MUST Research

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

Enhancing Speaking Proficiency of Grade 8 Learners of A2IS through MUST (MUsical


Noha T. Khalil
Teacher I
Alinguigan 2nd Integrated School
SDO Ilagan City

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

I. Introduction and Rationale

Speaking is a basic life skill. It is the first way to interact with others in the social

community. Furthermore, the success in learning a language at first can be seen from

the ability of the learner’s speaking.

In school, one of the major roles of the teachers is to teach the learners on how

to speak in the early stage and be proficient speakers as it is a fundamental instrument

in the day-to-day communication. After being able to learn how to speak mother

tongue, learners are required to learn speaking foreign language specifically English

as it is a part of the curriculum. However, it is very hard for the learners to speak the

foreign language for a lot of reasons such as lack of ideas to tell, lack of vocabularies

to express the ideas, lack of the exposure to speak, and lack of the interesting teaching

method or technique that can motivate them to speak.

Moreover, due to the Corona Virus Infectious Disease (COVID-19) pandemic,

teachers were challenged to help the learners to be proficient in speaking the English

language. The ‘new normal’ setting was introduced to revive our education system

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

and paved the way for the students’ equal learning opportunities. Modules were

provided and served as the main source of information and the sole instrument for the

learners’ worksheets. Teachers however, know that these weren’t enough for the

learners so they find ways to make the situation lighter and at the same time

interesting for the learners. Some teachers used the social media as their platform

while some schools used Radio Based Instruction.

Due to the disruption of traditional classroom setting for the past years caused

by the Corona Virus Infectious Disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Students’ Speaking

Proficiency in English became stagnant, their exposure in speaking activities became

limited. This is why when the normal classroom setting resumed this school year

2022-2023, students are afraid to speak the English language aside from being afraid

to commit grammatical errors, they are not confident anymore in speaking what they

are not used to speak to.

Furthermore, in pursuant to the DepEd Order No. 60 Series of 2008 Entitled

Addendum To Deped Order No. 36, S. 2006 (Implementing Rules And Regulations

On Executive Order No. 210, Establishing The Policy To Strengthen The Use Of The

English Language As A Medium Of Instruction In The Educational, wherein English

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

language should be the medium of instruction of teachers, some of the learners are

struggling to follow instructions due to poor comprehension.

Moreover, the Grade 8 students of Alinguigan 2nd Integrated School are

struggling in speaking the English Language as observed by the researcher for the

past few months of the face-to-face education, this may be attributed because of the

effects of the 2-year modular learning brought by the pandemic. Hence, they are

tasked to narrate series of events, they cannot connect their ideas appropriately.

Now that we are back to the normal classroom setting, new challenge comes

in, teachers should pave the way to enhance the students’ speaking proficiency and

make practicing speaking English in the classroom interesting with appropriate

technique in order to make the process of learning enjoyable and engaging for them.

One of these techniques that can be used in teaching speaking is story telling but with

a twist. In order to build the bridge, in the speaking activities, the teacher must give

them practice opportunities for purposeful communication in meaningful situation.

In parallel to the studies conducted by Abdul Qudddus, Shaikh Ejaz Ahmed

(2015) and Sharma, Dami (2018) which both aimed to improve Students' Speaking

Proficiency in Using Cooperative Storytelling Strategy, they both concluded on their

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

studies that Storytelling really helped in improving the speaking proficiency of the


With this in mind, the researcher decided to conduct the same study but with a

twist. This action research proposal is designed to improve students’ speaking

proficiency by using Musical Storytelling Strategy. It is cooperative efforts of learners

but with a twist. Storytelling Strategy has been effective strategy to most as it is being

used by some English teachers in the entire world, this is why the researcher wanted

to adapt this strategy but with some revision.

II. Research Questions

The study aims to determine the effects of Musical Storytelling to the performance

of Grade 8 learners in Speaking English specifically on the use of Cohesive Devices.

