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Ru ia AND Ukraine?
Here is what is going on between Russia and Ukraine

Since a while ago there has been tension between Russia and Ukraine. During this year,
Moscow sent 100,000 troops to Ukraine (specifically the border), due to their fear of Ukraine
joining NATO, which would make them lose its near abroad. Even though NATO said Russia had
no right to speak on Ukraine’s membership, this did not stop the Russians. NATO started sending
troops, ships and technology to Ukraine with the fear that they might not survive on their own.
Meanwhile all of this was happening, with the help of the United States and the United Kingdom
embassies, the families of diplomats had been evacuated to a safe place. This started striking fear in
all eastern europe countries and along with this, worldwide, which made them beg their
governments not to interfere.

The President of the European Union, who is also the President of France has been trying
to help as much as he can. Macron went to Russia, in hope of initiating de-escalation and talking.
Here, Moscow agreed to respect the Minsk agreement. Later on he went to Kiev to show the
support of France and to sign military agreements.

After this, the tension really started building up between Ukraine and Russia. While most
european countries asked their Nationals to leave Ukraine, while Ukraine has asked several times
for calm through this situation. Putin is really set on keeping this the way it is going. He wants
Ukraine for two main reasons. The first one is, so that he can keep a great influence in Eastern
Europe so that this can stop NATO from influencing this region that has a history with Russia.
What most people dont know is that the reason Russia is so Keen about Ukraine not joining NATO
although they really want to is because the sole premise of NATO is that if you miss with one of
the countries, you miss with all. That would mean Putin would be putting Russia not only against
Ukraine, but also against Canada, France, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Spain, the UK and the United
States. The second reason is because they want to control Ukraine so that it allows Moscow to have
a grip on the black sea which offers the opening of the seas that do not freeze in the winter.

As of February 19, bombings were already on their way for the Ukrainian border. As well,
around 190,000 soldiers were always on the Ukrainian border. The Ukranian president has been
nothing but supportive and helpful too. In fact, he is fighting with the Ukraine military due to the
fact that there are not enough troops. Thousands of Ukrainians are fleeing the country due to the
fear of how far this war might go.

A few of the countries on Ukraine’s side are: United States, France, United Kingdom,
Germany, Canada, Poland, Turkey, Georgia

A few of the countries on Russia’s side are: Afghanistan, North Korea, China, Serbia, Syria,
Belarus, Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua

Here is what I think

Im personally really scared on what will end up happening. So many people have been
displaced already and it could be just the beggining of massive war. I hope Ukraine can end up
joining NATO because that could potentially be, the only way of stopping Putin since hes not
clueless and will not fight against dones of countries on his own. Its really sad to see this
happening. Never in a million years did I think that i would be alive to see a war happen. I love
Ukraines president during this crisis. He is really wearing his heart on his sleeve and you can tell
how genuine he is about taking care of the nation, so much so, he even went to fight due to the lack
of soldiers Ukraine has. Even if no president is perfect, he really is being truly good for Ukraine
and just what them, and the rest of the world needs to hear. Another person that is doing so well
under this crisis is France’s president. He not only has the responsability of being president of a
country, but he is also president of the European Union and has really taken his position seriously.
Hes gone back and forte between Ukraine and Russia to try and find a middle ground and its very
good to see them all work as hard as possible to prevent this war from really expanding.

I hope the DR president stays quiet though because he has no reason to speak on this and
he might get us killed if he does so :/

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