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Purpose: Students introduce people and use the

possessives nouns and adjectives correctly.

Introduce people!
Competences: communicate in orally way in English as a
second language.
A. Read and listen vocabulary about relationships.
Read and write various types of text in English a second

B. Read, Listen and Practice the conversation.

A Tom this is Paula, Paula’s my classmate.

B Hi, Paula.
C Hi, Tom. Nice to meet you.
B Nice to meet you, too.

C. Listen again and personalize the conversation. Introduce

classmates. Use your own names. Then changes roles.

A Marita this is Sofia, Sofia’s my classmate

B Hi, Sofia
C Hi, Marita. Nice to meet you.
B The pleasure is mine


D. Read and choose the correct word or words to complete

each sentence.
6. He’s (my / I) colleague.
1. Mr. Thomas is (my / I) boss.
7. Mr. Bello is (Alec / Alec’s) neighbor.
2. Is Mrs. Jimenez (you / your) teacher?
8. Jake is (Ms. Rose / Ms. Rose’s) students.
3. Is (she / her) Dr. Kim?
9. (He’s / His) an architect.
4. Are (they / their) Antonio and Luis?
10. (Kyle / Kyle’s) and Ray’s new classmate is Gail.
5. Are (your / yours) Mara’s friends?

E. Listen and complete the conversations.

1. Bruce is her classmate 3. Mr. Grant is her boss 5. Carlos is his friend
2. Patty is his neighbor 4. Rob is her colleague
Self Evaluation.

Think on that.

A. ¿Puedo presentar a otra persona en inglés

de manera sencilla y usando adjetivos??
B. ¿Puedo realizar preguntas de introducción,
basándome en imágenes? SI NO

C. ¿Puedo personalizar conversaciones

sencillas dando la entonación adecuada al
contexto? SI NO

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