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the scores of the Grade 8 students before and after the implementation of


2. Is there a significant difference between the pre-speaking test and post speaking

test scores after the implementation of MUST?

3. What is the effect size of significance of MUST in the skills of students in

Enhancing their Speaking Proficiency?

4. What are the challenges experienced by the respondents using MUST?

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

The normal classroom setting just resumed this school year 2022-2023,

students are afraid to speak the English language; aside from being afraid to commit

grammatical errors, they are not confident anymore in speaking what they are not

used to speak to. Thus, the Musical Storytelling aims to pave the way to enhance

speaking proficiency in English for the identified Grade 8 learners in Alinguigan 2nd

Integrated School. This strategy will be used as an activity during their 1 hour ICL

(Independent Cooperative Learning) in English subject for the whole duration of the

3rd Quarter.

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

The grade 8 students will be given pre speaking tests composed of two:

general introduction and picture description. Their performance will be graded as


Criteria You made it! Just okay Try Again Score

5 3 1
Relevance to the All ideas are Some ideas Few ideas
Picture related to the are related are related
Cohesive devises used Ideas are well Some ideas Ideas are
(Appropriate use of organized and are well illogically
transitional words, cohesive organized arranged
synonyms, devices are and
pronouns/determiners, used cohesive
repetition of words/key appropriately devices are
terms) used
Correct usage Committed no Committed 1- Committed
Errors 2 errors 3 or more
After administering the pre speaking test to the chosen respondents, the

researcher will now integrate Musical Storytelling in the teaching-learning process

wherein, students will sit in a circle and build a story together in tune of a song

provided. The teacher will give a song that the students will rhyme their storytelling.

One will begin the story; his neighbor provides the next scenarios and so on. The

story is over when every learner in the circle has had a chance to contribute. It's also

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

helpful to brainstorm with the learners what the story will be about before beginning

the activity.

IV. Action Research Methods

In this study, the researcher will make use of the Quantitative Experimental

Research method to collect and analyze the numerical data needed to study and

compare the result of pre-speaking test and post speaking test of the Grade 8 Basalt

students. Meanwhile, qualitative research will also be used in collecting students

experiences on the utilization of the intervention using phenomenology design.

a. Participants and/or other Sources of Data

The Sampling Purposive technique will be utilized to determine the number of

populations who will participate the study. The research shall be conducted at

Alinguigan 2nd Integrated School, Schools Division of Ilagan. There will be 24 male

and 18 female Student-respondents for a total of 42 Grade 8 Basalt class. The entire

population will be considered as the respondents. Hence, one group will be employed

in this study considering the total number of enrollees in the school.

b. Data Gathering Methods

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

1.) The researcher will administer a pre speaking test to the grade 8 learners.

2.) The questions to be used in the pre speaking test and post speaking test

will be culled from the modules and other speaking materials.

3.) Upon identifying the result of the learners’ performances derived from the

speaking test conducted, the researcher will now conduct teacher-parents

meeting to ask for their permission prior to the conduct of the study.

4.) Focus Group Discussions will also be employed to gather students

encountered challenges during the implementation.

c. Ethical Issues
The researcher will follow the protocol in conducting action research. The

proponent shall seek approval of the research to the school head, District Head then to

the Division Research Committee before conducting the research. The proponent will

also conduct HRPTA orientation to inform the parents of the said study and secure

parents consent as well. The data to be collected will be kept confidential and will be

solely for this study.

d. Data Analysis Plan

MUST will be utilized to enhance the speaking proficiency of Grade 8

learners. The researcher will study and compare the result of pre-speaking test and

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

post speaking test of the Grade 8 Basalt students and come up with a comprehensive

assessment, the following statistical tools will be employed:

1. Mean and Standard Deviation shall be used to determine the performance of

the respondents in pre speaking test and post speaking test or average which will

answer research question number 1.

2. Kolmogorov Smirnov test will be used to identify the normality of the

distribution of the data.

