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Activity 1 – Growing up

Case Study 1: Isabella

Isabella is 48 years old and has experienced infancy,
early childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood but is
currently experiencing the middle adulthood stage.
There was a physical change in Isabella’s body when
she was in the adolescence stage, this process is called
puberty. She has also developed a mobility disorder and
has to use a walking stick to walk around and a
wheelchair, which may affect her ability to complete
physical activities in her daily life.
There have been some intellectual changes as well,
such as Isabella may still have a good memory but may
have a bad short-term memory. She has discovered and
secured her own identity by now.
There may have been more emotional changes that
Isabella may have developed, such as a developed
uncertainty and a growing awareness of her mortality.
Her husband Marco, who is 52, has a breathing
condition and forgets his inhaler sometimes. This is
usual for his life stage, since middle adulthood has a
factor in causing STM loss. Marco’s physical
environment may have been a major physical factor in
the oncoming of his breathing condition, since he was a
construction worker.
The inability to access lifts or elevators may impact
Isabella’s physical ability to do daily tasks such as
shopping, she is unable to use the stairs because of her
Also, the inability for the couple to access public
transport may impact their ability to get necessities like
food or exercise.

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