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Jubail United Petrochemical Company (United) Fluor Daniel Intercontinental, Inc.

United Olefins Complex Project Spec. No. 00-J-0001

Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia Rev. 2, June 25, 2001
Page 1 of 47


2 06/25/01 Issued for Construction KJM JAM DLM

1 05/25/01 Issued for Construction KJM JAM DLM
C 04/18/01 Issued for Client Comment KJM JAM DLM
Rev. Date Description Orig. Approved By Client Approval




Fluor Daniel Intercontinental, Inc.



00-J-0001 2

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Jubail United Petrochemical Company (United) Fluor Daniel Intercontinental, Inc.
United Olefins Complex Project Spec. No. 00-J-0001
Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia Rev. 2, June 25, 2001
Page 2 of 47


Revision Date Description


1 05/25/01 No client comments. No change from Rev. C

2 6/25/01 Reformatted document for paragraph numbering, deleted blank pages, deleted
due date for Detailed EIR and replaced with “eight (8) months prior to the
setting of process equipment” (paragraph 1.2.1), renumbered Tables 1-31 for
consecutive numbers as Tables 1-23 and included reference to original
RC/TNRCC table number, referred to modified Table of Contents and
paragraphs,, 2.1.7, 2.1.9, 2.1.10, 3.0, 4.0 and 4.0.g

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United Olefins Complex Project Spec. No. 00-J-0001
Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia Rev. 2, June 25, 2001
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Jubail United Petrochemical Company (United) Fluor Daniel Intercontinental, Inc.
United Olefins Complex Project Spec. No. 00-J-0001
Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia Rev. 2, June 25, 2001
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1.1 Preliminary Environmental Information Report

1.1.1 The BIDDER shall prepare a Preliminary Environmental Information Report (EIR) for
the Facility for UNITED’s review and comment. The Preliminary EIR shall be submitted
with the BIDDER’s proposal. The Preliminary EIR shall follow the EIR format
described in Appendix A of the Royal Commission Environmental Regulations
(September 1999). The Preliminary EIR shall describe the potential environmental
impact(s) of facilities being provided to the extent known at the current stage of
engineering design.

1.1.2 The BIDDER shall provide UNITED with an electronic copy and two hardcopies of the
Preliminary EIR.

1.2 Detailed Environmental Information Report

1.2.1 The successful BIDDER/CONTRACTOR shall prepare a Detailed EIR for the Facility
for UNITED’s review and approval eight (8) months prior to the setting of process
equipment. The Detailed EIR shall follow the format described in Appendix A of the
Royal Commission Environmental Regulations (September 1999). The Detailed EIR
shall update any change(s) to the Preliminary EIR and shall provide all required
environmental information that was not available during development of the Preliminary
EIR. The successful BIDDER/CONTRACTOR shall provide any additional information
required by the Royal Commission for final approval of the Facility EIR.

1.2.2 Unless otherwise specified by UNITED and/or the Royal Commission, the Detailed EIR
shall include all information requirements identified by the Royal Commission
Environmental Regulations (September 1999).

1.2.3 The successful BIDDER/CONTRACTOR shall provide UNITED with an electronic copy
and two hardcopies of the Detailed EIR.

1.3 Supplemental Environmental Information

1.3.1 The successful BIDDER/CONTRACTOR shall provide any supplemental environmental

information including but not limited to air dispersion modeling that is necessary to
obtain environmental approval for the Facility from the Royal Commission.

1.3.2 The successful BIDDER/CONTRACTOR shall provide UNITED with an electronic copy
and two hardcopies of all supplemental information within six months of completion of
the Detailed EIR.

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United Olefins Complex Project Spec. No. 00-J-0001
Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia Rev. 2, June 25, 2001
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2.1 The following EIR outline shall be used to develop the Table of Contents and format for both the
Preliminary EIR and the Detailed EIR. Should this EIR outline conflict with the EIR requirements
presented in Appendix A of the Royal Commission Environmental Regulations (September 1999),
the BIDDER or CONTRACTOR shall conform to the requirements of Appendix A.


This section shall describe the purpose/objective of EIR as well as summarize the
environmental impacts associated with this project.

a. Executive Summary

b. Potential Short-term Impacts

c. Potential Long-term Impacts


This section shall provide facility information/company name, official contact and
mailing address, location of facilities and operations description/project overview
including raw materials and products, construction and operating schedules and energy
requirements for the Facility. Both an overall plot plan and a Facility plot plan shall be
provided. The Facility plot plan shall include the locations for each of the following as

a. Buildings

b. Unit boundaries

c. All process areas

d. All atmospheric emission point sources emitting greater than 10 t/y of any
hazardous air pollutant (Royal Commission Environmental Regulations Table
2E) and all point sources emitting greater than 100 t/y of any ambient air
standards pollutants (Royal Commission Environmental Regulations Table 2A).

e. All air pollutant control equipment locations.

f. All areas of hazardous substance storage, treatment or disposal (if any).

g. All surface impoundments

h. All effluent treatment facilities.


The UNITED Olefins Complex Project site has no previous history of development.
Therefore, this section is not applicable. A statement to this effect shall be provided in
both the Preliminary EIR and the Detailed EIR.

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Jubail United Petrochemical Company (United) Fluor Daniel Intercontinental, Inc.
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Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia Rev. 2, June 25, 2001
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This section shall provide a process description for the Facility. As a minimum, the
following information shall be provided in the order listed:

a. Operations description including detailed description of the proposed operations

and related flow diagrams. Related facilities including solid waste marshalling
yard, storm water system and oily water sewer system shall also be described.
The Preliminary EIR shall include a block flow diagram of the Facility
production process in lieu of process flow diagrams. The Detailed EIR shall
include all process flow diagrams for the Facility.

b. Raw materials and products description. The Detailed EIR shall include a
completed Table 2, Material Balance (see Section 4.0 of this Specification).

c. Operating schedule.

d. Energy requirements


A BATNEEC (Best Available Technique Not Entailing Excessive Cost) Analysis is

required in conformance with the Royal Commission Environmental Regulations,
General Regulation 1.1.8 for affected sources subject to the criteria identified in
Appendix A, Section A.5. A BATNEEC Analysis is not required in the Preliminary EIR.
A BATNEEC analysis shall be provided in the Detailed EIR for all affected sources in
accordance with the criteria established by the Royal Commission. The BATNEEC
Analysis shall identify and review the options being considered for potential control
technologies and techniques. Justification shall be provided for elimination of technically
infeasible options. The remaining technologies shall be ranked on the basis of control
effectiveness, expected emission rate, expected emission reduction, energy and
environmental impacts and economic impacts.

2.1.6 AIR EMISSIONS - POINT SOURCES This section shall provide point source information for the Facility including
emission rates, stack parameters, pollution control equipment, and emission
source monitoring information to the extent information is available during
development of the Preliminary EIR. Emission rate information shall be
obtained from the Vendor(s) or shall be calculated according to internationally
accepted criteria or practices such as US EPA guideline AP-42. All point source
2 information shall be summarized in Table 1 (Point Source Data Sheet, see
Section 4.0 of this Specification). Emission source monitoring information shall
include descriptions of continuous emission monitoring equipment as well as the
design of stack sampling ports. Information regarding equipment subject to
boiler and industrial furnace (BIF) standards shall be provided where applicable.
Air dispersion modeling is not required in the Preliminary EIR An air dispersion screening model analysis of the major point and fugitive
emission sources shall be provided in the Detailed EIR in conformance with

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Jubail United Petrochemical Company (United) Fluor Daniel Intercontinental, Inc.
United Olefins Complex Project Spec. No. 00-J-0001
Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia Rev. 2, June 25, 2001
Page 7 of 47

criteria to be provided by UNITED. In addition, refined air dispersion modeling

may be required by UNITED or the Royal Commission based upon the
screening model analysis. Refined air dispersion modeling, if required, shall be
performed in accordance with a modeling protocol to be provided by the Royal
Commission and/or UNITED. Point source information required by Appendix A of the Royal Commission

Environmental Regulations (September 1999) that was not available during
development of the Preliminary EIR shall be provided in the Detailed EIR. The
point source data tables provided in Section 4.0 of this Specification (Tables 6,
7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23) shall be completed, where
applicable, and included in Appendix D of the Detailed EIR. Both the
Preliminary EIR and the Detailed EIR shall make note of wherever process
effluent streams are discharged to treatment facilities located in the Utilities and
Offsites areas of the United Olefins Complex including the quantity and
composition of the effluent stream.


