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Model Number P442317B3M0300J

Name Address Value

Language 00.01 English
Description 00.04 LT COL-CHIBURGO
Plant Reference 00.05 AREVA
Frequency 00.09 50Hz
CB Control by 07.01 Disabled
Close Pulse Time 07.02 500.0ms
Trip Pulse Time 07.03 500.0ms
Man Close Delay 07.04 10.00s
Healthy Windows 07.05 5.000s
C/S Window 07.06 5.000s
A/R Single Pole 07.07 Enabled
A/R Three Pole 07.08 Enabled
Battery Alarm 08.07 Enabled
Setting Group 09.02 Select via Menu
Active Settings 09.03 Group 1
Setting Group 1 09.07 Enabled
Setting Group 2 09.08 Disabled
Setting Group 3 09.09 Disabled
Setting Group 4 09.0A Disabled
Dist. Protection 09.0D Enabled
Power-Swing 09.10 Disabled
Back-up I> 09.11 Enabled
Neg Sequence O/C 09.12 Disabled
Broken Conductor 09.13 Disabled
Earth Fault PROT 09.14 Disabled
Aided D.E.F 09.15 Disabled
Volt Protection 09.16 Disabled
CB Fail & I< 09.17 Enabled
Supervision 09.18 Enabled
System Checks 09.19 Disabled
Thermal Overload 09.1A Disabled
Internal A/R 09.24 Disabled
Input Labels 09.25 Visible
Output Labels 09.26 Invisible
CT & VT Ratios 09.28 Visible
Record Control 09.29 Visible
Disturb Recorder 09.2A Visible
Measure't Setup 09.2B Visible
Comms Settings 09.2C Visible
Commission Tests 09.2D Visible
Setting Values 09.2E Secondary
Control Inputs 09.2F Visible
Ctrl I/P Config 09.35 Visible
Ctrl I/P Labels 09.36 Visible
Direct Access 09.39 Enabled
InterMiCOM 09.40 Disabled
Main VT Primary 0A.01 66.00kV
Main VT Sec'y 0A.02 115.0V
C/S VT Primary 0A.03 110.0V
C/S VT Secondary 0A.04 110.0V
Phase CT Primary 0A.07 300.0A
Phase CT Sec'y 0A.08 1.000A
MComp CT Primary 0A.0D 1.000A
MComp CT Sec'y 0A.0E 1.000A
C/S Input 0A.0F A-N
Main VT Location 0A.10 Line
Alarm Event 0B.04 Enabled
Relay O/P Event 0B.05 Enabled
Opto Input Event 0B.06 Enabled
General Event 0B.07 Enabled
Fault Rec Event 0B.08 Enabled
Maint Rec Event 0B.09 Enabled
Protection Event 0B.0A Enabled
DDB 31 - 0 0B.0B 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 63 - 32 0B.0C 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 95 - 64 0B.0D 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 127 - 96 0B.0E 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 159 - 128 0B.0F 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 191 - 160 0B.10 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 223 - 192 0B.11 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 255 - 224 0B.12 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 287 - 256 0B.13 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 319 - 288 0B.14 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 351 - 320 0B.15 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 383 - 352 0B.16 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 415 - 384 0B.17 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 447 - 416 0B.18 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 479 - 448 0B.19 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 511 - 480 0B.1A 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 543 - 512 0B.1B 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 575 - 544 0B.1C 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 607 - 576 0B.1D 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 639 - 608 0B.1E 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 671 - 640 0B.1F 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 703 - 672 0B.20 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 735 - 704 0B.21 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 767 - 736 0B.22 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 799 - 768 0B.23 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 831 - 800 0B.24 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 863 - 832 0B.25 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 895 - 864 0B.26 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 927 - 896 0B.27 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 959 - 928 0B.28 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 991 - 960 0B.29 11111111111111111111111111111111
DDB 1022 - 992 0B.2A 1111111111111111111111111111111
Duration 0C.01 1.500s
TriggerPosition 0C.02 33.30%
TriggerMode 0C.03 Single
AnalogChannel1 0C.04 VA
AnalogChannel2 0C.05 VB
AnalogChannel3 0C.06 VC
AnalogChannel4 0C.07 VN
AnalogChannel5 0C.08 IA
AnalogChannel6 0C.09 IB
AnalogChannel7 0C.0A IC
AnalogChannel8 0C.0B IN
DigitalInput1 0C.0C DIST Trip A
Input1Trigger 0C.0D Trigger L/H
DigitalInput2 0C.0E DIST Trip B
Input2Trigger 0C.0F Trigger L/H
DigitalInput3 0C.10 DIST Trip C
Input3Trigger 0C.11 Trigger L/H
DigitalInput4 0C.12 tBF2 Trip
Input4Trigger 0C.13 Trigger L/H
DigitalInput5 0C.14 DIST Sig. Send
Input5Trigger 0C.15 No trigger
DigitalInput6 0C.16 DIST. Chan Recv
Input6Trigger 0C.17 No trigger
DigitalInput7 0C.18 DIST UNB CR
Input7Trigger 0C.19 Trigger L/H
DigitalInput8 0C.1A Z1
Input8Trigger 0C.1B No trigger
DigitalInput9 0C.1C Z2
Input9Trigger 0C.1D No trigger
DigitalInput10 0C.1E Z3
Input10Trigger 0C.1F No trigger
DigitalInput11 0C.20 Z4
Input11Trigger 0C.21 No trigger
DigitalInput12 0C.22 Relay Label 12
Input12Trigger 0C.23 No trigger
DigitalInput13 0C.24 Relay Label 13
Input13Trigger 0C.25 No trigger
DigitalInput14 0C.26 Relay Label 14
Input14Trigger 0C.27 No trigger
DigitalInput15 0C.28 Control Input 32
Input15Trigger 0C.29 Trigger L/H
DigitalInput16 0C.2A Unused
Input16Trigger 0C.2B No trigger
DigitalInput17 0C.2C Unused
Input17Trigger 0C.2D No trigger
DigitalInput18 0C.2E Unused
Input18Trigger 0C.2F No trigger
DigitalInput19 0C.30 Unused
Input19Trigger 0C.31 No trigger
DigitalInput20 0C.32 Unused
Input20Trigger 0C.33 No trigger
DigitalInput21 0C.34 Unused
Input21Trigger 0C.35 No trigger
DigitalInput22 0C.36 Unused
Input22Trigger 0C.37 No trigger
