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Applied Animal Behaviour Science 133 (2011) 78–86

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Applied Animal Behaviour Science

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Visitor effects on zoo orangutans in two novel, naturalistic enclosures

Yuanting Choo, Peter Alan Todd, Daiqin Li ∗
Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, 14 Science Drive 4, Singapore 117543

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Visitors are known to affect zoo animals, and such effects may be stressful, neu-
Accepted 9 May 2011 tral, or enriching. The majority of research has focused on visitor number or visitor
Available online 8 June 2011
presence–absence, yet few studies have examined effects of other variables such as sound
volume, visitor activity, and whether visitors interact with animals. In this study, the effects
Keywords: of visitor number, activity and proximity to animals were investigated on a group of captive
orangutans in two treetop, ‘free-ranging’ exhibits at Singapore Zoo. Multinomial logis-
tic regressions were used to elucidate the relationships between visitor and orangutan
Orangutan behaviours. Results from these analyses revealed a significant overall effect of the three
Behaviour visitor variables on orangutan behaviour. Interestingly, visitor number had little effect on
the orangutans, except at one of the exhibits where the likelihood of food soliciting and
looking at visitors increased when the number of people numbered more than 40. Visitor
activity was generally not associated with any obvious signs of stress in the orangutans;
visitors with food could even be a form of enrichment. However, visitors at close proxim-
ity decreased play behaviour and increased the chances of animals looking at the visitors.
Enclosure design and habituation could have alleviated visitor effects for these two groups
of orangutans. This study shows how investigation of a wider range of visitor variables may
allow for more meaningful conclusions about the visitor effect, and that other factors such
as enclosure design and habituation to visitors may also influence captive animal welfare.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2004; Wells, 2005), reduce affliative behaviour (Glatston

et al., 1984; Jones, 2003) and lead to a change in enclosure
In the context of captive animal research, ‘visitor effects’ usage (Fa, 1989, pp. 270–290). Visitors who are noisy have
is used to describe the influences of visitors on the been linked to an increase in avoidance behaviour (Birke,
behaviour of zoo animals. Previous studies have examined 2002), whereas those who attempt to interact with animals
the effects of various visitor characteristics, such as size of elicit visitor-directed behaviour, which may be aggres-
visitor crowd, volume of sound made, level of interaction sive, submissive (Chamove et al., 1988; Hosey and Druck,
with the animals, and visitor gender (reviewed in Davey, 1987) or food soliciting (Cook and Hosey, 1995; Mitchell
2007). While some research has suggested that visitors can et al., 1992a). Also, for at least one species of monkey, Cer-
serve as a form of enrichment (Cook and Hosey, 1995), cocebus galeritus chrysogaster, males are more aggressive
the majority of studies provide evidence that visitors are towards male visitors and female monkeys more aggres-
a source of stress (Hosey, 2000, 2008). For example, visi- sive towards female visitors (Mitchell et al., 1992b).
tor number or density can increase aggressive behaviour Even though visitor effect research has been conducted
(Chamove et al., 1988; Sellinger and Ha, 2005; Simpson, since the 1970s (Oswald and Kuyk, 1977, pp. 81–100;
Thompson, 1976), there are many areas that are not well
understood (Davey, 2007; Hosey, 2000). For instance, the
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +65 6516 4372; fax: +65 6779 2486. majority of previous studies have focused on visitor pres-
E-mail address: (D. Li). ence and number, with only a few examining visitor sound,

0168-1591/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Choo et al. / Applied Animal Behaviour Science 133 (2011) 78–86 79

Table 1
Individual details of study animals. All individuals were born in the Singapore Zoo except Anita who was donated to the zoo at 1 year of age.

