Opening Speech - 3

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Committee : UNOOSA

Delegation : JAXA ( Japan )

Name : Sofia Quiroga Ramirez

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished delegates and chair,

It is a great honor for JAXA, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, to address you today.
The delegation of JAXA meets here to discuss some issues of great importance:
-Testing biological organisms in extraterrestrial environments to enhance space exploration in
relation to biology.
-Solve the problem of space junk so that it can't obstruct future space missions and trap planet

As an agency seeking to explore space and drive human evolution, JAXA agrees with testing
biological organisms in extraterrestrial environments and following JAXA’s action statement
“We will always set our aspirations high and maintain a creative mind to overcome
difficulties.” For humans to expand into space, we have to understand the effects of the
environment on the human body, the delegation of JAXA is making studies to understand the
conditions we need to have as humans in outer space in order to survive and to make life in
space more comfortable for us, we also need communication systems and a way to generate
energy for future space activities, some experiments JAXA will develop to test this will be to
expose the experimental devices to space and examine their durability and functions.
The delegation of JAXA will be willing to collaborate and work responsibly with the objects
that JAXA has access to, together with new tools to make this project possible.

JAXA, as an aerospace exploration agency, recognizes the problem of space debris and how,
if not properly controlled. It could obstruct future missions and compromise the planet we
live on, which is why the ECAT program aims to develop and mature advanced technologies
that can reduce the environmental impact of aviation through collaborative efforts with
industry partners, significantly reducing the amount of space debris left in space. What JAXA
will do, by collaborating with private business operators, is to create new space debris
removal programs so that it is easier and faster to remove large debris from orbit and prevent
them from crashing into spacecraft.

Thank you all for your time and dedication, may the next discussions be productive and help
us reach conclusions and solutions for the established problems.

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