TLG 80041 C&C Classic Kane's Gauntlet

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Kane’s Gauntlet

A Castles & Crusades Adventure

Davis Chenault
Cartography Peter Bradley, Art Mark Allen
Edited by Tim Burns
Cover Art by Jason Walton

©2019 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades, C&C, Castle Keeper,
Troll Lord Games, and the Castles & Crusades and Troll Lord Games logos are Trademarks of
Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved.
This adventure is designed for 4-5 low level characters. A haunt lives in a castle near
a tavern and is trying to complete its final task; killing a lawful good character. The
characters become embroiled in this quest, if not the end goal of its quest. While this
is going on, some bandits have their eyes on the tavern and intend to launch a raid
and slaughter all who are there.
This module is designed with roleplaying in mind. There are a dozen or more NPCs in
the module. Each of the NPCs has a little backstory and personality. These are provid-
ed to enhance the roleplaying experience. The players and Castle Keeper are provided
with ample opportunity for roleplaying. That being said, the dangers are great and if
the characters are not on their toes, they will suffer immensely (or have to run – a
move Stephen and I do not look kindly upon).

Several centuries ago, a knight acquired a magic gauntlet that turned out to be a
little more dangerous than beneficial. The glove is a manifestation of a creature from
another plane. It took control of the knight, causing him to do things he otherwise
would not have done. The knight started killing innocents. One of those people killed
happened to be a friend of Kane the Godless. Realizing this, the knight ran and tried
to hide in one of his castles, Barrelhall.
Kane gave chase and, after some time, found the knight in Barrelhall. It did not take
long for Kane and the few men with him to burn down the nearby village and break
into the castle and kill everyone inside except the knight. In the ensuing fight with
the knight, Kane the Godless severed the hand of the knight. This happened to be the
hand the gauntlet was on. The knight surrendered immediately. Sensing something
was amiss, Kane kept the knight alive and imprisoned him in the Barrelhall’s cell.
Kane interrogated the knight. He surmised that the gauntlet might be responsible
for turning someone who had once been a well-respected knight into a killer. Kane,
learned in the arcane arts, tried to divine the nature of the gauntlet. In doing so, Kane
opened a door into another plane. Several dozen creatures came through that portal.
As Kane and his men were fighting those creatures, another horrendously large one
came through.
The creature fought for a short time but decided to make its escape from Kane’s sword.
Kane chased the creature leaving the gauntlet, the knight, creatures from the other
plane, and his men behind. All Kane’s men were slain and the knight died of dehydra-
tion. Only a few of the creatures remained in the castle. Several brave but foolhardy
folk tried to enter and reclaim the castle over the years. Most died or left emptyhand-
ed, being somewhat deranged.
The only surviving structure in the village was the tavern, being made mostly of stone.
Over the centuries, the region was abandoned, becoming the wilderness area it is now.
Hunters and adventurers are the only people to make their way into this region any-
more. Several banded together and repaired the tavern. Many hunters, adventurers,
and a few tradesmen make their way to the tavern. On rare occasions, bandits and

outlaws come here. Barrelhall, five miles away, has been entered a few times but now
everyone stays away.

Even though Kane’s Gauntlet had been removed, the knight was still possessed by a
desire to kill when he died of dehydration. The knight became a haunt. The haunt re-
mains in the castle, awaiting a chance to possess someone and carry out its last mission
to kill someone of lawful good alignment. It has successfully possessed people in the
past but never carried outs its mission. After every failure, it returns to Barrelhouse.
The tavern’s opening a few years ago has brought more people to the area and more
opportunities for the haunt to fulfill its quest. Even so, the haunt has failed to fulfill
its quest.
Those who come to the tavern often, or who know the region, advise everyone to stay
away from Barrelhall because it is haunted by a demon and other creatures. Usually,
everyone heeds this advice. Those occasions when the advice is not followed, disaster
and death soon follow. Just before the characters arrive, an adventurer, new to the
region and who traveled with Goff and Perin, decided that he could defeat whatever
lived in the castle and take any treasure he might find. He failed and was possessed by
the haunt. His name was Barin Tufft.
The haunt possessed adventurer came down to the tavern and decided to kill a trad-
er’s daughter. The trader is called Kris. Tufft did not succeed and was himself killed.
The haunt returned to the Barrelhall. Two days after this event, the characters arrive.
Those still in the tavern are discussing what to do. The body of the adventurer is laid
out in the common room. The trader is preparing to leave. The haunt is back in the
castle. Several of the patrons are brigands though most are hunters and a few can be
adventurers should the Castle Keeper find them necessary.
What happens next is entirely in the hands of the players and Castle Keeper. Before
proceeding, please read about the capabilities of the haunt and the desires and goals
of the various NPCs described below. In general, Kris and Perin want someone to go
to the tower and find out what happened. Goff wants nothing to with it, believing it’s
best to let sleeping dogs lie. Elrith taunts anyone who is afraid. The hunters both think
the place is best avoided. Egelbard and Deiter support a foray though are themselves
unwilling to go. Though going to Barrelhall and killing the haunt and other creatures
are challenging, the real challenge comes when the characters return with or without
treasure and have to face a few NPCs who want the characters goods.
Egelbard and Deiter are both members of a fairly newly formed group of brigands.
They are located several days to the south. Deiter and Egelbard were sent to Kane’s
Gauntlet to determine if it is worth raiding, taking over, using as a base, ignoring, or
whatever other options may present themselves. Deiter follows the party to the fort to
observe what is going on. Egelbard returns to the main camp to inform his leader of
what is happening. They are awaiting a message from Deiter. This message will never
come. The leader of the brigands, Parliknot, waits several days and decides to attack
the tavern. This should occur shortly after the characters return.
Then, the real adventure begins.


