Babygate - Cool Way To Go Insane

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or what should’ve been a
gossip girl plot and not a
real life shitfest
brought to u by seed (with the help
of blue)

this picture is… cursed. maybe i’ll talk abt it later idk we’ll see
what’s left of me as this progresses
• louis 🥺🥰🌻😗💛🗡🍯🐝
• briana jungwirth, the baby mama
• tammi, the grandma

The ppl we will • brett, briana’s stepdad (so no biological relation

to freddie – or is thereeeee)

get to know • austin, briana’s little half-brother

• ashley, briana’s cousin

intimately • tracy, ashley’s mom (brett’s sister)

• olivia, jesus freak
• grandma ruth, brett’s mom
• honorable mentions: cybergran, joe jungwirth,
joe’s wife, danny fitzgerald
she is a “private person” and that means she’s all over social media and posts
photos of herself and freddie whenever her follower count drops.

has archived pictures of freddie numerous times, saying she was going for a
fresh start, but always unarchived them after her follower count dropped. that’s
just what mothers do i guess.

is a “stylist” but.. of what? hair? clothes? pets? no one knows. has not been

briana employed since we knew of her existence. has sold freddie’s clothes on depop
for like $25.

jungwirth has also fully changed her face and body more than once (despite being
unemployed) and still edits her photos badly.

has recently had a sugar daddy who tried suing her because she scammed him
with for a boob job, even though like... she has a child with a millionaire, who
should technically be giving her a lot of money for child support.

nearly set her house on fire on instagram live like maybe a year ago while she
was drunk when freddie was supposedly asleep under the safe roof. just mom
things 🤪

she’d been papped with louis a few times before this

but no one knew who she was obviously and this time
one of the paps literally said “this one’s for The Sun”
and that’s the shot they used for the “who is briana Cursed. So much fight or flight
jungwirth” articles. so much for aunthenticity Like genuinely… I feel weird looking at it
followed a lot of baby and wedding accounts on twitter even before b would’ve been
able to tell she was pregnant

has liked nasty posts about louis on ig and later claimed photoshop even tho everyone
saw it

commented #joysofbeingaparent under a pic of her and freddie only

tammi: is literally with briana everywhere she goes. never leaves freddie alone with her

briana’s mom, freddie spends more time at her house than at “his”... has multiple toy boxes at
freddie’s grandma tammi’s house. her garage is full of freddie’s old toys and baby stuff (like his stroller)

is the one that takes freddie to play dates with other kids. always

has been called "mom" numerous times on tape by freddie and she also has reacted to
it each time

took him to hawaii without briana when they were supposedly fighting. didn’t show
him explicitly because she didn’t want anyone to know
has said freddie and austin look like brothers and act like it. deleted it later

once replied to someone saying he looked like freddie saying it was a huge
compliment. deleted later

alongside his sister was buying a bunch of urls such as “freddietlinsonclothing”

and “brianatomlinson”. was buying urls while jay was in her final weeks

brett: told fans he had to get freddie an emergency passport to fly him to uk, in
december, meaning he didn’t have one even tho one of his ‘parents’ is from uk
briana’s stepdad,
freddie’s step- freddie has called him dad so many times it’s a miracle anyone still has doubts
on the paternity (even when he was old enough to know brett is not his dad)
grandpa suspiciously never posts about freddie on his ig and never has. but is always
present on tammi’s, acting like a doting father

taught freddie all his fave things: surf and basketball (and bullying people 🥴)

has a cute name for freddie (as he did for austin when he was little)
Briana’s half brother. looks like a
copy of Brett. everyone thinks so too

looks like the older version of Freddie

briana’s half-
brother the only person in that family that
sees that kid as a human probably

not much to talk about him. he’s a

nice kid in a awful family
Briana’s half brother. looks like a
copy of Brett. everyone thinks so too

looks like the older version of Freddie

briana’s half-
brother the only person in that family that
sees that kid as a human probably

not much to talk about him. he’s a

nice kid in a awful family
joe, briana’s dad:
tracy, brett’s sister:
• bought all those urls with brett • idk man has zero brain cells
• bought sydneyrain and other baby name • went on a rant this year and posted
urls… long before they would’ve known a million pics of the kid
briana had conceived
• said louis doesn’t seem the kid
• not rlly relevant apart from this, just a horribly
attention seeking weirdo • said louis starved briana for the
past two yrs lol
cybergranny!: • hates the clarks
• a lil crazy • full dumbass seem like he truly
• called austin and freddie brothers… just like that believes that’s his grandson. it’s not
• reminder: austin is his “uncle” • lost the plot
• hard to tell if she knows the truth or not
• queen of posting austin and freddie looking
• no one knew who briana was before this. we’d never
heard of her and louis had never been seen with her
• he broke up with eleanor, his long term girlfriend, in
march of 2015. on july 14, 2015 we got the baby
• then he was dating danielle ?? who has since been wiped