This section shall provide fugitive emission source information for the Facility including
process facilities, tankage, open wastewater systems, loading/unloading operations, and
source monitoring information as applicable. All fugitive emission sources shall be
identified in the Preliminary EIR. Fugitive emission rates shall be calculated and
2 reported in the Detailed EIR for all fugitive emission sources according to internationally
accepted criteria or practices such as US EPA guideline AP-42. The Detailed EIR shall
include an overview of the planned leak detection and repair program in conformance
with Royal Commission and internationally accepted practices. For the Detailed EIR,
fugitive emission data for tankage located within the Facility shall be completed using
Tables 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, as applicable (see Section 4.0 of this Specification).


This section shall include a water balance and a description of the sanitary and industrial
wastewater discharges for the Facility. Systems for treatment of wastewater shall be
described with respect to applicable wastewater discharge standards. Additional
discussion shall focus on seawater/cooling water, firewater, storm water, oily water
sewers and groundwater monitoring. Installation of groundwater monitoring wells for the
Facility plot shall be coordinated with UNITED in accordance with criteria to be
provided by the Royal Commission and the Royal Commission’s groundwater
monitoring well construction specification (see Section 3.0 of this Specification).
Physical and chemical criteria including pollutant concentrations shall be provided for
each process wastewater stream being discharged from the Facility. The EIR should note
wherever liquid effluents are being discharged to the wastewater pretreatment facilities in
the Utilities and Offsites areas including the quantity and composition of the effluent

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This section shall describe the hazardous materials being handled or stored by the Facility
and the equipment and procedures that are provided to prevent and/or minimize any
accidental release of hazardous materials. Information regarding hazardous materials
shall be summarized in Table 3, Hazardous Materials Summary (see Section 4.0 of this
Specification). A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each hazardous material shall
be included in Appendix G of the Detailed EIR.


This section shall describe the various waste streams that are associated with the Facility
including the source of each waste, type of waste, expected quantity and frequency of
2 waste generation, handling/disposition of the waste and waste minimization philosophy.
Information regarding waste management shall be summarized in Table 4, Summary of
Waste Streams (see Section 4.0 of this Specification).


No dredging activities are anticipated. Therefore, this section is not applicable to the
UNITED Olefins Complex Project. A statement to this effect shall be provided in both
the Preliminary EIR and the Detailed EIR.

2.1.12 NOISE

This section shall describe the high noise sources and the engineering systems in place to
control/minimize noise generation within the Facility. Equipment noise shall comply
with the requirements of with Project Specification No. 00-G-0024. All significant noise
emission sources shall be identified in the Preliminary EIR. Equipment noise data shall
be provided for all significant noise sources in the Detailed EIR using the forms provided
with Project Specification No. 00-G-0024. A noise model to predict dBA noise levels at
the Facility boundaries shall be provided in the Detailed EIR in conformance with the
requirements of the Royal Commission Environmental Regulations (September 1999).


Parameters to be monitored for sources within the Facility in order to demonstrate

compliance with applicable air emission point source and industrial effluent standards as
applicable shall be proposed in the Detailed EIR based on identification of all
emission/effluent point sources and discharge rates.


The UNITED Olefins Complex Project shall provide grassroots facilities that shall be
designed to comply with all requirements of the Royal Commission Environmental
Regulations. Any exemptions deemed pertinent based on the nature of operations shall
be requested as part of the Detailed EIR.


The BIDDER or CONTRACTOR shall provide other relevant information as appropriate

to obtain environmental approval for the Facility from the Royal Commission.

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Jubail United Petrochemical Company (United) Fluor Daniel Intercontinental, Inc.
United Olefins Complex Project Spec. No. 00-J-0001
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The Detailed EIR shall include a statement of certification signed by the appropriate
UNITED senior corporate official that “The information presented in this Environmental
Information Report is certified true and correct, and is an accurate representation of the
environmental status of the facility operations. It is understood that this information
shall, unless otherwise specified by the Royal Commission, be considered a condition of
the Environmental Operating Permit for the subject facility.”


The following appendices shall be provided for the Detailed EIR.

a. Appendix A – Glossary

b. Appendix B – Site Plan

c. Appendix C – Process Flow Diagrams

d. Appendix D – Calculations & Data Tables

e. Appendix E – Water Balance

f. Appendix F – Environmental Regulations & Standards

g. Appendix G – Material Safety Data Sheets


The successful BIDDER/CONTRACTOR shall install Groundwater Monitoring Wells within the Facility
as required by Royal Commission Environmental Regulations (September 1999). These wells shall be
installed after major construction is complete but prior to the start of pre-commissioning activities. The
number of wells, location and details shall be established by UNITED according to applicable Project
specifications and recommendations of the Final Geotechnical Investigation Report and the requirements of
the Royal Commission (see Attachment 1: Groundwater Monitoring Well Construction Specification).
The successful BIDDER/CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to coordinate the final Groundwater
Monitoring Well locations with UNITED in order to avoid any interferences.


Data tables shall be completed only where applicable to the Facility. The applicable data tables shall be
provided in Appendix D of the Detailed EIR. Data tables may be included in the Preliminary EIR to the
extent information is available. Data Tables 1 through 23 are provided with this Specification for
summarizing and compiling information required for EIR development:

a. Table 1, Point Source Data Sheet

b. Table 2, Material Balance

c. Table 3, Hazardous Materials Summary (2 pages including example)

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Jubail United Petrochemical Company (United) Fluor Daniel Intercontinental, Inc.
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Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia Rev. 2, June 25, 2001
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d. Table 4, Summary of Waste Streams (2 pages including example)

e. Table 5, Comparison of Pollutant Concentrations with Wastewater Pretreatment Standards for

Discharge to the Royal Commission Central Treatment Facility.

f. Table 6, Combustion Units (2 pages)

g. Table 7, Solid Waste Incineration


h. Table 8, Boilers and Heaters

i. Table 9, Vertical Fixed Roof Storage Tank Summary (2 pages)

j. Table 10, Horizontal Fixed Roof Storage Tank Summary (2 pages)

k. Table 11, External Floating Roof Storage Tank Summary (3 pages)

l. Table 12, Internal Floating Roof Storage Tank Summary (3 pages)

m. Table 13, Chemical Data Information

n. Table 14, Flare Systems

o. Table 15, Cyclone Separators

p. Table 16, Fabric Filters

q. Table 17, Scrubbers or Wet Washers

r. Table 18, Absorbers

s. Table 19, Adsorbers

t. Table 20, Simplified Data Sheet for Particulate Dust Collector

u. Table 21, In-Line Filter

v. Table 22, Reciprocating Engines

w. Table 23, Combustion Turbines

All data should be provided in metric units.

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Groundwater Monitoring Well Construction Specification

1.0 Groundwater Monitoring Well Construction Specification (OF ROYAL COMMISSION)

This specification has been written for the installation of a 50mm diameter groundwater monitoring well
associated with the monitoring of the groundwater at the waste disposal area located at the Royal
Commission Sanitary Landfill.


