Ls Cognitive Proficiency CPI Analysis

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L's main PSI feats come from his popularly known ability to be able to monitor multiple windows

at the same time and I'll be analyzing his processing speed here in depth. I shall also include
PSI feats that are not limited to viewing monitors.

The databooks say that L has the ability to monitor and analyze multiple windows at the same
time. This is an ability held by Near and Beyond Birthday (from the LABB murders) as it's stated
that the top students of Wammy's house were capable of absorbing large amounts of
information at once.

Here is the source:

This ability can be further explored in the Manga, C-Kira one shot and in the novels and I'll be
providing examples from each.

Here is a panel of Near in a room filled to the brim with screens:

The image below is the infamous X-Kira scene, in this scene we can lowball Near to being
viewing easily over 30 Monitors at once, taking in visual and auditory input from each and every
monitor and processing it in the matter of milliseconds. He was shown looking around the room
as well which means he was also taking input from monitors beyond his peripheral limit. He
uses this to deduce Mikami as X-Kira in under a minute and come up with a plan to take the
notebook from him. Rester stated that the entire Investigative team would take over more than 5
days (around a week, possibly more) to find a possible Kira suspect as he stated they all
seemed to have a similar chance of being Kira. This proves Near is many times more efficient
than entire agencies and Investigative teams combined (Backing up L's ability statement in
Another Note). Now, Near is able to identify Mikami as saying specific words and making certain
claims that align with Kira (which proves he was taking input from every monitor) and he also
displays photographic memory as he is able to remember his name and face from the
thousands of people he saw on TV everyday. He proceeds to then quickly take out one certain
tape out of hundreds (maybe even over a thousand) of them that were piled up as he
remembered the exact date and time of Mikami's appearance on Television.

Just a reminder that Near is shown to be playing footage from said monitors at higher speeds
but still notice details that normal people would usually miss.

Here is an official illustration of Near where he's sitting in front of 25 monitor screens.
The room is obviously far bigger than what the illustration shows and there's far more than just
25 monitors accessible to Near to process information from.
Here are some panels from the C-Kira one shot where Near is in an absurdly large room.
Surrounded by an uncountable amount of monitor screens. I'm not saying that he was viewing
200 screens at once. But judging from the angles and the size of the room, Near can easily view
far more than 50 monitors at once (and this will be further reestablished and validated by the
novel's feats I shall present later).

In the Novels L: Change the world this feat is further explored.

Now the feats I will be presenting in the novels can NOT be discarded due to Change The World
not being Canon. The ability to analyze an exceedingly high amount of monitors at once has
been canonically established by the manga and the databooks (as shown earlier). Just because
an actual estimate is given here does not discard its validity.

Change the world was a story written by Tsugmi Ohba in the form of a film. "M" is the author of
the novel spin off (Note: "M" is not Mello). The novel follows the same general story as the film
with some minor changes, but they have nothing to do with L's ability.

"M" stated at the end of the novel that it was still relevant to the canonical timeline.

Here is a note from "M":

“I am deeply grateful to writer Hiroto Kawabata and Toshihiko Komatsu of the NPO Biomedical
Science Association for their invaluable guidance.
This work is a novel adaption of the film L: Change the WorLd as well as an homage to the
original comics, novel, and live action films that preceded it. While it is loosely connected with
the previous works, I hope you'll enjoy reading this novel as an L story from an alternative
continuity. M.”

"M” is also credited to work alongside Tsugmi Ohba in the creation of the film.

Here L was shown monitoring over 50 screens at once. All of them were playing and
broadcasting news and surveillance from different countries around the world (Which is a point
that can be used to argue for L's VCI). Now when viewing the news it's not just images (this
goes for Near's feats as well). News very often displays information in a textual format which
has to be read (in this case "absorbed"). And there was this level of information being displayed
on what is easily over 50 monitors.

Next up is this:
Now this is a feat that's rather troublesome to decipher so I'll save you the trouble.

