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Taguig City University

Technology University of the Philipine Clinic Master

Plan for 2021-2026

A Project Presented to the Course Specialists

of the College of Information and Communication Technology
of Taguig City University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the Subject
Project Management
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


Kim James C. Duhaylongsod

May 2023
Taguig City University

Executive Summary

The Technological University of the Philippines (TUP-Taguig) will offer general

and preventative health care for all students and staff in this area and the
surrounding communities. The clinic will utilize a trained staff, sound medical
training, new equipment, a referral system and nearby hospital facilities in order
to maximize the care for each patient. As part of its ongoing efforts to improve
access to health care in university clinic, Technological University of the
Philippines is subsidizing the start-up and first year of operations of a new
develop university clinic. The master plan will be owned and managed by the
government of Taguig City. It will be responsible for ensuring the general health
of those patients and creating a viable and profitable medical practice.
Throughout the first year, Technological University of the Philippines will work
closely with advisers from General Medical to get the clinic on a sound financial
and operational footing, using this medical clinic business plan as a guiding
management tool.

The Technological University of the Philippines-Tagiug (TUP-Taguig) was

established and began its operation in year 1977-1978 with only two competent,
dedicated teachers at its helm. The school building is placed in 14 East service
Road, Western Bicutan, Taguig City, specifically in Brgy. 15 Barangay Wester
Bicutan and is easily accessible to neighboring towns. Clinics are known as a
required facility in every institution. In every school, a clinic operates through the
complete basic education curriculum. The school clinic offers its services to
everyone inside the school premises that needs assistance if they are not feeling
Taguig City University

Clinic/Health Committees

Aims and objectives

 Emphasis on primary care.
 Primary care should be the cornerstone of a people-centered health
 Objective is to keep the number of illness below 77.5 per 1,000 among
patients reporting to the emergency department with a diagnosis of
common diseased.

The goals of committees are:

 to promote the rights of patients;
 to promote shared decision making between patients and their clinicians.
 to promote fair policies and procedures that maximize the likelihood of
achieving good, patient-centered outcomes; and
 to enhance the ethical tenor of health care professionals and health care

1. Quality Improvement Committee:

This committee takes responsibility of developing and periodically reviewing
the organization wide quality improvement programmed. The committee
generally works as an apex committee for a school clinic preparing for
Taguig City University
Roles and responsibilities
 Develop and approve organization wide quality improvement
programmed, policies, manual and activities
 Identify quality indicators for monitoring quality
 Recommend suitable benchmarks for indicators
 Review quality indicators performance periodically and take appropriate
decisions for further improvement
 Recommend best practices for implementation in university clinic
 Review and identify accreditation requirements and make plans to
address them
 Guiding departments in matters related to quality and accreditation
 Develop and monitor quality improvement activities across the

 Suggested members
 Chairperson – Someone from top management such as CEO, Vice
president or director.
 Convener/Coordinator – Accreditation coordinator / Quality Officer or
 Other members – One representative each from medical specialties,
Pediatrics, Super-specialties, Laboratory services, Blood Bank,
Imaging Services, General Management, HR management, Pharmacy
services and Support services.
Taguig City University
2. Infection Control Committee:
This committee bears the responsibility of infection control measures with an
objective of reducing the risk of CAI (Clinic Acquired Infection) in the School
Clinic. The committee discusses and decides on each matter that can have
an effect on infection control.

Roles and responsibilities:

 Develop and approve organization wide infection control programmed,
policies, activities and manual
 Establish standard precaution practices to be followed across the clinic
 Establish definitions and criteria for identifying and reporting of all
infections among patients and personnel
 Guide departments on evidence based infection control practices
 Set benchmark CAI rates for monitoring the effectiveness of infection
control measures
 Validate methods for calculating CAI rates
 Review CAI rates periodically and recommend actions accordingly
 Develop antibiotic policy in conjunction with pharmacy-therapeutics
 Develop protocol for handling of infection outbreak and manage such
 Other similar matters related to infection control
Taguig City University
3. Pharmacy-therapeutics committee (Drugs committee):