2.1 Minimum diameter of the borehole to support installation of a 50 mm inside diameter groundwater
monitoring well shall be 100 mm. If a larger diameter well casing will be installed, the borehole
diameter shall be a minimum 50 mm greater than the outside diameter of the well screen and or
well pipe. The borehole drilling method shall be left to the discretion of the Contractor. Any
method selected that introduces drilling fluids into the borehole shall be clearly identified to the
Royal Commission regarding the nature, type and volume of expected drilling fluids to be
introduced into the borehole prior to its completion. Use of drilling fluids into the borehole for
purposes of drilling will require the Contractor to sample and analyze the drilling fluids for
chemical parameters to be determined by the Royal Commission.

2.2 A completed borehole log shall be provided to the Royal Commission upon completion of the
borehole. The log shall clearly identify the subsurface geology encountered as the borehole is
advanced. Particular note should be made of potentially contaminated soils noted by
discoloration, odors and or other techniques. The borehole log should identify the final borehole
depth, in meters below grade; and the depth below grade at which groundwater is initially


3.1 Chemical and Physical Properties of Well Casing Material(s)

3.1.1 The well casing and well screening material shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC), new and
verified by the Contractor as visually clean. Wall thickness shall be a minimum of
Schedule 40 to withstand installation and development stresses. As indicated the well
casing and screen shall be 10 cm inside diameter. Both the casing and screen joints shall
be threaded. The use of solvents, rubber sealants or adhesives is prohibited.

3.1.2 The screened well casing section shall have machined slots. The width of the slots shall
be no greater than 0.5 mm and shall be less than the grain size of the selected filter pack

3.2 Well Placement

3.2.1 Upon completion of the borehole, the well casing and well screen shall be assembled
above ground into manageable sections and inserted into the borehole. Prior to insertion
of the well casing into the borehole it shall be decontaminated using steam cleaning or a
non-phosphate detergent followed by a distilled water rinse.

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3.2.2 All inserted well casing shall be centered in the borehole using centralisers (metal braces)
or acceptable method of assuring the final position of the casing at the center of the
borehole. The well shall have a minimum of 0.5 meters of blank casing installed at the
bottom of the well, followed by the screened interval. The screened interval of the
groundwater shall extend a minimum of two meters into the groundwater table and rise a
minimum of one meter above the measured groundwater table to account for seasonal or
hydraulic variations of the aquifer. The screened interval shall be followed by a length of
blank casing extending upward of sufficient length to allow the well to extend a
minimum of one meter above ground surface.

3.2.3 The filter pack material which shall surround the screened interval, inclusive of the
bottom blank casing shall be clean and comprised of a granular material with known
chemistry (e.g. silica sands). The material shall have a consistent grain size with a
uniformity coefficient of 2.5 or less. The grain size shall be selected to filter out the fines
present in the geological formation and will typically be within 0.7 mm – 1.25 mm. The
filter pack material shall be installed around the well casing, filling the annular space of
the borehole to at least 0.5 meters above the top of the screened interval.

3.2.4 A bentonite seal, either pellets or slurry, a minimum of 25 centimeters thick, shall be
installed immediately above the artificial filter pack in all wells. The purpose of the seal
is to provide a barrier to vertical flow of water in the annular space between the borehole
and the well. Wherever possible the bentonite seal shall be installed in the unsaturated

3.2.5 The remaining length of the borehole shall be backfilled with a cement or sand grout
mixture to within 25 cm of ground surface. Drill cuttings, even those known not to be
contaminated shall not be used as backfill material.

3.2.6 A steel guard pipe shall be placed around the blank well casing riser which extends above
ground surface, from the remaining borehole space, up a minimum of 50 cm above grade.
The annular space between the guard pipe and the casing shall be filled with concrete.
The completed well shall have a locking cap and be uniquely identified in accordance
with Royal Commission instructions.


4.1 During installation of each monitoring well a series of measurements shall be taken and recorded.
All data shall be recorded onto a groundwater well detail report and all wells shall be referenced
onto a site map to be provided to the Contractor by the Royal Commission. Accurate data
regarding the installation of the well shall include but not be limited to:

a. The length of bottom blank casing

b. The length of screen

c. Length of riser pipe

d. Total length of the well

e. The depth to stabilized groundwater level

4.2 Other data include:

a. The details of the screen and riser pipe used

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Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia Rev. 2, June 25, 2001
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b. Diameters of the respective components

c. Screen slot size

d. Type and thickness of filter sand pack

e. Thickness and types of grouting materials used

f. Elevation of the guard pipe.


5.1 Monitoring well development is necessary to ensure that complete hydraulic connection is made
and maintained between the installed well and the aquifer material surrounding the well screen and
filter pack. Development is necessary to:

a. Reduce the compaction and inter-mixing of grain sizes produced during drilling

b. To increase porosity and permeability of the artificial filter pack

c. To remove any foreign drilling fluids that coat the borehole or that may have invaded the
adjacent natural formation

5.2 Development of a monitoring well may involve the use of several methodologies, to be left to the
discretion of the Contractor. Factors determining the method to be selected to develop the well
shall be the diameter of the well, and depth to static water level. An attempt shall be made by the
Contractor to introduce water movement in the well through use of a surge block or bailer. Water
shall be caused to move (in order) to move silt and clay particles out of the filter pack around the
well screen and into suspension within the well. Pumping alone is not recommended to create the
constant hydraulic change in the subsurface.

5.3 The volume of water which shall be removed by the Contractor for development of a well shall be
a minimum of ten (10) well volumes. A single well volume includes the volume of water within
the well screen plus the volume of water within the pore space of the submerged filter pack.

5.4 Any equipment introduced into the well by the Contractor for purposes of well development shall
be verified visually clean, and be decontaminated using non-phosphate detergent followed by a
double distilled water rinse.

5.5 The Contractor shall document the well development procedure. The information to be provided
to the Royal Commission shall include but not be limited to:

a. Date; Time; Developer responsible, and well identification number

b. Well data inclusive of well diameter; total well depth and depth to static water level

c. The well development method applied

d. Calculation of the well volume

e. The volume of water removed from the well

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Table 1, Point Source Data Sheet

(Royal Commission Table A1)

Name No. Component Name Concentration Maximum Average Above Above Diameter Velocity Temp.
(kg/h) (t/y) Ground Structure (meters) (meters/ °C
(meters) (meters) sec)

All data is representative of full scale operation at Standard Temperature and Pressure Conditions (STP = 20 °C and 101.325 kPa). Rev. 02/01

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Table 2, Material Balance

This material balance table is used to quantify possible emissions of air contaminants and special emphasis should be
placed on potential air contaminants, for example: If feed contains sulfur, show distribution to all products. Please
relate each material (or group of materials) listed to its respective location in the process flow diagram by assigning
point numbers (taken from the flow diagram) to each material.

Process Rate (kg/hr or std.

m3/min) standard
conditions: 20°C and
INVOLVED IN EACH OF THE EPN Measurement Estimation Calculation
101.325 kPa. Check
appropriate column at right
for each process.

1. Raw Materials - Input

2. Fuels - Input

3. Products & By-Products - Output

4. Solid Wastes - Output

5. Liquid Wastes - Output

6. Airborne Waste (Solid) - Output

7. Airborne Wastes (Gaseous) -


Rev. 02/01

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Table 3, Hazardous Materials Summary

Type of Hazard
Composition Quantity Kept Provide Description of
Hazardous (Corrosive, Reactive,
and State on Site and/or Provide Description of How this How this Material is
No. Material Toxic, Ignitable,
(Vapor, Liquid Usage Rate Material is Used. Stored and Any Special
Name Radioactive,
or Solid) (provide units) Handling Requirements

Rev. 02/01

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Example Table 3, Hazardous Materials Summary


Type of Hazard
Composition Quantity Kept Provide Description of
Hazardous (Corrosive, Reactive,
and State on Site and/or Provide Description of How this How this Material is
No. Material Toxic, Ignitable,
(Vapor, Liquid Usage Rate Material is Used. Stored and Any Special
Name Radioactive,
or Solid) (provide units) Handling Requirements
40 m3 kept on
H2SO4 Corrosive, Toxic, site. FRP storage tank. Avoid
1 Sulfuric Acid Neutralization/pH adjustment
Liquid Reactive ~1.0 m3/day contact with eyes and skin.

