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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

APRIL 9, 2018




SESSION: 2016-2018
Department Of Computer Science/ Govt. Khawaja Fareed Post Graduate College, Rahim Yar Khan
Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

Revision History
Date Description Author Comments
09/04/2018 Version 1.0 Hira Mukhtar

Document Approval
The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by the following:

Signature Printed Name Title Date

Sir Usman Ghani Supervisor, CSIT 21306 09/04/2018

Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………...…………………………………………..1
1.1 Purpose…………………………………………………………………………………....................1
1.2 Scope...................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Overview……………………………………………………………………………….....................1
1.4 Reference Material…………………………………………………………………………………..1
1.5 Definitions and Acronyms…………………………………………………………………………..1
2. SYSTEM OVERVIEW…………………………………………………………………………………..2
2.1 General Constraints…………………………………………………………………………………...2
2.2 Technologies Used……………………………………………………………………………………2
2.3 Application Overview………………………………………………………………………………...2
2.4 Design Languages…………………………………………………………………………………….2
2.5 System Environment………………………………………………………………………………….2
3. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE……………………………………………………………………………2
3.1 Architectural Design………………………………………………………………………………...2
3.1.1 Block Diagram…………………………………………………………………………………….3
3.2 Decomposition Description………………………………………………………………………….4
3.2.1 Generalization and Aggregation……………………………………………………………..........4 Registration and Login Component……………………………………………………………..4 User Component………………………………………………………………………………....5 Create Plan Component………………………………………………………………………….6 Feedback Component…………………………………………………………………………....6 Overall Class Diagram…………………………………………………………………………..7
3.2.2 Use Case Diagrams………………………………………………………………………………..8 Use Case: Registration…………………………………………………………………………..8 Use Case: User Login…………………………………………………………………………....8 Use Case: Reset Login Password of User……………………………………………………….9 Use Case: Set Forget Password………………………………………………………………….9 Use Case: Create Plan………………………………………………………………………….10 Use Case: View Map…………………………………………………………………………...10

Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Use Case: View Path Distance…………………………………………………………………11 Use Case: Search Places………………………………………………………………………..11 Use Case: User Logout…………………………………………………………………………12 Use Case: Admin Login………………………………………………………………………12 Use Case: Reset Login Password of Admin………………………………………………….13 Use Case: View Places………………………………………………………………………..13 Use Case: Add Places…………………………………………………………………………14 Use Case: Edit Places…………………………………………………………………………14 Use Case: Delete Places………………………………………………………………………15 Use Case: View Users………………………………………………………………………...15 Use Case: Admin Logout……………………………………………………………………..16 Use Case: Feedback……………………………………………………………………….….16 Use Case: Contact Us…………………………………………………………………………17
3.2.3 Sequence Diagrams………………………………………………………………………………18 Sequence Diagram of “Login Credential"……………………………………………………..18 Sequence Diagram of" Reset Password and Set Forget Password"…………………………....19 Sequence Diagram of "Plan"…………………………………………………………………...19 Sequence Diagram of "Places"…………………………………………………………………20 Sequence Diagram of "Feedback"……………………………………………………………...20
3.2.4 Activity Diagrams………………………………………………………………………………..21 Activity Diagram of "Registration"…………………………………………………………….21 Activity Diagram of "Login"…………………………………………………………………...21 Activity Diagram of "Plan and View Map"……………………………………………………22 Activity Diagram of "View Distance"…………………………………………………………22
3.3 Design Rationale…………………………………..…………………………………….…………22
4. DATA DESIGN………………………………………..……………………………………….………23
4.1 Data Description……………………………………….......………………………………………23
4.1.1 Data Objects……………………………………………………………………………………...23 Admin…………………………………………………………………………………………..23 Customer……………………………………………………………………………………….23

Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Feedback……………………………………………………………………………………….23 Login Credential……………………………………………………………………………….24 Map ……………………………………………………………………………………………24 Place……….…………………………………………………………………………………...24 Path Distance...………………………………………………………………………...……….24 Registration ………...………………………………………………………………………….24 User…………………………………………………………………………………………….25
4.1.2 Relationship and Complete Data Model…………………………………………………………26
4.2 Data Dictionary………………………………………………....………………………………….27
4.2.1 Admin……………………………………………………………………………………………27
4.2.2 Customer…………………………………………………………………………………………27
4.2.3 Feedback……...………………………………………………………………………………….27
4.2.4 Login Credential…………………………………………………………………………………27
4.2.5 Map.……………………………………………………………………………………………...27
4.2.6 Place……….……………………………………………………………………………………..28
4.2.7 Path Distance……..………………………………………………………………………………28
4.2.8 Registration……........……………………………………………………………………………28
4.2.9 User………………………………………………………………………………………………28
5. COMPONENT DESIGN……………………………………….......…………………………………..28
5.1 Objects………………………………………………………………………………………………28
5.1.1 Registration………………………………………………………………………………………28
5.1.2 Login Credential………………………………………………………………………………….29
5.1.3 Places……………………………………………………………………………………………..30
5.1.4 Plan……………………………………………………………………………………………….32
5.1.5 User………………………………………………………………………………………………33
5.1.6 Customer…………………………………………………………………………………………34
5.1.7 Admin……………………………………………………………………………………………35
5.1.8 Map………………………………………………………………………………………………36
5.1.9 Feedback…………………………………………………………………………………………36
6. HUMAN INTERFACE DESIGN………………………………………...…………………………….37

Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System
6.1 Overview of User Interface…………………………………....…………………………………...37
6.2 Screen Images…………………………………….......……………………………………………37
6.2.1 Registration Screen………………………………………………………………………………37
6.2.2 Login Screen……………………………………………………………………………………..38
6.2.3 Reset Password Screen…………………………………………………………………………...39
6.2.4 Forgot Screen…………………………………………………………………………………….39
6.2.5 User Profile Screen………………………………………………………………………………40
6.2.6 Create Plan Screen……………………………………………………………………………….40
6.2.7 Select Plan Screen………………………………………………………………………………..41
6.2.8 View Map Screen………………………………………………………………………………...41
6.2.9 View Path Distance Screen………………………………………………………………………42
6.2.10 Feedback Screen………….……………………………………………………………………..42
6.2.11 Admin Login Screen……………………………………………………………………………43
6.2.12 Admin Reset Password Screen………………………………………………………………….43
6.2.13 Admin Profile Screen…………………………………………………………………………...44
6.2.14 View Places Screen……………………………………………………………………………..44
6.2.15 Add Places Screen………………………………………………………………………………45
6.2.16 View Users Screen……………………………………………………………………………...45
6.2.17 View Feedback Screen………………………………………………………………………….46
6.2.18 Logout Screen…………………………………………………………………………………..46
7. REQUIREMENTS MATRIX………………………………………...………………………………..46

Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

1. Introduction:
1.1 Purpose:
The purpose of Software Design Description Document (SDD) is to define the software design /
software architecture, software components and interfaces that satisfied the requirements
gathered in the SRS of the project named (OITGS).
The designers, coders, testers and managers of the proposed system used this SDD document.

1.2 Scope:
As in current system, to get the information about the specific place, the travelers should have to
get help from the people who have knowledge about that place. This takes more time and a lot of
problems the users have to face.
Thus the Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System intended to help to those who have passion for
travelling but without any proper guidance or information about the desired travelling places,
they may lose their wishes.
The proposed OITGS gives all information online such as city maps, with description, time
required to visit, photos of desired places and finds path according to user criteria etc.
The functionality that OITGS provides is following: users can add their accounts, can use all the
information about the desired places. Further in this system, the administrator can add and update
all the detail, add new places and can see the profiles of the users through their email ID and
This system saves time and money that the tourists waste in finding and consulting. It provides
route details and facilities according to the users requirements.
1.3 Overview:
In this document the section 2 contains the system overview. The section 3 defines the system
architecture. The data design is contained in section 4. The component design is discussed in the
section 5. The section 6 contains human interface design and the last section defines the
requirement matrix.

1.4 Reference Material:

 IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions, IEEE Std 1016-1998
(Revision of IEEE Std 1016-1987) Available at

1.5 Definitions and Acronyms:

 OITGS: Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System.
 IEEE: Institute of Electrical and electronics Engineers.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

2. System Overview:
2.1 General Constraints:
In OITGS, the developers have needed a local web server for testing to include Apache Web
Server 2.0, PHP 5.0 and MYSQL 5.1. The provider also requires Apache Web Server 2.0, PHP
5.0 and MYSQL 5.1 for publishing the Software.

2.2 Technologies Used:

In OITGS many technologies are used such as MYSQL, HTML, PHP, CSS and Bootstrap etc.
The records of customers are store in the MY SQL database. For communication among
company and customer PHP is used. The all data about registered users is save in the data base
for later use.

2.3 Application Overview:

In OITGS the users can search different places and can find their desired paths. To registered
users, the OITGS provides all information online such as maps of the city, images of desired
places with description, finds path according to their criteria.
The users can also see the distance of location. The OITGS calculate the distance of path and
show to the users. It also gives the details about routes to the users. The user can create plan to
visit the desired places after having details about places.