Name Sex Age (years) Species

Group A
Ah Meng Jnr Female 1 Pongo pygmaeus
Bento Male 3 Pongo pygmaeus
Budi Male 7 P. pygmaeus/P. abelii cross
Gunta Male 7 Pongo pygmaeus
Chomel Female 13 Pongo abelii
Anita (with infant Ah Meng Jnr) Female 24 Pongo pygmaeus
Group B
Saloma Female 0.5 Pongo pygmaeus
Merlin Male 5 Pongo pygmaeus
Vira Male 9 Pongo pygmaeus
Labu Male 11 Pongo pygmaeus
Binte (with infant Saloma) Female 25 Pongo pygmaeus

interactivity, proximity and gender (Davey, 2007). This brachiation and other species-specific behaviour. During
emphasis on particular variables may lead to an incom- the 2009/2010 study period, there were two such exhibits
plete understanding of how visitors affect zoo animals. (Fig. 1). The “Island exhibit” consisted of a straight row of
Also, it is common that only one or two visitor variables trees located next to a main track, where vehicles, trams
are considered within the same study. This is most likely and visitors passed by regularly. Visitors on the main track
due to the practical limitations of collecting several types were able to look up into the trees to view the orangutans.
of data at once. Furthermore, ‘visitor activity’ is not always The other free-ranging exhibit, the “Boardwalk exhibit”,
well defined (Davey, 2007). A finer level of resolution, was similar to the Island exhibit but visitors could choose
such as whether the visitor is walking, looking, or hold- to view the orangutans from the main track, or from an
ing food, may allow for more meaningful conclusions to be elevated boardwalk. This boardwalk allowed visitors to
drawn. In addition, visitor effects have traditionally been come into much closer proximity with the animals (as
considered as separate from other factors such as exhibit close as 3 m).
design and visitor circulation (Davey, 2005; Fernandez Two groups of orangutans were rotated daily between
et al., 2009). Finally, and of particular relevance to the the two free-ranging exhibits. Although orangutans in the
present study, even though most visitor effects investi- wild are semi-solitary (Galdikas, 1985), all subjects in this
gations have focused on primates, there exist only two study had been housed together in various combinations
published reports on orangutans (Birke, 2002; Bloomfield since they were young (Jackson Raj, head orangutan
et al., 2010). keeper, personal communication). The groups were made
In an attempt to address some of these issues, we up of individuals of varying ages, and each group had
investigated the effects of three visitor variables – visitor one mother–infant pair (Table 1). As the infants were still
number, visitor proximity to animals, and visitor activity, dependent on their mothers, they were excluded from the
on orangutans housed at Singapore Zoo. Visitor activity observations. The composition of the groups remained the
was broken down into sub-categories to allow for a more same throughout the study period. This display arrange-
in-depth analysis. Because the two groups of orangutans ment presented a unique opportunity: usually, studies that
under study had a unique husbandry routine, in which compare animal behaviour across different enclosures use
they were rotated daily between two different enclosures, data from different animals; however, in Singapore Zoo,
we were also able to more accurately assess the effects because the same animals were regularly rotated between
of exhibit design. We hypothesised that larger groups of two exhibits, we had the rare chance to study the same
visitors, visitors who were more active (e.g. taking pho- subjects in different enclosures, simulating a manipulative
tographs), and visitors who were closer in proximity would experiment.
be stressful to the orangutans. This may lead to low- In order to capture visitor crowds of varying sizes, we
ered incidences of feeding, playing and social behaviours, collected data on both weekdays and weekends from Octo-
and increased incidences of stereotypic behaviour such as ber 2009 to February 2010, between 09:30 h and 17:00 h.
regurgitation. We also hypothesised that visitors with food Instantaneous scan sampling, with the aid of binoculars,
would result in more begging behaviour. was used for both the orangutans and visitors. Follow-
ing Engel’s (1996) protocol, we calculated that scans taken
2. Materials and methods at 10 min intervals were sufficiently far apart enough to
avoid autocorrelation. A total of 192 h of observations
2.1. Enclosure design, subjects and data collection (48 h for each group-exhibit combination) were made, and
all data were collected by the same observer. As regu-
Singapore Zoo introduced ‘free-ranging’ enclosures lar feeding sessions were held twice daily, at 11:30 h and
for its orangutans in 2006 (Jackson Raj, head orangutan 15:30 h for the Island exhibit and 14:15 h and 16:30 h for
keeper, personal communication). These exhibits each the Boardwalk exhibit, we paused data collection 15 min
comprises a row of tall trees connected by artificial vines, before each session started and only resumed 15 min after
hammocks and platforms, and are designed to encourage the feeding ended. Browse (fresh leaves) was provided
80 Y. Choo et al. / Applied Animal Behaviour Science 133 (2011) 78–86