DigitalInput23 0C.38 Unused
Input23Trigger 0C.39 No trigger
DigitalInput24 0C.3A Unused
Input24Trigger 0C.3B No trigger
DigitalInput25 0C.3C Unused
Input25Trigger 0C.3D No trigger
DigitalInput26 0C.3E Unused
Input26Trigger 0C.3F No trigger
DigitalInput27 0C.40 Unused
Input27Trigger 0C.41 No trigger
DigitalInput28 0C.42 Unused
Input28Trigger 0C.43 No trigger
DigitalInput29 0C.44 Unused
Input29Trigger 0C.45 No trigger
DigitalInput30 0C.46 Unused
Input30Trigger 0C.47 No trigger
DigitalInput31 0C.48 Unused
Input31Trigger 0C.49 No trigger
DigitalInput32 0C.4A Unused
Input32Trigger 0C.4B No trigger
Default Display 0D.01 U - I - Freq
Local Values 0D.02 Primary
Remote Values 0D.03 Primary
Measurement Ref 0D.04 VA
Measurement Mode 0D.05 0
Demand Interval 0D.06 30.00min
Distance Unit 0D.07 Kilometres
Fault Location 0D.08 Distance
Monitor Bit 1 0F.06 Relay Label 01
Monitor Bit 2 0F.07 Relay Label 02
Monitor Bit 3 0F.08 Relay Label 03
Monitor Bit 4 0F.09 Relay Label 04
Monitor Bit 5 0F.0A Relay Label 05
Monitor Bit 6 0F.0B Relay Label 06
Monitor Bit 7 0F.0C Relay Label 07
Monitor Bit 8 0F.0D Relay Label 08
Broken I^ 10.01 2.000
I^ Maintenance 10.02 Alarms Disabled
I^ Maintenance 10.03 1000A
I^ Lockout 10.04 Alarms Disabled
I^ Lockout 10.05 2000A
No CB Ops Maint 10.06 Alarms Disabled
No CB Ops Maint 10.07 10
No CB Ops Lock 10.08 Alarms Disabled
No CB Ops Lock 10.09 20
CB Time Maint 10.0A Alarms Disabled
CB Time Maint 10.0B 100.0ms
CB Time Lockout 10.0C Alarms Disabled
CB Time Lockout 10.0D 200.0ms
Fault Freq Lock 10.0E Alarms Disabled
Fault Freq Count 10.0F 10
Fault Freq Time 10.10 3600s
Reset Lockout By 10.12 CB Close
Man Close RstDly 10.13 5.000s
Global Nominal V 11.01 110/125V
Opto Input 1 11.02 24/27V
Opto Input 2 11.03 24/27V
Opto Input 3 11.04 24/27V
Opto Input 4 11.05 24/27V
Opto Input 5 11.06 24/27V
Opto Input 6 11.07 24/27V
Opto Input 7 11.08 24/27V
Opto Input 8 11.09 24/27V
Opto Input 9 11.0A 24/27V
Opto Input 10 11.0B 24/27V
Opto Input 11 11.0C 24/27V
Opto Input 12 11.0D 24/27V
Opto Input 13 11.0E 24/27V
Opto Input 14 11.0F 24/27V
Opto Input 15 11.10 24/27V
Opto Input 16 11.11 24/27V
Opto Input 17 11.12 24/27V
Opto Input 18 11.13 24/27V
Opto Input 19 11.14 24/27V
Opto Input 20 11.15 24/27V
Opto Input 21 11.16 24/27V
Opto Input 22 11.17 24/27V
Opto Input 23 11.18 24/27V
Opto Input 24 11.19 24/27V
Opto Filter Cntl 11.50 1111111111111111
Characteristic 11.80 Standard 60%-80%
Hotkey Enabled 13.01 11111111111111111111111111111111
Control Input 1 13.10 Latched
Ctrl Command 1 13.11 SET/RESET
Control Input 2 13.14 Latched
Ctrl Command 2 13.15 SET/RESET
Control Input 3 13.18 Latched
Ctrl Command 3 13.19 SET/RESET
Control Input 4 13.1C Latched
Ctrl Command 4 13.1D SET/RESET
Control Input 5 13.20 Latched
Ctrl Command 5 13.21 SET/RESET
Control Input 6 13.24 Latched
Ctrl Command 6 13.25 SET/RESET
Control Input 7 13.28 Latched
Ctrl Command 7 13.29 SET/RESET
Control Input 8 13.2C Latched
Ctrl Command 8 13.2D SET/RESET
Control Input 9 13.30 Latched
Ctrl Command 9 13.31 SET/RESET
Control Input 10 13.34 Latched
Ctrl Command 10 13.35 SET/RESET
Control Input 11 13.38 Latched
Ctrl Command 11 13.39 SET/RESET
Control Input 12 13.3C Latched
Ctrl Command 12 13.3D SET/RESET
Control Input 13 13.40 Latched
Ctrl Command 13 13.41 SET/RESET
Control Input 14 13.44 Latched
Ctrl Command 14 13.45 SET/RESET
Control Input 15 13.48 Latched
Ctrl Command 15 13.49 SET/RESET
Control Input 16 13.4C Latched
Ctrl Command 16 13.4D SET/RESET
Control Input 17 13.50 Latched
Ctrl Command 17 13.51 SET/RESET
Control Input 18 13.54 Latched
Ctrl Command 18 13.55 SET/RESET
Control Input 19 13.58 Latched
Ctrl Command 19 13.59 SET/RESET
Control Input 20 13.5C Latched
Ctrl Command 20 13.5D SET/RESET
Control Input 21 13.60 Latched
Ctrl Command 21 13.61 SET/RESET
Control Input 22 13.64 Latched
Ctrl Command 22 13.65 SET/RESET
Control Input 23 13.68 Latched
Ctrl Command 23 13.69 SET/RESET
Control Input 24 13.6C Latched
Ctrl Command 24 13.6D SET/RESET
Control Input 25 13.70 Latched
Ctrl Command 25 13.71 SET/RESET
Control Input 26 13.74 Latched
Ctrl Command 26 13.75 SET/RESET
Control Input 27 13.78 Latched
Ctrl Command 27 13.79 SET/RESET
Control Input 28 13.7C Latched
Ctrl Command 28 13.7D SET/RESET
Control Input 29 13.80 Latched
Ctrl Command 29 13.81 SET/RESET
Control Input 30 13.84 Latched
Ctrl Command 30 13.85 SET/RESET
Control Input 31 13.88 Latched
Ctrl Command 31 13.89 SET/RESET
Control Input 32 13.8C Pulsed
Ctrl Command 32 13.8D SET/RESET
Source Address 15.10 1
Receive Address 15.11 2
Baud Rate 15.12 9600
Ch Statistics 15.20 Invisible
Ch Diagnostics 15.40 Invisible
Loopback Mode 15.50 Disabled
Test Pattern 15.51 11111111
IM Msg Alarm Lvl 16.01 25.00%
IM1 Cmd Type 16.10 Direct
IM1 FallBackMode 16.11 Default
IM1 DefaultValue 16.12 0
IM1 FrameSyncTim 16.13 1.500s
IM2 Cmd Type 16.18 Direct
IM2 FallBackMode 16.19 Default
IM2 DefaultValue 16.1A 0
IM2 FrameSyncTim 16.1B 1.500s
IM3 Cmd Type 16.20 Direct
IM3 FallBackMode 16.21 Default
IM3 DefaultValue 16.22 0
IM3 FrameSyncTim 16.23 1.500s
IM4 Cmd Type 16.28 Direct
IM4 FallBackMode 16.29 Default
IM4 DefaultValue 16.2A 0
IM4 FrameSyncTim 16.2B 1.500s
IM5 Cmd Type 16.30 Direct
IM5 FallBackMode 16.31 Default
IM5 DefaultValue 16.32 0
IM5 FrameSyncTim 16.33 1.500s
IM6 Cmd Type 16.38 Direct
IM6 FallBackMode 16.39 Default
IM6 DefaultValue 16.3A 0
IM6 FrameSyncTim 16.3B 1.500s
IM7 Cmd Type 16.40 Direct
IM7 FallBackMode 16.41 Default
IM7 DefaultValue 16.42 0
IM7 FrameSyncTim 16.43 1.500s
IM8 Cmd Type 16.48 Direct
IM8 FallBackMode 16.49 Default
IM8 DefaultValue 16.4A 0
IM8 FrameSyncTim 16.4B 1.500s
Physical Link 18.01 Electrical
AntiAlaising Fil 18.02 Disabled
Merge Unit Delay 18.03 0s
L.N. Arrangement 18.04 LN1
Logical Node 1 18.05 Logical Node Line 1
LN1 Ratio 18.06 1.000V
LN1 CT Ratio 18.07 1.000A
