Brains & Brawn 2.0

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Welcome! So it’s players versus the TT?

You hold in your hand/viewing on your screen the Gosh, no. Everyone is a player. The TT makes the
primary rules for BRAINS & BRAWN - a simple, but story, but they aren’t the enemy. If your characters are
complete Table Top Role Playing Game (TTRPG)! getting killed by a dragon, your characters are not
If you’ve played a TTRPG before & want to skip this being killed by the TT. They are getting killed by
page, feel free to flip over to the next 2 pages to see the dragon. That’s the story. We’re all in this together.
basic rules, though I will admit I’ll be sad to see you go The best way to ‘WIN’ a Role Playing Game is to
off on your own quite so quickly. make sure that everyone has fun, whether you‘re a TT
or a player. That’s the goal.
Wait... What is Role Playing?
Okay, have you ever watched a movie & found So, the TT tells a tale & I say what my
yourself screaming that the main character is doing character does or says. When the TT
something stupid? Ever pretend you’re a race car asks me to roll I do & find out if I
driver while pushing a shopping cart? Ever watch a
football game & get angry because you would have succeed or not. Together we weave a
called a completely different play? fun tale where we attempt to win the
Congratulations - you’ve roleplayed! You’ve placed day & just have lots of fun.
yourself into the role of another person or character. Um, yeah, actually. That’s exactly it.
With TTRPGs you do the same thing, but, in this
case, you actually get to change the story because it’s
being written by you & your friends. So, how do we get started?
We make up a character & the TT starts the
tale. Turn
Hold up. Friends? the page &
Yup. You do need friends, acquaintances, strangers let’s get
who have similar interests, or even just those 3 people going!
you’ve got tied up in the basement (Fighter Guy
Studios doesn’t condone tying unwilling people up, but
use what you’ve got).

Okay, I’ve got... Participants..

What else do I need?
You’ll need paper, pencil & 10 sided dice.

Dice come in more than

just 6 sides?
They sure do! Lots of sizes! What we need here are
10-sided. If you don’t already have them, you can find
them at any game store. You’ll want at least 3 or 4 of
them. Can’t get to the store? Don’t worry. Type ‘roll
3d10’ into The Google, & it’ll do it for you. Neat!
When we talk about dice, the easiest way of writing
it is to say how many & what type by writing 1d10.
This means one 10 sided die. What do you think 2d10
means? Yup, 2 10-sided dice. Good job.

Got Math Rocks & players. Next?

There are 2 basic roles for the game. The first are
Characters. The second is the Tale Teller (TT). The
TT is the player who is telling the story. They make
up the scenarios, describe what is happening & then
call for the tests & dice rolls when necessary.

Inspired by LASERS & FEELINGS by John Harper & One Seven Design Studios Please visit them at
Brains & Brawn Adapted by Fighter Guy Studios
You Are What you Eat.. Not really Rolling the Dice
Who is your character & what do they do? This is Whenever you do something that has a chance of
all dependent on the game you’re playing, so work with failure roll 1d10. +1d10 if you have a BOON for it &
your TT to make sure it’s appropriate. +1d10 if you’re prepared, for a maximum of 3d10.
The game is a 007-style spy mission, so Ralph gives it
some thought. His character grew up in an orphanage & BRAINS - Roll equal to or OVER your NUMBER
joined the military at 18. He was trained as a sniper & BRAWN - Roll equal or UNDER your NUMBER.
then became a spy at the end of the war.
The number of successes will tell you how you did:
Pick a Number. (Almost) any Number. Yeah, you dun goofed. How bad is it? We’ll see,
Choose your NUMBER between 3 & 8. Higher 0 but I’ll tell you what - it’s about to get worse.
means you’re better with your BRAWN, the physical
attributes such as your strength or speed. Lower
Okay, you’ve got it.. it wasn’t pretty & now it’s a
means you’re better with your BRAINS, which is 1 little more complicated, but you got the job done.
intelligence, puzzle solving or social stuff.
The character isn’t dumb, but he’s not a genius
Good job. You succeeded. What, you want a
either. Ralph gives him a 6, making him a bit more 2 medal or something? Keep up the good work.
athletic than smart. Ralph notes that he is more lean &
fast versus being overly muscular for roleplaying
You did really great! No issues & you’re in even
purposes. 3 better shape. Maybe you do get a medal!