Fig. 1. Island exhibit (top) and Boardwalk exhibit (bottom). Each exhibit consisted of trees joined by vines, nets, platforms and logs. Low-current electrical
wires were present midway up the tree trunks to prevent the animals from descending to the ground. Some vines and foliage have been omitted for
purposes of clarity. Island exhibit: (a) large net across trees, (b) ground-to-foliage view of exhibit trees, (c) low vine across main track where orangutans
often interacted with visitors. Boardwalk exhibit: (d) low vine across main track where visitor–orangutan interaction often occurred, (e) elevated visitor
boardwalk, (f) orangutan platform next to visitor boardwalk, (g) low log next to the visitor track where animals would interact with visitors.
Y. Choo et al. / Applied Animal Behaviour Science 133 (2011) 78–86 81

Table 2 Table 3
Definitions for orangutan and visitor variables (also see Table 3). Definitions and levels of variables for multinomial logistic regression.

Orangutan Definition Variable (and reference value) Levels

Visitor number (1–10 visitors) 11–20 visitors
Idle Orangutan is motionless, or performing any of 21–30 visitors
these behaviours: autogrooming, expelling 31–40 visitors
bodily waste or looking around (excluding >40 visitors
looking at visitors).
Visitor activity (walking) Standing
Look at Orangutan’s face and eyes are oriented towards
visitor(s) visitor(s).
Taking photographs
Move Orangutan is travelling from one location to
Holding food
another; can be brachiating, bi/quadrupedal
Visitor proximity (>10 m from orangutan) <10 m from orangutan
walking, or any other form of locomotion.
Feed Orangutan is engaged in searching for, Orangutan behaviour (idle) Feed
preparation of, or ingestion of food. Play/social
Play/social Orangutan is engaged in object use, solitary play, Move
social play, or social interaction. Regurgitate
Regurgitate Orangutan is regurgitating or reingesting Look visitor
regurgitated food. Beg
Beg Orangutan is soliciting food from visitors by
stretching out hand towards visitor(s).

then processed to obtain values of total visitor number,

Processed Definition
variables visitor activity and visitor proximity per orangutan per
scan, according to the definitions in Table 2.
Visitor Visitor numbers from all subsections were
number summed to obtain the total number of visitors in
All observational procedures in this study complied
the viewing area. with the guidelines of the Institutional Biosafety Commit-
Visitor Classified as walking, standing, looking, taking tee (National University of Singapore, NUS) and the NUS
activity photographs, holding food or no visitors. Only Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, risk assess-
visitors within direct sight of the orangutan were
ment number OSHE/RA/03/04/FOSo-152.
considered. For each scan, we recorded the
visitor activity as the activity that the majority
(>50%) of visitors from all subsections were
2.2. Data analysis
engaged in. However, because ‘active’ visitor
behaviours such as looking and taking
photographs were thought to draw more Multinomial logistic regression was used to inves-
attention from the orangutans than ‘passive’ tigate possible visitor effects on orangutan behaviour.
behaviours such as standing and walking; thus in Logistic regression was the preferred option as it can anal-
scenarios where ‘active’ and ‘passive’ behaviours
yse dependent variables with categorical outcomes (Field,
occurred simultaneously, the ‘active’ behaviour
was the one noted, regardless of the ratio of 2009, p. 265). The output from this regression is expressed
‘active’ to ‘passive’ visitors. However, if the as the likelihood (also known as odds ratio, OR) that a
number of ‘passive’ visitors outnumbered the particular outcome category (in relation to the reference
‘active’ visitors by more than a factor of 8, the
category) will occur when a particular independent vari-
passive behaviour was recorded as the activity
for that scan sample. The only exception was able is present. Here, the analysis provided the OR for each
that visitors with food took precedence over all orangutan behaviour when a particular visitor variable was
other visitor activities, regardless of how many present. We performed two separate multinomial logistic
such visitors there were, because we noted that regressions, one for each exhibit, using data pooled from
food always attracted the orangutans’ attention.
both orangutan groups, to assess the associations between
Visitor Classified into <10 m or >10 m from orangutan. If
proximity there were visitors at varying distances from the the independent (visitor) and dependent (orangutan) vari-
orangutan, only the closest visitors were ables. To avoid cells of zero count in the multivariate
considered. Distances were estimated using a analysis, all data points with no visitors were excluded from
the analyses. The analysis was run using PASW Statistics
18 (SPSS Inc., USA) and statistical significance was set at
at irregular time intervals throughout the day to both P < 0.05.
exhibits, usually at the branch overhanging location ‘g’ The reference categories for all variables are presented
in the Boardwalk Exhibit, and at the lowest branches of in Table 3. All levels of total visitor number were compared
the tree to the left of location ‘a’ in the Island Exhibit. against ‘1–10’ visitors, all visitor activities were compared
The visitor viewing areas (designated as the areas directly against ‘walking’, and visitor proximity of ‘<10 m’ from
below the exhibit trees) were divided into arbitrary sub- orangutan was compared against visitor ‘>10 m’ from
sections for the purposes of specifying visitor location. orangutan. Similarly, all orangutan behaviours were
During each scan, we recorded the behaviour and loca- compared against ‘idle’. An OR of more than one meant
tion of individual orangutans (see Table 2 for behaviour that the orangutan behaviour was more likely to occur
categories). For visitors, we recorded the number of indi- when a particular visitor variable was present, and an
viduals in each subsection of the viewing area and the OR of less than one meant that the orangutan behaviour
activity of which the majority (>50%) of the visitors in was less likely to occur when that visitor variable was
each subsection were performing. The visitor data were present. When calculating the OR for each combination
82 Y. Choo et al. / Applied Animal Behaviour Science 133 (2011) 78–86