Logical Node 2 18.08 Logical Node Line 2
LN2 VT Ratio 18.09 1.000V
LN2 CT Ratio 18.0A 1.000A
Logical Node 1B 18.0B Logical Node Bubar 1
LN1B VT Ratio 18.0C 1.000V
LN1B Input 18.0D A-N
Logical Node 2B 18.0E Logical Node Bubar 2
LN2B VT Ratio 18.0F 1.000V
LN2B Input 18.10 A-N
Control Input 1 29.01 Control Input 1
Control Input 2 29.02 Control Input 2
Control Input 3 29.03 Control Input 3
Control Input 4 29.04 Control Input 4
Control Input 5 29.05 Control Input 5
Control Input 6 29.06 Control Input 6
Control Input 7 29.07 Control Input 7
Control Input 8 29.08 Control Input 8
Control Input 9 29.09 Control Input 9
Control Input 10 29.0A Control Input 10
Control Input 11 29.0B Control Input 11
Control Input 12 29.0C Control Input 12
Control Input 13 29.0D Control Input 13
Control Input 14 29.0E Control Input 14
Control Input 15 29.0F Control Input 15
Control Input 16 29.10 Control Input 16
Control Input 17 29.11 Control Input 17
Control Input 18 29.12 Control Input 18
Control Input 19 29.13 Control Input 19
Control Input 20 29.14 Control Input 20
Control Input 21 29.15 Control Input 21
Control Input 22 29.16 Control Input 22
Control Input 23 29.17 Control Input 23
Control Input 24 29.18 Control Input 24
Control Input 25 29.19 Control Input 25
Control Input 26 29.1A Control Input 26
Control Input 27 29.1B Control Input 27
Control Input 28 29.1C Control Input 28
Control Input 29 29.1D Control Input 29
Control Input 30 29.1E Control Input 30
Control Input 31 29.1F Control Input 31
Control Input 32 29.20 Control Input 32
Line Length 30.02 3950m
Line Length 30.03 2.455mi
Line Impedance 30.04 2.000 Ohm ( 1.181 Ohm)
Line Angle 30.05 53.80 deg (j 1.614 Ohm)
Zone Status 30.07 11010
kZ1 Res Comp 30.08 740.0e-3
kZ1 Angle 30.09 28.60deg
Z1 30.0A 843.0mOhm
Z1X 30.0B 15.00Ohm
R1G 30.0C 32.00Ohm
R1Ph 30.0D 3.210Ohm
tZ1 30.0E 0s
kZ2 Res Comp 30.0F 740.0e-3
kZ2 Angle 30.10 28.60deg
Z2 30.11 1.933Ohm
R2G 30.12 32.00Ohm
R2Ph 30.13 12.00Ohm
tZ2 30.14 300.0ms
kZ3/4 Res Comp 30.15 740.0e-3
kZ3/4 Angle 30.16 28.60deg
Z3 30.17 9.414Ohm
R3G-R4G 30.18 32.00Ohm
R3Ph-R4Ph 30.19 24.00Ohm
tZ3 30.1A 800.0ms
Z4 30.1B 13.83Ohm
tZ4 30.1C 600.0ms
ZoneP - Direct 30.1D Directional FWD
kZp Res Comp 30.1E 1.000
kZp Angle 30.1F 0deg
Zp 30.20 25.00Ohm
RpG 30.21 25.00Ohm
RpPh 30.22 25.00Ohm
tZp 30.23 400.0ms
Serial Cmp. Line 30.24 Disabled
Overlap Z Mode 30.25 Disabled
Z1m Tilt Angle 30.26 0deg
Z1p Tilt Angle 30.27 0deg
Z2/Zp Tilt Angle 30.28 0deg
Fwd Z Chgt Delay 30.29 30.00ms
kZm Mutual Comp 30.2B 0
kZm Angle 30.2C 0deg
Program Mode 31.01 Standard Scheme
Standard Mode 31.02 P.O.P Z2
Fault Type 31.03 Both enabled
Trip Mode 31.04 Force 3 poles
Sig Send Zone 31.05 CsZ2
DistCR 31.06 PermZ2
Tp 31.07 20.00ms
tReversal Guard 31.08 20.00ms
Unblocking Logic 31.09 None
SOTF/TOR Mode 31.0A 00000000100000
SOTF Delay 31.0B 120.0s
Z1Ext Fail 31.0C Disabled
WI:Mode Status 31.0E Disabled
WI:Single Pole 31.0F Disabled
WI:V< Thres 31.10 45.00V
WI:Trip Time 31.11 60.00ms
PAP:Tele Trip En 31.12 Disabled
PAP:Del. Trip En 31.13 Disabled
PAP:P1 31.14 Disabled
PAP:1P Time Del 31.15 500.0ms
PAP:P2 31.16 Disabled
PAP:P3 31.17 Disabled
PAP:3P Time Del 31.18 2.000s
PAP:IN Thres 31.19 500.0mA
PAP: K (%Vn) 31.1A 500.0e-3
LoL:Mode Status 31.1C Disabled
LoL:Chan Fail 31.1D Disabled
LoL:I< 31.1E 500.0mA
LoL:Window 31.1F 40.00ms
Delta R 32.01 500.0mOhm
Delta X 32.02 500.0mOhm
IN> status 32.03 Enabled
IN> (%Imax) 32.04 40.00%
I2> status 32.05 Enabled
I2> (%Imax) 32.06 30.00%
ImaxLine> Status 32.07 Enabled
ImaxLine > 32.08 3.000A
Delta I Status 32.09 Enabled
Unblocking delay 32.0A 30.00s
Blocking Zones 32.0B 00000
Out of Step 32.0C 1
Stable Swing 32.0D 1
I>1 Function 35.01 Disabled
I>1 Directional 35.02 Directional FWD
I>1 VTS Block 35.03 Block
I>1 Current Set 35.04 1.500A
I>1 Time delay 35.05 1.000s
I>1 Time VTS 35.06 200.0ms
I>1 TMS 35.07 1.000
I>1 Time Dial 35.08 7.000
I>1 Reset Char 35.09 DT
I>1 tReset 35.0A 0s
I>2 Function 35.0B DT
I>2 Directional 35.0C Non Directional
I>2 VTS Block 35.0D Block
I>2 Current Set 35.0E 4.000A
I>2 Time delay 35.0F 300.0ms
I>2 Time VTS 35.10 2.000s
I>2 TMS 35.11 1.000
I>2 Time Dial 35.12 7.000
I>2 Reset Char 35.13 DT
I>2 tReset 35.14 0s
I>3 Status 35.15 Enabled
I>3 Current Set 35.16 5.840A
I>3 Time delay 35.17 3.000s
I>4 Status 35.18 Disabled
I>4 Current Set 35.19 4.000A
I>4 Time delay 35.1A 4.000s
I2> Status 36.01 Enabled
I2> Directional 36.02 Non Directional
I2> VTS 36.03 Non Directional
I2> Current Set 36.04 200.0mA
I2> Time delay 36.05 10.00s
I2> Char angle 36.06 -45.00deg
Broken conductor 37.01 Enabled
I2/I1 Setting 37.02 200.0e-3
I2/I1 Time delay 37.03 60.00s
I2/I1 Trip 37.04 Disabled
IN>1 Function 38.01 DT
IN>1 Directional 38.02 Directional FWD
IN>1 VTS Block 38.03 Block
IN>1 Current Set 38.04 200.0mA
IN>1 Time delay 38.05 1.000s
IN>1 Time VTS 38.06 200.0ms
IN>1 TMS 38.07 1.000
IN>1 Time Dial 38.08 7.000
IN>1 Reset Char 38.09 DT
IN>1 tReset 38.0A 0s
IN>2 Status 38.0B Enabled
IN>2 Directional 38.0C Non Directional
IN>2 VTS Block 38.0D Block
IN>2 Current Set 38.0E 300.0mA
IN>2 Time delay 38.0F 2.000s
IN>2 Time VTS 38.10 2.000s
IN>3 Status 38.11 Enabled
IN>3 Directional 38.12 Non Directional
IN>3 VTS Block 38.13 Block
IN>3 Current Set 38.14 300.0mA
IN>3 Time delay 38.15 2.000s
IN>3 Time VTS 38.16 2.000s
IN>4 Status 38.17 Enabled
IN>4 Directional 38.18 Non Directional
IN>4 VTS Block 38.19 Block
IN>4 Current Set 38.1A 300.0mA
IN>4 Time delay 38.1B 2.000s
IN>4 Time VTS 38.1C 2.000s
IN Char Angle 38.1E -45.00deg
Polarisation 38.1F Zero sequence
Aided ch. Status 39.01 Enabled
Polarisation 39.02 Zero sequence
V> Voltage Set 39.03 1.000V
IN Forward 39.04 100.0mA
Time Delay 39.05 0s
Scheme Logic 39.06 Shared
Tripping 39.07 Three phase
Tp 39.08 20.00ms
IN Rev Factor 39.09 600.0e-3
Characteristic 3A.01 Single
