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Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội

Trường Cơ Khí

Course : Lifelong Development for Engineers

Name : Phạm Văn Dũng _ 20195773

Nguyễn Thành Nam _ 20195797

Phạm Văn Lộc _ 20195787

Instructor : Assoc. Prof. PhD. Nguyen Thi Hong Minh


Hanoi, May 2022


TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................2


ASSIGNMENT OF DUTIES........................................................4

LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................5

LIST OF TABLES..........................................................................6

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION.................................................7
1.1. A brief history of vacuum cleaner...............................................7
1.2. Materials and working principles of handheld vacuum cleaner
Negative pressure.................................................................................................9
Electric motor.....................................................................................................10
Filter.................................................................................................................... 10


2.1. Idea of improvement......................................................................................11
2.2. General structure analysis of handheld vacuum cleaner................................11


3.1. Environmental impact calculation tool..........................................................12
3.2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the new design.................................................14
3.2.1. Production phase:....................................................................................14
3.2.2. Consumption phase:.................................................................................16

3.2.3. Disposal phase...........................................................................................18
3.3. Overall result.................................................................................................20
3.4 Comparison and conclusion............................................................................24

CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION...................................................25


Nowadays, eco-design has gradually become an imperative aspect in the
manufacturing process of every product. As future engineers, we are responsible
for adopting and finding new designing processes which minimize the negative
impacts of a product on the environment throughout its life cycle. In this project,
we use scientific methodologies to evaluate the consequences and minimize the
environmental impact of different light bulb designs at various stages of their life
cycles. In the end, we hope that we will gain some knowledge about environmental
protection and a broad insight on how to redesign methods, and a multi-
dimensional vision of the redesigned a product in practic


Table 1: Assignment of duties

No. Name Student ID Work

1 Nguyen Thanh Nam 20195797 +Analysis new design.
+Design new product in solidwork.
2 Pham Van Dung 20195773 + Design Powerpoint slide.
+ Edit video 5 minutes.
+ Design poster.
3 Pham Van Loc 20195787 +Analyze and calculate the new
and the old designs using Ecolizer
2.0 tool.
+Optimize the new design,
materials, and components.
+ Research on history, idea
improvement and propose idea of
+Write report.


Figure 1: Vacuum cleaner 20th century...................................................................10

Figure 2: Trilobite robot..........................................................................................11
Figure 3: Handheld vacuum cleaner........................................................................12
Figure 4: Recycled vacuum cleaner........................................................................15
Figure 5: General components of vacuum cleaner..................................................16
Figure 6: The Ecolizer 2.0 tool................................................................................21
Figure 7: Product life cycle.....................................................................................23


Table 1: Assignment of duties...................................................................................5

Table 2: Components of vacuum cleaner................................................................15
Table 3: The production phase of the original vacuum cleaner...............................22
Table 4:: The production phase of the recycled vacuum cleaner............................23
Table 5: The comsumption phase of the original vacuum cleaner..........................25
Table 6: The comsumption phase of the recycledvacuum cleaner.........................25
Table 7: The disposal phase of the original vacuum cleaner..................................26
Table 8: The disposal phase of the recycled vacuum cleaner.................................27
Table 9: Life cycle assessment of the original vacuum cleaner..............................28
Table 10: Life cycle assessment of the recycled vacuum cleaner...........................30

1.1. A brief history of vacuum cleaner

A few years later Walter Griffith of Birmingham, England, created one of the
first portable domestic vacuum cleaners – Griffith’s Improved Vacuum Apparatus
for Removing Dust from Carpets. Not as catchy as the Whirlwind!

The Hoover company was founded and dominated the market for large part
of the 20th century. Indeed, ‘hoovering’ became synonymous with vacuum

Over in Europe, the Fisker and Nielsen company in Denmark (now Nilfisk)
was the first to sell vacuum cleaners in 1910. Its ‘lightweight’ C1 model was just

However, it was a Swedish company that would become as famous as

Hoover. Electrolux launched its Model V vacuum in 1921. This was more of a
canister-type vacuum than Hoover’s upright Model O, as it was a cylinder that slid
along the floor on two metal runners.

It wasn’t until after the Second World War that the domestic vacuum cleaner
became popular for the middle classes. In the early 20th century, not only were
vacuums expensive but carpet was too. Instead, many households had rugs, which
would be cleaned by hanging them up and beating them.

Figure 1: Vacuum cleaner 20th century.

