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Department of Exercise Science and Health Promotion, Muscle Physiology Laboratory, Florida Atlantic University, Boca
Raton, Florida; 2Sport Performance Research Institute New Zealand (SPRINZ), Auckland University of Technology,
Auckland, New Zealand; 3Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton,
Florida; and 4Department of Nutrition, Food, and Exercise Sciences, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida

ABSTRACT tiple linear regression revealed that more repetitions performed

Zourdos, MC, Goldsmith, JA, Helms, ER, Trepeck, C, Halle, JL, per set was a significant predictor of RIR prediction inaccuracy at
Mendez, KM, Cooke, DM, Haischer, MH, Sousa, CA, Klemp, A, the called 5 (p = 0.003) and 7 (p = 0.011) RPEs, while training
and Byrnes, RK. Proximity to failure and total repetitions age (p . 0.05) was not predictive of rating accuracy. These data
performed in a set influences accuracy of intraset repetitions in indicate RIR predictions are improved during low to moderate
reserve-based rating of perceived exertion. J Strength Cond Res repetition sets and when there is close proximity to failure.
35(2S): S158–S165, 2021—The aim of this study was to assess KEY WORDS resistance training, autoregulation, strength,
the accuracy of predicting repetitions in reserve (RIR) intraset fatigue, individualization, program design
using the RIR-based rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale.
Twenty-five men (age: 25.3 6 3.3 years, body mass: 89.0 6
14.7 kg, height: 174.69 6 6.7 cm, and training age: 4.7 6 3.2
years) reported to the laboratory. Subjects performed a 1 repe- INTRODUCTION

tition maximum (1RM) squat followed by one set to failure at 70%
he amount of repetitions that can be performed at
of 1RM. During the 70% set, subjects verbally indicated when a specific percentage of 1 repetition maximum
they believed they were at a 5RPE (5RIR), 7RPE (3RIR), or 9RPE (1RM) is highly individual (12,17). Specifically,
(1RIR), and then continued to failure. The difference between a recent investigation observed that a range of
actual repetitions performed and participant-predicted repetitions 6–26 repetitions were performed in trained lifters at 70% of
was calculated as the RIR difference (RIRDIFF). The average 1RM in the back squat (4). Thus, prescribing a predeter-
load used for the 70% set was 123.10 6 24.25 kg and the mined number of repetitions at a percentage of 1RM would
average repetitions performed were 16 6 4. The RIRDIFF was likely produce highly variable degrees of muscular stress and
lower (RPEs were more accurate) closer to failure (RIRDIFF at fatigue between individuals. For example, prescribing 4 sets
9RPE = 2.05 6 1.73; RIRDIFF at 7RPE = 3.65 6 2.46; and of 8 repetitions at 70% of 1RM on a specific exercise could
lead to multiple sets to failure for some, whereas others
RIRDIFF at 5RPE = 5.15 6 2.92 repetitions). There were signif-
could be far from failure during each set. Importantly, recent
icant relationships between total repetitions performed and
evidence has demonstrated failure training to elongate
RIRDIFF at 5RPE (r = 0.65, p = 0.001) and 7RPE (r = 0.56,
recovery time vs. nonfailure training (14), which could lead
p = 0.004), but not at 9RPE (r = 0.01, p = 0.97). Thus, being to diminished training frequency and volume. An additional
farther from failure and performing more repetitions in a set were limitation of percentage-based or RM zone load prescription
associated with more inaccurate predictions. Furthermore, a mul- is the inability to account for day-to-day readiness, which
could lead to missed training volume and diminished long-
Address correspondence to Dr. Michael C. Zourdos, term adaptations (10).
35(2S)/S158–S165 Therefore, to account for the limitations of percentage
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research and RM-based load prescription, the repetitions in reserve
Ó 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association (RIR)-based rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale was
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individuals than traditional