The road forks. Muddy lanes lead off in different directions to the same destination.
Beyond is a feral wilderness and an early death. At the fork is the last signpost of civ-
ilization. A large building, reaching to the height of the trees around, adorned with
many crooked windows, sagging gables, a patched roof, and too many teetering chim-
neys. The slate roof is stained so black that its original color is impossible to determine.
The wood is an ancient gray with green moss adornments. A door, propped open with
the skull of some monstrous beast, acts as a warning and an invitation. The low hum
of voices within mix with the stomping and neighing of horses in the attached pens.
The tavern is musty. The windows are shuttered. Smoke chokes the room. The stench
of the sweaty unwashed lingers in the air. A few lanterns, hanging from rafters, glow
dull and orange. Six burly men, bundled in bear skin, wolf skin, or thick leather armor
are gathered around a table. Several others are scattered around the cramped room.
Weapons droop from belts. Mugs froth with brew. Thickly bearded and scarred faces
peer suspiciously up as one enters. Hands drop to weapons as the group spreads out
a little. Scowls cross faces. The stench of death lingers in the air. A corpse is splayed
out on a table.
Goff the Smithson owns and operates Kane’s Gauntlet (see the end of the module
for details). He has been here for nearly ten years, having taken the place from the
previous owner. He trades goods from nearby cities for pelts and other material the
hunters bring in from their forays into the wilderness. His partner, Kris Cooper (end
of module), brings goods from the nearby cities to the tavern to sell to Goff. Kris does
not trade with anyone else by long-standing agreement. Kris, his daughter, and two
henchmen, and several others are currently staying at Kane’s Gauntlet.
Those staying at the tavern are generally in the common area early in the morning for
a few hours and in the late afternoon until well after sunset. They otherwise entertain
themselves outside, in their rooms, or are doing chores for Goff. The door is closed as
soon as the sun dips below the horizon.
The tavern is a simple affair. The common area is two stories tall with an attic. The
quarters for the owner is one floor with an attic. The storage quarter is one floor with
an attic. A stable is attached to one side forming a ‘u’ shaped structure. The yard
between the shed and common area is large enough for one wagon. One wagon is
currently in the yard.
Food and rooms are available, though the cost for both varies upon both Goff’s mood
of and his sense for how much a patron might be willing to pay. Goff is generally happy
to receive game or other foodstuffs, service in kind, or coin in exchange for a room and
board if necessary. Generally 1sp or a day’s labor should suffice for a room and food. If
he thinks more can be had, Goff asks for more.
There are currently twelve people staying at the tavern; Goff, two of his aids, Kris,
Kris’ daughter Perin, Kris’ two henchmen Rolan and Farge, four hunters and one trav-
eler, Elrith Leban.

Area 1: Common Room
The common room is roughly 170 feet long and 40 feet wide. A half dozen tables and
benches are in the front of the room. The bar and stairs to the upper floor are located
in the back of the room. The tables are scattered, dirty, and unkempt. The shutters
are closed, giving the place a cramped feel. Several oil lamps provide a dingy orange
glow for the room.
A very important note: The door to the tavern (not visible as it is open most of the
time) has the mark of Kane the Godless on it. When the door is closed, the symbol of a
bloody double-headed axe is revealed to those outside. The door has an AC of 20 and
can withstand 200hp of damage before giving way. It also has the effect of increasing
the hit points of anyone who stands in defense of the tavern by 1-10hp for the duration
of that defense. Those who stand in defense of the tavern realize that some powerful
arcane influence is affecting them positively.

