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Use Use

Effects Effects

Abuse (d4) 1. disorder Abuse (d4) 1.

2. Exhaustion 3. 2.
delirium 3.
4. Blindness 4.
overdose Heart failure overdose: permanent phobia d6 1.
2. 3. 4.
5. 6.

Use Use
Effects Effects
Abuse (d2) 1. laughing
Abuse (d4) 2. hallucinations
1. Melancholic
2. Happy overdose: Time distorsion
3. Confused
4. Terrified

And the dealer is… (d4):
2. Use
sweetife, stinks ss
1. kn Use

bite Abuse (d3) 1. Narcosis

2. Auditive hallucinations
3. scream
Abuse (d3) 1. Paralysed 2. Internal deaf
liquefaction 3. overdose: dark horned man
3. gang e infirm
al pric

4. ageless spiritu overdose: painful agony

Use Effects
Abuse (d3) necrosis Abuse (d3) 1. burn 2.
1. 2. catatonic state 3. Partial
3. Blindness
overdose: Possessed overdose:

* : Prices may vary dependng on scarcity, add +1d6s whenever necessary

Mörk Drügs is an independent production by Olivier Delattre and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party Licence.
Abilities and tests Combat
AGILITY Defend, balance, swim, flee INITIATIVE D6:
PRESENCE Perceive, aim, charm, wield Powers
1–3  Enemies begin
STRENGTH Crush, lift, strike, grapple
4–6  Player Characters begin
TOUGHNESS Resist poison/cold/heat, survive falling
individual: Agility + d6
Roll d20 ± ability equal 6 incredibly simple
to or greater than DR 8 routine MELEE DR12 STRENGTH
to succeed. Creatures 10 pretty simple RANGED DR12 PRESENCE
don’t add any ability, 12 normal DEFENCE DR12 AGILITY
only roll an unmodified 14 difficult
d20 against the DR. 16 really hard
18 should not be possible
Attack: ×2 damage, armor/

Adventuring protection reduced one tier.

Defence: PC gains a free attack.


2–3 Kill! Catch breath heal d4 HP Attack: Weapon breaks or is lost.
4–6 Angered A night's sleep heal d6 HP Defence: PC takes double
7–8 Indifferent damage, armor is reduced
9–10 Almost friendly Infection: No healing when one tier.
11–12 Helpful resting. Take d6 damage each day.


If you roll over the • The leader is killed 1. light 2. medium* 3. heavy**
creature's Morale, d6: • Half the group is eliminated −d2 −d4 −d6
1–3 Flees • Lone enemy has 1/3 HP left *+2 DR Agility tests
4–6 Surrenders **+4 DR Agility tests (Defence +2 DR)


1 Fall unconscious for d4 rounds,
Powers /scrolls awaken with d4 HP.
2 Roll a d6: 1–5 = Broken or
severed limb. 6 = Lost eye.
Can’t act for d4 rounds then
A PC can use their Make a Presence DR12 test. become active with d4 HP.
Powers a total of Failure means the Power doesn't 3 Haemorrhage: death in d2
Presence + d4 times work and the caster takes d2 HP hours unless treated. All tests
per day. Roll the total damage, becomes dizzy for an hour are DR16 the first hour. DR18
amount every day. and cannot use Powers during that the last hour.
time. For fumbles, see page 44. 4 Dead.
d100 reasons 27
why oh why didn’t you study law?
a sewer rat bites your feet
you hit yourself over the calf
you trip yourself as you stride forward
you laugh at their weakness. Try and hit me
is that blood? You spend your turn wiping it off
the enemy parries and turns towards a tougher opponent
the enemy kicks your the shin before you can act

you miss an attack

31 your weapon is suddenly heavy 68 bullseye. If you wanted to hit the wall
32 blocked by a shield, classic 69 the enemy moves at the last second
33 your eye pops out - you spend your turn putting it back 70 a menacing fart from another PC
34 after sprinting forward you suddenly lack air, you gasp 71 you over extend but regain your footing – or do you?
You idiot. 35 you close your eyes and hope for the best 72 you forgot to draw your weapon
36 a chilling sound as your weapon drags across the floor 73 you realize you should have stayed home in the gutter
37 a grueling growl – you are hungry 74 if God is dead, why kill more people?
38 you sweat excessively and have to switch hands 75 a chandelier in the ceiling interrupts your swing
39 you swing widly and accidentially hit someone else 76 you flourish your weapon and catch it upside-down
40 you strike at their legs, they jump incredible high 77 your fathers lack of approval paralyzes you with sadness
41 you hit the enemy with the non-lethal side of your weapon 78 you deliver a fierce and menacing stab. but the enemy moves
Created by Philip Jensen 42 you make an impressive flourish. Incredible! 79 you fumble your weapon but quickly pick it up
43 eye contact. is that empathy? disgust? 80 your horoscope was right. This isn’t your day
If you like it, consider 44 you start debating with yourself 81 your last meal or the lack thereof kicks in, badly
subscribing at 45 a swing and a miss. This ain’t baseball 82 a looming fog disturbs your vision
46 you hit the ground so hard, you drop your weapon 83 you see double and strike the non-existing enemy
47 after swinging your weapon for so long you’re tired 84 your weapon goes through the opponents chest. They laugh
01 a cold shiver runs down your spine 48 the sound of pottery breaking makes you shiver, mom? 85 your weapon hits right between their body and their arm
02 a classic parry, how underwhelming 49 if the world is ending, why even fight? 86 the enemy drags their nails across a chalkboard
03 pain in your liver. You stop your movement 50 the enemy stops the blade with his hand 87 you step back. Surely the others can finish this
04 you get a sense that someone is horrible at rolling dice 51 the lack of clean air makes you dizzy 88 you decide it’s better to wait out the violence
05 an incredible sound echoes as you hit absolutely nothing 52 you put away your weapon and crack your knuckles 89 your blade hits some furniture. It’s stuck – fuck
06 you cut off a finger, but the enemy just laughs it off 53 a raven intervenes at the exact moment of impact, it dies 90 the enemy’s hair blows as you miss their face by an inch
07 you strike. They parry. You jump back. Defeated for now 54 a kick whirls dirt into your eyes 91 the enemy roars. Their horrible breath sickens you
08 the steel from the enemy’s weapon temporarily blinds you 55 you hit the foul stench in the room 92 a horrifying squeak from a carrion owl startles you
09 you hit the enemy in a mirror, it shatters! 56 you crack your neck and roar something metal 93 sweat gets in your eyes
10 you are tired of being told what to do! Attack? No way. 57 you contemplate your whole life and decide to hold back 94 you slide aggressively. The enemy just steps over you
11 you strike with immense force, but the armor is too thick 58 you stand idle for 10 seconds – like an idiot 95 you swing for the neck and hit, had the enemy been taller
12 maybe your quest giver lied? Why are you even here? 59 as if your weapons is made of rubber it wobbles on impact 96 deja-vu. You stop for a second. Is this real?
13 a chill. You turn to see there’s nobody behind you 60 you hit their armor and strip off a teeny tiny bit 97 a friend is hit and you turn in fear as they scream
14 the sound of silver interrupts you. You start grinning 61 the enemy rips off their arm, and parries with it 98 you swing your weapon and dust whirls. You sneeze
15 you slap the enemy. They laugh at your weak attempt 62 you decide yelling might work best. For now 99 you make a small cut over the enemy’s cheek
16 you swing not once, not twice, but three times and miss 63 trying to toy with the enemy you make an obvious miss 100 your weapon breaks even though you did not fumble
17 a reflection in your weapon blinds you
18 the voices disturb you, and you stab into nothing
19 you swing for the fences
20 blood gets in your eye
21 a lot of air died
22 you try reasoning with the enemy
23 you slip slightly in a pile of blood
24 a foul stench makes you nauseous
25 images from your last kill haunts you
26 voices. Oh the voices!
The world of MÖRK BORG can crush the hopes Want to take away that hope? The event has an
of any wanderer. Need to give your players a optional dark twist on the right of the page.
small bit of hope or respite? Then roll on this table.



bats (of no nutritional value)

Why does it taste like ash?

where is their head

Some of them are human.

Here’s a modification to the way being broken and dying works. It’s inspired by the Scars
table in Cairn by Yochai Gal (which is itself a hack of Into the Odd), which works in a similar
way as being broken in MÖRK BORG. This modification makes MÖRK BORG a little more
forgiving, increasing your chances of survival while also adding in a handful of new ways
for your character to be messed up by their near-encounter with death.
When you are at 0 HP or lower, roll a d10 + your Toughness + your current HP, then look
up the result on the table below. If you take damage while at 0 HP or lower, roll again.
Lasting Scar Roll a d6: 1, neck; 2, hands; 3, eye; 4, chest; 5, legs; 6, ear. You have
10+ a grisly scar there now. Shaken for d2 rounds, then snap back with d6 HP.

9 Knocked Out Fall unconscious for d4 rounds, then awaken with d4 HP.
Disturbed As for Knocked Out, but roll a d6: on a 1–4, gain a new terrible trait; on a
8 5–6, gain a new bad habit.

7 Re-combobulated Roll a d4: 1, Strength; 2, Agility; 3, Presence; 4, Toughness.

Re-roll that ability as if you were creating a new character.
Broken Bone Roll a d6: 1, right arm; 2, left arm; 3, right leg; 4, left leg; 5–6, ribs.
6 A bone in the area is broken. Can’t act for d4 rounds, then resume action with d4 HP.

Infection Become infected; if already infected, become severely infected, which takes
5 twice as much medicine to heal and means d8 HP is lost per day. Squirm for d2
rounds, then grin and bear it with d2 HP.
Mutilation Roll a d10: 1–2, right arm; 3–4, left arm; 5–6, right leg; 7–8, left leg; 9,
4 right eye; 10, left eye. A limb is severed or mangled beyond repair, or an eye is lost.
Writhe in pain for d4 rounds, then push it out of your mind with d4 HP.

3 Hemorrhage Die in d2 hours unless treated. All tests are DR+4 for the first half and
DR+6 for the second half.
Bleeding Out Die in d6 minutes unless quickly treated within the same
2 number of rounds. All tests are DR+4.
1 or
Dead Even this generous modification could not save you.

J a b b o rg
DR-2 t
o hit, b
due to u t DR+2 t
its whif o hit w
full HP f li ng. Wh ith ran
in d4 m en ‘sla ged at
in in ’, regen tacks
HP 36 u tes if n
Morale ot dec erates
10 Tou apitate
Claw 2 gh hide d.
d8 Bit - d 2
Eye Be e 2 d 6
ams 2d
Burblin 4 + 2d4
g d4 ne to ano
arby c ther cr
DR10 o r e eature
r be di atures
sturb test PR
unaffe E

d o r d 8 zweih to
r d d6 einh
än eature
S w o es a cr
M ö rk a la 19–20. If damagee is instantly killedck”.
r e d u c a n d
Crits o
n creatu ker-sna
o r lo w er, the e r s ays “snic
0 HP y
the pla
ated if

You must kill a living
creature daily or you die
come nightfall. A three-
faced cadaver tells you
this in a dream.

2. Y
2.  ou are cursed to always fail.
Whenever you attempt something 11. Any tool you
for the first time, roll three dice use breaks.
and pick the worst outcome.
12.  Wherever you go,
3. Y
3.  ou now trust everyone you meet.
the ghosts of your past
They instinctively know this.
friends, parents or
mentors follow. They
4.  You cannot see, hear or in any
won’t shut up about how
way perceive living creatures
much of a disappointment
within 5 feet of you.
and failure you are. 17. 
17. Your voice is amplified by
5. You cannot lie.
5. the sound of buzzing flies.
13. Unintelligent
13. Unintelligent creatures
In D
In D4+1 days, flies start
always instinctively
6. Blood seeps endlessly from your crawling out of your mouth.
attack you. Intelligent
palms and feet. The wounds do
creatures dislike you. 18.  You
18. You cannot die. Your body
not heal. You leave a crimson
trail wherever you go. can still be broken, beaten,
14.  Black mold spreads in
14. crushed, pierced and mauled.
your veins. You must lift And it still hurts. But you are
7. You cannot talk normally, only the curse in D4 + 7 days never released from agony
scream at the top of your lungs. or die. A ghost tells you until everything blackens
each dawn how many and burns.
8. Slowly but surely, you are
8. remain.
transformed into a giant 19.  Whenever you lie down to
cockroach. In D4+4 days, 15.  Wherever you go, black
15. sleep, it feels as if youʼre
your body is insectoid, beyond cats follow in great drowning. Which you are.
your control. After 3 more numbers. In 2D 2D6+4 days, Each morning, you vomit
days, your mind is gone. a black goat comes to brine and youʼre not rested.
you in your sleep and
9. Glass shatters violently carries you away to 20.  You
20. You cannot feel joy, pleasure
in your presence. the Void Eternal. or satisfaction. Life is
miserable and pointless.
16. You cannot walk past
16. You amount to nothing.
10.  Your hands are covered in a
mud or filth without No one cares about you.
black, tarry gunk that sticks
rolling in it like a
to everything you touch. Also, now you’re cursed
swine. Washing hurts. with a headache.
It’s highly flammable.
by Johan Nohr

What is the price d10

for this knowledge?
1. 3d10 silver and a kiss.
2. A dangerous errand in a
dangerous place.
3. A week of hard work.
4. Your darkest secret.
5. A single drop of blood.
6. Your soul. Whatever that means.