Borg RPE (1), as data have
demonstrated submaximal rat-
ings on the Borg scale during
resistance training even when
a set has been taken to failure
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Indeed, Helms et al. (10)
recently demonstrated that
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RIR-based RPE load prescrip-

tion resulted in greater back
squat (effect size [ES] = 0.50)
and bench press (ES = 0.28)
strength over 8 weeks than
percentage-based load pre-
scription in well-trained males.
Despite these findings, it is
important to note that the util-
ity of intrasession RPE is pred-
icated on the accuracy of the
rating. It is clear that with close
proximity to failure (7,15,19)
Figure 1. Resistance training–specific rating of perceived exertion scale. Adapted from Zourdos et al. (19) with
and greater training age (18),
the accuracy of RIR is
improved (8). However, the
accuracy of intraset RIR-based
developed to allow individuals to estimate the number of RPE has not been assessed at multiple points on the scale
RIR at the completion of a set (19). Thus, the RIR-based during the same set in a compound movement. Thus, to
RPE scale can be used in lieu of percentage of 1RM to pre- further advance RIR-based RPE programming, additional
scribe training load. Specifically, a training program could data are required to determine exactly how far from failure
prescribe 4 sets of 8 repetitions at an 8RPE (2RIR) rather RIR predictions become inaccurate, if prior experience using
than assigning a percentage (i.e., 70% of 1RM) to the pre- RIR improves rating accuracy, and if the number of repeti-
scribed repetitions. When using this approach, the lifter tions performed in a set affects accuracy. Although RIR-
would select a load that they believe they can perform based RPE training improves with training age, intraset
10 repetitions, stopping the set at an 8RPE (2RIR). Further- RIR-based RPE accuracy has not been assessed in truly
more, the RIR-based RPE scale can be used to implement well-trained individuals with a similar training status to the
autoregulation (15), thus when RPE scores are too high or long-term data from Helms et al. (squat 1RM = 141.3 6 21.2
low, training load can be adjusted for subsequent sets to kg, relative strength = 1.82 times body mass [BM]). Further-
meet the RPE goal (10), which can be beneficial considering more, the number of repetitions in a set has not been inves-
day-to-day variation performance. Importantly, RIR-based tigated in relation to rating accuracy; however, it is possible
RPE seems to have more utility at equating for effort across that high-repetition sets would be associated with more

TABLE 1. Subject characteristics.*

Body Body 70% Mean ACV at

Age (y) Height (cm) mass (kg) fat (%) TA (y) REX (mo) 1RM:BM load (kg) TR 70% 1RM (m$s21)

Mean 6 25 174.69 88.95 12.94 5 10 1.98 123.10 16 0.27

SD 3 6.70 14.72 4.50 3 7 2.36 24.25 4 0.07

*TA = training age; REX = rating of perceived exertion experience; BM = body mass; 1RM:BM = the ratio of 1RM (1 repetition
maximum) strength to body mass to represent subjects’ relative strength; 70% load = load used for 70% of 1 repetition maximum; TR
70% = total repetitions performed during 70% set; Min = minimum; Max = maximum; ACV = average concentric velocity.


Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
RIR-Based RPE Accuracy

TABLE 2. Average RIRDIFF at each intraset called RPE.*† Experimental Approach to
the Problem
RIRDIFF at RIRDIFF at RIRDIFF at Subjects reported to the lab-
called 5RPE called 7RPE called 9RPE
oratory on one single day for
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Mean 6 SD 5.15 6 2.92 3.65 6 2.46z 2.05 6 1.73z§ data collection. After prelim-
Closest 0 (1 time) 0 (1 time) 0 (4 times) inary paper work, subjects
Farthest 11 (1 time) 7 (5 times) 6 (1 time) had anthropometrics as-
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*RIRDIFF = rating of perceived exertion difference (actual repetitions 2 predicted repeti-

