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Benefiting Your

$10 / 1 ball $20 / 3 balls $50 / 7 balls $100 / 20 balls

VOL. XCVIV June 2023 NO. 10

39th Annual Lane Kemper Classic • .........................06

FF of the Year—Captain II Paul Egizi • ......................11

Attic Fires—Chief J. Flores LAFD • .......................12

President’s Message • ...........................................................................05
Battalion News • .....................................................................................15
The Coasters
Social Media Influencers • ................................................................41
LAFD Fire Hogs 2022 Review • ..............................................................43
The Station Fridge • ...............................................................................45
Retirement Dinner Announcements • ....................................................46
Retired Guy
Things Not to Do • ..............................................................................47
LAFRA Mail • .........................................................................................48
Memorials • ...........................................................................................50
LAFD History
Drill Tower Part 3 • ..........................................................................52
Minutes of the Board of Trustees • ........................................................55
Classifieds • ...........................................................................................58
Old Fire Station 23 • ............................................................................61

Notice: Production of The Firemen’s Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues
serve to underwrite a portion of the magazine’s costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers.
Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these
advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any
of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them.

Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association.
No material may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.

2 • June 2023
On the cover: Firefighters battle a garage fire in 85’s first-in. Photo | Timothy Werle

Photo Inset: Firefighters battle a blaze in the Westlake area. Photo | Jason Stilwell

June 2023 • 3
owned and published by the
Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association
7470 N Figueroa Street, Los angeles CA 90041

John Hicks • Managing
Eric Santiago • Creative
Display Advertising.................................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231

Erik Scott, Nicholas Prange, Margaret Stewart

Art Sorrentino, Deborah Lew, Mark Khitikian

Gary Apodaca, David Blaire, Brandon Buckley, Chris Eckenrode, 564 Fire,
Greg Doyle, Harry Garvin, Yvonne Griffin, Justin Johnson, Gavin Kaufman, Mike
Meadows, Kyle Rausch, Jacob Salzman, Adam VanGerpen, Zak Holman


Chris Stine .............................................................President
Jim Duffy ........................................................Vice-President
Jim Dolan, Steve Ruda & Gene Bednarchik.......Community Affairs Liaisons

Brian Wall JD Fox Mike Sailhamer
Cesar S. Garcia Jeff Halloran Milton Quintana
Craig White John Jacobsen Paul Duke
Danny Wu John Marasco Steve Berkery
Elber Navarro Juan Albarran Steve Tufts
Frank Aguirre Kenny Breskin Steven Jones
Henry Gasbarri Leon Dunn Tyler Tomich

To contact a chaplain, please call Senior Chaplain, Tim Werle at
(213) 797-2404 or the MFC Floor Captain at (213) 576-8920

Kevin Smith..........................Chaplain Tim Werle............................Chaplain

Danny Leon..........................Chaplain Mark R. Wolf......................Chaplain
George A. Negrete..............Chaplain Jesus Pasos.........................Chaplain
Daniel Lee............................Chaplain Rick Godinez........................Chaplain

Fire-Relief ...............................................................(323) 259-5200
Relief Association Toll Free Number .........................(800) 244-3439
Relief Medical Plan ................................................. (866) 995-2372
Fax Number ................................................................(323) 259-5290

Todd Layfer • Executive Director.............................(323) 259-5243
Vivian Dang • Human Resources Director..................(323) 259-5247
Liberty Unciano • Controller/Treasurer..................(323) 259-5225
Bob Dillon • Operations Manager.............................(323) 259-5233
Marlene Casillas • Development & Marketing Director(323) 259-5217

Claims & Benefit Information...................................(866) 99-LAFRA
THE FIREMEN’S GRAPEVINE (USPS 191-060) is published monthly by the Los Angeles Firemen’s
Relief Association, 7470 N Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, Cal­i­for­nia 90041. Annual $48 Subscription
included with Association mem­ber­ship; Non-members: $60. Single issues $5 postpaid. Back issues $8
postpaid. Pe­ri­od­i­cals post­age paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing office. POST­MAS­TER: Send
ad­dress changes to: THE FIREMEN’S GRAPE­VINE Magazine, P.O. BOX 41903, Los An­ge­les, CA 90041.

Printed by Collective Color, Los Angeles CA. For Clas­si­fied and Display Ad­ver­tis­ing rates please call (323)
259-5200, ext. 231 or 253. All editorial matter must be received by the Editor eight weeks prior to the month of
pub­li­ca­tion. The opin­ions ex­pressed here­in are those of the writ­ers and do not nec­es­sar­i­ly reflect the official
views of the Los An­ge­les City Fire De­part­ment or the Los An­ge­les Firemen’s Relief Association.

4 • June 2023
June was most likely named for the goddess Juno, the patron- our health insurance subsidies to keep pace with increasing health care
ess of marriage and childbirth. Another interpretation of the origins of costs. If you are a single or two party on the PPO medical, you will still
“June” says that the name came from the Latin juvenis, “young people,” enjoy zero out-of-pocket cost per paycheck.
who were celebrated at this time. June is the month with the longest What is the No Surprise Act? As of January 1, 2022, consum-
daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and conversely, ers have new billing protections when getting emergency care, non-
June has the shortest daylight hours of the year in the Southern Hemi- emergency care from out-of-network providers at in-network facilities,
sphere. Happy Father’s Day to all of you hardworking Firefighter Dads. and air ambulance services from out-of-network providers. Through
A special thanks to my father, who has always been a positive influence new rules aimed to protect consumers, excessive out-of-pocket costs are
on my life and career. restricted, and emergency services must continue to be covered without
Did you know the Relief Association has an inventory of burial any prior authorization and regardless of whether a provider or facility
plots that our members can purchase to lay their loved ones to rest? is in-network. Previously, if consumers had health coverage and got care
Many members have used this benefit over the years, but we still have from an out-of-network provider, their health plan usually wouldn’t cov-
several plots available throughout Southern California. What is the pro- er the entire out-of-network cost. This left many with higher costs than if
cess to secure a plot? Call the Relief Association to inquire what plots they’d been seen by an in-network provider. This is especially common
are available. Once you have determined which plot you would like, the in an emergency, where consumers might not be able to choose the pro-
Relief will confirm your discounted price of the plot. Yes, we have plots vider. Even if a consumer goes to an in-network hospital, they might get
that are significantly discounted for you and your family. The Relief As- care from out-of-network providers at that facility. In many cases, the
sociation also put an additional option in place for members and allowed out-of-network provider could bill consumers for the difference between
members to use their LAFRA death benefit to purchase a plot prior to the charges the provider billed, and the amount paid by the consumer’s
the death of the member. Please call LAFRA and ask to speak with one health plan. This is known as balance billing. An unexpected balance
our community affairs liaison’s about how much of your death benefit is bill is called a surprise bill.
available to put towards the purchase of a burial plot. What are the new protections?
On Saturday, June 10, 2023, the LAFD Fire Hogs M/C will host • Ban surprise bills for emergency services, even if you get
their 2023 Fallen Heroes Memorial Ride and Auction. This will be the them out-of-network and without approval beforehand (prior authoriza-
25th year for this event, raising money for the Los Angeles Firemen’s tion).
Relief Association, Widows, Orphans, & Disabled Firefighters Fund. • Ban out-of-network cost-sharing (like coinsurance or copay-
Over the years, the LAFD Fire Hogs have raised an impressive $650,000 ments) for all emergency and some non-emergency services. You can’t
for the fund with each of the last six years raising over $25,000 in this be charged more than in-network cost-sharing for these services, and
one-day event. Last year, the Hogs had over 350 participants and raised any cost-sharing you pay counts towards your deductible and maximum
$35,000 for WODFF. Let’s make this another record year for the Fire out-of-pocket limits for the policy year.
Hogs. This year, the event will start at the LAFD Museum, 1335 N. • Ban out-of-network charges and balance bills for supplemen-
Cahuenga Blvd, Hollywood, Ca. Registration will begin at 8:00 A.M., tal care (like anesthesiology or radiology) by out-of-network providers
and the ceremony will start at 9:30 A.M., with the ride starting at 10:30 who work at certain in-network facilities (like a hospital or ambulatory
A.M. If you are unable to make the ride you can join the fun at the surgical center).
SAGEBRUSH CANTINA, located at 23527 Calabasas Rd, Calabasas, • Require that health care providers and facilities give you an
CA 91302. The luncheon at the Sagebrush Cantina will start at 12:00 easy-to-understand notice explaining that getting care out-of-network
P.M. and will include door prizes, a raffle, live auction, and entertain- could be more expensive, and your options to avoid balance bills. You’re
ment. not required to sign this notice or get care out-of-network.
LAFRA just completed Open Enrollment for our PPO medical
Save the Dates:
plan in April for coverage effective July 1, 2023. Last month, I addressed
• Hope For Firefighters 6/01
the pre-Medicare subsidy increase of 6% by the pension department. If
• Fire Hogs Memorial Ride- 6/10
you are active, please pay attention to your paystub in July if you are
• Scott Souter Charity Golf- 10/09
on the LAFRA family plan. If you currently have the LAFRA PPO or
• LAFD Invitational Golf tournament- 10/16
you are joining the LAFRA PPO July 1, 2023, you will be experienc-
• LAFRA Open House- 11/4
ing a reduction in your out-of-pocket premium. Currently the family
out-of-pocket premium per paycheck is 46.16 and will be going down to
34.98 due to the upcoming negotiated MOU Health Insurance subsidy Christopher Stine
increase of 5%. The LAFRA Board of Trustees would like to thank
UFLAC and the negotiating team for their hard work in maintaining 323.259.5202

June 2023 • 5
Written | John Hicks
Photos | Deborah Lew

The Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief

Association’s Lane Kemper Classic is an
annual softball tournament that raises
funds to support Firefighters and their
families in times of need. The tournament
is named after Lane Kemper, a former Fire
Captain and avid softball player who dedi-
cated his life to serving his community.
This year’s tournament was held
once again at the Field of Dreams Com-
plex in Orange County and featured some
Lane Kemper & Family
of the best Firefighter softball teams from
around the City. The teams competed in
a round-robin format, with the top teams
advancing to the playoffs and the champi-
onship game.
The Lane Kemper Classic is more
than just a softball tournament, however.
It is a celebration of the brave men and
women who risk their lives every day to
keep our communities safe. It is also a re- Task Force 89 Fire Station 65
minder of the importance of supporting
our Firefighters and their families in times
of need.
The funds raised from the tourna-
ment go towards supporting the Los An-
geles Firemen’s Relief Association’s Wid-
ows, Orphans & Disabled Firefighter’s
Fund. This fund provides assistance to
Firefighters and their families who have
been injured or killed in the line of duty, as
well as to Firefighters who are struggling
with illnesses or disabilities.
The tournament is also a great way
for Firefighters from different stations to
come together and bond over their shared
love of softball and their dedication to
serving their communities. The tourna-
ment is a testament to the strong sense of
camaraderie and brotherhood that exists
Fire Station 94 Fire Station 64
within the firefighting community.

6 • June 2023
Fire Station 98 Fire Station 33 Fire Station 9

Fire Station 46 Fire Station 3 Special Duty

June 2023 • 7
Fire Station 92 Fire Station 38 Fire Station 10

Fire Station 35 Fire Station 66 Fire Station 58

Fire Station 29 - First Place

Fire Station 11

Fire Station 26 Fire Station 75

8 • June 2023
2023 marked the end of an era for
the event as Keith Bandy, the man re-
sponsible for pulling this all together an-
nounced this would be his final year as
chairman. Keith has been instrumental
over the past years working with the Relief
Association and its staff in organizing the
event. His patience and talents working
Fire Station 21 Fire Station 15 to make sure things ran smoothy will be
sorely missed. Thank you, Keith. We will
not forget your dedication in making this
event such a success.
In addition to the many softball
games, there were various events and ac-
tivities throughout the tournament, includ-
ing a silent auction. We would like to give
a shout out to Valerie Lawrence and her
team for once again gathering a plethora
Fire Station 37 Fire Station 60 of goodies to auction off in support of the
Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firefighter’s
Fund. The events also provided an oppor-
tunity for players, families, and fans to
come together and celebrate the sport of
softball and the brave men and women
who serve as Firefighters.
As in past years, the teams to watch
this year were from Fire Station 29 and
Fire Station 2. These LAFD teams have
a strong record in the tournament, plac-
ing high in the rankings in past events.
This year was no different with the two
powerhouses battling it out for the title
Fire Station 2 - Second Place of champion. With some strong play, Fire
Station 29 eventually claimed victory, tak-
ing home the title of Champion. Congratu-
lations to both teams, and to all the other
members and stations who participated
in the tournament. You have all made the
39th year of this annual play one of the
Thank you to all the volunteers
and Relief staff members for your tire-
less dedication to this worth-while cause.
Special thanks once again to Keith Bandy
and his crew for their years of service. We
are looking forward to next season when
Judd Ream from Fire Station 21 and Chad
Corona of 2s take up the reigns and con-
tinue the support of our Firefighters and
their families while also celebrating the
sport of softball and the sense of commu-
nity and camaraderie that exists within the
firefighting community.