2.4 Design Languages:

In system design, components design and data design UML (Unified Modeling Language) is
used for graphical representation.
In the development of OITGS, Use case Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Activity Diagrams,
Sequence Diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams and State Chart
Diagrams are used.

2.5 System Environment:

The OITGS is compatible to all Windows Operating Systems, Internet browsers (Mozilla
Firefox, opera, Google chrome, Safari, and internet explorer etc.). To access the website internet
connection is essential.
3. System Architecture:
3.1 Architectural Design:
In OITGS new users get registration and after registration their all records are stored. These
records are helpful to login the users. In OITGS, the registered users have many rights in the site
as compare to common users.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

In OITGS, information about places will stored. The users will see the information about the
desired places and can create plan for visiting places.
The map will also store in the site and users will also see the map for getting help in finding
places. In OITGS, distance about path will store in the site and users will view the path distance.
The users will also give feedback to the site.
3.1.1 Block Diagram:

User User User User

System Interface

Registration Login Create View View Feedback

Plan Map Distance

Web Application



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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

3.2 Decomposition Description:

In OITGS, Users must be registered to login to the site. New users after get registration can
access their account. Because the record of registered users is stored for later use in login to the
In OITGS, registered users can get information and all detail about desired places or cities etc.
By getting information about places which is store in OITGS the users can create plan for
visiting places.
The OITGS also provides map facility. The users can also view the map and see places on the
The users can also see the distance in kilometers of desired paths. The distance is also stored in
the OITGS.
The feedback facility is also provided by the OITGS. The users will give comments and
suggestions to the site.
3.2.1 Generalization and Aggregation: “Registration and Login Component”:

+EmailID: String
+User Id: Int +Password: String
+UserName: String
+EmailID: String +login()
+Password: String +resetPassword()
+ContactNo: Int +forgetPassword()
+Age: Int +logout()
+Address: String

SDD Document 1.0 09/04/2018
Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System “User Component”:

+User Id: Int
+UserName: String
+EmailID: String
+Password: String
+ContactNo: Int
+Age: Int
+Address: String

Admin Customer
+Admin Id: Int +Customer Id: Int
+Name: String +Name: String
+EmailID: String +EmailID: String
+Password: String +Password: String
+ContactNo: Int +ContactNo: Int
+Age: Int +Age: Int
+Address: String +Address: String
+addAdminDetails() +addCustomerDetails()
+updateAdminDetails() +updateCustomerDetails()
+deleteAdminDetails() +deleteCustomerDetails()

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System “Create Plan Component”:

+PlaceName: String
+CurrentLocation: String
+Destination: String

+PlaceName: String
+CityName: String +Size: Bytes
+PlaceId: Int
+Image: String +displayMap()
+Tags: string +zoomIn()
+Address: String +zoomOut()
+Description: String PathDistance
+addPlaces() +CurrentLocation: String
+editPlaces() +Destination: String
+viewPlaces() +distanceInKilometer()
+searchPlaces() “Feedback Component”:

+User Id: Int
+UserName: String
+EmailID: String
+Password: String
+ContactNo: Int
+age: Int
+Address: String



+Comments: String

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Overall Class Diagram:

1..1 +1..*

Plan User
+User Id: Int
+UserName: String +PlaceName: String +User Id: Int
+EmailID: String +CurrentLocation: String +UserName: String
+Destination: String
+Password: String 1..* +1..* +EmailID: String
+ContactNo: Int +selectPlace() +Password: String
+Age: Int +displayMap() +ContactNo: Int
+Address: String +calculateDistance() +Age: Int
+distanceInKilometer() +Address: String
+deleteAccount() +addUserDetails()
+updateAccount() +UpdateUserDetails()

+CurrentLocation: String
LoginCredential +Destination: String
+EmailID: String +distanceInKilometer()
+Password: String
+resetPassword() +Admin Id: Int
+forgetPassword() Places +Name: String
+logout() +EmailID: String
+PlaceName: Strring +Password: String
+CityName: String +ContactNo: Int
+PlaceId: Int +Age: Int
+Image: String Customer
+Address: String
+Tags: String +Customer Id: Int
+Address: String +addAdminDetails() +Name: String
+Description: String +updateAdminDetails() +EmailID: String
+deleteAdminDetails() +Password: String
+editPlaces() +ContactNo: Int
+deletePlaces() +Age: Int
+viewPlaces() +Address: String
+searchPlaces() +addCustomerDetails()
+Size: Bytes +updateCustomerDetails()
+displayMap() +deleteCustomerDetails()
+zoomIn() +1..*

+Comments: String

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

3.2.2 Use Case Diagrams: Use Case: Registration:




Actors User
Pre-condition New user can be registered.
Description User wants to get registration.
User can be registered by follow the
Registration procedure. He / she must enter valid
user name, email, phone number, address and
Post-condition Verification message must display to the user. Use Case: User Login:




Actors User
Pre-condition User wants to login to own account.