sessed (height, total BM, and
tions); RPE = rating of perceived exertion; closest = the closest RIRDIFF and the number of body fat percentage). Next,
times it occurred; farthest = the farthest RIRDIFF and the number of times it occurred. subjects performed a five-
†Data are mean 6 SD. N = 20.
zRIRDIFF significantly lower than called 5RPE (p , 0.001). minute dynamic warm-up
§RIRDIFF significantly lower than called 7RPE (p , 0.001). and then completed a 1RM
back squat test following val-
idated procedures (19). After
the 1RM test, a 10-minute
inaccurate RIR predictions due to the potential presence of rest interval was administered. Subjects then performed
metabolic fatigue, which is not present to the same degree one set to volitional failure at 70% of 1RM in the squat.
during low-repetition sets (2). Importantly, the RIR-based During the 70% set, subjects verbally called when they
RPE scale has gained significant popularity in both the ath- believed they were at a 5RPE (5RIR), 7RPE (3RIR),
letic and fitness communities; thus, elucidating these details and 9RPE (1RIR) using the RPE scale from Zourdos
will provide practitioners the ability to implement the scale et al. (19) (Figure 1). Furthermore, subjects were blinded
when appropriate and to find alternative methods of autor- to the load being lifted and the percentage of 1RM being
egulation and gauging proximity to failure in situations when used for the set to volitional failure (not during the 1RM
ratings are inaccurate. test). To blind subjects to the load, opaque trash bags
Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to examine were positioned over the weight discs on each side of
the accuracy of gauging intraset RIR-based RPE when the barbell and subjects waited outside of the laboratory
verbally called by the lifter at a perceived “5,” “7,” and “9” after the 1RM test until 70% of 1RM was loaded onto the
RPE (5, 3, and 1 RIR) before continuing the set to volitional barbell and the trash bags were in position.
failure in well-trained males. A secondary aim was to exam-
ine if total repetitions performed, training age and RPE rat- Subjects
ing experience affected the accuracy of intraset RIR Twenty-five well-trained men participated in this study
predictions. We hypothesized that intraset accuracy would and the specific subject characteristics can be seen in
improve closer to failure, in that the “9” would be more Table 1. For inclusion, all subjects must have performed
accurate than the “7,” which would be more accurate than the back squat an average of once per week for at least 2
the “5” RPE in gauging RIR. In addition, we hypothesized consecutive years as determined through a Physical Activ-
that both training age and RPE experience would be posi- ity Questionnaire. Subjects who had any contraindications
tively related to accuracy and that higher numbers of repe- to exercise (e.g., heart disease, serious musculoskeletal dis-
titions in a set would be associated with more inaccurate orders, etc.), as determined through the Health History
RIR predictions. Questionnaire, were excluded. In addition, subjects were

TABLE 3. Relationships between independent variables and RIRDIFF.*



R value 0.65† 0.56† 0.01 20.35z 20.34z 20.23 20.08 0.11 0.16 20.27 20.36z 20.50†
p value 0.001† 0.004† 0.97 0.094z 0.096z 0.32 0.51 0.85 0.49 0.20 0.077z 0.021†

*RIRDIFF = rating of perceived exertion difference (actual repetitions 2 predicted repetitions); TR = total repetitions performed;
RPE = rating of perceived exertion; TA = training age; REX = RPE experience; CA = chronological age.
†Significant relationship.
zRelationship approached significance.

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TABLE 4. Multiple linear regression results.*

Unstandardized Standardized
Predictor beta 6 SE beta T value p
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Results with RIRDIFF at called 5RPE as dependent variable

Total repetitions performed 0.569 6 0.167 0.591 3.411 0.003†
Training age 20.140 6 0.152 20.159 20.920 0.368
Results with RIRDIFF at called 7RPE as dependent variable
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Total repetitions performed 0.350 6 0.127 0.513 2.771 0.011†

Training age 0.023 6 0.189 0.030 0.122 0.904
Chronological age 20.207 6 0.178 20.274 21.159 0.259

*RIRDIFF = rating of perceived exertion difference (actual repetitions 2 predicted repetitions); RPE = rating of perceived exertion.
†Significant predictor of RIRDIFF (repetitions in reserve difference).