June 2023 • 9
Paid Advertisement

Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association Medical Plan may cover this examination.
10 • June 2023 Contact your plan provider to verify.
On April 20th, 2023, the Los Angeles Firefighters Association including the Elevator Rescue Kit, Air Operations, Operational Risk
hosted the celebration of the 56th Annual Firefighter of The Year lun- Management, Brush Committee, Recruitment and has participated on
cheon. Held at a new venue, the Millennium Biltmore Hotel bustled with several Serious Incident Review Teams.
excitement as friends, family, and well-wishers filled the spacious ball- One of Captain Egizi’s greatest areas of influence is derived
room to pay tribute to this year’s recipient. The Los Angeles Firefighters from his passion for teaching, where his mantra is, “learning something
Association (LAFFA) was formed in the first part of 1924 after the abol- and teaching something every day.” Paul has been involved in Depart-
ishment of what was then the Fire Department Union. The main purpose ment seminars, writing training bulletins and teaching classes for both
of the LAFFA has always been to be a liaison between the members and the Department and the State of California certification system. His
management to better the working conditions of the members of the greatest joy comes from teaching and mentoring at the individual and
Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD). For decades, the Association fire station level.
has also recognized the outstanding performance and contributions of Off duty, Paul is a dedicated family man. He has been married
an individual Firefighter in the Los Angeles City Fire Department. The to his wife Debbie for 34 years. He is the proud father of four adult
Firefighter of the Year Award is given to a Firefighter who has demon- daughters and “Papa” to his granddaughter Kira. His is also a beloved
strated exceptional bravery, commitment, and service to the community. neighbor and friend as he lends a helping hand when and wherever he
For 2022, the Association and its members recognizes and honors Cap- can. Captain Egizi is a member of the American Cancer Society and has
tain II Paul Egizi. participated in several “Relays for Life” events.
Captain Egizi joined the Fire Department on February 8, 1987 Paul loves to fix things. He always has a project going, whether
and has held the ranks of Paramedic, Apparatus Operator, Captain I and it be welding, working on his classic truck or helping his girls with their
Captain II. He has also worked in special duty assignments at the train- homes or car repairs. He loves music, cooking and a good game of ping
ing academy as the Drill Master and at Air Operations as the Assistant pong.
Section Commander. Those closest to him used words that included: friend, selfless,
Wanting to contribute even more to the city and his community, kind, caring, humble, patient, encouraging, approachable, mentor, pro-
Paul served as an Explorer Advisor for several years. He is a member of fessional and very deserving of this year’s Firefighter of the Year award.
the LAFD’s Field Incident Management Team as Air Operations Branch Congratulations Paul for your long and dedicated service.
Director. He has also been involved in various projects and committees,

June 2023 • 11
By Chief J. Flores, LAFD

We have all heard the radio calls:

“it’s all in the attic” or “we have an attic
fire.” Ok, so now what? In most cases it’s
business as usual but should it be? Should
we consider changing our tactics? The fol-
lowing article contains modified excerpts
from an Attic Fire Training Bulletin I
wrote in 2018. Since its writing, I have
received dozens of requests to share its
contents, more so lately after several close
calls, so I thought I would discuss some
of what I have experienced here. Although
not all inclusive, I will attempt to cover
some of the finer points and generalities and require more water to extinguish due times, clear up the attic and free burn, it
of attic firefighting. I realize it is, and has to the increase in flames. Think of the last will also take exponentially more water to
been, a controversial subject for as long as time you witnessed or opened a roof with extinguish, equally increasing water dam-
I can remember, but when all is said and dense smoke showing, only to have it erupt age to the property and its contents.
done, I have had great success utilizing with such intense heat it drove everyone My truck comrades won’t be happy
these principles for many, many years. back and then consumed the roof (and its with this change, I know. Trust me, no one
Attic firefighting requires a com- supporting members) at an accelerated enjoyed painting red lines as much as I
pletely different mindset and a change in rate. All it needed was some O2 and when did, but we have to remember why we are
strategy and the tactics used to extinguish we opened it up, we gave it all it needed. here and that this only applies to ventila-
them when compared to a typical contents While impressive, it’s also counterproduc- tion-limited attic fires.
structure fire. Past practice has been ver- tive to the overall objective of extinguish-
tical ventilation combined with a coordi- ing the fire. IDENTIFYING THE ATTIC FIRE
nated interior attack. I liken it to an old stick shift rig
Experience along with scientific (yes, we used to have those) maxed out in The classic attic fire is easy to iden-
studies1 have shown that delaying or com- second gear, then Jake shifted into high tify as there may be little to no smoke in
pletely eliminating vertical ventilation gear against the governor- two different the interior of the structure while roof ven-
can be extremely beneficial and should be animals. Both are way easier to control tilators and attic vents show smoke or fire.
considered when dealing with an attic fire. and stop if we keep them in second gear. Look at attic vents, eaves, and ventilators
This is because when a closed area such Although, not the norm, not as for signs that would help locate the area of
as an attic is ventilated, the rush of oxygen much fun, and certainly not very popular involvement. A thermal imaging camera
introduced into the concerned space will with Truckees, when practical, we need to can be a valuable tool in identifying where
accelerate the conditions -particularly in a delay or omit vertical ventilation when at- the fire is and its origin, especially in walls
ventilation-starved attic. It will also drasti- tacking a confined, ventilation-limited at- or floor spaces.
cally shorten the time-temperature curve tic fire. This is because opening a hole and Underwriter Laboratories (U L)
letting the attic flash can cause drastically conducted a grant funded two-year study
higher property loss and increase the dan- of attic fires using mock and actual struc-
ger to Firefighters on the roof as well as tures
in the interior of the structure. It can also There may be occasions where the
limit the ability of our folks to get hori- occupants are not aware of the fire above
zontal in the attic and apply water due to them and carry on with their normal rou-
the running saws and increased fire inten- tine until Firefighters arrive on scene and
sity and heat. Although ventilating will, at make them evacuate. We once responded
12 • June 2023
to an incident where a large family was
having dinner while their attic showed
heavy smoke, so remember to always clear
life hazards first.
Smoke produced from a working
attic fire can sometimes infiltrate and load
up the interior of a structure or be the re-
sult of the fire’s origin (located elsewhere).
This can make it incorrectly appear to be
an interior or contents fire causing us to
use standard structure fire strategies and
cause unnecessary damage. “Outside In”
fires- exposures, rubbish or fire commu-
nicating via balloon construction, pipe al- apply finely atomized (30 degrees or great- structure prior to flowing water.
leys, and chases leading from other areas er) stream of water horizontally whenever To recap, a proven strategy when
such as a basement, lower floors or a wall possible, limit water use to prevent over- attacking a ventilation-limited attic fire is
fire that runs into the attic should be extin- loading and dropping ceiling on person- to delay or eliminate vertical ventilation
guished at their source and handled as a nel. until the fire is knocked down from below
separate fire. Once controlled, the attic fire 6. Continue with salvage operations (when possible) by utilizing a hole pulled
can be safely attacked. In most instances, as needed with due consideration of irre- in the ceiling, attic vents, open eaves etc.
these strategies can be employed simulta- placeable personal items, furniture, elec- Salvage operations are a criti-
neously. tronics, computers, records, files, products cal priority at a working attic fire, and
As with all Fires, it is Critical that and anything of value. should take precedence. Time, resourc-
a Proper 360 hot Lap be Completed. It 7. Continuously re-evaluate prog- es, and clear instruction are necessary
is Key in the Proper Identification of the ress, building conditions, and safety of to properly deploy salvage procedures to
Fire’s Location, Nature, Extent and Ori- members–paying specific attention to the protect the interior and contents of a struc-
gin. It is a Basic Firefighting Element interior ceiling and potential construction ture.
and Necessary in the Development of failure. Water application should be done
Good Situational Awareness with a finely atomized stream when-
At known attic fires in days past, ever possible to utilize the ability of the
TACTICAL PRIORITIES the truck would run the typical structure converted steam to extinguish the fire. A
play, ladder the building, cut /dice up the 30-degree or greater cone pattern applied
When developing tactical priorities roof but wouldn’t pull the boards until horizontally into a compartmentalized
at a working attic fire, careful attention steam pushed out. Inevitably, some of the area will always have the quickest effect
needs to be given to tactics and resource roof would fall in or get pulled early only and most efficient knock down power.
deployment. Consider the following: to light it all off - i.e. Jake shift the attic A well-executed attic fire operation
1. Size up and complete a thorough into high gear. Once we developed the dis- will utilize coordinated inside truck work,
360 hot lap. Identify building age, type, cipline to stop cutting, our overall results salvage, and attack-from-below tactics uti-
construction, location, nature, extent and improved drastically. lizing attic vents, gable ends, or simply a
origin of the fire. Verbalize all S/A and In a ventilation-limited attic fire, the hole pulled in the ceiling without venti-
any changes from initial size up. Assess truck company must have the discipline to lating the roof. There are exceptions, but
life safety, risk assessment and the devel- hold off on any type of ventilation (do not when done correctly, the contents of the
opment of initial tactics with life safety as cut) but continue to communicate condi- structure can be kept undamaged and dry.
a priority. Clearly state leaders’ intent tions to the interior, constantly monitoring More importantly, correct attic fire strate-
2. Once life safety is verified and for changes, inevitable roof collapse, etc. gies help achieve our overall goal of sav-
cleared, establish access for fire attack us- Additionally, there are instances when the ing lives, reducing property loss, and pro-
ing attack from below, attic vent, or open interior cannot access the attic by pulling viding an increased safety margin for our
eaves tactics. ceiling because of construction anomalies members, while shortening the recovery
3. Begin inside truck work and sal- such as converted attics, excessive storage, efforts of business and homeowners alike.
vage PRIOR to application of water when etc., and may require the truck company to Done correctly, the results are
possible. open a hole as close to the involved area as impressive and a Hallmark
4. Reassess building for safety of possible and introduce an atomized hose of Competent, Professional
members and condition of fire. stream from above. In this instance, it’s Leadership........................
5. Place ladder under the pulled imperative to have good communications It’s just what I heard -JF
ceiling area or scuttle for fire attack and with the interior and have them clear the
June 2023 • 13
Paid Advertisement:

In the Hollywood Hills
Located on the corner of Laurel Canyon and
Mulholland Drive, The Hills’ uniquely private setting
allows clients to unplug and focus on their recovery
while overlooking the city from atop the famous We accept
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The Hills evidence-based treatment methods,
PPO Plan
ranging from EMDR to music therapy, incorporate a
trauma-informed therapeutic approach focusing on Now partnering with The
“What happened to you” instead of “What is wrong Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief
with you.” By understanding the root cause of a Association to provide you
client’s addiction, we are able to provide the tools high-quality care with no
needed for long-term recovery. balance billing.



14 • June 2023
a “classic fire department turd.” Next, I’d like B) volunteer to go to 9s and show the guys in
to talk about a theme I keep noticing amongst the battalion you have a strong work ethic and
everyone in the Department. It really bothers some humility, or C) do a little dance, make a
me that it’s happening. It bothers me even more little love, get down tonight. I’ll give you a hint:
that I see a lot of our leadership doing this it’s not letter “A.” Let’s lead by example and
June is upon us, Battalion Juaners, and which may be where it is getting normalized. not be afraid to get down in the trenches every
you know what that means: the end of the fis- We always talk about “doing the right thing,” once in a while, (I’ve heard the trenches are
cal year. Pretty sure the City spent the mon- but no one specifies for who. The answer is, safer than standing up above them anyways).
ey on settlements already, so stand by to get “not for you.” Doing the right thing for your- That’s all I’ve got. Congrats to the MLB play-
equipment or repairs until July when we can self detracts from the crew and team mentality ers at 29s for somehow winning the Kemper
get supplies again. Chief Castillo’s Battalion and forces everyone else to start doing it. Let’s Classic again. It’s always good to see every-
News publication comes out more often and do a scenario-based learning session (I’m all one out there having fun for a good cause and
faster than this one does (and it’s also a must- about these after that Fraud, Waste, and Abuse supporting the Relief’s Widows and Orphans
read during line-up) so you’ve probably heard training… learned a ton). You’re a brand-new Fund. Remember to have some pride, have
most of these stories already. He’s giving me Captain assigned to FS 4 and the engine is get- some fun, and have some humility.
a run for my money but like I always say, “E- ting shut down due to staffing on Easter Sun-
blast news will never kill print media…” I’ll day (say what?!?!). You get detailed to FS 25 Battalion Juan
try to throw my spin on things and compete as a Firefighter and are told you’ll bump the
with his drier but more applicable writing on-shift in-house rookie to 9s while you ride If you have any suggestions on how to
style. Let’s get started. Biennial inspection has Engine 25. Do you: A) take the detail to 25s better the department or a complaint about a
come and gone and it sounds like everyone (ex- and send the rookie to 9s (it’s good for him). story, drop me an email.
cept MFC) did quite well. I guess they forgot
that they had apparatus assigned to them that
never got cleaned. You’d think they would at
least drive them through a car wash after run-
ning their “errands in the harbor,” to wash the
glitter off. For more info on that story, just call Next time a reporter writes
9-1-1. Definitely proud of all the work everyone that we make too much money,
put in while running calls and making the bat- we will ask him to climb to the
talion shine. Rigs were cleaned, uniforms were top of this ladder to rethink his
prepped, metal polish was put on anything position on the matter.
that shined, and empty bottles of “degreaser- Photo | James Anderson
gunk type” have maxed out the landfills. The
chiefs came and went and we have more ques-
tions now than before they gave us “answers.”

