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CSEC F&N P1-07 | -2- 1. Which of the following dishes is the BEST source of iron? (A) Pickled green bananas ®) — Friedliver with onions (©) Oatmeal porridge ©) Powopie 2, Human beings CANNOT digest (A) lipids B) starches (©) proveins ©) cellulose item 3 refers to the table below which ‘contains sets of food values labelled A, B,C andD. Calories | Water | Protein | Fat % em om a) [is 95 07 O1 ®) | as 15 32 06 © |} 15 85 10 50 © | 1s 80 8s 65 ‘Which set of food values in the table is MOST likely contained in 100 gm of cucumber? Which of the following conditions may be improved by increasing the amount of milk in the meals of the elderly? (A) Pooreyesight (B) Loss of calcium in bones (©) Wrinkling of skin (D) Loss of hair o Extraironis needed in the diet of (A) women, adolescents and. athletes (B) adolescents, senior citizens and sed- entary workers (©) growing children, convalescents and Tanual workers (D) vegetarians, invalids and athletes tem 6 refers to the following menu. Grilled White Fish with Lemon and Parsley Grilled Tomato ‘Sting Beans Creamed Potatoes tenet ‘Natural Yogurt and Fresh Fruit ‘The menu above is MOST suitable for (A) aweightwatcher 8) anathlete © — apregnant mother ®) — ateenager ‘Which of the following foods supplies the MOST carbohydrates? (A) Cunychicken @) — Beefburger (© Yampie ©) — Splitpeapie ‘Which of the following guidelines is NOT appropriate for feeding a toddler? (A) Give second helping if necessary. ) Allow plenty of time for meals, (©) Introduce spicy foods occasionally. ©) Prepare small and attractive portions. 10. 2 33, ae People suffering from hypertension should wid @ ® (©) coconut water, spinach, pumpkin @) ‘bacon, margarine, sausage ‘Which of the following groups of health disorders are classified as deficiency diseases? (A) Bulimia, rickets, sore eyes, jaundi (B) _Pellagra, beri-beri, eczema, arthritis (© Highbloodpressure, scurvy, scabies, colourblindness (D) __Protein-energy imbelance, night- ‘blindness, anaemia, rickets ‘Thirst, frequent urination, hunger and tired- ness are symptoms of (A) diabetes © — mamia (© _highblood pressure (D) — snorexianervosa ‘Anon-stick frying pan is BEST cleaned with soapy water and (A) ___ steel woo! ®) —coconuthusk (©) asofteloth () very fineashes ‘Which of the following groups of foods is MOST suitable for an obese person? (A) _ Fried fish, boiled rice, peanut punch (©). Grilled fish, steamed vegetables, ‘sponge cake (© Lamb stew, creamed breadfruit, chocolate-cake (D)__ Steamed fish, fried potato chips, icecream 14. 15. 16. A disorder in which water accumulates in the tissues ofthe body and causes swelling is (A) anaemia (B) dehydration (C) obesity (D) oedema ‘Which of the following characterizes a strong, durable por? (A) Thick base and sides (B) —_ Agood conductor ofheat (©) Aflatbase {D) Alonghandle A convalescent should be served well-balanced, easily-digested meals. Which of the following menus BEST satisfies this meal-planning guideline for a convalescent? : (A) Fried Fish Peas and Rice Lettuce, Tomato and Carrot Salad Ice cream (B) Stewed Pork Boiled Sweet Potato ‘Buttered Christophene (Cha-Cho) Guava Pie (© Grilled Steak ‘Creamed Yar ‘Shredded Lettuce and Cabbage Salad ‘Mango Fool (D) Steamed Fish Boiled Eddoes Buttered Pumpkin and Squash ‘Fresh FruitSalad 17. 18, 19, 20. ‘Which of the following are features of well- designed utensils? 1. Safetouse UL Easy toregulate UL Serves many purposes IV. Easyto clean (@)— Tandionly ®) 1, Wandilonly (©) 1, WandtV only ©) E,MandtV only Which of the following features of a stove or cooker would be MOST useful fora busy, ‘working mother? 1. Self-cleaning oven TH. Rotisserie UL Built-in griddle TV. Automatic tinter ” (A) Land ttl only (8) Tand TV only © — Manam only {D) Mand 1Vonly The MOST suitable material for packaging chicken to be frozen is (A) fil (8) __brownpaper (©) plastic (D) wax paper ‘Which of the following substances isNOT a food preservative? (A) Vineger ®) Sak (©) Sugar (D) Starch 22. 