self-reported to be free of performance-enhancing drugs at the investigator’s discretion. Average concentric velocity
and were required to refrain from exercise for 48 hours (m$s21), which was measured with the Open Barbell Sys-
before testing. Florida Atlantic University Review Board tem (Squats & Science Labs LLC, Seattle, WA, USA), and
approved this investigation and all subjects provided writ- RPE were collected on each 1RM attempt so that investi-
ten informed consent before participation within the gators could use this information to aid in selecting the next
study. attempt. Five to 7 minutes of rest were allowed between
each attempt. A 1RM was considered valid if one of 3
conditions were met: (a) Participant reported a “10” on
Training Age and Repetitions in Reserve–Based Rating of Per-
the RIR scale and the investigator determined a subsequent
ceived Exertion Experience. After providing informed written
attempt with increased body mass could not be successfully
consent, all subjects completed a Physical Activity Ques-
completed, (b) Participant reported a “9.5” on the RIR/
tionnaire. On this questionnaire, subjects were asked for how
RPE scale and failed the subsequent attempt with a load
many years they had been consistently engaged in resistance
increase of 2.5 kg or less, and (c) Participant reported a “9”
training and for how many months (if any) they had been
or lower on the RIR/RPE scale and failed the subsequent
using the RIR-based RPE scale in training. Those responses
attempt with a load increase of 5 kg or less. Finally, Eleiko
were used to determine training age and RPE experience,
barbells and lifting discs (Chicago, IL, USA), calibrated to
the nearest 0.25 kg, were used to ensure accuracy of the
load lifted.
Anthropometrics. Height (cm) was measured to the nearest
0.01 cm using a wall-mounted stadiometer (SECA, Ham-
burg, Germany.). Total BM (kg) was assessed by a calibrated Repetitions to Failure and Intraset Rating of Perceived Exertion.
digital scale (Mettler-Toledo, Columbus, OH, USA) to the After the 10-minute post-1RM testing rest period, subjects
nearest 0.01 kg. Body fat percentage (BF%) was estimated performed repetitions until volitional failure at 70% of 1RM
using the average sum of 2 measurements of skinfold while being blinded to the load with opaque trash bags
thickness acquired from 3 sites (abdomen, front thigh, positioned over the weight discs. Volitional failure was
and chest); if any site measurement differed by more than determined as the subject either failing on a repetition or both
2 mm, a third measurement was taken. The Jackson and the subject and investigator determining that another repetition
Pollock (13) equation was used to compute body fat could not be completed. To predict RIR during the set to
percentage. failure, subjects verbally indicated when they believed they had
reached a 5RPE (5RIR), 7RPE (3RIR), and 9RPE (1RIR) using
One Repetition Maximum Test. Squat 1RM testing was the RPE scale from Zourdos et al. (19) (Figure 1). Both pre-
administered in accordance with previously validated dicted repetitions to failure at each called RPE and actual rep-
procedures (19). First, subjects performed 5 repetitions with etitions performed were recorded. Next, the difference between
20% of their estimated 1RM (obtained from the Physical the actual and predicted repetitions performed (actual repeti-
Activity Questionnaire), followed by 3 repetitions at 50% of tions 2 predicted repetitions) was recorded as the RIR differ-
estimated 1RM, 2 repetitions at 70%, one repetition at 80%, ence (RIRDIFF) for all 3 intraset RPEs. Three different points
and one repetition at 90% of 1RM. Following the 90% load, on the scale were used for intraset RPE calls to achieve RIR
increases in subsequent 1RM attempts were administered predictions at different proximities to failure. We chose a 5RPE


Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
RIR-Based RPE Accuracy

as starting point, as recent evidence has shown training at a 5–6 accurate RIR prediction. An inverse association between
RPE over 8 weeks produced similar hypertrophy to training at training age and RIRDIFF at the intraset 5 (r = 20.35, p =
a 7–8 RPE (10), thus performing repetitions at $5RPE ensures 0.094) and 7 RPEs (r = 20.34, p = 0.096) approached sig-
an effective stimulus to evoke adaptation. nificance, but did not at the called 9RPE (p = 0.32), indicat-
ing that more years of training experience was potentially
Statistical Analyses
associated with more precise prediction of RIR when further
The absolute RIRDIFF (actual repetitions 2 predicted rep-
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from failure. Chronological age was inversely and signifi-

etitions) for the set to volitional failure was calculated at all
cantly associated with RIRDIFF at the called 9 intraset
intraset RPEs. For example, if a participant completed
RPE (r = 20.50, p = 0.021) and approached significance at
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15 total repetitions and called a 5RPE after 7 repetitions

the called 7RPE (r = 20.36, p = 0.077), but not at the 5RPE
(predicting he could do a total of 12 repetitions), then the
(p = 0.20), signifying that older lifters predicted RIR more
RIR difference would equal 3. Therefore, a smaller RIRDFF
accurately than younger lifters when closer to failure. Inter-
indicates a higher degree of accuracy and vice versa. To
estingly, there was no significant relationship at any intraset
determine the accuracy of intraset RIR-based RPEs across
RPE between experience with the RPE scale and RIRDIFF.
several called RPEs, the RIRDIFF was statistically compared
between the called 5, 7, and 9 RPEs using a repeated- Multiple Linear Regression
measures analysis of variance. Paired t-tests were used for Based on the bivariate correlations, 2 multiple linear
multiple comparison purposes. Furthermore, 5 subjects failed regressions were conducted. Specifically, total repetitions
to call at least one of the intraset RPEs, thus 20 subjects were performed and training age were entered as predictors with
included in the repeated-measures analysis. In addition, ES the RIRDIFF at the called 5RPE as the dependent variable
were calculated between each RIRDIFF with the formula: for one regression. For the second regression, total repeti-
ES = (Mean1 2 Mean2)/SDpooled. The magnitude of each tions performed, training age, and chronological age were
ES was interpreted in accordance with Cohen (3). Pearson entered with the RIRDIFF at the called 7RPE as the
product-moment correlations were used to assess relation- dependent variable. The R2 for the RIRDIFF at the 5RPE
ships between the independent variables (total repetitions model was 0.436, whereas the R2 for the RIRDIFF at 7RPE
performed, training age, RPE experience, and chronological model was 0.377. In each regression, the total repetitions per
age) with the absolute RIRDIFF for each called RPE. Fur- set was shown to be a significant predictor of RIRDIFF
thermore, to assess the influence of these variables in pre- (5RPE: p = 0.003; 7RPE: p = 0.011), whereas training age
dicting RIRDIFF, a multiple linear regression was performed and chronological age were not significant predictors
to predict dependent variables when at least 2 bivariate (p . 0.05). Further details of the regression analyses can
correlations were significant or approaching significance be seen in Table 4.
(i.e., p , 0.10). All statistical analyses were performed using
Statistica (StatSoft, Tulsa, OK, USA) for Windows and DISCUSSION
SPSS version 25.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Signif-
The primary aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of
icance was set at p # 0.05.
intraset RIR-based RPE. Our hypotheses were that RIR
RESULTS prediction would be more accurate closer to failure (sup-
ported), more repetitions per set would be related to more
Repetitions in Reserve Difference
inaccurate RIR predictions (supported), and greater training
The specific values for RIRDIFF at each intraset RPE are
age and RPE experience would be related to increased
displayed in Table 2. There was a significant condition
accuracy of RIR prediction (not supported). Therefore, our
effect (p , 0.001) indicated that the RIRDIFF was lower
main findings were as follows: (a) RIR prediction was more
(i.e., RPEs were more accurate) closer to failure. Specifi-
accurate closer to failure in that the 9RPE calls were more
cally, the RIRDIFF at the called 7 was significantly lower
accurate than the 7RPE calls, which were more accurate
(p , 0.001, ES = 0.56) than the 5RPE. The RIRDIFF at the