They say one can

7. A human sacrifice.
8. Nothing. Or so they say.
help you. Who? d10 9. Everything you own.
10. You trade it for another curse.
1. Ketel-Erg, an eyeless hermit
who once lifted a curse, they say.
2. Hukan II, penniless prince,
once a curse-crafter himself.
So how do I
get rid of this? d12
Now a wreck lost in malaise.
3. Ulv and Jóte, twin scryers at
Anthelia’s Alliáns court. 1. Coat a mirror in a snake’s saliva.
4. Tüwold the Red. Former priest Pour ash and salt in a metal bowl.
now rotting in King Fathmu’s Watch yourself cry into it.
dungeons for murdering dozens 2. Sleep under the full moon wearing
one crazed night. Claims to have the flesh of a predator.
been possessed by a devil. 3. Create a spell-breaking talisman
Hidden in the crypt of Iktin is from a sinner’s skull and the wraith’s
a tome, “Souls of Distemper”, ectoplasm, then have a priest consecrate
in which various anti-hex it. Carry this with you at all times.
rituals are described. Derkan 4. For 3 nights, you must share the bed
the trollkiller knows its with an undead. You cannot touch.
location but will not go there. 5. Create a clay effigy of your mother
6. Belt, young boy whispering and have a troll break it during a
untold, esoteric secrets in downpour. You must ignore the pain.
his sleep. Heavily guarded. 6. Go without food for 6 days and 6 nights.
7. Völtu, witch of Meadow Death. Then eat the heart of a sinner.
She lives in the obsidian mouth 7. Murder an innocent in a cruel manner.
of a lifelike giant statue. Their ghost will haunt you forever.
8. Agan-Krit. To summon this 8. Gather corpseweed, murk nail and
demon, you must first burn an wailer’s leaf; burn them with dried
unclean scroll and inhale the grass. Stand in the vapors and recite
smoke. There is no known way the Prophecy until you pass out.
to banish it again. 9. Walk naked into the deepest, darkest
9. Krugan of the Deathless Crag. room of a cursed place and return
This lich is guarded by a unscathed. Take nothing. Leave nothing.
ghastly knight who won’t let 10. Kill
10. Kill a person of royal blood and
any living being enter the cave. befriend one of their family members.
10. Father
10. Father Calth, High Deacon 11. Sacrifice
11. Sacrifice three goats and a good dog
of the Basilica of Gorgh. to Nechrubel.
Will not see unbaptized people. 12. Swim
12. 35
Swim alone in a dark lake on a moonless
night. A being from Beyond will come and
eat the curse. But whatever you do, do not
Roll 3d12. Read these tables from A to C. Save the dice.

TABLE A d12 with it’s
1 dragging one limb blood-caked fur, hissing and it cuts like a knife.
2 bent like a coat hanger filthy claws like swords,
bleeding from every orifice.
3 winged and flapping blood-shot eyes, radiating a dizzying magnetism.
distorted, walking shrunken arms, clucking twisted words.
on the “wrong” limbs
5 over-endowed in tentacles throbbing exposed glands, fading in and out of sight.

6 shimmering as if unreal acid-wet flesh, crooning disgustingly.

7 ash-grey, wide-eyed a face like a absorbing all sound,

and ghost-gaunt rotting intestine, eerie dead quiet.
8 blindingly white impaling spikes, spasmodically skittering close.
9 crawling like liquid a broad sewer-reeking maw, dying, dead, perhaps reanimated.
10 clearly once-human scabious feathers,
covered in its own spawn.
11 vibrating and steaming
like a kettle protruding bones, leaking sulfuric, corrosive
oil from its bulbous gut.
12 visibly necrotic long, wispy hair, more metal than flesh.

Look at the dice you rolled.

The greatest result is its MORALE. 1–3 d4
The lowest result is its DAMAGE: 4–5 d6
Use the middle or the high result 6–7 d8
for a more powerful creature. 8–10 d10
11–12 d12
Whichever table has the highest
result determines its ARMOR:
Roll the damage die,
Table A No armor doubling the result
Table B -d2 armor to generate its HP.
Table C Odd result: -d4 armor A d8 damage creature
Even result: -d6 armor has 2–16 HP (2d8).

Now burn the dice
More than anything, encoun
it wants to … d20 ns
13. E
l a v e all it
rs and
o v e r l ifeless l a y e d skin.
1. C
ollect fresh body parts. 14. 
w i t h warm
roo m s
Devour every living thing it seizes. Nechrubel.
15. Collect eyes to see
Escape something worse
(roll another creature). Cook fresh meat in its
ever-burning hearth.
4. R
evel in fear—mutilates or
traumatizes rather than kills. Be sympathized with,
petted and cooed over.
5. Find and rule fresh territory. Reacts violently if not.
6. P
raise its obscure god through combat, Make necklaces of fingers.
constructing idols from the slain.
Become one with another creature.
7.  19. B
uild stitched-skin
Or a PC. dolls stuffed with hair.
ake its way to SHE.
8. M
The bald have no worth.
Die, but not alone.
Specifically an
10. Build a treasure hoard of silver, d
permanently trau
iron and blood-stained steel. matize
one survivor in
11. Defend its territory. to
total insanity.
12. Mate, birthing a wondrous
new horror.

10. R
 are-and valuable!
200s (alive)
TERRIBLE TRAITS d20 150s (severed head)
80s (vial of blood).
prays acid every other round.
1. S
Normal damage, but 2-in-6 chance of 11. Extrudes a mist of
reducing armor one tier (additional deadly infectious spo
d4 damage without armor). Everyone in contact rol
a d20, dying on a 1.
2-4. C
an, and will converse.
Attempts to persuade PCs 12. 
Visibly tumescent.
to assist its aim. Explodes in a cascad
of boiling blood upo
5. C
an speak and humiliates death: d12 damage
the PCs. -2 Presence for distributed among
the fight’s duration.
13. M
ultiplies! When taking
Loves choking its victims
6.  exactly 1 damage it splits.
and observing their slow The new creature is
death (-d4 HP/round). weaker (½ HP and Morale,
Test Agility DR10 to avoid, reduce armor and damage
Strength DR14 to escape. die one step).
7. E
xists partly in an anti-arcane 14. Petrifying Gaze
, Breath
dimension. In the vicinity, or Sting. Ever
y 3 rounds
Powers do not work. tries to petrif
y a random
errifyingly fast:
8. T PC. Test Presen
ce DR10 or
Attacks and Defense are DR14. have your soul
enclosed in a
9. R
oll on this table every statue.
3 rounds. Rolled again, 15+ Terrible, but no
every second round, etc. in a great way.

d86 Otherworldly Summons


► Otherworldly Summon Fissures in space and time allow osmosis. A creature

steps forth which is compelled to help you for one day.

11 Breen A human-looking man, draped in denim. He carries a black

mirror and claims to know the future. Breen relentlessly
drones on in a wooden voice about his quest to erase all
corruption by "slaying the BAD." No emotion ever distorts
his face. HP 8 ꜜ MORALE 10 ꜛ DENIM -1 ꜝ CLUB d4


A creature made of brass and steel. It is ancient, walking
a dead metal world for eons after slaying its creator.
Blades seep and harden from its body at will. Warmongers
built the MEKANOID ABOMINNON for total annihilation.
HP 14 || MORALE — || METAL FRAME -d6 || BLADES 3d6

13 A plucky, short-statured rogue with a biting

pony attitude who's missing his right hand. Ser
Darren was sure that the chest was untrapped, and he paid with
his extremity for the erroneous assumption. Still, he's got
charisma in spades. Wears a filigree copper replica of his hand
and carries a plethora of smoke bombs.
⎘ Carries 2d6 smoke bombs which obfuscate a large area.

Obsidian 14 REAPER
An automaton made of black obsidian. Fragile but deadly. The obsidian reaper
feels at home in the shadows; only a soft whirring gives away its presence.
It wields an enchanted black scythe that cuts the hardest steel like spoiled
butter, but has trouble with gentle things like feathers and silk.
HP 5 . MORALE — . OBSIDIAN -d2 . SCYTHE d4 (ignores damage reduction)


A wizened sage and pariah, clothed in a yellow robe. He scours the land for
forgotten herbs and the blood of goblins. Vrög the Lesser himself suffers
from the dreaded goblin curse, but keeps it at bay with mysterious potions.
Carries d4 POTIONS OF GROWTH. The potion triples a creature's size
and damage dice.

Bamokut the Enigma

An uplifted tapir. Its eyeless head, with no sockets at all, sees clearly. The
enigma's brutal teeth and claws stand in contrast to its exaggeratedly articulate
way of speech and euphonious, deep voice. The enigma's body fades away when it
dies and only a blurry skull is left behind (it gives the DREAM ability).
DREAM: Bamokut the Enigma sends a nightmare into a creature's mind. It must
successfully test DR8 Presence or be confused, attacking imaginary foes and
taking d4 damage.

The King of Nothing 21

A doll-entity with the looks of a ten-year-old. They have long,
disheveled hair with a gaunt face and sunken eyes. Only covered with
ragged cloth, bare-footed. In their mouth hides a rusted blade. An
ancient design, and sharp despite the thick layer of oxidized metal. Only
those with a diamond will can lift the King of Nothing's blade.
HP 16 ⧫ MORALE — ⧫ CLAY -d2 ⧫ SWORD d8
A steel-clad warrior wielding a cumbersome hunk of a

sword. Ulcus's gear is pockmarked, rusted, brittle.
Beneath the armor lie painful boils and blisters.
Ulcus's boils burst in a sickening display when an enemy strikes him,
spreading puss and disease, INFECTING the combatant.

23 Thespian Carlotta [DIED IN A STAGE ACCIDENT]

This undead diva had her burgeoning career tragically cut short.
She is embittered yet sensitive—to her own needs—playing the victim
in all situations.
Deals d6 damage with snide remarks and gives the characters a d4 bonus to all
tests to coerce, persuade or intimidate.

Sarrah the Vexed 24

5'2" (158 cm), yellow hair, pale, almost translucent skin. She
fights with fists, hands wrapped in red bandages.

An English bulldog with a cursed collar that allows

25 it communication. Devours UNCLEAN magic which
sometimes sends it into an eating frenzy. People, stones, anything.

A kobold knight, dressed in mismatched armor. It drags along an
oversized maul, at least for its size, but swings at its enemies'
heads with great precision.
31 Antoinette
A tall, red-headed warrior who hails from an alien world. She is clad
in a dark suit of heavy bio-armor, shimmering purplish-black. The armor
is integrated into her body, never to be removed.



Draped in tattered, flowing robes. Furs once most refined. Cenn Cong
wields an iron hook and bears a sopping sack of severed heads.


Cenn Cong pulls one head from its sack and rams it into the iron hook. The
head speaks an augury and falls to dust.

33 Agenat the Plague Bringer

A middle-aged man with rotting, pockmarked skin. He sings of the
glory of the coming plague. Mushrooms of every size grow on Agenat's
body, creating a cloud of spores wherever he walks.
Agenat shakes his censer, spreading spores. Creatures near him
violently cough for d4 rounds and take 1 damage.

An alien god of stories. The blue-skinned kabuki warrior wears a

cursed oni mask and wields a smoldering naginata. Ranthalix Nexx
absorbs legends and makes them a reality.


Can damage two creatures next to each other. ↲

35 Bosch Jernsern >>>

A fetid mountain of a beast that might have been human once. In
one hand, rotund Bosch wields a cracked decanter filled with vile,
demonic fluids. In the other, a grotesquely twisted, smoking branch
from which Bosch draws vapors into its tarry lung.

36 Carrie Diseasez
Vampire, scientist, and witch. Has a flair for the dramatic. Carrie wears a live
chicken as a backpack, which is stuffed with all sorts of potions and poisons.

HP 12 ↥ MORALE 6 ↥ NO ARMOR ↥ BITE d4 (a successful attack heals d4 HP)

SPECIAL (CHICKEN SURPRISE): The chicken contains d4 random potions from
the Occult Herbmaster table.
41 Fogrim
A creature shrouded in fog and eternal darkness. Razor-talons sprout from
its right claw. The left claw is nothing more than a bony sickle.
Purple fog obscures the area. Breathing creatures must
successfully test DR12 Toughness or take d4 damage.

