Maryam Irshad - Online Educational Site For Kids

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Online Educational site for Kids

APRIL 10, 2018



SESSION: 2016-2018
<Khawaja Fareed Post Graduate College ,Rahim Yar Khan
Online Educational site for Kids

Revision History
Date Description Author Comments
05/04/2018 <Version 1> Maryam Irshad

Document Approval
The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by the following:

Signature Printed Name Title Date

Sir. Usman Ghanni Supervisor, CSIT 21306

Online Educational site for Kids

1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Scope .................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.4 Reference Material ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.5 Definitions and Acronyms .................................................................................................................. 1
2. SYSTEM OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Technology used ................................................................................................................................. 2
2.2 Design Language ............................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 General constraints ............................................................................................................................. 2
2.4 Application Overview .......................................................................................................................... 2
2.5 Assumptions ........................................................................................................................................ 3
3. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................................................................ 3
3.1 Architectural Design ........................................................................................................................... 3
3.1.1 Web Architecture ............................................................................................................................. 3
3.1.3 Block Diagram .................................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Decomposition Description................................................................................................................ 6
3.2.1 Class Diagram ................................................................................................................................... 6 Registration ................................................................................................................................... 6 Log In ............................................................................................................................................. 8 User Class .................................................................................................................................... 10 Courses........................................................................................................................................ 11 Tutorial ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Test/Exam ................................................................................................................................... 13 Result .......................................................................................................................................... 14 FeedBack ..................................................................................................................................... 15 Contact Us ................................................................................................................................... 16 Overall Class Diagram ................................................................................................................. 17
3.3 Use Case ............................................................................................................................................ 18
3.3.1 Registration .................................................................................................................................... 18

3.3.2 Log In .................................................................................................................................................. 19

Online Educational site for Kids

3.3.3 Reset User Log In Password ........................................................................................................... 21

3.3.4 Reset admin Log In Password ........................................................................................................ 22
3.3.5 Feed Back ....................................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.6 Contact Us ...................................................................................................................................... 26
System response ..................................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.7 Question And Answer .................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.8 Test/Exam ..................................................................................................................................... 29
3.3.9 Upload/Download Material ........................................................................................................... 30
3.3.10 Add Material ............................................................................................................................... 31
3.3.11 Update Material ........................................................................................................................... 32
3.3.12 Delete Material ............................................................................................................................ 33
3.3.13 User Logout .................................................................................................................................. 34
3.3 Logical view ....................................................................................................................................... 36
3.3.1 Activity Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 36 Activity Diagram For Registration ............................................................................................... 36 Activity Diagram For Log In ........................................................................................................ 36 Activity Diagram For Course Detail ............................................................................................. 38 Activity Diagram Foe Exam Detail ............................................................................................... 39
3.3.2 Sequence Diagram ......................................................................................................................... 40 Sequence diagram for Registration and Log in ........................................................................... 40 Sequence Diagram for Test ......................................................................................................... 41 Sequence Diagram For Course Detail ......................................................................................... 42 Sequence Diagram for Admin Add Material ............................................................................... 43 Sequence Diagram for Admin Update Material ........................................................................ 44 Sequence Diagram for Admin Delete Material ......................................................................... 45 Sequence Diagram For Log Out .................................................................................................. 46
3.3 Design Rationale .............................................................................................................................. 46
4. DATA DESIGN .......................................................................................................................................... 47
4.1 Data Description............................................................................................................................... 47
4.1.1 Data Objects ................................................................................................................................... 47
1. Administrator ...................................................................................................................................... 47
2.Student Registration ............................................................................................................................ 47
3. User Registration................................................................................................................................. 47