Rev. 02/01

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Table 4, Summary of Waste Streams


Stream Type Source Description Liquid or Quantity Disposition of Waste Minimization Philosophy

Waste 1

Waste 2

Waste 3

Waste 4

Waste 5

Waste 6

Waste 7

Rev. 02/01

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Example Table 4, Summary of Waste Streams


Stream Type Source Description Liquid or Quantity Disposition of Waste Minimization Philosophy
Process Unit curbed Floor washing Minimize oil leaks, high degree
Waste 1 Liquid 2 to 16 m3/hr To oily Water sewer (assumed 2% oil)
area and rain. of maintenance.

Process Unit in PE Floor washing

Waste 2 Liquid 4 m3/hr To PE water sewer Minimize PE spills
sewer area. and rain.

Waste 3 Compressor Lube Oil Liquid 3000 kg/year Recycled to reclaimer

Alkyl and Minimize length of piping,

Waste 4 Flushing Alkyl Piping Liquid 6 m3/year Hazardous, to be incinerated.
Mineral Oil avoid pockets.
Ethylene Deoxo,
Acetylene Removal,
Waste 5 Hydrocarbons Vapor 14 to 42 t/year To flare.
Co and Co2 removal
Drier Beds (Ethylene, Drier Dessicant
105 m3 every
Waste 6 Hexene, Isopentane, (molecular Solid Landfill
5 years
Nitrogen) seive)
Drier Beds (Ethylene, Sieve material removed from
7.5 m3 every 5
Waste 7 Hexene, Isopentane, Alumina Balls Solid Landfill. the bed and reuse the alumina
Nitrogen) balls.

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Table 5, Comparison of Expected Pollutant Concentrations with Wastewater Pretreatment

Standards at the Point of Discharge to the Royal Commission Central Wastewater Treatment

Maximum Limits Not Pollutant Concentrations

Parameter[2] Units
To Be Exceeded Average Maximum
Temperature °C 60
Total Dissolved solids mg/l 2000
Total Settleable solids mg/l 2000
Aluminum mg/l 30
Ammonia, Total as N mg/l 120
Arsenic mg/l 1.25
Barium mg/l 2.0
Boron mg/l 2.5
Cadmium mg/l 0.5
Chloride mg/l 1000
Chromium – Total mg/l 5.0
Chromium – Hexavalent mg/l 0.25
Cobalt mg/l 2.0
Copper mg/l 1.2
Cyanide mg/l 3.5
Fluoride mg/l 30
Iron mg/l 25
Lead mg/l 0.5
Manganese mg/l 2.0
Mercury mg/l 0.015
Nickel mg/l 2.5
Oil & Grease mg/l 120
pH[4] 5 – 11
Phenols mg/l 150
Phosphorus, Total as P mg/l 50
Sodium mg/l 1000
Sodium Absorption Ratio SAR units 20
Sulfate mg/l 800
Sulfide mg/l 6
Total Organic Carbon mg/l 800
Zinc mg/l 10


1. Central Treatment Facility means either Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant (IWTP) or the Sanitary
Wastewater Treatment Plant (SWTP).
2. For any parameters not identified, specific standards will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
3. Metals standards represent total metals concentrations.
4. Inclusive range not to be exceeded.
Rev. 02/01

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(TNRCC Table 4)

Equipment Number/EPN: Model Number (if available):
Name of Device: Manufacturer
Chemical Composition
Min. Value Expected Ave. Value Expected Design Maximum
kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr
Waste Material* 2.
Gross Heating Value of kcal/kg Air Supplied for Minimum Maximum
Waste Material Waste Material Scm/min (20°C, 101.325 kPa) scm/min (20°C, 101.325 kPa)
(Wet basis if applicable)

Total Flow Rate kg/hr Inlet Temperature °C

Waste Material of Minimum Expected Design Maximum Minimum Expected Design Maximum
Contaminated Gas

Chemical Composition
Min. Value Expected Ave. Value Expected Design Maximum
kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr
Fuel 2.
Gross Heating Value Minimum Maximum
kcal/kg Air Supplied for
of Fuel scm/min (20°F, 101.325 kPa) scm/min (20°F, 101.325 kPa)

*Describe how waste material is introduced into combustion unit on an attached sheet. Supply drawings, dimensioned
and to scale to show clearly the design and operation of the unit, and a description of the emissions monitoring system
that will be provided, if applicable.

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Characteristics Of Output
Chemical Composition of Flue Gas Released Continuous
Material Min. Value Expected Ave. Value Expected Design Maximum Monitoring
kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr Required?
(Yes or No)
Total Flow Rate kg/hr Velocity at Stack Exit m/sec
Temperature at Stack Maximum
Exit °C Minimum Expected Maximum Expected Minimum Expected

Combustion Unit Characteristics

Chamber Velocity at Average Chamber Average Chamber Temperature
Chamber Volume from Drawing m3
Temperature m/sec °C

Average Residence Time sec Exhaust Stack Height m Exhaust Stack Diameter m

Additional Information For Catalytic Combustion Units

Max. Flow Rate per Catalytic
Unit (Manufacturer's
Number and Type of Catalyst Elements Catalyst Bed Velocity m/sec
Specify Units

Attach separate sheets as necessary providing a description of the combustion unit, including details regarding
principle of operation and the basis for calculating its efficiency. Provide a description of the stack monitoring
facilities and continuous emission monitoring system, if required. Supply an assembly drawing, dimensioned and to
scale, to show clearly the design and operation of the equipment. If the device has bypasses, safety valves, etc.,
specify when such bypasses are to be used and under what conditions. Submit explanations on control for
temperature, air flow rates, fuel rates, and other operating variables.
Rev. 02/01

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Table 7, Solid Waste Incineration Operational Data

(TNRCC Table 5)

Type Incinerator Manufacturer

Model Number Capacity (kg/hr) Equipment No./EPN:

Type: Sulfur Content (% by weight): Ash Content (% by weight):
Total Fuel Rate (kg/hr or scm/hr)* Gross Heating Value:

Primary Burner Fuel Rate (kg/hr or scm/hr)* Secondary Burner Fuel Rate (kg/hr or scm/hr)*

Type of Refuse: Burning rate (kg/hr): Gross heating value:
Error! Bookmark not defined.Moisture Content (% of refuse): Dry Combustible (% of refuse):


1. Primary Chamber Secondary Chamber
Gas Velocity (m/sec):
Volume (m3):
(from drawing)
Temperature (°C)
2. Air Requirements **
3. Combustion Air Distribution
a. Primary air through charging % of 2 or scm/min*
door leakage, expansion joints
b. Over fire ports % of 2 or scm/min*
c. Under fire ports % of 2 or scm/min*
d. Secondary chamber ports % of 2 or scm/min*
4. Area of Port Openings
a. Over fire ports cm2
b. Under fire ports cm2
c. Secondary chamber ports cm2
5. Grate Loading kg/m2-hr
6. Grate Area m2
7. Primary Air Induction Draft mm Hg
8. Stack Draft mm Hg
9. Stack Velocity at Exit m/sec
10. Stack Diameter m
11. Stack Height m
12. Stack Temperature °C
13. Attach an explanation on how temperature, air flow rate, excess air or other operating variables are controlled.
* Standard Conditions: 20°C 101.325 kPa
** Total Air (theoretical and excess) or total scm/min

Also supply a description of the emissions monitoring system, an assembly drawing, dimensioned and to
scale, in plan, elevation, and as many sections as are needed to show clearly the operation of the
incinerator. Show interior dimensions and features of the equipment necessary to calculate its
performance. Rev. 02/01

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Table 8, Boilers and Heaters

