LTW 6 Worksheets U7 Vocabulary 2

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Name                   Class          

  7  Vocabulary 2
1 Complete the phrases.
1 2 3 4 5 6

1 r e a k d     
b        o w n a p           
r o b l em 4
g     r p   n   
     k a        t  t    n   t s     s 5
f     r  o    a  ol       n
c     y o t a   x e         t 6
c      t  a c   c   s   n

2 Complete each gap with a word from box A and a word from box B.
A: came look breaking go carried figured

B: ahead out down to for out

breaking down
The scientists at Uncharted Play started by 1           the problem: the
village didn’t have electricity so they didn’t have light at night. They needed to find
a way to create electricity to make light for the village, and secondly, they needed a
device to give out the light. They had the idea of making electricity from movement.
They 2           experiments with the children in the village running and
kicking balls. These experiments were very successful: the children moving created
energy for electricity, but the problem was where to keep the electricity. Finally, they
           a solution – they could keep the electricity in the footballs.
Then they needed to 4           to the next steps. They had to design light
but very strong footballs and test them. Then they had to find a company to make
them. Their first idea was to make them in the village, but then they found a cheaper
place in the city. In the end, they decided to 5           plan A and produce
the footballs in the village. They 6           this conclusion
because they didn’t have to pay anyone to bring the footballs to them.
Now everyone in the village has a football they can connect to a lamp to
have light in their houses when it gets dark! The project, named Soccket,
was a big success.

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