Online Educational site for Kids

4. Courses ................................................................................................................................................ 47
5 .Exam .................................................................................................................................................... 47
6. Result .................................................................................................................................................. 48
7. Feed Back ............................................................................................................................................ 48
8. Question and Answer.......................................................................................................................... 48
4.2 Data Dictionary ................................................................................................................................ 49
1. Administrator ...................................................................................................................................... 49
2 User Registration.................................................................................................................................. 49
3. Courses ................................................................................................................................................ 50
4.Exams/test ........................................................................................................................................... 50
5. Result .................................................................................................................................................. 50
6. Feed back ............................................................................................................................................ 51
ER Diagram of ESFK For Registration and Log In ..................................................................................... 52
ER Diagram for OESFK ............................................................................................................................. 53
5.Component Design................................................................................................................................... 54
5.1 Objects .............................................................................................................................................. 54
5.1.1 Login ............................................................................................................................................... 54
5.1.2 Administrator ................................................................................................................................. 55
85.1.3 Test/Exam .................................................................................................................................... 58
5.1.4 Result ............................................................................................................................................. 59
5.1.5 Contact Us ...................................................................................................................................... 61
5.1.6 Courses........................................................................................................................................... 62
5.1.7Feed Back ........................................................................................................................................ 64
6. HUMAN INTERFACE DESIGN ................................................................................................................... 65
6.1 Overview of User Interface .............................................................................................................. 65
6.2 Screen Images .................................................................................................................................. 65
6.2.1 Sign Up ........................................................................................................................................... 65
6.2.2 User Log In..................................................................................................................................... 67
6.2.3 Admin Log In ................................................................................................................................. 68
6.2.4 Reset Password ............................................................................................................................. 69
6.2.5 User Edit Own account .................................................................................................................. 69
6.2.6 Tutorial Detail ................................................................................................................................ 70
6.2.7 Courses Detail ................................................................................................................................ 70

Online Educational site for Kids

6.2.8 Exam Detail .................................................................................................................................... 71

6.2.9 Student Record .................................................................................................................................. 72
6.2.10 Directly Move to other Site .......................................................................................................... 72
6.2.11 Question and Answer................................................................................................................... 73
6.2.12 Contact Us ................................................................................................................................... 74
6.2.13 Feed Back ..................................................................................................................................... 75
7. REQUIREMENTS MATRIX......................................................................................................................... 76

Online educational Site For kids

1.1 Purpose
The Software Design Documents used to design documents for Online Educational site
For Kids. The main purpose of Software Design Documents to design all main
components and its sub components of OESFK. Coders of the proposed software use the
SDD to know about the components functions that perform and its relationship with the
other components. Tester and Management of the proposed software also used the
software design. This document gives a complete design according to requirements in
SRS. Also contain additional methods, attributes and functions.

1.2 Scope
The use of software technology is growing rapidly. Kids spends their a lot of time on this
technology. So, It is the best way to utilize their time while continue their entertainment.
Online Educational site For Kids provide the facility to kids to learn all basic things
before going to KG school. OESFK provides Online MCQs test for student. MCQs test
has four possible answers , 20 mints are given to student to answer these questions.
OESFK also provides question answers sessions , student describe his/her problem in
form of question and other students ,teachers and system given answer of specific
question. OESFK can be run on window and android OS.

1.3 Overview
First section contains introduction of OESFK. Second section of SDD contains system
overview. This section describe overall system in high level definition. Third section
contains system architecture of the project; main components and its sub components are
define in section three. Four sections contain data design. In this section design the
system using Entity Relationship diagram and Data Flow Diagram etc.
Selection five contains components design, in which different comments are design.
Section six of the SDD contains Humane Interface Design and Last section contains the
Requirements Matrix.

1.4 Reference Material

IEEE STD 830-1998, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design
Document". 1998 Edition, IEEE, 1998.

1.5 Definitions and Acronyms

SDD : Software Design Document
OESFK: Online Educational site Kids
DBMS : Data Base Management System
SDD : Software Design Document

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Online Educational site for Kids

UML : Unified Modeling Language

PHP : Personal Home Page

This section provides general material of those facts that affect the system and its Detailed.
This section also provide product functions, constraints characteristics operations. Section 3
gives full understanding of product as well as the leader.

2.1 Technology used

HTML is used for design in this website. The software Design Document is codded with
PHP Programing.

2.2 Design Language

UML are used to design Graphically of Online Educational site For Kids. Entity
Relationship diagram, Data Flow Diagrams, Use Case Diagram, Class Diagrams, Activity
Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and State Machine Diagrams can also be used during
development of Online Educational site For kids.

2.3 General constraints

My SQL are used to store data. For client side scripting use HTML and Java script. For
Server side scripting use PHP Programming. In additional, OESFK is plate form
independence since each user may have different OS. All user can visit site and learn in
secure environment. For transmission and communication Browser may be Safari , UC
browser , opera Mini and Google Chrome is used.

