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a collection of terrible traits, bad habits, and bodily features for


11. Abrasive Defensive
1. Always-dripping nose.
12. Mannerless Hateful
13. Self-assured Argumentative 2. Lacking a navel.
14. Fanatical Tormenting
15. Hypocritical Self-conscious 3. Bulbous growth on the neck. It moves
when nobody sees.
16. Eccentric Irresponsible
21. Morbid Melancholic 4. Chapped and cracked lips.
22. One-sided Arbitrary
23. Enigmatic Inconsistent 5. Painfully average.
24. Hesitant Imitative
6. Face covered in pustules.
25. Scared of Sarcastic
commitment 7. Short of stature.
26. Aggressive Rude
31. Shortsighted Vain 8. Bones that crack with every movement.
32. Stubborn Petty
9. Taller than most.
33. Mischievous Vindictive
34. Grim Resentful 10. Eyebrows lost to fire and memory.
35. Ritualistic Disloyal
11. Broken nose, crooked forever.
36. Brutal Strict
41. Unpredictable Anarchistic 12. Gut telling tales of too many ales.
42. Naïve Dependent
43. Prejudiced Snobbish 13. Completely and utterly hairless.
44. Vulgar Untrusting
14. Forked tongue. A sign?
45. Sloppy Assertive
46. Impulsive Charmless 15. Eyelids marked with charcoal, always.
51. Calculating Pompous
16. Nasty scar where a lung used to sit.
52. Pedantic Greedy
53. Gullible Tactless 17. Born with six fingers on each hand.
54. Demanding Unhelpful
55. Whiny Anxious 18. Small eyes, making anyone suspicious.
56. Ungrateful Gloomy
19. Hair coarse like bristles.
61. Hedonistic Undisciplined
62. Shallow Careless 20. Bad back and worse posture.
63. Fearless Nosy
64. Scheming Domineering
65. Nagging Dull
66. Fatalistic Rebellious

MÖRK BORG is ©2020 Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. Art by dead people.
WORSE HABITS (d20) 11. Never trusts anything with four legs.

1. Cannot remember a name to save your 12. You walk in your sleep, 1 in 12 times
life. Great at faces, though. waking somewhere very unfortunate.

2. Compelled to lick things clean. 13. Convinced you are a talented singer.
This is not the case.
3. Yawns constantly.
14. A terrible winner and even worse
4. Snores like a dreaming troll. Others loser. Everything’s a competition.
must test Toughness to sleep.
15. Convinced you cannot die.
5. Only eats things with given names.
16. A mythomaniac, you like to create
6. Obsessively steals from those that your own truths.
have less. Fears those that have more.
17. Dumb labor is beneath you.
7. Never learned to share.
18. Compulsively swallows silver coins,
8. Feels the need to point out any and to keep them safe for the afterlife.
all mistakes others make. In detail. JINGLE
~JANGLE when you run.
9. You bite your nails and save them for
19. Can speak to horses. Or so you think.
20. You are a philosopher. But are you
10. Terrified of being alone.
really a philosopher?

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