Area 2: Quarters
Goff lives in this room. There is one poorly constructed bed piled with furs, clothing
and other debris. A table in the center of the room is scattered with foodstuffs, trin-
kets, odds and ends, and game board with the pieces suspiciously missing (Ronny hate
losing and scattered the pieces around the room). There is a chimney against the wall
with a pot on a hook over the coals. A ladder by the fireplace leads up to the attic.
Several large trunks are near the bed. These contain nothing more than personal
items and a few trinkets worth 30gp total. The room laden with junk.


There is a loose floorboard that is easy to find (CL +3). Beneath the board is a small
metal box. It’s locked and contains 70gp worth of coin. There is a loose stone in the
chimney. If removed it reveals a small space in the chimney with a metal box in it. This
contains 320gp worth of coin.
Underneath the bed, there is a trapdoor. This leads to a tunnel that goes straight
north for 200 yards and exits in a grove. Only Goff, Ronny, and Portman know of the
tunnel’s existence.

Area 3: Kitchen and Quarters

Ronny and Portman live in this room. It also serves as storage and the kitchen. A
bunk bed is against the outer wall. A large cooking stove and chimney and an oven
are against the inner wall. Foodstuffs are hanging from the ceiling. A ladder leads up
to the attic. A large cutting board is in the center of the room. A shelf full of plates,
bowls, and cutlery are against one wall. A few sacks of grain, potatoes and a barrel of
dried fish are by the table. A half-dozen spears, three shields, and four bows are in the
corner near the bunk bed. There is little else of interest in this room.

Area 4: Shed
The shed is used as a stable as well. There are currently four horses in the shed. A pile
of boxes lean against the wall near the kitchen. There are ropes, saws, hatched, saws,
and other assorted tools kept in that area as well. Little else is of interest in here.

Area 5: Landing
The stairs open up to a semi-circular foyer. There are windows on the outer wall. A
bench is under the windows. A hall is down the center of the building with five doors
on each side. Several are open and others closed.

Area 6: Rooms
Each of the rooms are lettered. Al are the same size, roughly ten feet wide and fifteen
feet long. Each contain one or two beds with bedding, a table and a chamber pot. The
rooms are rough looking and rarely cleaned. Six of the rooms are occupied.
A: Rolan and Farage are staying in this room. One or both are almost always in the
hall. One is always in the hall when Perin is in her room.
B: Kris and Perin are staying in this room. Kris’ lockbox is in this room or on his
person at all times. It has 98gp worth of coin in it.
C and D: Empty.
E: Elrith Leban is staying in this room. He has a book of spells in the room. The
book is invisible. It needs to be touched by his wand to make it visible. The book
is located on the floor under the table
F and G: Empty.
H: Robert is staying here. He has a short bow in here with 20 arrows.

I: Westin is staying in here. There are a pile of medium sized, spiked, animal traps
in here, short bow, and a +1 wolf spear.
J: Egelbard and Deiter are staying in this room. There is a sack in here with some
pelts inside as well as a silk gown lace with golden filigree, a pearl necklace, and
a belt with a gold plated buckle. Their total value is 25gp.

Area 7: Attic for Goffs Quarters

The attic is narrow and cramped. There are several crates and boxes are in the room.
These contain supplies for the tavern as well as a lot of broken tools, frayed ropes, and
bric-a-brac Goff believes might one day be useful.


He also has a +2 battle axe hidden beneath a pile old linen. He does not sue the axe
or display it for fear someone might steal it. He will, however, use it in combat. He
also has a crate with four vials of cure light wound potions inside and two gems worth
100gp each. He has a shield and set of full chain in here as well. He is saving these for
a time when he may need them.
Area 8: Attic for Kitchen
The attic is narrow and cramped. There are boxes of foodstuffs and cookware in here.
Many tools are stored in here as well.
Ronny and Portman have gathered some treasure over the past few years. A small
lockbox is hidden in the attic. It contains 120g worth of coin.

Area 9: Attic for Commons

The attic for the common area is mostly empty. Goff allows anyone to stay up here
for a copper or more when the rooms below are full or there are really poor people
making their way through the area. There are a few goods stored up here. A pile of
blankets, lengths of rope, some cloth, pails, a box of nails, some hammers and a few
empty trunks. The roof leaks in a few places. During heavy rains, water pools up here
and drips into some of the rooms below.

