A Proposed Solution For A Safety Traffic Control System Using IoT (STCS)

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1st International Conference on Applied Engineering

and Natural Sciences

https://www.icaens.com/ November 1-3, 2021, Konya, Turkey

A Proposed Solution for a Safety Traffic Control

System Using IoT (STCS)
Ali Abedalaziz Alsarhan1, Mousa Tayseer Jafar 2 and Mohammad Al-Fawa'reh3
Information Technology University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman, Jordan
ORCID ID 0000-0002-0408-0541
Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
(mou20178003@std.psut.edu.jo) Email of the corresponding author

Abstract – The number of road crashes is growing daily. As a result, millions of people die in road crashes
each year around the world. To address this problem, we propose the "STCS" model that is trying to prevent
human error and provide more time for drivers to react in emergencies during the driving process to
minimize the number of road crashes. STCS will connect all the vehicles through the 5G mobile network
with expected 1ms end-to-end latency and 90% reduction in network energy usage; 5G technology will be
the dominant way of communication globally. Data will be sent from vehicles to web services to be
analyzed and processed to send a timely alert to the vehicle that is likely to be at risk. The transactions will
contain data about road conditions, driver, and vehicle readings based on the sensors equipped with each
vehicle. STCS will be connected to each vehicle through a mobile device, and the mobile will be connected
to the car using a custom-built chip to read the data. Thus, STCS will make the old vehicles support the
Internet of Things (IoT) revolution and minimize road crashes.

Keywords –5G, Vehicles, IoT, Internet of Things.

I. INTRODUCTION through the mobile devices that are connected

In this paper, we propose the STCS system as a directly to the vehicle’s computer (ECU) [3] to
future solution for a currently happening problem. intervene at the right time to prevent any upcoming
Since we live in a world of intelligent technologies, road accidents. Usually, providing more safety to
everything should be bright and intelligent enough the drivers by such systems revolves around
to keep up with the rapid change in the information reducing the delay between an emergency event and
technology field. Nowadays, we have smartphones, the moment at which the drivers around should be
smart homes, and we can make anything clever with notified to react. Providing more time to the drivers
hi-tech capabilities. With the IoT [1], we will be to react earlier by broadcasting alerts, notifications,
able to interact smoothly with the surrounding traffic data, or any information that is related to the
objects of the intelligent world, and this technology current road situation to help in providing more
revolution requires a fast way to transfer data safety on the roads, based on that, we can say that
between these intelligent objects in a fast and the main issue is usually about the timing and the
efficient way. The future 5G technology [2] time gap between the two events. STCS will be a
produces the capability of fast data transfer but is yet novel approach and the fastest ever while it is using
to be standardized in the future. The STCS system the 5G technology, which is a quick way of
will be provided with a web service to control communication between cars on the roads, that
exchanging the data and the data processing, to keep gives us the minor timing gap between the two
the connection available between the vehicles events that can highly minimize the number of the
Alsarhan et al., A Proposed Solution for a Safety Traffic Control System Using IoT (STCS), ICAENS 2021, Konya, Turkey