24. 25, What is the MOST likely cause of gastroenteritis? (A) Harmful bacteria in the environment {B) Consumption of too many starchy foods (©) Energy-protein malnutition ©) — Mosquito bites ‘Which of the following conditions is NOT caused by contamination of food? (A) Dysentery ©) Diarrhoea (© Constipation ©) pod Food contamination occurs when micro-organisms (A) destroy enzymes quickly ®) — muhiply rapidly (©) transfer faeces to food (D) develop unsavoury smells John ate pork that was NOT properly cooked. He began to vomit and complained of stomach ache. His symptoms were MOST likely caused by (A) yeast (B) salmonella (© clostridium botulinum @) clostridium perfringens ‘What is the MOST suitable product for frying doughnuts? (A) Margarine ®) Butter ( — Comoit (D) Ground nutoil 26, 21. 28, 29, ‘The MAIN reason for preserving food is to (A) avoid waste {B) improve its appearance (©) developits favour (©) retainits nutrients “Which of the following vitamins is MOST: LIKELY to be destroyed during storage of vegetables? (A A ®) 2B “Qc: @ > Freezing is a preservation method which (A) kelspathogenic organisms ®) destroys spoilage organisms {©) accelerates enzyme’ activity (@D) ~~ retards microbial growth Mary makes a bottle of applic jam. She notices thet it is poorly set. Which of the {following factors may have contributes to the consistency of the jar? Lime was adéed. Insufficient sugar was added. ‘The fruits were damaged. ‘The fruits contained insufficient pectin. SRar (A) Land only (B) Wend Wonly (©) Bland iV only (D) U, Mand iV only 30. 31. 32. 33. Tn jam-making, frait should be simmered gently before adding to sugar in order to {A) soften it and release the pectin (B) _ givethejamasticky quality (OC) increase the shelf life of the jam (D) sweeten and thicken the fruit Which of the following qualities are irmpor- tant in a joint of beef that is to be roasted orbaked? 1. Small proportion of fat and bone 1 Fresh smell and moist appearance HL —_Brightred lean withsomemarbling, TV. Firm, white fat (A) Tapdilonly (®) Wand Ml only (© LManaitionly @) 1,0, MandIv Fresh fish may be considered wholesome if ithas (A) palewhite gills (B)__softflesh (©) _ bright, raised eyes (D) — nammonia-likesmell “Which of the following breakfast menus is written in the CORRECT order? (A) Hot chocolate, buttered bread, ‘orange juice, fried egg (B) Orange juice, buttered bread, fried egg, hot chocolate (©) Battered bread, orange juice, bot chocolate, fried ©88 (D) Orange juice, fried egg, buttered ‘bread, hot chocolate GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 34, 35. 37. 38. -6- Convenience foods are often used in ‘heal planning MAINLY because they (A) areinexpensive ®) ~ havealong shelf-lite (©) areeasy to prepare (D) — arenutritious Which group of nutrients is supplied by a bread and butter pudding? (A) Calcium, carbohydrate, fat (B) Protein, iodine, fat © ‘Vitamin E, potassium, iodine (D) _VitaminB.,, vitamin C, potassium Hors d'oeuvres consist of a variety of colourful, well-seasoned foods served as (A) appetizers B) accompaniments © desserts ©) — maindishes Which protein gives flour mixtures the ability tostretch and hold their shape? A) Gelatin ®) Ghten © © Legumin ©) Elastin The process of adding dry heat to sugar until it becomes a dark brown liquid is known as (A) carametization (B) _gelatinization (©) cqysullization @) — dextrinization 39, * 49. a2. The level of sugar in the blood is partly controlled by (A) bile ®) saliva © pepsin ©) insulin ‘The MOST suitable temperature for yeast growth is A 2°C Ger) ® 30°C (6F) © SIC (140"F) ©) Be°C(176%) Which of the following guidelines should be followed when planning akitchen lay-out? 1. The washing machine should be near the sink. i, The cupboards should be within