2.4 Application Overview

This is web based application. User Name and password will be require for login. The
window will be appear and ask for the password if password matches then it will grant access to
user . But the system will show the error message and exit if user give wrong password more
than 5 times. In OESFK is a system in which we use different extraction techniques and store the
result in database. The system follows the following steps:
 User login by entering the password and user name.
 Store result in Data Base.
 Result will save in Data Base.

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Online Educational site for Kids

2.5 Assumptions
OESFK is dependent on internet connection and system and hardware. Internet service
provider is also compulsory. OESFK also depend upon on students , teachers and other user
that use this site. The user of OESFK facilitating connected to internet and web browser.

3.1 Architectural Design
We describe he architecture of OESFK by using the architecture views. These views are
used to describe the functionality of the system and interaction between the user and the system.
The main module of kids Learning system are Registration Kids Record and Courses. Tutorial
and Exams are also involved to design the architecture of learning System.

3.1.1 Web Architecture

The OESFK will run on a client-Server System architecture where the client will connect to a
web server using a modern web browser and TCP/IP connection. The server will be hosted by
IIS (internet information server). The web server is maintained by IIS web server software on a
window operating system.

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Online Educational site for Kids

3.1.2 Web Architecture

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Online Educational site for Kids

3.1.3 Block Diagram

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Online Educational site for Kids

3.2 Decomposition Description

New member register by Registration procedure and then log in His/her account. Only
Register user authenticate to login. User of OESFK view and Download any document. User also
able to give feed back and contact us. It also take test from user that Contain MCQs . Every
Question in MCQS contains 4 possible answer , user give answer in specific limit of time . Only
Register user will take MCQS test. It also provide the facility of Question and Answer. Student
Describe his/her problem in form of question and system answer the question that will be asked.

3.2.1 Class Diagram Registration

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Online Educational site for Kids

Registration Adminsitrator
-Name: string +admin_Name: string
-EmailId: string -admin_Id: string
-Password: string -address: string
-CNIC: int -gender: string
-Gender: string -phoneNo: int
-adress: string
-phoneNo: int +addMaterial()
1 +updateeMaterial()
+getEmailId() +deleteMaterial()
+setEmailId() +view_StudentRecord()
+getPassword() +delete_studentRccount()
+setPassword() +add_Tutorial()
+signUp() +delete_tutorial()


-student_Email: string
-Std_Name: string
-password: string
-phoneNo: int
-address: string

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Online Educational site for Kids

Registration Adminsitrator
-Name: string +admin_Name: string
-EmailId: string -admin_Id: string
-Password: string -address: string
-CNIC: int -gender: string
-Gender: string -phoneNo: int
-adress: string
-phoneNo: int +addMaterial()
1 +updateeMaterial()
+getEmailId() +deleteMaterial()
+setEmailId() +view_StudentRecord()
+getPassword() +delete_studentRccount()
+setPassword() +add_Tutorial()
+signUp() +delete_tutorial()


-student_Email: string
-Std_Name: string
-password: string
-phoneNo: int
-address: string
+deleteOwnAccount() Log In

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Online Educational site for Kids User Class

-userId: string
-age: int
+PhoneNo: int

-student_Email: string
-Std_Name: string +admin_Name: string
-password: string -admin_Id: string
-phoneNo: int -address: string
-address: string -gender: string
-phoneNo: int
+givetest() +addMaterial()
+viewResult() +updateeMaterial()
+editOwnAccount() +deleteMaterial()
+deleteOwnAccount() +view_StudentRecord()

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Online Educational site for Kids Courses

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Online Educational site for Kids Tutorial

LogIn +admin_Name: string
-admin_Id: string
-UseId: string -address: string
-userName: string -gender: string
-password: string -phoneNo: int
+logIn() +updateeMaterial()
1 1
+verifyDeatil() +deleteMaterial()
+forgetPassword() +view_StudentRecord()
+resetPassword() +delete_studentRccount()


1..* 1..*

Student Tutorial

-student_Email: string -tutorialName: string

-Std_Name: string -t_Type: string
-password: string -t_Subject: string
-phoneNo: int +viewTutorial()
-address: string +updateTutoriall()
+DownloadTutorial() +addTutorial()
1..* 1..* +deleteTutoriall()

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Online Educational site for Kids Test/Exam

LogIn +admin_Name: string
-admin_Id: string
-UseId: string -address: string
-userName: string -gender: string
-password: string -phoneNo: int
+logIn() +updateeMaterial()
1 1
+verifyDeatil() +deleteMaterial()
+forgetPassword() +view_StudentRecord()
+resetPassword() +delete_studentRccount()