road crashes more than any other proposed system ITS was applied by collecting the propagated
that uses the old ways of communication. information among vehicles using wireless
communication which is at the year of 2006, it was
a novel idea in comparison with the behavior by the
II. RELATED WORK traditional way of taking an action by the driver
The survey that was described in [1] discussed the without using any technology. But unfortunately,
future Internet of things revolution, the main idea of the communication service at that time was not fast
the IoT is to make a connection between all the enough, like nowadays to keep applying such
smart objects in the real world, like the mobile communication way between vehicles, especially
devices, cars, even refrigerators, washing machines, with the newly released communications such as the
Dishwashers, or lighting units. Which They are able 5G technology.
to be addressed with a unique schema to interact The proposed STCS uses the ECU to collect data
between each other’s in the future. The STCS from the car and control the car's behavior on the
system basically aims to make the old cars usable in road. Another importance for this unit in the STCS
revolution of the IoT to become more efficient in the is to allow the mobile device to interact with the
future not only the junk of steel. brake by wire system.
Sánchez et al. in [2] presented a vehicle-to-vehicle
(V2V) 5G communications that were the backbone
of their work. Furthermore, they explained the idea III. METHODOLOGY
of V2V 5G data exchange where they used V2V A. Vehicle Internal Connection
radio communication to avoid the mobile network
This section will describe how to make the car
latency problem. The speed of future 5G technology
smart to interact with its internal parts. If equipped
and the requirements of the 5G technology were
with Brake & Steer by a wire system to take
described in their work. However, it still millimeter
commands from the web server. Figure 1 describes
wave radio channel using directional antennas at 38
the internal sub-parts to understand the complexity
GHz and 60 GHz frequency bands. The main
of this process.
advantage of the STCS is the ability to collect data
not only from one vehicle in front of you but also
collect data from the surrounding vehicles in the
next 1 km or the next 10 cars ahead and analyze the
data to make the right decision at the right time to
prevent any accident that can happen.
Riddiford et.al. [4] introduces a patent called
Brake by Wire System that can control the force of
Fig. 1 Vehicle Internal Connection.
the braking power based on some given details from
a number of sensors in the car, it can be used in the
proposed system to force the car to stop in a
necessary situation and prevent car accidents, by 1) Mobile Device
connecting the mobile device through USB The mobile device is going to be the smart part of
intermediate capable to interact with the car ECU. the vehicle and the point of interaction between the
Biswas et al. in [5], They presented a vehicle-to- car and the web server, the mobile device will use
vehicle wireless communication with an overview an application to do this job, and by using the GPS
of the highway cooperative collision avoidance the vehicle location will be detected and keep
(CCA) to emerging vehicular safety application tracking of the vehicle position in real time, the
using the IEEE and ASTM adopted Dedicated mobile device also responsible to identify the
Short-Range Communication (DSRC) standard. vehicle to the web service and transfer the data
They discussed an Intelligent Transportation between them.
System (ITS) application using wireless 2) USB Intermediate
communication technology. The ITS was a) Hardware Intermediate
application primarily revolves about potentially It is a device that is responsible for ensure the
reducing the chain collisions by reducing the gap in physical connection between the mobile device and
time between the emergency event and the time at the vehicle, from the vehicle perspective it is a
which the drivers behind are informed. Technically, hardware that is connected directly to the ECU, and
Alsarhan et al., A Proposed Solution for a Safety Traffic Control System Using IoT (STCS), ICAENS 2021, Konya, Turkey

on the other hand, from the mobile device

perspective it is a USB device gadget, that will
interact with the application through the USB
b) Software Framework
The software framework is part of this process that
is responsible for ensure the harmony between the Fig 2: Vehicle External Connection.
mobile device and the USB Intermediate, because
the USB Intermediate is running on the ECU level,
C. Reaction Distance
and the high-level languages cannot work with this
level [6] so the Arduino will be used. The distance that is required to take the action of
3) Controller Area Network Bus (CAN Bus) braking, if the driver fails to start braking on this
CAN bus can be considered as the internal distance, then the braking distance will be not
connection or the network of the vehicle [7], CAN enough for the vehicle to stop even after hitting the
bus uses hexadecimal encoded messages to transmit brakes [10][11]. The formula of reaction distance is
data between the ECUs and the internal vehicle shown in Equation 1 Where D: reaction distance in
components[8]. The USB Intermediate should be meters, s: speed in km/h, r: reaction time in seconds,
able to get all the transmitted data from the CAN 3.6: fixed figure for converting km/h to m/s.
4) Electronic Control Unit (ECU) D= (1)
The ECU is simply defined as the vehicle
computer or computers that are responsible for D. Braking Distance
managing the activities in the vehicle and collect It is the distance required to stand the vehicle from
data from the sensors in the vehicle and analyze it to starting the brake process [10][11]. This distance
tune the performance of the car and the engine [3]. will be used to determine how long is the distance
One of the most important systems that is managed to be able to break from the moment it hits the
by the ECU is the braking system. The brake by wire brakes or initiating the brake using the wire system.
system is the responsible part of the system to Braking distance is shown in Equation 2 in
manage the braking power between the four wheels conditions of good tires and good brakes Where d:
and prevent any wheel from locking using the braking distance in meters, s: speed in km/h, f:
antilock braking system (ABS) and other driving coefficient of friction, approx. 0.8 on dry asphalt
assistant’s systems [9]. In this study, we will make and 0.1 on ice, 250: fixed figure which is always
the brake by wire system stop the vehicle when used.
needed or just reduce the speed to no danger speed.
B. Vehicle External Connection 𝑠2
𝑑 = (250∗𝑓) (2)
This phase concentrates on the vehicle server
connection using the 5G communication, the
connection will start when the mobile device sends
the identity of the vehicle to the web service with 5) E. Stopping Distance
the initial information of the vehicle, such as the The stopping distance is the summation of the
heading, speed, GPS position and other information reaction distance and the braking distance, which
about the vehicle status. The web service will collect means it is the total distance required to stop the
the data from all vehicles in the same area to analyze vehicle or to avoid the collisions [8]. Figure 3 shows
this data and make the right decision for each the difference between the reaction, braking, and
vehicle in that area to stop or to slow down based on stopping distance. The system will keep a safe
the information-gathering process. The high speed distance between vehicles (stopping distance) since
of the 5G will allow this process to be performed in the brake by wire system will be forced to slow the
about 20ms [2], and this is more than enough to vehicle down to keep the safe distance on high
prevent any accident. Figure 2 shows the details. traffic situations or low 5G coverage conditions.
However, if the vehicle is not equipped with the
brake by wire system, the driver will be notified
Alsarhan et al., A Proposed Solution for a Safety Traffic Control System Using IoT (STCS), ICAENS 2021, Konya, Turkey