No one sent me pics of their projects, only a

story, so here it is: Sounds like a member in the
battalion acquired a very large plastic security
guard badge and placed it on someone’s dress
uniform on his bed for inspection (as a thank
you for working SOD during biennial I pre-
sume) and the chiefs got a good laugh while the
rated member (and Captain who it happened to
the next day) were sweating for a hot second.
Thanks to the brass for not freaking out about
June 2023 • 15
October 9th
For members that don't know Scott Souter, he was involved in
Tijeras Creek
a serious mountain biking accident where he sustained life
threatening injuries. He now has severe physical and mental Golf Course
limitations, needing full-time care. Let's help out our fellow Golf Sign Ups
brother who has a long family history with LAFD. Available Aug 1st

SPONSORSHIP AND DONATION Our goal this year is to raise

$100,000 to renovate Scott and
OPPORTUNITIES Amy's master bed/bath to create a
Visit functional space for Scott.
Questions? Call Les Hunt at
16 • June 2023 949.702.1375 LET'S Take Care of Our Own!
Artist Abigail Oshiro

g 1st

Captain II Ken Willahan retired from the LAFD on March 31, 2023. On April 2, 2023 a party was held to celebrate
Ken’s retirement after 36 1/2 years of service. It was an outstanding event held at the Willahan residence. Over 160
people attended to pay their respects for Ken’s career. In the crowd was a Who’s Who of LAFD past and present including
some legendary figures like Terry Cooper, Dan Kemp, Bob Munoa, Mike Sauber and Kenny’s dad Denny Willahan just to
name a few. Ken was presented with his retirement badge by longtime friend, Jeff Cawdrey. His dad, Denny Willahan,
e retired LAFD presented Ken with a UFLAC axe plaque. He received his 35 year pin from his son Jason, LAFD firefighter
and the city proclamation of his retirement was read by Tim Wuerfel. Ken‘s wife Elizabeth gave a nice speech and Ken was
nd introduced to the crowd by his longtime Captain 1 and dear friend, Rob Scott. Ken closed out the party with a heartfelt
te a speech and the overarching message was to leave the LAFD better than you found it, as Ken certainly did. He was very
grateful for the many years of service at the LAFD and all of the things in life that this career has afforded him to do. He
was extremely humbled and honored to have so many people there to wish him well. The Willahan family would like to
thank all those who came to the party and the many phone calls and letters from those unable to attend.

wn! June 2023 • 17

18 • June 2023
Fire Station 80 finally has a flag pole! Fire Station 80 has never had a flag pole at the old station or the new
station completed in 2010. We had to get through a lot of red tape being on the airfield, but we finally have one!
Photo | Craig Yamashiro

After 38 years of service, congratulations to Firefighter Gil Toban, working his last
days at Fire Station 114. Gil, we wish you many wonderful years in retirement.

June 2023 • 19
Paid Advertisement:

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20 • June 2023
Members of Station 39 and 90 on the roof at a structure Fire Explorers from Post 81 help with security at a
fire on Kester in Van Nuys. Photo | Eddie G. recent retirement event—thanks for your service.

Firefighters battle a blaze in the Westlake area.

Photos | Jason Stilwell

A swift water rescue was performed on a homeless man who was washed close
to four miles down the rain-swollen Pacoima Wash. Photos | Mike Meadows

June 2023 • 21
SATURDAY, JULY 8, 2023 / 7:30 PM
On behalf of the LA Galaxy and the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firefighter’s Fund, we would like
to present to you DISCOUNTED TICKETS to the LA Galaxy vs. Philadelphia Union match this season!

22 • June 2023
With propane tanks exploding on scene, Firefighters battle a large motorhome
fully involved in fire, towing a boat. Photos | Ismael Miranda


Engine 66 knocks down a well-involved motorhome.

Photo | Justin Johnson

June 2023 • 23
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24 • June 2023
Probationary FF Lapides gets rotary saw action on
an auto in 65’s first-in. Photo | James Anderson

LAFD at its best! Photo | Mike Meadows

LAFD Air Ops conduct a hoist operation followed by

Rubbish fire handled by E-60 at Lankershim and transport for a patient who sustained a leg injury.
Oxnard St. in NoHo. Photo | Mike Meadows Photo | Mike Meadows

June 2023 • 25
Paid Advertisements:

26 • June 2023
On Saturday, April 22, 2023, friends, family and co-workers gathered to celebrate the career of Captain
I Joseph Flores who recently retired after 35+ years of service. Congratulations. May you and your wife,
Linda, enjoy all the spoils that you so rightfully earned. Adios y buena suerte mi amigo!

June 2023 • 27
Paid Advertisements:


(Cpt. Kenneth Willahan 80-B) (F.F. Jason Willahan 64-B)


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28 • June 2023
B15 and Truck 98 respond to a jumper incident in 18’s first in. They used
the air rescue cushion and litter basket to safely remove the patient.

It took 28 minutes to extinguish a single-family dwelling

in Fire Station 72’s first-in. Photos | Greg Doyle

June 2023 • 29
Paid Advertisements:

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30 • June 2023
The crew at Station 94 keeping sharp on above
ground operations. Photos | TA’Ana Mitchell

Firefighters in Battalion 18 put the final touches of extinguishment on a

vacant structure with excessive storage conditions. Photos | TA’Ana Mitchell

Strong traditions at 61s: Recently, the members on Truck 61 were led by David Eugenio (61-B) and Ryan Eugenio at
96s working SOD, their first time working together AND their first fire together as Capt. II and AO. After, the crew
found in the freezer a little more than a cut gallon to mark the occasion for the Eugenio family. Photos | Viet Le

June 2023 • 31
Paid Advertisements:

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32 • June 2023
The Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association would like to pass
on their sincere condolences to the family of Firefighter III
Brian G. Corntassel after his passing at home on April 4, 2023.

Congratulations to Alan Almaguer on his promotion to Engineer. Congratulations to Joseph Bannan on his promotion to Captain I.
Photo | Justin Clayton Photo | Justin Clayton

June 2023 • 33
LAFD Central Deputy Chief Phillip Fligiel congratulates Daniel Congratulations to Ellery Beltran on his promotion to Engineer.
Barrera on his promotion to Captain I. Photo | Kyle Rausch Photo | Kyle Rausch

Congratulations to Roland Bonada on his promotion to Captain I. Congratulations to Michael Campana on his promotion to Captain I.
Photo | Kyle Rausch Photo | Justin Clayton

34 • June 2023
Congratulations to Victor Chavez on his promotion to Captain I. Congratulations to Michael Contreras on his promotion to Engineer.
Photo | Kyle Rausch Photo | Kyle Rausch

Congratulations to Justin Dettorre on his promotion to Engineer. Deputy Chief Richard Fields congratulates Christopher Elguea on his
Photo | Justin Clayton promotion to Engineer. Photo | Justin Clayton

June 2023 • 35
Congratulations to Jacob Fryer on his promotion to Engineer. Congratulations to Ricardo Garcia on his promotion to Captain I.
Photo | Kyle Rausch Photo | Justin Clayton

Congratulations to Thomas Griffith on his promotion to Captain I. Congratulations to Borys Gudiel on his promotion to Engineer.
Photo | Kyle Rausch Photo | Justin Clayton

36 • June 2023
Congratulations to Andrew Guzzard on his promotion to Captain I. Congratulations to Cody Hass on his promotion to Engineer.
Photo | Justin Clayton Photo | Kyle Rausch

Congratulations to Matthew Kasparian on his promotion to Captain I. Congratulations to Carlos Limon on his promotion to Captain I.
Photo | Kyle Rausch Photo | Kyle Rausch

June 2023 • 37
Congratulations to Arturo Martinez on his promotion to Captain I. Congratulations to Calvin Ngo on his promotion to Engineer.
Photo | Kyle Rausch Photo | Kyle Rausch

Congratulations to Michael Pellegrini on his promotion to Captain I. Congratulations to Brant Pulliam on his promotion to Captain I.
Photo | Justin Clayton Photo | Kyle Rausch

38 • June 2023
Congratulations to Taylor Rappaport on his promotion to Engineer. Congratulations to Jeffrey Rodner on his promotion to Engineer.
Photo | Kyle Rausch Photo | Kyle Rausch

Congratulations to Ian Van Gerpen on his promotion to Captain I. Congratulations to Gregory Zaccaro on his promotion to Engineer.
Photo | Justin Clayton Photo | Kyle Rausch

June 2023 • 39
Well, the County Guy finally pulled the plug. After 23 ½ years with the City,
and 21 ½ with the County, Larry Hoerner is calling it quits. Larry, pictured
here on the left with Jon Heller, his partner of 17 years on County Squad 73
who is also retiring, says his farewells. Larry has been of great assistance
to LAFRA and will surely be missed as he and his wife Ceci are packing their
bags and moving to greener pastures in the great state of Tennessee. Best of
luck to you two and God Speed.

We would like to congratulate Captain Gerald “JJ” Johnson (the nicest guy in
the Fire Dept.) on his retirement from the LAFD. After close to 35 years on the
job, Captain Johnson is going to be missed. A happy & healthy life to you and
your family. Thanks for the great memories! Photo | Elan Raber

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40 • June 2023
I keep hearin’ the term “social encers. Unbelievable, ain’t it? But there’s duced and we would all live longer. Well,
media influencer” but never bothered fin- more. There are also bloggers, YouTubers, there’s a new study out that reverses that
din’ out what bein’ an “influencer” was and podcasters. Celebrities were the origi- theory. Now these experts are sayin’ alco-
all about, because frankly, I don’t give a nal influencers but their roles have some- hol, even if it’s one glass of wine or beer,
hoot. Who cares? Remember in the dark what diminished. Younger celebrities may is now harmful to us and will shorten our
ages when askin’ a friend or co-worker be highly influential when recommendin’ lives. Hang in there, this information will
if they knew of a good plumber, concrete a type of acne cream but have little chance change next week.
guy or electrician? Well, in today’s world of influencin’ the buyin’ patterns of those Years ago, “the bad to eat and
that friend or co-worker was really an lookin’ for a retirement village. drink” experts said that coffee was bad
early “social influencer” because he rec- The Kardashians are another exam- for us. Then, after a few years went by we
ommended someone to you that provided ple of what bein’ an influencer is all about. were told that coffee was good for us and
a service. If any of them endorse a skin cream, body that it was actually an antioxidant. Stop
So, skip ahead a few decades and wash or form fittin’ clothin’ line, the par- the madness.
we now have individuals that, because of ticular maker of that product can expect I’m not a big fan of
their knowledge or authority, can influence big sales numbers. However, I wouldn’t coffee but I do enjoy my
people to buy products or services. Of recommend buyin’ any bikini swim wear extra hot steamin’ cup
course, now-a-days the younger crowd is or form fittin’ jeans that the Kardashians of soy latte frappuccino
influencin’ people to buy jewelry, clothin’ endorse because your rear ends may be in the early afternoon. I
and perfume. Think of them as modern- prone to a case of severe INFLATION. hope this don’t change
day bill boards that clutter our streets and It wasn’t that long ago that the food your opinion of me.
highways. and nutritional experts were tellin’ us
And there are many types of in- that a glass of red wine was good for us AC
fluencers. There are MEGA-influencers, and that studies showed that by drinkin’ KEEP SMILIN’!
MACRO-influencers and NANO-influ- wine our cholesterol levels would be re-