42 Hoggite the Horrendous

A pig-man the size of a chunky bear. He wears tattered rags made from the
sewn skin of those unfortunate enough to cross him. Putrid body waste
sticks to Hoggite's fur, spreading the stench of death.



43 Arioch Morningstar
A taciturn high elf. His black hair reveals blue highlights in bright
sunlight. Sadly, the sun will never rise again. In his world, Arioch
is the leader of militant druids. He uses his enchanted axe to restore
balance as he sees fit.


(deals double damage against unwounded)

Död Rät 44

A traveling hermit. He survives in the hidden places but never stays

for long. Död Rät carries an unopenable book and appears in a wagon
with a jet-black donkey. He wears a dark robe and a permanent scowl on
his ruddy, sharp face.
(knows your horrible truth)

A cursed mage who literally lost his luck because of his occult interest
in the otherworld. Mizvho rolls on the ARCANE CATASTROPHES table when he
fails a Presence test to use Powers.
Carries an unclean scroll of "Xenoglossia". The target must successfully
test DR12 Presence or, for d6 hours, forget all languages, but learn the
cursed language of goblins.

Gaius Baelheart

A berserker gargoyle with a lust for blood and quest for vengeance. His
weapons are his claws and fangs—both designed to rip and tear until the
work is done.
HP 18 | MORALE — | STONE -d6 | CLAWS d6 + FANGS d4

51 A slightly built, pale, sarcastic woman with a
monocle, dressed in a black doublet, pantaloons, fancy boots, and an
absurd hat with cherries on it. Understands any technology immediately.
CHARGES Thrice per day, the sword deals an additional d4 damage.
⥲ CONDUCTOR Ignores damage reduction of metal armor.


Max has a smirk and a mischievous glint in his eyes. He carries a necklace
with a multitude of tiny, glowing glass vials attached (d6+6). Each vial
contains a VENG EF U L S O U L, which runs free after their prison breaks.


The youngest son of the last-born child of the king. Theris has about
twenty pretenders standing between him and the throne. While being
an utter coward in a fight, he delights in describing in great, gory
detail how he plans to murder each of his unwashed siblings.

54 A reborn bard who was given new life after

a dissatisfied crowd murdered him during a

performance. Now, Mads wanders. With his face hidden beneath a hood,
he shares grand stories and songs. Then, before history repeats
itself, Mads slaughters the audience.


Mads plays a cursed requiem on his lute. Creatures that hear the
agonizing melody take 1 damage.

Andrea of the Black Flames 55

Instead of hair, the corrupted flames of hell dance on her head.
HP 7 ⱡ MORALE 8 ⱡ NO ARMOR ⱡ BLACK FLAMES 4d4 (attack hits on DR5)
Andrea attacks with a torrent of flames summoned from the chaotic abyss.
A missed attack starts a wildfire that reduces everything and everyone
within a mile radius to black ash.

56 Freydis Sigblotsdottir
A woman filled with guttural daring, capable of summoning both fire
and ice, consumed with self-gratifying energy, moving zeal, and
endlessly prepared for great deeds.
>> The greatsword Feondhrebor deals double damage against fiends and the like.

>> The cursed plate robs the wearer of their senses when falling below half maximum HP.

61 Tiny Tina

Tiny Tina stands 4 feet tall. Dressed in bright green, tatty clothes,
and a top hat, she resembles a traditional Irish leprechaun. Her ginger-
gray hair drapes in frizzles from her spectacled, aged face. Gold chains
and rings are her jewelry of choice, of which she wears a plethora.
Once per day, Tiny Tina pulls d6+1 cats from her top hat and sends them
into combat. They have 1 HP and deal 1 damage.

62 Pontonius the Castilian

A rapier-wielding, skull-cracked skeleton clad in scrap armor.
Pontonius's grim and mocking personality doesn't help him making new
friends, but he is willing to fight for a cause to die again.

Schmoel Osteen

Schmoel is an arrogant, pompous, manipulative, false prophet of the
Two-Headed basilisk. His only redeeming skill is manipulating everyone
around a single cause. He has more money than he could ever spend, yet
still separates others from their coin to grow his wealth.


A creature must successfully test DR18 Presence or despair after
hearing its fate, taking d12 damage. Only works once per target.

64 The Gorgoreth
A pain-bringer who started her life as a barmaid, eventually becoming
a successful establishment owner. After having it all, she meddled
with otherworldly forces and paid the price. Struts enforce her dirndl
and spiky boots penetrate her foes. Gorgoreth wields a glowing-hot
flail that howls when crushing its victims.

65 Michael G. Palmer
Average height, athletic build, blue eyes, piercing stare. Armed with a
razor-edged naval cutlass and has a backup knife concealed in his left boot.


Thirsty Jonathan 66
An eternal thirst-demon of dust. It sucks the moisture from its
victims and rides a monstrous camel.
HP 23 ⦁ MORALE 5 ⦁ DEMON HIDE -d4 ⦁ DESICCATE d6 (always hits)
71 Boondezdorff
A ruddy-faced, rotund man wearing a stained gray tunic, a faded, red
cloak, and beat-up riding boots. His dented helmet misses its face-plate,
long lost and forgotten. In one hand, Boondezdorff holds a dented tankard
that never runs out of ale. In the other, a human thigh bone that never
runs out of meat. Loves to laugh loudly at his awful jokes.


Appearing outwardly like an old and confused academic of the occult
sciences, this being is dressed in ill-fitting robes and carries
numerous magical tomes. Its eyes are sunken and its pallid flesh barely
clings to neon bones. Human minds cannot fathom the eldritch horror
that lies within this innocuous-looking shell.
Ambiorix reveals shifting reality
within its body. A target creature must successfully test DR16 Presence
or be reduced to a babbling, mindless heap for d8 rounds.

A skin-suit filled with butterflies. Wears a cape with

73 Papillo prints of colorful eyes. Carries a bag of salted eyeballs.


74 Petus the Cat

A cat. It is as beautiful as it is annoying.


SPECIAL (BEAUTIFUL EYES): A target creature must successfully test DR12
Presence or defend Petus from its enemies.

A burly, mustached warrior from a jungle world. Felipe is

a patient warrior who fills his enemies' hearts with fear.

His backpack contains a writing kit and his tea service—

Felipe some personal effects needed when the dust settles and
Felipe has time to rest and recuperate.


76 Porridge
A hapless guard wearing disgusting leather armor. He carries with him a
femur into which he carves obscenities when bored. Porridge's waterskin is
full of stew that contains molded meats, his favorite dinner.

81 Götz von Berlichingen
An aged knight of the Holy Empire. With his iron fist raised high into
the air, he led a peasant uprising to dispose of the cannibal emperor.
The peasants lost and died, after which the emperor ate their hearts.
Götz von Berlichingen fled to fight another day.
HP 13 ⧳ MORALE 4 ⧳ PLATE MAIL -d6 ⧳ SWORD d6 and IRON FIST d2

82 Ragnarr Loðbrók
A warrior king and expert sailor. Ragnarr honed his skills during raids
on alien shores. A true explorer, king, and farmer.

HP 8 ⨳ MORALE 9 ⨳ LEATHER -d2 ⨳ AXE d6 ⨳ SHIELD -1 damage

An immortal mage who has forgotten all about himself and his arcane
powers. Before being summoned into this dying world, he lived a sorry
life in the gutters of a techno-autocracy.
Regenerates his body and revives himself after 1 hour of death. >>>

>>> To his surprise, learns a random Power when summoned.

An aging strategist and quasi-king. Gaius has conquered barbarian lands

Gaius Iulius
and conquered his own people. His summoning came in the nick of time,
shortly before being stabbed to death on the floor of the senate.


While on the battlefield, Gaius expertly instructs his allies. Add d4 to
all ATTACK and DEFENCE tests.

85 Christian Eichhorn
An author ill-equipped for combat. He is not too pleased to appear as a
summon, chastising the summoner for their poor choice and bad luck.
Once per day, Christian can rewrite the reality of the past minute.


Verhu, Avatar of the Basilisk

The head Verhu couldn't figure out what the SCVM are rushing around and
dying for, so he decided to experience it himself. He fashioned a human
avatar from clay and blood to walk the land. Upon the avatar's destruction,
HE manifests in all HIS glory to eat the offender. Gorgh doesn't care in
the slightest and spews insults.
Sells for 100 silver. Counts as a normal-sized item. Breaks on a fumbled attack/
defense. Wielder must have at least Presence +3 or be a Forlorn Philosopher.

1. Dream Theory 6. Time-Locked Pneumotoxin

The target begins to doubt This cracked tablet can be crushed to a coarse
it is real. Attacking and powder. If strewn upon a creature, it takes d6
defending against it are DR-2 damage-on a 6 it chokes and dies. The tablet
(DR+2 for affected PCs). reappears each morning in its owner’s possession.
This Power’s Presence test is harmless to the
wielder, instead determining whether or not the
2. Total Matter Comprehension powder finds the target.
Mends or breaks a normal-sized
item, mundane or otherwise,
including armor (increase/ 7. Induced Irrelevance
decrease one tier) and weapons. This tablet’s code literally removes a creature’s
essential meaning for d4 rounds. During this time,
enemies will not attack it, even if it attacks them.
3. Ping the Shared Subconscious
You sense the presence of
living creatures within 70 8. Structural Cryo­condensation (Freezing Moon)
feet, even in adjacent rooms. Water freezes from the air, forming a 15-foot-long
bridge; or all water within 150 feet (unfortunately
excluding that within living creatures) freezes.
4. Logical Prognostication
Using Pure Logic, you can
deduce the nature of any 9. Meta-Alchemy 10. Memetic Cognitive Palpitation
traps or mechanisms within The user may transform a Near-imperceptible body
30 feet or of any Powers container of liquid one shifts transmit a simple
used within 60 feet. of the following ways: mind-plague that causes one
Transmute it into
@  creature to dance madly for
two doses of red or d4 rounds. They may neither
5. Carno-Organic black poison. attack nor defend during
Speleophagy Create The Loathing
@  this choreomania.
Transmogrifies a child- of Vulark. The imbiber
sized rock into burnt, rolls a DR16 Toughness
chewy meat. Feeds d4 test or jumps from
famished people. great heights.
Transform poison to