only with the safe distance between his vehicle and message (“Collision may occur”), but what if the
the vehicle in front to avoid collisions. driver was able to avoid the collision? Then the
system will continue to read the coming data and
scan the current speed if equals to zero and the
current location is not changing system will make
sure that there is a collision occurred and will notify
the system with the message (“Collision occurred”).
The system will send an alert to all surrounding
Fig 3: Stopping Distance.
F. System Overview
The data that has been collected from the vehicle's
sensors goes straight to the ECU. The mobile device
will be able to read the data from the ECU through
the USB interface which is directly connected to the
CAN bus. Then the mobile will send the data into
the web server to be processed in order to send alerts
to the surrounding vehicles through a fast 5G
network [2] [5] Figure 4 describes the concept of
STCS system.

Fig 5: STCS Flow Chart.

Fig 4: STCS Connections Overview.
An Android mobile application was built with
At the same time, the web server will be receiving limited functionalities to get the location and speed
data from other connected vehicles and will manage of each vehicle since we did not build the USB
traffic by sending signals to the vehicles to avoid interface to read data from the vehicle yet.
any upcoming accidents based on the gathered
information. The web service will read live data
from vehicles around the system, then the system
will process the data from each vehicle and send
notifications to each vehicle based on the reaction
distance and the braking distance for each vehicle.
The flow chart in Figure 5 shows that.

The process will start by receiving data from

connected mobile devices over the system, the data
will be included in the current location and speed of
the vehicle. The second step is to calculate the
reaction distance for the vehicle and update the Fig 6: STCS Mobile Application.
mobile device with the data and any notification
message if needed based on if the reaction distance
is less or equal to the current vehicle distance. If the So, the basic information about the vehicle is the
condition is True, then the system will notify the current location based on each vehicle, and the
vehicle with the stopping distance and then the speed also can be determined from the mobile
process will continue to update the readings every application, and we have added a manual button to
0.5 seconds. But if the condition result was False send data about the braking since we do not have
then the system will detect that there is a collision access to the CAN bus yet to read the braking data
that could happen and will notify the system with the directly from the vehicle. Figure 6 shows the basic
Alsarhan et al., A Proposed Solution for a Safety Traffic Control System Using IoT (STCS), ICAENS 2021, Konya, Turkey

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In Front


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In this paper, a new solution was proposed to 2021].
enhance safety on the roads. Which is the STCS
system that uses the 5G service, with a web service [11] “Stopping distance, reaction distance and braking
distance.” [Online]. Available:
between the vehicle-to-vehicle communication to
do the processing through it, and to make an overall stopping/. [Accessed: 01-May-2021].
road situation through the web service, also STCS
can be applied on the old and the new vehicles,
which makes it an entirely feasible solution in the
future. Implementing the STCS system as what was
officially designed until this moment is not easy to
be done entirely, but we are on the way to finish it.
Once the 5G service is officially released in the
world, we will be able to use it. However, as a new
idea, it is a novel way to take safety to an upper level
on the roads to help prevent road collisions.


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