This committee deals with all matters pertaining to pharmacy, medicines and
medical consumable used in the university clinic for patient care. There are
many issues related to safety, quality and ethics under use of drugs and this
committee resolve those issues.
Roles and responsibilities:
 Develop and approve policies related to medication management
 Establish safe medication practices in the organization
 Develop and approve clinical formulary
 Issue guidelines for rational prescription of medication
 Develop mechanism for reporting and tracking of medication errors and
adverse events related to medication
 Review indicators related to medication safety and take necessary
 Monitor medication practices through audits such as prescription audit,
pharmacy audit etc.
 Help Infection Control Committee in formulating antibiotic policy
 Other similar matters related to medication management

4. Safety Committee:

Safety committee bears the responsibility of ensuring safety of all across the
organization. Scope of this committee is wide and in larger university clinic it
can be further segregated into radiation safety committee, lab safety
committee and clinical safety committee. If there are multiple committees
working on safety issue, the interaction between these committees is very
important to ensure uniform policy making and actions. This can be achieved
by having few members common between these committees.
Taguig City University

Roles and responsibilities:

 Develop and issue policies related to safety based upon best national and
international safety practice
 Monitor implementation of safety practices through appropriate indicators,
audits and feedbacks
 Oversee the development and implementation of various emergency
codes such as code blue, code pink, code red, code yellow etc.
 Investigate sentinel events and other safety related adverse events
 Issue guidelines related to safety pertaining to clinical and non-clinical
 Develop mechanism for reporting and tracking of safety related adverse

Suggested members
 Chairperson – A senior member such as general manager
 Convener/Co-coordinator – Safety manager
 Clinical members – Representatives from clinicians (specially surgery,
medicine), representatives from laboratory and radiology, radiation safety
officer, representative from nursing department, ICU in-charge and OT in-
 Non-clinical members – Maintenance in-charge, security in-charge,
representative from general management, fire safety officer and any other
Taguig City University
5. Disaster and emergency preparedness committee: 

     This committee has a specific role to develop a working plan on handling

disaster situation. In smaller clinics, this can be merged with safety
committee, but in larger university clinic it is preferable to have a separate

Roles and responsibilities:

 Identifying relevant disaster and emergency situations that may occur
within clinic’s range and prioritize them as per risk
 Formulate a plan for each identified disaster and emergency situation to
be followed in case it occurs
 Assess the level of preparedness of the school clinic from time to time to
meet all such identified disaster situations
 Identify and recommend resources required to meet disaster and
emergency situations
 Recommend modifications required in facility to address disasters
 Recommend training and mock drills required to be conducted for staff
 Conduct analyses and make improvements post-event

Suggested members:
Similar to that safety committee, an expert in disaster management either
from organization or from outside should be added in the committee to
provide technical expertise
Taguig City University
6. Ethics committee:

Ethics committee plays an advisory role in all matters related to ethical

dilemma. While research ethics committee can be constituted as per ICMR
guidelines and which undertakes approval and monitoring of clinical
researches, clinical ethics committee deals with unusual, complicated ethical
problems involving issues that affect the care and treatment of patient.

Roles and responsibilities:

 Identifying issues and events in patient care that has an ethical concern
 Discuss all such events from ethical and patient care perspective
 Ensure that legal guidelines are met in all such issues
 Take most appropriate decision in all ethical issue
 To develop and issue ethical guidelines to healthcare staff and provide
clarifications as and when required.

Suggested Members:
Members should be a mix of clinical and non-clinical people. Senior and
experienced people from the organization should be taken as member in this
committee. It is advisable if one or two members from outside of hospital can
also be taken on board. The committee should be chaired by some-one from
the senior most designation. TUP should try to find and include members who
have experience of dealing with ethical issues in patient care
Taguig City University
7. Grievance redressed and disciplinary action committee:

This committee presides over cases related to employee grievance and

recommends appropriate disciplinary actions to be taken. The committee
plays an important role from Human Resources management point of view
and ensures that rights of the employees are protected.

Roles and responsibilities:

 To analyze in-depth all cases of employee grievance brought in committee
 To preside over the cases in most unbiased manner
 To take decisions on the basis of evidences and after listening to all
concerned parties
 Ensure that disciplinary policy of the organization is followed (In case the
grievance is of nature of sexual harassment, it must handed over to
Guidance Committee for further process).