Table 4 comparison, Table 6 presents a summary of the effects of

Likelihood ratio test results for both enclosures.
all visitor variables on the different orangutan behaviours.
Enclosure Variable 2 test ‘More’ means that the likelihood of the orangutan
Visitor number 2 = 37.856, P < 0.05
behaviour increased when that visitor variable was present
Boardwalk exhibit Visitor activity 2 = 140.222, P < 0.001 (OR > 1), ‘less’ means the likelihood of the orangutan
Visitor proximity 2 = 114.621, P < 0.001 behaviour decreased (OR < 1), and NS means the visi-
Visitor number 2 = 34.840, P = 0.071 tor variable did not significantly affect the orangutan
Island exhibit Visitor activity 2 = 63.059, P < 0.001 behaviour (P ≥ 0.05).
Visitor proximity 2 = 39.628, P < 0.001

3.1. Effect of visitors on orangutan behaviour in the

of predictor-dependent variable, multinomial logistic Boardwalk exhibit
regression assumes that all other variables are constant.
Only visitor numbers of >40 increased the likelihood
3. Results that orangutans would look at the visitors (OR = 5.936) or
beg (OR = 3.799). All other orangutan behaviours were not
Multinomial logistic regressions revealed significant significantly affected by visitor number (Tables 5 and 6).
overall effects of the three visitor variables on orangutan Visitors who stood had no significant effect on the like-
behaviour for both the Boardwalk exhibit (2 = 318.902, lihood of any orangutan behaviours. Visitors who looked
P < 0.001) and the Island exhibit (2 = 154.435, P < 0.001). at the orangutans significantly increased the chances that
For the Boardwalk exhibit, visitor number, activity and the orangutans would feed (OR = 1.676), play/socialize
proximity were all significant predictors of orangutan (OR = 1.757), move (OR = 1.569) or beg (OR = 9.521), but
behaviour. For the Island exhibit, visitor activity and prox- did not affect the other behaviours. Similarly, visitors
imity, but not visitor number, were significant predictors who were taking photographs of the orangutans signif-
of orangutan behaviour (Table 4). icantly increased the chances that the animals would
The OR for each of the significant visitor variables feed (OR = 1.370), play/socialize (OR = 2.034) or move
in both enclosures are provided in Table 5. For ease of (OR = 1.494), but had no significant effect on the other

Table 5
Results from multinomial logistic regression testing effects of visitor number, activity and proximity on orangutan behaviour in the two exhibits. Only odds
ratios with significant P-values (P < 0.05) are shown.