Thermal Trip 3A.02 1.000A
Thermal Alarm 3A.03 70.00%
Time Constant 1 3A.04 10.00
Time Constant 2 3A.05 5.000
P0 Status 3C.01 Enabled
Time Delay Fact. 3C.02 0s
Fix Time Delay 3C.03 1.000s
IN Current Set 3C.04 100.0mA
P0 Threshold 3C.05 500.0mVA
V< & V> MODE 42.01 0000
V< Measur't Mode 42.03 Phase_Neutral
V<1 Function 42.04 DT
V<1 Voltage Set 42.05 50.00V
V<1 Time Delay 42.06 10.00s
V<1 TMS 42.07 1.000
V<2 Status 42.08 Disabled
V<2 Voltage Set 42.09 38.00V
V<2 Time Delay 42.0A 5.000s
V> Measur't Mode 42.0C Phase_Neutral
V>1 Function 42.0D DT
V>1 Voltage Set 42.0E 75.00V
V>1 Time Delay 42.0F 10.00s
V>1 TMS 42.10 1.000
V>2 Status 42.11 Enabled
V>2 Voltage Set 42.12 90.00V
V>2 Time Delay 42.13 500.0ms
CB Fail 1 Status 45.02 Enabled
CB Fail 1 Timer 45.03 0s
CB Fail 2 Status 45.04 Enabled
CB Fail 2 Timer 45.05 200.0ms
CBF Non I Rst 45.06 I< Only
CBF Ext Reset 45.07 I< Only
I< Current set 45.09 100.0mA
VTS Time Delay 46.02 5.000s
VTS I2 & I0 Inh 46.03 50.00mA
Detect 3P 46.04 Disabled
Threshold 3P 46.05 30.00V
Delta I> 46.06 100.0mA
CTS Status 46.08 Disabled
CTS VN< Inhibit 46.09 1.000V
CTS IN> Set 46.0A 100.0mA
CTS Time Delay 46.0B 5.000s
CVTS Status 46.0D Disabled
CVTS VN> 46.0E 1.000V
CVTS Time Delay 46.0F 100.0s
Chk scheme A/R 48.01 111
Chk scheme ManCB 48.02 111
V< Dead Line 48.03 13.00V
V> Live Line 48.04 32.00V
V< Dead Bus 48.05 13.00V
V> Live Bus 48.06 32.00V
Diff Voltage 48.07 6.500V
Diff Frequency 48.08 50.00mHz
Diff Phase 48.09 20.00deg
Bus-Line Delay 48.0A 200.0ms
1P Trip Mode 49.02 1/3
3P Trip Mode 49.03 3/3
1P Dead Time 1 49.04 1.000s
3P Dead Time 1 49.05 1.000s
Dead Time 2 49.06 60.00s
Dead Time 3 49.07 180.0s
Dead Time 4 49.08 180.0s
Reclaim Time 49.09 180.0s
Close Pulse Time 49.0A 100.0ms
Discrim. Time 49.0B 5.000s
A/R Inhibit Wind 49.0C 5.000s
C/S 3P Rcl DT1 49.0D Enabled
Block A/R 49.0F 1111111111111111111
Opto Input 1 4A.01 L1 RECEP TELEP P
Opto Input 2 4A.02 L2 RECEP TDD
Opto Input 3 4A.03 L3 52BT1 CLOSE
Opto Input 4 4A.04 L4 TCS-NO OP 1
Opto Input 5 4A.05 L5 TCS-NC OP 1
Opto Input 6 4A.06 L6 TCS-NO OP 2
Opto Input 7 4A.07 L7 TCS-NC OP 2
Opto Input 8 4A.08 L8 SPARE
Opto Input 9 4A.09 L9 P633 TRIP S1
Opto Input 10 4A.0A L10 P633 TRIP S2
Opto Input 11 4A.0B L11 BF 52X
Opto Input 12 4A.0C Opto Label 12
Opto Input 13 4A.0D Opto Label 13
Opto Input 14 4A.0E Opto Label 14
Opto Input 15 4A.0F Opto Label 15
Opto Input 16 4A.10 Opto Label 16
Opto Input 17 4A.11 Opto Label 17
Opto Input 18 4A.12 Opto Label 18
Opto Input 19 4A.13 Opto Label 19
Opto Input 20 4A.14 Opto Label 20
Opto Input 21 4A.15 Opto Label 21
Opto Input 22 4A.16 Opto Label 22
Opto Input 23 4A.17 Opto Label 23
Opto Input 24 4A.18 Opto Label 24
Relay 1 4B.01 R1 GENERAL TRIP
Relay 2 4B.02 R2 50BF 52BT1 A1
Relay 3 4B.03 R3 50BF 52BT2 A2
Relay 4 4B.04 R4 TRIP 21-21N 1
Relay 5 4B.05 R5 TRIP 21-21N 2
Relay 6 4B.06 R6 50BF 52JTR 1
Relay 7 4B.07 R7 50BF 52JTR 2
Relay 8 4B.08 R8 TRANS POTT
Relay 9 4B.09 R9 TRANS TDD
Relay 10 4B.0A R10 TCS FAUL
Relay 11 4B.0B R11 BF 52CT1 A1
Relay 12 4B.0C R12 BF 52CT1 A2
Relay 13 4B.0D Relay Label 13
Relay 14 4B.0E Relay Label 14
Relay 15 4B.0F Relay Label 15
Relay 16 4B.10 Relay Label 16
Relay 17 4B.11 Relay Label 17
Relay 18 4B.12 Relay Label 18
Relay 19 4B.13 Relay Label 19
Relay 20 4B.14 Relay Label 20
Relay 21 4B.15 Relay Label 21
Relay 22 4B.16 Relay Label 22
Relay 23 4B.17 Relay Label 23
Relay 24 4B.18 Relay Label 24
Relay 25 4B.19 Relay Label 25
Relay 26 4B.1A Relay Label 26
Relay 27 4B.1B Relay Label 27
Relay 28 4B.1C Relay Label 28
Relay 29 4B.1D Relay Label 29
Relay 30 4B.1E Relay Label 30
Relay 31 4B.1F Relay Label 31
Relay 32 4B.20 Relay Label 32
Relay 33 4B.21 Relay Label 33
Relay 34 4B.22 Relay Label 34
Relay 35 4B.23 Relay Label 35
Relay 36 4B.24 Relay Label 36
Relay 37 4B.25 Relay Label 37
Relay 38 4B.26 Relay Label 38
Relay 39 4B.27 Relay Label 39
Relay 40 4B.28 Relay Label 40
Relay 41 4B.29 Relay Label 41
Relay 42 4B.2A Relay Label 42
Relay 43 4B.2B Relay Label 43
Relay 44 4B.2C Relay Label 44
Relay 45 4B.2D Relay Label 45
Relay 46 4B.2E Relay Label 46
Line Length 50.02 100.0km
Line Length 50.03 62.00mi
Line Impedance 50.04 12.00 Ohm ( 4.104 Ohm)
Line Angle 50.05 70.00 deg (j 11.28 Ohm)
Zone Status 50.07 11110
kZ1 Res Comp 50.08 1.000
kZ1 Angle 50.09 0deg
Z1 50.0A 10.00Ohm
Z1X 50.0B 15.00Ohm
R1G 50.0C 10.00Ohm
R1Ph 50.0D 10.00Ohm
tZ1 50.0E 0s
kZ2 Res Comp 50.0F 1.000
kZ2 Angle 50.10 0deg
Z2 50.11 20.00Ohm
R2G 50.12 20.00Ohm
R2Ph 50.13 20.00Ohm
tZ2 50.14 200.0ms
kZ3/4 Res Comp 50.15 1.000
kZ3/4 Angle 50.16 0deg
Z3 50.17 30.00Ohm
R3G-R4G 50.18 30.00Ohm
R3Ph-R4Ph 50.19 30.00Ohm
tZ3 50.1A 600.0ms
Z4 50.1B 40.00Ohm
tZ4 50.1C 1.000s
ZoneP - Direct 50.1D Directional FWD
kZp Res Comp 50.1E 1.000
kZp Angle 50.1F 0deg
Zp 50.20 25.00Ohm
RpG 50.21 25.00Ohm
RpPh 50.22 25.00Ohm
tZp 50.23 400.0ms
Serial Cmp. Line 50.24 Disabled
Overlap Z Mode 50.25 Disabled
Z1m Tilt Angle 50.26 0deg
Z1p Tilt Angle 50.27 0deg
Z2/Zp Tilt Angle 50.28 0deg
Fwd Z Chgt Delay 50.29 30.00ms
kZm Mutual Comp 50.2B 0
kZm Angle 50.2C 0deg
Program Mode 51.01 Standard Scheme
Standard Mode 51.02 Basic + Z1X
Fault Type 51.03 Both enabled
Trip Mode 51.04 Force 3 poles
Sig Send Zone 51.05 None
DistCR 51.06 None
Tp 51.07 20.00ms
tReversal Guard 51.08 20.00ms
Unblocking Logic 51.09 None
SOTF/TOR Mode 51.0A 00000000110000
SOTF Delay 51.0B 110.0s
Z1Ext Fail 51.0C Disabled
WI:Mode Status 51.0E Disabled
WI:Single Pole 51.0F Disabled
WI:V< Thres 51.10 45.00V
WI:Trip Time 51.11 60.00ms
PAP:Tele Trip En 51.12 Disabled
PAP:Del. Trip En 51.13 Disabled
PAP:P1 51.14 Disabled
PAP:1P Time Del 51.15 500.0ms
PAP:P2 51.16 Disabled
PAP:P3 51.17 Disabled
PAP:3P Time Del 51.18 2.000s
PAP:IN Thres 51.19 500.0mA
PAP: K (%Vn) 51.1A 500.0e-3
LoL:Mode Status 51.1C Disabled
LoL:Chan Fail 51.1D Disabled