3. Paired Samples t-test shall be used when the data is parametric and Wilcoxon

Signed Rank test will be used if the data is non parametric to identify the

existence of significant difference on the pre speaking test and post speaking test

of students after the intervention which will lead to answer question number 2.

4. The effect size or magnitude of the differences between groups will be computed

using the Eta squared.

The data will be tabulated and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social

Sciences (SPSS). Eta squared will also be interpreted using Cohen’s guidelines:

0.20 – small effect

0.50 – moderate effect

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

0.80 and above – large effect

The data will be tabulated and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences


5. Thematic analysis will be used to treat the learners’ responses of the to the open-

ended section. Analysis of the codes and thematic qualitative data will be

generated in the themes with their corresponding descriptions in tabular format

which in tandem with the analysis of descriptive statistics.

V. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

Strategies Program Activities/ Resources Timelin

Task Persons Materials Cost of e
Involved Materials
-Printing P150.00 March
Writing of -Folders P25.00 2023
Research Proponent -Internet/ P150.00
Research Proposal , School Load
Development Head,
Finalization of Members -Printing P150.00
Research Folders P25.00
To Enhance Proposal Internet/ P150.00
the Load
Proponent Photocopy P50.00 August

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

Speaking , School of Consent 2023

Data Head, Letter
Proficiency Research Gathering SRC
of Grade 8 Implementatio Members,
n Parents Bluetooth
Learners of P1,500
&Learner Speaker w/
A2IS s Microphone
Printing P250.00
MUST Research
Proponent Book P300.00
Research Analysis,
, School Binding August-
Finalization Completion
Head, Fuel P300.00 October
StoryTelling and SRC 2023
) Submission
Proponent Snacks P1,000.0
Paper , School 0
Research Presentation Head,
Dissemination and SRC October
and Utilization Introduction of Members, Fuel 2023
Interview SDRC, P300

Total Amount P4,350

VI. Cost Estimates

Activities Item Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Amount

Manuscript Bond Paper 1 Ream P300.00 P300.00
Writing Folders 5 Pcs P10.00 P50.00

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

Load 2 Load P150.00 P300.00

Data Bond Paper 50 pcs P1.00 P50.00
Gathering Speaker w/ Mic 1 pc P1,500 P1,500
Research Bond Paper 1 Ream P300.00 P300.00
Analysis, Binding Material 1 pc P250.00 P250.00
and Fuel 4 Liters P75.00 P300.00
Paper Snacks 5 Pcs P200.00 P1,000
and Fuel 4 Liters P75.00 P300.00
of Interview
TOTAL P4,350.00

VII. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

Upon the completion of this research and after the final evaluation of the results by

the Division Research Evaluation Committee, the following activities will be conducted to

disseminate and utilize the results of the study.

Strategies Program Activities Tasks Resources Timeline

Physica Materials Financial
Furnish a Researc Copy of P500.00 October
Project Presentati copy of her, the result 2021
Enhance MUST on and the result Teacher of the
the Dissemin of the s and action
speaking ation of action School research
proficienc the Results research Princip conducte
y of the conducted al d
students in to the
English school
principal Laptop
Inform Printer
parents Ink
about the Folders
result of LCD
the study projector

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan

Isabela National High School Compound, San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 3300
(078) 624-0077

VIII. References

Fatma Alkaaf | (2017) Perspectives of learners and teachers on implementing the

storytelling strategy as a way to develop story writing skills among middle
school students, Cogent Education, 4:1, 1348315, DOI:

Sharma, Dami (2018) Action Research on Improving Students' Speaking Proficiency

in Using Cooperative Storytelling Strategy

Abdul Qudddus, Shaikh Ejaz Ahmed (2015) Improvement in Students' Speaking

Proficiency by Using Cooperative Storytelling Strategy-A study

“together we walk for the ilagUEño learners”

PLN-QF-O1O Rev. 00

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