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Questions to reflect on what I know and want to know

1. Why do we need sustainable architecture?

2. Which are the kinds of sustainable architecture?
3. Is the sustainable architecture cheap?
4. What is sustainable architecture?
5. What ways are there for everyone to apply sustainable architecture?
Main question:
What ways are there for everyone to apply sustainable architecture in Mexico?
Purpose of my project
The purpose of my investigation is to know what ways people know to be able to
comply with sustainable architecture, as well as why we need it.
In the end, give magazines to people about this very important topic.

Information sources:

Activities to comply the purpose of my project

• make a group with my classmates to be more efficient

• research the topic and collect information
• make a survey to the different people in Mexico to know what ways they know
• make magazines about the subject and give them to people of different areas
in Mexico
• Provide knowledge to people in Mexico about sustainable architecture and
why it’s important.
• Make magazines for people

Investigation report:
As result of the investigation we have that the sustainable architecture has one
objective: to reduce the impact of buildings on the environment that surrounds them,
so that their inhabitants can enjoy a high quality of life.
Additionally, it search to preserve the flora and fauna of the natural environment as
much as possible. Because they are vital for the good functioning of ecosystems.
It should be noted that the expression "sustainable architecture" derives from the
term "sustainable development". Which shows that they have a common objective:
to ensure that man's action is not so negative to the environment.

To find out what kinds of ways the people know for comply with the sustainable
architecture in Mexico, I did a survey of some people in Mexico in different areas
(They were 20 people):

Question of the survey:

1. What ways do you know to be able to comply with sustainable architecture?

Ways to be able to comply with the

sustainable architecture
solar panels

9% green roofs
sustainable building materials

buildings with more windows
or gates for more light, to use
less electricity
As results we have:
Most people only know about solar panels as a way to comply with sustainable
architecture, and few knowing more ways, so it is of the more importance that
people know more alternatives so that they can apply them in their homes,
considering their budget.

Magazine that has been given to people to learn about the topic:


This is the magazine that has been given to people so that they can learn about
other ways to comply with sustainable architecture, and it was given to different
people from different areas of Mexico City, the which they were accept.

Reflection about the subject

It is important to know the causes that originated the use of sustainable architecture,
(in this case to be able to take care of the environment and natural resources), but it
is important that the people of Mexico also know the different ways that exist, in order
to achieve a change all together.
List of activities:
• Make talks about the subject, for that we all have knowledge.
• Make posters with the topic of sustainable architecture.
• Distribute magazines of this topic to people of Mexico.
• Make surveys about the topic

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