Outline •
from his narrative entirely lmao
briana, the shy girl who no one had known about prior to
I know this should go at the end to like this, was papped left and left. i’m talking 3 pap walks in a
single day
recap or whatever but I genuinely don’t • none of louis’ bandmates (or anyone else) publicly
know how to set this up so I’m gonna congratulated him
outline it first • he started dating eleanor again lmaooo briana was big
• louis still doesn’t talk about him the way he should – he
has siblings he dotes on and random kids he sends gift
baskets to but never seems to have that energy for his
own kid
• louis never took a dna test. louis sold his LA house, where
his child lives. louis also loathes LA culture so why would
he let his child be raised there ?
this picture was posted by both briana and her
mom tammi, on december 26, 2015. she ‘was’ 8 months this is a screenshot from a video briana posted on december 28.
pregnant. notice her face is mostly hidden where’s the bump? magically disappeared bc she sat down? curious
here’s a side by side of briana, a not pregnant woman, not to
an actual pregnant person another comparison of a pregnant belly next to a non pregnant belly.
funny how an 8 month baby bump does not disappear by sitting down
this one cracks me up lmao. the person in the white
is 6 months pregnant and briana was supposedly 8
months along… i have to laugh like

a lot of the older posts have been lost since then so you’ll have to
just take my word for it but they often used fake bumps or straight
up posted other people’s picture with the face cut off. its rlly not
that hard to find pictures of pregnant white women with similar
physiques and their faces obscured. it was done many times and
ppl had no trouble reverse searching the images. ss in, it was
embarrassingly easy
anyway so then she posted a throwback to august,
2015 and her “little 3 month bump” meanwhile forgetting that she was papped in august,
2015 and she looked like this… where was the
this isnt briana lmao its just a this also isn’t briana & ashley
random pregnant lady sent it to a briana stan account

more on this later when fizzy came for trashley’s life

freddie is louis and briana’s son.

brett clark is married to briana’s mom, tammi, and is briana’s stepfather.

tammi and brett have a kid together, his name is austin.

austin is briana’s half-brother.
recap… 😞
brett and briana have no blood connection, which means, freddie has no
genetic connection to brett.

yet they share a lot of the same features: the same eye shape (and eye
color), the same nose, same ears, same squared face and big built, same
chin and cheeks, even the same eyebrows!
“ m e a n d m y m i n i m e
s a m e a g e s a m e h a i r
s t y l e ”
austin on the left and brett on the right
austin on the left and brett on the right
• brett has this upturned nose that is a
genetic trait of his, his genes – not
the clark nose • austin has it too and he obviously got it
from his dad.
• now guess who also has that upturned
nose? freddie. no one from briana or
louis’ side has that genetic trait. no
• the only one who has it is brett, passed
to austin. even tho freddie’s nose
seems to be slightly bigger, it’s still
very upturned. it’s interesting
u n c l e & n e p h e w
o r …
b r o t h e r & b r o t h e r
baby austin on the left and baby freddie on the right
baby freddie on the left and austin on the right
for ppl who say freddie looks just like
louis.. is this freddie or austin? or is it
baby louis? can u even tell the
more austin & fred
• i don’t have anything to say like i
think all white kids with blond
hair blue eye look the same lol
• but why are there more pictures
of freddie with his “uncle” than
with his father ?
• even if it’s not louis posting
them, why don’t we.. ever see
louis being fatherly with his son?
trust me that man knows how to
handle kids
• Clarks’ friend calling Freddie
Austin’s “bro” and “like
• Tammi’s mom captioned a
photo of Austin and Freddie
as “big bro blanket”
louis + kids
• these r just random kids louis
has been photographed with
over the years
• there are. so many pictures
• like so so many hold on i can’t
get them all but wait
• that last one with louis with
baby louis 🥺 a fan named their
kid after him 🥺
louis + baby lux
1d’s hair stylist’s kid

