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BHSM-31A Professional Development and Applied Ethics

What will you

deal with the
Issue Emotion Why do fell that way?
I feel pity not of myself but to
those people or workmate who’s I will confront and
spreading malicious rumors about talk to them in a
me. I pity them because they have diplomatic way but
problem with their moral values they don’t listen and
or working environment they continue doing
A workmate is etiquettes as remember to have a that I will ask for the
spreading malicious Pity good and productive working help or human
rumors about you. environment, we need to have resources or bosses
good relationship to are fellow for a proper action
employee, collage, bosses and so to make for the
on. Spreading malicious or talking benefit and for the
back of someone’s personal life or good working
issues will not give help to build a environment.
good working environment.
If I facing negativity
in my life, I always
counter it with
laugher or a joke.
For instance, I will
For me every opportunity has time say to myself “Mas
may be that opportunities or naliligo siguro ng
A new employee was promotion is really not the time madalas yong na
promoted instead of Gratitude for me. I will be happy to the one promote or Lamang
you. who was promoted and as for me, lang siya ng paligo”.
I will continue to do my best to my Not in a sense I pity
job. myself but to take it
as challenge. Rule#
number five of
Mind; don’t take
every thing serious.
Your workmate has Disappointed As a person who also experience I may advise them
Been or has personal issues either love and remind them
underperforming life or family life empathically, I and ask what I can
because of personal understand them but in terms of help for them.
issues and it has professionalism is concern I am
greatly affected the disappointed. If you are
performance of the professional worker or employee
team. or businessman or entrepreneur
you need to learned to left or
forget all the bagged that not
related to your work as they say

02 Seatwork 1 - ARG
BHSM-31A Professional Development and Applied Ethics

the being professional.

I feel satisfactory because it serves
Satisfactory doesn’t
right to think that your company,
mean you’re going
The management you’re working for is actually
to stop hoping for
gives caring to their employee’s morale
progressing or
incentives/bonuses to Satisfactory by stimulating their performances
development but to
performing by incentives and bonuses. It
seek more
employees. means they valuing the employees
opportunities or
and what they can give in the
make it sustainable
or last long time.
The management has When face
I be happy because the
been encouraging the happiness I just
management that am working for
employees to be a enjoy it to its
is encouraging us to grow and
better version of moment as they say
evolved, it means they are pushing
themselves and Happy-for happiness wont last
are limits to achieved a better of
achieve growth in the so if that moment is
ourselves. Its like thinking outside
company. there grab it and
the box, looking beyond the
enjoy it. In short
horizon something like that.
enjoy the moment.

02 Seatwork 1 - ARG

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