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Digital Marketing

Digital marketing redux:

Pharmaceuticals take a second
look at e-detailing
Kim Ramko
is the Unisys Partner responsible for the global Business Intelligence practice and the CRM/Life Sciences practice for North
America. Kim has over 15 years’ experience managing information technology projects and specialising in SFA/Business
Intelligence solutions, application development, business process improvement for sales/marketing operations, and IT
strategies. Specific industry experience includes pharmaceutical, medical device and diagnostics, life and health insurance and
consumer goods. Prior to joining Unisys, Kim was a partner with BearingPoint (formerly KPMG Consulting), where she was
responsible for building their Life Sciences/CRM practice

Michael Jarosch
is the Unisys Partner for the horizontal CRM practice in Germany and Central Europe, which focuses on developing strategies
and solutions centred around the value optimisation of clients’ customer portfolios and the transformation of companies into
customer-centric organisations. Michael has more than 13 years’ international experience in business consulting and systems
integration. His understanding of clients’ business needs in marketing, sales and customer service is based on the successful
delivery of large-scale customer relationship management (CRM) projects and systems in a variety of industries.

INTRODUCTION consumer (DTC) advertising? In sales? As

In the late 1990s, many pharmaceutical and part of customer relationship management
other life sciences organisations programmes?
experimented with e-detailing and other The answer is, digital marketing is
forms of digital marketing in pursuit of everywhere. Every channel has a digital
reduced costs and smaller salesforces. Peter component — from reps capturing
Lynch famously predicted that the internet sampling data or sharing messages on
would replace field reps altogether. It tablets or handheld devices, to product
never happened. Revenue growth websites and call centre scripts. Digital
continued to rise and salesforces expanded. marketing happens any time companies
In general, pharmas were disappointed use IT systems to capture, share or analyse
with the results of their pilot projects and information about customers. In fact, the
have since regarded digital marketing with analysis of customer data through the use
a caution bordering on outright scepticism. of business intelligence processes represents
But with growth rates slowing and a significant opportunity for companies
returns on promotional investments looking to generate more value from
dropping an average of 24 per cent for the digital marketing efforts. With increased
top 14 companies since 1998 (according to insight about customers’ needs and wants,
Datamonitor), many firms are now taking pharmas can personalise service and market
Kim Ramko a second look. While clearly there was an more efficiently. Knowledge management
CRM/Business Intelligence, excess of hype during the first coming of offers another way for pharmas to
Tel: +1 615 356 9513
e-detailing, there was also a conceptual strengthen bonds with physicians by
Fax: +1 215 986 9435 problem. No one seemed to know where giving them access to valuable online
e-mail: digital marketing fitted in. With direct-to- training progam and learning tools.