He’s been photographed with lux more times than

with “his own kid”
louis + ernie and doris

u get my point. mind you… the twins were

born when 1d was super active and louis
was rlly fucking busy. and still there’s
more photos of him with them than with
freddie. like there’s more content of louis
with his siblings that i can’t fit here
he met harryson through make a wish and then sent him a gift basket later and ur telling me this guy wouldnt be an attentive father??? eye have to laugh
• wait side note… freddie’s name
is so fucking funny to me
• freddie reign tomlinson…
hello… tell me a more
hilariously gay name for a child
• louis chose the name
apparently and like… it’s even
funnier if u know abt rbb but we
don’t have time for that rn
look at the eyes… why do they look so much alike for two ppl who aren’t
genetically related. i said before i don’t care much for white ppl looking alike but.. if
facetuned freddie looks like louis from certain angles and that means they’re
related then explain to me this
baby freddie on the left and baby brett on the right
but like rmbr that freddie’s photos are facetuned a
LOT to make him look more like louis… and his
genes still come out to play lmao
• tammi & grandma ruth
admitting austin and brett
look exactly alike
• tammi’s instagram is
• had to scroll up to rmbr but ruth
is brett’s mom
• this isn’t weird bc they’re
father and son, duh
brett liked this comment under a pic austin
posted of himself and freddie – clearly
agreeing they look like brothers

this was under a video brett posted to

celebrate austin’s bday, a video full of
baby pics of austin
so much to unpack
• picture liked by: tammi (briana’s
mom) and marianna (briana’s
grandmother and tammi’s
• so first brett and tammi both make
it clear that austin is brett’s mini
and then… also agree that freddie
is austin’s mini… even tho there
should be no resemblance
between brett and freddie since
they don’t share any dna🤔
idk what to title this
• this person left that comment under a
repost of a video of austin and freddie.
• however austin wasn’t so little anymore,
so the comment is definitely about
• briana, tammi and austin all followed
him at the time – briana and tammi still
do. he seems to be a close friend of the
• there was other stuff with this dude but
it’s not relevant to babygate. he’s just a
family friend and perhaps owned the
safari they were at often but anyway…
why would he imply freddie looks like
brett lmao
In case u can’t read the exchange…

Brett: it’s there kid not yours, your opinion is

nothing, you don’t feed him or play with him
Fan (@brett): hey Freddie looks like you
Brett: thanks, that’s a huge compliment

…he later deleted his tweeted and blocked the

there’s a ton of side by side
comparisons showing how much brett,
austin, and freddie all look alike but
frankly im sick of them bc they’re all
white and freddie’s face is heavily
edited in most photos and im bored of
here’s louis with his sisters over
dada and mama
• freddie babbling “dada” when only tammi and brett are around
• 14 feb, 2017
• 10 april, 2017
• 31 july, 2017
• very clearly called tammi “mama” on 11 aug, 2017
• called brett “daddy” at least 4 times and said “daddy, look at
me” by the end of the video – 14 july, 2018. tammi takes the
camera off him the minute he speaks but you can still hear him
very well.
• there are videos but embedding them in a powerpoint is a hassle
so i will not b doing that for free

Ur honor… this is a family

portrait el em ay oh
so in conclusion: when freddie isn’t with
tammi he’s with brett. where um… why
isn’t he with briana ? when briana tried
to look like she’s a mom, the best she
managed was a death grip on his
hand but the kid is relaxed and
comfortable whenever he’s pictured with
“grandma” or “step grandpa”

also… where is louis. dude is a

millionaire who loves and dotes on kids..
rmbr harryson and his gift basket? baby
lux? ernie and doris getting lil balenciaga
shoes? yea freddie gets none of that
i said no comparisons but this one
is just….. HADSGFFDKJGH louis
was turning 5 in this photo. like it’s
literally from his birthday. and
freddie… was supposedly 2 and
half at this time. make it make
sense !