Odds ratio 95% Cl

Odds ratio Lower Upper

Boardwalk exhibit Visitor number: >40

Orangutan look visitors 5.936 2.485 14.180
Orangutan beg 3.799 1.044 13.825
Visitor activity: looking
Orangutan feed 1.676 1.294 2.171
Orangutan play/social 1.757 1.219 2.532
Orangutan move 1.569 1.132 2.175
Orangutan beg 9.521 1.175 77.153
Visitor activity: taking photographs
Orangutan feed 1.370 1.002 1.873
Orangutan play/social 2.034 1.362 3.039
Orangutan move 1.494 1.029 2.171
Visitor activity: with food
Orangutan look visitor 12.344 5.043 30.219
Orangutan beg 254.574 30.851 2103.686
Visitor proximity: <10 m away
Orangutan feed 0.481 0.379 0.611
Orangutan play/social 0.669 0.494 0.907
Orangutan regurgitate 2.610 1.868 3.647
Orangutan look visitor 2.924 1.633 5.238
Orangutan beg 3.014 1.204 7.544

Island exhibit Visitor activity: standing

Orangutan feed 0.599 0.459 0.782
Visitor activity: taking photographs
Orangutan play/social 0.218 0.052 0.905
Orangutan beg 31.094 3.051 316.920
Visitor activity: with food
Orangutan look visitor 14.869 1.328 166.468
Orangutan beg 256.210 19.324 3396.998
Visitor proximity: <10 m away
Orangutan feed 1.544 1.175 2.028
Orangutan regurgitate 0.327 0.130 0.820
Orangutan beg 7.307 1.632 32.720
Y. Choo et al. / Applied Animal Behaviour Science 133 (2011) 78–86 83

Table 6
Effects of visitor variables on the likelihood of each orangutan behaviour for both exhibits.

Orangutan Vis no Vis no Vis no Vis no Vis Vis Vis Vis with Vis <10 m
behaviour 11–20 21–30 31–40 >40 standing looking photo’s Food

Boardwalk exhibit Feed NS NS NS NS NS More More NS Less

Play/social NS NS NS NS NS More More NS Less
Move NS NS NS NS NS More More NS NS
Regurgitate NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS More
Look visitors NS NS NS More NS NS NS More More
Beg NS NS NS More NS More NS More More

Island exhibit Feed NS NS NS NS Less NS NS NS More

Play/social NS NS NS NS NS NS Less NS NS
Regurgitate NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Less
Look visitors NS NS NS NS NS NS NS More NS
Beg NS NS NS NS NS NS More More More

Vis = visitor; Photo’s = taking photographs; NS = visitor variable had no significant effect on the likelihood of occurrence of orangutan behaviour;
More = likelihood of orangutan behaviour increased when visitor variable was present (OR > 1), Less = likelihood of the orangutan behaviour decreased
(OR < 1).