The past 30 years have seen more innovation in the vacuum marketplace.
James Dyson’s cyclonic bagless cleaners, first seen in 1986, were the first major
step forward for decades.

This design solved the problem of a vacuum losing suction once the bag
was getting full, and removed the need for buying and throwing away replacement
bags every couple of months.

Dyson’s initial designs were radical at the time, but nowadays are a
common visual language that many other manufacturers have followed.

Dyson was also at the forefront of a more recent innovation: the cordless
‘stick’ vacuum. The DC16 was the first handheld, cord-free, battery-powered
vacuum, launched in 2006, and in 2018 Dyson announced it would halt the
development of new corded machines.

Our testing shows that cordless stick vacs can hold their own with regards
to cleaning performance against their corded brothers, so it’s possible that within
the next 10 years corded vacs will become obsolete in the home.

The most recent innovation has been that of the robot vacuum cleaner.
Electrolux introduced the first robotic unit back in 2001: the Trilobite.

Figure 2: Trilobite robot.

The past few years have seen an influx of models from many
manufacturers, including ones that can mop hard floors as well as vacuum carpet.

Currently robot vacs are probably not quite good enough to be seen as full
replacements for your stick or corded vac, but the pace of innovation in this field
indicates it may not be long before the days of pushing a noisy bag of dust around
your house singing I Want To Break Free once a week will be a distant memory.

1.2. Materials and working principles of handheld vacuum cleaner

Figure 3: Handheld vacuum cleaner

Negative pressure

The simplest way to explain how vacuum cleaners can suck up debris is to think of
each like a straw. When you take a sip of drink through a straw, the action of
sucking creates a negative air pressure inside the straw: a pressure that is lower
than that of the surrounding atmosphere. Just like in space films, where a breach in
the spaceship’s hull sucks people into space, a vacuum cleaner creates a negative
pressure inside, which causes a flow of air into it.

Electric motor

Vacuum cleaners use an electric motor that spins a fan, sucking in air – and any
small particles caught up in it – and pushing it out the other side, into a bag or a
canister, to create the negative pressure. You might think then that after a few
seconds it would stop working, since you can only force so much air into a
confined space. To solve this, the vacuum has an exhaust port that vents the air out
the other side, allowing the motor to continue functioning normally.


The air, however, does not just pass through and get ejected out the other side.
That would be very harmful to people using the vacuum. Why? Well, on top of the
dirt and grime that a vacuum picks up, it also collects very fine particles that are
almost invisible to the eye. If they are inhaled in large enough quantities, they can
cause damage to the lungs. Since not all of these particles are trapped by the bag or
canister, the vacuum cleaner passes the air through at least one fine filter and often
a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arresting) filter to remove almost all of the
dust. Only now is the air safe to be breathed again.


The power of a vacuum cleaner is determined not just by the power of its motor,
but also the size of the intake port, the part that sucks up the dirt. The smaller the
size of the intake, the more suction power is generated, as squeezing the same
amount of air through a narrower passage means that the air must move faster. This
is the reason that vacuum cleaner attachments with narrow, small entry ports seem
to have a much higher suction than a larger one.

There are many different types of vacuum cleaner, but all of them work on the
same principle of creating negative pressure using a fan, trapping the sucked-up
dirt, cleaning the exhaust air and then releasing it. The world would be a much
dirtier place without them.

2.1. Idea of improvement
The average handheld vacuum cleaner uses around 150 W of energy per
hour, and only a quarter of that goes into sucking up dirt. The rest is wasted energy,
and remember that energy production is one of the largest sources of carbon
emissions. Therefore, in this project, We use inverter motor instead of using
universal motor like current vacuum cleaner brands to optimize energy saving. At
the same time, it combines a fan speed control system, and an indicator light to
help users know when the vacuum cleaner is hot, affecting the motor, causing heat

We want to use energy from solar batteries instead of 220v AC power, we

believe that will help our products reduce pollution to the environment.

We also use PVC plastic instead of ABS plastic, and utilize existing plastic
pipes through improved design to increase environmental friendliness and reduce
pollution in product manufacturing and recycling.

Figure 4: Recycled vacuum cleaner

2.2. General structure analysis of handheld vacuum cleaner

In this project, we will focus on some of the lighting system's core
components below to examine and provide an upgrade path.