water or wine.
Man? Woman?
Lost souls all.
d6 d8 Name
1 1 Aerg-Tval
d10 occult treasures
2 Agn
3 Arvant 1. Ash-grey ring a finger-­ 7. This torch burns for an
4 Belsum width wide. All that passes immortal hour. Hold it and
5 Belum through is obliterated. live. You can lose limbs and
6 Brint 2. The keening music of this enter negative HP but won’t
7 Börda small, vile flute animates die unless you drop the
8 Daeru a fetus-sized meat golem in torch or it burns out.
a nearby corpse. 8. Silver bird cage slays
2 1 Eldar whatever is placed behind
2 Felban HP 5 Morale - No armor
Bite d4, immune to Powers. its bars, slowly, over one
3 Gotven long night. That which is
4 Graft 3. A note explains: one taste killed reanimates twice
5 Grin from this Famine Spoon means as strong, as a raging
6 Grittr death from slow starvation. ­uncontrollable undead.
7 Haerü 4. The image of a being in this 9. Black Crown of the Crippled
8 Hargha malevolently-accurate mirror King. Wearing this crooks
shows only the shameful your body as you become
3 1 Harmug truth of their soul. aware that you and every
2 Jotna 5. Vampiric phurba. Heals you creature within 100 yards
3 Karg as it harms your target (d3), gain +10 to your rolls but
4 Karva but beware: after stealing your maximum HP is halved.
5 Katla a total of 6 HP, test Rolls modified to go above
6 Keftar Presence DR14 or become 20 count as crits. The
7 Klort addicted—you must then worn crown can only be
8 Kratar test Presence DR12 daily. removed in the pale light
Fail and you must stab of a full moon.
4 1 Kutz someone with the knife 10. Anyone wearing this ancient
2 Kvetin before next sunrise. blindfold becomes invisible
3 Lygan Or wither to ash and die to those who breathe though
4 Margar as the sun rises. the undead attack them
5 Merkari 6. 
A black pearl. If dropped obsessively and nearby
6 Nagl in darkness it rolls towards corpses awaken in moaning,
7 Niduk the nearest exit to day. unholy wrath.
8 Nifehl
5 1 Prügl
2 Qillnach
3 Risten
Traps and Devilry d12 Weather d12
6 Therg 1. Well dressed corpse, booby trapped 1. Lifeless grey
7 Torvul 2. Wall-holes shoot poisonous arrows 2. Hammering rain
8 Törn 3. Bells and marbles on the floor 3. Piercing wind
4. Scorpion-filled basket poised to fall 4. Deafening storm
6 1 Urm 5. Fish hooks hanging at eye level 5. Black as night
2 Urvarg 6. Chest marked with explosive runes 6. Dead quiet
3 Vagal 7. Lock trapped with vial of poison gas 7. Cloudburst
4 Vatan 8. Jewel removal leads to roof collapse 8. Soup-thick mist
5 Von 9. Slanted floor, translucent oil, pit 9. Crackling frost
6 Vrakh 10. Snake-cages on collapsing ceiling tiles 10. Irritating drizzle
7 Vresi 11. Evil urns release cold ghosts 11. Roaring thunder
8 Wemut 12. Coins coated in grime and poison 12. Gravelike cold
Corpse plundering d66
11-16: The remains of something worthless crumbles in your hands.
21. P ot filled with extremely 41. M  ap to a place 51. B
 lack Kergüs
potent itching ointment. that cannot ­dagger. 2d4 damage.
22. Necklace of human teeth. ­possibly exist.
23. B ag of angry, venomous moths. 52. Labelled ­poison
Test Toughness DR6 or die. 42. Unmarked bottle bottle. Test
with a liquid that T
­oughness DR12
24. Pocket full of broken glass,
shifts between red or lower random
PC takes d2 damage.
and green. ability by d4.
25. Mad manifesto. If read,
43. Bond. A local The ability can
test Presence DR12 or lose
potentate owes be increased when
1 Presence permanently
the holder a your character is
from confusion.
­sizable amount. improved.
26. Key to nearby locked door.
Stolen. 44. Death mask of 53. Scalp with long
31. Map to a weak but wealthy one of the PCs. black hair.
family’s house. 45. The ‘Water of 54. Golden ball with
Life.’ Heals d8. an ­invisible seam,
32. A hopeless amount of spiders.
Test Toughness twists open.
33. Metal cylinder with gun­powder
DR10 or go blind. 55. Bloodstained
and fuse. Roll a d6. 1–2 you
Highly alcoholic. knuckle-duster.
lose a hand. 3–6 3d10 damage
wherever it lands. 46. There was something 56. Two weighted dice.
very wrong with
34. Known and liked/despised
this one. Hands
witch-hunter’s face. Flayed. 61-66:
covered with
The result
 ote with PC’s names.
35. N something lukewarm,
in silver.
One is crossed out. brown and acidic.
36. T
 ortured pixie Take d2+1 damage
with torn-off and smell terrible
wings and gouged for d4 days.
out eyes.

Would you prefer the select menu? (4s) (d6)

1. B
raised chicken with dangerously
alcoholic wine-drenched apples.
2. S
piced rutabaga swede from dark
Sarkash soil, a delicacy.
3. G
algenbeckian stew with whole
embryonic boars. Delicious!
4. T
veland yam-hash with sliced
pungent tomb-truffle.
5. M
igol’s pie (blackened venison
and chicken bone broth jelly).
6. B
lack soup with baked hog face.

Ah, I see, you lack funds. (2s) (d6)

1. Watery femur soup. The femur is
large. It’s been there a while.
2. Thick Ooze soup! At least one chunk.
The Ooze is Pure, I assure you!
3. Sour celery pudding with a side of
4. Gloomberry Mix. (Toughness DR12
to avoid explosive diarrhea).
5. “Goblin’s Gall,” famous mud-swamp
broth. Sourced from local swamps!
6. B
aked Staring-Pig-Head with filled
Whispering-Lips. Most won’t touch it.

Why is the Innkeeper Twitching? (d10)

orat-Tug’s rowdy gang were recently
6. J
atleen “the Castrator” Keen, the
1. K
bandit Queen, is hiding in the loft. reanimated by... something. He’s too
Thinks you are the Lokr cult who
2.  scared to tell them they are dead.
promised to come in disguise and bury Old man Agar is exhibiting his
them alive (the cult is already here). infectious ulcers. Soon he’ll start
hree different children from three
3. T popping them to a jaunty beat.
different guest families vanished in One patron is clearly a disguised
the night without a sound or trace. necromancer. (Nearly all are, that
They say the Two-Headed Basilisks are
4.  one is just bad at disguises).
at large and searching for heathens. lear and audible scratching from
9. C
udging by the droppings, something
5. J the cellar hatch. Everyone else
has gotten into... well, everything ignores it.
(Toughness DR12 or lose d4 HP heir caged bird has stopped singing
10. T
vomiting.) and started speaking prophecy.

Patron traits (d20) sometimes also the patrons nickna

1. Filth. 6. Stinker. 12. Nags-a-lot. 16. No Nose.
2. Boozehound. 7. Braggard. 13. Archbishop 17. Tongueless.
3. One Eye. 8. Nosey.
4. Gum Rot. of Mockery 18. Oily Boy (Fancy
9. Hook Hand. (smirk ing bully).
5. Fancy Boy (half 10. Slurper. Boys half-brother).
14. Catastrophic Cough. 19. Trauma Dreams.
brother to Oily Boy). 11. Ag gro.
54 15. Hysterical Tears. 20. Acid Face.
d4 gambling dregs want to play

Three Dead Skulls

Bet a minimum of d6×10 silver.
Even more
score a winning combination or
Roll 3d6 and
your lose your bet.
lost souls
Name the innkeep,
h Bet an extra 10-30s to reroll any number
this to the tota of dice adding the treacherous
l bet. You can do this only once gamblers and the
h You can use a “coward” to reroll once more other patrons.
d6×5 silver whic . Put aside
h are not added to the total bet Or your new PC.
returned if you win. but
d4 d8
h If you do not score a combination, you lose 1 1 Skelh
If the lowest the bet.
die shows a 1 someone saw you
cheat and the gambling dregs want trying to 2 Burder
a fight.
Roll another d6: on a 1 you are
stabbed to death. 3 Jaurk
4 Thron
Winning combinations 5 Tarvl
6 Yvtuk
1 1 1 1 2 3 7 Urkin
2 2 2
Bet ×1.5 back Bet ×1.5 back 8 Gretil
Bet ×1.5 back
2 1 Lirk
3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 2 Galt
Bet ×2 back Bet ×2 back 3 Oren
Bet ×2 back
and a sword! and d4 doses 4 Morgar
life elixir 5 Fegan
4 5 6 6 6 6 6 Wakta
other straights 7 Sunn
Bet ×2 back Bet ×3 back (2-3-4 etc):
and a hardy 8 Gaust
and a Zweihänder Bet back
tame rat and d4 hardy 5–6 on d6: you are
tame rats. accused of cheating. 3 1 Gravuld
The gambling dregs 2 Krangel
want to fight!
3 Gneth
Gambling Dreg
4 Kluvrist
HP 5  Morale 7  Layers of rags
−d2 5 Mardul
Dull knife d2, one has a Sword d6
6 Qift-Mol
7 Klovan
Hardy Tame Rat
8 Dölun
HP 3  Morale –*  Shaggy fur −d2
Bite d4 (1-in-6 chance of biting the
4 1 Vükkan
carotid, instantly fatal)
2 Loga
*Unreliable animal that only obeys 3 Senkil
provided ½ a day’s food daily. 4 Domn
Each feeding there is a 1-in-6 5 Herkavul
chance it leaves. The rat feels it 6 Kathan
could do a lot better elsewhere. 7 Drugel
8 Schlefzum
Forty city events
d4 d10 What filth does the city vomit?
1 1 Exhausted corpse-carter heading for the graves with a full load.
2 d4 nobles promenading, beating people beneath them with gilded clubs.
3 Travelling weed-merchant asking for directions to the Seer’s.
4 Urchin painting “LISTEN!” with goat’s blood on a wall.
5 Passing wastecart/barge. The stench is unbearable.
6 Melancholic melodies from a broke, starving gutter bard.
7 There’s a dead body in the street. Not even the dogs seem to care.
8 Poor child crying in a corner. Lost, cold and alone.
9 The sudden cacophony of wings and croaks. A murder of crows.
10 Heavy rain. The streets are cleared as people seek shelter.

2 1 Fishmonger trying to fend off a pack of stray cats.

2 Procession of masked flagellants. Cursing and screaming.
3 Decadent acrobats, high and witless. Almost break their necks.
4 Family desperately trying to rebuild their burnt hovel.
5 Old man slumped against a wall. Panting, grabbing his heart.
6 Hopelessly depressed farmer stares at the sky. Has lost everything.
7 Heartbroken young fool seeking comfort in alley-found dregs.
8 Huge load of trash and waste splashes down, thrown from a window.
9 Old woman lying in the gutter. Someone stole her crutch.
10 Drunken clerk stumbling, falling. Scrolls and maps everywhere.

3 1 Rags-clad people fighting over bread. Guards watching. Placing bets.

2 Peglegged sailor stops the PCs to brag about the Angloarfish.
3 Laborers carrying a boat-size casket to an anonymous priest.
4 Penniless carpenter (so they say) trying to sell a worn crutch.
5 Patron violently escorted from a pub. Then robbed. Then stabbed.
6 A chittering wave of a hundred rats scurry across the street.
7 Group of ragtag scum playing Three Dead Skulls with weighted dice.
8 Suddenly, a crossbow bolt hits a nearby door. Someone is practicing.
9 Around the corner, a giant tree with a dozen hanged heretics.
10 Twenty people keeping warm around a bonfire. One is a Grift spy.

4 1 People keeping distance from a rabid dog rummaging in the trash.

2 Three hardened mercenaries pull a dead troll across the street.
3 Severely hungover chaplain cursing the state of things.
4 The smell of dry snuff, herbs and hash from a crowded market.
5 Two monkeys eating what’s left of a dead raven.
6 Explosion! Smoke and screams from a ruined alchemist’s workshop.
7 Demagogue yelling about prophecy falsehood. Guards on their way.
8 Devastated, eyeless peasant in a pillory. Begs for water.
9 Well-used, rusty guillotine being repaired and cleaned.
10 Occultist placing copper coins in intricate patterns.

Navigating the Ruins

1. Unholy chapel 1. Feeling of being watched
2. Intact tower 2. d3 frozen corpses
3. Cracked dome 3. As 2, one has minor treasure
4. Underground shrine 4. Trap! Test Agility or d6 damage
5. Fountain plaza 5. Fall into crypt, d3 damage
6. Walled garden 6. Roll random event (d6)
7. Black monolith 7. Roll random event (d10)
8. Overgrown ziggurat 8. Minor treasure in the open
9. Demon statuary 9. Minor treasure stashed away
10. Basalt mausoleum 10. Major treasure


1–2. Nothing happens. Yet. Eerily quiet. Cold.
3. Clouds drawn into the fog cloud, thunder roars.
4.  Clouds open up, revealing a weirdly colorful galaxy spiraling
around a massive black center. Is it getting bigger?
5.  Sudden arctic cold, lasting a few moments. Everything freezes.
6.  Discovered by d6 moaning undead that attack.
7.  d4 rot-priests approach carefully.
8.  d4 confident rot-priests with 2 horn beasts.
9.  Stalked by Sarku, who accidentally makes some noise before
hiding in the shadows. Easily discovered.
10.  Approached by Sarku, curious.
11.  Akünh, kneeling on the ground, resurrecting two corpses.
12.  Akünh approaches, wanting to know what these strangers are
doing here.