behaviours. Visitors with food had a significant effect only As with the Boardwalk exhibit, the OR for begging was
on the likelihood of begging (OR = 254.754) and looking at very large when visitors had food (OR = 256.210). Out of
visitors (OR = 12.344). No other orangutan behaviours were 10 instances, begging occurred four times when the vis-
affected by visitors with food (Tables 5 and 6). itors were holding food, three times when visitors were
Visitors who were nearer (<10 m away) significantly taking photographs of the orangutans, and one instance
increased the chances that the orangutans would regur- each when visitors were walking, standing or looking at
gitate (OR = 2.610), beg (OR = 3.014) or look at the visitors the orangutans.
(OR = 2.924). However, visitors who were <10 m away
significantly decreased the chances that the orangutans 4. Discussion
would feed (OR = 0.481) or play/socialize (OR = 0.669)
(Tables 5 and 6). This study incorporated several variables of visitor num-
The OR for begging was very large when visitors ber, activity and proximity in an attempt to improve our
had food (OR = 254.754), suggesting that this behaviour understanding of how visitors affect captive orangutans.
occurred mostly when food was present. Out of the 29 Previous research has suggested that active visitors elicit
instances, begging occurred 14 times when the visitors more audience-directed behaviours from primates (Hosey
were holding food, nine times when visitors were looking and Druck, 1987; Mitchell et al., 1992a), but there has
at the orangutans, and one, two and three times respec- been little research on the effects of specific visitor activ-
tively when visitors were walking, standing and taking ities. Here, we broke down visitor activity into distinct
photographs of the orangutans. categories. We also utilised the fact that the two groups
of orangutans were rotated daily between two exhibits.
3.2. Effect of visitors on orangutan behaviour in the This regular rotation formed a natural experiment and
Island exhibit allowed us to compare visitor effects across the different
enclosures while controlling for between-group variation
Visitor activity and proximity had significant effects on in behaviour. Overall, our results showed that large crowds,
orangutan behaviour in the Island exhibit, but not visitor visitors with food, visitors who were looking or taking
number (Table 4). photographs, and visitors who were close by, all affected
Visitors who were standing decreased the chances orangutan behaviour. On the whole, however, the effects of
of orangutans feeding (OR = 0.599), but had no other visitors on orangutans in Singapore Zoo’s enclosures were
effects on orangutan behaviour. Visitors who were look- generally less than hypothesised. The free-ranging exhibit
ing at the orangutans did not significantly affect any of design, habituation to humans, or both, may explain this.
their behaviours; however, visitors who were photograph- Compared to other studies of visitor effects on
ing the orangutans significantly decreased the chances orangutans (Birke, 2002; Jones, 2003), our research reveals
of play/social behaviour (OR = 0.218), and increased the little effect of visitor number on orangutan behaviour. The
chances of begging behaviour (OR = 31.094). Visitors likelihood of begging and looking at visitors increased only
with food significantly increased the likelihood that the when there were crowds of more than 40 individuals. No
orangutans would be looking at the visitors (OR = 14.869) other behaviours were affected by visitor number, sug-
or begging (OR = 256.210) (Tables 5 and 6). gesting that human presence induces little or no stress
Visitors who were <10 m away increased the chances in the orangutans at Singapore Zoo. This is in contrast to
that the animals would feed (OR = 1.544) or beg Birke’s (2002) study, in which orangutans covered them-
(OR = 7.307). Such visitors also decreased the chances selves with paper sacks more and foraged less when
that the orangutans would regurgitate (OR = 0.327) more (>8) visitors were present. Visitor-induced stress
(Tables 5 and 6). such as reduced social play and mobile feeding activities
84 Y. Choo et al. / Applied Animal Behaviour Science 133 (2011) 78–86