1..* 1..*

Student Tutorial

-student_Email: string -test_id: string string

-Std_Name: string -t_Type: string
-password: string -t_Subject:
-rollNo: int string
-phoneNo: int -testDate: int
-address: string +updateTutoriall()
+DownloadTutorial() +addTutorial()
1..* 1..* +deleteTutoriall()
+viewResult() +cancelTest()
+editOwnAccount() +calculateMarks()

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Online Educational site for Kids Result

LogIn +admin_Name: string
-admin_Id: string
-UseId: string -address: string
-userName: string -gender: string
-password: string -phoneNo: int
+logIn() +updateeMaterial()
1 1
+verifyDeatil() +deleteMaterial()
+forgetPassword() +view_StudentRecord()
+resetPassword() +delete_studentRccount()


1..* 1..*

Student Tutorial

-student_Email: string -rollNo: int

-tutorialName: string
-Std_Name: string -t_Type: string
+std_Marks: int
-password: string -t_Subject: string
-phoneNo: int -position: string
-address: string +updateTutoriall()
+DownloadTutorial() +addTutorial()
1..* 1..* +deleteTutoriall()

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Online Educational site for Kids FeedBack

LogIn +admin_Name: string
-admin_Id: string
-UseId: string -address: string
-userName: string -gender: string
-password: string -phoneNo: int
+logIn() +updateeMaterial()
1 1
+verifyDeatil() +deleteMaterial()
+forgetPassword() +view_StudentRecord()
+resetPassword() +delete_studentRccount()


1..* 1..*

Student FeedBack

-student_Email: string +std_Id:intstringstring

-Std_Name: string -t_Type: string
+std_Name: string
-password: string -t_Subject: string
-phoneNo: int -position: string
-address: string +updateTutoriall()
+DownloadTutorial() +addTutorial()
1..* 1..* +deleteTutoriall()

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Online Educational site for Kids Contact Us

LogIn +admin_Name: string
-admin_Id: string
-UseId: string -address: string
-userName: string -gender: string
-password: string -phoneNo: int
+logIn() +updateeMaterial()
1 1
+verifyDeatil() +deleteMaterial()
+forgetPassword() +view_StudentRecord()
+resetPassword() +delete_studentRccount()


1..* 1..*

Student FeedBack

-student_Email: string -contactNo:

+std_Id: intstring
-Std_Name: string -t_Type: string
-emailid: stringstring
-password: string -t_Subject: string
-position: string
-phoneNo: int +viewTutorial()
-address: string +updateTutoriall()
+DownloadTutorial() +addTutorial()
1..* 1..* +deleteTutoriall()

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Online Educational site for Kids Overall Class Diagram

-Name: string
-EmailId: string -userId: string
-UserName -courseId: string
-Password: string -courseName: string
-CNIC: int -age: int
+PhoneNo: int -courseDescription: string
-Gender: string
-adress: string -gender +viewCourseDeatil()
-phoneNo: int -viewUserDetail() +addCourseDetail()
+addUserDetail() +updateCourseDetail()
+getEmailId() +deleteCourseDetail()
+setEmailId() +manageUserDeatil()
+getPassword() +deleteUserDetail()
+setPassword() 1..*

Student Adminsitrator
-student_Email: string +admin_Name: string
-Std_Name: string -admin_Id: string
-password: string -address: string
LogIn -phoneNo: int -gender: string
-address: string -phoneNo: int
-UseId: string +DownloadTutorial() +addMaterial()
-userName: string +givetest() +updateeMaterial()
-password: string +viewResult() +deleteMaterial()
+editOwnAccount() +view_StudentRecord()
+logIn() +deleteOwnAccount() +delete_studentRccount() Test Result
+verifyDeatil() +add_Tutorial() 1
+forgetPassword() +delete_tutorial() -test_id: string -rollNo: int
1..* -subject: string
+resetPassword() 1..* 1..*
+std_Marks: int
-rollNo: int -class_Name
-testDate: int -position: string
1..* 1..* +taketest() 1..* 1..* +totalMarks()
+testDuration() +obtainMarks()
Tutorial +evaluatetest() +getResult()
-tutorialName: string +calculateMarks()
-t_Type: string
-t_Subject: string

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Online Educational site for Kids

3.3 Use Case

3.3.1 Registration

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Online Educational site for Kids

Student , Teacher , Admin

1) Connect with OESFK.
2) Have a valid user name.
3) Have a valid Email.
4) Have valid password.
5) Have valid Phone No.