LoL:I< 51.1E 500.0mA
LoL:Window 51.1F 40.00ms
Delta R 52.01 500.0mOhm
Delta X 52.02 500.0mOhm
IN> status 52.03 Enabled
IN> (%Imax) 52.04 40.00%
I2> status 52.05 Enabled
I2> (%Imax) 52.06 30.00%
ImaxLine> Status 52.07 Enabled
ImaxLine > 52.08 3.000A
Delta I Status 52.09 Enabled
Unblocking delay 52.0A 30.00s
Blocking Zones 52.0B 00000
Out of Step 52.0C 1
Stable Swing 52.0D 1
I>1 Function 55.01 DT
I>1 Directional 55.02 Directional FWD
I>1 VTS Block 55.03 Block
I>1 Current Set 55.04 1.500A
I>1 Time delay 55.05 1.000s
I>1 Time VTS 55.06 200.0ms
I>1 TMS 55.07 1.000
I>1 Time Dial 55.08 7.000
I>1 Reset Char 55.09 DT
I>1 tReset 55.0A 0s
I>2 Function 55.0B DT
I>2 Directional 55.0C Non Directional
I>2 VTS Block 55.0D Block
I>2 Current Set 55.0E 2.000A
I>2 Time delay 55.0F 2.000s
I>2 Time VTS 55.10 2.000s
I>2 TMS 55.11 1.000
I>2 Time Dial 55.12 7.000
I>2 Reset Char 55.13 DT
I>2 tReset 55.14 0s
I>3 Status 55.15 Enabled
I>3 Current Set 55.16 3.000A
I>3 Time delay 55.17 3.000s
I>4 Status 55.18 Disabled
I>4 Current Set 55.19 4.000A
I>4 Time delay 55.1A 4.000s
I2> Status 56.01 Enabled
I2> Directional 56.02 Non Directional
I2> VTS 56.03 Non Directional
I2> Current Set 56.04 200.0mA
I2> Time delay 56.05 10.00s
I2> Char angle 56.06 -45.00deg
Broken conductor 57.01 Enabled
I2/I1 Setting 57.02 200.0e-3
I2/I1 Time delay 57.03 60.00s
I2/I1 Trip 57.04 Disabled
IN>1 Function 58.01 DT
IN>1 Directional 58.02 Directional FWD
IN>1 VTS Block 58.03 Block
IN>1 Current Set 58.04 200.0mA
IN>1 Time delay 58.05 1.000s
IN>1 Time VTS 58.06 200.0ms
IN>1 TMS 58.07 1.000
IN>1 Time Dial 58.08 7.000
IN>1 Reset Char 58.09 DT
IN>1 tReset 58.0A 0s
IN>2 Status 58.0B Enabled
IN>2 Directional 58.0C Non Directional
IN>2 VTS Block 58.0D Block
IN>2 Current Set 58.0E 300.0mA
IN>2 Time delay 58.0F 2.000s
IN>2 Time VTS 58.10 2.000s
IN>3 Status 58.11 Enabled
IN>3 Directional 58.12 Non Directional
IN>3 VTS Block 58.13 Block
IN>3 Current Set 58.14 300.0mA
IN>3 Time delay 58.15 2.000s
IN>3 Time VTS 58.16 2.000s
IN>4 Status 58.17 Enabled
IN>4 Directional 58.18 Non Directional
IN>4 VTS Block 58.19 Block
IN>4 Current Set 58.1A 300.0mA
IN>4 Time delay 58.1B 2.000s
IN>4 Time VTS 58.1C 2.000s
IN Char Angle 58.1E -45.00deg
Polarisation 58.1F Zero sequence
Aided ch. Status 59.01 Enabled
Polarisation 59.02 Zero sequence
V> Voltage Set 59.03 1.000V
IN Forward 59.04 100.0mA
Time Delay 59.05 0s
Scheme Logic 59.06 Shared
Tripping 59.07 Three phase
Tp 59.08 20.00ms
IN Rev Factor 59.09 600.0e-3
Characteristic 5A.01 Single
Thermal Trip 5A.02 1.000A
Thermal Alarm 5A.03 70.00%
Time Constant 1 5A.04 10.00
Time Constant 2 5A.05 5.000
P0 Status 5C.01 Enabled
Time Delay Fact. 5C.02 0s
Fix Time Delay 5C.03 1.000s
IN Current Set 5C.04 100.0mA
P0 Threshold 5C.05 500.0mVA
V< & V> MODE 62.01 0000
V< Measur't Mode 62.03 Phase_Neutral
V<1 Function 62.04 DT
V<1 Voltage Set 62.05 50.00V
V<1 Time Delay 62.06 10.00s
V<1 TMS 62.07 1.000
V<2 Status 62.08 Disabled
V<2 Voltage Set 62.09 38.00V
V<2 Time Delay 62.0A 5.000s
V> Measur't Mode 62.0C Phase_Neutral
V>1 Function 62.0D DT
V>1 Voltage Set 62.0E 75.00V
V>1 Time Delay 62.0F 10.00s
V>1 TMS 62.10 1.000
V>2 Status 62.11 Enabled
V>2 Voltage Set 62.12 90.00V
V>2 Time Delay 62.13 500.0ms
CB Fail 1 Status 65.02 Enabled
CB Fail 1 Timer 65.03 200.0ms
CB Fail 2 Status 65.04 Disabled
CB Fail 2 Timer 65.05 400.0ms
CBF Non I Rst 65.06 CB open & I<
CBF Ext Reset 65.07 CB open & I<
I< Current set 65.09 50.00mA
VTS Time Delay 66.02 5.000s
VTS I2 & I0 Inh 66.03 50.00mA
Detect 3P 66.04 Disabled
Threshold 3P 66.05 30.00V
Delta I> 66.06 100.0mA
CTS Status 66.08 Disabled
CTS VN< Inhibit 66.09 1.000V
CTS IN> Set 66.0A 100.0mA
CTS Time Delay 66.0B 5.000s
CVTS Status 66.0D Disabled
CVTS VN> 66.0E 1.000V
CVTS Time Delay 66.0F 100.0s
Chk scheme A/R 68.01 111
Chk scheme ManCB 68.02 111
V< Dead Line 68.03 13.00V
V> Live Line 68.04 32.00V
V< Dead Bus 68.05 13.00V
V> Live Bus 68.06 32.00V
Diff Voltage 68.07 6.500V
Diff Frequency 68.08 50.00mHz
Diff Phase 68.09 20.00deg
Bus-Line Delay 68.0A 200.0ms
1P Trip Mode 69.02 1/3
3P Trip Mode 69.03 3/3
1P Dead Time 1 69.04 1.000s
3P Dead Time 1 69.05 1.000s
Dead Time 2 69.06 60.00s
Dead Time 3 69.07 180.0s
Dead Time 4 69.08 180.0s
Reclaim Time 69.09 180.0s
Close Pulse Time 69.0A 100.0ms
Discrim. Time 69.0B 5.000s
A/R Inhibit Wind 69.0C 5.000s
C/S 3P Rcl DT1 69.0D Enabled
Block A/R 69.0F 1111111111111111111
Opto Input 1 6A.01 Opto Label 01
Opto Input 2 6A.02 Opto Label 02
Opto Input 3 6A.03 Opto Label 03
Opto Input 4 6A.04 Opto Label 04
Opto Input 5 6A.05 Opto Label 05
Opto Input 6 6A.06 Opto Label 06
Opto Input 7 6A.07 Opto Label 07
Opto Input 8 6A.08 Opto Label 08
Opto Input 9 6A.09 Opto Label 09
Opto Input 10 6A.0A Opto Label 10
Opto Input 11 6A.0B Opto Label 11
Opto Input 12 6A.0C Opto Label 12
Opto Input 13 6A.0D Opto Label 13
Opto Input 14 6A.0E Opto Label 14
Opto Input 15 6A.0F Opto Label 15
Opto Input 16 6A.10 Opto Label 16
Opto Input 17 6A.11 Opto Label 17
Opto Input 18 6A.12 Opto Label 18
Opto Input 19 6A.13 Opto Label 19
Opto Input 20 6A.14 Opto Label 20
Opto Input 21 6A.15 Opto Label 21
Opto Input 22 6A.16 Opto Label 22
Opto Input 23 6A.17 Opto Label 23
Opto Input 24 6A.18 Opto Label 24
Relay 1 6B.01 Relay Label 01
Relay 2 6B.02 Relay Label 02
Relay 3 6B.03 Relay Label 03
Relay 4 6B.04 Relay Label 04
Relay 5 6B.05 Relay Label 05
Relay 6 6B.06 Relay Label 06
Relay 7 6B.07 Relay Label 07
Relay 8 6B.08 Relay Label 08
Relay 9 6B.09 Relay Label 09
Relay 10 6B.0A Relay Label 10
Relay 11 6B.0B Relay Label 11
Relay 12 6B.0C Relay Label 12
Relay 13 6B.0D Relay Label 13
Relay 14 6B.0E Relay Label 14
Relay 15 6B.0F Relay Label 15
Relay 16 6B.10 Relay Label 16
Relay 17 6B.11 Relay Label 17
Relay 18 6B.12 Relay Label 18
Relay 19 6B.13 Relay Label 19
Relay 20 6B.14 Relay Label 20
Relay 21 6B.15 Relay Label 21
