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ete REVISED Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verbs [Beinene [i RemamainW Uhdesing[Wataing [Waving [Weaning |W ain | Bloons | Exit memory | Demonstate Solve problems w | Examine and break] Presentand | Compile Definition | of previously | understanding of | new situations by | information into | defend apinions | information learned material! facts andideas by | applying acquired | parts by identifying] byrmaking | together ina | brrecating fects eran, Knowledge, facts, | motives or causes. | judgments about | ciferent way by terms, basic | comparing, techniques and | Make inferences | information, | combining | covers and. | eapteto, antics dveevie| ented calece | vlog afsean [sete ie | | omwess interpreting, giving. | way. tosupport or quality of work, new pattern or j | descriptions, and generalizations. | based ona set of | proposing | | stating main ideas. | eters | atternative ees sh - : | solutions [Vets |= chasse) = Gasaly = Aoply Anais Aeree ‘Adapt |= vetine | = compare + build + asume — |= Appraise | = Build | |= How = Demonstrate |= Construct | + Classify f= Award Choose | [= abet | = explain = Develop |= compare |= choose | = Combine | = ust = extend = experiment wish] = Conclusion |= Compare | = Compile | |= Match |= lustrate = identiy |= contrast. |= Conclude | = Compose | |= name = infer = Interview | = Discover | = criteria Construct ie j= ome = interpret + Makeuse of | + issect = Gritkite | > Create i = Recall | = Outine + Model + distinguish |= decide | = Delete | Relate |= Relate = organite | = divide + deduct |= design | |= select = Rephrase > pan + cramine |= oefend | = develop | |= show + show + select, = Function | = Determine | = Discuss | spell + Summaste |= Sobe = inference |= disprove | = elaborate | (fore Since = Utite Peace eee carers at | snare j |= what = ust = evaluate |= Formulate |= When = Motive + expin | = Happen | whieh = simpy |= infkience | = improve | who = survey = interpret | = invent | wry + Takepartin | = Judge + Make up | + testfor |= Justify + Masinize | = Theme = Mark | = Misimize | + Measure | = Modify | = Opinion | = Original | = Perceive |= Originate | = Priottie |» Pan | |= prove | + Predict | |= kee | + Propose |= Recommend | + Solution | [= select | + suppose | ee a I i s value |= Theory Anderson, L W., & Krathwohl,D. 8, (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing, Abridged Edition, Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, Key Verbs (keywords) cesgn formulate, bul nvet create, compose, generat, drive, mf. develop, choose, support, relate, determine, defend, Brdluate judge grade compere, contrast argue justly. support convince, elect. evaluate classify, break down, categorize. analyze. diagram, illustrate, criticize, simplify, associate. calculate, predict, apply, solve illustrate, use, demonstrate, determine. madel, perform. present. describe explain paraphrase restate give original examples of summarize, contrast interpret diss ist recite, outline, define, name, match, quote, H recal. identify, label, recognize. Example earning Objective By the endothe he stant il beable to desi on rgnal homework problem dealing the principe of conservation energy. By the erd ofthis lesson, the student will be able to determine whether using conservation of energy or conservation of momentum would be more appropriate for solving a dynamics problem, Biythe end ofthis essn the tude wil be bl to diferentate between potential and kinetic energy By the end ofthis lesson, the student will be able fo calculate the kinetic energy of a projectile, By the end ofthis fsson, the student wi! be cble to describe Newton's three laws of motion to in her/his own words By the end ofthis lesson, the student wi beable to recite Newton's three laws of mation, Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational des with Verbs: Affective Domain Level of Affective Domain ne aS OW RECEIVING (ATTENDING) : The leamer is sensitized to the existence of certain phenomena; that is, that (s)he be wiling to receive or to attend to them. (Includes: Awareness, Willingness to Receive, & Controlled or Selected Altention) RESPONDING: Aotive participation on the part of the leamers, Attends and reacts to a particular phenomenon, Leaming outcomes may emphasize. ‘compliance in responding, willingness to respond, or satisfaction in responding (motivation), Bi \ Sample Verbs* asks chooses describes follows gives holds Identifies locates names points