We were made not to be slaves and weren't given intelligence and reason
just to cheat and deceive others. We were meant to cultivate the intelligence given and
use reason in our action. Refusing to follow another person who is an equal to you is
not wrong but seeing yourself as superior to everyone else and forcing others to submit
is wrong. We were all brought into this world naked and with no ties to anything and
although we may live different lives from one another, it does not allow us to treat others
lowly and degradingly.

Therefore, God created us naked meaning to say we are all equal in the eyes of the
Lord. God did not create us to become slaves, instead he wanted us to take good care
of all his creations. We are made out of love so we must love one another as well. No
one is above others, he gave us all the mind to think and not to deceive one another.
He gave us intelligence to improve ourselves.

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