Worth 3d20 silver Worth 30+2d20 silver
1. Blasphemous idol 1. Demonic figurine with eyes
2. Charcoal black chalice that seem to follow
3. Bracelet of teeth 2. Void-black ring, heavier
4. Curved ritual dagger than it should be
5. Poisoned brooch 3. A handful of gemstones
6. Blood-stained coins 4. Mummified prophet’s head
7. Obsidian rod 5. Crystal ball
8. Iron devil mask 6. Unclean scroll

d66 surprises when looking for almost anything else
11. Naked human practicing their cartwheels. They don’t want any trouble.
12. Pale one, endlessly hungry. Serves you if you provide them with a week’s worth of food daily.
13. Pile of rocks vaguely shaped like one of the players themselves.
14. Music box with a figure of a dancing animal inside. No song ever plays.
15. Dozen freshly-baked sweet-rolls. A praise-hungry aspiring chef watches from afar.
16. Pile of d66 strange coins. They moan at your touch.
21. Strange lantern. Its flame changes to the color of the carrier’s eyes.
22. Bottle filled with an opalescent liquid, sitting on a rock. It’s only poison if the drinker thinks it isn’t.
23. Bedroll stained with crusty bodily fluids. Nearby, d3 days’ worth of rations also sullied.
24. Plot hook that the GM has been meaning to work into the session somehow.
25. Human halfway changed into a goblin. They beg to be killed.
26. Silence. Test Presence DR16 or d4 scum get the drop on you.
31. Hole. About arm-sized. Reach in and find a pouch of eyeballs—probably from goblins.
32. Wickhead as still as a statue. They attack if you stare for too long.
33. Overwhelming smell of urine and a femur.
34. Jabborgmörky (see page 15) comes your way, whiffling and burbling!
35. Recently-filled grave. The one buried is still alive.
36. Decrepit skeleton, bloody sword, bloody shield, and a goat’s head. Seems familiar somehow.
41. Human that says they want a hug. They really just want to vomit on you.
42. Some kind of mutt. Very friendly, actually. Can’t die unless named.
43. Two goblins fighting over a golden ring. Something muttered about a birthday present.
44. Group of 2d4 cultists (see pages 18–27) torturing d4 non-believers.
45. Random weapon covered in a mold equivalent to d6+1 doses of black poison.
46. Quantum elixir, d3 doses. Drinking it does whatever the GM wants it to do.
51. Still-burning fire. Test Presence DR12 or d4 berserkers get the drop on you.
52. Coffin with your name on it. If the one named gets in and closes the lid, they can’t ever be revived.
53. Sounds of a crying child. A blood-drenched skeleton is the source. Nearby, a bloody teddy bear.
54. Corpse just waiting to be plundered. Re-roll a corpse-plundering result of 11–16.
55. Porcelain doll worth 80s. Really an undead doll that will try to kill you in your sleep.
56. Last item you remember losing. Test Agility DR14 to grab it before it winks back out of existence.
61. Patch of grass that gives off strong ultraviolet light. Beware burns and blindness.
62. Spoiled monkey meat. d4 days’ worth. Test Toughness DR14 or be infected.
63. Electric lamppost from an odd faraway land. It doesn’t work, but it’d make a nice heavy maul (d8).
64. Earthbound making a hot drink out of bean juice and goat milk. It’s tasty and energizing.
65. Puddle of pink goo. d3+1 portions. Lapping up a portion restores 1 HP. Tastes like human flesh.
66. Roll twice more. Use both, use the better one, whatever.
d12-ish curses for weapons d8 liches
When you wield the curséd thing... 1. Tälvig. Can spend d3 HP to
1. Attacks and defences also fumble on a natural 13. create a blood-drenched skeleton
2. Reaction rolls are made with -2. under its control.
3. Powers used near the weapon also fumble on a natural 19. 2. Wravyn. Wields a cursed flail
(d8+1) that can channel its
4. Morale rolls are made with -2.
paralyzing touch.
5. Lose 1 additional HP when you take damage.
3. Ksamenla. Always under the
6. Tests of Toughness are DR+4. effect of the Power Metzhuotl
7. It screams profane and heretical absurdities. Blind Your Eye.
8. You cannot use Omens nor can they be used on you. 4. Urzön. Roll a d8 for an Arcane
9. It melds to your body permanently. Catastrophe; can afflict another
10. Your carrying capacity is halved. with it once per day.
11. Deal half damage to a nearby ally when you fail an attack. 5. Mbuzua. DR+4 to hit as it slips
12. Undead are drawn to you, even at great distance. between worlds, but attacks
against it also crit on a natural 19.
13. Die.
6. Istika. Half of the damage blocked
by its necro-barrier is reflected
d12-ish odd oddities back against the attacker.
1. Always-damp rope. When completely soaked in blood, it 7. Gotgha. Can attack twice per
becomes as rigid as steel. Very strong putrid odor. turn, but tests to defend against
each attack are made at DR-2.
2. Black ring. If one dies while wearing the ring, they return
as a wraith. As a wraith, nothing can restore their HP. 8.Sveratün. Cannot be harmed by
metal weapons, but necro-barrier
3. Ugly locket. If a chunk of one’s flesh is placed inside, said is only -d2.
one makes Reaction rolls at +2 toward the wearer.
4. Glass skull. When shattered, it screams the tortured wails of someone being brutally murdered.
5. Bangle of twisted iron. Instantly kills the current wearer, but instantly revives the previous wearer.
6. Spectacular spectacles. Looking through the spectacles shows a rabid troll rushing straight at the
viewer. If the viewer keeps watching, the troll will slam them for 2d6 damage. There is no troll.
7. Strange bottle of liquor. Smells alright, tastes pretty good. Instead of the liquor eventually passing
out of the body, an equal amount of blood is passed in its place, permanently halving HP.
8. Stone egg. Hatches into a fully-grown grotesque in d12 days. Driven to kill the first thing it sees.
9. Pickled troll phallus. In a jar, of course. Consuming it cures any infections or diseases, but test
Toughness DR14 to keep it down. If vomited back up, infections and diseases instead worsen.
10. Silver candle. When extinguished, the extinguisher permanently loses 1 Presence, and the most
recent lighter permanently gains that 1 Presence. Happens once, then the candle is a normal candle.
11. Statuette of a fat bald man. If placed inside the body of a recently deceased creature, the body stirs
once more and begins to dance an awful jig. Only stops when the statuette is removed.
12. Mirror-polished shield in the shape of a tear. If one looks into the mirrored surface, a reflection of
them forms, but they are always smiling in the reflection and are surrounded by any lost loved ones.
13. Obsidian cross. If placed upside down, roll to see if a Misery occurs.
1 One-eyed woman who rules the thieves
2 Bureaucrat with enemies and no honor
3 Badly burned priest
4 Noble child said to see dark visions
5 Warrior that switched loyalties
6 Faint whispers from the crypt
7 Remorseful hangman
Where do you wander? (d12) 8 Tortured traitor
1 On the barren fields of Kergüs 9 Reccuring vision in a horrid nightmare
2 In the centre of Alliáns 10 Hermit mocked by the other cave-folk
3 On a beach not distant from Grift 11 Demented elder
4 On a dirty Schleswig street 12 Sacrifice who escaped a death-cult
5 In the poor Wästland countryside 13 Monk who was bitten at night
6 At the city wall of Galgenbeck 14 Unshaved mystic at The Paunchy Swine
7 In the untamed wilds of Tveland 15 Devastated mother dressed in white
8 Near the Valley of the Unfortunate Undead 16 Sailor too long at sea
9 Pretty much lost in Sarkash 17 Scoundrel covered in ulcers
10 At the Bergen Chrypt tree line 18 Drunk seeress with no teeth
11 Onboard a ship on the Endless Sea 19 Restless soul by the name of Ghast
12 In a forgotten part of Graven-Tosk 20 Terrified soldier with broken knees

Adventure spark (d100)

1–2 The undead-riddled Valley awaits 51–52 Talk of an unexplored island
3–4 Thirteen priests are missing 53–54 Gain the trust of a dangerous hermit
5–6 Wrongly imprisoned for murder 55–56 Find the way to Cube-Violet
7–8 66 sacrifices are needed 57–58 Stop a Grift suicide-cult
9–10 Children missing at Lake Onda 59–60 Pardon a mad mass-murderer
11–12 Sinkhole swallows half of Schleswig 61–62 Defend a fort from the undead
13–14 Sabotage an unholy alliance 63–64 Steal a sarcophagus from a caravan
15–16 The count goes insane at night 65–66 A fire threatens to devour Sarkash
17–18 Hunted by bloodthirsty death-cult 67–68 Go to the land of the dead and back
19–20 Trapped by an earthquake 69–70 HE demands a gift. See it delivered
21–22 Verhu’s prophecy is false! 71–72 Powerful elixir needs ingredients
23–24 Rumours of a cursed treasure 73–74 Slave revolt in Galgenbeck
25–26 Kidnapped blood-wizard 75–76 Mystical ruins are unearthed
27–28 A dead demon is resurrected 77–78 They’re coming out of the walls!
29–30 Every grave is emptied one night 79–80 Three assassinations each night
31–32 Enormous cave system near Grift 81–82 Alchemist needs a living goblin
33–34 The dead refuse to stay dead 83–84 A strange ship ran aground
35–36 PCs are selected for ritual sacrifice 85–86 A weirdness leaves Bergen Chrypt
37–38 Anthelia falls severely ill 87–88 Seven women with black eyes
39–40 PC dopplegangers go berserk 89–90 The icon’s eyes have been stolen
41–42 Take part in a holy mass burial 91–92 The beast beneath the bridge
43–44 The entire kingdom has nightmares 93–94 Movement in a black star’s crater
45–46 Something has infiltrated the court 95–96 Light from broken sewer gate
47–48 Artefact must be destroyed 97–98 Children hum forbidden songs
49–50 Map the land in the west 99–00 Newly discovered path in Sarkash
Who or what dwells here now? (d12)
One of the many
1 Animated suits of armor battling goblins
2 Nechrubel-worshipping lich with a skeletal court

3 Heretic cult lead by a possessed 11-year old
4 A vengeful cabal of undead porcelain dolls
5 Desperate thieves guild dying slowly of cholera
6 A meaty mass of slime, larvae and spider legs
7 Wickheads running from foreboding darkness
WHAT IS IT CALLED? roll d12 twice 8 A Bark-Witch and her root-children
The ... 9 Four-legged pale gremlins stinking of dirt
1 Slaughter pit 10 Tergol’s escaped experiment
2 Death church 11 Disease spreading ochre-beetles
3 Night temple 12 Dissident courtiers dedicated to the occult
4 Hadean tunnels
5 Hell crypt
6 Plague
7 Sin
fort Distinctive feature d12
8 Doom ziggurat 1 Portal to the land of the dead, soon ready
9 Dark den 2 Lab where corpses are assembled into golems
10 Murder maze 3 Black prism which twists all Powers
11 Torture house 4 300 emaciated, mutilated prisoners
12 Slave waste 5 Blind hermit, firmly rooted in the ground,
spreading his vile corruption
6 Bony remains of the Basilisk’s spawn
STATUS (D6) 7 Obelisk that separates body and soul
1–2 Still active 8 Rooms move around the dungeons center
3–6 Inactive, because (d4) 9 High ceilings, whispers in the upper dark
10 Artwork affecting the surroundings
1 The place was invaded 11 Ensnaring, intelligent plants
2 Everything ended in disaster 12 Giant pools of boiling tar

Draw or find a map. Around 10 rooms is enough for one night’s session.
3 It was no longer needed
4 A Misery was fulfilled,
roll to see which one (p. 17)
1 1 Inscriptions, the motifs are (d6)
2 Bloodied beds
Imminent danger d10 3 Flooded
4 Leaning 1 Vomit-inducing
1 Is slowly flooding with: 5 Stinks 2 Terrifying
(d4) 1-2 oil 6 Fire damage 3 Hypnotic
4 Childish
3-4 water 2 1 Obvious traps
5 Teleportation
2 Berserkers are appearing 2 Full of blood
3 Is about to collapse 3 Torture chamber
6 Ugly and
4 Senses are being distorted 4 Sooty walls
5 Underworld emissions of 5 Freezing draft
poisonous spores 6 Creaking doors
6 A hunted cult intends it 3 1 Compact darkness
to be their new hideout 2 Locked sarcophagi
7 A terrible, dormant curse 3 Shelves with (d4) 1-2 obscure literature
4 Abyssal pits 3-4 rotting food
about to be unleashed
8 Fire is spreading from 5 Mirrors everywhere
the deepest chamber 6 Ungodly yet exquisite chandeliers
9 The gate will shut and seal, 4 1 Utterly silent
and not open again until 2 Full of debris
seven days have passed 3 Sacrificial altar (d4) 1-2 cracked
10 A lethal mechanism is 4 Remains of a throne 3-4 fresh blood
about to activate 5 Smoke-filled
6 Bonfire in the center

You triggered the trap by …
not leaving the room in time. … talking too loudly.
… stepping on the wrong floor tile. … taking a torch.
… touching a damned doorknob. … opening a box/sarcophagus.
… pushing an alluring button. … treading on the trip wire.
… turning the key. … rattling your weapons.
… discussing a foul inscription. … drinking Elixir Vitalis in a cursed room.
… stealing a prized item. … lighting a lantern where gloom reigns.

What’s the trap and its effect? Who or what built the trap?
Shimmering, bile-yellow poisonous gas. 1. A slow, calculating grotesque.
Test Toughness DR18 or die. 2. An death-sentenced Uguth† mine-thrall.
Test every minute. 3. A simple goblin.
Poisonous darts shoot from wall-holes. 4. A forgotten berserker king.
D2 damage. Test Toughness DR16 or die. 5. A deranged shadow being.
Giant marble falls from the ceiling 6. A bitter necromancer.
or from a ramp in an adjacent room. 7. A dying troll mourning its mother.
Test Agility DR14 or die. 8. A spiteful child from a torched village.
9. A slumbering, nebulous daemon.
Cruel creature is released from a
hidden chamber. 10. A catacomb creatorʼs executioner.
Varying. 11. An inveterate nail collector.
12. A cunning, crafty skeleton.
Sharpened pole hits you from the side.
13. A bewildered wickhead.
Fate decides. Roll a die:
14. A sickly, blind demigod.
an odd result is d20 damage.
15. A group of terrified goons.
Falling net. Something approaches. 16. A mindless death-cultist.
Presence DR16 to escape. 17. A witch lost in Labyrinth Lecht.‡
A Power affects you. 18. A bored, teeth-counting hermit.
Varying. 19. A sadistic graveyard architect.
A pit opens under your feet. 20. An anxious undead doll.
1-in-6 chance of impalement (instant
death). Otherwise, d6 damage per 10’.
Doors lock and water fills the room.
Better find a way out.
Alarm goes off; something awakens.