Area 10: Courtyard

There is a large wagon in the courtyard. It is half full of pelts and two barrels. A large
dog sits on top of the pelts angrily eyeing anyone who gets near. There is roughly 100gp
worth of pelts in the wagon. The wagon belongs to Kris Cooper.

Barrelhall is located about ten miles from the tavern. It sits on a low rise of granite by a
large creek. The creek had been diverted to form a moat around the castle. The moat
still exists and is full of sluggish water, is only 4 feet deep and filled with weeds. A small
stone bridge crosses the moat to the tower.
The fort sits like a heavy rock in a small pond. It is tall, the highest portions reaching
above the tree line as if trying to peer off into the distance, looking for someplace bet-
ter to go. But it cannot go anywhere. The fort is stuck. Its mortar is wearing thin. The
walls bulge as if ready to explode and crumble. Vines creep up its side and crawl over
its roof doing more to hold the place together than tear it apart.
A stone bridge crosses a shallow creek and moat to an entry long since rotted away
or torn from its hinges. The block towers, the silent sentinels, are jammed to close to
another as if leaning in together in order to block entry. It is a dark and dismal place.
A warning that all things must pass.

Area 1: Bridge and Moat

A creek runs in front of the fort. It has been diverted to form a moat. Over the years
the moat has filled in with debris and is now only four feet deep at its deepest, covered

in weeds and grass, with thick shrubbery along its side. Several large oaks grow along
is edge. One of the oaks is so large that it is as tall as the fort and a huge limb stretches
over the rampart. A character so willing might be able to make it across the limb and
onto the rampart at the rear of the fort. The limb breaks if more than 200 pounds of
weight is placed on it. It requires a successful climb check to manage safely. The bridge
was solidly built and remains so to this day.
There are two fleshcrawlers in the moat. They have kept the moat clear of any larger
creatures. These are exceedingly aggressive fleshcrawlers since they just ended their
mating season. When the characters cross over the moat, the fleshcrawlers begin to
wake. They do not enter the fort, rather they wait outside to attack anyone who comes
near. If the characters enter the moat then the fleshcrawlers attack.
Should the characters be in the tower for more than twelve hours, Deiter and Egelberg
arrive (see the section Returning to Kane’s Gauntlet). Deiter goes too close to the
moat and is killed by a fleshcrawler. The fleshcrawler then enters Deiter and, after the
characters leave the fort, slowly makes his way in Deiter’s shell to the characters and
attacks them.
Flesh crawler (This neutral, aberration’s vital statistics are HD 3d8, HP 21, AC 17,
and Move 30 feet or 15 feet climb. Its primary attributes are two bites for 1d6 damage or
six claws for 1d4 damage each. Its special abilities are paralysis, constrict, death throes,
and animation.)

The other fleshcrawler leaves the area after having laid some eggs near the moat. If the
characters search the area around the moat they find a pile of 22 round metallic balls.
They sound hollow. These are not easy to break open but can be done with a large
hammer and several blows. Inside each is a baby fleshcrawler. These are each worth
500gp to researchers or a university in a large city. Their like has never been seen.

Area 2: Guard Room
The entry to the guard room has long since been destroyed. The portcullis still remains
though. However, it is so rusted and age-worn that it barely moves in its slot. The
guard room is small and covered in debris from outside. There is a scattering of small
bones from animals in here. The walls to the left and right both have arrow slots in
them. The doorway from the guard room to the Entry hall is open. Most of the door
has rotted away.

Area 3: Entry Hall

The entry hall is empty. Beyond the entry hall, the great room is easily seen. There is
debris on the floor, but not nearly as much as that on the floor in the entry hall. On
the west side of the hall are stone steps leading up. Beneath the steps is a closed iron
door. There are entries to the towers on both the east and west sides of the room. A
small room is on the eastern side of the room.


The iron door is locked and the mechanism has rusted in place. Opening it requires a
significant amount of work. It requires at least a strength of 16 to open with a strength
check CL 3.
Behind the door are several skeletons. These are the remains of several of Kain’s com-
panions who stayed around to fight the creatures that came from the other plane.
They were once in armor, but only the metal bits are found now. The skeletons have
been calcified by the high mineral content water in the complex. There is 200gp worth
of retrievable coin and jewelry around the corpses. One is holding a +1 tulwar.
Area 4: Lower Tower Room
This room was used for eating and other communal meetings for the guards. There
are a few chairs and tables in here. These have mostly rotted away. Skeletal remains
of humans dwarves are found on the floor. There are four of them. The tables were

overturned at one point. Everything in here has rotted away and s no longer useful.
There are steps leading up.