What’s in a Name The target is small, even with the scope. Agent Peace
Give your character a name. Make it cool, like squeezes the trigger slowly until he feels the whump of
Peregrine the Mighty, Super-dude, Penelope, or the gun against his shoulder. Ralph rolls a BRAWN test
whatever is thematically relevant for your game. with 1d10 +1d10 for his BOON in long-distance
Ralph decides that an ironic name would be best. shooting +1d10 because he took the time to prepare the
How about an ex-sniper war vet named Peace? For a shot. He rolls a 1, 3 & 8 on the three dice. Because it’s a
first name, Ralph goes with his favorite uncle’s first BRAWN test, he wants to roll below the NUMBER. 2
name, Warren. Successes! The security camera explodes.
As he is escaping in his Aston Martin, Agent Peace
realizes he’s being followed. He attempts to loose the
Boons & Banes chasing car with a series of evasive maneuvers.
What is your character good at? Choose 3 skills, Because Agent Peace isn’t skilled in evasive driving &
BOONS, that your character has. You also want to this is a spur of the moment thing, Ralph only rolls 1d10
think of weaknesses, BANES, which will make your for his BRAINS test. The 5 is above his NUMBER, so no
character feel more real. You can have as many successes. Agent Peace realizes that he can’t loose his
BANES as you want, but the first two are special tail, & even worse, he has drawn the attention of the
because they each will allow you to take one more police as well.
BOON, so you can have up to 5 BOONS! Note: The TT could have called for a BRAWN test
As a sniper, Agent Peace was well trained in while Agent Peace was driving, as it’s a physical
long-distance shooting & stealth, so Ralph chooses activity, but they picked BRAINS because the agent
those skills. He also decides that Agent Peace had some was trying to trick the enemy. In the end, as long as
hand-to-hand combat training, so he chooses Krav the TT can explain why it’s one way or the other, we’re
Maga (because it’s cool). Ralph gives Agent Peace a all just doing the best we can!
BANE, which is a weakness for the ladies, so he gets a
fourth BOON. Ralph picks Perception because Agent
Peace always pays attention to the world around him. You are ON A ROLL!
If at least 1 die lands exactly on your NUMBER in
a test, not only is it a success, but it means you’re ON
Equipment A ROLL. You get one additional d10 that you can use
You have the appropriate clothes & basic on any upcoming test. You can only have one extra
equipment that you need to have. Check with the TT to d10 at any one time, so use it! You can choose to roll
make sure it’s all correct. your extra d10 AFTER you attempt a success.
Agent Peace carries a Walther PPK, naturally, at all Agent Peace has been captured & is being
times. He also has his sniper rifle that fits inside a interrogated. Ralph wants to lie to throw them off the
briefcase. His tux is made out of a special material that trail. The TT asks for a BRAINS test & Ralph rolls his
never stains & his cuff-links are small explosives that one die & scores a 6! Not only has he succeeded, but he
he can use to blow out a door lock or a tire. Ralph’s TT also has an extra d10 that he can use on a future test.
also suggests an earpiece communicator to speak with When his interrogators leave, Ralph asks if Agent Peace
the person-in-the-chair & a watch with a tiny laser can try to snap the zip-die cuffs holding him on his
inside that can cut through glass windows or even steel chair. Ralph rolls a d10, but gets an 8. Ralph decides to
bars if needed. use his ON A ROLL die & rolls a second d10 & gets a 5!
It’s that quick - Secret Agent Warren Peace is done! The cuffs snap! Things are looking up!
A Helping Hand Multi-tasking:
Sometimes your character will be in a position to Messing up multiple things at once.
help another character with a test. With the TT’s In combat, a character may do 2 things. What
agreement, roll one additional d10 at the same time as things? Move, attack, swing from a chandelier, operate
the other character is rolling theirs. Use your own a device. Want to move twice? Sure. 2 attacks? No
BRAWN or BRAIN, whatever the other character is problem. Curl into a ball & hope for rescue... I guess?
rolling for, to see if you got a success to help them.
Agent Friendly is attempting to gain control of the
enemy’s computer system & Agent Peace decided to
Move it, Move it, Move it
Movement is situational. In a crowded bar, a full
help. Agent Friendly rolls her d10’s for her BRAIN test,
movement might be 5 feet. In an open field, at a sprint,
but rolls a 1 & 4 for zero successes. Luckily, Ralph rolls
it might be 50 feet. While the TT has the final say, both
a 7 & with 1 success the two are able to take control of
the player & TT can decide together what a reasonable
the computer, but their fumbling has alerted an enemy
movement distance for each the situation.
hacker of their intrusion.
Agent Peace was on the edge of the field where the
enemy was readying the surface to air missile. He had
Ties to reach them quickly before they could bring down the
Heroes always get the benefit of the doubt, so, passenger jet! Ralph’s TT decided that the enemy was 2
unless otherwise instructed, players always win ties. movements away. That meant Agent Peace could
charge forward 2 movements & hope that the enemy
couldn’t fire before his next turn, or he could bring up
Contested Tests his pistol & fire twice, hoping to take down the targets
Anytime two characters are participating in this turn.
something that the other has direct control over like
wrestling, dogfighting, & chess, for example, the tests
are considered Contested. Contests have both the Bringing the Pain
opponents make their tests using whatever dice are Weapons & attacks do 1 point of damage PER
called for. The two contestants will then compare the success on the attack.
number of successes. If the number of successes are
equal, it means there is a stalemate. A narrow victory Physical Damage Points
means that the initiating character just succeeds & a You have a number of Physical Damage points (PD)
larger success may give them a better advantage, but equal to your NUMBER. If you reach 0, you’re injured.
while a narrow loss may mean they just couldn’t do Being injured sucks- all your BRAWN tests are taken
what they wanted, a larger loss might see the with 1 less d10 (you always get a minimum of 1d10).
character’s maneuver flipped to work against them. At the beginning of each character’s turn, while
Agent Peace is in trouble. His opponent stares across injured, one of your 2 things per turn can be to make
the table & grins. They both lift the shot glass & gulp a BRAWN test with 1 die. On a success you get back 1
down the burning liquid at the same time. The bar goes PD. Rolling exactly on your NUMBER gives you 2 PD. If
quiet. A BRAWN contest is called & both Agent Peace & you drop below 0 PD, you fall unconscious.
his opponent roll their dice. Agent Peace rolls one die, Dying sucks. But it happens. Each round without
but his opponent has a BOON for being a heavy drinker medical aid while unconscious, roll a 2d10 BRAWN
& rolls 2. Peace rolls a 2! His opponent rolls a 4 & a 6 test. Two failures means your character dies while 1 or
for two successes. Because his opponent has 1 more 2 successes means the character remains
success than Agent Peace, he narrowly wins this round. unconscious. Attempted medical treatment, regardless
If he had gotten 2 more successes than Agent Peace, it of successes, halts the need to roll for death.
might have meant that Agent Peace had passed out. As
it is, Agent Peace feels the effects of the alcohol rushing
to his head as his vision swirls around him.
It’s Time to Wake up Now
Another character may attempt to wake an
unconscious character by making a BRAINS check. If
Who Goes First they have the appropriate medical equipment, add
How do you know who acts first in combat? The 1d10, & medical training, add another d10. The
order each character goes is called Initiative, which is unconscious character will gain 1 PD for each success.
rolled to randomly determine the order. Without medical aid, the character wakes up as
Every player rolls 1d10 & adds their NUMBER. The injured with 0 PD in 1d10 hours.
highest roll goes first, followed by the next highest &
so on. The TT will roll for any Non-Player Characters Rest & Recovery
(NPCs) by rolling only 1d10 & adding their NUMBERS. Okay, so against all odds, you’ve survived the
Ties with NPC’s, as always, go to players. If two battle... How do you recover? For each recovery period,
players tie, they can decide each round who goes first the character makes a BRAWN test with 1d10. A
& who goes next. success means they recover one PD. If they roll their
Players may always choose to go on a lower NUMBER they recover 2PD. In realistic campaigns the
initiative, but they will always go after anyone else recovery period is 1 day. Heroic campaigns have a
with the same initiative & must maintain that initiative recovery period of 1 hour.
order for the duration of the combat.
An NP-what? Character
Non-Player Characters (NPCs) are any character in
the game run by the TT: the quest-giver, the shop
keeper, evil minions, & even the Big Bad Evil Guy
(BBEG). Most of these characters don’t need stats, but
if the nice old guy asks you to find his grandchild, you BRAINS BRAWN
might negotiate the price he’s willing to pay to save his Roll Equal to or Roll Equal to or
grandkid (you monster!). In circumstances like that, Over NUMBER NUMBER Under NUMBER
the TT can just pick a number to roll against. The
average person has a NUMBER of 5 or 6.
But what about that super-savy shopkeeper who
you’re attempting to bluff into giving you a good deal? BOON 2 * BANE 2