A huge, no … ho-ha-MEGA-catacomb
The walls are closing in.
in Bergen Chrypt.
Better find a way out. 1-in-6 chance ‡

A mental labyrinth occasionally
that the walls get stuck …
brought to semi-physical form by
if you’re lucky.
a creature’s prolonged pondering
Burning oil pouring from a ceiling or mourning. Real enough for its
traps and tricks to actually harm
Fate decides. Roll a die: an odd
the creature.
result is d12 damage.
d100 Encounters for overland travel in
ravaged lands.

¶ Roll for a damn encounter whenever you feel like it.

01 Benvenuto Gesufal 04 A giant, floating eye appears. It shoots

purple beams of light from its pupil,

The most deadly assassin ever known.
dealing immense damage. The bodies of
The characters have screwed up. Somebody the fallen hover nearby. The eye takes the
put a price on their heads and Benvenuto has corpses and flies away.
come to collect. Disguised as a merchant, he
approaches with a wide smile, talking about god,
the world, and his treasured daughter Patricia at tary pitfall trap.
05 Leaves cover a rudimen
home. Isn’t she adorable? At the bottom, wooden spikes and
Benvenuto offers to travel with the ZOMBIES wait for careless travelers.

characters. He strikes when they sleep. Every other day, a necromancer arrives
to empty the pit and take the new
HP 16 ◌ Morale 5 ◌ No armor | Poisoned blade 4d4 workers home.

02 A flash in the sky, a red tear crosses the 06 The Wailing Wretch
heavens. A nearby meteor impact knocks the A devouring horror.
characters around and burns them.
A long, long time ago, when the sun still rose and
Vipünen flowers bloomed, a girl, fair as the crisp morning,

A man birthing a horror from beyond the veil. would skip through the fields. She lived a simple life
and knew nothing of pain. She married young and
The characters find a huge man writhing on grew old. Her children skipped as she once did.
the ground, screaming in pain. He is dressed
As Nechrubel grew in power, and the earth lay sun-
in funerary robes and has scratched his
dered as we know it today, the scum came and left
stomach and throat raw—blood drenches
the mother nothing but child corpses and solitude.
his dirty garb. Vipünen cries out in agony
Some say she wanders the roads in search of the
between heaving bouts of dry retching. He
deviants who robbed her of her blood. She wails into
had thought himself peacefully dead before
the night. Sometimes appearing as a young woman,
awaking in an unmarked grave.
others as an old hag. Her anger and pain have
"Something crawled into my stomach. It's mutilated her soul and birthed a monster, dealing
torturing me from the inside! It asks of unjust vengeance upon unsuspecting travelers.
magic from beyond the veil of death. Endless The characters encounter a wailing crone. If
questions and pain. Help me, I beg of you." they talk to her, she attacks:

Wailing Crone
After 10 minutes, or after cutting Vipünen
HP 20 Morale — No armor (DR14 to Hit)
open, a little man emerges. It looks like its
—Special: Suffocation
father but has translucent skin. It dreams
Each turn, the crone casts
of arcane fire and death. .
Daemon of Capillaries
HP 32 Morale 10 No armor | Bite d2

Special: Death Magic A pile of beating hearts lies in the

Roll a d6 at the start of baby Vipünen's characters’ path. They follow the
turn. On a 6, it casts Death! characters, rolling and bouncing.
08 Blub Chubber A corpse lies on the ground.
The hungry, hungry BERSERKER. Flies buzz around. A message
Blub Chubber is a BERSERKER. He with an address and name is
weighs in at almost 400 lbs (that’s stuffed into its mouth.
180 kg in proper units.) Blub is “Bring me there, a reward is
always talking, always hungry. As a
waiting for you.”
self-proclaimed hunter of giants, he
attacks anybody who is larger than
him. 13 An Overgrown Graveyard
The characters chance upon a burial in
"Well, well, well, what do we have
here? A damn giant I'd say. I feel a progress. People grieve, people bawl. The noise
RAGE coming. A mighty, mighty RAGE!" makes skeletons go wild. They quietly leave
their graves to kill the mourning—to restore
dead silence.
Only death or mouth-watering mutton
chops can calm Blub Chubber's RAGE
once he goes off the handle. A headless horse trots by. 14

09 15 Gregorik Samsa
A mutated shroom-boar attacks the characters.
One hit is all it takes. The creature explodes As Gregorik Samsa awoke one morning from
and spreads spores, infecting the characters uneasy dreams he found himself transformed
with chanterelle-leprosy. in his bed into a gigantic insect.

(one week to live, painful mutations, shrooms) A stag beetle as large as a donkey stands
in the characters’ way. Its mandibles clatter
10 Heavy rain. with excitement. It tells the characters of its
The world grows colder. High chance predicament. They understand if they are
of coming down with a fever. Rivers privy to the Bestial Speech.
overflow, a bridge buckles under
the floods. “I bid a good day to you, travelers. My
name is Gregorik, and I find myself in a
predicament. Do you know of a way to
Atramento 11 restore my humanity?"
A withered husk of a person. At a glance, Gregorik continues on his way if the characters
impossible to discern their sex. The
don't react. Killing Gregorik in his stag beetle
garb is threadbare, a faded black. Robes
shape reverts him to his original (dead) form.
stained with ink. A vial of ink, strapped to
their hip, a quill tied to their side. Their
hands clutch a leather tome, dirty and HP 23 Morale 4 Carapace -d4
splattered. More ink. Pinch d6 + Special: Lacerate
The characters encounter Atramento, A target that tests 5 or lower for Defence
the rotten archivist. Without so much takes an additional 2d6 damage as the
as speaking a word, the creature jots beetle cuts out a chunk of flesh.
down each and every sin in their tome.
What secrets does Atramento know? 16
Atramento’s quill scratches. The characters find a sea of blood.
► Atramento is a wraith with 77 HP. It is slowly and steadily growing.
► The book is worth 250 silver.
Never before seen fish swim
inside, the water plants that grow
► A curse lies on the book which
here are utterly alien.
slowly kills its owner.
A wooden chest lies abandoned at the
17 roadside. It is locked with six bolts, six
parchment wards, and six wax seals. It
contains a MISERY. As long as the seals
remain intact, the world cannot end. A handsome rake who keeps his body
Guard it well. and teeth immaculately clean. In
the villages Glissando visits, he
18 Carrie Diseasez charms the ladies with a confident
Tales from the flamboyant plague witch. smile. In fact, his teeth are his
A swarm of bats approaches. Hundreds of pride and joy. They are in perfect
wings flutter, hundreds of larynges produce condition and Glissando has an
ultra-sonic screams. The beasts bundle up unsettling number of them. Too
to form a boisterous vortex. Carrie Diseasez many to count, in several rows.
steps forth from the spectacle. PLAGUE CARRIER
The characters happen upon
"Wanderers in my domain? A bland day Glissando while he rests and
just improved by leaps and bounds. Now, enjoys a roasted quail. Characters
tell me, how can you entertain me?" who interact with Glissando, for
example by eating his food or by
exchanging bodily fluids, contract
If the characters don't at least try to
entertain Carrie, she kills them. Good The Purple-Boiled Death
riddance, the world needs fewer killjoys. Glissando is immune to the
disease. He spreads it
HP 44 Morale 7 No armor | Wand d4 deliberately.
Special: Frog Breakfast
22 Three guards string up a bandit. Pull!
A creature Carrie touches with her wand And the wretched robber goes another
¶ must successfully test DR10 Presence or ell’s length up in death’s direction. A
is turned into a plague-ridden frog for

silent plea for help or mercy is written
24 hours.
in his bulging eyes.
A memorial stands in the center of a 23 An expired fire. Three starved peasant
crossroad. Barely legible, it lists corpses and a starving child lie close to it.
the dead and missing of a long-
forgotten war. Overgrown by moss, the

characters find their names engraved Most Undead Minstrel

into the stone.
The wind carries atmospheric black metal to
20 A Curse-Struck Ruin the characters’ ears. On the tunes’ heels follows
Artres, the undead minstrel.
The characters pass by an old ruin. A derelict
farmstead, of which only the foundation and a In this decaying world, Artres has but one
single door remain. The door stands firm in its desire—to set Nechrubel on fire. To achieve
frame, which is attached to a crumbling wall. his goals, Artres is looking for more (undead)
Opening the door reveals the inside of a lively members to deck out his band.
and intact house.
If the characters are not interested in joining,
Those who step through the door are cursed Artres at least plays a breath-taking solo for
to live through a bandit attack during which them, hoping they spread the word.
the family of farmers died by sword and fire.
Dying here results in DEATH. Saving the family If a talented musician is among the characters,
releases their trapped souls. Artres follows them to poach the member.


A defiled shrine sits next to the road. An 29 SUPERSTITIOUS STEVE
25 incorporeal voice asks the characters to
A black cat sits beneath a tree. A man
clean the blood off the suffering structure.
in the treetop shouts to the characters,
26 warning them of the threat. It’s Steve
Mickelberg who wants to avoid any
The corpse of a courier, torn into a contact with the animal. The cat is a
hundred pieces, lies in the middle disguised cat demon named Narx who
of the road. The mailbag contains enjoys tormenting Steve. Narx turns into
undelivered letters and an ivory its true form and attacks if the characters
statuette with ruby eyes. attempt to remove it—or follows them if
~ offered food.
A nefarious horse racer in plate armor. ↯ HP 23 Morale 5 Demon hide -d4
Sir Brendan, the Red Rider, approaches Claw d6 + Special: Hell-Burn
at a breakneck pace. His frothing horse Roll a d4 each time Narx attacks. On a 4,
Wendy loves the wind cutting through her its claws ignite and deal an additional
mane. The roman numerals "CV" adorn 4d6 damage.
her flank. 30

"Listen up, rabble! I challenge ye to Boff Aldo the

a race. What say ye. Yay or nay? For Upside Down Dwarf
death and glory!" A scraggly, diminutive man who had his head twisted
upside down by dark magicks. His mangled spine
If the characters don't own a horse, Sir
causes him chronic, excruciating pain.
Brendan rides away laughing. To entice
the characters to race him, Sir Brendan (not a dwarf, just short)
promises them his holy sword as a prize.
A partly shattered glass coffin lies in a road
During the race, Sir Brendan is up to ditch. The unconscious Boff Aldo lies next
every trick. Throwing sticks between to it, buried beneath bloody shards. He
his opponent's horse's legs, giving his needs medical attention to regain his senses.
opponent trouble with his whip, and
forcing the opponent off the road. "Thanks a lot for your help. You won't believe
what just transpired. I bought a fresh corpse to
28 Jeebus ‡The sad, cast-out jester. make some soap. On my way home, a scoundrel
The characters encounter a scruffy jester. ran me over and took off with my property!"
His moth-eaten hat hangs flaccidly over his
unshaven face. The motley jacket is barely ⥅ Hoofprints lead toward the culprit.
recognizable as such under a crust of grime and
dirt. Around his neck, Jeebus wears a wooden 31 A sullen army marches by.
board with letters spelling "Be creative!" They are off to storm the
castle of a rebellious count.
Jeebus tells the characters
All are sure to die.
that an envious advisor “Can you
to the king stole his help me get An old well lies next to the road. 32
mojo. Not a day later, my mojo back? Several iron chains fixed to the
Jeebus found himself on I’ll dance and sing well lead down into a dank grotto
the street, fighting with for you!” below. The chains move and clank.
dogs and rats for scraps
of food.
Ravin Seer 36

Your torch struggles to pierce the veil of Cagax the

night. As if the darkness itself fights it back, Monochrome
unwilling to compromise more than it must to Occultist
the monochromatic light of day. The dim light Sees the world in 666 shades of gray.
reluctantly creeps around the oak trees and (loves licorice, hates strawberries)
branches looming ahead. ⦁
Cagax’s goal in life is to become a
When dirt roads split and decisions lich. To further his dream, Cagax
captured a handful of goblins. Why?
must be made, that is when the Ravin
A figure in black with a raspy voice
Seer approaches. suggested as much. The beasts are
safely locked away in the back of his
A creature awaits you. As its beak breaks the wagon, on which he travels across the
tree line before you, your torchlight delicately countryside. When the characters first
lifts the darkness from its face. In the black encounter Cagax on the road, they
shimmer of onyx feathers, you see your cloudy hear scratching and whimpering from
reflection upside down in its mirror-like eye. inside his wooden wagon—the goblins
are hungry. Cagax pretends to hear
The ground shakes as the bird shuffles into a nothing and wants to move on.
comfortable position. You are but a worm.
Ravin asks if it should reveal the characters' 37 Motar
future. Only those of strong will can receive Motar is a minotaur who enjoys human
the truth. When the great bird’s mouth opens, flesh. Any flesh really, but humans are
a cascade of repeating images of its head within the easiest to capture. The characters
its mouth echoes into eternity. Do you find find the creature roasting a torso. Since
the answers you seek? Or will you waver and Motar has just hunted and is looking
receive only untruths? forward to its supper, it advises the
characters to flee. Otherwise, they’ll
► Depending on Ravin Seer's mood, only its
become its dessert.
disembodied, floating head appears.
► A feather from this creature helps a wanderer “I eat now. Yummy ‘uman. You run
see the truth in its reflection, but only once away, no time to hunt. I say go away
before it turns to dust. or I put you in belly too.”