Post-Condition Verification message to user.

Description To register new user.

1. User request to open sign up form.

User Action
2. Fill the all information that require.

3. System show sign up form.

System response
4. Process the information and display the message to
user that user successfully register or not.

3.3.2 Log In

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Online Educational site for Kids

Actor Student , Teacher ,Admin

1) Connect with OESFK.
2) User must have an account.
3) Have register email.
4) Have valid password.

Post-Condition Display home page of user account.

Description To access user account.

1. User request to open sign in form.
User Action
2. Fill the all information that require.
3. System show sign in form.
4. Process the information and display the message
response that user successfully Log In or not.

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Online Educational site for Kids

3.3.3 Reset User Log In Password

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Online Educational site for Kids

Actor User and system (OESFK)

1) Connect with OESFK.

2) User must have an account.
3) Have valid email.
4) Have valid password.

Post-Condition Successfully reset or not.

Description To reset user password.

1) Click on reset user password button.

User Action
2) Enter old and new password and click on change password
Open reset password page.
System response
3) Process them and display the message touser that
4) the password successfully reset or not.

3.3.4 Reset admin Log In Password

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Online Educational site for Kids

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Online Educational site for Kids

Actor Admin and system (OESFK)

5) Connect with OESFK.

6) Admin must have an account.
7) Have valid email.
8) Have valid password.

Post-Condition Successfully reset or not.

Description To reset user password.

5) Click on reset Admin password button.

User Action
6) Enter old and new password and click on change password
Open reset password page.
System response
7) Process them and display the message to admin that
8) the password successfully reset or not.

3.3.5 Feed Back

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Online Educational site for Kids

Actor User
User want suggest us by his right opinion.

Post-Condition After feedback user can get response by administrator.

Description User can give us feedback suggestions about our site.

User Action 1) User click on feedback option.

2) User enter his email.
3) Click on send option.
4) Send user feedback.
System response

3.3.6 Contact Us

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Online Educational site for Kids

Actor User

Pre-Conditions User wants get information about ESFK if he/she wants.

Post-Condition User saw information about ESFK.

User can view information of ESFK.

User Action 1) Open ESFK site.

2) Select Contact Us option.

System response 3) Display home page of site.

4) Display information about ESFK.

3.3.7 Question And Answer

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Online Educational site for Kids

Actor User and Faculty

1) Connect with OESFK.

2) User must have an account.
Must now the procedure to input question.

Post-Condition Technical block question should be appear for giving answer to


Description Faculty and student can use Technical block to solve user problem in
the form of question answer.
1) Click on input question button.
User Action 3)Enter question into message box and then enter
email and password.
2) Open message box page.
System response 4) Process the student request and if student Enter valid email and
password then successfully save.

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Online Educational site for Kids

3.3.8 Test/Exam

Actor User and OESFK.

Pre-Conditions 1) Open OESFK.

2) Valid Email.
3) Valid Password.

Post-Condition Open challenges test.

Description User take test.

1) Select subject for challenges.

User Action
2) Select answer that require for test.

System response 3) Open test.

4) Show result of challenges test.

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Online Educational site for Kids

3.3.9 Upload/Download Material

Actor User and Faculty.

Pre-Conditions 4) Open OESFK.

5) Valid Email.
6) Valid Password.

Post-Condition Open test.

Description It provide the facility to Faculty upload and user download this
5) Select Material for Upload.
User Action
6) Select Material for Download.

System response 7) Upload Material.

8) Download Material.

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Online Educational site for Kids

3.3.10 Add Material

Actor Admin

1) Connect with OESFK.

2) Log In.
3) Add specific Material.

Post-Condition Verify Message .

Description Add New Material.

1) Click on add material.

User Action

Process the Admin Request and Add new Material.

System response

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Online Educational site for Kids

3.3.11 Update Material

Actor Admin

4) Connect with OESFK.

5) Log In.
6) Update specific Material.

Post-Condition Verify Message .

Description Update New Material.

2) Click on Update material.

User Action

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Online Educational site for Kids

System response Process the Admin Request and update Material.

