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1. Talos, the mythical giant bronze man, was the protector of which island?

a. Cyprus
b. Sicily
c. Sardinia
d. !Crete

2. Who was the Roman god of fire?

a. !Vulcan
b. Jupiter
c. Mercury
d. Apollo

3. Rannamaari was a sea demon that haunted the people of the Maldives and had to be
appeased monthly with the sacrifice of a virgin girl.
a. !True
b. False

4. What is the name of the Greek god of blacksmiths?

a. Artagatus
b. Vulcan
c. Dyntos
d. !Hephaestus

5. Which of the following is not one of the Greek Fates?

a. !Narcissus
b. Clotho
c. Atropos
d. Lachesis

6. What mythology did the god quot;Apolloquot; come from?

a. !Greek and Roman
b. Greek and Chinese
c. Roman and Spanish
d. Greek, Roman and Norse

7. In African mythology, Anansi is a trickster and storyteller who takes the shape
of which animal?
a. Wild dog
b. Monkey
c. !Spider
d. Crocodile

8. A wyvern is the same as a dragon.

a. True
b. !False

9. Who is the god of war in Polynesian mythology?

a. Hina
b. Mui
c. !039;Oro
d. Kohara
10. Who is a minor god that is protector and creator of various arts, such as
cheese making and bee keeping.
a. Cephisso
b. Autonoe
c. Carme
d. !Aristaeus

1. Talos, the mythical giant bronze man, was the protector of which island?
a. Cyprus
b. !Crete
c. Sicily
d. Sardinia

2. Which of the following Mesopotamian mythological figures was NOT a deity?

a. Enkimdu
b. Enki
c. !Enkidu
d. Enlil

3. The Japanese god Izanagi successfully returned his wife Izanami from the
a. !False
b. True

4. Nidhogg is a mythical creature from what mythology?

a. !Norse
b. Egyptian
c. Hindu
d. Greek

5. The Maori hold that which island nation was founded by Kupe, who discovered it
under a long white cloud?
a. Hawaii
b. Fiji
c. !New Zealand
d. Vanuatu

6. Janus was the Roman god of doorways and passageways.

a. !True
b. False

7. Who is the god of war in Polynesian mythology?

a. Mui
b. Kohara
c. Hina
d. !039;Oro
8. According to Japanese folklore, what is the favorite food of the Kappa.
a. Nasu
b. Soba
c. !Cucumbers
d. Kabocha

9. Which greek godgoddess tossed a golden apple with the words quot;for the
fairestquot; into the middle of the feast of the gods?
a. Artemis
b. !Eris
c. Ares
d. Hades

10. What is the name of the Greek god of peaceful deaths?

a. Hades
b. !Thanatos
c. Moros
d. Tartarus

1. The logo for Snapchat is a Bell.

a. True
b. !False

2. In web design, what does CSS stand for?

a. Computer Style Sheet
b. Counter Strike: Source
c. Corrective Style Sheet
d. !Cascading Style Sheet

3. Which of these names was an actual codename for a cancelled Microsoft project?
a. Pollux
b. !Neptune
c. Enceladus
d. Saturn

4. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Port.

a. !False
b. True

5. In HTML, which nonstandard tag used to be be used to make elements scroll across
the viewport?
a. !lt;marqueegt;lt;marqueegt;
b. lt;slidegt;lt;slidegt;
c. lt;movegt;lt;movegt;
d. lt;scrollgt;lt;scrollgt;

6. In CSS, which of these values CANNOT be used with the quot;positionquot;

a. !center
b. relative
c. static
d. absolute

7. Which of these people was NOT a founder of Apple Inc?

a. !Jonathan Ive
b. Steve Wozniak
c. Ronald Wayne
d. Steve Jobs

8. What does RAID stand for?

a. Range of Applications with Identical Designs
b. !Redundant Array of Independent Disks
c. Randomized Abstract Identification Description
d. Rapid Access for Indexed Devices

9. Which of these is not a layer in the OSI model for data communications?
a. Application Layer
b. !Connection Layer
c. Transport Layer
d. Physical Layer

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