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By a impress Some A good public One to one a In our social

advertising so promotional relations that we communication media in tik

with brochures events that can can do a good between the tok, facebook,
with some be used in a service and good seller and the instagram make
paipers and with limited time attention to the buyer , thay can some special
some consumer be by a social promotions and
imformation media etc. we can do a
about our advertising
company media of our

A personal A positive image A direct contact With phisical

promotional that we can face to face catalogs make
because we make with the with the promotions and
have a direct sales and the Also as know a consumer and to show the
contact with customer trust publicity meetings to products that
the direct increase managment make marketing we saling to
potential obout the plant and sell our other people
consumer products

Make some
events to
about the plants
and some
programs to
save the trees
and to help the

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