(TNRCC Table 6)

Type of Device: Manufacturer:

Equipment Number/EPN: Model Number:
Chemical Composition
Type Fuel Inlet Air Temp °C Fuel Flow Rate (scm/min* or kg/hr)
(% by Weight)
(after preheat)
Average Design Maximum

Gross Heating Value Total Air Supplied and Excess Air

of Fuel (specify
units) Average Design Maximum
scm/min* scm/min*

% excess % excess
(vol) (vol)
Type Transfer Medium Temperature °C Pressure (kg/cm2) Flow Rate (specify units)
(Water, oil, etc.) Input Output Input Output Average Design Maxim

Residence Time in Fire
Ave. Fire Box Temp. at Fire Box Volume (m3), (from Gas Velocity in Fire Box Box at max firing rate
max. firing rate drawing) (m/sec) at max firing rate (sec)

Stack Diameters Stack Height Stack Gas Exhaust
Stack Gas Velocity (m/sec)
(m) (m) Temp °C Scm/min
(@Ave. Fuel Flow Rate) (@Max. Fuel
Flow Rate)

Material Chemical Composition of Exit Gas Released (% by Volume)

Attach an explanation on how temperature, air flow rate, excess air or other operating variables are controlled.

Also supply a description of the emissions monitoring system (if applicable), the expected noise level (dBA) at full
load conditions, an assembly drawing, dimensioned and to scale, in plan, elevation, and as many sections as are needed
to show clearly the operation of the combustion unit. Show interior dimensions and features of the equipment
necessary to calculate in performance.
* Standard Conditions: 20°C and 101.325 kPa

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Table 9, Vertical Fixed Roof Storage Tank Summary

(TNRCC Table 7a)
Rev. 02-01

I. Tank Identification (Use a separate form for each tank).

1.Applicant's Name:
2.Location (indicate on plot plan and provide coordinates):
3.Tank No. 4. Emission Point No.
5.Status: New tank [ ] Altered tank [ ] Relocation [ ] Change of Service [ ]

II. Tank Physical Characteristics

1. Dimensions
a. Shell Height : m.
b. Diameter: m.
c. Maximum Liquid Height : m.
d. Nominal Capacity or Working Volume: m3.
e. Turnovers per year:
f. Net Throughput : m3/year.
g. Maximum Filling Rate: m3/hour.
2. Paint Characteristics
a. Shell Color/Shade : White/White [ ] Aluminum/Specular [ ] Aluminum/Diffuse [ ]
Gray/Light [ ] Gray/Medium [ ] Red/Primer [ ] Other [ ] (Describe )
b. Shell Condition : Good [ ] Poor [ ]
c. Roof Color/Shade : White/White [ ] Aluminum/Specular [ ] Aluminum/Diffuse [ ]
Gray/Light [ ] Gray/Medium [ ] Red/Primer [ ] Other [ ] (Describe )
d. Roof Condition : Good [ ] Poor [ ]
3. Roof Characteristics
a. Roof Type: Dome [ ] Cone [ ]
b. Roof Height: m. (not including shell height)
c. Radius (Dome Roof Only): m.
d. Slope (Cone Roof Only): m/m.

4. Breather Vent Settings SPECIFY

"Atmosphere" or
Pressure Setting
Valve Type Number Vacuum Setting (kg/cm2) Discharging to: (name of
abatement device)
Combination Vent Valve

Pressure Vent Valve

Vacuum Vent Valve

Open Vent Valve

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Table 9, Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Summary (continued)

Page 2
Tank No. EPN No.

III. Liquid Properties of Stored Material

1. Chemical Category: Organic Liquids [ ] Petroleum Distillates [ ] Crude Oils [ ]
2. Single or Multi-Component Liquid
Single [ ] Complete Section III.3
Multiple [ ] Complete Section III.4
3. Single Component Information
a. Chemical Name:
b. CAS Number:
c. Average Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
d. True Vapor Pressure at Average Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
e. Liquid Molecular Weight:
4. Multiple Component Information
a. Mixture Name:
b. Average Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
c. Minimum Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
d. Maximum Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
e. True Vapor Pressure at Average Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
f. True Vapor Pressure at Minimum Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
g. True Vapor Pressure at Maximum Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
h. Liquid Molecular Weight:
i. Vapor Molecular Weight:

j. Chemical Components Information

Percent of Total Liquid Percent of Total Vapor Molecular
Chemical Name CAS Number
Weight (typical) Weight (typical) Weight

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Table 10, Horizontal Fixed Roof Storage Tank Summary

(TNRCC Table 7b)

Rev. 02-01
I. Tank Identification (Use a separate form for each tank).
1. Applicant's Name:
2. Location (indicate on plot plan and provide coordinates):
3. Tank No. 4. Emission Point No.
Status: New tank [ ] Altered tank [ ] Relocation [ ] Change of Service [ ]
II. Tank Physical Characteristics
1. Dimensions
a. Shell Length : m.
b. Diameter: m.
c. Nominal Capacity or Working Volume: m3
d. Turnovers per year:
e. Net Throughput : m3/year.
f. Maximum Filling Rate: m3/hour.
g. Is the tank underground? Yes [ ] No [ ]
2. Paint Characteristics
a. Shell Color/Shade : White/White [ ] Aluminum/Specular [ ] Aluminum/Diffuse [ ]
Gray/Light [ ] Gray/Medium [ ] Red/Primer [ ] Other [ ] (Describe )
b. Shell Condition : Good [ ] Poor [ ]

3. Breather Vent Settings SPECIFY

"Atmosphere" or
Pressure Setting
Valve Type Number Vacuum Setting (kg/cm2) Discharging to: (name of
abatement device)
Combination Vent Valve

Pressure Vent Valve

Vacuum Vent Valve

Open Vent Valve

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Table 10, Horizontal Fixed Roof Tank Summary (continued)

Page 2

Tank No. EPN No.

III. Liquid Properties of Stored Material

1. Chemical Category: Organic Liquids [ ] Petroleum Distillates [ ] Crude Oils [ ]
2. Single or Multi-Component Liquid
Single [ ] Complete Section III.3
Multiple [ ] Complete Section III.4
3. Single Component Information
a. Chemical Name:
b. CAS Number:
c. Average Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
d. True Vapor Pressure at Average Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2
e. Liquid Molecular Weight:
4. Multiple Component Information
a. Mixture Name:
b. Average Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
c. Minimum Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
d. Maximum Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
e. True Vapor Pressure at Average Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
f. True Vapor Pressure at Minimum Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
g. True Vapor Pressure at Maximum Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
h. Liquid Molecular Weight:
i. Vapor Molecular Weight:

j. Chemical Components Information

Percent of Total Liquid Percent of Total Vapor Molecular
Chemical Name CAS Number
Weight (typical) Weight (typical) Weight

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Table 11, External Floating Roof Storage Tank Summary

(TNRCC Table 7c)
Rev. 02-01

I. Tank Identification (Use a separate form for each tank).

1. Applicant's Name:
2. Location (indicate on plot plan and provide coordinates):
3. Tank No. 4. Emission Point No.
5. Status: New Tank [ ] Altered Tank [ ] Relocation [ ] Change of Service [ ]

II. Tank Physical Characteristics

1. Dimensions
a. Shell Height : m.
b. Diameter: m.
c. Maximum Liquid Height : m.
d. Nominal Capacity or Tank Volume: m3.
e. Turnovers per Year:
f. Net Throughput : m3/year.
g. Maximum Pumping Rate: m3/hour. (Use the higher of the maximum fill rate or maximum
withdrawal rate.)
2. Shell and Paint Characteristics
a. Shell Condition : Light Rust [ ] Dense Rust [ ] Gunite Lining [ ]
b. Paint Color/Shade : White/White [ ] Aluminum/Specular [ ] Aluminum/Diffuse [ ]
Gray/Light [ ] Gray/Medium [ ] Red/Primer [ ] Other [ ] (Describe )
c. Paint Condition : Good [ ] Poor [ ]
3. Tank Construction and Rim-Seal System
a. Tank Construction: Welded [ ] Riveted [ ]
b. Primary Seal: Vapor-mounted [ ] Liquid-mounted [ ] Mechanical Shoe [ ]
c. Secondary Seal : Rim-mounted [ ] Shoe-mounted [ ] None [ ]

4. Roof Type: Pontoon [ ] Double Deck [ ]

5. Roof Fitting Loss Factor: kg-mole/year

Based upon Typical [ ] Controlled [ ] or Actual [ ] fittings

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Table 11, External Floating Roof Tank Summary (continued)

Page 2

Tank No. EPN No.