Figure 5: General components of vacuum cleaner

Table 2: Components of vacuum cleaner

No. Name Description 3D model

1 Pipe diameter Material: PVC plastic
94mm Number:1
Weight: 75.18g

2 Motor holder Material: stainless

3 Pipe diameter Material:PVC plastic

90mm Number:1

4 Bottom cover Material:PVC plastic


5 Fan Material: stainless


6 Pipe diameter Material: PVC plastic
90mm Number: 1
Weight: 68g

7 Connect Material: PVC plastic

plastic pipe Number: 1
90-34 . Weight: 125g

8 Plastic quail Material: PVC plastic

34-135 degree Number: 1
Weight: 45g

9 Plastic quail Material:PVC plastic

20-90 degree Number: 2
Weight: 25g

10 Pipe diameter Material: PVC plastic
20mm Number: 2
Weight: 20g

11 Arduino stand Material:PVC plastic

Weight: 32g

12 Diaphragm Used to filter dust

13 Inverter motor Power motor portable

generator , inverter
motor (12V,
12000RPM, 60W)
Large capacity:

14 Ardruino Used to load the code
and control the speed
and function of the
vacuum cleaner


3.1. Environmental impact calculation tool
We utilized the Ecolizer 2.0 tool to assess our product's life cycle. Based on
such calculations, we can accurately calculate the environmental impact of our new
design, as well as the impact of the old design, allowing us to compare the two
designs. Furthermore, we may use this system to assist us in optimizing our
product by reviewing it at each step of its life cycle. As a result, we can balance the
advantages and disadvantages of the new design to answer the question: To what
degree is this an improvement?

Figure 6: The Ecolizer 2.0 tool

The Ecolizer 2.0 is primarily a tool for designers, assisting them in

evaluating the environmental effect of their products and selecting the best material
for each unique application. It is the first step, but not the only one, toward eco-
design. When utilizing the Ecolizer, it is very crucial to define a life cycle scenario
and choose a functional unit of your product/design. For some, the Ecolizer will be
too intricate and time-consuming, whereas, for others, it may be insufficiently
advanced. Alternatives exist to meet the demands of both sorts of users. The
Ecolizer 2.0 is ideal for estimating the environmental effect of a product. Other
eco-design principles, such as nested packaging, modular construction, timeless
design, and so forth, are not considered. The Ecolizer 2.0 uses European data only.
This must be considered if a portion of a product chain goes outside of this scope.
We have introduced materials and processes from other disciplines, such as a series
of building materials for stand construction and displays, to match the vast variety
of materials involved in your job as a designer. However, calculating a building's
environmental effect is not the objective of Ecolizer 2.0.

There are other, more appropriate tools available for this purpose. Some materials
are not included because they are not available in European databases, such as
particularly specialized metal alloys, polymers, and textile items. In many

circumstances, an estimate based on comparable indications is preferable to
ignoring the indicator entirely. More enhancements and improvements to the
Ecolizer will result from more studies based on the creators' findings and feedback.
With the Ecolizer 2.0, OVAM provides you with a scientifically sound tool that
may assist you in increasing the environmental safety of your design/product. We
attempted to make the Ecolizer 2.0 as thorough as possible; nevertheless, we
encourage designers and manufacturers that have access to more precise data to get
it included in central databases such as Eco-invent and databases under
construction in the EU.

The Ecolizer 2.0 enables designers to quickly determine which materials,

techniques, components, or life cycle stages have the most influence on a product's
environmental impact. You may also compare numerous material and product
choices. As a designer, you will establish several characteristics that define a
product's environmental effect throughout its life cycle. Your decision to choose a
certain material or procedure has an immediate influence on the environment.
OVAM provides you with a simple tool that can assist you in making expert
selections in this regard with the Ecolizer 2.0. The OVAM regards eco-design as
one of the most significant waste and materials policy initiatives. Simultaneously
time, product designers and corporations are being challenged to provide more
value with less impact by making greater use of finite materials and energy
sources. Ecolizer can be used for different materials: Metals, Plastics, Wood, Paper,
Building materials, Energy, Transportation, Lighting, and Electronic components.
The milli point (mPt) unit used in Ecolizer 2.0 equates to one-millionth of that
environmental burden.

3.2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the new design

In this project, we design a new type of lighting system. To have an exact
idea of the advantages and disadvantages, we use Ecolizer 2.0 to analyze both the
original vacuum cleaner and our recycled vacuum cleaner system in 3 phases of the
life cycle which are Production(design), Consumption, and Disposal/ Recycling.