than the 5RPE calls, (b) more repetitions per set were
called 9RPE was significantly lower than both the called 7
predictive of more inaccurate RIR predictions at the 5 and
(p , 0.001, ES = 0.75) and 5 RPEs (p , 0.001, ES = 1.29).
7RPE calls, and (c) both training age and RPE experience
Bivariate Correlations were not significantly related to RPE accuracy. Overall, these
The specific r and p values for all relationships can be seen in findings suggest that the RIR-based RPE scale is best used
Table 3. The total repetitions performed on the 70% set were when closer to failure during moderate- to low-repetition
16 6 4 with a minimum of 9 repetitions and a maximum of sets.
26 repetitions. Total repetitions performed in the 70% of The notion that RIR is gauged more accurately closer to
1RM set were positively and significantly related to failure has been previously reported (7,15,19). However, this
RIRDIFF at the called 5 (r = 0.65, p = 0.001) and 7 RPEs study is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to directly
(r = 0.56, p = 0.004), but not at the called 9RPE, indicat- compare 3 different predictions (5RIR, 3RIR, and 1RIR)
ing that more repetitions per set were associated with less within the same set. The results indicated a fair amount of
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inaccuracy when gauging $3RIR in a high-repetition, mod- a significant predictor of intraset RIR prediction. Zourdos
erate intensity barbell back squat set while blinded to the et al. (19) and Ormsbee et al. (15) suggested that experienced
load. However, the level of accuracy when gauging 7RPE lifters recorded more accurate RPEs at 100% of 1RM com-
varied between individuals. Indeed, one participant had an pared with novice lifters. This claim was made due to expe-
RIRDIFF of 0 at 7RPE, indicating perfect accuracy. There- rienced lifters having higher RPE at 100% of 1RM than
fore, it may be that RPE is useful for some, but not all, to novice lifters. However, another explanation is that novice
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assess proximity to failure. Furthermore, the present data lifters had poor rate of force development; thus, after record-
demonstrated fairly accurate RIR prediction at the called ing a submaximal RPE (;8–9), they simply could not
9RPE (RIRDIFF = 1.95), which is similar to Hackett et al. complete their next attempt. In that interpretation, the RPE
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(7) who reported an RIR of 61 when subjects were 0–3 scores were not necessarily inaccurate, but rather, novice
repetitions from failure in the chest press and leg press. individuals are incapable of performing a true 10RPE lift due
One explanation for the slightly less accurate predictions to “neuromuscular inefficiency.” In addition, Steele et al. (18)
in this study is that subjects were blinded to the load, thus demonstrated accuracy of RIR prediction improved with
lifters could not have had a predetermined repetition target. training experience; however, in this study, the subjects
This factor is both a limitation and benefit of the present made a prediction of how many repetitions they could
investigation. It serves as a limitation because lifters are complete before a set rather than during a set. Therefore, in
rarely blinded to a load under normal training conditions. Steele et al.’s study, it is possible that lifters with more
Conversely, load-blinding may be viewed as a benefit, as training experience were more familiar with how many
subjects may have truly reached a repetition maximum repetitions they can typically perform at a given load, which
rather than simply meeting a self-determined repetition tar- is not necessarily indicative of intraset RIR prediction. In
get if using a known load. addition, this study only employed trained lifters, whereas
Interestingly, the total repetitions performed per set was previous studies either inferring greater RIR prediction
a significant predictor of RIRDIFF at the called 5 and 7 accuracy (7,15,19) or showing greater accuracy (18), com-
RPEs, suggesting that it is more difficult to gauge RIR during paring trained lifters with beginners. Therefore, it is possible
high-repetition sets. Existing data suggest it is more difficult that training age plays a role in RIR prediction accuracy;
to predict RIR when $3 repetitions from failure; however, however, there may be a point of diminishing returns.
the present data indicate that the amount of repetitions in Therefore, because all lifters in this study had $2 years of
a set also affects this rating. For example, in a 15–20 repeti- training experience, the present comparison of training age
tion set, our data suggest it is difficult to gauge RPE when was different than that of previous investigations.