easy reach. II]. ‘The work surfaces should be at least (3 ft) high. IV. The cooker should be placed under the window. A) Tand only ®) Danditionty © Mand IVonly ©) 1,Mland IV only ‘The trivet, safety valve and gasket are parts ofa A reftigerator ®) —gascooker (©) pressurecooker ©) electrickettle 48. Item 43 refers to the following layout of kitchen. The layout of the kitchen in the diagram may BEST be desctibed as (A) open (B) u-shaped © galley ©) parallel ‘Which of the following meals can be prepared using the LEAST amount of fuel? (A) Stewed chicken, baked potatoes, tossed salad, steamed custard (B) Grilled fish, baked potatoes, tossed salad, steamed pudding (© __ Fried fish, buttered green bananas, coleslaw, fruitsalad (D) Roast chicken, rice and peas, colestaw, sweet potato pudding, The MOST suitable meal for a strict vegetarian isa (A) fish burger and baked potato (B) _soya-beef burger and potato balls (©) soyaburgerand french fries (©) chicken burger and potato chips 46. 41. 43. Which of the following consumer practices are recommended? Useashopping lst. TL Read labels and check weight in relationto price. {1 Compare prices in various shops. TV. Always purchese special offers. a} 1,11, and IH only ®) {Mand iVonly Oo 1, Wand IV only ©) WMandivonly When fish is cooked which of its componentsis changed to gelatin? (A) Collagen (B) _Tendons (C) Elastin (D) ‘Fibres Which of the following methods are used to introduce air into a mixture during cake- making? 1 Sieving I, Creaming Hi Whisking Iv. Rubbing-in (A) land!lonly ®) Mand only (© Mand iV only ©) LU WandIv 4a, sy tem 49 refers to the following diagram. ‘The cover in the diagram above is set fora meal consisting of (A) nuit, fish course and dessert ®) ‘Soup, meat course and dessert © fruit cocktail, meat course and dessert (©) soup, meat course and fish course ‘Which ofthe following combinations of foods Provides the BEST variety of texture and colour? (A) Grated carrots, sliced beets, shredded cabbage and cucumber ©) Sliced beet, squash, string beans and sweet peppers (©) Abed of lettuce, sliced cucumber, ‘cauliflower and chopped celery (©) Lettuce and bean salad with french dressing ‘Yeast grows MOST rapidly on foods that are (A) fresh ®) fatty (©) sugary ©) spicy 52, 54. 55. 56-7 Protein may be added to a dish of ereei spinach by gamishing it with (A) sliced tomato and parsley (8) slicedred pepper (©) choppedcelery @) ground peanuts and diced tomato Leaching of vitamins is MOST likely to oceurin (A) roasting (8) stewing (© beking () gillng Which of the following processes occur uring the making of white sauce? 1A thick paste is formed Hl, Starch, fat and milk are heated together. IL. The starch grains absorb the liquid. IV, The starch grains swell and gelatinize. (A) only ®) Mand Monty (©) 1, ilandtV only ©) LU, Mandiv ‘When a boiled egg-custard eurdles, the pro- tein moleculeshave been (A) denatured ®) bonded (©) coiled D) — dextrinised Which of the foliowing foods is NOT a cereal? {A) Sago @) Rice (©) Wheat (D) Barley 58. ‘Which ofthe following factors ere important ‘toa caterer when planning for a large wedding. ‘eception? L Prices of food items TL Numberoffemale guests I, —_Amountofmoney eveileble TV, Cutlery androckery required @ Tend I only 59. ®) Wendi only (© =‘, Mand!Vonly ©) ~— 1, Mand IVonly Before freezing, vegetables should first be (A) catified B) sautéed 60. (© sterilized (D) blanched Item 59 refers to the following listof dishes. 1. Roastbeef ~ Hi. Boiledrice Tl. - Candied sweet potato IV. Tossed vegetable salad 'V. Home-made ice cream In the above list of dishes there is likely to be an excessive amount of (A) protein (B) carbohydrates ©) fat ©) fibre Bread rolls, croutons, grated cheese and parsley are accompaniments for (A) meats B) soups (C) sauces © fish IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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