Description User can access his/her account.

User must enter correct email and password.
Post- condition Home page of user’s account must display to user.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Use Case: Reset Login Password of User:


Reset Login Password


Actors User and System

Pre-condition User wants to reset password.
Description User can reset login password.
By entering old and new password, user can reset
Post- condition System sends message to user if password
successfully reset or not. Use Case: Set Forget Password:


Set Forget Password

User Admin

Actors User and Admin

Pre-condition The user wants to set forget password.
Description The user can reset password. In case of forget
password the user will click on forget button after
that user will enter the code which is send by the
system on his/her phone number or Email ID. The
user will enter new password.
Post-condition The user will successfully set new password.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Use Case: Create Plan:


Create Plan


Actors User.
Pre-condition User wants to create plan for visit places.
Description User will enter city name which he/she wants to
visit and click on the submit button.
Then user will select places.
Post- condition The system will show details about selected
places by user. Use Case: View Map:


View Map


Actors User
Pre-condition User wants to see the map of the city.
Description User will click on this option and then enter the name
of the city. The user will zoom in and zoom out the map.
Post-Condition The system will show the map.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Use Case: View Path Distance:


View Path Distance

User User

Actors User
Pre-condition User wants to see the distance of path from current
location to destination.
Description User will click on this option and then enter the current
location and destination.
Post-Condition The system will calculate the distance then show the
distance in kilometers. Use Case: Search Places:


Search Places

User User

Actors User
Pre-condition User wants to search places in the site.
Description User will search the places by visiting the site.
Post-condition The user will search the places.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Use Case: User Logout:


User Logout


Actors User
Pre-condition User wants to logout from the site.
Description Users can logout after clicking on the logout
Post- condition They can successfully logout from the system. Use Case: Admin Login:


Admin Login


Actors Admin
Pre-condition Admin wants to login to his/her own account.
Description Admin can login to own account.
To login to account email and password must be
entered correctly.
Post- condition Admin’s account must be displayed.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Use Case: Reset Login Password of Admin:


Reset Login Password


Actors Admin and System

Pre-condition Admin wants to reset password.
Description Admin can reset login password. .
By entering old and new password, Admin can
reset password.
Post- condition System sends message to admin if password
successfully reset or not. Use Case: View Places:




View Places



Actors Admin
Pre-condition Admin wants to view places in the site.
Description Administrator can view the places after login to
the site.
After clicking on the view places option, admin
can easily view places.
Post- condition After view the places administrator must be

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Use Case: Add Places:


Add Places



Actors Admin
Pre-condition Admin wants to add places in the site.
Description He/she can add places after login to the site.
To add places admin must click on the add places
Post- condition After add places admin must be logout. Use Case: Edit Places:


Edit Places

Admin <<include>>


Actors Admin
Pre-condition Admin wants to edit places in the site.
Description He/she can edit places after login to the site.
To edit places admin must click on the edit places
Post- condition After edit places admin must be logout.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Use Case: Delete Places:



Delete Places



Actors Admin
Pre-condition Admin wants to delete places in the site.
Description He/she can delete places after login to the site.
To delete places admin must click on the delete
places option.
Post- condition After delete places admin must be logout. Use Case: View Users:



View Users



Actors Admin
Pre-condition Admin wants to view registered users.
Description Admin can view detail about registered users after
login to the site.
To view detail about user admin must click on the
view user’s option.
Post- condition After view users admin must be logout.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Use Case: Admin Logout:


Admin Logout

Actors Admin
Pre-condition Admin wants to logout from the site after
performing different tasks on the account.
Description Admin can logout after clicking on the logout
Post- condition Admin can successfully logout from the system. Use Case: Feedback:


Give Feedback


Actors User, Admin

Pre- condition User wants to give feedback and suggestions about
the site.
Description User can give feedback by clicking the feedback
option after login to the site.
After click on this option the user will write
comments and these comments will be send to
Post- condition User will receive response about this feedback
from admin.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Use Case: Contact Us:


Contact Us User


Actors User
Pre-condition User wants to contact us.
Description To contact with the site the user will click on the
contact us button. Then all detail about contact will
available on site.
Post- condition The user will contact us after check detail.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

3.2.3 Sequence Diagrams: Sequence Diagram of “Login Credential”:

: User : Registration : LoginCredential

1 : Create Account()

2 : Display Form()

3 : Fill Form()

4 : Submit Form()

5 : Verify Details()

6 : Successfully Create Account()

7 : Login()

8 : verify Password and Email()

9 : wrong Email and Password()

10 : Re-enter Email and Password()

11 : Successfully Login()

12 : Logout()

13 : Successfully Logout()

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Sequence Diagram of “Reset Password and Set Forget Password”:

: User : LoginCredential

1 : Forget Password()

2 : Send code on Phone No or Email ID()

3 : Enter code()

4 : verify code()

5 : Enter new Password()

6 : Successfully set forget password()

7 : Reset Password()

8 : Enter old, new and confirm Password()

9 : Successfully reset Password() Sequence Diagram of “ Plan”:

: User : Plan

1 : Request for Map and Detail of City()

2 : If exist()

3 : Display map and Details()

4 : Select Places()

5 : Show Details of Places()

6 : Request for Distance()

7 : Calculate Distance()

8 : Show Distance in Kilometers()

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Sequence Diagram of “Places”:

: Admin : User : Places

1 : View Places()

2 : Check if places are exist()

3 : Successfully View Places()

4 : Add Places()

5 : Add details of places()

6 : Successfully Add Places()

7 : Edit Places()

8 : Edit details of places()

9 : Successfully Edit Places()

10 : Delete Places()

11 : Delete details of places()

12 : Successfully delete places()

13 : Search Places()

14 : Display Details of Places()

15 : View Users()

16 : Display Details of users() Sequence Diagram of “Feedback”:

: User : Feedback : Admin

1 : Give Feedback()

2 : View Feedback()

3 : Give Response()

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

3.2.4 Activity Diagrams: Activity Diagram of “Registration”:

Request for Registration form

Fill the form

Verify Detail

Verify=true Verify=false

Store in Database Activity Diagram of “Login”:

Request for Login form

Enter Email ID and Password

Verify Detail

Verify=true Verify=false

Update Database

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System Activity Diagram of “Plan and View Map”:

Request for Map and Detail of City

If Available If not Available

View Map and Detail of City

Select Places

Create Plan Update Database Activity Diagram of “View Distance”:

Enter Current Location and Distance

If Not Available

If Available

Distance in Kilometers

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

3.3 Design Rationale:

As MYSQL Database provides fast and accurate results, we prefer to use it in OITGS. MYSQL
Database is open ended software. Similarly, PHP is also open ended. Therefore we use PHP for
server site language.
4. Data Design:
We prefer to use MYSQL Database for all information about OITGS. We also use PHP script
that is used with local web server. PHP script is used to get and put information into the

4.1 Data Description:

4.1.1 Data Objects: Admin:
Admin Id: Id of the admin that is unique.
Name: Name of the Administrator.
Email ID: Email ID of Administrator.
Password: Password of Administrator of his/her email ID.
Contact No: Contact Number of Admin.
Age: Age of Admin.
Address: Address of Admin. Customer:
Customer Id: Id of the customer that is unique.
Name: Name of the customer.
Email ID: Email ID of customer.
Password: Password of customer of his/her email Id.
Contact No: Contact no of customer.
Age: Age of customer.
Address: Address of customer. Feedback:
Comments: Comments given by the users. Login Credential:

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

Email ID: Email ID of user.

Password: Password of user of his/her email ID. Map:
Size: Size of map. Place:
City Name: Name of the city.
Place Name: Name of the place.
Place Id: Id of the place that must be unique.
Image: Image of the place.
Tags: Tags of the places which means that places in which the users interested like desert, beach
and valley etc.
Address: Address of the place.
Description: Description of the place. Path Distance:
Current Location: Current Location of the path.
Destination: Destination of the path. Registration:
User Id: Id of the user that uniquely identify the user.
User Name: Name of the user.
Email ID: Email ID of the user.
Password: Password of the user of his/her email ID.
Contact No: Contact number of the user.
Age: Age of the user.
Address: Address of the user. User:
User Id: Id of the user that uniquely identify the user.
User Name: Name of the user.
Email ID: Email ID of the user.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

Password: Password of the user of his/her email ID.

