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(Correlational Research, Causal Comparative and Experimental Research)

Put a checklist (√) in the provided column (Yes) to identify that you have completed every component of
your own group research plan of quantitative research in ELT. Then, write difficulties or obstacles found in
writing or completing each component of research plan.

Name of Group members:

1. Anita Kurniasih
2. Annisa
3. Annisa Nurullita
4. Bunga Berliansyah
5. Dwi Okta Febyola
6. Ira Maysharoh

Yes Obstacles founds in writing each


TITLE: The Effect of Pronunciation Ability Using Kamusku

App on Students’ Achievement The Effect of Pronunciation
Ability Using Kamusku App on Students’ Achievement


1 Background of the
problem (3-6
a Description of Describe importance of topic to be The difficulty we have is in
context or studied; why do you want to determining the suitable topic

phenomena how conduct a research for the selected for research so that research can
researcher got the topic be researched properly.
research problem Describecontext or phenomena This phenomenon occurs
and became resulted from your preliminary because we see that there are
interested in observation which motivated you to still many students who find it
conducting the choose the problem to be searched. difficult to pronounce English
study properly and correctly, so we
research by using an application
 whether using this application
can improve student skills in
pronunciation and can also
compare the abilities of students
who use the application with
those who do not. use the
b Description of Describe the some aspects selected Difficulty finding relevant
theoretical in your map of related literature to sources.

background of the show your research position
research and amongst relevant previous research
research gap State clearly research gap

c Statement of the State clearly what you are going to
problem find through conducting the 
d Research Specify the aim/purpose of your

aim/purpose research
Yes Obstacles founds in writing each
1 Relevant Theories

a Relevant Theories of Describe each title and subtitle of

Dependent Variable related theories of dependent
variable comprehensively
Table of related theories used to
define key terms used in the
Table of related theories used to
construct instrument
b Theories of Describe each title and subtitle of
Independent related theories of independent
Variable variable comprehensively
Table of related theories used to
define key terms used in the
Table of related theories used to
construct instrument
c Theory to be tested Elaborate clearly theory to be tested
in your research
2 Relevant Studies Describe summary of relevant Difficulty in determining
studies from journal articles  important points and all
important points in the article so
that it is difficult to make a
Describe summary of relevant Difficulty in determining
studies from article conference  important points and all
proceedings important points in the
conference proceedings so that it
is difficult to make a summary.
Describe summary of relevant Do not understand in making
studies from research reports, such  theses/dissertation.
as theses/ dissertation
3 Conceptual Describing by using diagram how Difficulty in making diagrams,
Framework research phenomena relate to where is the location for each
research variables/concept and  concept of the course of the
theories to obtain the result of the research, such as, it should be
research as the answers of research one group first but I am
problem confused and make the
technique first.
4 Hypotheses

a Alternative State clearly hypotheses based on Difficulty in adapting to the

hypotheses the theory to be tested theory.
b Null hypotheses State clearly negation of the Difficulty in adapting to the
hypotheses based on the theory to  theory.
be tested

1 Research type and Describe the sort of the research  The difficulties we don’t know
design and design properly. the type exactly of causal
Yes Obstacles founds in writing each
Provide diagram or figure of We’re not sure what the exact
research design used in your  diagrams looks like.
research design
Write arguments why this type of We use a questionnaire but we
research design is suitable and still doubt that the type is the

applicable to answer to research best use or not.
question or to test hypotheses
2 Population and
a Population State clearly name and numbers of The difficulties is looking for
whom or what you are going to  students who learned
conductthe study. pronunciation in what semester.
b Sampling State clearly the technique you used The difficult to looking for the
to select the participants of your  right sampling for this research
study. design.
State clearly your arguments of We were still doubt to use this

using the technique sampling at the beginning.
State briefly step-by-step Still doubt what the right steps

procedures of selecting the sample in the cluster will look like.
State clearly number of samples We had to ensure that only class
A used the Kamusku App in the
 second semester pronunciation
subject to improve their
3 Data and
a Dependent Describe the data of dependent We don’t really understand what
Variable variable  it means to explain the data for
the dependent variable.
Describe the name of instrument We use a questionnare, but we
used to collect the data of  still doubt which instrument is
dependent variable best used in this study.
Describe reasons why you choose The reasons is not too strong
the instrument because from the beginning a

ittle doubt about the chosen
b Independent Describe the data of independent We don’t really understand what
Variable variable  it means to explain the data for
the independent variable.
Describe the name of instrument We use a questionnare, but we
used to collect the data of  still doubt which instrument is
independent variable best used in this study.
Describe reasons why you choose The reasons is not too strong
the instrument because from the beginning a

ittle doubt about the chosen
4 Research Procedures Describe clearly and operationally
step-by-step procedures used to test
hypotheses or answer research
5 Technique of Data
1 Descriptive Describe steps of data analysis by
Statistics using descriptive statistics
Yes Obstacles founds in writing each
Describe formula used in
2 Requirements Describe steps in analyzing data
Analysis of normality
Inferential Describe formula of Normality
(Normality, Describe steps in analyzing data
Homogenity and homogeneity
Linearity) Describe formula of Homogenity

Describe steps in analyzing data

Describe formula of Linearity

3 Inferential Describe steps of data analysis by

Statistics using inferential statistics
Describe formula used in inferential
4 Interpretation Describe step-by-step procedures
how to interpret the result of
calculation (r-product moment or t-

1 Journal articles Use and cite at least 10 related

research-based articles
2 Conference Use and cite at least 5related
proceeding conference proceeding articles
3 Research report Use and cite at least 5 graduates’
(theses) and masters’ theses
4 Reference Books Use and cite at least 5 related
reference book
5 APA system Write references with APA style

6 Citation Make sure all citations are included

in the references
7 Up to date Using > 75% up to date references

1 Grid of Enclose grid of instrument used to

questionnaire or collect the data of dependent
test variable
Enclose grid of instrument used to
collect the data of independent
2 Instruments Enclose instrument used to collect
the data of dependent variable
Enclose instrument used to collect
the data of independent variable

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