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Guides to the Identification of Guides to the Identification of the Mic.

roinvertebrates 18
theMicroinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World .
of the Continental Waters of the World Coordinating editor: H.J.~ Dumont ISSN 0928-2440

Coordinating editor: Henri J. Dumont

Ghent University, Belgium

Volume 6:


Thomas Nogrady
Kingston, Ont. Canada


Hendrik Segers
Ghent University, Belgium


!B Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 2002 IB Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 2002

ISBN 90-5782-111-7

© 2002 Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be translated or reproduced in any form by
print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means without the prior written permission of the
publishers. Backhuys Publishers, P.O. Box 321, 2300 AH Leiden, The Netherlands.
Graphics by

Printed in the l\Jetherlands


FAMILY MICRO'CODIDAEHudson & Gosse, 1886 83

by Willem H De Smet

Microcodon clavus Ehrenberg, 1830 83

References 86

FAMILY SYNCHAETIDAE Hudson & Gosse, 1886 87

by Eric D. Hollowday

Introduction 87
Acknowledgements 87
Genus Synchaeta Ehrenberg, 1832 88
Species inquirendae 153
Genus Polyarthra Ehrenberg 1834 160
Species inquirendae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . 181
Genus Ploesoma Herrick, 1885 185
Species inquirendae 200
Genus Pseudoploesoma Myers, 1938 201
References 204


by Hendrik Segers

Systematics and Phylogeny 212

Acknowledgements ' ' 214
Emended diagnosis , 214
Genus Trochosphaera Semper, 1872 215
Genus Horaella Donner, 1949 217
Species inquirendae 221
References 221

Genus Filinia Bory de St. Vincent, 1824 224
by La-orsri Sanoamuang

Introduction : O' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 224

Acknowledgements 226
References _.. ' '. .253

INDEX OF LATIN NAMES O'O' •••••• O'O'O'O' •••••••••• O' ••• O' ••••••••• 258

FAMILY MICROCODIDAE Hodson & Grosse, 1,886

by Willem H. De Smet
University of Antwerpen, Belgium

Microcodidae Hudson & Gosse, 1886: 118.

Microcodonidae after Harring, 1913: 9..
Microcodinidae after Remane, 1929-1933: 516, and many authors.

GENUS MICROCODON Ehrenberg, 1830

Microcodon Ehrenberg, 1830: 45.

Type species
Microcodon clavus Ehrenberg, 1830

Incus virgate, malleus malleate. Hypopharynx muscles paired. Corona heart-shaped.
Paracingulum with interruption dorsally and ventrally. Mouth surrounded by two archs
of membranelles, and short, stiff cilia.

Microcodon clavus Ehrenberg, 1830

Figs 1-7, Plate I

Microcodon clavus Ehrenberg, 1830: 45.

Type locality
near Berlin, Germany.

Illoricate. Body in dorsal view conical to bell-shaped with narrow long foot; in lateral
view with strongly arched dorsal margin. Foot narrow, long, half or longer total
length; three pseudosegments, first and third shortest. Toe single, lanceolate, straight,
occasionally slightly decurved ventrally, tip long, acute. Corona large, oblique, heart-
shaped, paracingulum with medial interruption dorsally and ventrally; mouth near centre
of corona, surrounded by short cilia and lateral arched prominences with membranelles
fonning pseudotrochus. Single, large red cervical eyespot. Dorsal antenna somewhat
behind indentation of corona; lateral antennae distally on trunk, near bladder. Three
sensory setae at base of toe dorsally. Gastric glands rounded, large. Pedal glands long,
extending into tnlnk. Vitellarium with 4 or 8 nuclei.
Trophi delicate. Posterior half of rami broad, rounded, with small rounded alulae
postero-Iaterally; anterior half of rami more or less rectangular, bent dorsally at an obtuse
angle; inner margin of anterior half strengthened, with ventral crest showing indentations
interlocking with uncial teeth; two small triangular apophyses near base of fulcrum.
Fulcrum long, slightly shorter than rami, parallel-sided in ventral view, with mid-ventral

