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Benha Faculty of Engineering

Benha University
Power system (2) 3rd year (Control &power department)

Sheet ( 4 )

1. A 3-phase single circuit transmission line is 400 km long. If the line is rated for 220 kV
and has the parameters R = 0.1 Ω/ km, L = 1.26 mH/ km, C = 0.009 µF/km, and G = 0,
find the surge impedance and the velocity of propagation, neglecting the resistance of
the line. IF a surge of 150 kV and an infinitely long tail strikes at one end of the line, what
is the time taken for the surge to travel to the other end of the line?

2. A transmission line of surge impedance 500 Ω is connected to a cable of surge impedance

60 n at the other end. If a surge of 500 kV travels along the line to the junction point,
find the voltage building up at the juncti on.

3. An underground cable of inductance 0.189 mH/km and of capacitance 0.3 µF/km is

connected to an overhead line having an inductance of1.26mH/km and
capacitance 0.009 µF/km. Calculate the transmitted and reflected voltage and curren t
waves at the junction if a surge of 200 kV travels to the junction, along the cable, and
along the overhead line.

4. A transmission line has the following line constants: R =0.1 Ω /km,C = 0.009
µF/km, and G = 0. If the line is a 3-phase line and is charged from one end at a line
voltage of 230 kV, find the rise in voltage at the other end if the line length is 400 km.

5. An overhead power line with an inductanace of l .0 mH/km and a capacitance of

0.01 µF/km is connected at ''j '' to a 100 m long under- ground cable whose total
inductance and capacitance are 0.02 mH and0.03µF, respectively, and feeds a
substation . A 500 kV surge was initiated at a distance of one km from the junction
j. Estimate : 1.The transmitte d and reflected voltages at j
2.The transmitted and reflected currents at j
3.The time (in µs) which the surge takes to reach the substa tion .

over-head line

6. A 3-φ transmission line 200 km long has the following constants :

Resistance/phase/km = 0·16 Ω
Reactance/phase/km = 0·25 Ω
Shunt admittance/phase/km = 1·5 × 10–6 S
Calculate by rigorous method the sending end voltage and current when the line is delivering a
load of 20 MW at 0·8 p.f. lagging. The receiving end voltage is kept constant at 110 kV

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