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The proper name for these nuts is Sennhutten or

the Christian kings of Leon and Castile, but they gave the

ALLIANCE, in international law, a league between independent

elsewhere, too--are not ``free compositions'' of our author,

so, the action upon the human system would be infinitely

island. It appears to have belonged to the Eretrian league;

play in a fashion that should mightily augment the home-grown

they are less persistent and tend to occur locally, but

and other antiquities and curiosities. The poet Jacques

&c. (New York, 1866-); Johnston's "Campaign of 1776 around

Africa. These provinces were Zeugitana (the former

even beyond the letter, for a general massacre was the

process it is obtained in the form of a dilute aqueous

(368), and it was necessary to send Epaminondas with a large

1717. His internal policy was exceedingly vigorous. The

assigning (according to different calculations) from sixteen

that year were excavated dome-tombs, most already rifled but

assistant, with the director of naval contracts who, under

early in the morning, dressing very lightly, and living a

that eccentricity, that provincial spirit, that coarseness

only, but are capable of enduring and flourishing under

important varieties, asbestos and jade, are treated under their own

3,500,000 acres under culture), cattle-breeding, bee-keeping,

leopard (Eth. and Ind.). The tiger exists in Afghan Turkestan.

obliged the university to give up this scheme, and was probably


Physiography oj. the River Nelc and its Basin (Cairo, 1906),
Hauy, in allusion to the weak (analkis) electrification

and antiquarian, was the third son of Alexander Abercromby

3,981,989 acres or very little short of four million acres.

the cells of the axis and larger branches, after which the

``French possessions in the north of Africa,'' at the head

Sometimes he kissed the feet or knees of the images of the gods

Reynolds, the principal of Cheshunt. In 1877 he became sole

the XXIInd dynasty favoured Thebes: but as the sovereignty

debts, exchanges, accounts, policies of assurance, loading of

further Ency. Bib. col. 3578, and the commentaries

in the most absolute solitude and silence. Each occupied a

special statutes require separate schools for white and negro

of the Alpine chain. In France and Italy the system is badly

Society, 1900); Asiatic Society of Japan Transactions, xxvi.

individualization, which is not possible either under the

After 1897 British influence in Abyssinia, owing largely no

background of the plains between Algiers and Bougie, extends

imoortance to Kabul, both strategically and commercially.

contest between the Egyptians and the Turks in 1832. After the

who after his death became independent --may be regarded as

has deilvered his reply (see PLEADING), and afterwards wishes

German and drawing. At the age of fourteen they are at

go and make peace with John, but the king had moved south

Early in 1855 he conducted large-scale experiments at Javel

Merite,'' and belonged to the Legion of Honour of France

upon the theory of causality, in which he adduces almost

for expeditions against Canada and the Lake Champlain

found chiefly on the tropical coasts, and in the west African

of French activity in North-West Africa, that with such

Manu. For the first 13 m. it is navigable all the year

to infiltration of oxides of manganese and iron, produce the

handle. Teotihuacan, Mexico. Proto-Mexican culture.

the subjection of the hitherto semi-independent district of

another and 2 or 3 mm. apart. At the middle of these parallel

in 1851 he visited America. From this time he was occupied

Dissatisfaction with his conduct led Congress to replace him

by-laws framed with a view to enabling them, at any rate,

west of Nevers, after a course of 269 m. Its basin has an

*Agricultural and Horticultural College, Uckfield, Sussex.

standing. A marble statue found in 1835 in the Sabine

by its exiled leaders meet with any better fortune. Soon

perform all duties of his grade. A few officers are allowed

it is the more artistic share. American standard literature,

variety with ease; (5) intricacy, which provides employment

west, and by the people of Ibadan from the north-east.

the invaders, who were forced to retire. They are heard

than an ideal sketch. Alfred's care for the administration

instruments, it should be noted that the scale reading or

to defend themselves. The natives gained some successes,

zone of Kahylia, and of a continental phase occupying vast

Vaucheria contains a single nucleus had been inferred before.

This vast extension of the area of independence in America

AUTHORITIES.--F. de Martins, Recueil des traites conclus

the latter the largest river of the continent. The upper

history, which had an apologetic aim, is no longer extant, but

astigmatism, curvature of field and distortion; errors of

be accurately determined. He must have lived later than

they concern the present purpose, the results effected by the

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