134 Journal of Medical Marketing Vol. 5, 2 134–136 # Henry Stewart Publications 1745–7912 (2005)
Digital Marketing

So what is the outlook for digital applied consistently across channels

marketing today? And, more importantly, through the re-use of content elements.
what can pharmas do to ensure success? For instance, e-detailing scripts, with if/
According to recent studies by the Boston then logic to personalise the experience for
Consulting Group,1,2 the number of physicians, can be re-purposed for reps in
European physicians using the internet to the field as well as to populate product
research treatment options is rapidly websites. This also promotes message and
catching that of the USA, where brand consistency.
essentially every doctor is online. In Beyond messaging, strategic digital
Sweden, 74 per cent of doctors are online marketing plans should be linked with
and in Germany 64 per cent. A full 84 per continuing medical education (CME)
cent of connected European doctors use programs. Participation in online
the web in ways that influence prescription conferences and CME sessions is up 29 and
decisions. In the USA, the figure is 75 per 35 per cent, respectively in Europe and the
cent. USA, according to the Boston Consulting
Furthermore, the economic value of e- Group. Remote disease monitoring is
detailing has become clear, even if another ancillary area that, while not
adoption has been slower than expected. marketing in the traditional sense, can go a
Physicians spend an average of 23 minutes long way to strengthen relationships with
in an e-detail, as opposed to a few minutes both physicians and consumers. Again, the
for in-person calls, according to a 2002 higher the levels of strategic alignment and
Scott–Levin study. And Gartner has found IT integration for these initiatives, the
that e-details are 100 times less expensive higher the levels of return.
than traditional calls and can be up to 400
times more efficient.
From a systems perspective, the news is
also good. Past IT investments have laid the KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT:
foundation for successful e-detailing and THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL
digital marketing progams. Most pharmas MARKETING?
have also implemented the data warehouse Perhaps the greatest opportunity in digital
and analytics tools that can drive increased marketing lies in the application of
return on investment (ROI). business intelligence (BI). Most pharmas
The first step in any digital marketing have too much information about their
progam should be mastering the message. customers and not enough ‘business
As with traditional marketing, digital intelligence’. BI tools allow pharmas to
marketing will not be effective unless generate more value from the enormous
pharmas have something new or amounts of information they capture in
important to say (eg messages about new their own systems and purchase from third
research or new indications). Because parties. By promoting detailed knowledge
physicians prefer independent, peer- about individual physicians — their
reviewed data, pharmas need to figure the preferences, prescribing histories, practice
right way to provide it objectively or to characteristics and actual and potential
associate with the right sources. Online value as customers — pharmas can use BI
channels can also be used to notify doctors to achieve the holy grail of one-to-one
of new DTC campaigns, an area where marketing: serving the right customer
physicians are practically begging for through the right channel at the right
communication. time. Further, the modelling and
Once the message is clear, it should be segmentation capabilities of BI can help

# Henry Stewart Publications 1745–7912 (2005) Vol. 5, 2 134–136 Journal of Medical Marketing 135
Ramko and Jarosch

companies establish and maintain channel programs that are designed or deployed
balance and structure their sales forces for independent of other customer-facing
maximum efficiency and productivity. activities are destined to yield
Innovative pharmas have learned that all disappointing results. As pharmas revisit e-
the customer information in the world detailing and other forms of digital
will not improve performance unless it is marketing, the firms that are able to align
translated into execution. An integrated BI the digital components of all of their
process can help pharmas make this marketing, sales and service programs and
translation. improve execution based on intelligence
Knowledge management (KM) is stand to realise significant cost and
another area where digital marketing competitive advantages.
efforts can increase customer satisfaction
and loyalty. Online training programs and WHAT THE ANALYSTS ARE
tools can help doctors meet CME SAYING
requirements and stay abreast of the latest ‘Pharma firms have made extraordinarily large
research — increasingly difficult tasks for investments in traditional details, which have
today’s time-pressed physicians. For KM generated extraordinarily high returns. As
growth rates slow, however, they must find the
programs to be effective, however,
diminishing points of return and apply
pharmas must not let organisational technology, in the form of BI and analytics, to
boundaries become obstacles. Sales, determine which customers to approach with
marketing and service groups should work which messages on which platforms’. (Liz
in concert with medical services staff, with Boehm, Forrester)
all data from KM efforts fed into business
intelligence systems for further refinement ‘The good news for pharmaceuticals is that the
investment required for e-details for one million
of customer interactions.
doctors is essentially the same as for one hundred
The bottom line? Digital marketing is doctors. By and large, the technology is already
everywhere, and it is here to stay. With in place to allow for one-to-one marketing and
the use of business intelligence, digital for viewing physicians as individual P&Ls’. (Dale
marketing allows pharmas to distribute the Hagemeyer, Gartner)
messages that give them the best chance to
influence behaviors in line with company References
1 Boston Consulting Group (2003) Vital Signs: E-Health
goals. And there is no need or reason to
in the United States, January.
isolate digital marketing in any one 2 Boston Consulting Group (2003) European Physicians
function. In fact, any digital marketing and the Internet, March.

136 Journal of Medical Marketing Vol. 5, 2 134–136 # Henry Stewart Publications 1745–7912 (2005)

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