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The lived experiences student with broken families: A phenomenology

This is the most basic component of a country, a home where the family lives no
matter how ideal a family in the term of their relationship, there are still hardship and
misunderstanding that will come along the way. It is just part of any relationship anyway.
But the sad part is when one of the family members gave up and the others have no
choice but to accept and let go. Thus, the family start to be broken.
In the Canada students care supports parental leave during birth and students
allowance and also family taxes provided by the government. In term of children living
arrangements 78% of kids lives with two parents, 20% lives in a single parent’s home
and 1% lived with no parents (Mcleod 2013).
In the Philippines, most of the students came from broken families with single
parents. Most Filipinos go abroad because of their children. The Department of Social
Welfare and Development (DSWD 2026) reported that the Philippines has a higher
percentage of receiving a lot of reports from children who need guidance from their
parents (Haden, 2012). In addition, according to Gatdula, 20220% of marriages in the
Philippines will be broken, with 82% of such broken marriages involving children. A
World Health Organization study finds that there are 15 million solo parents in the
Philippines, 95% or more than 14 million of whom are women.
Further, the Department of Health 2016 in Davao City investigated that there are
many students suffering from unconditional health problems because of the problems
they have with their families; they are stressed and depressed. There are many cases
that involve a person or child attempting paternity, illegal drugs, vices, and suicides. In
this situation, the studies of the students are affected, and they cannot focus on their
studies because they bring them to school (Comini 2012).
Purpose of study
The purpose of this study is to know what the feelings, experiences, and situation
of a broken home are. This research intends to know the background of a mother and
father, specifically the child, why they reach this kind of problem, what the outcome will
be, and how difficult it is to have a broken family.
Research Question
1.) What are the experiences of having a broken home?
2.) What is the coping mechanism of the students of broken home?
3.) What are the insights of students with broken home?

Significance of the study

This study wanted to know the background or firsthand experience. The feelings
of the students whose families have been broken, and it will focus on the students
sharing what he or she experienced, it is like they will bring back the time for us to see,
feel, and understand what they have gone through when they experienced this situation.

Research Gap
This is conducted for those who are affected by broken families, as well as for
everyone who will have a family in the future. This will help everyone appreciate the
importance of family and how an awful childhood can impact children's lives. It will help
the separated parents acknowledge that their children are the most affected by this
Urgency of the study
This research will help the individual reduce the pain that he or she is
experiencing on the inside. Each statement in this research is based on a true-to-life
tale to figure out what they would do if they faced this item. This study aims to make
everyone aware of the dangers of parental separation from their children so that they
will be more responsible in taking care of them.

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