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St. Alexius College, midwifery department believes that every student deserves

quality education, the Alexian way. This program aims to equip the faculty members

additional mechanisms in delivering midwifery teaching-learning instructions.

Benchmarking is the continuous process of comparing one’s academic processes,

performance metrics and best practices from other midwifery institutions. By this, the

faculty members will learn how other midwifery schools handle its program both

classroom and clinical to equip students with necessary skills and to prepare them in

taking the licensure exam. In addition, the program will allow faculty members to have an

actual glance of the facilities of the institution; their skills laboratory, equipment used for

demonstration purposes, and visual materials. The identified schools for bench marking

became the Top Performing Midwifery School in the recent and previous Midwife

Licensure Examination and produces numerous topnotchers.

The Commission on Higher Education release the new CHED Memorandum

Order No. 3 series of 2023, highlighting that all midwifery schools in the Philippines will

shift into straight BS Midwifery program where licensure exam will be taken after

completing the four years in college starting academic year 2023 – 2024. It is timely that

this Bench marking activity will be conducted to learn for other schools of their

preparation as they adopt the new curriculum in midwifery education. Moreover, this will

help establish a system of measures for internal management, and to use these

measures to identify best practices in midwifery education. To support decision-making

and support midwifery school in achieving their operational, academic and strategic goals

in the next 10 years.

OBJECTIVES: After the Bench marking activity, faculty members will be able to:

1. Internalize design of classroom and skills laboratory facilities for midwifery.

2. Develop program to achieve excellent performance in the licensure examination.
3. Adopt practices of the institution that best fit with the midwifery program of St.
Alexius College
a. Instruction: Teaching Strategies, Manuals, and Syllabi.
b. Admission and retention policy.
c. Student activities
d. Monitoring of student’s academic performance
e. Curriculum mapping
f. Progress report on student’s behavior and referral system
g. Learning focus during clinical practicum per year level

TARGET DATE: July 26 – 29, 2023

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