► The characters must test DR14 Presence. On

a success, Ravin Seer truthfully answers one Motar possesses the Crystal Eye of
question. Eschalon, a sacred relic he stole from a
temple. Motar also ate the clerics. With
34 A swarm of locusts assails the the eye, one can peer through walls.
characters. Millions of the beasts tear
on the characters' flesh and devour HP 76 Morale 9 Demon fur -d4
their supplies. Greataxe d12 + Special: Heads Must Roll
A wraith trapped inside a hollow When Mortar rolls a 12 for damage,
tree. Inscribed ropes wrapped the target must successfully test DR12
around the trunk keep it locked Strength or is decapitated and instantly
away. The wraith promises riches dies. Mortar quickly eats the brains and
for its release. heals d6 HP.

38 Dan Coronado A bush catches fire. 42
A slumlord for a dying world.
43 Brin Logus
Dan Coronado’s richly decorated carriage A journeying battle monk.
speeds along the road. Dan is driving the A ragged monk. Rough around the edges.
vehicle. The original driver is slumped Carries a speck of nobility. Brin Logus seeks
in his seat next to him, arrows sticking enlightenment through combat, a fleeting
from his chest. A band of scum chases the endeavor he fears will ultimately fail. He has
carriage, trying to get their filthy hands resigned himself to a never-ending journey.
on the silver inside. A chest containing
500 silver, tucked away inside the cabin, When the characters encounter Brin, he
rings and jingles. takes a bow and asks for battle. However,
not to the death—he must continue after all.
When Dan Coronado sees the characters, he
HP 38 Morale 11 No armor (DR15 to Hit)
flings two bombs (d10) at them and yells:
Barehanded beating d4 (fists) + d6 (legs)
“You filthy animals won’t take me alive! Special: Combat Meditation
Suck on these balls, mongrel scum.”
At the start of Brin’s turn, roll a d4. On a 4,
Brin closes his eyes, recovers d12 HP, and
If the characters defeat the SCVM chasing characters must test AGILITY DR14 to
Dan Coronado, despite the explosive defend against his attacks this turn.
greeting, he rewards them richly and
wants to recruit them as muscle. 44 A bronze statue depicting one of the
characters walks by.

A flattened corpse in a crater. It has

A naked, exiled philosopher sits by antennae, green blood, and gray skin.
the roadside. He debates passersby or
about the meaning of decay and how A talking dog. 46 A sentient stool.
a better world will rise from the ashes
Both named Melvin.
of this trash heap.
47 Porridge
A vendor in a small market stall sells 40
Porridge. A man who left his secure position as
boiled spider eggs. The eggs aren’t

wl* a guard in a cannibal cult to see the world. He

*cra boiled. The small spiderlings hatch
inside the guts and crawl out of each wields a femur that has the names of his friends
*crawl* and every available orifice. carved into it.
41 When the characters encounter Porridge, he is
A skirmish! Two enemy robber baron fighting off some bandits (prowlers). After the
dynasties fight it out. The old Morgoth enemies lie dead, Porridge carves the best bits
clan versus the up-and-coming from the corpses and invites the characters to
Kinstrop family. Unless the characters supper. Food is scarce, after all, and we have to
fight for one or the other side, the
make do with what we've got.
fight is inconclusive. The soldiers
collect their dead and wounded and 48 A volley of arrows hits the ground right
retreat to their respective stronghold. in front of the characters.

A woman on horseback flees from a burning
Rose // Michen

wagon. The vehicle contains several crates filled
Rose // Michen is an enchantingly with magnesium powder, all about to explode.
beautiful, dark-skinned woman.
She is, however, plagued by 54 Järntänder Jenny
various detrimental dispositions.
With lank, greasy hair that hangs limply over
A d3 decides today’s mood: her face in graying rat’s tails, this stinking,
shambling figure is often mistaken for a
[1] Sullen. She answers to Rose. beggar. However, those getting too close to
Rose refuses to help or lift her see a hungry gleam in her eye and the
a finger. Snappish remarks gnashing iron teeth that fill her mouth. Her
remind one of her presence. filthy rags are slick with gore and stained with
*Michen: HP 12 | Morale 5 | No armor | Manic claws 1 damage, attacks 2d6 times

[2] Manic. She answers to Michen*. the marrow that dripped from the bones of her
Unless calmed down, Michen previous victims.
attempts to run, attacking
those who try to stop her. The characters find Jenny sitting on a
stone. She picks out her next victims.
[3] Lucid. She answers to Michen
or Rose. Rose // Michen is HP 44 Ξ Morale — Ξ No armor
calm and helpful. She can cast Iron teeth d8 + Special: Iron Breaker
Grace for a Sinner d4 times. When Jenny hits a target, roll a d4. On
a 4, Jenny either destroys the target's
Three greedy knights pursue her.
weapon or reduces its armor by one tier
A bounty on Rose // Michen's head

(her choice).
promises 100 silver—dead or alive. 55
HP 13 Morale 6 Harness -d4 Sword d4
A sudden, foul mist obscures
the world. Dark magic spirits the
characters away. They vanish and
50 The mural of a six-winged
appear in a different place, further
angel adorns a ruined wall. An away from their destination.
unattended collection bag on the
ground contains 13 silver. 56 A donkey, a dog, a cat, and a
rooster walk along the road,
51 A barrel containing nothing but singing and dancing.
hair of different colors stands
in the middle of the road. 57 The Surgeon
52 A hodgepodge of different people, held together
by thread and needle.
Saul Saul the Merchant
(hates his parents for his given name) In his mobile store, the Surgeon travels
between graveyards and battlefields to
Saul Saul is a traveling merchant. He and collect "components." The stink of death and
his horse Shamburger defy death every day. embalming fluids announce his impending
Whenever the characters meet Saul Saul, he arrival. The Surgeon offers his skills and wares
has overstocked on a random item type and to the maimed and dying. Liver transplants, a
offers it for half the regular price. new pair of legs, all but a question of price.

Saul isn't the brightest, but he has a nose for When the characters first encounter the
Surgeon, an enraged customer (prowler)
business. He often follows dangerous people to
assaults him. One of his arms is child-sized.
collect the spoils left behind.
58 Captain Braxton Bragg A green fire burns in an abandoned
(officer of a long-forgotten army) church. The haunting light shines through
Captain Bragg, the last to remember a the broken windows. Inside, three
forgotten war. After all these decades, wrinkled herbmasters plot and scheme.
he still wears his navy blue jacket, lined HP 18 ▒ Morale 5 ▒ No armor ▒ Dagger d2
with double rows of engraved silver
Special: Potent Brews
buttons, matching pants, tall black
Roll on the Occult Herbmaster table d4
boots, and his officer's rapier. A patch
times to determine what potions the
over his left eye and a white goatee
wrinkled herbmaster carries.
hide the scars of relentless battle.
“Let’s make this quick. I challenge 64 Dermot Ezekiel Makepeace
dea dly. I’ll
to a duel. Fair, but mayhap
by you r cond uct and The jack-of-all-trades who takes the
judge your worth
On jobs nobody else will. Ragpicking,
composure at the tip of my sword!
t." gravedigging, to the occasional thief-
my honor, I throw down this gauntle
taking. If the price was right, then he
was the man for the job—and the
HP 36 * Morale 9 * Breastplate -d4
price was always right. For routinely
Rapier d6 + Special: Counter-Attack underbidding them, his competition
If Bragg is the target of a melee attack, considers Dermot a dirty blackguard.
roll a d4. On a 4, Bragg makes a rapier
attack against the attacker. His few friends call him Derry. He is
good in a scrap and has passable
59 The ground melts and becomes skills as a fingersmith and cracksman.
a corpse-filled swamp. The While his moral compass is cracked
characters have entered the he wouldn’t take any jobs hurting
HUNTING GROUND of Quruak’la. women or children. With pleasure, he
HP 48 Morale 7 Chitin body -d2 dispatches those who do.
Bite d10 + Special: Swamp Power When the characters encounter
A creature Quruak’la sees must Dermot, he defends refugees from a
successfully test DR12 Toughness bandit attack (scum). Dermot hollers:
or a random extremity withers
"Kill 'em all. Let God sort 'em out."
and becomes useless.

60 A peasant militia guards a field of mush- A barrel filled with poisoned wine
rooms. They are antsy, having much of stands next to a cold fireplace.
their harvest stolen by vagrants. The discolored corpses of a wedding
party litter the ground. The bride is not
A C O M E T ! R O L L A D IE : among them.

EVEN : A g o o d o m e n . T h e c h a r a c t e r s e a c h
g a in a lu c k y d 8 t h e y c a n a d d t o o n e t e s t . 66 The characters pass by a river. They
see small paper crafts floating down
ODD: A b a d o m e n . T h e c h a r a c t e r s c a n ’t u s e the lazy stream, all carrying burning
O M E N S fo r d 6 d a y s . candles. Some of the boats catch fire
62 and quickly burn to cinders. Every
time, a hollow scream cuts across
A screaming person falls from the sky the water.
and dies on impact.
67 Captain Bartog Asher The characters pass by a pyre. A figure
stands on top of the wood heap, tied to a
► Captain of the guard in Schleswig (retd).
stake. A burlap sack covers the sacrifice's
► Is now on the “Quest of a Lifetime!” head. The pyre is not lit yet, but an
to find the perfect mug of ale. armed man approaches with a burning
♦ ♦ torch. A dozen solemn bystanders watch
The flavor of this ale is said to be the ceremony. If the characters stop
like the nectar of the Old Gods. the executioner, the demon-possessed
Heady, clean, perfect in all ways. bystanders attack.
♦ ♦
Does Captain Bartog (retd) plan to HP 9 ¶ Morale 9 ¶ Demon skin -d2
drink it? Maybe, if the mug survives Wields (d4) 1. Lit torch (d4)
first contact with the captain’s trusty
2. Pitchfork (d6) Ω 3. Scythe (2d4)
4. Demon-skull club (d10)
² Hammer of the Forge ²
² ² 71 It starts snowing. It
² This red-hot hammer is ² doesn’t stop. After an hour,
² ² snow dunes over-tower the
² indestructible. It retains ²
the heat of the forge and characters. The cold bites.
² ²
² deals d12 damage, igniting ² 72
² flammables with every hit. ² A field of carnage, covered in
² Its wielder is immune to heat ² feathers. Some white, most blood-
² ² stained. A dying angel calls out,
² and fire. The hammer only ² asking for a kill of mercy.
² accepts a new wielder after ²
² the previous died. ² The characters hear the sound of
hammers and saws. They find a family
building a gigantic wooden ship,
The captain leaves lots of fires in his speaking of a coming flood.
wake, but he tries to be careful about it.
More often than he likes, his clothing or 74
bedstead catch fire. Rumor has it that if The Profaned Knight
doused in the perfect ale, the hammer’s
heat will dissipate long enough for the Sir Strefan Rask wears stained ivory plate mail.
wielder to be freed from their “bond.” Ink-winged birds dot the armor, the chest
flaunts an eye in an inverted triangle. The
Captain Bartog (retd) is attempting to
knight’s white hair is braided into a crown. He
prevent a forest fire when the characters
wears a somber expression, so stern that his
encounter him. He's thankful for any
lips are stained violet from pressure. When Sir
help—with the fire and the quest for ale.
Strefan Rask notices the characters, he raises
Several earthen mounds form on his hand in greeting and speaks:
68 the ground, popping up like giant
molehills. They produce smoke v
that burns the lungs, leading to a “I am on a holy mission, a quest to reignite
bloody cough. my forsaken self with glorious purpose. I
seek Saint Hesper to undergo the Trial of
A wagon with a red lantern Redemption. Have you heard of Saint Hesper?
in the window nears. Nice. Can you point me in the right direction?”