III. Liquid Properties of Stored Material

1. Chemical Category: Organic Liquids [ ] Petroleum Distillates [ ] Crude Oils [ ]
2. Single or Multi-Component Liquid
Single [ ] Complete Section III.3
Multiple [ ] Complete Section III.4
3. Single Component Information
a. Chemical Name:
b. CAS Number:
c. Average Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
d. True Vapor Pressure at Average Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
e. Liquid Molecular Weight:
4. Multiple Component Information
a. Mixture Name:
b. Average Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
c. Minimum Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
d. Maximum Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
e. True Vapor Pressure at Average Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
f. True Vapor Pressure at Minimum Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
g. True Vapor Pressure at Maximum Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
h. Liquid Molecular Weight:
i. Vapor Molecular Weight:

j. Chemical Components Information

Percent of Total Liquid Percent of Total Vapor Molecular
Chemical Name CAS Number
Weight (typical) Weight (typical) Weight

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Table 11, External Floating Roof Tank Summary (continued)

Page 3
Tank No. EPN No.

IV. Fittings Information –Where information is available, complete the following table that is used to
calculate the roof fitting loss factor.

Fitting Type Fitting Status Quantity

Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.) Bolted Cover, Gasketed
Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.) Unbolted Cover, Gasketed
Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.) Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed
Gauge-Float Well (20-in.Diam.) Bolted Cover, Gasketed
Gauge-Float Well (20-in.Diam.) Unbolted Cover, Gasketed
Gauge-Float Well (20-in.Diam.) Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed
Gauge-Hatch/Sample Well (8-in.Diam.) Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask.
Gauge-Hatch/Sample Well (8-in.Diam.) Weighted Mech. Actuation, Ungask.
Rim Vent (6-in. Diam.) Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask.
Rim Vent (6-in. Diam.) Weighted Mech. Actuation, Ungask.
Roof Drain (3-in. Diam.) Open
Roof Drain (3-in. Diam.) 90% closed
Roof Leg (2.5-in. Diam.) Adjustable, Center Area
Roof Leg (2.5-in. Diam.) Adjustable, Pontoon Area
Roof Leg (2.5-in. Diam.) Adjustable, Double-Deck Roofs
Roof Leg (2.5-in. Diam.) Fixed
Roof Leg (3-in. Diam.) Adjustable, Center Area
Roof Leg (3-in. Diam.) Adjustable, Pontoon Area
Roof Leg (3-in. Diam.) Adjustable, Double-Deck Roofs
Roof Leg (3-in. Diam.) Fixed
Slotted Guide-Pole/Sample Well Ungask. Sliding Cover, w/o Float
Slotted Guide-Pole/Sample Well Gask. Sliding Cover, w. Float
Slotted Guide-Pole/Sample Well Gask. Sliding Cover, w/o Float
Slotted Guide-Pole/Sample Well Ungask. Sliding Cover, w. Float
Unslotted Guide-Pole Well Gasketed Sliding Cover
Unslotted Guide-Pole Well Ungasketed Sliding Cover
Vacuum Breaker (10-in. Diam. Well) Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask.
Vacuum Breaker (10-in. Diam. Well) Weighted Mech. Actuation, Ungask.

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Table 12, Internal Floating Roof Storage Tank Summary

(TNRCC Table 7d)
Rev. 02-01

I. Tank Identification (Use a separate form for each tank).

1. Applicant's Name:
2. Location (indicate on plot plan and provide coordinates):
3. Tank No. 4. Emission Point No.
5. Status: New Tank [ ] Altered Tank [ ] Relocation [ ] Change of Service [ ]

II. Tank Physical Characteristics

1. Dimensions
a. Shell Height : m.
b. Diameter: m.
c. Nominal Capacity or Tank Volume: m3.
d. Turnovers per Year:
e. Net Throughput : m3/year.
f. Maximum Pumping Rate: m3/hour. (Use the higher of the maximum fill rate or maximum
withdrawal rate.)
g. Self-Supporting Roof? Yes [ ] No [ ]
h. Number of Columns:
i. Column Diameter: m.

2. Shell/Roof and Paint Characteristics

a. Shell Condition : Light Rust [ ] Dense Rust [ ] Gunite Lining [ ]
b. Shell Color/Shade : White/White [ ] Aluminum/Specular [ ] Aluminum/Diffuse [ ]
Gray/Light [ ] Gray/Medium [ ] Red/Primer [ ] Other [ ] (Describe )
c. Shell Condition : Good [ ] Poor [ ]
d. Roof Color/Shade : White/White [ ] Aluminum/Specular [ ] Aluminum/Diffuse [ ]
Gray/Light [ ] Gray/Medium [ ] Red/Primer [ ] Other [ ] (Describe )
e. Roof Condition : Good [ ] Poor [ ]

3. Rim-Seal System
a. Primary Seal: Vapor-mounted [ ] Liquid-mounted [ ] Mechanical Shoe [ ]
b. Secondary Seal : Yes [ ] No [ ]

4. Deck Characteristics
a. Deck Type: Bolted [ ] Welded[ ]
b. Deck Construction (Bolted Tanks Only):
Continuous Sheet Construction 1.524 m. wide [ ]
Continuous Sheet Construction 1.829 m. wide [ ]
Continuous Sheet Construction 2.134 m. wide [ ]
Rectangular Panel Construction 1.524 X 2.286 m. wide [ ]
Rectangular Panel Construction 1.524 X 3.658 m. wide [ ]
c. Deck Seam Length (Bolted Tanks Only): m.

5. Roof Fitting Loss Factor: kg-mole/year

Based upon Typical [ ] Controlled [ ] or Actual [ ] fittings

6. Is nitrogen blanket provided above roof? Yes [ ] No [ ]

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Table 12, Internal Floating Roof Tank Summary (continued)

Page 2

Tank No. EPN No.

III. Liquid Properties of Stored Material

1. Chemical Category: Organic Liquids [ ] Petroleum Distillates [ ] Crude Oils [ ]
2. Single or Multi-Component Liquid
Single [ ] Complete Section III.3
Multiple [ ] Complete Section III.4
3. Single Component Information
a. Chemical Name:
b. CAS Number:
c. Average Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
d. True Vapor Pressure at Average Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
e. Liquid Molecular Weight:
4. Multiple Component Information
a. Mixture Name:
b. Average Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
c. Minimum Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
d. Maximum Liquid Surface Temperature: °C.
e. True Vapor Pressure at Average Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
f. True Vapor Pressure at Minimum Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
g. True Vapor Pressure at Maximum Liquid Surface Temperature: kg/cm2.
h. Liquid Molecular Weight:
i. Vapor Molecular Weight:

j. Chemical Components Information

Percent of Total Liquid Percent of Total Vapor Molecular
Chemical Name CAS Number
Weight (typical) Weight (typical) Weight

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Table 12, Internal Floating Roof Tank Summary (continued)

Page 3

Tank No. EPN No.

Fittings Information – Where information is available, complete the following table that is used to
calculate the roof fitting loss factor.