Suggested members
 Chairperson – A top management person
 Convener / Co-ordinate – Head/Manager HR
 Other members – 5-6 members from different departments

8. Internal Complaints Committee for prevention of sexual harassment at


This committee is a legal requirement under ‘prevention of sexual

harassment’ law. The purpose of this committee is to investigate and take
action against any complaint received which has a nature of sexual
Taguig City University
Roles and responsibilities:
 To receive complaints related to sexual harassment at workplace
 To investigate each and every complaint in light of evidence and following
the principles of natural justice
 To decide appropriate actions in each case, in accordance to the legal
guidelines under the act
 To ensure that rights of complainant and complainee are protected
 To issue guidelines from time to time regarding prevention of sexual
Member’s requirements
 Presiding officer – This should be a female employee of the
organization working at a senior level.
 Not less than 2 members from amongst employees who have
experience in social work or have good legal knowledge
 One member from NGO or association working for the cause of
woman or an independent person familiar with issues related to sexual
 Other members as appointed by the organization
 Minimum 50% of the members of this committee shall be females

9. Clinical committee
This is a multi-purpose committee to deal with various types of clinical issues
that requires a decision based upon inputs from different fields. More than
one clinical committee can be formed if the scope and range of work is large.
There are a large number of issues that are clinical in nature and require a
depth clinical discussion. Ranges of issues that can be taken up in clinical
committee are:
Taguig City University

 Developing a policy for credentialing and privileging of clinicians and

whetting of credentials of doctors and assigning clinical privileges
 Conducting medical/clinical audits and recommend measure of
 Conducting clinical analysis of exceptional cases such as death,
major medical errors etc.
 Development of clinical protocols that requires multi-specialist inputs
 Deciding measures to improve clinical capabilities amongst clinicians
 Advising on policy matters that have clinical aspects, such as antibiotic
policy, infection control policies etc.
 Providing clinical opinion to managers on making patient care better
Clinical committee is composed of clinical members from all specialties of the
organization with one or two nursing and non-clinical members to provide
supportive assistance

10. Information Systems Committee

Typically composed of the director representatives from the Board of of
information systems and Directors, chief executive officer, chief
representatives from the various
This committee usually includes:
 Evaluating and recommending of this committee usually clinical computer
 Providing training on clinical computer system
 Responding to requests for assistance with computer application

Taguig City University
1. Quality Improvement team – This team is formed of accreditation / quality
manager (as team leader) and 2-4 executives from quality and operations
department. The role of this team is to implement quality related policies and
practices across the organization. Specific work under this team includes.
 Communicate policies and procedures related to quality with departments
 Monitor the compliance with quality plans
 Collect and analyze data for calculating quality indicators
 Conduct on the job training of staff related to quality improvement
 Conduct or help in inter-departmental quality audits

2. Infection Control team – Infection control team work under the leadership of
infection control officer with infection control nurses being the part of it. The team
works to implement infection control practices across the school clinic and
improve the compliance level. Specific tasks performed by the team include:

 Implement Standard Precaution and other infection control policies and

Infection control surveillance
 Monitoring of infection control practices compliance
 Training and orientation on infection control practices
 Review the implementation of various infection control policies such
as antibiotic policy, sterilization policies etc.
 Acquire data and calculate various HAI(Healthcare-Associated
Incfections) rates
Taguig City University
3. Safety Team – This team consist of safety manager (team leader) along with
2-3 executives from operations or quality. The team is responsible for
implementing patient safety and other safety practices across the hospital.
Specific tasks include
 Conducting facility safety inspection round
 Monitoring compliance to safety practices
 Conducting mock drills for safety
 On the job training and orientation on safety matters
 Liaisoning with management to provide necessary safety resources

4. Firefighting Team – This team consist of 4-8 people from security and
maintenance. One of the supervisors can be the team leader. Every member
of the team is trained in firefighting. The team takes control of any fire
situation in the university clinic, till the time fire is under control or external
help is arrived.

5. Code Blue Team – This team handles any medical emergency situation
arising anywhere in the school clinic. For details of members and roles
please read this post on code blue system in clinic.