Figure 7: Product life cycle

Assumption is that all our assessment is calculated or considered during the period
of 3 000 hours (~ 4 years for 2h/day of use time). So, in the case of original
vacuum cleaner, we consider shell, dustbin, filter, fan, nozzle. In the case of our
recycled vacuum cleaner, we consider 1 solar panel of about 25 years life
span,shell, fan, filter, button, signal lights, fan speed control knob. The last
assumption is that since the life span of the solar panel easily exceeds 3 000 hours
(approximately 6 times greater), we did not count the solar panel in the disposal
3.2.1. Production phase:
Table 3: The production phase of the original vacuum cleaner

Material or process Quantity Indicator Result
ABS 1kg 431 431
Injection moulding ABS 1kg 126 126
Rotation Forming 1kg 106 106
Hot element welding (30sec) 60s 2 4

Stainless steel 0.1kg 551 55.1
Paper 0.02kg 261 5.22
Total 727.32

Table 4:: The production phase of the recycled vacuum cleaner

Material or process Quantity Indicator Result
PVC 0.6kg 220 132
Solar panel 0.2kg 6.119 (Assume to be a 1223.8
rechargeable battery)
Paper 0.02kg 261 2.52
Stainless steel 0.1kg 551 55.1
Extrusion blow molding, 0.6kg 36 21.6
Injection moulding 0.6kg 126 75.6
Polyvinylidenchloride 0.01kg 451 4.51
Total 1515.13

Bảng 1: Comparison in the production phase

The point of the original vacuum cleaner is 727.32 mpt and the recycled
vacuum cleaner system is 1515.13 mpt which is significantly higher. The
difference between the two is 787.81 points.
The reason for that is our system includes a solar panel which is not only
costly but also severely damages the environment during the production process
(approximately 6 mPt for 1 gram of mass).
This might appear to be a big drawback of our product. And it is, in short
term. However, in the long run, the life span of a solar panel is extremely high (~25
years), so we can reuse the solar panel many times. Besides, solar panels use solar
energy to generate power which is considered an eco– friendly power source. So,
in the long run, the solar panel is eco-friendlier than most other types of batteries
or power sources

3.2.2. Consumption phase:

Table 5: The comsumption phase of the original vacuum cleaner


Process Quantity Indicator Result

Electricity, low voltage 2400kwh 51 122400

(Europe scenario)

Total 122400

Table 6: The comsumption phase of the recycledvacuum cleaner


Process Quantity Indicator Result

Solar energy panel 1500kwh 5.3 7950

Total 7950

Bảng 2: Comparison in the comsumption phase

The point for the original vacuum cleaner in this phase is 122400 and for the
recycled vacuum cleaner is 7950. The difference is 114450 points.
The reason for that is that with handheld vacuum cleaner, we use the
universal motor during 3000 hour, while with our recycled vacuum cleaner, We use
inverter motor that uses electronics controls to vary the speed of the motor during
3000 hour. This type of motor is more efficient than traditional motors because it
can adjust its speed to match the cleaning task at hand. Inverter motors are also
quieter and have a longer lifespan than tradition motors. Therefore, the energy
consumption is lower by 28% for the recycled vacuum cleaner case (150kwh vs
450kwh). Furthermore, the energy indicator of the recycled vacuum cleaner is
significantly lower than that of the original vacuum cleaner (lower by 89.6%), this
is because our system uses solar energy, whereas the original vacuum cleaner
system uses electricity from non-eco – friendly sources. All these factors result in
the fact that during the consumption phase our product barely has any negative
impact on the environment (the score is lower by 92.5%).
3.2.3. Disposal phase
Table 7: The disposal phase of the original vacuum cleaner

Material and type of Quantity Indicator Result
ABS scenario waste 1kg 45 45
treatment in EU
Paper scenario waste 0.02kg 9 0.18
treatment in EU
Stainless steel scenario 0.1kg 26 2.6
waste treatment in EU
Recycling stainless steel 0.1kg -475 -47.5
Total 0.28

Table 8: The disposal phase of the recycled vacuum cleaner

Material and type of Quantity Indicator Result

PVC waste treatment 0.6kg 34 20.4

scenario in the EU
Paper scenario waste 0.02kg 9 0.18
treatment in EU
Stainless steel scenario 0.1kg 26 2.6
waste treatment in EU
Recycling stainless steel 0.1kg -475 -47.5
Total -24.32