All About Your Fire Station Extinguisher Fund

My name is Ted Bailie and I am a retired Los An- your pocket, the TV chairs, the left-over money not
geles City Firefighter. The Extinguisher Program was spent on mess that day, or even from people who come
started back in 1996 by Larry Hoerner, the late Bruce into the Fire Station that want to donate to the Widows,
“Snake” Larson, and myself. I also have to give credit Orphans, & Disabled Firefighter’s Fund.
to my wife, Diane, for suggesting this Extinguisher Pro- When I Retired in 2008, all 104 LA City Fire Sta-
gram to me while she was reading the Grapevine. I want tions had an extinguisher in their Fire Station or facility.
to thank all the fire stations that have an Extinguisher If there is a Fire Station without an extinguisher, please
Collection Box in their station and for their continued let a Relief Association Trustee know and we will see to
support of this worthwhile cause. it that the station gets one.
The families of Firefighters that the Los Angeles If every Fire Station collected $30 each quarter,
Firemen’s Relief Association help with the many dona- the Relief Association would receive approximately
tions that they receive are grateful to those that are able $12,000 or more per year.
to help in their cause. The Extinguisher Fund is just an- Thank you to all that continue to support The Wid-
other way to continue to support the many Firefighters ows, Orphans, & Disabled Firefighter’s Fund through
and their families. their donations and though the Extinguisher Fund. My
For those new Firefighters and old alike, dona- Best Regards to All My Brother and Sister Firefighters.
tions that get into the Extinguisher can come from any-
one, anywhere, and at any time. The loose change in Ted Bailie (Retired LAFD)

June 2023 • 41


Mulholland Harley Davidson (for a POKER DRAW)

42 • June 2023
The FIRE HOGS M/C takes great people and sponsors arrived on a very hot day family and friends, assisted with the laying of
pride in its efforts to support various charitable in the Valley. To support our ride we had Grand Wreaths Across America at the National Cem-
organizations as well as other clubs and events. Marshalls Frankie Loyal from the hit series etery and made an appearance at the Annual
They are all active and retired Firefighters who the Mayans, Frank Kramer from the number Los Angeles Christmas parade where we hand-
support this non-profit organization, whose one morning show in LA, Heidi and Frank on ed out over 5000 stuffed animals to children
goal it is to host and participate in multiple KLOS, as well as numerous other sponsors. To along the route.
events each year to raise funds to benefit those complete it, certificate of recognition awards In addition to these major rides and
in need. Their motto is “RIDE TO LIVE AND were presented to the LAFD Fire Hogs M/C supporting these major events, the Fire Hogs
LIVE TO GIVE.” and their sponsors by California State Assem- M/C organize day rides throughout the year
The LAFD Fire Hogs log thousands of bly Member from the 45th District, Jesse Ga- that are just for fun. We have an amazing line
miles each year in tribute to their fallen Fire- briel; Mayor Eric Garcetti; Council Member up of events for 2023, please come out to sup-
fighters and to help those in need. 2022 was no Bob Blumenfield; and West Valley Chamber port these amazing events. Mark your calendar
different by raising over $35,000 for the Relief of Commerce. These awards were in recogni- for this year’s 25th Annual Fallen Heroes Me-
Association’s Widows, Orphans, & Disabled tion of our 24 years of fundraising, and to date morial Ride on June 10, 2023.
Firefighter’s Fund from their one-day event the we’ve raised over $600,000 for the Los Ange- Our rides and events are OPEN TO
Fallen Heroes Memorial Ride. les Firemen’s Association’s Widows, Orphans ALL, and we encourage non-members to ride
Active and retired members of the and Disabled Firefighters Fund. with us. You do not have to be a Fire Hog to
LAFD Fire Hogs are dedicated not only to On September 11, 2022, The Fire Hogs participate! All are welcome to join the fes-
helping the Widows, Orphans, & Disabled joined the hundreds of motorcyclists from tivities. Come join us this year on the road
Firefighter’s Fund, but also ride with other Fire across the country for “Ride to the Flags,” hon- and see what we are all about -camaraderie,
Hogs Chapters and motorcycle groups around oring the 21st anniversary of 911 which started giving back and most of all, FUN. Events are
the country to support all their brothers and at the Point Magu Naval Station and rode to posted on our website. Apply for an account to
sisters. the Pepperdine University lawn which has a be emailed notifications of upcoming rides and
We started the year 2022 off in March national flag for everyone that was lost that day. events. If you wish to join or just have ques-
with supporting the San Diego Chapter of the This annual ride supports the fallen men and tions, you can contact any board member from
Fire Hogs M/C in their First Annual National women of the military and first responders. our website. As a national organization, we are
Fire Hogs Rally. We rode in the San Diego St. In October we joined the San Gabriel also accepting applications for new Fire Hog
Patrick’s Day parade, passing out necklaces Chapter of the Fire Hogs M/C in their Fourth Chapters from other fire agencies or members
and toys to children along the two-mile parade Annual Don Shawver Memorial Poker Run who have moved out of state and are looking
route, and had 43 bikes that also attended the and Pete Goff Biker games. This is where the to start a riding club in their area. Contact any
SDFD Relief Association Charity Ride. Fire Hogs not only got to raise money for char- board member from our website for more in-
Later in the month saw the Fire Hogs ity but also show off many of their biking skills formation. Please view us at
Supporting the Eighth Annual Heroes Ride during the games., join us on Facebook @ Fire Hogs
hosted by the Los Angeles County Profession- Finally in December, we closed out the M/C LAFD, and follow us on Instagram @
al Peace Officers Association and the Star & year with two events. The Fire Hogs, including Fire.Hogs.MC.
Shield Foundation, and at the end of April the
group traveled to Arizona Bike week in Scott-
sdale supporting the East Valley Firefighters
Charity Ride. They then came back to the Val-
ley supporting The Greatest Escape Motor-
cycle Ride supporting Pacific Mesothelioma
Center for cancer research.
May started off with the LACoFD
Chapter of the Fire Hogs’ Sixth Annual Me-
morial Ride which raised over $25,000 for
their Widows and Orphans Fund. Closing May,
the Fire Hogs joined over 300 bikes in sup-
porting the Sergeant Ron Helus Ride for the
Blue – honoring all first responders of Ventura
Moving into June, our own 24th Annu-
al Fallen Heroes Memorial Ride with over 300

June 2023 • 43
44 • June 2023
June 2023 • 45
JOHN GARNICA, JR., Captain II, Fire Station 38-C TIM AGUAYO, Engineer, Fire Station 49
The Grand
Fire Station 49
4101 E Willow St
400 Yacht St
Long Beach, CA
Wilmington, CA
Social Hour 6:00 PM - Dinner: 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Mexican Buffet : $60 pp includes tax, gratuity, & gift
Catered by Sweet Lou’s Rolling BBQ
Call Carol Garnica: (951) 907-2802 or
along with 70’s music
Email: - RSVP by May 19th
Celebrating 37 years of service
Celebrating 34 years of service

ARMANDO HOGAN, Chief Deputy JOE VIGIL, Engineer, Fire Station 80-A
City Club Los Angeles
Sunset Terrace Restaurant
555 Flower Street 51st Floor
235 N. Moorpark Rd, Ste G
Los Angeles, CA
Thousand Oaks, CA
Social Hour: 5:30 PM Dinner: 6:30 PM
Happy Hour: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
$65 per person
Call Diane Vigil: (310) 956-0191 for any questions
Call Levisa Wade: (213) 709-6817
Celebrating 36+ years of service
or Venmo: @Lauren-Hogan-52

MARK CHASE, Fire Inspector II, Fire Dev. Svs. SHANNON K. SAFFO, FF/ PM, Fire Station 112-B


Doubletree Hotel San Pedro Elks Club

Thousand Cranes Ballroom 1748 Cumbre Dr
120 S. Los Angeles St San Pedro, CA

11:00 AM to 1 PM Social Hour - 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Dinner - 6:30 PM - 11:00 PM
Chicken, Fish or Vegetarian - $50 pp
$75 per person
or Call (213) 653-9669 Call Wendy Saffo at (213)598-8462
RSVP by July 14th or Zelle Wendy Saffo

MIKE MORALES, Captain II, Fire Station 21


Noor Events
300 E. Colorado Blvd, Ste 200
Pasadena, CA

Social Hour - 5:00 PM Dinner - 6:00 PM

$80 per person

Text Rosie at (909)510-0323 or Venmo: @Rosie-Morales-4

or call Alex De La Torre or Josh Friemoth
@ FS21 (13)485-6221. RSVP by September 15th

46 • June 2023
THINGS NOT TO DO While RA10 was dealing with a pa- On this particular day, sometime in the
tient who was at home, the phone rings and the 1980s, Air Ops wanted to get in on the action.
I had a partner years ago who told me, resident answers the phone. He tells one of the A recruit class was being given a tour
“This is something you never want to do.” Paramedics that the call is for him. of several LAFD facilities, one of which was
That something is, whenever you have The Paramedic answers the phone. It Air Ops. At the time this photo was taken, Air
a patient who is in police custody, transport was the Division1 staff assistant informing Ops was located on the west side of the Van
them. If they should die it is better that you him that he had been assign, force, hired for Nuys Airport adjacent to Bull Creek. They
transported them than having to explain to a the next day. were given a tour of the hangar and a short
lawyer why you didn’t. That’s pretty low. flight around the Valley.
The reason is simple: to reduce your li- Paramedics would sometimes hide in One of the pilots asked if the class
ability and headaches down the road. You no- their lockers until their relief arrived in the would like to see a water drop. Of course, the
tice that I didn’t say eliminate them because morning to reduce the chances of being assign, answer was yes, so they loaded some water in
there are almost more attorneys and cameras force, hired. the tank.
out there than there are stars in the sky. You There was also a Firefighter at FS88 The class was told that the water would
still have to do your part correctly. If you don’t who got a similar call, but he was at home. be dropped in Bull Creek and if they wanted to
you can be held responsible. This time it was the Division3 staff assistant see it, they should all go to the fence for a good
Three cases in point: First, your RA informing him that he had been assign, force, view.
goes to an LAPD station for a seizure call. It’s hired for the remainder of the shift. The trap was set. The helicopter drifted
a young man who, when you get there, looks He told the staff assistant he had been just a little off the center of the creek. See the
okay so you leave him with the LAPD. drinking that day and he was not fit for duty. photo for the result. The first guy, on the left,
The officer transports the prisoner to The staff assistant didn’t buy the story and told was the only one that stayed dry.
jail and when they arrive the prisoner is dead. him to come in. There were quite a few people that you
The second one is currently in the legal When he arrived at the station he re- can’t see in that waterfall. Fortunately, it was a
system in Illinois. The news reports that I have ported to the office and it was obvious he had warm day.
read calls them paramedics. They get a call been drinking and was not fit for duty. How the times have changed.
to transport a patient who has been in contact Now they had a bigger problem. He
with the police. They decide to transport him couldn’t stay at the station in his current condi- BUCKETING, PART TWO
but they transport him in a prone position. tion and he couldn’t drive himself home and
When they arrive at the hospital the they were still short a Firefighter. On this same day, EMS 3 Steve John-
man is dead. Both of the paramedics are in jail The solution was to have a second Fire- son, came by to observe the class. He parked
now, facing multiple charges. Their sin was fighter drive him home in a plug buggy and a his sedan about 100 yards from the landing
transporting him in the prone position. third Firefighter would have to follow in the as- pad and he went along for the ride. When we
When you do your job, do it correctly, sign hired Firefighter’s private vehicle in order returned from the flight Steve noticed that one
because you could be placing yourself and to get his car home. of the spare water tanks had been turned over
your partner in jeopardy. Now they were down three Firefighters. and was leaning against his car.
More recently there was a young man There was a lot of shuffling people around to I was automatically blamed for the tank
who was stopped by the police and struck mul- be able to respond to a call. on the car trick, but I was innocent. I was on
tiple times, and died. the helicopter with him. Turns out the down-
Three EMS responders were at the BUCKETING, REVISITED wash from the helicopter lifted the tank up and
scene and they were fired for not assisting the leaned it against his car.
patient. In an earlier edition of The Old Retired After removing the tank his car
This next incident is different. During Guys there was a story about bucketing. Just to wouldn’t start. Naturally I was blamed for that
the shootout in North Hollywood in 1997, one refresh your memories, bucketing, in its sim- too.
of the bank robbers was shot and the RA was plest form, was pouring water on an unsuspect- That used to happen to me all the time.
not allowed to treat the patient. If I remember ing person. I’m innocent of the allegations and I accuse the
correctly, he was suspected of being wired Usually this was done in the station, alligator. That’s some legal mumbo jumbo.
with explosives. One of my neighbors who was with one bucket and one target. A tow truck was called and the car went
an LAPD officer was shot during this bank to the Shops. Steve had to change over.
robbery. After looking the car over, very care-
Neither one of the robbers survived. fully, the Shops determined that there was a
You can see the whole thing on You- sensor in the trunk to automatically shut off
Tube if you do a search for the North Holly- the fuel in the event of an accident.
wood shootout. The impact of the tank against the car
tripped the sensor.
INVOLUNTARY SOD DAYS I told you I was innocent.

In the 1980s there was no RA52 so Art Sorrentino

RA10 would move to 52’s area in the evening
to help RA27 and RA35 with the load.