3.3.12 Delete Material

Actor Admin

7) Connect with OESFK.

8) Log In.
9) Delete specific Material.

Post-Condition Verify Message .

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Online Educational site for Kids

Description Delete New Material.

3) Click on Delete material.

User Action

Process the Admin Request and Delete Material.

System response

3.3.13 User Logout

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Online Educational site for Kids

Actor User Student , Teacher and Admin.

Pre-Conditions User can log out after completing their task.

Post-Condition User can successfully log out.

Description If user wants to log out after completing their task

he/she click on logout button.
1) User click on logout button to be logout from system.
User Action

System response 2) When user click on logout button he/she successfully logout from
the system.

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Online Educational site for Kids

3.3 Logical view

3.3.1 Activity Diagram Activity Diagram For Registration Activity Diagram For Log In

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Online Educational site for Kids

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Online Educational site for Kids Activity Diagram For Course Detail

Check availability of Courses

Course not available



No Validate Memner
not a validate Member


Check Courses

No more Courses

Add Kids Details

Update Courses

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Online Educational site for Kids Activity Diagram For Exam Detail


Select Exam

Exam not available


View Exam

no more Exam

Update Exam

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Online Educational site for Kids

3.3.2 Sequence Diagram Sequence diagram for Registration and Log in

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Online Educational site for Kids Sequence Diagram for Test

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Online Educational site for Kids Sequence Diagram For Course Detail

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Online Educational site for Kids Sequence Diagram for Admin Add Material

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Online Educational site for Kids Sequence Diagram for Admin Update Material

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Online Educational site for Kids Sequence Diagram for Admin Delete Material

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Online Educational site for Kids Sequence Diagram For Log Out

Object1 : user Object2 : login

1 : logout()

2 : response()

3.3 Design Rationale

We want to design a system that is available for everywhere. We also Don’t want to restrict the
use for storage devices. That’s why we use database to store data unlimited of users. MYSQL is best
using in OESFK. It is run for server and it is good enough to use it for large and small applications. We
divide the system into many modules so it easy to understand the interfaces of the system.

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Online Educational site for Kids

4.1 Data Description
My SQL Database is used. Data delete and update through PHP script. Data stored on Local

4.1.1 Data Objects

1. Administrator
ID: Identity the number given from the database for Admin.
Name: The Name of admin , this attribute is unique for the learning system.
Phone No: Identify the Phone Number of Administrator.
Email-Id: The e-mail Id of the admin.
2. Student Registration
ID: id of the Student that are used for registration.
Name: Name of the kids.
Father Name: identity the Father Name of Kids.
DOB: Date of Birth of the kids.
Gender: Gender of the kids.
Phone No: Phone Number of the kids used for Contacts.

3. User Registration
ID: identity the number given from the Database for User.
Name: Name of the Users.
Age: Shows the age of the Users.
Phone No: The Phone Number of the user.
Gender: The Gender of the user.

4 Courses
Id : The identity number of given from the database for Courses.
Name: The name of the courses.
Description: Detail Description about the courses.

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5 Exams
Id: The identity number of given from the database for Exams.
Roll No: The roll number of the Kids.
Subject: Show the Subjects that are involved for Exams.

6. Result
Id: Identify the result id.
Name: Name of the result.
Marks : Marks of the User.
Position: Position of the User.

7. Feed Back
Id: Id of user.
User Name: Name of user for Log In.
Password: Password of the user, used for log In.
Document: Name of Documents.

8. Question and Answer

Id: Id of user.
User Name: Name of user for Log In.
Password: Password of the user, used for Log In.
Question : Question that will be asked
Answers: Answers of the specific question that will be asked.
Describe how the major data or system entities are stored, processed and organized. List
any databases or data storage items.

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4.2 Data Dictionary

1. Administrator
Parameter Parameters Type

Id Integer

Name String

Phone No String

Email Id String

Address String

2 User Registration

Parameter Parameters Type

Id Integer

Name String

Father Name String

Date of Birth Integer

Phone No String

Age Integer

Phone No String

Gender String

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3. Courses

Parameter Parameters Type

Id Integer

Name String


Parameter Parameters Type

Id Integer

Name String

Roll No Integer

Subject String

Test Date Integer

7. Result

Parameter Parameters Type

Roll No Integer

Name String

Marks Integer

Position String

Class Name String

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8. Feed back

Parameter Parameters Type

Id Integer

Email String

8. Feed back

Parameter Parameters Type

Contact No Integer

Email Id String

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ER Diagram of ESFK For Registration and Log In

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ER Diagram for OESFK

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5.Component Design
5.1 Objects

5.1.1 Login

ClassName Login
Brief The login class is used to access the user account. User request to open sign in form
Description and system show this form. User fill the all information that require and system
process the information and display the message that user successfully log in or not.