$3 repetitions from failure; however, in a set #12 repeti- Notably, experience with the RIR-based RPE scale did
tions, a fairly accurate RIR rating can be given when $3 not affect rating accuracy. One participant who reported “0”
repetitions from failure and RIR can be predicted with pre- months of experience with RIR-based RPE was the only
cision when ,3 repetitions from failure. A possible explana- individual to have an RIRDIFF of zero (i.e., perfect predic-
tion for this phenomenon is that during high-repetition sets, tions) at all intraset called RPEs. However, this participant
there is a greater degree of metabolic fatigue coupled with also had the highest training age (12 years) and perhaps
neuromuscular fatigue, which may convolute an individual’s more importantly, only performed 10 repetitions during his
ability to gauge RIR. Indeed, Buitrago et al. (2) demonstrated 70% to failure set. Although this is only one data point, it is
greater increases in blood lactate with repetitions to failure at consistent with the totality of data in this study and high-
70 vs. 85% of 1RM. Therefore, it is plausible that significant lights that repetitions per set seems to have a greater con-
metabolic fatigue was present in the current study in subjects tribution to accuracy than prior experience with the RPE
who performed high repetitions, which in turn hindered scale. Interestingly, the only significant bivariate correlation
their ability to accurately gauge intraset RIR. at the called 9RPE was chronological age to be signifi-
Moreover, because high-repetition sets lead to more cantly and inversely related to RIRDIFF at the called
inaccurate RIR predictions, it is worth noting that the utility 9RPE (r = 20.50, p = 0.021), suggesting that when close
of the RIR-based RPE scale may be optimal with higher to failure, a more mature individual may have a more real-
intensities ($80% of 1RM), in which typically lower repeti- istic interpretation of their limitations. This specific finding
tions are performed. If using RPE to monitor proximity to seems tenuous and further corroboration is needed; how-
failure or autoregulate during higher repetition sets, perhaps ever, it seems reasonable that an older lifter might be more
it is best to assign an RPE range (i.e., 5–7 or 6–8) rather than aware of his limitations.
an exact number. In fact, this approach by Helms et al. (10) A limitation of this study is that it only used male lifters
led to greater strength adaptations when using RPE-based and examining only the squat exercise, thus we cannot
loading than percentage-based loading over 8 weeks. extrapolate our findings to female lifters or other compound
Data have shown RIR predictions before a set to improve movements such as the bench press and deadlift. It is also
with training age (18); however, the current regression anal- possible that performing 1RM testing before the 70% to
ysis did not show training age or RPE experience to be failure set could have negatively impacted the amount of


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RIR-Based RPE Accuracy

repetitions to failure and the subsequent RPE ratings; also be used to gauge progress overtime in lieu of always
however, the average repetitions performed of 16 6 4 is performing RM testing to mitigate fatigue. For example, if an
quite high and suggests that performance was not harmed. athlete performs a back squat with 200 kg at a 9RPE before
An additional limitation, as stated previously, is that sub- a training block and after the training block performs a 200 kg
jects were blinded to the load, which is rarely the case in back squat for one repetition at a 6RPE, it can be concluded
practice. Importantly, this study is the first to examine the the progress was made without the stress of RM testing.
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accuracy of intraset RPE scores in the squat during a mul-

tiple repetition set. Furthermore, this study is the first to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
examine the relationship of total repetitions per set, training The authors acknowledge the subjects for their time and
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age, and RPE experience with the accuracy of ratings in effort. M.C. Zourdos and E.R. Helms would like to disclose
well-trained lifters. Therefore, the novelty of these findings that they are writers within the fitness industry. No other
advances RIR-based RPE programming and provides authors have any potential conflict of interest.
greater application for practitioners to individualize load
prescription and adjustment.
In summary, well-trained males gauged intraset RPE more
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