June 2023 • 47
one of the older seasoned guys as I was
the youngest of the team members. We
became good friends. Chuck was a fun
person to be around, good hearted, and a
real character. Although, I never worked
with him, our paths would cross occasion-
ally and we would always embrace and
talk about our time together as old friends
usually do. May he rest in peace up in the
handball court in the sky, with the Heav-
enly Father rooting him on.
DEAREST LAFRA, “B” Platoon. Gil was an easy-going guy
around the station who was a pleasure to Jack Kirkorn
My incredible brother, Auto Fire- be around. The work always got done and
man Tom Schmitz (Cate), had a lovely the crew was happy under his leadership.
graveside service. Thank you for all your He never asked more of his crew than he IN MEMORY OF TERRENCE M.
time and effort helping our family deal was willing to do himself. At emergency PALMER—FIRE INSPECTOR II
with our second devastating loss in the last incidents, Captain Ramelli always re-
several months. Jim Dolan has been my mained focused and calm. I look forward I served in the Construction Ser-
liaison in getting Tommy’s arrangements to seeing him in eternity in the presence of vices Unit of the LAFD FPB as Inspector
taken care of. We are grateful for his as- our Lord and Savior…Jesus Christ. II’s with “T”. Terrence was a great mentor
sistance, support, and for all the comfort and gave me the benefit of his experience
he has provided us. Gene Bednarchik did Mike McMaster in the inspector’s position. Quiet and soft
a spectacular job representing LAFRA spoken “T” would light up a room with his
at Tommy’s service. We appreciate him “Cheshire Cat” smile.
speaking about Tommy’s career as a Fire- IN MEMORY OF DONALD W. “T” and “Marty” gone way Too
man, acknowledging our family, shar- AINSWORTH—FIRE INSPECTOR II soon.
ing stories about the connection between My Condolences to Jeff and the en-
Tommy’s biological father, BC Gene Don was one of the mainstays in tire Palmer Family.
Schmitz, and the dad who raised him, BC the Hydrants & Access Unit when I trans- Rest Well, In The Lord, Brother
Don Cate, along with his touching pre- ferred in back in ‘91. He seemed to be run- “T”
sentation of our flag. He made us laugh at ning late all the time. You’d be having a
times as well as smile through our tears. conversation with him and in the middle of Rick Erquiaga
Our beautiful flag, which had been flown it he’d get a sudden look of panic and say,
over Fire Station 9, will be treasured for- “I forgot I have a meeting” and bolt out
ever. That firehouse holds a special place of the office, just like the white rabbit in IN MEMORY OF ALBERTO S.
in our heart. We are also thankful for the Alice in Wonderland. We would joke with DE LA PENA—CAPTAIN II
gorgeous flower stand you sent to Forest him that for some reason he was NEVER
Lawn. It added a great deal of beauty to late for an overtime opportunity. He was a Al……aka as “Uncle Al” by Paul
Tommy’s ceremony. My family and I are good-natured man and very giving of his Papp, Robby (FDNY), Ray (Miami/Dade)
filled with gratitude for the LAFD family. time (when he wasn’t running late). Rest in and myself. I always called Al on my visits
We feel extremely honored and unbeliev- Peace, Don. to our Lake Havasu home. We always tried
ably lucky to be included as part of this to save the world….verbally, but never suc-
amazing group. Terrence O’Connell ceeded. Corey Rose and I spent Al’s last
With sincere gratefulness and in hours with him. We had beers and talked
spirit of Tommy. about the old days. Al was in good spirits
IN MEMORY OF CHARLES I. before he left us. I will always miss our
Donna and Family WALLIN--FIREMAN brother “Uncle Al.” FYI….we are having
a celebration of life for Al on April 19 at
I first met Chuck, I think it was in 11:00am. Elks Lodge; 3532 McCulloch
IN MEMORY OF GILBERT B. 1970, when we both were selected to rep- Blvd. North, Lake Havasu.
RAMELLI resent the LAFD at the annual athletic
competitions against the San Francisco Scott Gould
I worked with Captain Ramelli for firefighters. Rudy Concha, the then hand-
several years at old Fire Station 4, on the ball commissioner, teamed me up with
48 • June 2023

Earl and I met on February 20,

1960, when we reported to DT-89 as rook-
ies. Earl and I sat side by side during our
training. A year later Earl was the “best
man” at my wedding to my wife Arleen.
Over the years we kept contact together,
although we never worked together. Earl
enjoyed his promotion and assignment as
Captain I to a single engine, fire station.
Earl was one of those persons who you in-
stantly liked when you first met him.
God speed my friend.
Protect Those
Bob Mac Millan Batt. 14 Retired with Special Needs
Firefighter Justin Mendence set up a special needs trust to ensure his
YOUNG—FIREMAN son and entire family is taken care of in the best manner possible.
“You want to think everybody’s going to take care of your kid because
Varrick, was the first firefighter I
worked with as a new rookie fresh out of everybody loves him, but unless you have a plan in place…you’re planning
the drill tower. We rode the tailboard to- to fail. Leaving it to chance is not in me and my wife’s vocabulary.”
gether at Engine 21. He was such a nice
and easy-going guy. He had a cool and
calmness about him. It was a pleasure A Special Needs Trust Helps You:
working with him.
• Set up long-term funding for living expenses & care
Bill Thost
• Determine who will be the primary caregiver
• Create an advisory group of experts to help caregivers make
CASSIDY—CAPTAIN I sound decisions
• Ensure your child’s assets are protected & well-managed
So sorry to see the passing of Ken.
Blessings to his wonderful family. One • Ensure your child maintains eligibility for special services
of my favorite guys to work with, even
though our paths separated during our ca-
reer. I couldn’t help but share my memory “I sleep a little bit easier at night knowing that my son is
of him. This was an off-duty experience. set up for his entire life,” Justin said.
I was at dinner in his home that he had
just built in Hesperia. This was still when
we had phones that actually had a normal
ring. While we were eating that phone of
his rang so much that it began to take its
toll. I finally said, “Ken, I don’t mind if
you answer it while we are eating”. Well,
come to find out it was not his phone at Whether you care for a child or adult with special needs or not,
all but their pet African Gray bird who everyone should consider setting up an estate plan. Ask for a
wanted attention by making phone ringing “Getting Started Kit” today by emailing the Relief Association
sounds. Funniest thing, I’ll never forget. Development & Marketing Director at
or calling (323) 259-5217
Dale Bayless

June 2023 • 49
Appointed April 13, 1968.
Retired on a service pension April 30, 2007 from FS 23.
Passed away May 2, 2023.


Appointed April 20, 1963.
Retired on a disability pension September 19, 1991 from Arson Fire Investigation.
Passed away May 7, 2023.


Appointed April 18, 1977.
Retired on a service pension May 13, 2011 from FS 101-A.
Passed away May 9, 2023.


Appointed June 10, 1961.
Retired on a disability pension October 13, 1998 from Battalion 12.
Passed away May 13, 2023.


Appointed August 29, 1964.
Retired on a disability pension August 29, 1989 from Arson Section.
Passed away May 14, 2023.


Appointed March 10, 1962.
Retired on a disability pension August 4, 1983 from FS 73.
Passed away May 15, 2023.

Carol J. Olson, spouse of Leland C. Olson, Passed away April 26, 2023.

50 • June 2023
Ahh springtime… providing hope ployment data can obscure underlying nu- makes it even less likely that the federal
that bitter cold and snowstorms will soon ances in the labor market. Part-time work government will be able to run surpluses
be behind us. Evidence that progress has been on the rise, while full-time jobs anytime soon. It may also require austerity
is being made into a new season can be have stalled over the past year. This pivot measures in other spending areas.
identified by the occasional green leaf by employers illustrates their preference On the surface, news indicating a
protrusions peeking out from the frozen, for more flexible payrolls, which reveals growth trend in an economic area could
snow-covered earth. However, economic hesitancy and forward-looking concerns. be deduced as having a mostly positive
forecasting is much less indicative than 3. Federal Revenue Has Grown economic result. An investor or business
Mother Nature. “Green shoots” in eco- 21% – Since 2015, U.S. Federal Govern- owner might surmise that positive data
nomic parlance could mean that data is ment income has grown from $4.05 Tril- supports a sunny outlook. However, in a
showing signs of fresh grow and that over- lion in 2015 to $4.90 Trillion in 2022, a complex, globally interconnected econo-
all conditions are improving. But not all 21% increase. Increasing income to the my there’s little confidence that perceived
green may be good. government should be a good thing, espe- green shoots are perfectly indicative of
Here are a few economic “green cially since their spending has increased. good outcomes. Also, sticking with my
shoots” that could turn out to be weeds But as any fiscally prudent person knows, weeds versus daffodils analogy, not all
once fully grown but are being mistaken if expenses are growing at a faster rate than weeds are unwelcome. Purslane, dande-
for daffodils early on. income, then instead of running a surplus lion, and sumac come to mind as deli-
1. A 4% 10-Year U.S. Treasury (or savings) a deficit will be incurred. A cious, medicinal, and nutritious. In eco-
Yield – Every investor enjoys earning short-term deficit could be tolerated with- nomic terms, green shoots that turn out to
more money on their money than not. Led out much detriment. Lately, government be “good” weeds may offer instead a dose
by the Federal Reserve’s fed funds rate officials seem ever more tolerant of long- of fiscal and monetary medicine that the
hikes, debt instruments across all market term deficits, which are being financed world economy needs to seek an appropri-
segments have followed suit. U.S Treasury with borrowed money accompanied by ate amount of liability given asset values.
bonds are all paying much higher rates to significantly higher interest expenses. This The information provided here is not investment, tax or financial
their holders than a couple of years ago. advice. You should consult with a licensed professional for advice
Folks who have been invested in bonds concerning your specific situation. For more information, please
visit or call (310) 795-0622 to speak with
through their portfolios are not too happy.
an investment advisor representative.
Bond yields and bond prices move in-
versely to one another. Meanwhile, types
of debt that U.S. households typically
maintain (e.g., mortgages and credit cards)
are now costing households significantly
more than before. This increase in cost is a
direct result of interest rate hikes and is an
inflationary force that may likely persist
for years to come.
2. Unemployment Rate Below
3.5% – Low unemployment sounds like
a good thing. Doesn’t it mean that folks
are able to find meaningful, full-time
employment with good benefits and time
off? Definitely not. As I wrote in the
April’s edition
growth/?sh=77a14caa4b71, headline em-
June 2023 • 51
Written | Frank Baker, LAFD retired

Drill Tower, Rookie life in the 50s,

and the two platoon system, Part 3

The platoon on duty was divided

into two groups. One group worked on en-
gine company evolutions, while the other
was learning truck company operations.
On the engine side, we learned
how to make standard hose lays. At that This tailboar
time, many engine companies didn’t yet lines on the
have rigs with transverse hose beds. The that Frank Ba
to, the standa
Siamese assembly was the lay used for
Siamese or a
inch-and-a-half. On the driver’s side of ½ inch doub
the hose bed, there was a narrow section was equippe
that contained two side by side inch-and-a- the practice c
half lines that were, as I recall, each one a
--Don Nash
hundred feet long. They were loaded with
the male ends out and on top of the load.
One had a straight tip and the other a mys-
tery spray tip. Below that, we left a loop of
maybe 18 inches sticking out of the load.
The hose man standing on the tailboard
would put the nozzles over his shoulder
and while pivoting 180 degrees, stick his
arm through the loop and step off the tail-
board. Removing the hose from the bed,
the female ends of the hoses were pre-
connected to the Siamese assembly that
rode on the tailboard. The assembly was
removed from the tailboard and connected
to a two-and-a-half supply line.
I said that the firemen removing
the hose from the rig in the Siamese lay
were standing on the tailboard. We rode
on the tailboard, which was lower than the
tailboards on today’s rigs. I don’t remem-
ber if any of the apparatus in service then
had space in the cab for firemen. The 1955
Crowns had jump seats facing the rear.
One behind the captain, and the other be-

52 • June 2023
hind the auto fireman - today’s apparatus
operator. But they didn’t have enclosed
cabs. Usually two or three firemen rode
the tailboard. When taking the hydrant,
the auto fireman would slow the rig at the
hydrant and the number two man would
step off with the hose to lay the line.
On the truck side, we threw a lot of
ladders. From the Baby Bangor on up to
“The Fifty.” I’ve heard the 50 foot bangor
had been taken out of service. Our drill
tower class tried to accomplish that, but I
think we probably used a different meth-
od. One day on the B-Shift, they dropped
it while practicing and busted it up pretty
Advancing the two 1 ½ inch hand lines.
Note the two nozzles slung on the back of good. It took a couple of weeks in the car-
the recruit. The Siamese assembly is at the penter shop, which was right there at the
This tailboard photo shows the two 1 ½ inch hand rig waiting to be connected to a 2 ½ inch shops to repair it. The very next day when
supply line.
lines on the small left hose trough. Note the loops it was returned, one of our guys on the A-
that Frank Baker described in the article. In this pho-
-- Don Nash Shift ran over it with the rig while backing
to, the standard Siamese is either replaced by a gated
Siamese or a 2 ½ inch to 1 ½ inch gated wye with a 2 up for a hose lay. In the field, the bangor
½ inch double male attached. This particular engine could be a real consumer of manpower. In
was equipped with transverse hose beds. However, the tower, we learned to put it up with six
the practice continued for some time afterwards.
men and also with four. It was harder with
--Don Nash the four, but it was manageable. We were
told that it had been raised in the field with
three guys. Those must have been some
big strong dudes.