Bảng 3: Comparison in the disposal phase

The point of the original vacuum cleaner is 0.28mpt and the recycled
vacuum cleaner system is -24.32 mpt which is lower. The difference between the
two is 24.6points.
The reason is that in this project, we use PVC plastic instead of ABS plastic
as original vacuum cleaner that the disposal indicator of the recycled vacuum
cleaner is lower than that of the original vacuum cleaner (lower by 24.5%). All of
that indicates the disposal process of our product is much eco-friendlier than that of
the original vacuum cleaner.
3.3. Overall result
Table 9: Life cycle assessment of the original vacuum cleaner

Product: Original handheld vacuum cleaner(800wh)

Year:2023 Author: Phạm Văn Lộc
Consider Original handheld vacuum cleaner consumpting 800Wh with 3000 hours of life
span which in turn makes up to approximately 4 years of use.(2 hours per day)
Material or process Quantity Indicator Result
ABS 1kg 431 431

Injection moulding ABS 1kg 126 126

Rotation Forming 1kg 106 106

Hot element welding (30sec) 60s 2 4
Stainless steel 0.1kg 551 55.1

Paper 0.02kg 261 5.22

Total 727.32
Process Quantity Indicator Result

Electricity, low voltage (Europe 2400kwh 51 122400

Total 122400
Material and type of processing Quantity Indicator Result

ABS scenario waste treatment in 1kg 45 45

Paper scenario waste treatment in 0.02kg 9 0.18
Stainless steel scenario waste 0.1kg 26 2.6
treatment in EU
Recycling stainless steel 0.1kg -475 -47.5
Total 0.28

Total cross all phases 123127.6

Table 10: Life cycle assessment of the recycled vacuum cleaner

Product: Recycled vacuum cleaner

Year:2023 Author: Phạm Văn Lộc
Considering a period of 3 000 hours (~4 years) of use during which we assumably use
recycled vacuum cleaner including: 1 solar panel of about 25 years life span,shell, fan,
filter, button, signal lights, fan speed control knob,pin lithium.
Material or process Quantity Indicator Result
PVC 0.6kg 220 132
Solar panel 0.2kg 6.119 (Assume 1223.8
to be a
Paper 0.02kg 261 2.52
Stainless steel 0.1kg 551 55.1
Extrusion blow molding, 0.6kg 36 21.6
Injection moulding 0.6kg 126 75.6
Total 1515.13
Process Quantity Indicator Result

Solar energy panel 1500kwh 5.3 7950

Total 7950
Material and type of processing Quantity Indicator Result

PVC waste treatment scenario in 0.6kg 34 20.4

the EU
Paper scenario waste treatment in 0.02kg 9 0.18
Stainless steel scenario waste 0.1kg 26 2.6
treatment in EU
Recycling stainless steel 0.1kg -475 -47.5
Total -24.32

Total cross all phases 9440.81

Bảng 4: Comparison in the overall

On the whole, the burden on the environment of the recycled vacuum cleaner
is significantly lower than that of the original handheld vacuum cleaner (lower by
88.3%) .
Considering the environmental aspect, this result indicates a big
However, when it comes to the ease of use, the simplicity in the
installation, and especially the cost of mass production, the original handheld
vacuum cleaner might generally be the better option. Although the recycled
vacuum cleaner still does its basic functions and works stably, original handheld
vacuum cleaners still have many outstanding utilities and functions.
Nevertheless, with the aspect of environmental protection and users do not
have the need for too many functions for a vacuum cleaner, our product will still be
a suitable product, meeting the basic problems for vacuum cleaners required


One of the most crucial roles of engineers is environmental awareness. All

our actions, particularly industrial activities, have a detrimental influence on the
human environment and contribute to the planet's daily degradation. Consequently,
the present industry must adapt to become more environmentally friendly in terms
of protecting the Earth for future generations.
This project is an exciting opportunity for all of us who aspire to become
engineers in the future to become more environmentally conscious. While
practicing calculation and analysis in product design and manufacture, we
constantly keep various elements in mind to guarantee our goods retain and
develop their inherent benefits while limiting negative environmental
As a result, the experience is both exciting and beneficial to us. In addition to
gaining new information, we increase our awareness of how we live, interact, use
resources, and affect our environment. Several issues were thoroughly examined,
providing us with a diversified picture of the mechatronics profession and
engineers' responsibilities. We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Nguyen Thi Hong Minh, who was dedicated to providing us
with quality and practical skill sets.

[1] Ecolizer 2.0 Ecodesign tool: OVAM Ecolizer
[2] History of vacuum cleaner:
[3] Work principle of vacuum cleaner:
[4] Handheld vacuum cleaner:


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