C.C. Tinsley - PI A house-sized anthill made of wood
A fast talker who seeks justice for the and bone. The soldier ants attack.
lesser among us. Dresses like a 1930’s HP 10 Morale — Chitin body -d2
detective from EARTH. Bite d4 + Special: Acid
The characters pass by a quaint inn named Up to three target creatures that stand
The Purple Wart. They hear an altercation near each other must successfully test
from inside the building. DR14 Agility or take d4 damage.
C.C. Tinsley interrogates a suspect in a
murder case. The suspect, only known as
the Skin Man was found wearing the skin 83 Star Mourner
of the former owner of The Purple Wart. A person encased in a suit of
The Skin Man claims to have found the
impeccable steel armor. The
owner already skinned and tanned—he only
metal is too clean for this
disguised himself to keep the inn running.
world, reality-defying. Their
OBJECTION! face is forever hidden behind a
The characters can search for evidence like cold and lifeless helmet which
the Skin Man's diary, cursed knives, and portrays a distorted face of
vast skin collection to convict him. terror and dread. Not even the
eyes—gazing through the mask—
76 The characters pass by a menhir. The stone
rips itself free of its foundation and starts are made of flesh. They are
floating. It is the Stone of Kyz. A successful starry voids in which those lose
DR16 Presence test allows a character to themselves who stare too long.
decipher the alien inscription and learn a
To revive a long-dead celestial,
new Power:
Star Mourner births a cult of
Woven Mind of Kyz the VOID. When the characters
For 1 hour, up to four target encounter STAR MOURNER, the
creatures share one mind. They cosmic entity demands a pledge
read each other’s thoughts. For of eternal servitude. Otherwise,
Presence tests, they use the it's violence.
highest modifier among them. ϯ
HP 55 Morale 11 Heavy plate -d6
The ghost of a person the
Maul 2d6 + Special: Void
characters killed appears
before them. A creature hit by a maul
attack must successfully
test DR10 Presence or vanish
A green-glowing stone lies on the ground.
into the maul until the end
It deals 1 damage per hour to the person

of Star Mourner's next turn.

who carries it. The target reappears in an
unoccupied space close to
A traveling dog breeder sells d4 trained dogs
the maul.
on the cheap (15 silver).
A burlap sack filled with kittens 84
A famished horse and a skeleton
hangs on the branch of a tree.
strapped to the saddle sway by.
85 A leper sitting on the roadside
A disembodied voice speaks: 81
invites the characters to a
"Maggots and marrow, catch and eat a sparrow." game of chess. They have to
move his pieces also, alas, no
Probably. fingers or toes are left.
Good things happen after.
Bookkeeper 89

Flaming clouds bathe the world in
A human before the CURSE struck. red. A burning chariot flies across
Now, an unfathomable, eight-limbed the sky, followed by a flock of
spider monster with the head of winged demons. Embers rain down to
a human clerk. In the recent past, earth, igniting trees and meadows.
the Bookkeeper moved like an ape,
mimicking his old human self. Now, 90 The Shadowy Apothecary
its ink-bloated spider abdomen
makes it harder each day. A fleeting shadow. Glowing white eyes.
The ink must flow, the ink must go Pointed ears on top of its head. Parents
on paper—the Bookkeeper must tell their children to behave, else they
write. Letters and numbers appear sell them to the Shadowy Apothecary.
Bone dust, liver juice, potent bile—all
on parchment. What is the purpose
ingredients the apparition seeks. They
of its labor? Only Nechrubel knows.
are not wrong.
Met outside its cavern, the
Bookkeeper might help, guide, The Shadowy Apothecary is on the
ridicule, deceive, or prey on hunt for a secret ingredient. To philter
unsuspecting travelers. Ferreted out a forbidden brew, the apothecary
in its lair, the encounter always ends employs street rats and corrupted
in death. druids, all scouring the world in search
of the elusive condiment.
"What do we have here, little
humans? Aren't you droll. What The characters spot a shack at the
leads you here, are you seeking top of a tall, red-barked tree. It is the
help or death?" home of the reclusive apothecary. It
buys whatever rare ingredients the
characters carry and sends them out
HP 18 ʢ Morale 5 ʢ No armor to find more. The silver is good.
Bite d10 + Special: Curse
ʘ ʘ
A creature bitten by the Bookkeeper PRICE LIST
must successfully test DR15 Toughness Liver 2s Poppy 1s
or turn into a spider after d6 days. To Brain 3s Digitalis 1s
revert a target, the Bookkeeper must die. Pancreas 5s Valley Lily 1s
Testicles 2s Belladonna 2s
87 A gaudy parade comes the characters' Gall 5s Bloodflower 3s
Kidney 1s Pokeweed 1s
way. They offer wine, meat, and dance. ʘ ʘ
They are on their way to die by jumping
into a rocky fissure, consuming their An owl lands in a tree. It turns its head six
last supplies during the journey. times. The head comes off and falls to the

ground. The now headless owl flies away.

88 The Macabre Circus put down their
tents on a clearing the characters The characters stumble upon a starving
cross. They have eaten most of their village of forest spirits. They look like
animals, but curiosities like the miniature people, clothed in bark and
embalmed head of Anuk Schleger hay, and live in tiny mushroom houses.
(fake), the terrible Yotun (fake), and The spirits plead with the characters to
the Sleeping Lich (genuine) still hunt them some game. They are evil
attract many customers. and know dark magic.
Assassin 93 Fredlig Död
A hooded blighter. Always hides his
97 Snakes.
narrow, mournful face which is framed Snakes rain down to earth.
by long and greasy hair. A veritable hail of snakes.
Plop, plop, plop, go the snakes.
¶ Lanky, unobtrusive, observant. None die, all slither away to bite.
The journey becomes difficult indeed.
¶ Skilled poisoner, backstabber,
garroter, slayer of the unwary and
wary alike. 98

¶ Follows an obscure code and The smell of pie travels on the wind.
will not assassinate the innocent. A young woman named Chrysanth uses
Sadly, there are none left. her last flour, sugar, and butter to bake
rhubarb pie. She is happy to share.
The characters encounter Fredlig with
drawn knives. He stands on a mound
of fresh corpses. Blood drops from the 99 CANNIBAL ARMY
blades. Slowly, he cleans his weapons T he feared "Schlachthaufen" descends upon you.
with a stained cloth. In silence, Fredlig
gestures the characters to move on. A cannibal army plows and devours the land.
HP 26 Morale 9 Leather -d2 Dagger d4 Not a general, but hunger leads it into battle.
Special: Storm of Blades In a matter of hours, the host conquers
and consumes entire towns and cities. The
Difficult to Defend against (DR15).
When Fredlig hits a target, he can characters hear demented screams from far
make another attack. away, the heralds of doom.
"We hunger!" "Feed us the tender!"
94 Scintillating Stars "Not far now, I smell flesh!"
The stars in the sky burn brighter than
usual. They start moving, ever quicker, Cannibal Army "Soldier"
like a swarm of fireflies.
HP 3 | Morale 5 | No armor | Bite d2
Eventually, they calm.
> They eat the characters who don't run.
ƒEach character gains d4 OMENS.
100 Champion of Nechrubel
The four-armed Champion of Nechrubel
An egg lies on the ground. It glows approaches. A pestilence riddled,
white-hot. Touching it barehanded indiscriminate slaughterer. Whatever is
deals d4 damage. It ignites flammable trapped inside the riveted, soot-covered
substances like wood or cloth and brings plate armor—human, animal, or else—is
water to a boil after a few minutes. After the incarnation of the APOCALYPSE.
2d12 days, a PHOENIX hatches—if HP 100 ◊ Morale — ◊ Godplate -d8
it survives that long. Vierhänder 2d10 + Special: Ω
HP 44 | Morale 11 | No armor | Firebreath d12
(Once per Turn)
All creatures within 30 feet lose d4
The characters enter an area filled HP. The champion heals the total

with salt statues of different people. damage dealt. Additionally, all targets
They look surprised, shocked, must successfully test DR14 Presence
terrified. A torrential rainstorm or lose one Omen.
approaches that dissolves the statues.
Its name
1 Eternal
(forbidden to utter aloud)

The cult is...
almost annihilated,

2 Children of Knife Blood desperate for aid.

3 Reach for Deathcrush 3-4. 
thriving, or would
Pipes of be if only …
4 Devastation
enormous, official,
5 Holders of Burned Bones
legitimate, protected.
6 Unholy Unsacred Signs
secret and unknown.
7 Ruins of Nechrubel Legend. Lies. Myth.
8 Embrace Rusty Razors 8. 
scattered in cells. Should
9 Night of Sarkantha they find a way to work
10 Førlørn Black Gates together, all will tremble.
Hateful Lost Chants 9-10. i
n absolute turmoil.
Warring and destroying
12 Temple of Dark Thrones itself from within.


1 Demented … … Elder, full of keys 1
2 Narcissistic … … Pastor, covered in rings 2
3 Charming … … Poet, masked and stoic 3
4 Unseen … … Shadow creeper, followed by black cats 4
5 Stone-faced … … Executor, broken and wasting 5
6 Lip-sewn … … Thought-whisperer, loved by all 6
7 Cannibal … … Caretaker, back from the grave 7
8 Black Disk’s … … Child, who water cannot touch 8
9 Mocking … … Prisoner, afraid of daylight 9
10 ‘No one’, … Carpenter, arm- and legless 10
cult-hating …

Bonfire camps 6. A
 granite Bergen
in the coldest Chrypt peak piercing
Kergüs crevices. the dying skies.
Dim Schleswig sewers.
A Graven-Tosk murder-maze mausoleum.
2. A
mong the oldest, most
In the murky 9. A
t the spell-
obscure Grift temples.
bog where Lake dead center of
3. M
eadows of Strange Onda merges with the Valley of the
Mist in Sarkash. Targ-Dungel. Unfortunate Undead.
4. B
eneath the Beneath
in Galgenbeck. 10. 
The blackest of Alliáns cathedrals.
1. b ake Blutday bread
They Truly Hate...
an outsider’s wise,

with a bipedal’s blood. condescending words.

2. in strong trees, hang living 2. t
he Two-Headed Basilisks,
corpses upside down. brutes and false prophets all.
3. lock strangers in torture
catacombs where no one dies. scrolls. Living Words of Power
4. wear nothing but the imprisoned in pathetic parchment.
hair of strangers. 4. Verhu claiming to be the head
5. completely numb all of Truth. All hubris and pride.
senses to know the Truth. 5. bright light and loud
6. build portals with the voices. SHUT UP!
bones of 77 humans. 6. a nearby life cult constantly
7. have servants erect threatening to occupy this area.
the Tallest Tower.* 7.  intruders hesitant to embrace
8. kill the youngest one the one trve cvlt.
in an unknown party. 8. all kinds of birds; wings give
9. set all clothes ablaze. the cult an inferiority complex.
The gods of the stars must 9. a nyone of noble or, worse
see you in the flesh. yet, royal lineage, AKA
10. n ever speak aloud the blasphemous blue bloods.
name of a living soul. 10. t hose not obsessed with
tribulation. You waste
11. g
ive all silver to the
such good suffering.
deep well of underworlds.
12. t
alk only in riddles. 11. a nyone carrying pitiful
Come night, you can signs or sigils. (Only the
speak clearly again. cult’s are worthy.)
12. b ragging, boastful words.
declare all Omens to
13.  We, on the other hand,
the Nech-a-bebul Oracle. never boast.
Hate those who refuse. 13. l istening to stories
14. never hurt monkeys and from the world outside
always ride with donkeys, this true one.
for they are holy. 14. a  face unsinged, too
15. e
very week, sacrifice good for the flames.
the oldest member and 15.  those who care
recruit two new ones. for children.
16. dig deep pits and keep 16. a lcohol, smoke and
undead (and a few prepared meat.
living) prisoners.
17. i ntruders hesitant
17. keep a diet of herbs,
to embrace the one
meat and drugs.
trve cvlt. (yeah, same as 7)
18. walk barefoot and feel 18. s pineless deserters
the mesmerizing strings and filthy gutterscum.
from below. Some accept 19. p ale ones, earthbound
sandals. and weird wickheads
19. n
ever do honest work unpierced by spikes.
during the time of day. 20. n othing, really … or maybe
20. tie the legs with itching funeral fog and a freezing moon.
ropes and always walk slowly. This is a place of harmony, love
and kindness. Come, join the
Circle of Euphoria. And rejoice!
* many cults claim to have built the tallest one Your nails all got chewed off.

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