6. Hazardous Materials Team (HazMat team) – This a is a team made of 3-4

housekeeping staff who are trained in handling large spills of hazardous
materials such as blood, mercury etc. If any large spills happen any-where in
the school clinic, this team must be called for the safety of others.
Taguig City University
Vision and Mission Statement

A premier state university with recognized excellence in engineering and

technology education at par with leading universities in the ASEAN region


The University shall provide higher and advanced vocational, technical,

industrial, technological and professional education and training in industries and

technology, and in practical arts leading to certificates, diplomas and degrees. It

shall provide progressive leadership in applied research, developmental studies

in technical, industrial, and technological fields and production using indigenous

materials; effect technology transfer in the countryside; and assist in the

development of small-and-medium scale industries in identified growth centers.

Core Values
TUP shall adhere to its core values: TUPIANS
 T - Transparent and participatory governance
 U - Unity in the pursuit of TUP mission, goals, and objectives
 P - Professionalism in the discharge of quality service
 I - Integrity and commitment to maintain the good name of the University
 A - Accountability for individual and organizational quality performance
 N - Nationalism through tangible contribution to the rapid economic growth
of the country
 S - Shared responsibility, hardwork, and resourcefulness in compliance to
the mandates of the university
Taguig City University

Framework of Plan
 Focus on our patients and deliver high quality service
 Continuously improve all our services through quality management
 Involve all our partners in our quality improvement activities
 Empower employees to make appropriate decisions
 Have the highest degree of respect for one another and value diversity
 Use training, teamwork and open communication to enable all employees
to achieve their full potential
 Recognize and reward employees’ contributions
 Take all reasonable steps to ensure that patients, student, staff and all
others in contact with the University Clinic are afforded the safest possible
 Maintain the highest ethical standards in protecting the public and the
 Measure the effectiveness of our activities and monitor progress towards
achieving our Vision


 To create a medical practice that will exceed patients' expectations.

 To provide high-quality health care to the students and faculty of the
 To create a medical practice that helps serve the students and faculty
Taguig City University
 To form a health care practice that is able to survive off its own cash flow
in 10 months or less
 To increase the number of patients by 20% per year through superior
performance and word-of-mouth referrals.
 To develop a comprehensive website that includes online booking
capability, as well as additional information about the practice, hours,
demographic information, health information and much more.
 Collections of 95% or more and missed appointments under 5%
 Average visits per month of 100 to 150 patients within the first 10 months
and 200+ patients by the beginning of the second year.
Taguig City University

The Process (Flowchart)

Data and Process Modeling

 Using this diagram the structure of an information processing program of

the system was described. The input showed the details of what types of
information the system would accept. The process described the
programs to be executed and the transactions to be done by the system.
The output also described the expected result.

Figure2. System Flow Chart

Taguig City University

 Showed the flow chart of the users when the system loads. There are
different users of the system are:
 The administrator
 Head nurse
 Pharmacist
 Receptionist
 Billing officer

The diagram showed the complete flow chart on how the system works. The
system user could input their details in the system and the system would verify if
the user exists or not. Once the user is verified, they would be directed to the
dashboard displaying their specific functions based on their job roles. In general
the user could manage their own dashboard, update information, check history or
hospital records, and then print necessary records and receipts.
Taguig City University

Figure2. System Flow Chart

Figure 3 illustrated the administrator of the system which could register the
users and manage the system settings and maintenance. The administrator
could view necessary reports generated from the gathered data.
Taguig City University

Figure 3. Flow Chart of Administrator Module

The receptionist could be either the nurse, or any other regular employee
in the hospital which was assigned to the receptionist desk. The receptionist
would handle the patient registration coming from the Emergency Department or
from the Out-Patient Department.
Taguig City University

Figure 4. Flow Chart of Receptionist Module

Figure 5 was the flow chart of the head nurse. The head nurse could
manage the patient release order granted manually by the attending doctor of the
admitted patient and they could also view the patient history. By logging in to the
system, the head nurse could manage whether the patient was ready to go home
or not.
Taguig City University

Figure 5. Flow Chart of Head Nurse Module

Figure 6 was the flow chart of the pharmacist. The pharmacist could
login to the system. He or she could manage the inventory and check the status
of medicines availability. The pharmacist could also print the pre-ordered list of
medicines to the patient and the total amount. The pre-ordered list was the
Taguig City University
patient’s itemized order of items in the pharmacy and its total amount dues which
was to be paid at the billing department.