Rotifera Volume 6, pp. 83~86, edited by T. Nogrady and H. Segers

Guides to the Identification ofthe Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World, volume 18
© 2002 Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands
84 85

Plate 1: Microcodon clavus, trophi (S.E.M. photographs). 1: ventral view, 2: dorsal view, 3: lateral view, 4: detail
anterior ramus crest and uncus. Cambridge Bay, Victoria Island, N.W.T., Canada. Scale bars 10 J.1D1.

crest; in lateral view with narrower posterior half, ending oblique. Unci with (5)6-7 teeth
connected by perforated web. Manubria slightly shorter than rami, axe-shaped. Epipharynx
violet, unpaired, dome-shaped with two pointed projections anteriorly.
Total length 99-204 flIIl, foot 33-80 f..I1Il, toe 13-28 f.lll1, corona width 52-80 fllll; trophi
Figs 1-7: Microcodon clavus. 1: ventral view, 2: lateral view, 3: ventral view~ 4: trophi, ventral view, 5: trophi, 42-45 J.lll1: ramus 21-24 JlIIl, fulcrum 17-19 Ilffi, uncus (lxw) 6-8x8-9 flIll, manubrium
lateral view, 6: trophi, ventral view, 7: trophi~ lateral view. 17-20 JlIl1.
(1,2,4,5): original, Cambridge Bay, Victoria Island~ N.W.T., Canada; 3: after de BeauchaInp~ 1965: 6~7: after de Male attributed to the species vermiform, distally tapering to (?) minute conical toe.
Beauchamp, 1909). Scale bars: habitus 50 JlIn., trophi 10 JIm. Distribution and ecology

Widespread: Enrope, Africa (Senegal), N. America (Canada, U.S.A.), S. America (Brazil),

Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand. Prefers vegetation-rich, acid water; littoral, occasion-
ally planktonic; Sphagnum bogs, impoundements, lakes, rivers.

Hudson & Gosse, 1886: 118-119, pI. 11, figs 1, la-c; Weber, 1898: 364-368, pI. 16, figs
1-4; de Beauchamp, 1909: 212-213, figs 27a,b; de Beauchamp, 1965; 1276, figs 1059a-c;
Koste, 1968: 143, figs 24a-c; Koste & Rodrigues Hardy, 1984: 22, figs 4a, b.

de Beauchamp, P.M. 1909. Recherches sur les rotireres: les formations tegumentaires et I' appareil digestif. Arch.
Zool. expo gen., 4e ser., X, 1-410, pIs. I-IX.
de Beauchamp, P. 1965. Classe des Rotireres. In; P.-P., Grasse, Traite de Zoologie. T. IV (3):1225-1379.
Masson et Cie. Ed., Paris.
Ehrenberg, C.G. 1830. Organisation, Systematik und geographisches Verhaltniss der Infusionsthierchen. Zwei
Vortrage in der Akademie .der Wissenschaften zu Berlin gehalten in den Jahren 1828 und 1830. Berlin
108 pp., 8 pIs.
Harring, H.K. 1913. Synopsis of the Rotaroria. Smiths. Inst. U.S. nat. Mus., Bull. 81: 226 pp.
Hudson, C.T. & P.H. Gosse. 1886. The Rotifera; or wheel-animalcules. Vol. I, VI + 128 pp, 15 pI., Vol. IT, 144
pp., pI. 16-30. Longmans, Green and Co., London.
Koste, W. 1968. Uber die Rotatorienfauna des Naturschutzgebietes "Achmer Grasmoor" in Achmer, Kreis
Bersenbriick. Veroff. naturwiss. Ver. Osnabriick 32: 107-193.
Koste, W. & E. Rodrigues Hardy. 1984. Taxonomic studies and new distribution records of Rotifera (Phylum
Aschelminthes) from Rio Jatapu and Uatuma, Amazonas, Brazil. Amazoniana 9: 17-29.
Remane, A. 1929-1933. Rotatoria.In; Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tier-Reichs, Bd. 4, Abt. II/I:
Weber, E.-F. 1898. Faune rotatorienne du Bassin du Leman. Rev. Suisse Zool. 5: 263-785, pIs. 10-25.

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