Relay 22 6B.16 Relay Label 22
Relay 23 6B.17 Relay Label 23
Relay 24 6B.18 Relay Label 24
Relay 25 6B.19 Relay Label 25
Relay 26 6B.1A Relay Label 26
Relay 27 6B.1B Relay Label 27
Relay 28 6B.1C Relay Label 28
Relay 29 6B.1D Relay Label 29
Relay 30 6B.1E Relay Label 30
Relay 31 6B.1F Relay Label 31
Relay 32 6B.20 Relay Label 32
Relay 33 6B.21 Relay Label 33
Relay 34 6B.22 Relay Label 34
Relay 35 6B.23 Relay Label 35
Relay 36 6B.24 Relay Label 36
Relay 37 6B.25 Relay Label 37
Relay 38 6B.26 Relay Label 38
Relay 39 6B.27 Relay Label 39
Relay 40 6B.28 Relay Label 40
Relay 41 6B.29 Relay Label 41
Relay 42 6B.2A Relay Label 42
Relay 43 6B.2B Relay Label 43
Relay 44 6B.2C Relay Label 44
Relay 45 6B.2D Relay Label 45
Relay 46 6B.2E Relay Label 46
Line Length 70.02 100.0km
Line Length 70.03 62.00mi
Line Impedance 70.04 12.00 Ohm ( 4.104 Ohm)
Line Angle 70.05 70.00 deg (j 11.28 Ohm)
Zone Status 70.07 11110
kZ1 Res Comp 70.08 1.000
kZ1 Angle 70.09 0deg
Z1 70.0A 10.00Ohm
Z1X 70.0B 15.00Ohm
R1G 70.0C 10.00Ohm
R1Ph 70.0D 10.00Ohm
tZ1 70.0E 0s
kZ2 Res Comp 70.0F 1.000
kZ2 Angle 70.10 0deg
Z2 70.11 20.00Ohm
R2G 70.12 20.00Ohm
R2Ph 70.13 20.00Ohm
tZ2 70.14 200.0ms
kZ3/4 Res Comp 70.15 1.000
kZ3/4 Angle 70.16 0deg
Z3 70.17 30.00Ohm
R3G-R4G 70.18 30.00Ohm
R3Ph-R4Ph 70.19 30.00Ohm
tZ3 70.1A 600.0ms
Z4 70.1B 40.00Ohm
tZ4 70.1C 1.000s
ZoneP - Direct 70.1D Directional FWD
kZp Res Comp 70.1E 1.000
kZp Angle 70.1F 0deg
Zp 70.20 25.00Ohm
RpG 70.21 25.00Ohm
RpPh 70.22 25.00Ohm
tZp 70.23 400.0ms
Serial Cmp. Line 70.24 Disabled
Overlap Z Mode 70.25 Disabled
Z1m Tilt Angle 70.26 0deg
Z1p Tilt Angle 70.27 0deg
Z2/Zp Tilt Angle 70.28 0deg
Fwd Z Chgt Delay 70.29 30.00ms
kZm Mutual Comp 70.2B 0
kZm Angle 70.2C 0deg
Program Mode 71.01 Standard Scheme
Standard Mode 71.02 Basic + Z1X
Fault Type 71.03 Both enabled
Trip Mode 71.04 Force 3 poles
Sig Send Zone 71.05 None
DistCR 71.06 None
Tp 71.07 20.00ms
tReversal Guard 71.08 20.00ms
Unblocking Logic 71.09 None
SOTF/TOR Mode 71.0A 00000000110000
SOTF Delay 71.0B 110.0s
Z1Ext Fail 71.0C Disabled
WI:Mode Status 71.0E Disabled
WI:Single Pole 71.0F Disabled
WI:V< Thres 71.10 45.00V
WI:Trip Time 71.11 60.00ms
PAP:Tele Trip En 71.12 Disabled
PAP:Del. Trip En 71.13 Disabled
PAP:P1 71.14 Disabled
PAP:1P Time Del 71.15 500.0ms
PAP:P2 71.16 Disabled
PAP:P3 71.17 Disabled
PAP:3P Time Del 71.18 2.000s
PAP:IN Thres 71.19 500.0mA
PAP: K (%Vn) 71.1A 500.0e-3
LoL:Mode Status 71.1C Disabled
LoL:Chan Fail 71.1D Disabled
LoL:I< 71.1E 500.0mA
LoL:Window 71.1F 40.00ms
Delta R 72.01 500.0mOhm
Delta X 72.02 500.0mOhm
IN> status 72.03 Enabled
IN> (%Imax) 72.04 40.00%
I2> status 72.05 Enabled
I2> (%Imax) 72.06 30.00%
ImaxLine> Status 72.07 Enabled
ImaxLine > 72.08 3.000A
Delta I Status 72.09 Enabled
Unblocking delay 72.0A 30.00s
Blocking Zones 72.0B 00000
Out of Step 72.0C 1
Stable Swing 72.0D 1
I>1 Function 75.01 DT
I>1 Directional 75.02 Directional FWD
I>1 VTS Block 75.03 Block
I>1 Current Set 75.04 1.500A
I>1 Time delay 75.05 1.000s
I>1 Time VTS 75.06 200.0ms
I>1 TMS 75.07 1.000
I>1 Time Dial 75.08 7.000
I>1 Reset Char 75.09 DT
I>1 tReset 75.0A 0s
I>2 Function 75.0B DT
I>2 Directional 75.0C Non Directional
I>2 VTS Block 75.0D Block
I>2 Current Set 75.0E 2.000A
I>2 Time delay 75.0F 2.000s
I>2 Time VTS 75.10 2.000s
I>2 TMS 75.11 1.000
I>2 Time Dial 75.12 7.000
I>2 Reset Char 75.13 DT
I>2 tReset 75.14 0s
I>3 Status 75.15 Enabled
I>3 Current Set 75.16 3.000A
I>3 Time delay 75.17 3.000s
I>4 Status 75.18 Disabled
I>4 Current Set 75.19 4.000A
I>4 Time delay 75.1A 4.000s
I2> Status 76.01 Enabled
I2> Directional 76.02 Non Directional
I2> VTS 76.03 Non Directional
I2> Current Set 76.04 200.0mA
I2> Time delay 76.05 10.00s
I2> Char angle 76.06 -45.00deg
Broken conductor 77.01 Enabled
I2/I1 Setting 77.02 200.0e-3
I2/I1 Time delay 77.03 60.00s
I2/I1 Trip 77.04 Disabled
IN>1 Function 78.01 DT
IN>1 Directional 78.02 Directional FWD
IN>1 VTS Block 78.03 Block
IN>1 Current Set 78.04 200.0mA
IN>1 Time delay 78.05 1.000s
IN>1 Time VTS 78.06 200.0ms
IN>1 TMS 78.07 1.000
IN>1 Time Dial 78.08 7.000
IN>1 Reset Char 78.09 DT
IN>1 tReset 78.0A 0s
IN>2 Status 78.0B Enabled
IN>2 Directional 78.0C Non Directional
IN>2 VTS Block 78.0D Block
IN>2 Current Set 78.0E 300.0mA
IN>2 Time delay 78.0F 2.000s
IN>2 Time VTS 78.10 2.000s
IN>3 Status 78.11 Enabled
IN>3 Directional 78.12 Non Directional
IN>3 VTS Block 78.13 Block
IN>3 Current Set 78.14 300.0mA
IN>3 Time delay 78.15 2.000s
IN>3 Time VTS 78.16 2.000s
IN>4 Status 78.17 Enabled
IN>4 Directional 78.18 Non Directional
IN>4 VTS Block 78.19 Block
IN>4 Current Set 78.1A 300.0mA
IN>4 Time delay 78.1B 2.000s
IN>4 Time VTS 78.1C 2.000s
IN Char Angle 78.1E -45.00deg
Polarisation 78.1F Zero sequence
Aided ch. Status 79.01 Enabled
Polarisation 79.02 Zero sequence
V> Voltage Set 79.03 1.000V
IN Forward 79.04 100.0mA
Time Delay 79.05 0s
Scheme Logic 79.06 Shared
Tripping 79.07 Three phase
Tp 79.08 20.00ms
IN Rev Factor 79.09 600.0e-3
Characteristic 7A.01 Single
Thermal Trip 7A.02 1.000A
Thermal Alarm 7A.03 70.00%
Time Constant 1 7A.04 10.00
Time Constant 2 7A.05 5.000
P0 Status 7C.01 Enabled
Time Delay Fact. 7C.02 0s
Fix Time Delay 7C.03 1.000s
IN Current Set 7C.04 100.0mA
P0 Threshold 7C.05 500.0mVA
V< & V> MODE 82.01 0000
V< Measur't Mode 82.03 Phase_Neutral
V<1 Function 82.04 DT
V<1 Voltage Set 82.05 50.00V
V<1 Time Delay 82.06 10.00s
V<1 TMS 82.07 1.000
V<2 Status 82.08 Disabled
V<2 Voltage Set 82.09 38.00V
V<2 Time Delay 82.0A 5.000s
V> Measur't Mode 82.0C Phase_Neutral
V>1 Function 82.0D DT
V>1 Voltage Set 82.0E 75.00V
V>1 Time Delay 82.0F 10.00s
V>1 TMS 82.10 1.000
V>2 Status 82.11 Enabled
V>2 Voltage Set 82.12 90.00V
V>2 Time Delay 82.13 500.0ms
CB Fail 1 Status 85.02 Enabled
CB Fail 1 Timer 85.03 200.0ms
CB Fail 2 Status 85.04 Disabled