Attributes Attributes Description

User Id Id of user that is used for login.

Name Name of the user.

Password Password of user require for successful login.

Methods Methods Description

LogIn and verify method helps the user to login with this website. The user log In by
using the using the email id and password. If the user has already accounted then user
can log In.

Pseudo Code

void logIn (int id, string Password, string Name)

1. Get User name and password.

2. If the user is equal to the entered User name & the password is equal to
the entered password.
3. Done database connectivity.
4. If login successful
Print “ login”

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Print “login failed”

5. End if.

Pseudo code
verifyDetail() 1. Get username Get Password
2. If File Exist Then
3. Read Password From File
4. If File.Password==Enter.Password
Print ” Verify Detail”


Print ” Incorrect user Name and Password”

End If

5.1.2 Administrator

Class Name Administrator

Brief Description The administrator control all the detail information about site OESFK. Admin
can View detail , add detail , update detail and Delete Detail.

Attributes Attributes Description

Id Identify number of given from the database for Admin.

Name The name of admin , this attribute in unique for learning system.

Phone Identify the phone Number of Admin.

Email The email id of the admin.

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Methods Methods Description

If the admin wants to view student record , delete student record , add tutorial
and delete tutorial the use this class. This class provide the all above methods.

viewStudentRecord() Pseudo code

ViewStudentRecord (int Id, string name, string Email, int PNo )

1. Enter user Id , Name , Email and Phone No

2. If all the given information is validate.
3. Connection with database.
4. Then admin select view Detail option.


Operation Failed.

5. End if
Pseudo code


deleteStudentRecord (int Id, string name, string Email, int PNo )

1. Enter user Id , Name , Email and Phone No

2. If all the given information is validate.
3. Done Database Connectivity
4. If admin Wants to Delete student Record.

Print ” Delete Successfully”


Print ”Operation Failed”

5. End if

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Pseudo Code

1. Start
2. addtutorial( in Id, string name, string Email, int PNo )
3. Enter Id , Name , Email and Phone No
4. Validate Input data.
5. Done database Connectivity.
6. If Admin wants to add tutorial.
Print “New tutorial added successfully”
Print “ Failed”
7. End
Pseudo Code
deleteTutorial() 1. Start
2. deletetutorial( in Id, string name, string Email, int PNo )
3. Enter Id , Name , Email and Phone No
4. Validate Input data.
5. Done database Connectivity.
6. If Admin wants to delete tutorial.
Print “Tutorial deleted successfully.”
Print “ Failed”
7. End

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5.1.3 Test/Exam

Class Name Test/Exam

Brief It provide the facility that take the test from user. User select the subject and open
Description test .Select answer that require for test and show result of test.

Attributes Attributes Description

Test Id Identify number of given from the database for Exams.

Subject Show the subject that are involved for exams.

Test Date Specify date of the test.

Roll no The Roll number of the student.

Methods Methods Description

This Methods provide the facility to take test from kids and calculate the marks of
this test.

Pseudo Code

Taketest ( in testId , int rollNo , string subject, int testdate )

1. Enter Test id , Roll no and Subject.

2. Validate Input Data.
3. Done Data Base Connectivity.
4. Select Exam Detail.
5. If Wrong Selection
Print” Cancel Test”

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Print “Confirm Test”

6. Exit
Pseudo code

calculateMarks (int testId , int rollNo string subject , int testdate )
1. Enter Test id , Roll no and Subject.
2. Validate Input Data.
3. Done Data Base Connectivity.
4. Calculate Marks
Print “Calculate Successfully”
Print “Failed”


5.1.4 Result

ClassName Result
Brief It provide the result of test that taken from user.

Attributes Attributes Description

Id Identify the result id.

Name Name of the result.

Marks Marks of the test.

Position Position of the student.

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Methods Methods Description

When user give the test the student get result and see their obtain marks.

