What Is History - Lesson 1-2

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Teacher Candidate: Kelsey Jacobson Date: 3/6/23

Cooperating Teacher: Stacy Confer Coop. Initials ______________

Group Size: 20 Allotted Time 40 minutes Grade Level Kindergarten

Subject or Topic: Social Studies - What is History Section: ____________

STANDARD: (PA/Common Core):

● D.2.His.K-2. Compare life in the past to life today.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)
● Students will be able to explain the meaning of history by comparing life in the past to
life today.

II. Assessment/Evaluation plan

A. Formative
Assessment: Documentation Tool: Scale:
(e.g. product, quick (e.g. rating scale, rubric, (performance levels)
response, interview) checklist, anecdotal notes)

Quick Response Checklist ✓ Student explained what

history is by comparing life in
the past to life today.
(Achieved standard)
/ Student attempted to explain
what history is by comparing
life in the past to life today.
(Approaching standard)
- Student did not explain what
history is or compare life in
the past to life today.
(Limited progress towards
Pre-test Rating Scale 3 - Student completed the
pre-test accurately and neatly.
2 - Student attempted to
complete the pre-test with
some accuracy and legibility.
1 - Student did not complete
the pre-test neatly with
B. Summative
Cumulative Personal History Scrapbook:
Students will be creating a scrapbook that explores and records their own personal
histories. The scrapbook will include a short biography, a family tree, a Pennsylvania map, a list
of celebrations, a self portrait, a school timeline, and a personal history timeline. The students
will complete parts of the scrapbook at the end of each lesson in the unit. Each part will be
graded by a rubric and kept by the teacher until the next part is added. By the end, they will have
a completed scrapbook containing their history. The students will share their scrapbooks with
their peers and may be taken home to share with their family.

III. Instructional Materials (includes amount)

● Past and Present sort (20 piles)
● Sorting Paper (20 pieces)
● Computer
● Smartboard
● Document camera
● Then and now video
● White cardstock (20)
● Markers (20 sets)
● Sharpies (20)
● Pencils (20)
● Crayons (20 boxes)
● Pretest graphic organizer (20)
● Example Personal History Scrapbook

IV. Subject Matter/ Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, new content)
A. Prerequisite Skills
● Discussing topics with peers
B. Key Vocabulary
● History - Things that have happened in the past.
● Past - Things that have already happened.
● Present - Things that are happening right now.
C. New Content
● What is history?
● Comparing past to present

V. Implementation
A. Introduction –
● Begin by bringing the students to the carpet.
● Ask students to give you a thumbs up if they know what the word history means.
○ “If we are learning about history, we are learning about something that has
happened in the past.”
○ “Things in the past have already happened to us or to others. Things in the present
are happening to us right now.”
● “We are going to answer some questions about what we think is from the past and what is
from the present.”
○ Before beginning the video, remind students that they should be sitting like a
pretzel and their voices are turned off.
○ Bring the Then and Now video onto the smartboard and start playing at 1:48.
○ After each question, stop the video and discuss their answers.
■ How do they know which is which?
○ Stop the video at 6:12.
● Turn off the smartboard and ask students what else they think might have changed from
the past.

B. Development –
● Explain that the students will be sorting pictures from the past and the present with a
○ Cut out the pictures, sort them between the two sides of the paper with their
partner (past/present). They will only glue after their pictures have been checked
by a teacher.
● Send the students back to their seats.
● Pass out the sorting cards and sheet to each student.
● Pair students together and send them off to work around the room.
○ One student will get 2 scissors, the other will get 2 glue sticks.
● Monitor students while they work.
○ Check the student’s pictures before they begin to glue.
● Once complete, have the students write their name on the back of their paper and put
them in a bin on the carpet.
○ Have the students return their scissors and glue stick and sit in their seats.
● “We also have our own history. Your history is what has happened in your life.”
● Bring up the pretest on the smartboard and pass out paper copies while students get a
pencil and a crayon box.
○ “We can describe our history by thinking about our birthdays, our families, and
even where we have lived.”
● Ask students to first write their name on their paper.
● Read the prompts together and decide what needs to be filled in.
○ What is your birthday? Place a star over your birthday month name – USE
■ Copy the letters on the line.
■ Figure out the day and write next to the month.
○ What does your family look like?
■ Draw a picture of everyone in your family.
○ Where do you live?
■ Trace the word Pennsylvania and color in the star – that’s where we live in
the state!
○ What do you look like?
■ Draw a self-portrait of what you look like today.
○ What holidays do you and your family celebrate?
■ Turn and talk with your table about something you celebrate.
■ Draw a picture of one holiday you celebrate, write the sounds of the word
under the box.
● Have students share what they wrote/drew on their paper with a partner.
● Have students put their paper in a bin on the filing cabinet and sit at their seats again.
○ Put away crayons and pencils.

C. Closure –
● Invite students to sit on the carpet.
● Bring up the document camera and show the cover of the example personal history
● “Over the next few days, you will create a personal history scrapbook. This will be all
about you and your life! I made a scrapbook of my personal history to show you what
yours will look like!”
○ Go through each page of the personal history scrapbook.
■ Cover page - Name, and decoration.
■ Page 1 - Personal History Graphic Organizer
■ Page 2 - Family tree
■ Page 3 - Pennsylvania Map
■ Page 4 - I Celebrate… writing
■ Page 5 - Self-portrait
■ Page 6 - School Timeline
■ Page 7 - Personal Timeline
● “Since we already finished our personal history page, we are going to make our cover
page for our scrapbooks!”
○ Pass out white cardstock while the students get out their pencils.
○ VIP student will pass out marker bags.
○ Students will FIRST write their name in the middle of their cardstock with pencil
using their neatest writing.
■ Hand out a sharpie to each student.
■ Trace the pencil with a sharpie.
○ The students may then have 5 minutes to decorate their cover.
● Collect the cover pages and have students return their materials to bins on the carpet.

D. Accommodations / Differentiation -
● Students will be given extra time if needed to complete components of the personal
history scrapbook and pretest graphic organizer.
● One-on-on guidance during work time will be provided for students.

VI. Reflective Response

A. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of States Objectives (Reflection on students
performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for students who failed to meet
acceptable level of achievement)
B. Personal Reflection (Question written before lesson is taught. Reflective answers to questions
recorded after the lesson is taught.)
1. Was the pretest leveled correctly for my students' needs?

2. Did I introduce the unit and summative assessment thoroughly enough?

3. What went well in the lesson? What could have been done differently?
VII. Resources (APA Format)

Student Name History Pre-Test Comments:





















3- Additional Notes:
Totals: 2-
Student Name Comparing Past and Comments:





















+ Additional Notes:
Totals: ✓

See on the following page.
Name: ___________________________________

Then Now

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