Figure 6. Flow Chart of Pharmacist Module

Figure 7 was the flow chart of the billing officer. He or she could login to
the system and manage the billing transactions of the patient as well as the
pharmaceutical payments. The billing officer could also view the patient billing
status and clear the patient’s billing statement in order for the patient to finally
check out.
Taguig City University

Figure7. Flow Chart of Billing Officer Module

Figure 8 was the context diagram. The admin could access the system as
shown in the diagram, and then the system would process the transaction and
gave results to the administrator. The receptionist, billing officer, pharmacist, and
the head nurse were also the same. These users could access the system using
their own registered accounts then the system would process the data.
Taguig City University

The data flow diagram was used to see the flow of data from an entity to a
process to the data in a more detailed perspective. Figure 9 below showed a
more detailed processes and flow of the system.
Taguig City University

users patients inventory

Figure 9. Data Flow Diagram

Taguig City University
The diagram below illustrated the roles of the people covered by the
system and their interactions. There were five users of the system: the
administrator, the billing officer, receptionist which is the nurse, pharmacist, and
the head nurse.
Taguig City University
Sample Facilities Clinic of Technological University of
the Philipine
This is the example facilities of Technological University of the Philippines Clinic
which have a Consultation Area, Patient Section, Dental section and Record
Section only.
Clinic Entrance
Taguig City University
Consultation Area
Taguig City University
Patients Section
Taguig City University

Dental Area
Taguig City University

Record Section
Taguig City University

Future Facilities Technological University of the

Philipine Clinic Master Plan for 2021-2026

This is the future facilities Technological University of the Philipine Clinic which
have following Area/Sections.

Reception Area
Taguig City University

Clinic Waiting Room

Patient Room

Clinic Laboratory
Taguig City University

Doctor/Nurse Office Section

Employee/Staff Lounge Section

Taguig City University

Clinic Medical Storage Section

Taguig City University
Simple Random Sampling

This chapter explains various methodologies that were used in gathering

data and analysis which are relevant to the research. The methodologies will
include areas such as the location of the study, research design, sampling and
sample size, types of data, data collection method and its management.
This research will provide you the preventative healthcare of the students and
staffs on Technological University of the Philippines. This also explores the start-
up operation of a new developed university clinic.

This study descriptive research design is defined as a research method

that described the characteristics of the population that is being studded. As was
used data was collected from the respondents at one point in time. This design
always focuses more on what of the research subject rather the why of the
research subject. The data for this research was further collected at the
Technology University of the Philippines Clinic.

The study was carried out inside the Technological University of the
Philippines. The researcher used online data based on management data given
to us. This research includes the sum number of the students and staffs and the
sum number of equipment and facilities use in university clinic.

After 44years, The Technological University of the Philippines Clinic will
continues the improvement in medical process, improve care and improve the
Taguig City University
patients experience face many challenges, including the need to align changes
across of identifying, prioritizing, and implement these changes can be improve
with the right tools equipment such as laboratory room equipment, facilities and
medical process. Have ability to improve care, patient experience, and save lives
through quality improvement project that reduce clinical variation, preventable
medical errors and improve the bottom line. And a school clinic that is primarily
focused on the care of outpatients, can be privately operated or publicly manage.
They typically cover the primary health care needs of patient and at the same
time, maybe growing into institutions as large as major school medical hospital or
becoming associated with a hospital.
In medical technology, have a system website that the content must be
fresh, relevant, on-topic, non-plagiarized optimized for search engine with a
proper technical structure of the website and each page, easy to access, record
and find the data of patient, have a free online consultation (only patient at the
Technology University of the Philippines) building quick, secure, and search
engines love them. Incorporate high quality videos animations, create a list
capture for patient’s emails, and even connect the latest reputation and text
messaging communication.
And still the Technological University of the Philippines Clinic aimed at
making more improvements in these categories;
 The safety - Since this grew up as a school medical clinic, all staff,
students and teachers will priority their safety, have a 1 st aid and primary
healthcare needs.

 Effectiveness - It refers “how a drugs work in a real-world situation” the

effectiveness of drugs and sufficient dose or duration of use.
Taguig City University
 Patient-centeredness - Improvement the practices of caring for patients
in ways that are meaningful and valuable to the individual patient. It
includes listening to informing and involving patients in their care.