Deck fitting
Fitting Type Fitting Status Quantity loss factor
Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.) Bolted Cover, Gasketed 1.6
Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.) Unbolted Cover, Gasketed 11
Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.) Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed 25
Automatic Gauge Float Well Bolted Cover, Gasketed 5.1
Automatic Gauge Float Well Unbolted Cover, Gasketed 15
Automatic Gauge Float Well Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed 28
Column Well (24-in.Diam.) Built-Up Col. -Sliding Cover, Gask. 33
Built-Up Col. -Sliding Cover,
.Column Well (24-in.Diam.) 47
Column Well (24-in.Diam.) Pipe Col. -Flex. Fabric Sleeve Seal 10
Column Well (24-in.Diam.) Pipe Col. -Sliding Cover, Gask. 19
Column Well (24-in.Diam.) Pipe Col. -Sliding Cover, Ungask. 32
Ladder Well (36-in. Diam.) Sliding Cover, Ungasketed 76
Ladder Well (36-in. Diam.) Sliding Cover, Gasketed 56
Roof Leg or Hanger Well Adjustable 7.9
Roof Leg or Hanger Well Fixed 0 0
Sample Pipe or Well (24-in. Diam.) Slit Fabric Seal 10% Open 12
Sample Pipe or Well (24-in. Diam.) Slotted Pipe-Sliding Cover, Gask. 44
Sample Pipe or Well (24-in. Diam.) Slotted Pipe-Sliding Cover, Ungask. 57
Stub Drain (1-in. Diam.) 1.2
Vacuum Breaker (10-in. Diam.) Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. 0.7
Vacuum Breaker (10-in. Diam.) Weighted Mech. Actuation, Ungask. 0.9
Total deck fitting loss factor, kg-mole/year

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Table 13, Chemical Data Information

(TNRCC Table 7e)
Rev. 02-01

I. Chemical Identification (Use a separate form for each chemical not in the Tanks 3.0 database).
1. Chemical Name:
2. CAS Number:
3. Category: Crude Oil [ ] Petroleum Distillates [ ] Organic Liquids [ ]
4. Molecular Weight:
5. Liquid Density at 20°C (kg/m3):

II. Vapor Pressure Information (Fill in one or more options completely.)

Option 1: Enter Vapor Pressure (kg/cm2) for each temperature.

4.44°C: 10°C:
15.56°C: 21.11°C:
26.67°C: 32.22°C:

Option 2: Enter Constants for Antoines's Equation (using °C).


Option 3: Enter Constants for Antoines's Equation (using °K).

A: B:

Option 4: Enter Reid Vapor Pressure (kg/cm2) and ASTM slope. (This option for crude oils and
petroleum distillates only)

Reid Vapor Pressure (kg/cm2) : (Crude Oil, Petroleum Distillates)

ASTM Slope : (Petroleum Distillates only)

Provide Source of Vapor Pressure Data.

If options above are not used, please provide alternate data used and data source.

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Table 14, Flare Systems

(TNRCC Table 8)

Equipment No./EPN: Manufacturer & Model No. (if available)

Waste Gas Stream Min. Value Expected Ave. Value Expected Design Max. Smokeless Design
Component/Material (scm/min) (scm/min) (scm/min) Flow Rate
% of time this
condition occurs
Flow Rate (scm/min) Temp. °C Pressure
Minimum Expected Design Maximum
Waste Gas Stream
Fuel Added to Gas Stream
Number of Pilots Type Fuel Fuel Flow Rate – per pilot

Steam Pressure (kg/cm2) Total Steam Flow Temp. °C Velocity

For Steam Injection (m/sec)
Min. Expected Design Rate (kg/hr)

Number of Steam Diameter of Steam Jets Design basis for steam injected
Jets (cm) (kg steam/kg hydrocarbon)

Flare Height (m): Flare tip inside diameter (m):

*Standard Conditions: 20 °C and 101.325 kPa.

Provide a description of the ignition monitoring system. Supply an assembly drawing, dimensioned and to scale, to show
clearly the operation of the flare system. Show interior dimensions and features of the equipment necessary to calculate its
performance. Also describe the type of ignition system and its method of operation. Provide an explanation of the control
system for steam flow rate and other operating variables.
Rev. 02/01

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Table 15, Cyclone Separators

(TNRCC Table 10)

Equipment Number/EPN:__________________________ Manufacturer & Model No. (if

Name of Abatement Device:_______________________ Type of Particulate
Gas Stream Particulate Grain Loading
Flow Rate (actual m3/min)
Temperature(°C) (grain/std.m3)
Design Maximum Average Expected Inlet Outlet


Micron Range Inlet Outlet

0.0-1.0 % %
1.0-3.0 % %
3.0-5.0 % %
5-10 % %
10-20 % %
over 20 % %
Type of Cyclone (check appropriate boxes):
ð wet ð single ð quadruple
ð dry ð dual ð multiclone

Give Dimensions of Cyclone (See sample sketch): Gas Out

1. B cm 5. Z cm.
2. H cm. 6. D cm. Gas In

3. S cm. 7. A cm.
4. L cm. 8. J cm. A
Method of Removal of Particulate from Cyclone:

Pressure drop through cyclone (mm water): J

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - On separate sheets attach the following:

A. Details regarding principle of operation

B. An assembly drawing (Front and Top View) of the abatement device dimensioned and to scale
clearly showing the design, size and shape. If the device has bypasses, safety valves, etc., include
in drawing and specify when such bypasses are to be used and under what conditions.
Rev. 02/01

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Table 16, Fabric Filters

(TNRCC Table 11)

Manufacturer & Model No. (if available):

Equipment Number/EPN:

Name of Abatement Device: Type of Particulate Controlled:


Flow Rate (actual m /min) 3 Gas Stream Particulate Grain Loading
Temperature (°C) (grain/std. m3)
Design Maximum Average Expected Inlet Outlet

Pressure Drop Water Vapor Content of Effluent

(mm H20) Stream Fan Requirements
(kg water/kg dry air) (kw) (m3/min)
Micron Range Inlet Outlet
0.0-0.5 % %
0.5-1.0 % %
1.0-5.0 % %
5-10 % %
10-20 % %
over 20 % %
Filtering Velocity Bag Diameter Bag Length Number of Bags Number of Compartments
(actual m3/min/m2 of (mm.) (m) in Baghouse

Bag rows will be (check one box): Walkways will be provided between banks of bags (check one box):

Staggered ð Straight ð Yes ð No ð

Filtering Material:
Describe Bag Cleaning Method and Cycle:

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - On separate sheets attach the following:

A. Details regarding principle of operation
B. An assembly drawing (Front and Top View) of the abatement device dimensioned and to scale
clearly showing the design, size and shape.
C. If the device has bypasses, safety valves, etc., include in drawing and specify when such bypasses are
to be used and under what conditions.
Rev. 02/01

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Table 17, Scrubbers Or Wet Washers

(TNRCC Table 13)

Equipment Number/EPN: Manufacturer & Model No. (if available):

Type of Air Contaminant Controlled:

Name of Abatement Device:


Flow Rate (actual m /min) Gas Stream Particulate Grain Loading
Temperature (°C) Inlet (grain/std. m3) Outlet
Design Maximum Average Expected Inlet Outlet


Micron Range Inlet Outlet

0.0-1.0 % %
0.1-3.0 % %
3.0-5.0 % %
5-10 % %
10-20 % %
over 20 % %


Scrubbing Liquid: Liquid Injection Rate (m3/min)
Composition Wt.% Design Maximum Average Expected
3. Pressure at Spray Pressure Drop Through
4. Nozzle kg/cm2 Scrubber mm H2O

Type of Scrubber:

¨ Spray Chamber ¨ Orifice ¨ Venturi

¨ Cyclone ¨ Mechanical ¨ Packed Tower
Data for Venturi Scrubber Data for Packed Towers
Throat Dimensions Throat Velocity Type of Packing Superficial Gas Velocity
(Specify Units) (m/sec) through Bed

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - On separate sheets attach the following:

A. Details regarding principle of operation
B. An assembly drawing (Front and Top View) of the abatement device dimensioned and to scale clearly
showing the design, size and shape.
C. If the device has bypasses, safety valves, etc., include in drawing and specify when such bypasses are to
be used and under what conditions. Rev. 02/01

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Table 18, Absorbers

(TNRCC Table 14)

Manufacturing & Model No. (if available):

Equipment Number/EPN:
Type of Air Contaminant Controlled:
Name of Abatement Device:


Composition: Mole % Flow Rate (actual m3/min)
Inlet Outlet Min. Expected Design Max.