Dr Nikaido is a 46 year old scientist who has a detailed history of research and experiments,
who at the time of the novels' occurrences, was developing a complex virus for a long period of
time now. He was very successful and well known for his accomplishments.
L was operating several high tech computers at once and read and memorized content
regarding Dr. Nikaido which included:

• His life history and past achievements

• Conference papers regarding indepth research and studies
• Recent activities, achievements and life schedule

To give you an idea of how much information this was, it is stated that "a torrent of words rained
down on each of the screens". Torrent of words is a VERY strong phrase and it implies that
each of the computer screens L was operating were filled to the brim with information in textual

Just to give you a clue of how much information there was here are examples of conference

Now of course these are just samples and cover brief topics with statistics. The conference
papers covered by L were regarding a detailed research of a virus that was to be used to end
the world, so the textual display on just one monitor far surpasses the combined information of
the examples shown above and that's just assuming the information from just one monitor.

Several as a word is indicative of more than 2 but less than 10 so realistically speaking L was
absorbing that much worth of information from 5-7 monitors approximately. This is an insane
amount of information to go through in just a moment, it'sdifficult to give an estimate of this but
I've given you an idea of how much it may have been so i'll leave that to your imagination.

It's stated that he "took in all at once"..... Yikes. Judging from the Monitor feats we explored
above we can assume that "At once" means he read through and memorized the information in
around a second. This is also further proof that L can analyze and absorb textual information
from an absurdly amount of monitors aswell (just to be clear). That's 46 years worth of
information memorized in a mere moment. He has a similar feat to this where he memorized
information regarding the FBI and as proof to him memorizing it he later recalls it in later
portions of the novel.

Remember this is just 5-7 monitors when he can view 10 times that.

There's also the feat right below it where he reads through and memorizes every file marked
confidential or top secret but I will not be going through it as there doesn't seem to be a similar
level of exaggeration to it, it's still impressive nonetheless.

Next we will be looking at PSI feats from Death Note: Another Note the Los Angles B.B murder

In the LABB Novels L is stated to be solving numerous complex cases at the same time which
indicates very high PSI

The cases that were considered "Difficulty Level: L" are generally underestimated in their
difficulty and let me explain why very briefly.

In Wammy's house one shot L reads through the newspaper and sees a murder investigation
which he claims to be "More difficulty than any puzzle or money game"

Reminder that L at 8 was playing money games on an international level and completely
destroying everyone on them (as seen from the stock feat which
I will address at the end). And also that L was solving large and complex puzzles and Perceptual
reasoning tests, puzzles that are entirely white and can only be distinguished via pattern and
structural observations (this is something Near does as well).

The cases he was solving were harder than any of these and yet he solves multiple of these

Another PSI feat from there is this scene where Beyond Birthday reads 376 pages in under 5
minutes and memorizes the contents of the book perfectly. This is including the page
numbers, and the margins, and uses the memorized contents to decode a message to
guide Misora.

There's about 300-500 words per page in a novel (you could shift it a bit lower or higher
if you like but it won't change anything) for which we will be taking 400. Now when you
open a book it opens on 2 pages. So B.B was actually scanning 2 pages. The time it
would take to flip (and just flip) through a 376 page book would be around 4 minutes
(tested) which is 240 seconds.

Time taken to read one (pair) page =

240 ÷ 376 = ~0.6

400 * 2 = 800 words.

800 words every 0.6 seconds


~1333 words every second

Reading speed = 80,000 WPM

Here's a comparison to real life figures to show just how impressive it is:

Over 145 times faster than the human limits of speed reading with comprehension

320 times faster than the average human reading speed with comprehension

Pretty solid right?

And this is a severe lowball of his reading speed.

This is a an ability held by L, Near and B.B


Now let's get to the next and last "Major" PSI feats of L.

In the One shots known as L File.15, in a very short amount of time (what I would
assume is a few days, possibly less) L completely masters economic and marketing
knowledge and starts giving advice to Watari. As Watari invests as L advised, his net
worth massively increased and he demolished all of his competition, making Watari one
of, if not the richest person in the world.

Reminder that L at 8, with just a few days of learning, completely outplayed Watari by
20,000 times, an inventor with decades of experience and knowledge who is confirmed
to be a globally renowned successful genius.

Here is the source:

L also received world class education. He was capable of solving complex university
questions on an international scale at the age of 8.

His education provision was extremely high quality… I mean it doesn't get any better
than this:

Being able to learn and solve such complex questions at such an abnormal rate is a
prime example of hyper inflated processing speed.

Just to top it off here's a memory feat from L where he memorizes Light's speech and
repeats it, sadly it is only exclusive to the anime:
Well that just about concludes L's Processing speed ability… and most of if not all his
working memory ability as well. Might as well just call it an in depth analysis of L's
cognitive proficiency… Hm… that sounds about right.

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