Contact No: Contact No of the user.
Age: Age of the user.
Address: Address of the user.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

4.1.2 Relationships and Complete Data Model:

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

4.2 Data Dictionary:

4.2.1 Admin:
Parameter Parameter Types
Admin Id Int
Name String
Email ID String
Password String
Age Int
Contact No Int
Address String

4.2.2 Customer:
Parameter Parameter Types
Customer Id Int
Name String
Email ID String
Password String
Contact No Int
Age Int
Address String

4.2.3 Feedback:
Parameter parameter Types
Comments String

4.2.4 Login Credential:

Parameter Parameter Types
Email ID String
Password String

4.2.5 Map:
Parameter Parameter Types
size Bytes

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

4.2.6 Place:
Parameter Parameter Types
City Name String
Place Name String
Place Id Int
Image String
Tags String
Address String
Description String

4.2.7 Path Distance:

Parameter Parameter Types

Current Location String
Destination String

4.2.8 Registration:
Parameter Parameter Types
User Id Int
User Name String
Email ID String
Password Password
Contact No Int
Age Int
Address String

4.2.9 User:
parameter Parameter Types
User Id Int
User Name String
Email ID String
Password String
Contact No Int
Age Int
Address String

5. Component Design:
5.1 Objects:
5.1.1 Registration:

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

Class Name: Registration

Description: This class is responsible for creating, updating and deleting
user’s account.
Attributes Attributes Description
User Name It specifies the name of the user.
User Id It specifies the user Id that is unique.
Email ID It specifies the email ID of user.
Password It specifies the password of the user email ID.
Contact No It specifies the contact number of the user.
Age This is the user’s age.
Address This is the address of the user
Methods Methods Description
CreateAccount() This method is to create user’s account.
1. Perform the validation on inputs.
2. Connection with database.
3. Create account in the database.
4. Display create account.

updateAccount() A method to update user’s account.

1. Perform validation.
2. Connection with database.
3. Select the fields where changes are needed.
4. Update the account on the base of selected
5. Display update account.
deleteAccount() A method to delete user’s account.
1. User Id as input.
2. Connection with database.
3. Delete account on the base of Id.
4. Display account deleted.

5.1.2 Login Credential:

Class Name: Login Credential
Description: This class is responsible for reset password and set forget
password. It also supports login and logout the user from site.
Attributes Attributes Description
Email ID It specifies the email ID of the user.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

Password It specifies the password of the email ID of the

Methods Methods Description
login() This method is to login the user to the site.
1. Email ID and password as input.
2. Connection with database.
3. If input is valid.
4. Print “Successfully Login”.
5. Else
6. Print “Invalid Input”.
resetPassword() A method to reset password if user wants.
1. Old password, new password and confirm
password as input.
2. Connection with database.
3. If input is valid.
4. Print “Successfully reset password”.
5. Else
6. Print “Invalid input”.
forgetPassoword() A method to set forget password if user forget
1. Validation is performed.
2. Connection with database.
3. Set the forget password.
logout() A method to logout from the site.
1. Validation is performed.
2. Connection with database.
3. Logout from the site.

5.1.3 Places:
Class Name: Places
Description: This class is responsible for updating and deleting data
about places by admin. This class also support view and search criteria of
places by users.
Attributes Attributes Description
City Name It specifies the name of the city.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

Place Name This is the name of place.

Place ID This is the ID of place that identify the place.
Image It specifies the images of places.
Tags It specifies the tags of the place that means the
places in which the users interested like desert,
beach and valley etc.

Address It specifies the address of places that is where that

place is exist.
Description It specifies all description about places.
Methods Methods Description
addPlaces() This method is to add places with all details.
1. Perform the validation.
2. Connection with the database.
3. Add places in the place table.
4. Display place details.
editPlaces() A method to edit information of places.
1. Perform validation.
2. Connection with database.
3. Select the fields where changes required.
4. Update the places on the base of selected
5. Display update places.
deletePlaces() A method to delete places along with details.
1. Place ID or name as input.
2. Database connection.
3. Delete places on the base of place ID or
4. Display places deleted successfully.
viewPlaces() This method is to retrieve the details of that
1. Place ID or name as input.
2. Database connection.
3. If place exist.
4. Display place details.
5. Else.

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6. Print “Place is not exist”.

searchPlaces() A method to search and retrieve details of places.

1. Place name as input.
2. Connection with database.
3. Search place on the base of name of place.
4. If place found.
5. Display place details.
6. Else.
7. Print “Place is not found”.