To Be Continued...

Volunteers Needed!

The LAFD Historical Society is looking

for volunteers. Active and retired. Our
staff has dwindled in recent years, and
we need some fresh blood. Any skill set,
or no skill set. We can find something
for you no matter how slight. Even if
you can only come in once a year, it will
greatly help us. If you, or someone you
know is interested, please feel free to call
the museum at (323) 464-2727.

June 2023 • 53
BHP is proud to present Mark Your Calendars!
LAFD Wellness Days 5 Wellness Days for the whole
department- with more to come...
BHP knows that YOU are the
department's most important asset. Enter in raffles to win wellness prizes:
Department Wellness Days are designed Snode Rower, Peloton, Traeger Grill,
to bolster wellness for each and every Theraguns & more!
LAFD member.
Totally Free & Accessible to
These events will provide access to firefighters/personnel on & off duty.
mental and physical health services,
challenges, resources and support - Enjoy the services you need, including
FOR FREE! games, competitions, & time to have
lunch or see old colleagues!
This event is the first of its kind— a
unique and fun opportunity for JOIN US:
firefighters and fire personnel to OVB June 14, 2023 at FS89
engage with wellness-related activities 0900-1400
on duty.

BHP has curated an array of interactive

services and vendors that you can choose
from based on your individual needs.

Physical Wellness Services such as physical

therapy, massage, acupuncture, cryotherapy, and
our own Injury Prevention Unit...

Nutrition and Exercise Services such as Los Angeles Fire Department

nutritional consultation, free snacks & lunch from Behavioral Health Program
healthy food trucks, body fat testing...
Krystle Madrid, Psy.D.
Medical Services such as dental consultations, Director of Behavioral Health Program
blood pressure testing, blood sugar screenings...
Julie Snyder, Psy.D.
Fire Psychologist
Social and Financial Services such as financial
consultations, pensions, behavioral health & Call: (323) 276-7169
continuing education... Email:

54 • June 2023
April 5, 2023

CALL TO ORDER discuss a 5% increase for our pension- On March 25th, FS 97 did a Chris will attend along with Diane and
ers. There will be more to come after the plaque presentation in honor of George Valerie of Family Support Group. All
President Chris Stine called the Meet- meeting. Roque and his service. An excellent trustees are encouraged to attend. This
ing of the Board of Trustees of the Los 2) Credit Union Shift Calen- job was done on this presentation. The is another great opportunity to get out
Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association to dar: The credit union will no longer presentation also had a big turnout of in front of and speak with our members.
order at 10:13 a.m. print the shift calendars. An initial people. Thank you to all involved and John Marasco noted that the times may
meeting has been set for Tuesday, April who attended. change and that he would be present at
ROLL CALL 11th to see if LAFRA and UFLAC can 8) FF of the Year Luncheon, all the fairs except for the first one. The
take it over. This could be a good oppor- Thursday, April 20th: LAFRA has pur- remaining wellness fairs are set to take
MEMBERS PRESENT: tunity for both organizations to display chased one (1) table. place on Monday, May 15th, Wednes-
Chris Stine, President their upcoming events, fundraisers, etc. 9) LARFPA Picnic, Wednes- day, June 14th, Wednesday, June 21st
Trustee Frank Aguirre Our Marketing & Development com- day, June 7th: The Relief has purchased and Monday, July 10th.
Trustee Kenneth Breskin mittee is invited to attend. There will be one (1) table. Chris would like to have
Trustee Paul Duke more to report after the initial meeting. strong participation at this event as well. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
Trustee Leon Dunn 3) Hook & Ladder: Jim Duffy Please let Chris know if you are inter- REPORT
Trustee J.D. Fox attended as did Marlene Casillas & our ested in attending.
Trustee Cesar S. Garcia videographer to shoot the event and in- 1) Golf Tournament: The Golf
Trustee Henry Gasbarri terview attendees. Tim Wuerfel advised EXECUTIVE SESSION committee met last month. The In-N-
Trustee Jeff Halloran the event was successful. There was a Out truck is coming back, in place of the
Trustee John Jacobsen good turnout as well. The team of event Chris Stine entertained a motion to barbeque. We are going to try to move
Trustee Steve Jones organizers did an excellent job. The move into an Executive Session for vot- forward adding more food & drink for
Trustee John Marasco hard costs and final dollars received are ing members of the board. Juan Albar- the opening hours of the tournament.
Trustee Mike Sailhamer still being counted. ran so moved. Steve Tufts seconded. The firefighter discounted this year is
Trustee Tyler Tomich 4) Family Support Group: Di- $220.
Trustee Brian Wall ane Vigil and Valerie Lawrence are now The Board entered Executive Session at 2) FRITS 3.0: Elevation Solu-
Trustee Craig White reporting to Marlene Casillas in Devel- 10:30 a.m. tions continues to build out the recruit-
Trustee Danny Wu opment & Marketing. The Board adjourned from Executive ment section of the platform. Medical
Trustee Juan Albarran – Pension 5) Retirement Badge Requests: Session at 11:15 a.m. will be the next build out area. Weekly
Trustee Steve Tufts – Pension Per Relief policy, every member is en- calls between them and our Operations
Todd Layfer - Executive Director titled to a badge, provided by the Relief. Member updates, a personnel matter, staff continue to take place. Todd, Chris,
Liberty Unciano – Controller/Treasurer They are eligible to receive an addi- and a legal matter were discussed dur- and Jim are participating on monthly
tional, smaller badge, for their spouse, at ing Executive Session. calls with them. Everything is on track
MEMBERS ABSENT: a cost to the member. There have been and on budget.
Jim Duffy, Vice President some exceptions to who received the VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT 3) New Employees: Todd
Trustee Tim Freeman additional, smaller badge in instances brought Patty Rubalcava into the meet-
Trustee Milton Quintana where there was no spouse, the spouse 1) 2023 Conferences: In Jim’s ing at 10:18 a.m. to introduce her to the
Trustee Steve Berkery - Pension had passed, etc. Recently, there have absence, Chris reported Brian Wall and board. She shared her background in-
been some requests for badges for mul- Kenny Breskin will attend the IFEBP formation. Patty will be working with
GUESTS: None tiple family members, e.g., children, sib- Health Care Management Conference Ana and Maria in the Member Services
lings, etc. on Monday, April 24th through Tues- department. She is very excited to work
INVOCATION & Flag Salute Liz Perez handles all the badge day, April 25th in Miami. with the Relief and proud to support our
order requests. She has a drop list of All new trustees are to attend mission and members. Patty exited after
Mike Sailhamer led the invocation. badges to order with names for the next the annual IFEBP Employee Ben- her introduction.
Kenny Breskin led the flag salute. few years. She is also ordering the badge efits Conference on Sunday, October Vivian Dang, new Human Re-
cases now as well. 1st - Wednesday, October 4th, 2023 in sources/Payroll employee, started last
RATIFICATION OF ACTION AND Trustees are advised to double Boston. There will be another option month. She is working well with the
MINUTES check the accuracy of information on for new trustees to get their education/ team and trustees; and already process-
the badges when they pick them up to be training at the Self Insurance Institute of ing payroll.
Chris Stine entertained a motion to ap- sure they have the accurate service dates America (SIIA) National Conference on 4) Open Enrollment: April is
prove the March 1, 2023 Board Meeting and name. Sunday, October 8 – Monday, October the open enrollment period. All materi-
Minutes. John Marasco so moved. J.D. 6) Pechanga Reunion: Juan 10, 2023 in Phoenix, AZ. This would als have been sent out. Numbers on all
Fox seconded. There was no discussion brought in the file for Loan. She is reach- be for any new trustee who could not who joined or departed will be available
or objections. ing out to all those who are interested in attend the IFEBP Conference in Boston at the end of the month.
attending. There are 30 reservations on the week prior. 5) Lane Kemper Softball Clas-
Motion carried to approve the March file currently. The event is taking place 2) Board Educational Offsite: sic: The classic will take place on Mon-
1, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes. May 22nd through May 26th. Trustees The offsite meetings are set for Sunday, day, April 17th at Chino Hills. There are
interested in attending should let Chris June 11th through Tuesday, June 13. All 24 teams locked in. Valerie is working
PRESIDENT’S REPORT know. trustees are encouraged to sign-up and hard on the event raffle and other items.
7) Roque LAFRA Plaque attend. The Board Educational Offsite is Raffle tickets are available for purchase
1) Pension Update: Chris re- Presentation / Celebration of Life: This for the Trustees to discuss Relief Asso- by trustees and staff members.
ported that the final executed five-year took place out in the Redlands on March ciation long-term goals, objectives, etc. 6) Hope for Firefighters –
contact was received yesterday. There 18th. The Department did have a team 3) LAFD Wellness Fairs: The Thursday, June 1st: The Hope com-
was a lot of work on the contract nego- there with a task force and ribbons fire. first of five planned wellness fairs will mittee are working on booth and event
tiations this time. All parties are pleased All the presentations were very well take place on Wednesday, May 10th sponsors. This is another event where all
with the outcome. There will be a Pen- done and received. There was a huge from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Frank trustees are strongly encouraged to at-
sions meeting tomorrow and they will turnout. Thank you to all who attended. Hotchkin Memorial Training Center. tend. This is an all-hands-on deck event.

June 2023 • 55
There will be more to come with addi- taking place on Wednesday, June 7th. Motion carried to approve the Medical ticles for the Lane Kemper Softball
tional meetings and discussions. Plan bills totaling $1,315,032.70. Classic and the Firefighter of the Year
The committee recommends and I so Luncheon. He is also involved in the
INVESTMENT COMMITTEE move to pay up to $1,000 for the notary Frank reminded the board that we are meetings for the upcoming LA Galaxy
REPORT course and certification for Gene Bed- currently in the Open Enrollment period fundraiser.
narchik. through April 30th. He encouraged the
There is nothing to report. trustees to get out to their stations and SECRETARY’S REPORT
Motion carried to pay up to $1,000 for speak about, the LAFRA medical plan
AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT the notary course and certification for and answer any questions or direct them There is nothing to report.
Gene Bednarchik. members as appropriate to have their
There is nothing to report. questions answered. BY-LAW COMMITTEE REPORT
The committee recommends and I so
BUILDING COMMITTEE move to purchase an additional Owl RELIEF COMMITTEE REPORT There is nothing to report.
REPORT camera at $1,421.32 for use by the Re-
lief. The cameras would be used for var- Juan Albarran presented the following SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE
Juan Albarran reported on HVAC up- ious meetings, conferences, and other motion. REPORT
dates and routine maintenance to the business needs. This would be in addi-
building. The software for the cellular tion to the two already on hand which The committee recommends and I so 1) Exam Dates: The exam date
booster has been updated. Staff and were purchased by the Credit Union for move to pay: will be Saturday, April 22nd. The proc-
Juan are working with the City to be en- their board meetings, held at the Relief tors are all set. There are 27 applicants
ergy compliant. Updates to the worksta- offices, and will be given to the Relief The Sick & Injury benefits for Active & with 1 qualifying college student, un-
tions are ongoing. when they [the Credit Union] have fin- Retired in the amount of $13,586.53 The der the Relief policies, and one eligible
ished all their meetings. Estate Planning benefit in the amount of for the Dennis Mendenhall Memo-
ADMINISTRATIVE $11,920 rial scholarship. Any questions can be
COMMITTEE REPORT Motion carried to purchase an addi- The Life & Accident Withdrawals of $0 directed to Mike Sailhamer and Jim
tional Owl camera at $1,421.32 for use The Assistance Committee in the Duffy via the committee email at schol-
Tyler Tomich presented the following by the Relief. amount of $27,881.88 The Emergency
motions. Advancements in the amount of $0
The committee recommends and I so The Widows & Orphans Disabled MARKETING & DEVELOPMENT
The committee recommends and I so move to accept the $1,000 donation to Firefighter’s to accept donations in the COMMITTEE REPORT
move to pay the usual and customary Widows & Orphans from the Credit amount of $26,976.26 The Life and Ac-
bills in the amount of Union. cident Death Benefit in the amount of The Development & Marketing
$1,404,178.55. There was no discussion $24,000 department staff is working several dif-
or objections. Motion carried to accept the $1,000 The Relief Death Benefits in the amount ferent items.
donation to Widows & Orphans from of $65,000 Captain Rico Gross and his
Motion carried to pay the usual and the Credit Union. team “Disaster Slayers” did the Stair
customary bills in the amount of Motion carried to pay the above Relief Climb at the Coliseum and conducted a
$1,404,178.55. The committee recommends and I so benefits. Peer-to-peer fundraiser to raise money
move to approve a $250 bronze level for 3 charities including ours. They are
The committee recommends and I so sponsorship for the 51st Annual Califor- Juan Albarran read the names of mem- still collecting donations. There are
move to pay $100 for promotional cer- nia Firefighters Summer Games. These bers who recently passed and asked for a links and info on our websites and in-
emony. games will take place in San Jose on moment of silence from the Board. formation was in the newsletters and on
Sunday, June 25th to Friday, June 30th. social media.
Motion carried to pay $100 for promo- Sponsorship is in support of the LAFD MEMORIALS New Videos: There are great
tional ceremony. athletes participating in the games. Alton W. Johnston new videos on our websites, which were
Frank J. Bowman also shared in the newsletters and on so-
The committee recommends and I so Motion carried to approve a $250 Allan Mac Donald cial media. These videos include Girl’s
move to purchase a table of ten (10) at bronze level sponsorship for the 51st Bruce A. Froude Camp, LAFD Legacy: James Finn and
$400 for the Firefighter of the Year Lun- Annual California Firefighters Sum- William C. Bortels Drill Tower Graduations (class 2022-
cheon. mer Games. Alfred E. Fisher 2…plus another for 2022-3).
Robert L. Kilpatrick Marlene has formed a nice
Motion carried to purchase a table of The committee recommends and I so Alfredo Vega partnership and relationship with
ten (10) at $400 for the Firefighter of move to pay up to $150 for the upcom- Myron H. Davis LAFD’s internal team that posts these
the Year Luncheon. ing LAFD Promotional Badge Ceremo- Gilbert B. Ramelli on the LAFD website and social media.
ny taking place on Friday, April 21st. Ronald G. Mc Intyre She and her team wrote (write) up the
The committee recommends and I so Motion carried to pay up to $150 for the Brent L. Hogue text and copy for them and the LAFD
move to pay up to $500 for refreshments upcoming LAFD Promotional Badge Terrence M. Palmer is posting and sharing our stuff on their
for the March 9th Drill Tower Gradua- Ceremony taking place on Friday, April site and portals. This is a fantastic way
tion Ceremony. 21st. The committee recommends and I so to reach new people!
move to reinstate a member. He owes California Pizza Kitchen
Motion carried to pay up to $500 for MEDICAL COMMITTEE $1,482.54 to make the Relief whole. (CPK) Fundraiser: April is working
refreshments for the March 9th Drill REPORT with our previous contact from the 2019
Tower Graduation Ceremony. Motion carried to reinstate a member fundraiser to set up one in the Fall. Mar-
Frank Aguirre presented the following into the Relief Association, with the lene requested the fundraiser be a mul-
The committee recommends and I so motion(s). appropriately executed promissory tiple CPK locations once again as those
move to purchase a table of eight (8) note on file, as needed. are the only ones that generate enough
at $400 for the LAFRPA BBQ taking The committee recommends and I so income to make it worthwhile.
place on Wednesday, June 7th. move to approve the medical plan bills GRAPEVINE/WEB COMMITTEE Derek Vehling Donation: He
totaling REPORT ushered in a $1,000 donation from a
Motion carried to purchase a table of $1,315,032.70. There was no discussion corporation he has worked with closely
eight (8) at $400 for the LAFRPA BBQ or objections. John Hicks is working on items/ar- over the years.

