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Unit 5: On a business trip

Online session 3

Unit 5: On a business trip

Session 3 communicative objective

• By the end of this session, you will be able to role-play a

short conversation at a restaurant.

What is happening?
• Describe these pictures. Talk abo•ut what the people in the photos are doing.
I see…
• There is…
• There are…
• (Person) is (action – verb-ing).
1 • (People) are (action – verb-ing).

Warm up 3-5 minutes whole class 3

Coffee, please.
Look at the picture. Imagine a conversation between the waitress and the customer.
Pre Complete the expressions in the language bank.
production 1 Language bank
1. Hello. How are today?
2. How you doing?
3. Fine, .
4. Fine, .
5. Here's the .
6. you like to drink first?
7. We are black coffee and tea.
6 minutes
8. A of coffee, .
whole class 9. you like to eat?
10. Yes, .
11. No, .

Coffee, please.
• Check your answers.
Pre • Read the expressions aloud.
production 1 Language bank
1. Hello. How are you today?
2. How are you doing?
3. Fine, thank you.
4. Fine, thanks.
5. Here's the menu.
6. Would you like something to drink first?
7. We are selling black coffee and tea.
6 minutes
8. A cup of coffee, please.
whole class 9. Would you like something to eat?
10. Yes, please.
11. No, thanks.
Coffee, please. StudentA
• Work in pairs. • You are a server at Café World.
• Read your role cards. • A business person is waiting for a
• Role-play a conversation. partner.
• You offer her/him something to drink.

Student B Language bank

• You are a business person. You are o Hello. Welcome.
waiting for a partner. o How are you today?
• You want to ask for something to o Here's the menu.
drink. o Would you like something to drink first?
o Would you like something to eat?
Language bank o We’re selling .
o Fine, thanks. o Anything else?
o Here's the menu.
o A cup of , please.
o I would like , please.
o No, thanks.
o Yes, please.
pairs 10 minutes

Production 1 pairwork 6
Let’s talk.

Look at this picture. Imagine a conversation between the two people in the photo.

Start a conversation.
1. How are you?
2. Where are you at the moment / now?
3. What are you doing at the moment / now?
4. What are your parents, siblings/relatives doing now?
5. Are they all at home?
6. What are your friends doing now?
7. What are you doing these days?
8. What are your relatives doing these days?
9. What are you doing tonight?
10. What are you doing on the weekend?
11. What are you doing on Sunday?
End your conversation.
Say goodbye.

Pre production 2 6 minutes whole class

Let’s talk.
• Work in groups.
• Role-play a conversation between the people in the photo.

Start a conversation.
1. How are you?
2. Where are you at the moment / now?
3. What are you doing at the moment / now?
4. What are your parents, siblings/relatives doing now?
5. Are they all at home?
6. What are your friends doing now?
7. What are you doing these days?
8. What are your relatives doing these days?
9. What are you doing tonight?
10. What are you doing on the weekend?
11. What are you doing on Sunday?
End your conversation.
Say goodbye.

Production 2 15 minutes groups 8

Let’s talk.

Feedback Present an extract from your role-play here.

6 minutes

whole class

Now I can…
√role-play a short conversation at a

Preparation for
next class

Study Unit 6.
Do Grammar Practice component exercises.
Work on the Enrichment Practice component.

Study the Use of English file.

Check out the Practice Resources folder.

🞄English Discoveries Student platform


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