despite being “mom” and “son” … briana and

freddie’s pictures together are always so stiff and
posed. meanwhile… tammi and freddie are
always natural and dynamic and candid
That a boy Freddie son .
• look how stiff and closed off he is with
louis. his body is not touching louis at all.
• but he’s fully leaning on brett, has his arm
over brett’s, looks comfortable and at
• you could argue that’s because brett
spends more time with freddie than louis
– which is a red flag right there – but even
so, louis is his father, right? he sees
freddie “all the time” so why is his body
language so different with him? think
back to all the other instances of louis
with children
Look at them… there’s absolutely no way
he isn’t ridiculously comfortable with
brett. Look at how he’s sitting… fully
turned toward brett, not an ounce of
tension in his body, brett’s arm naturally
behind him for in a very responsible and
almost habitual way
S O C I A L M E D I A :
rmbr how earlier i said that briana’s pictures with
freddie are almost always posed and not very
candid? that applies very much to her instagram.
almost every single post of freddie is… full of weird
vibes. he’s either asleep, alone, minimal touching
between him and his “mom” and her captions are
so… monotonous. just dates and maybe a couple
emojis to keep her aesthetic intact. lots of brand tags
and shit

look at the top right picture.. why is she…. why

did she pose like that like what in the goddamn
hell is going on in that photo…
M E D I A : T A M M I
see the difference in her posts and briana’s? same
kid, alarmingly different vibes. he’s like… doing
kid stuff. it’s literally all candid photos… he looks
like a normal child doing stuff with his family, not
a child model posing for shit he doesn’t
understand. and tammi hardly ever uses brand
tags in photos of freddie. you know… like a
normal, average mother.

note: she went and edited her captions to add

#grandson or whatever grandparenty hashtags
any of her posts have now. they weren’t there
from the start – she only added them when ppl
started saying she seems like freddie’s real
mother, not briana
ok so? well… this was louis’ first father’s day, but he only
got half an hour with “his” kid while tammi and brett had
the full day. we got pap pics where louis was supposedly
taking “his son” to spend the day with him but… louis got
the kid in the car, took a picture of him in the car seat and
then he was back with tammi and brett for the rest of the
day (which we know thanks to tammi’s constant snaps).
briana was in las vegas that day so why did the
grandparents keep freddie instead of letting him spend
father’s day with… his father? (we know why but…)
this frame is at tammi and brett’s house and the pictures in it
were taken on father’s day 2016: a family picture, a solo one of
austin and a BIG one of just freddie
The birth
• brett's entire family was there
• even his brother that lives in australia was
• but no one from briana’s or louis’ family…
even tho louis’ mum was a huge family person
and this was her first grandkid
• none of louis’ friends congratulated him
• there was a article published the day 1d
cancelled their belfast show - saying the kid
was born and it was a girl… belfast concert
was in october of 2015. freddie wasn’t born
until 2016… make it make sense pls
• that one time phoebe ( louis’ sister) said
freddie was born in february…

Fizzy’s bf at the time liked this tweeted abt

Ashley being greedy
• so in feb 2016, fizzy liked a video of a baby
that someone had posted saying it was
fr*ddie and then fans pointed out that it
wasn’t him. she replied that it was him
and fans insisted it wasn’t and she was
like… “it is, i saw on B’s family’s
• then ashley jumped in to say they weren’t
even friends on fb (a lie, ‘cause we knew
they were lol) and then fizzy replied that
ashley had posted stolen pics to pretend
they were B and F. then fizzy’s boyfriend
liked that tweet calling briana’s family
money hungry
Bc I love him dearly and also bc it’s
like… relevant to this shit


this was right after the baby announcement too

male int: “louis, from one father to another, i
wanna congratulate u on your upcoming
fatherhood. how are u feeling?”
louis: “fank you. obviously it’s a very exciting
time so i’m buzzin”
[awkward silence]
female int: “… harry? u seem very quiet today”
harry: “noo… i’m having a great time”

…..what… was that jshfdkg . liam and niall are

so awkward abt it too like wtfdsghfdhfg u know
it’s a bad interview when niall isn’t laughing his
head off
this article was like “oh louis and briana
started dating a year before freddie was
conceived and louis is CERTAIN briana
was faithful there’s no way the kid isn’t
his louis doesn’t have even a flicker of
doubt” but like… a year ago he was
dating eleanor and i dont have time to
make sense of timelines that do not
add up.

he cheated on eleanor, knocked up a

random chick, starting dating danielle,
refused to take a paternity test, did not
try to raise his child in doncaster even
tho every breath he takes is an homage
to his hometown, got back together
with eleanor after all that??? louis “only
one proper relationship” tomlinson???
ok then!