has also been reported in orangutans when there were As hypothesised, food was a very strong stimulus of
more than 100 visitors (Jones, 2003). However, as the vis- orangutan behaviour, with the likelihood of begging and
itor numbers in our study rarely rose above 80, whether looking at visitors increasing significantly in both exhibits
higher visitor numbers could induce stress on orangutans when food was present. The increase in likelihood (OR) for
at Singapore Zoo is unknown. Nevertheless, because the these behaviours was similar across both exhibits, which
exhibits were positioned along tracks with heavy human suggests that food was a strong and constant stimulus
traffic, it is possible that orangutans in Singapore Zoo have even across different enclosure designs. Although beg-
been habituated to larger visitor crowds as well. Also, ging occurred less than 30 times in each exhibit, food
being at a higher position (usually in trees) above visi- was present during approximately half of such instances.
tors may have provided a sense of security or dominance This result contributes to the consensus from other studies
(Coe, 1985). The fact that a large visitor crowd increased where apes were also motivated to interact with visi-
the chances of visitor-oriented behaviour only in the tors for food (Birke, 2002; Cook and Hosey, 1995; Jones,
Boardwalk exhibit, where an elevated boardwalk allowed 2003; Wood, 1998). The lives of zoo animals may often
visitors to get closer to the animals, indicates that exhibit be routine; therefore, novel occurrences of visitors with
design may influence how visitor numbers affect orangutan food may serve as a source of variability and enrich-
behaviour. ment (van Rooijen, 1991; Wiepkema and Koolhaas, 1993).
Changes in orangutan behaviour were more strongly All orangutans would immediately and fixatedly look at
associated with active visitors (those looking or tak- visitors who were holding food; they would also occasion-
ing photographs) than passive (standing) visitors. Similar ally solicit food by hanging from a branch directly above
results have been reported in other studies (e.g. Chamove and extending their hand towards the visitor. Interest-
et al., 1988; Hosey and Druck, 1987; Mitchell et al., ingly, only some of the orangutans begged consistently
1992a), in which significantly more behaviours were and a clear difference in individual begging styles was
directed towards active than passive audiences. However, also observed. It has been shown previously that person-
in these papers, visitor activity was defined quite gener- ality may influence an orangutan’s response to stimuli
ally: either as ‘active’ (whereby at least one visitor tried (Uher et al., 2008) and Fraser (2009) highlighted this phe-
to interact with the animals) or ‘passive’ (no attempt nomenon for further study.
at interaction); whereas in our study, we divided visitor We also examined the effects of visitor proximity on
activity into five categories. We found that the associ- orangutans. The results showed interesting trends between
ation between active visitors and orangutan behaviour exhibits, and a possibly stressful visitor effect at closer
was more pronounced at the Boardwalk exhibit than the proximities. The likelihood of both begging and looking
Island exhibit, which again suggests that proximity of at visitors were increased in the Boardwalk exhibit when
visitors to animals can affect the visitor–animal interac- visitors were less than 10 m away, but only begging was
tion. The greater probability that the orangutans would affected at this distance at the Island exhibit. This dif-
be feeding, playing/socializing, or moving when visitors ference between enclosures may have been due to the
looked or took photographs could be explained by the ‘vis- elevated boardwalk in the Boardwalk exhibit (Fig. 1), which
itor attraction’ hypothesis, where active animals attract allowed much closer proximity (3–7 m), as well as inter-
more attention from visitors (Hosey, 2000). Conversely, actions at eye level between orangutans and visitors. This
we suggest that the ‘visitor effect’ hypothesis may explain was in contrast to the Island exhibit, where the orangutans
why visitors in the Boardwalk exhibit who looked at the were always in trees above the crowds (Fig. 1), and hence,
orangutans, and visitors who photographed orangutans at least 7 m above the visitors. Consequently, any effects
in the Island exhibit, were linked to a higher chance of of visitor proximity may have been reduced in the Island
begging. exhibit. When visitors were nearer (<10 m away), regur-
Overall, the increase in likelihood of feeding, play and gitation increased in the Boardwalk exhibit but decreased
social behaviours when visitors were looking or taking pho- in the Island exhibit. We noted that regurgitation almost
tographs in the Boardwalk exhibit suggest that the visitors always took place at platforms; while the platform in the
were not a source of stress. At the Island exhibit, visitors Boardwalk exhibit was less than 10 m away from all visi-
standing were linked to lowered incidences of feeding in tor viewing areas, the platform in the Island exhibit was
orangutans while those taking photographs were linked further than 10 m from all visitor viewing areas. Hence,
to lowered incidences of playing/socializing in the ani- the results for regurgitation may have been influenced by
mals. The latter result was the opposite of what we found the location of the platforms where regurgitation usually
at the Boardwalk exhibit but we suggest that, because occurred. The differences in feeding in relation to visi-
play/social behaviour in the Boardwalk exhibit occurred tor proximity can also be explained by where the browse
mostly in highly visible locations near the raised visitor (fresh leaves) was usually consumed in both exhibits. In
walkway, these behaviours were more likely to attract vis- the Boardwalk Exhibit, browse was usually provided by
itor attention and hence more photography. On the other the keepers at the low branch overhanging location ‘g’
hand, playing/socializing at the Island exhibit occurred at (Fig. 1), and the orangutans often liked to move the browse
less obvious places (i.e. cargo nets in the upper branches of to a cargo net (that was defined as more than 10 m from
the trees). The association between visitors standing and the visitors) before consuming it. However in the Island
lowered incidence of feeding was unexpected and cannot Exhibit, browse was provided at the low branches of the
be easily explained by either the visitor attraction or visitor tree to the left of location ‘a’ (Fig. 1), and the orangutans
effect hypothesis. usually consumed the browse at those branches, which
Y. Choo et al. / Applied Animal Behaviour Science 133 (2011) 78–86 85

was defined to be less than 10 m away from visitor view- staff – Alagappasamy s/o Chellaiyah, Charlene Yeong, Jack-
ing areas. Hence results for feeding and regurgitation son Raj, John Sha, Kumaran Sesshe, Mohamed Arshad Bin
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in the study. The association between visitor proximity Naidu for their generous cooperation and assistance during
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