 Access – Easy to connect or receive the patient health care or access to

comprehensive, quality health care services.

Document Retention and Management


A records retention program includes the systematic storage, tracking, and
destruction of business documents and records. A retention program identifies
the records that need to be kept and outlines guidelines for how long different
record types should be stored and how they should be destroyed.

Poor record retention and management can lead to heavy fines and
Managing private files can lead to data breaches from loss or theft


 Medical Records  Employee Records
 Business Documents  Patient Record


Nearly every record that the clinic retains can be scanned and converted
to a digital format. Digital files create quick access and instant backups.
Taguig City University


Facilities typically index document inventories, keeping track of documents
for easy retrieval once retention times are up.


Once records finally pass their retention periods, they should be shredded and

Reporting and Data Gathering

List of Data gathering methods:
Formal Interview:

We went on Technological University of the Philippines Clinic to gather

some data based on what we need to do to developed the future master plan.

For the patient satisfaction questionnaire:

Here is the list of the question we wanted to ask to them:
 They don’t seem to listen to anything I tell them during my
 consultation
 I feel that I’m in good hands when I come to the clinic
 I’m always given a clean explanation of why I am having tests
 The person I see in clinic really knows what he/she is talking
 I am given good advice on how to cope with my illness.
 No matter how long you have to wait in clinic, it’s worth it.
Taguig City University
 I’m satisfied with the care I receive in the clinic.
 My questions are answered in words that I find hard to understand
 I’m given as much time as I need for my consultation.
 They don’t seem to listen to anything I tell them during my

For the system proposal questionnaire:

Here is the list of the question we wanted to ask to them:
 Do you have existing system?
 What kind of system? Manual of Automated?
 How does your system help the school?
 What is the problem of Manual system?
 Why you need automated system?

Electronic Mail System

E-mail follow-up allows retention and clarification of advice provided in
clinic. Often patients under the duress of illness forget to ask important
questions. Selfcare instructions might not be fully understood or retained. E-mail
creates a written record that removes doubt as to what information was
E-mail is especially useful for information the patient would have to
commit to writing if it were given orally. Examples include addresses and
telephone numbers of other facilities to which the patient is referred; to make an
appointment; test results with interpretation and advice; instructions on how to
take medications or apply dressings; pre- and postoperative instructions; and
Taguig City University
other forms of patient education. Some frequently used educational handouts
can be ported to an e-mailer template or formatted for the provider's home page
on the World Wide Web.
This is the convenience way for the students to have a direct contact to
the physicians. Since email provides clients with a written response, it allows
them the opportunity of re-reading any information given.
Summary of communication guidelines
 Establish turnaround time for messages. Do not use e-mail for urgent

 Inform patients about privacy issues. Patients should know:

 Who besides addressee processes messages

 During addressee's usual business hours.

 During addressee's vacation or illness.

 That message is to be included as part of the medical record.

 Establish types of transactions (prescription refill, appointment scheduling,

etc.) and sensitivity of subject matter (HIV, mental health, etc.) permitted
over e-mail.

 Instruct patients to put category of transaction in subject line of message

for filtering: “prescription,” “appointment,” “medical advice,” “billing
Taguig City University


Mobile Phones or Smart Phones become central to our daily lives, we use
it in Health Care, work setting and present both opportunities and challenges, It
serves as a means to fulfill tasks both work and at home, and also the market
preparation of this device is rising in every industrial sector and Professional
Smart phones can be used in Medicine Industry such as hospitals and
even in small clinics, our smart phones devices used as a logged book, or patient
information book, to manage the information of the patient while the patient is not
in the clinic yet, the medical technologist will know all the patients cases
therefore the med tech will be prepared upon the arrival of the patient, mobile
phone also can be used as a patients, way to get some information about the
scheduling of the doctors and the laboratory provided by the clinic, therefor it is
less paper and also less hustle to put some announcements in the clinic door,
also less hustle for the patient because they don’t need to go to the clinic to know
the announcements.
Smart phone are helpful to the medical technologist because this serves
as their, patients record or patients info while they are rounding, so that they
don’t need to bring their paper copies while checking up the patient.
There are risks to be encountered while using mobile phones in such
hospitals or clinics, because some are using phones in such hospitals or clinic
because some are using their phones that are not related to their work, some are
using it just to browse their application installed on their smart phones, so that
the clinic or hospital needs to have restrictions to implement, so that using smart
phones in hospitals and clinic becomes successful.
Taguig City University

This is a Sample chart of clinics goals. Not to distract using their phones while on
their work.
Taguig City University

Web Presence
Technological University of the Philippines Clinic will also have a clinic website
where patients can learn about our clinic, health information, location, map, hours
of operation, biographical information about the physician, procedures and much
more. We will also consider educational videos for diabetes, hypertension and
many other important health issues facing society today, as well as specific
health issues facing the local area.