56 • June 2023
Brodie & Maggie Mae Veh- velopment & Marketing department as ment in the yearbook. It was noted this versus the Philadelphia Union. The link
ling and Chaminade School Fundraiser: well as the Family Support Group will project is a huge undertaking and takes to purchase tickets for the game is avail-
Derek Vehling’s son and daughter did a be working with Kenny and the LA Gal- about a year to complete. The board able on the Relief and Widows & Or-
fundraiser at their junior high. They are axy on a great number of items to ex- briefly discussed things like who would phans website. More details to come as
the 3rd and 4th of his kids to do this for ecute for it; such as, special videos with receive the book, any collaborations that we get closer to the event.
us. the mascot to in-game opportunities for would be involved, any price or payment 6) St. Baldrick’s LAFD/LAPD Event:
Golf: Marlene and Juan Carlos our members and more. They have had required to receive the book, whether ci- This annual event has been scheduled
are working on all the brochures and fly- one initial meeting and have another vilian employees want to receive a book, for Saturday, August 5 at The Vineyards
ers; and Marlene is working with Donor next week. Tickets are already on sale etc. The Relief Association will exhaust at Porter Ranch.
Perfect on the online sign-up forms. She and posted on both websites and shared every avenue in discussing this project The next committee meetings
is also working on other details to begin a little on social. An ad has been pro- and if/how it should proceed. will take place on Wednesday, April
soliciting and inviting people. Marlene vided for the Grapevine. More details to 19th. The next board meeting will be on
has already one new $10,000 sponsor come. OLD BUSINESS Wednesday, May 3rd.
and the returning shirt sponsor. At the end of this report, Kenny
Softball: Marlene and the vid- Breskin shared more details about the 1) Ken Willahan’s Retirement RETIREMENT DINNERS
eographer will be out there shooting LA Galaxy fundraiser. He advised the Celebration took place on April 2nd. 1) Jose Fernandez Retirement Dinner
video footage. tickets would be $40 mid-line level Jeff Cawdrey presented the badge on will take place on Saturday, April 15th
Pechanga Reunion, Temecula: seats. A portion of the tickets sales will behalf of the Relief Association. at Stevens Steak House in Commerce
April is working on all the giveaway come to Widows & Orphans as a do- from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
promotional items for the Pechanga Re- nation. He and the team involved with SETTING OF MEETING DATES 2) Percy E. Jones Retirement Dinner
union; the Wellness Fairs, the Retired this fundraiser are working on plans for Dance will take place on Saturday,
Fire and Police BBQ and more. a proposed cocktail hour, event booth 1) Lane Kemper Softball Classic will April 29th at OMNI Hotel, Bunker Hill website upgrades: and other details and logistics. Chris en- take place on Monday, April 17th in Ballroom in LA at 6:00 p.m.
Diane of CodeSpoke finished the up- couraged the trustees to spread the word Chino Hills.
dates and launched the new version of about this fundraiser to their stations 2) LAFD Wellness Fair #1 will take ADJOURNMENT
our charity website. It has a much nicer and areas and encourage people to buy place on Wednesday, May 10th at Frank
design look and she and Juan Carlos tickets. Hotchkin Memorial Training Center. Chris Stine entertained a mo-
worked to transition all the content from 3) Pechanga Reunion will take place tion to adjourn. Steve Tufts so moved.
the old site to the new one. Diane is now NEW BUSINESS on Monday, May 22nd through Friday, Brian Wall seconded. There was no dis-
working on a style guide that will not May 26th. cussion and no objections.
only be for the website, but will also 1) Firefighter Yearbook: Dan- 4) Hope for Firefighters is scheduled for
carry across our social media content as ny advised he has been contacted about Thursday, June 1st. Motion carried to adjourn. The Board
well. any plans for the next Firefighter Year- 5) LA Galaxy Fundraiser benefiting of Trustees meeting adjourned at
LA Galaxy Fundraiser: Kenny book. It is typically done every 10 years. Widows, Orphans & Disabled Fire- 11:50 a.m.
Breskin set up a fundraiser on Saturday, There was mention on including the fighter’s Fund will take place on Satur-
July 8th with the LA Galaxy. The De- civilian working with the fire depart- day, July 8th at 7:30 p.m. for their game Chris Stine, President

Donations to Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firefighter’s Fund

CREDIT UNION Kern County Breakfast Club Firehouse Cafe Breakfast Klatch


Tim Togneri’s Retirement Ride FOUNDATION Lane Kemper Classic Raffle

SUE FLYNN in honor of Michael Flynn FIRE STATION NO. 94 from RICHARD J. ERQUIAGA in memory
the Fire Extinguisher Fund of Brian Corntassel
Lane Kemper Classic Raffle JOHN L. PECEL in memory of DAVID J. BREUER in memory of
Brian Corntassel Charlie Wallin
Tim Togneri’s Retirement Ride RICHARD E. FOX in memory of THE BLACKBAUD GIVING FUND
Paul A. Shakstad
BRENDA M. TAYLOR in memory of ANONYMOUS in memory of
George F. Taylor STEVEN J. BERKERY from your Battalion Chief Don Cate & Auto
Corporate Secretary Payment Fireman Thomas Schmitz-Cate

June 2023 • 57
with boardgames, pool table, Railway, Bearizona, Elephant
foosball and darts. Rocks Golf Course. Call Kerry-Lynn Moede (602) 818-
For advertising information, please contact: beautiful studio with one queen 3bdrm(2king,1full) 2bath, turnkey,
bed, perfect for two people to get w/d, WiFi, Dish, gas bbq,
Eric Santiago - (323) 259-5231 - away. Enjoy ocean sounds and 1/2 mile to Windsor launch, cov-
views with a patio and yard for ered gated boat parking,
that small pet. Full size kitchen. 3 nites $450, $100 for each addi-
REAL ESTATE help” services at your specific Close to Moonstone Beach, the tional nite- cleaning included, pics
FOR SALE direction. Fiscalini Ranch and Cambria’s available. Email:
West Village. Hearst Castle is
TWO S/B/S GRAVE SITES FOR REAL ESTATE & MORTGAGES. minutes away. Call Ana 559- (626) 665-9890
SALE. Rose Hills Cemetery Whit- We all know someone in the 974-2509 for fire family discount
tier, curbside graves in the Garden business, that doesn’t mean you pricing. HAVASU LANDING
of Affection, $9,000 ea., or both shouldn’t shop. No obligation free 3 Bd, 2 BTH home, sleeps 6-7.
for $17,000. Contact: Larry Wilson quotes. You work hard for your COEUR D’ALENE, ID HOME Gated Community. Fully furnished,
(LAFD retired) @ (951)780-1838. money; keep more of it. Buying, One story 2 bed, 1.5 bath pano view of lake. Wi-fi, direct TV,
selling, or financing, call me, located in quiet neighborhood in flat screens and BBQ. Clubhouse,
SERVICES John Sullivan (310) 961-8282. the Sanders Beach area. Fully pool, spa and rec. center steps
West Shores Realty, Inc. DRE furnished, wifi, central heating/ away. California side of Lake
BUSY BEAVER TREE AND #01260041, NMLS #2010982 ac, laundry. Walking distance to Havasu. Enjoy the casino, two
LANDSCAPE. Tree trimming downtown CDA, the lake, parks, launch ramps or the 12 min cata-
and removal, stumpgrinding, and VACATION and multiple bars/restaurants. maran shuttle to London Bridge. No
firewood sales. Mixed firewood, RENTALS No pets, no smoking. Contact Smoking/Pets. $175 nt. Weekdays,
eucalyptus and oak. Delivery Andrew at CDArental99@gmail. $225 nt. Fr-Sat. Excl. Holidays. 2
available or pick up. Licensed and AZ - VACATION RENTALS. Home com for questions, availability, nt. min. Cleaning fee of $125. Call
insured. Dwayne Kastor, FS 63-B - to Spring Training, Barrett Jackson pricing. Tony Wren 760-688-6082 LACoFD
(818) 535-6368. Auto Auction, and Arabian Horse for questions and pics.
Show – WestWorld. Two homes. COZUMEL, MEXICO CONDO
CRAIG SANFORD HEATING & 1. Walking distance to Sloan Park Beautiful, large, modern 3 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA HOME.
AIR - Free estimates, residen- - Chicago Cubs Spring Training bedroom, 3.5 bath condo at The Across the street from Indianapolis
tial, commercial. Great rates for Fields, 3+2 - Pool - Putting Green Landmark, 3800 sq. feet. Sleeps Motor Speedway.
LAFD and LAPD. Toll free (877) – Mesa @cubbiehousemesaaz 6, ocean views, steps from beach. 3Bed/2Bath in town of Speedway.
891-1414, (661) 298-3070, FAX 2. Walking distance to Scottsdale Smart TV, Wi-Fi, pool, jacuzzi, Walk or bike to Main St.
(661) 298-3069. State License No. Stadium and 10 minute drive to tennis. All master suites with Short drive, 7 miles, to Lucas Oil
527114 Salt River Talking Stick Fields ensuite bathrooms. No smoking. Stadium, Downtown Indy, River-
and Tempe Diablo Stadium. 3+1 Call David (LAFD retired) at 949- front, Museums, Etc. Available
INCOME TAX PREPARATION - Old Town Scottsdale @scotts- 294-2953. Email: azmalproper- most dates except May 20 to 27.
Tired of paying excessive fees for dale76th Facebook: The Call Tina or Craig at 805-377-0686
lncome Tax Preparation? A and J’s Call us – Rod, FS-56B or Diana: Landmark 511 or 805-377-3640
Tax Service has been in business (661)294-0971 to book direct
for over 30 years. We offer year- and avoid the short-term rental GORGEOUS WATERFRONT JUNE LAKE CABIN. 2BR/2BA
round friendly service at very af- platform fees. RIVERHOUSE on the lagoon cabin with Carson Peak View.
fordable prices. We are located on of the Colorado River for rent. Sleeps 8. Within a mile of fishing
Ventura Blvd. ln Woodland Hills. BEAUTIFUL BIG BEAR CABIN. Family home-5 bedrooms, large & skiing. Close to Mammoth and
Joe Flores, Certified Tax Profes- Two-story with vaulted ceiling, bonus room for kids, 4 1/2 baths . Yosemite. Spacious living room,
sional, retired LAFD firefighter/ 2BD/1BA . Close to lake, shops, Sleeps 15. Fully loaded with top of kitchen, and wood deck. Smart TV
paramedic. skiing, and forest. Great deck, lots the line appliances. Private launch and Wifi. $150/night plus cleaning
Business telephone (818)340- of trees, fireplace/wood, cable TV/ ramp. No pets. No smoking. No fee of $125. Email for pictures.
3575. Cell phone (818)521-9227 WiFi, BBQ, fully equipped except large parties or events. Contact: Brian Smith LAFD (310)872-7311. linens. 6-person max , pets ok. Gigi (714)454-0922 (Spouse-
$150/day, 2-night min. Week rate LAFD) for special firefighter family
KEVIN LOCKHART ROOFING & available. Contact Donna at (760) rates and for snowbirds Check out LAKE HAVASU AMAZING
CONSTRUCTION 723-1475 or DnBeep@gmail. details: LAKEVIEW POOL HOME. 1800
Roofing repair and maintenance, com. See photos at www.schaf- sq.ft. built 2018, 3 bed, 2 bath,
construction waterproofing housevacationhome sleeps 8. (King, Queen, Full
solutions. Kevin Lockhart 18 A 2xTwin). Finished backyard with
(661)810-4980 BIG BEAR RENTAL. 3 bedroom, GRAND CANYON/ WILLIAMS, pool and spa. Fully furnished w/
lic #536528 3 bath chalet with large loft with ARIZONA. 4 bed, linens, WiFi, internet TV, laundry,
it’s own bathroom in Fawnskin, 3 bath Historic Home one large kitchen, BBQ, 2 car garage.
MONDAY MORNING TRUST Big Bear Lake. Sleeps 10, walking block from Route 66. WALK Quiet neighborhood. 3 miles from
(714) 929-1040. $595 Full living distance to some of the best hik- to everything! 8 person MAX. launch ramp. No pets / no smok-
trust packages (trust, will, p.O.A ing trails in Big Bear, 15 min drive No special events. Gorgeous ing. Call Karen (661) 965-0542.
finances/healthcare, d.N.R.). to Snow Summit and Big Bear house. Unique property.
Bradley Ball - 11801 Pierce St. Village. Huge back deck area with www.HistoricYellowHouse. LAKE HAVASU LANDING
#200 Riverside CA 92505. Riv- phenomenal views of the lake. com RESORT. 3 bedroom, 2 bath,
erside lDA # 000392. I am not an Lots of cooking supplies; instapot, Listed on National Register of waterfront house, boat, mooring
attorney, I can only provide “self- air fryer, and more! Game room Historic Places Grand Canyon out front, fully furnished, laundry,