to selects sits erects replies uses answers assisis aids comolies conforms discusses greets helps labels performs practices presents reads recites reports selects tells writes VALUING: The worth or value a person attaches to @ particular object, phenomenon, or behavior. This ranges from simple acceptance to the more complex state of commitment, Valuing ls based on the intemelization of a set of specified values, while clues to these Values are expressed in the leamer's overt behavior end are often identifiable, completes demonstrates differentiates follows forms Joins justifies reports selects works initiates proposes shares ‘explains Invites reads studies ORGANIZATION: Organizes values into priorities by contrasting different values, resolving conflicts between them, and creating an unique value system, ‘The emphasis Is on comparing, relating, and synthesizing values, adheres alters compares completes formulates generalizes modifies orders relates synthesizes arranges defends Identifies organizes ‘combines explains Integrates prepares INTERNALIZING VALUES (CHARACTERIZATION): Has a value system that, controls their behavior. The behavior Is pervasive, consistent, predictable, and most importantly, characteristic of the learner. Instructional objectives are concerned wit the student general peters of adjustment (personal, soll, emotional), acts discriminates listens modifies proposes qualifies serves solves, display performs questions Verifies Influences practices revises "Note: Leaming objectives are additionally defined by the object of the vero and modifiers, thus some verbs may be used for more than one level. ‘Author Unknown Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy RUC CLL} Higher Order Thinking Skis Cerri) Analyzing er pra) UU SEL tli) SUT) Lower Order Thinking Skills Cee ee ae SD a Dave's Psychomotor Domain Descriptors of Major Categories in the Psychomotor Domain Ilustrative Verbs for Stating Objectives 1. Imitation - early stages in learning a complex skill, overtly, after the individual has indicated a readiness to take a particular type of action. Imitation includes repeating an act that has been demonstrated or explained, and it includes trial and error until an appropriate response is achieved, Observing and patterning behavior after’ someone else, Performance may be of low quality. adhere, begin, bend, assemble, attempt, carry out, copy, calibrate, consiruet, dissect, duplicate, follow, mimic, move, practice, proceed repeat, replicate, reproduce, respond, organize, sketch, start, try, volunteer 7. Manipulation - individual continues to practice a particular skill or sequence until it becomes habitual and the action can be performed with some confidence and proficiency, The response is more complex than at the previous level, but the learner still isn't "sure of him/herself." Being able to perform certain actions by following instructions and practicing ‘equi, assemble, bulld, complete, conduct, do, execute, grasp, handle, implement, improve, maintain, make, manipulate, operate, pace, perform (skilifully), produce, progress, re-create, use 3. Precision - skill has been attained, Proficiency is indicated by a quick, smooth, accurate performance, requiring a minimum of energy. ‘The overt response is complex and performed without hesitation. Refining, becomming more exact, Few errors are apparent. achieve, accomplish, advance, automatize, calibrate, complete, control, demonstrate, differentiate (by touch), exceed, excel, master, perfect, reach, refine, show, succeed, surpass, transcend 4. Articulation - involved an even higher level of precision. The skills are so well developed that the individual can modify movement patterns to fit special requirements or to meet a problem situation, ‘Coordinating a series of actions, achieving harmony and internal consistency. ‘adapt, alter, change, construct, combine, coordinate, develop, excel, express (facially), formulate, integrate, master, modify, rearrange, reorganize, revise, solve, surpass, transcend 5. Naturalization - response is automatic. The individual begins to experiment, creating new motor acts or ways of manipulating materials out of understandings, abilities, and skills developed. One acts "without thinking." Having high level performance become natural, without needing to think much about it. ‘arrange, combine, compose, construct, create, design, invent, manage, originate, project-manage, refine, specify, transcend

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