5.1.4 Plan:
Class Name: Plan
Description: This class is responsible for creating plan for users. In the
plan the users will see the details about desired places with images, map
and path information.
Attributes Attributes Description
Place Name It specifies the name of place.
Current Location It specifies the current location of path for which
the user wants to see distance in kilometers.
Destination It specifies the destination of path.
Methods Methods Description
selectPlace() A method to select places and retrieve
information about places with details.
1. Validation is performed.
2. Connection with database.
3. Select the place which information is
4. Display details of selected places.
displayMap() A method to display map of place.
1. Name of place as input.
2. Connection with database.
3. Find map according to place name.
4. If map exist.
5. Display map.

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6. Else.
7. Print “Map is not exist”.
calculateDistance() This method is to calculate distance of path.
1. Current location and destination place as
2. Database connection.
3. Calculate path distance on the base of
current location and destination.
distanceInKilometers() A method to retrieve path distance in kilometers.
1. Current location and destination as input.
2. Connection with database.
3. Display distance in kilometers after
5.1.5 User:
Class Name: User
Description: This class is responsible for updating, adding, viewing and
deleting user details.
Attributes Attributes Description
Uses Id It specifies the id of the user that is unique.
User Name It specifies the user’s name.
Email ID It is the email ID of the user.
Password It is the password of the user’s email ID.
Contact No It is the contact number of the user.
Age It specifies the age of the user.
Address It specifies the user’s address.
Methods Methods Description
addUserDetails() A method to add user details.
1. Validate the user inputs.
2. Database connection.
3. Add user details in the user table.
4. Display user details added.
updateUserDetails() This method is to update or change user details.
1. Perform validation.
2. Database connection.
3. Select the fields where detail is to be

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

4. Update the user details on the base of

selected fields.
5. Display update user details.
deleteUserDetails() A method to delete user details.
1. User Id as input.
2. Connection with database.
3. Delete user details on the base of user Id.
4. Display user’s details deleted.
viewUserDetails() A method to view user details.
1. User Id as input.
2. Connection with database.
3. View user details on the base of user Id.
4. Display user details.

5.1.6 Customer:
Class Name: Customer
Description: This class is responsible for add, delete and update customer
Attributes Attributes Description
Name It specifies the name of the customer.
Email ID It specifies the email ID of the customer.
Customer Id It specifies the customer id that is unique.
Password It specifies the password of the email ID of the
Contact No This is the contact number of the customer.
Age This is the age of the customer.
Address It specifies the address of the customer.
Methods Methods Description
addCustomerDetails() A method to add customer’s details.
1. Perform validation.
2. Connection with database.
3. Add details in customer table.
4. Display customer details.
deleteCustomerDetails() A method to delete customer’s details.
1. Customer Name or Id as input.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

2. Connection with database.

3. Delete customer’s details on the base of
Name or Id.
4. Display details are delete.
updateCustomerDetails() A method to update Customer’s details.
1. Perform validation.
2. Connection with database.
3. Select the fields where changes are
4. Update the customer details on the base
of selected fields.
5. Display details are update.

5.1.7 Admin:
Class Name: Admin
Description: This class is responsible for add, delete and update customer
Attributes Attributes Description
Name It is the name of the administrator.
Admin Id It specifies the admin Id that is unique
Email ID It specifies the email ID of the admin.
Password It specifies the password of the email ID of the
Contact No It specifies the contact number of the admin.
Age This is the age of the admin.
Address It specifies the address of the admin.
Methods Methods Description
addAdminDetails() A method to add admin details.
1. Validation is performed.
2. Database connection.
3. Add details in admin table.
4. Display admin details.
deleteAdminDetails() This method is to delete admin details.
1. Admin name or Id as input.
2. Connection with database.
3. Delete admin details on the base of name
or Id.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

4. Display details are deleted.

updateAdminDetails() A method to update admin details.
1. Perform validation.
2. Connection with database.
3. Select the fields where changes are
4. Update the admin details on the base of
selected fields.
5. Display details are updated.