58 • June 2023
gas BBQ, launch ramp, gated com- 2900 sqft home with amenities Pool, Spa, Rec. Room, BBQ. town Nashville. Walking distance
munity, grocery store, hardware & pool that easily sleeps 14+ Winter $175 Sun - Thurs $195 Fri to Broadway St, hockey and NFL
store. No pets, no smoking. Email people. Centrally located, 1 mile /Sat Holiday Periods. Summer stadium. Contact Wayne, LAFD
Kathy at or from the lake, close to downtown $150 Plus Cleaning. No Smoking @ (805) 796-7863 for availability
call (760) 858-4470 shops and restaurants. Check or Pets. Call Craig Yoder (909) and price.
out home at https://www.vrbo. 948-3659.
RENT - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 sq.ft. Call Julie 818-268-7906 for special MAMMOTH CONDO AT THE Sands, 3 BD 2 BA, Furnished,
Fully furnished with all ameni- firefighter family rates. WOODLANDS - Spacious & WiFi, Cable, Pool, Jacuzzi, Ten-
ties- Laundry & BBQ. 13,000 sq.ft. sunny. 2 bedroom, loft, & 2 baths. nis, Sleeps 4, $200 Night, $800
lot. 3 car boat-deep garage. 3 LOG CABIN NEAR JACKSON Sleeps 8. Cable HDTV, DVD, & Week, $3200 Month, Maid $150,
miles from launch ramp. Close to HOLE WY: Close to Snake River, Wi-Fi. Pool, Jacuzzi, & sauna in 12% TOT(STR2019-0002). No
downtown shops & restaurants. Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, World complex. On shuttle route. No Smoking, (310) 418-1577, dag-
View of the lake. Quiet street in Class Skiing. Call (818) 207- smoking & no pets. $160/night
good neighborhood. No pets. No 0811 LAFD Retired. Visit: www. winter, $125/night summer. Plus
smoking. Snowbird rates. Call aspenhill cleaning and bed tax. Call Terry SHELL VACATION CLUB time-
Mike (661) 510-6246 for all information. Imlay (949)322-3473 or (949)458- share points for sale! Points allow
0768 for maximum travel flexibility. Stay
LAKE HAVASU GETAWAY MAMMOTH CONDO, La at any Shell Resort or use RCI to
3 bed, 2 bath, Kitchen, Boat Park- Vista Blanc, Cozy 2 BD 2 BA, MAMMOTH LAKES - One travel the globe with thousands
ing, with a AMAZING VIEW of the Furnished, WiFi, Cable, Pool, bedroom, extremely charming of options! 8700 annual points
lake. located near restaurant’s, Spa, BBQ, Sleeps 4, Winter $150, wildflower condo. Full amenities, can be used for accommodations,
and the option to use two different Summer $130, Maid $175, 14% close to shuttle. Antiques, art, airfare, rental cars, or cash out.
boat launches both about 1 mile TOT(6092), No Smoking, (310) satellite TV, fireplace. Sleeps 4. Take over deed for $10,000 obo!
from house. large fenced in back- 540-4648,, Winter $110, Summer $85 plus Same point value costs $30k-40k
yard. Small PETS are welcome, (310) 418-1577, daggertooth@ cleaning fees. Call Bill Clark (818) at resort. Maintenance fees are
NON SMOKER Please. $180. nt. 371-6722 $235 monthly. Vince Nixon—LAFD
Weekends $240. Fri-Sat EXCL Email: retired 805-585-8808
Holidays. 2 night min. Cleaning MAMMOTH CONDO AT MAM-
Fee $125. pics avaialable. Email MOTH ESTATES. 4BR/3BA, MAMMOTH SEASONS 4 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE Romantic call sleeps 10, fully furnished, 2 CONDO. Cozy 1 bedroom condo Chalet Family getaway. 3 bed/2
Brian LAFD 714-376-2032 TVs, DVDs, WiFi, towels/linens, with full-size pullout couch and bo- bath plus loft. Sleeps 8–10. Cable
fireplace. Full kitchen. Walk to nus room with twin size bunkbed TV, washer/dryer, microwave,
LAKE HAVASU LANDING. Gondola Village and shuttle. Com- that comfortably sleeps 4 adults woodburning stove. 7 minutes to
TH1-29, Waterfront, 3 BD 3 BA, plex has pool, spa, sauna, laundry. and 2 children. Conveniently casinos and Heavenly. Located in
Direct-TV, DVD, WiFi, BBQ, Winter $355/night, Summer $240/ located 15 min walk between the Tahoe Paradise. $115 per night
Mooring, Casino, Market, Launch night, plus cleaning. Includes city Village and Canyon Lodge at 244 plus cleaning. Call Shawn or Rose
Ramp, Marina, Off Road Trails, bed tax. No pets, no smoking. Lakeview Blvd. Visit https://www. Agnew at (661) 250-9907 or (661)
Gated. No Smoking/Pets, $285 Dory Jones (310) 918-0631 or for pics, 476-6288.
Weekday, $850 Weekend, $1995 Kelly Corcoran (310) 619-5355 amenities, and reviews. $125/
Week, Maid $150, Resort TOT fee night; off-peak (May, June, Oct,
25%, bring linen, (310) 418-1577, MAMMOTH CONDO IN SNOW- Nov): $100/night; cleaning: $100. CREEK IV. Super nice 2 bedroom Bobby (310) 350-5552.
/ 2 bathroom located in FAN-
SORT BEACHFRONT HOME with WELCOME! King, Double Queen Beautiful 2bd 2ba 1140sqft. Check
boat mooring. Swim, ski or fish bunk, & trundle, Nicely furnished us out at
from front yard. 4 bed/2 bath, fully with high-end appliances. Fully friendsretreat for availability. Email
furnished. DirectTV/DVD/WiFi,
pool table, laundry, BBQ. Gated
stocked kitchen. Washer/Dryer in
the unit. Pricing varies by season
us directly for fire family pricing.
community with casino, groceries,
marina, launch ramp and off-road
and demand. Exceptional condo!, Shane
Hirsch(LAFD) 714-803-9324
trails. No pets, no smoking. $350 909-576-2025, Website: https://
Bowen/Garner email: MAUI, HAWAII VACATION mysite RENTAL. Kamaole Sands beach
front resort, spacious I bedroom,
1900 sq. ft. remodeled 3 bdrm,
2 bedroom 1 bath old mammoth/
2 bath condo #7104 located in
Kihei beautiful beach and garden
3 1/2 baths, sleeps 8. (1 King, eagle lodge area. Sleeps 5. Fully views with park like settings, with
2 queens). Backyard with pool, equipped kitchen, wifi, pool, spa, pool, jacuzzi and bbq stations
jacuzzi with underwater lights.
Fully furnished w/ linens, laundry,
laundry. Walk to restaurants, bars,
stores, park and trolly. Winter $175
just outside of relaxing lanai. For
pictures and rates contact:
or call:
weekdays, $250 weekends, $125
summer $130 plus cleaning fee,
holiday rates vary, multiple night
complex #7104 sleeps up to 4
cleaning fee. 2 night minimum. discounts. No pets.Contact Will adults with some exceptions for
No smoking. Call Gabe Moreno Nevins 26”B” (714) 697-2587 children. Retired firefighter owned
or email with 10% discount given to all MAMMOTH CONDO. Two LAFD firefighters and policemen.
bedrooms, Large loft. Three full
LARGE LAKE HAVASU HOME bathrooms. Sleeps 8. Walk to NASHVILLE CONDO. Two bed-
FOR RENT – 5 bedroom, 3 bath, Canyon Lodge. DVD, Cable, Wifi, room condo, sleeps 6, in Down-

June 2023 • 59
Paid Advertisements:

Deal direct with authorized Factory Dealers

Offering members of the Los Angeles Fire Department
Courteous, Ethical, and Special Consideration in the purchase of your new car.


“We are pleased to offer Special VIP Camry / Celica / Corolla / Tundra Honda - Sales and Leasing
Pricing & Incentives to Our Law Enforce- Tacoma / Sienna / Supra / Solara Large Selection of Used Vehicles
ment Officers (including retired), Civilian 11041 Sepulveda Blvd 6511 Santa Monica Blvd
Personnel and Family Members. Mission Hills CA Hollywood CA
Ford / Mazda / Honda / Aston Martin / Ask for Steve Denson—Fleet Mgr Ask for Dave Erickson­­­­­­­­­
Jaguar / Lincoln / Lotus / Volvo / Volk- 323-466-3251 l Fax: 323-462-0187
swagen / Porsche 818-365-9621
For VIP LEO pricing, contact “Specializing in hassle-free car buying”
Mike Schwartz—General Mgr
15505 Roscoe Blvd
North Hills CA 91343

60 • June 2023

Fire Station 23


One shift, Firefighters Dean Lange and Donald Manning were on duty at Fire Station 23 when a city photographer pulled up in front of E23 and set up a large camera. He informed us he
had an old picture of E23 taken on Aug 15, 1915 with the horses ready for any alarm. His purpose was to show the comparison from May, 1915 to that date in 1958. Members as recalled
in 1958 are left to right. Fireman with R hand on pole unknown. Fireman standing in rear Fireman Don Bunker, Fireman sliding left pole is Don Manning. Fireman standing on R side
of rig is Don Griesinger. Standing in front R of Crown Rig with R arm pointing to light, unknown. Engineer at steering wheel is Eng. Chapman. Fireman close to him standing with left
arm out, unknown. Fireman sliding R pole is Dean Lange. Two men at the teletype, first one is unknown, second one is Captain Lowell Johnson. PHOTOS | Compliment of Dean Lange

June 2023 • 61
Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association
7470 N Figueroa Street
Los Angeles CA 90041-1725

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