i’ll talk abt the dna test later

fan comment: LOUIS
(this absolute gem of a photo is of olivia, briana’s bff)
some louis gems
• saying he’d give freddie an apple for christmas bc he likes them😭
• compare that to him giving his baby siblings designer clothes and shoes and
god knows what else
• not knowing what freddie would be for halloween 2018 even tho he was in LA at
the time and it was three days before halloween
• said he was a pumpkin in 2017… but it was actually 2016 before he was even
a year old
• then he jetted to the UK right after
• also this year he said the kid had a big bday party with a huge cake and balloons so
they had to show it obviously and it was just freddie sitting at a table alone with a
single sad cupcake – at B’s ex bf’s house a day before his bday
• later we found out louis was partying one day before F’s bday on the other
side of the world and then he was in london the next day el oh el
• “do you want him to go into sports or music” “if he’s my son he’s gonna do what
he wants”
• louis has more to say abt his dog than his kid and i think it’s hilarious
• saying all his friends are getting married and having kids and fully forgetting he
himself has a kid
2020 IN
I lied I can’t sum it
up in a single slide
• Briana drunkenly got on Instagram live earlier this year and
nearly set the house on fire
• She dated like 4 different guys (that we know of) and
introduced them to her very young child. This included
brody jenner. So responsible and motherly
• Announced an engagement. Let me see if I rmbr all that
• She got engaged to this nick dude and posted abt it
• Nick made a public instagram to announce the
engagement even tho he already had a private
• Some random woman nick had gone on a date with
prior to this dm’d someone about it bc she thought it
was fucking weird
• Nick deleted his public Instagram
• Around this same time, her ex sugar daddy was filing a
lawsuit against her because she scammed him for boob job
money by using Freddie (this needs its own slideshow)
• 10 AUG 2020: Ruth exposing the real face, no photoshop.
• 11 AUG 2020: deepfake video
• 19 AUG 2020: F posted without any photo manipulation
• 22 AUG 2020: Freddie called as Teddy. Brett corrects the name. Video publicly
• 8 SEP: F posted w missing nipple?? Photoshop rep wants to sue.
• 21 SEP 2020: B engaged to this Nick fella. Brody Jenner out of the picture. Nick
fella made a fake public account to show this engagement, even though he had his
private ig too.
A short 2020 timeline
• 2 OCT: Louis’ LA house is sold. He no longer has public property in LA. (from
• 13 OCT: 2 very big PS fails posted by the Jungjungs. tellmethisisnotlove)
• 20 OCT 2020: Boobgate starts, B sued by an ex for not paying him back the money
he lent her for the boobjob. The court date is set to 20 Jan 2021. No I’m not
kidding, the fake birth’s date.
• 21 OCT 2020: Article about babygate posted by Celeb. A huge Larry bg masterpost
is linked in the article. Everything is in this article: Larry. Gay. Babygate.
• 21 OCT 2020: B deactivates, Nick fella deactivates the fake new ig account and the
older private account too. Tammi limits comments, Brett goes private.
• 22 OCT 2020: TMZ is involved now too, wrote their own article, and tweeted about
it, sourcing Celeb.
W H E R E ’ S

posts have been lost so i don’t have the pictures but it was
proven that all black & white pictures of louis with baby
freddie have been heavily edited and they forgot his giant
dagger tattoo.. which should be visible in this picture
• why did briana get plastic surgery while she was pregnant?
• why did little ernie say he’s not an uncle skfdgjkh
• why were none of the 1d boys happy
• why have they still not met freddie, even though liam has a son and harry has
84564765498 godchildren and niall is in love with louis
• why do louis’ sisters only post old photos of freddie that anyone can find on
• why was freddie’s face never blurred in pap pics? why was he papped so often in
the first place
• why hasn’t louis had a paternity test done
• why is louis letting his “son” be raised by a bunch of super christian trumpies
• why has he never been to the UK
• Why did brett tell a fan that he had to get an emergency passport to fly freddie to
the UK during jay's last days and that they were only told she was sick in LATE
NOVEMBER – she passed away in december


1) why didn't Louis get a passport ready for his kid if he knew his mom's condition since april/may
2) why he didn't take him there sooner when he'd have been able to actually spend time with her
outside the hospital room

• why does none of it make any fucking sense

this didn’t cover everything bc its
actually impossible to do that. 5 yrs
worth of content is a LOT to get thru
with this batshit family. thank u
hope u enjoyed the brain rot
good day to u and to louis with kids who actually knew who he was and loved every minute with him

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