CB Fail 2 Timer 85.05 400.0ms
CBF Non I Rst 85.06 CB open & I<
CBF Ext Reset 85.07 CB open & I<
I< Current set 85.09 50.00mA
VTS Time Delay 86.02 5.000s
VTS I2 & I0 Inh 86.03 50.00mA
Detect 3P 86.04 Disabled
Threshold 3P 86.05 30.00V
Delta I> 86.06 100.0mA
CTS Status 86.08 Disabled
CTS VN< Inhibit 86.09 1.000V
CTS IN> Set 86.0A 100.0mA
CTS Time Delay 86.0B 5.000s
CVTS Status 86.0D Disabled
CVTS VN> 86.0E 1.000V
CVTS Time Delay 86.0F 100.0s
Chk scheme A/R 88.01 111
Chk scheme ManCB 88.02 111
V< Dead Line 88.03 13.00V
V> Live Line 88.04 32.00V
V< Dead Bus 88.05 13.00V
V> Live Bus 88.06 32.00V
Diff Voltage 88.07 6.500V
Diff Frequency 88.08 50.00mHz
Diff Phase 88.09 20.00deg
Bus-Line Delay 88.0A 200.0ms
1P Trip Mode 89.02 1/3
3P Trip Mode 89.03 3/3
1P Dead Time 1 89.04 1.000s
3P Dead Time 1 89.05 1.000s
Dead Time 2 89.06 60.00s
Dead Time 3 89.07 180.0s
Dead Time 4 89.08 180.0s
Reclaim Time 89.09 180.0s
Close Pulse Time 89.0A 100.0ms
Discrim. Time 89.0B 5.000s
A/R Inhibit Wind 89.0C 5.000s
C/S 3P Rcl DT1 89.0D Enabled
Block A/R 89.0F 1111111111111111111
Opto Input 1 8A.01 Opto Label 01
Opto Input 2 8A.02 Opto Label 02
Opto Input 3 8A.03 Opto Label 03
Opto Input 4 8A.04 Opto Label 04
Opto Input 5 8A.05 Opto Label 05
Opto Input 6 8A.06 Opto Label 06
Opto Input 7 8A.07 Opto Label 07
Opto Input 8 8A.08 Opto Label 08
Opto Input 9 8A.09 Opto Label 09
Opto Input 10 8A.0A Opto Label 10
Opto Input 11 8A.0B Opto Label 11
Opto Input 12 8A.0C Opto Label 12
Opto Input 13 8A.0D Opto Label 13
Opto Input 14 8A.0E Opto Label 14
Opto Input 15 8A.0F Opto Label 15
Opto Input 16 8A.10 Opto Label 16
Opto Input 17 8A.11 Opto Label 17
Opto Input 18 8A.12 Opto Label 18
Opto Input 19 8A.13 Opto Label 19
Opto Input 20 8A.14 Opto Label 20
Opto Input 21 8A.15 Opto Label 21
Opto Input 22 8A.16 Opto Label 22
Opto Input 23 8A.17 Opto Label 23
Opto Input 24 8A.18 Opto Label 24
Relay 1 8B.01 Relay Label 01
Relay 2 8B.02 Relay Label 02
Relay 3 8B.03 Relay Label 03
Relay 4 8B.04 Relay Label 04
Relay 5 8B.05 Relay Label 05
Relay 6 8B.06 Relay Label 06
Relay 7 8B.07 Relay Label 07
Relay 8 8B.08 Relay Label 08
Relay 9 8B.09 Relay Label 09
Relay 10 8B.0A Relay Label 10
Relay 11 8B.0B Relay Label 11
Relay 12 8B.0C Relay Label 12
Relay 13 8B.0D Relay Label 13
Relay 14 8B.0E Relay Label 14
Relay 15 8B.0F Relay Label 15
Relay 16 8B.10 Relay Label 16
Relay 17 8B.11 Relay Label 17
Relay 18 8B.12 Relay Label 18
Relay 19 8B.13 Relay Label 19
Relay 20 8B.14 Relay Label 20
Relay 21 8B.15 Relay Label 21
Relay 22 8B.16 Relay Label 22
Relay 23 8B.17 Relay Label 23
Relay 24 8B.18 Relay Label 24
Relay 25 8B.19 Relay Label 25
Relay 26 8B.1A Relay Label 26
Relay 27 8B.1B Relay Label 27
Relay 28 8B.1C Relay Label 28
Relay 29 8B.1D Relay Label 29
Relay 30 8B.1E Relay Label 30
Relay 31 8B.1F Relay Label 31
Relay 32 8B.20 Relay Label 32
Relay 33 8B.21 Relay Label 33
Relay 34 8B.22 Relay Label 34
Relay 35 8B.23 Relay Label 35
Relay 36 8B.24 Relay Label 36
Relay 37 8B.25 Relay Label 37
Relay 38 8B.26 Relay Label 38
Relay 39 8B.27 Relay Label 39
Relay 40 8B.28 Relay Label 40
Relay 41 8B.29 Relay Label 41
Relay 42 8B.2A Relay Label 42
Relay 43 8B.2B Relay Label 43
Relay 44 8B.2C Relay Label 44
Relay 45 8B.2D Relay Label 45
Relay 46 8B.2E Relay Label 46
Line Length 90.02 100.0km
Line Length 90.03 62.00mi
Line Impedance 90.04 12.00 Ohm ( 4.104 Ohm)
Line Angle 90.05 70.00 deg (j 11.28 Ohm)
Zone Status 90.07 11110
kZ1 Res Comp 90.08 1.000
kZ1 Angle 90.09 0deg
Z1 90.0A 10.00Ohm
Z1X 90.0B 15.00Ohm
R1G 90.0C 10.00Ohm
R1Ph 90.0D 10.00Ohm
tZ1 90.0E 0s
kZ2 Res Comp 90.0F 1.000
kZ2 Angle 90.10 0deg
Z2 90.11 20.00Ohm
R2G 90.12 20.00Ohm
R2Ph 90.13 20.00Ohm
tZ2 90.14 200.0ms
kZ3/4 Res Comp 90.15 1.000
kZ3/4 Angle 90.16 0deg
Z3 90.17 30.00Ohm
R3G-R4G 90.18 30.00Ohm
R3Ph-R4Ph 90.19 30.00Ohm
tZ3 90.1A 600.0ms
Z4 90.1B 40.00Ohm
tZ4 90.1C 1.000s
ZoneP - Direct 90.1D Directional FWD
kZp Res Comp 90.1E 1.000
kZp Angle 90.1F 0deg
Zp 90.20 25.00Ohm
RpG 90.21 25.00Ohm
RpPh 90.22 25.00Ohm
tZp 90.23 400.0ms
Serial Cmp. Line 90.24 Disabled
Overlap Z Mode 90.25 Disabled
Z1m Tilt Angle 90.26 0deg
Z1p Tilt Angle 90.27 0deg
Z2/Zp Tilt Angle 90.28 0deg
Fwd Z Chgt Delay 90.29 30.00ms
kZm Mutual Comp 90.2B 0
kZm Angle 90.2C 0deg
Program Mode 91.01 Standard Scheme
Standard Mode 91.02 Basic + Z1X
Fault Type 91.03 Both enabled
Trip Mode 91.04 Force 3 poles
Sig Send Zone 91.05 None
DistCR 91.06 None
Tp 91.07 20.00ms
tReversal Guard 91.08 20.00ms
Unblocking Logic 91.09 None
SOTF/TOR Mode 91.0A 00000000110000
SOTF Delay 91.0B 110.0s
Z1Ext Fail 91.0C Disabled
WI:Mode Status 91.0E Disabled
WI:Single Pole 91.0F Disabled
WI:V< Thres 91.10 45.00V
WI:Trip Time 91.11 60.00ms
PAP:Tele Trip En 91.12 Disabled
PAP:Del. Trip En 91.13 Disabled
PAP:P1 91.14 Disabled
PAP:1P Time Del 91.15 500.0ms
PAP:P2 91.16 Disabled
PAP:P3 91.17 Disabled
PAP:3P Time Del 91.18 2.000s
PAP:IN Thres 91.19 500.0mA
PAP: K (%Vn) 91.1A 500.0e-3
LoL:Mode Status 91.1C Disabled
LoL:Chan Fail 91.1D Disabled
LoL:I< 91.1E 500.0mA
LoL:Window 91.1F 40.00ms
Delta R 92.01 500.0mOhm
Delta X 92.02 500.0mOhm
IN> status 92.03 Enabled
IN> (%Imax) 92.04 40.00%
I2> status 92.05 Enabled
I2> (%Imax) 92.06 30.00%
ImaxLine> Status 92.07 Enabled
ImaxLine > 92.08 3.000A
Delta I Status 92.09 Enabled
Unblocking delay 92.0A 30.00s
Blocking Zones 92.0B 00000
Out of Step 92.0C 1
Stable Swing 92.0D 1
I>1 Function 95.01 DT
I>1 Directional 95.02 Directional FWD
I>1 VTS Block 95.03 Block
I>1 Current Set 95.04 1.500A
I>1 Time delay 95.05 1.000s
I>1 Time VTS 95.06 200.0ms
I>1 TMS 95.07 1.000
I>1 Time Dial 95.08 7.000
I>1 Reset Char 95.09 DT
I>1 tReset 95.0A 0s
I>2 Function 95.0B DT
I>2 Directional 95.0C Non Directional
I>2 VTS Block 95.0D Block
I>2 Current Set 95.0E 2.000A
I>2 Time delay 95.0F 2.000s
I>2 Time VTS 95.10 2.000s
I>2 TMS 95.11 1.000