Pseudo Code


obtainMarks (int rollno , string name, int marks, string position)

1. Get User name and id.
2. If the user is equal to the entered User name & the id is equal to the
entered user id .
3. Database connectivity.
4. If student obtained Marks is greater than equal to 60
Print” passed”


Print “Failed”

5. End if.

Pseudo Code
getResult (int rollno , string name, int marks, string position)
6. Get User name and id.
7. If the user is equal to the entered User name & the id is equal to the
entered user id .
8. Database connectivity.
9. If student wants to get result.
Print” Result get successfully”


Print “ Unsuccessful”

End if.

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5.1.5 Contact Us

ClassName Contact Us
Brief User can contact of ESFK system. Open ESFK site and select contact us option.

Attributes Attributes Description

Contact No Number require for Contact.

Email id Email id require for Contact.

Methods Methods Description

If user required any information about this site then he/she contact us using

Pseudo Code
clickConatctUs() clickContactUs ( int id, int ContactNo)

1. Get Email id and Contact No.

2. If the user Id is equal to the entered Id & the Contact number is equal
to the entered No.
3. Database Connectivity.
4. If all Detail Valid then
5. Print ” Contact us”

Print ” Unable”

6. End if.

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5.1.6 Courses

ClassName Result
Brief Description It provide facility of new courses can added. Update the exiting courses and
delete the courses.

Attributes Attributes Description

Course Id Identify the number of given from the database for courses.

Course Name Name of the courses.

Course Description Detail Description about the courses.

Methods Methods Description

It provide the facility to add new courses information for kids who wants to get
admission and select their course list. It also provide the facility to view add
courses and update courses and delete courses.

Pseudo Code

viewCourseDetail (int Id, string name, string Email, int PNo )

1. Enter user Id , Name , Email and Phone No.

2. Validate all given information.
3. Connection with database.
4. If connection create successfully


Print “Operation Failed”

5. End if

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Pseudo code

addCourseDetail ( int Id, string name, string Email, int PNo )

1. Enter Id , Name , Email and Phone No

2. If all the given information is validate.
3. Done Database Connectivity
4. If admin Wants to add course detail.
Print “added Successfully.”
Print “Operation Failed.”
5. End if
Pseudo Code

updateCourseDetail ( int Id, string name, string Email, int PNo )

1. Enter Id , Name , Email and Phone No

2. If all the given information is validate.
3. Done Database Connectivity
4. If admin Wants to update course detail.
Print “ Update Successfully.”
Print “ Operation Failed.”
5. End if
Pseudo code
deleteCourseDetail() deleteCourseDetail ( int Id, string name, string Email, int PNo )

1. Enter Id , Name , Email and Phone No

2. If all the given information is validate.
3. Done Database Connectivity
4. If admin Wants to delete course detail.
Print “ delete Successfully.”

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Print “Operation Failed.”
5. End if

5.1.7 Feed Back

ClassName Feed Back

Brief Description User can give us feedback suggestions about our site..

Attributes Attributes Description

Name Name of user log in.

Message Message is required for Login.

Email id Email id require for log in.

Methods Methods Description

It provide the facility of user to send feedback for administrator.

Pseudo code

send() send( int id, string Name, string Msg)

1. Input user name and Email.

2. Input the message body.
3. If verify user email Feed Back Goes to Admin

Show error Message

4. End if.

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6.1 Overview of User Interface
In this website if user is registered then opened the Homepage otherwise not. Registered user
easily login from website and search Courses , give Exam , take result and learn latest other things. User
can easily contact and give feedback about learning system for Administrator.

6.2 Screen Images

6.2.1 Sign Up

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6.2.2 User Log In

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6.2.3 Admin Log In

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6.2.4 Reset Password

6.2.5 User Edit Own account

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6.2.6 Tutorial Detail

6.2.7 Courses Detail

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6.2.8 Exam Detail

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6.2.9 Student Record

6.2.10 Directly Move to other Site

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6.2.11 Question and Answer

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6.2.12 Contact Us

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6.2.13 Feed Back

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Components: Upload
Requirement Reset And
s from SRS Regist Log Reset user Admin Feed Contact Questi Test/ Downlo
(use cases): ration In Log In Log In Back us on and Exam ad
Password Passwor Answer Material


Requirements Admin Add Admin Update Admin Delete Log Out
From SRS(Use Material Material Material
UC10 X
UC11 X
UC12 X
UC13 X

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