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Name: __________________________________________ Score: _______________________

Strand/Section: ___________________________________ Date: ________________________

Direction: Determine if the bond between atoms in each example below is nonpolar covalent, polar covalent, or ionic.

a. H2 __________________ e. NF ___________________

b. PCl __________________ f. MgO ___________________

c. F2 __________________ g. CH ___________________

d. NaBr __________________ h. HCl ___________________

Direction: Draw Lewis Structures for the following molecules, and identify what type of Bonding each compound.

a. CO2

b. BeCl2

c. H2O

d. BF3

e. CCl4

f. NF3

g. CO

h. O3

i. SO2

j. PF5


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