Temperature (°C)
Inlet Outlet

Pressure (kg/cm2)
Inlet Outlet


Composition: Weight % FlowRate (m3/min)
Min. Expected Design Max.

Temperature (°C)
Inlet Outlet

Density (kg/m3)
Type of flow. Tower Dimensions (m)
¨ Countercurrent I.D. Height

¨ Concurrent
¨ Crossflow
Packing & Size: Packed Bed Height (m):


Number of Plates Tray Spacing (cm): Liquid Seal Height (cm):

FURNISH EQULIBRIUM DATA or curve for the system at operating conditions. Also attach information outlining
disposition of contaminant after solvent regeneration.

Rev. 02/01

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Table 19, Adsorbers

(TNRCC Table 15)

Manufacturer & Model No. (if available):

Equipment Number/EPN:

Type of Air Contaminant Controlled:

Name of Abatement Device:


Components Mole% Total Flow Rate (actual m3/min) Gas Stream Temperature (°C)

3. Design Maximum Average Expected Operating Pressure(kg/cm2)

Material to be adsorbed:
(chemical name of adsorbate)
Type of Adsorbent Bed Depth Bed Volume Saturation Capacity of Length of Mass
(manufacturer & grade no.) (m) (m3) Pollutant on Adsorbent Transfer Zone
(supply units) (cm)

Supply equilibrium adsorption isotherm for pollutant over adsorbent at estimate operating temperature.

Residual Change - wt. of adsorbate Adsorption Time Regeneration Time

remaining on adsorbent after regeneration per Bed per Bed Number of Beds
(kg adsorbate/kg adsorbent) (minutes) (minutes)

Describe disposition of contaminant after regeneration (or during desorption step):

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - On separate sheets attach the following:

A. Details regarding principle of operation
B. An assembly drawing (Front and Top View) of the abatement dimensioned and to scale clearly showing the design, size and
shape. If the devices has bypasses, safety valves, etc., include in drawing and specify when such bypasses are to be used and
under what conditions. Rev. 02/01

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Table 20, Simplified Data Sheet For Particulate Dust Collector

(TNRCC Table 16)

(Complete one table for each collector)

1. Equipment No./EPN:

2. Type Device:
cyclone wet

electrostatic precipitator dry

baghouse scrubber

other (specify)

3. Manufacturer & Model or type

4. Manufacturer's guarantees:

PARTICULATE GRAIN LOADING (grain/std. m3) Overall Efficiency Guaranteed:

Inlet dust stream Outlet dust stream

Manufacturer's guaranteed
Particle Size Distribution
Micron Range removal efficiency for each
wt. %
micron range
0.0-0.5 % %
0.5-1.0 % %
1.0-5.0 % %
5-10 % %
10-20 % %
over 20 % %

5. Submit Manufacturer's brochures, data sheets and other specifications in sufficient detail to
demonstrate principals of operation and how equipment was selected and sized. This data must
specify design operating conditions.

Rev. 02/01

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Table 21, In-Line Filter

(TNRCC Table 19)

Equipment Number/EPN: Manufacturer and Model No. (if available):


Particulate Grain Loading
Air Stream Temperature
Flow Rate (actual m3/min) (if available)
grain/std. m3
Design Maximum Average Expected Inlet Outlet


(By Weight)
Micron Range Inlet Outlet

0.0 - 1.0 % %

1.0 - 3.0 % %

3.0 - 5.0 % %

5 - 10 % %

10 - 20 % %

over 20 % %

Screen Area (m2)

(Length [m] Width [m] Degree of Curvature )

Mesh of Screen X

Operation of the Wiping Brushes is (Continuous / Automatic) [Circle the correct response.]

Rev. 02/01

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Table 22, Reciprocating Engines

(TNRCC Table 29)

Equipment Number/EPN: Manufacturer
Gas Compression Serial No.
Electric Generation Orig. Mfr. Date
Refrigeration Rebuild Date(s)
Other (Specify) No. of Cylinders
Compression Ratio
4 Stroke Cycle Carburetted Spark Ignited Dual Fuel
2 Stroke Cycle Fuel Injected Diesel
Naturally Aspirated Blower/Pump Scavenged Turbocharged & I.C.
Turbocharged Intercooled (I.C.) I.C. Water Temperature
Ignition/Injection Timing: Fixed Variable

Mfg. Rating Proposed Operating Range

Speed (rpm)
Field Gas Landfill Gas LP Gas Other
Natural Gas Digester Gas Diesel
Engine Fuel Consumption kcal/kw-hr
Heat Value (specify units) (HHV) (LHV)
Fuel Sulfur Content (granins/100 std. m3)(weight percent)
Nox CO g/kw-hr
g/kw-hr ppmv
Total HC g/kw-hr
ppmv ppmv
VOC (C3+) g/kw-hr
Attach information showing emissions versus engine speed and load.
Method of Emissions Control:
Lean Operation Parameter Adjustment SCR Catalyst
Stratified Charge NSCR Catalyst Other (Specify)

On separate sheets attach the following:
A. A copy of engine manufacturer's site rating or general rating specification for the engine model.
B. Typical fuel analysis, including sulfur content and heating value. For gaseous fuels, provide mole percent of
C. Description of air/fuel ratio control system (manufacturer's information acceptable).
D. Details regarding principle of operation of emissions controls. If add-on equipment is used, provide make and model and
manufacturer's information.
E. Exhaust parameter information on Table 1.
F. Expected noise level (dBA) at full load operation.
Rev. 02/01

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(TNRCC Table 31)

Equipment Number/EPN:______________________________________________


Electric Generation Simple Cycle

Base Load Peaking Regenerative Cycle
Gas Compression Cogeneration
Other (Specify) Combined Cycle

Manufacturer Model represented is based on:

Model No. Preliminary Design Contract Award
Serial No. Other(specify)

Manufacturer's Rated Output at Baseload, ISO (MW)(hp)

Proposed Site Operating Range (MW)(hp)
Manufacturer's Rated Heat Rate at Baseload, ISO (kcal/k W-hr)

Primary Fuels:
Natural Gas Process Offgas Landfill/Digester Gas
Fuel Oil Refinery Gas Other

Backup Fuels:
Not Provided Process Offgas Ethane
Fuel Oil Refinery Gas Other (specify)

Attach fuel anaylses, including maximum sulfur content, heating value (specify LHV or HHV) and mole percent of gaseous constituents.
Attach manufacturer's information showing emissions of NOx, CO, VOC and PM for each proposed fuel at turbine loads and site
ambient temperatures representative of the range of proposed operation. The information must be sufficient to determine maximum
hourly and annual emission rates. Annual emissions may be based on a conservatively low approximation of site annual average
temperature. Provide emissions in pounds per hour and except for PM, parts per million by volume at actual conditions and corrected to
dry, 15% oxygen conditions.

Method of Emission Control:

Lean Premix Combustors Oxidation Catalyst Water Injection Other(specify)
Other Low-NOx Combustor SCR Catalyst Steam Injection


On separate sheets attach the following:

A. Details regarding principle of operation of emission controls. If add-on equipment is used, provide make and model and
manufacturer's information. Example details include: controller input variables and operational algorithms for water or ammonia
injection systems, combustion mode versus turbine load for variable mode combustors, etc.
B. Exhaust parameter information on Table 1.
C. If fired duct burners are used, information required on Table 8.

Rev. 02/01

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