The website marketing strategy will be focused on increasing placement in

search engines. The practice and website will focus on the campus population.
We will develop strategies to create links from local websites in the campus
community to our master plan. Information about the website will be on the office
brochure, cards and future advertisements.

School Clinic Management System

Clinic Management System is developed to support the clinic daily operation
before this is done manually. This system will involve all the clinic operation
starting from patient. The important thing is it will become easier for the data
record and retrieval. This system will be able to generate report regarding the
clinic operation. For example, the number of patients per day and the total
collections per day. This system is able to check the inventory for the medicine in
the clinic. The target user for this system is staff of the clinic, doctor and also the
management. Prototyping approach is applied while developing this system.

The School Clinic Management System is the presenters' product, a system that
aims to be reliable and be useful to school clinics. The aim of this system is to
solve minimal problems such as difficulty of encoding data, time management
Taguig City University
and confidentiality issues. These kinds of problems are very common, especially
with those having a paper – based system to go through. Basically, the system is
an alternative solution to the School Clinic's paper works.

Problem Statement
Before this, the management of the clinic is done manually. There are some
problem arise especially for the data retrieval. Clinic has a problem of loss of
patient data. There is also redundant patient data if the patient not sure whether
they have come to the clinic before. So the clerk considers the patient as a new
patient and adds new data. Currently, the inventory for the medicine is done
manually. The management of the clinic also has to takes times to check for the
medicine inventory.

Purpose and Objectives

The main objective of the study is to solve all the aforementioned problems and
to provide easy accessibility with all the documents and information that the
School Clinic handles. The system will provide a more accurate record of all the
students – from their personal information to their medical backgrounds. It will
also provide a complete list of all the available medicines – mostly basic kinds
that the students can use. It is important for the clinic and the system to be ready
for some “illness” a student may have or conditions for us to able to help them
recover. The system will oversee all of the equipment’s inside the School Clinic,
in order to know the current state of every apparatus and make sure that
everything functions well or nothing is missing.
Taguig City University
Significance of the study
 The clinic management system will improve clinic operation for both staff
and the patient
 For the staff, it will make it easy during registration process. If the patient
is an existing patient, they can easily retrieve back the record of the
 For the doctor they can view history record of patient. In case, if the
patient allergy with the certain medicine, the doctor will give an alternative
medicine for the patient.
 For the management, it will help them view the report operation of the
clinic. The other thing is it will maintain the account for the clinic.

Scope and Limitation

Students will benefit with the system that we proposed because they can use the
clinic effectively, as they will become the primary “customers”. Teachers and
Staff may also benefit with the system. In terms, if they, too, are not feeling well,
they can go to the clinic and will be assisted the same way the students were
handled. Lastly, the school itself may also benefit with the system the proponents
proposed. Once they used the system in the school clinic, the records will be
secured and accessibility of all the lists and inventory will be checked and
managed effectively. The research study is open for all the future researchers.
They can develop the proposed system so that it can become a greater help and
contribute more with the span of technology not just for schools, but worldwide.
Taguig City University
 First, all of the expenses and other money – related concerns and issues
will not be handled by the system.
 Next, the system may be reliable but will not function without a person
behind it. Its’ dependence on the prepared instructions are limited and it
will only what the user allows it to do and what it is only programmed to
 The system, too, will just have a dual – interface, meaning that it will only
work through two (2) users, one for the administration and one for the
patients/users. However, you can register a new user for emergency
 it can also be a subject to occasional problems such as lagging, however
it will depend on how functional the hardware is.
 The administration may add, edit and delete information and the user can
only add and edit. The proponents require to only having one admin, but
many users as possible.
Taguig City University

System Flowchart

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