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We are writing this resolution paper to solve the different challenges about brain chips our

society may have. The main reason we like this project is because we can come up with the
solutions for the problems in our society by ourselves and that expands our work and
challenges our creativity and our limits.
The core values in our society are equality, equity, responsibility, cooperation and honesty.
The core definitions:

Brain- Chips

Submitted by: Sofía Quiroga, Mariana Muñoz, Juan Camilo Fonseca, Nicolas Parra
Submitted to: Jacksar

Taking into account that producers of brain chips allow big companies to access it,

Knowing that they send signals to the outside so they can be hacked and the information on
it can be accessed,

Considering that every time the brain chips are used they leave a digital footprint that is
rarely erased,

Observing that brain chips cost lots of money and they can’t be bought or accessed by
everyone, specially by the people who can really need it,

1. Demands all brain chip producers to have a series of security requirements and
restrictions when they sell and to the people they are selling them;

2. Requests the brain chips to have a private and safe way to be used, for it to have a
private way of sending signals to improve its privacy;

3. Instructs every brain chip producer to make it the most economic way and following
certain price limits that have been established by the government;

4. Orders every corporation, person and company that has access to brain chips to sign
an agreement that states that they will never use the private information of others nor
to take record of it themselves, only the brain chip processor is allowed to have
access to that information;

5. Affirms that we will have record of brain chips’ usage for safety purposes, but we will
not be allowed to see of use the information of others without their consent, also that
we will make sure that brain chips are affordable for everyone who needs it.

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