5.1.8 Map:
Class Name: Map
Description: This class is responsible for displaying map to the users.
Attributes Attributes Description
Size It specifies the size of the map.
Methods Methods Description
displayMap() This method is to display map.
1. Name of place as input.
2. Connection with database.
3. Find map according to place name.
4. If map exist.
5. Display map.
6. Else.
7. Print “Map is not exist”.
zoomIn() This method is to zoom in the map.
1. Connection with Database.
2. Press key “Ctrl+scroll”.
3. Zoom in the map.
zoomOut() A method to zoom out the map.
1. Connection with Database.
2. Press key “Ctrl+scroll”.
3. Zoom out the map.
5.1.9 Feedback:
Class Name: Feedback

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

Description: This class is responsible for give feedback to the site by the
users. It also handles view feedback and it also responsible to give
response to the user of his/her feedback.
Attributes Attributes Description
Comments These are the comments and suggestions that
are given by the users to the site.
Methods Methods Description
giveFeedback() This method is to give feedback to the site.
1. Validation is performed.
2. Connection with database.
3. Give feedback.
viewFeedback() This method is to view feedback given by the
1. Connection with database.
2. View feedback
giveResponse() A method to give response of the user’s
1. Connection with database.
2. If any feedback is given.
3. Give response of the feedback

6. Human Interface Design:

6.1 Overview of User Interface:
In OITGS, for registered users login screen will display. If user is not registered he/she will get
registration by clicking on the (Registration) link. Then login interface will display to the user.
After successful login the user profile will be opened and user will enjoy the different interfaces
in the site like create plan, view path distance, view map and give feedback etc.

6.2 Screen Images:

6.2.1 Registration Screen:
The users will fill the registration form to be the registered users of the site. Then user will click
on the (Register) button If the user will correctly fill the form then verification message will be
displayed that “Congratulations! You have create your account successfully”. Otherwise the
message will be “Invalid Inputs”.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

6.2.2 Login Screen:

After get registered login screen will be displayed to the user. The registered users will enter
email ID and password to login to the site and then user will click on the (Login) button. If the
user will enter the email ID and password then verification message will display to the user that
“Successfully Login”. Otherwise the message will be “Invalid Inputs”

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

6.2.3 Reset Password Screen:

To reset password the user will click on the (Reset Password) link and Reset Password interface
will display after clicking on this link. The user will enter old, new and confirm Password. Then
user will click on the reset password button. If all the inputs will be correct then a message will
be display that “Successfully Reset Password”.

6.2.4 Forget Password Screen:

To set the password forgotten by the user this screen will be open.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

6.2.5 User Profile Screen:

The user profile interface will contain information about user. The users may also make changes
in their account.

6.2.6 Create Plan Screen:

To create Tour plan the user will click the (Create Plan). Then this interface will display and user
will select City and click on the submit button.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

6.2.7 Select places screen:

After selecting tags, this interface will display to the user that will help in making plan. The user
will select places and info about that places will display.

6.2.8 View Map Screen:

To see map the user will click on the (View on Map) button. Then the map will display to the

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

6.2.9 View Path Distance Screen:

To view path distance this interface will display. The user will enter current location and
destination and then clicking on the (show) button the distance will display to the user that will
be in kilometers.

6.2.10 Feedback Screen:

For the users, the feedback screen will be display if they click on the (Feedback). They will give
comments and click on the submit button.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

6.2.11 Admin Login Screen:

The admin will enter email ID and password to login to the site and then admin will click on the
(Login) button. If the admin will enter the email ID and password then verification message will
display to the admin that “Successfully Login”. Otherwise the message will be “Invalid Inputs”

6.2.12 Admin Reset Password Screen:

To reset password the admin will click on the (Reset Password) link and Reset Password
interface will display after clicking on this link. The admin will enter old, new and confirm
Password. Then admin will click on the reset password button. If all the inputs will be correct
then a message will be display that “Successfully Reset Password”.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

6.2.13 Admin Profile Screen:

The admin profile interface will contain personal information about admin. Admin will also
make changes in his/her account.

6.2.14 View Places Screen:

This screen will display to the admin when he/she will click on this link. The admin ill see all
information about places that are stored will make changes in the places.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

6.2.15 Add Places Screen:

This interface will display if admin wants to add places.

6.2.16 View Users Screen:

To View users this interface will show to the admin that will contain all information about users.

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Online Intelligent Tourist Guide System

6.2.17 View Feedback Screen:

This interface will help the admin to see feedback from users.

6.2.18 Logout Screen:

After clicking the logout, the user will logout from the site.

7. Requirements Matrix:
Requirements Registration Login Create Plan View Map View Path Feedback Places User
From SRS Component Component Component Component Distance Component Component Component
(Use Cases) Component
Use Case 1 X
Use Case 2 X
Use Case 3 X
Use Case 4 X
Use Case 5 X
Use Case 6 X
Use Case 7 X
Use Case 8 X
Use Case 9 X
Use Case 10 X
Use Case 11 X
Use Case 12 X
Use Case 13 X
Use Case 14 X
Use Case 15 X
Use Case 16 X
Use Case 17 X
Use Case 18 X
Use Case 19 X

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