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Task 9:

Mr Gomez,
Emirates Airline

Dear Mr Gomez,
It´s a pleasure for me to receive this news about applying as a flight attendant. I think I could be a flight
attendant because I am very friendly and I like to work in a team, and I love traveling too and I do not
mind working evening.
As you can see from my résumé, I have experience working with Avianca and customer service and I am
Good at dealing with people.

Task 10:
Medellín is a district of Colombia, capital of the department of Antioquia. It is the most populated city in
the department and the second most populous in the country after Bogotá . It has a population of over
2.569 million people, Spanish is the official language. The city has many high mountains, high buildings
and beautiful women, the people are very friendly. The peso is used in this beautifiul city and it has a
river, but the river is always dirty.

Task 11:
I was visiting many citys in Colombia in the motorcycle of my boyfriend with Friends when suddenly
the motorcycle of my friend flat tire. we are stressed but we were able to fix the situation fortunately.
Then, we were having lunch when a person miraculously approached us and gave each of us a

Task 12:
We recently saw the Chronicles of Narnia. Its about it's about 4 siblings that they have to fight against
the enemies and the white witch. I like this movie because it teaches us to value family and God's love
for humanity. Chronicles of Narnia was written by Clive Staples Lewis.

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