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Time 1 hour 45 minutes

1. The movement of goods and people from point A to B is called_____

A. Transport. B .communication. C. satellite. D. running
2. A person who travels on foot on road is called a
A. poor. B. driver. C. footwork. D. pedestrian
3. Which one of the following is a private transport?
A. Bus. B. Train. C car. D. Aeroplane
4. Which one is an ancient means of communication?

A. B. C. D.
5. What mode of transport would you use to go to your friend's house which is 500m away
from your place?
A. air. B. Water. C.rail. D. Road
6. What mode of transport can you use to transport perishable goods from Zimbabwe to
A. air. B.water. C. road. D. Pipeline
7. The cheapest mode of transport which can be used to carry goods from point A to B of a
map below B

A. rail B air. C. road. D pipeline
8. One advantage of road transport is that ________________.
A. it provide door to door delivery B. It is the fastest
C. it can carry perishables D. fuel is cheap

Compiled by Gumbanjera N.S

9. Complete: All work without play makes Jack a ____boy
A. bright. B. Clever C tall. D dull
10. Which one of the following common cooperative in Zimbabwe nowadays?
A. teaching. B. Aqua culture. C. nursing. D. game ranching.
11. Which one is a blue collar job?

A. B. C. D.
12. To help local to have own Job is to________.
A. employ. B. Indigenize. C. Industrialize. D. Teaching
13. Which one is a leisure activity?
A. swimming. B. Weeding. C. Studying. D. Milking cows
14. Everyone has a right to choose a ____
A. father. B. religion. C. mother. D. totem
15. Which picture is showing children's right?

A. B. C. D.
16. What is the majority legal age in Zimbabwe?
A. 16. B. 18. C. 20. D. 40
17. What determines whether a behaviour is right or wrong?
A. King or chief. B. moral and values C. needs and wants. D. peace or conflict
18. Who said these words? ‘Do unto others as you want them to do unto you’.
A. Mohammed. B. Jesus C. God. D. Allah
19. Most children copy their behaviour from the following except____
A. stranger. B. parents. C. friends. D. teacher
20. Complete, like father like________.
A. son. B. daughter. C. grandfather. D. teacher.
21. A set of rules of a country is called._____________.
A. by laws B. Order. C. trustee. D. Constitution

Compiled by Gumbanjera N.S

The people in a certain area did not care about their environment. The streets were dirty, the
wind blew papers all over and litter and rubbish covered pavements. One day these people
chose a new mayor who everybody loves and respected.
Again and again the mayor asked the people to clean up the town, but they just didn’t care.
They said, “Somebody else can do it”, because they were all too proud to pick up rubbish.
The mayor waited until the next Saturday when everyone was doing shopping. He took a
bucket and a broom and started sweeping the pavements and picking up the rubbish. The
people were ashamed. Within minutes, they started helping him clean up.
The mayor showed the people in this town that he was humble enough to clean up their
rubbish and so, the people also started being humble. From that day on, they all kept the
town clean.
22. The mayor of this town showed his
A. responsibility. B. Right. C. cruelty. D. Selfishness
23. What was wrong with the town?
A. There were too many people. B. There was dirt all over.
C. People respected their new mayor. D. On Saturday everyone do shopping.
24. Later on the people of the town kept their place clean because ____________.
A. they were initiating their mayor. B. They were afraid of their mayor.
C. they would be sent to Prison. D. they were now workers.
25. One attitude shown by the mayor is________.
A. humility. B. Obedience. C. trustworthy. D. aggressive
26. When someone tear up my book by mistake I should ______.
A. report to the police B. tear up his/her book in revenge
C. immediately beat him/ her up D. forgive him or her
27. The following help in managing conflict except________.
A. never talk to someone who wrongs you B. Listen carefully to each other
C. finding help from other senior members D. working together
28. Values are taught in _________.
A. school only B. Churches only C. Families, school and religions D. Society only
29. Those entrusted to look after community goods should be ________ .
A. hard B. honest C. greedy D. kind
30. Peaceful communities are known for ______ their moral values.
A. respecting B. disobeying C. ignoring D. development
31. Which of these bring peace and unity to communities?
A. Fairness and justice B. Selfishness C. Greed D. Dishonesty
32. Who is encouraged to be exemplary in the Zimbabwe National Anthem?
A. Teachers B. Fighters C. Leaders D. Heroes
33. Which religion practice halaal as a way of keeping their meat clean?
A. Christianity B. Islam C. Judaism D. Indigenous Religion

Compiled by Gumbanjera N.S

34. Name two religious that regard a pig’s way of life and feeding as dirty and therefore do
not eat pork.
A. Christianity and indigenous Religion B. Judaism and Islam
C. Judaism and Christianity D. Indigenous Religion and Islam
35. Jews, Moslems and some indigenous ethnic groups have a common ritual health practice
for boys called ________.
A. circumcision B. purification C. mass D. rainmaking
36. Which two books in the Torah talks of diet and health practices?
A. Genesis and Leviticus B. Leviticus and Deuteronomy
C. Genesis and Deuteronomy D. Deuteronomy and Acts
37. ________ is a form of sexual abuse.
A. School B. Inter course with a minor C. beating up a woman D. Community
38. ______ abuse is any touch of child’s private parts.
A. Sexual B. Emotional C. Neglect D. Spiritual
39. Sexual abuse can cause ______ pain.
A. emotional B. religious C. sound health D. yelling and name calling
40. A person who sexually abuses children _______ their future.
A. Build B. supports C. destroys D. lack education

Compiled by Gumbanjera N.S

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