I>2 Time Dial 95.12 7.000
I>2 Reset Char 95.13 DT
I>2 tReset 95.14 0s
I>3 Status 95.15 Enabled
I>3 Current Set 95.16 3.000A
I>3 Time delay 95.17 3.000s
I>4 Status 95.18 Disabled
I>4 Current Set 95.19 4.000A
I>4 Time delay 95.1A 4.000s
I2> Status 96.01 Enabled
I2> Directional 96.02 Non Directional
I2> VTS 96.03 Non Directional
I2> Current Set 96.04 200.0mA
I2> Time delay 96.05 10.00s
I2> Char angle 96.06 -45.00deg
Broken conductor 97.01 Enabled
I2/I1 Setting 97.02 200.0e-3
I2/I1 Time delay 97.03 60.00s
I2/I1 Trip 97.04 Disabled
IN>1 Function 98.01 DT
IN>1 Directional 98.02 Directional FWD
IN>1 VTS Block 98.03 Block
IN>1 Current Set 98.04 200.0mA
IN>1 Time delay 98.05 1.000s
IN>1 Time VTS 98.06 200.0ms
IN>1 TMS 98.07 1.000
IN>1 Time Dial 98.08 7.000
IN>1 Reset Char 98.09 DT
IN>1 tReset 98.0A 0s
IN>2 Status 98.0B Enabled
IN>2 Directional 98.0C Non Directional
IN>2 VTS Block 98.0D Block
IN>2 Current Set 98.0E 300.0mA
IN>2 Time delay 98.0F 2.000s
IN>2 Time VTS 98.10 2.000s
IN>3 Status 98.11 Enabled
IN>3 Directional 98.12 Non Directional
IN>3 VTS Block 98.13 Block
IN>3 Current Set 98.14 300.0mA
IN>3 Time delay 98.15 2.000s
IN>3 Time VTS 98.16 2.000s
IN>4 Status 98.17 Enabled
IN>4 Directional 98.18 Non Directional
IN>4 VTS Block 98.19 Block
IN>4 Current Set 98.1A 300.0mA
IN>4 Time delay 98.1B 2.000s
IN>4 Time VTS 98.1C 2.000s
IN Char Angle 98.1E -45.00deg
Polarisation 98.1F Zero sequence
Aided ch. Status 99.01 Enabled
Polarisation 99.02 Zero sequence
V> Voltage Set 99.03 1.000V
IN Forward 99.04 100.0mA
Time Delay 99.05 0s
Scheme Logic 99.06 Shared
Tripping 99.07 Three phase
Tp 99.08 20.00ms
IN Rev Factor 99.09 600.0e-3
Characteristic 9A.01 Single
Thermal Trip 9A.02 1.000A
Thermal Alarm 9A.03 70.00%
Time Constant 1 9A.04 10.00
Time Constant 2 9A.05 5.000
P0 Status 9C.01 Enabled
Time Delay Fact. 9C.02 0s
Fix Time Delay 9C.03 1.000s
IN Current Set 9C.04 100.0mA
P0 Threshold 9C.05 500.0mVA
V< & V> MODE A2.01 0000
V< Measur't Mode A2.03 Phase_Neutral
V<1 Function A2.04 DT
V<1 Voltage Set A2.05 50.00V
V<1 Time Delay A2.06 10.00s
V<1 TMS A2.07 1.000
V<2 Status A2.08 Disabled
V<2 Voltage Set A2.09 38.00V
V<2 Time Delay A2.0A 5.000s
V> Measur't Mode A2.0C Phase_Neutral
V>1 Function A2.0D DT
V>1 Voltage Set A2.0E 75.00V
V>1 Time Delay A2.0F 10.00s
V>1 TMS A2.10 1.000
V>2 Status A2.11 Enabled
V>2 Voltage Set A2.12 90.00V
V>2 Time Delay A2.13 500.0ms
CB Fail 1 Status A5.02 Enabled
CB Fail 1 Timer A5.03 200.0ms
CB Fail 2 Status A5.04 Disabled
CB Fail 2 Timer A5.05 400.0ms
CBF Non I Rst A5.06 CB open & I<
CBF Ext Reset A5.07 CB open & I<
I< Current set A5.09 50.00mA
VTS Time Delay A6.02 5.000s
VTS I2 & I0 Inh A6.03 50.00mA
Detect 3P A6.04 Disabled
Threshold 3P A6.05 30.00V
Delta I> A6.06 100.0mA
CTS Status A6.08 Disabled
CTS VN< Inhibit A6.09 1.000V
CTS IN> Set A6.0A 100.0mA
CTS Time Delay A6.0B 5.000s
CVTS Status A6.0D Disabled
CVTS VN> A6.0E 1.000V
CVTS Time Delay A6.0F 100.0s
Chk scheme A/R A8.01 111
Chk scheme ManCB A8.02 111
V< Dead Line A8.03 13.00V
V> Live Line A8.04 32.00V
V< Dead Bus A8.05 13.00V
V> Live Bus A8.06 32.00V
Diff Voltage A8.07 6.500V
Diff Frequency A8.08 50.00mHz
Diff Phase A8.09 20.00deg
Bus-Line Delay A8.0A 200.0ms
1P Trip Mode A9.02 1/3
3P Trip Mode A9.03 3/3
1P Dead Time 1 A9.04 1.000s
3P Dead Time 1 A9.05 1.000s
Dead Time 2 A9.06 60.00s
Dead Time 3 A9.07 180.0s
Dead Time 4 A9.08 180.0s
Reclaim Time A9.09 180.0s
Close Pulse Time A9.0A 100.0ms
Discrim. Time A9.0B 5.000s
A/R Inhibit Wind A9.0C 5.000s
C/S 3P Rcl DT1 A9.0D Enabled
Block A/R A9.0F 1111111111111111111
Opto Input 1 AA.01 Opto Label 01
Opto Input 2 AA.02 Opto Label 02
Opto Input 3 AA.03 Opto Label 03
Opto Input 4 AA.04 Opto Label 04
Opto Input 5 AA.05 Opto Label 05
Opto Input 6 AA.06 Opto Label 06
Opto Input 7 AA.07 Opto Label 07
Opto Input 8 AA.08 Opto Label 08
Opto Input 9 AA.09 Opto Label 09
Opto Input 10 AA.0A Opto Label 10
Opto Input 11 AA.0B Opto Label 11
Opto Input 12 AA.0C Opto Label 12
Opto Input 13 AA.0D Opto Label 13
Opto Input 14 AA.0E Opto Label 14
Opto Input 15 AA.0F Opto Label 15
Opto Input 16 AA.10 Opto Label 16
Opto Input 17 AA.11 Opto Label 17
Opto Input 18 AA.12 Opto Label 18
Opto Input 19 AA.13 Opto Label 19
Opto Input 20 AA.14 Opto Label 20
Opto Input 21 AA.15 Opto Label 21
Opto Input 22 AA.16 Opto Label 22
Opto Input 23 AA.17 Opto Label 23
Opto Input 24 AA.18 Opto Label 24
Relay 1 AB.01 Relay Label 01
Relay 2 AB.02 Relay Label 02
Relay 3 AB.03 Relay Label 03
Relay 4 AB.04 Relay Label 04
Relay 5 AB.05 Relay Label 05
Relay 6 AB.06 Relay Label 06
Relay 7 AB.07 Relay Label 07
Relay 8 AB.08 Relay Label 08
Relay 9 AB.09 Relay Label 09
Relay 10 AB.0A Relay Label 10
Relay 11 AB.0B Relay Label 11
Relay 12 AB.0C Relay Label 12
Relay 13 AB.0D Relay Label 13
Relay 14 AB.0E Relay Label 14
Relay 15 AB.0F Relay Label 15
Relay 16 AB.10 Relay Label 16
Relay 17 AB.11 Relay Label 17
Relay 18 AB.12 Relay Label 18
Relay 19 AB.13 Relay Label 19
Relay 20 AB.14 Relay Label 20
Relay 21 AB.15 Relay Label 21
Relay 22 AB.16 Relay Label 22
Relay 32 AB.17 Relay Label 32
Relay 24 AB.18 Relay Label 24
Relay 25 AB.19 Relay Label 25
Relay 26 AB.1A Relay Label 26
Relay 27 AB.1B Relay Label 27
Relay 28 AB.1C Relay Label 28
Relay 29 AB.1D Relay Label 29
Relay 30 AB.1E Relay Label 30
Relay 31 AB.1F Relay Label 31
Relay 32 AB.20 Relay Label 32
Relay 33 AB.21 Relay Label 33
Relay 34 AB.22 Relay Label 34
Relay 35 AB.23 Relay Label 35
Relay 36 AB.24 Relay Label 36
Relay 37 AB.25 Relay Label 37
Relay 38 AB.26 Relay Label 38
Relay 39 AB.27 Relay Label 39
Relay 40 AB.28 Relay Label 40
Relay 41 AB.29 Relay Label 41
Relay 42 AB.2A Relay Label 42
Relay 43 AB.2B Relay Label 43
Relay 44 AB.2C Relay Label 44
Relay 45 AB.2D Relay Label 45
Relay 46 AB.2E Relay Label 46

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