He’s been doing this a long time, so he probably has

BOONS in both Negotiation & Appraisal. BOON 3 ** BANE 3

The TT can also assign different Numbers for

BRAINS & BRAWN. The Super Strong BBEG is super BOON 4 * ** BANE 4
strong, but he’s not stupid. This allows the TT to
better balance their adventures.
BOON 5 *
A TT can also adjust the PD of NPCs. That street * This BANE will give an extra BOON. Yay!
** No BOONS, but this is more fun. If you dare...
thug might be able to throw a good punch, but there is
no reason to have a prolonged fight with a minor
character. The thug has a NUMBER 7, but with only 3 Equipment
PD, the fight won’t drag on for too long.
Below are some examples of how you can create
simple NPCs. These are only examples:

Average Person Savy Shopkeep

PD 2 PD 2

Thug Patrol Officer

PD 3 PD 3
Fisticuffs Teamwork
Clubs Pistols Notes:

Ninja Foot Soldier Ninja- Master

PD 4 PD 5
Ninjato Kusarigama
Throwing star Stealth
Stealth Poison
+1PD on a hit
4 5

BBEG - Brainy BBEG - Brawny Physical



PD 6 PD: 8 Damage ON A ROLL
If at least 1 die lands exactly on

your NUMBER in a test, it is a

Perception Fisticuffs Mark out any number
success & you get one extra die to
use on a future test. You can only
Invention Wrestling greater than your NUMBER.
This is your PD 8 have one extra die at any one time.

BANES: BANES: 1 I n j u re d

Tends to Monologue Overconfident

0 How many Dice?
Stun Ray: Armor: -1 Unconscious
1 - Always
Reduces Player’s 1 PD less per hit 1 - Boon?
actions to one on Spiked Knuckles: 1 - Prepared?
next turn +1PD on a hit

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