Area 5: Lower Tower Room

This room was used as the barracks for those soldiers staying in the fort. The fort has
been abandoned for 300 years. Most of the material inhere has rotted away or is in
such a state of disrepair that it can no longer be used. The metal from spears and the
metal from other weapons can be found. It is rusted and useless. If the floor is searched,
several silver coins are found by the steps. There are 30 total but are scattered. There
are other silver coins scattered up the steps. Another 50 can be found here.
An observant character might note that there is a trail through the debris in the floor. It
appears as if something large moved across the floor, pushing material aside as it went.
One of Kane’s men dropped a bag of coins in a fight with a creature. The coins scat-
tered and the person was killed.

Area 6: Servant’s Quarters

Servants used this room to store goods and wait upon others who needed them. The
door is broken off the hinge and its rotted remains are on the floor. Inside are the re-
mains of several pieces of furniture and two beds. There are porcelain chamber pots,
candleholders, metal lanterns, dishware, and other debris scattered in the room.
A large pile silver candleholders, silver-plated serving dishes, silver tableware, some
coin, and a few pieces of jewelry on the floor. They are all tarnished with age but are
easily recognized. These are worth about 200gp in total and weigh about 60 pounds.
Kane’s men were collecting loot in this room and planning on dividing it when disaster struck.

Area 7: Main Hall

The main hall is massive. It is about 30 feet tall and 100 feet wide. There are the tat-
tered remains of a carpet on the floor. Some broken benches and chairs are to either
side of the carpet. A dais is at the far end of the room with a broken and rotted table is
in front of the throne. Behind the table is a large fireplace. A few windows are located
high up in the back wall. Vines are growing through these windows. Several other
windows are on the south wall. These lead to rooms 13 and 14. Metal rods hang on
the walls that once held tapestries. The northwest wall is bulging out and the entire
structure is now obviously listing in the northwest direction. Seems and cracks are
apparent all over the east wall.
Seven flumph are hiding int the top of the room. They are floating amongst the vines
and almost appear as vines with their long tendrils dropping down. They remain in
the rafters and do nothing unless the characters act in some manner. If friendly, the
flumph descend to see what going on. If the characters act aggressively, the flumph
defend themselves as best they can.
The flumph need nothing to subsist. They are not terribly curious. The flumph are
happy to spend the rest of their lives floating at the top of this room, which should be


about 200 more years. It is entirely possible the flumph can be befriended by the play-
ers, giving them anything is a sign of good will and they return that sign with a blob of
pink goo (much like a chewable vitamin) that heals 1-10 points of damage.
The flumphs are here quite by accident. Kane’s initial summoning circle was incor-
rectly writ and he summoned beings from a plane other than that of the gauntlet’s.
They have remained in place ever since hoping to get back to their plane. All they
need to survive is moist air with some particulate matter in it. They can float and live
in one place for hundreds of years.
Flumph x7 (These are lawful good, extraplanars, whose vital statistics are HD 2d8,
AC 18, HP variable, and Move 30 feet. Their primary attributes are physical. They
attack with spikes for 1d8 damage. Their special abilities are poison and flying.)

Note that most of the floors for the upper area of the fort are constructed of wood.
This is noted in the room description. If it is not noted, assume the floor is stone with
a wooden support structure. The wooden floors are rotted and old. Anytime someone
enters a room and walks across a floor, roll a d20. On a 20 the floor collapses causing

the person to fall to the floor below. Apply falling damage as usual. The roll should
only be made once per character per room. Then randomly determine where and
when in the room the floor collapses beneath that character. In combat, roll a d20 as
well for every round of combat. A d210 indicates the floor has collapsed.

Area 8: Second Floor Hall

The hallway accesses the second floors of the tower (Areas 9 and 10) and the sec-
ond-floor rooms (Areas 11-14). The hall is littered with debris. A balcony overlook
the entry room below and on into the grand hall. Some broken lanterns and weap-
ons and shield are scattered on the floor. Several large thick wood chairs are shoved
against the tower sides. A pulley and chain hangs from the roof over the entry hall.
The stretches to one of the rooms on the east side of the castle. A wide staircase leads
up to the upper floor.
If the characters are not quiet the Haunt is likely to have heard them at this point
though would still just be sitting and waiting. It is very patient. More importantly, the
gibbering mouther will have sensed the character’s presence and will slowly be making
its way down from the rafters at the top of the fort.

Area 9: Second floor Tower

This room is a guard room. The are arrow loops in the walls all around the room giving
access to the bridge and areas outside the fort. The floor is made of very thick wooden
beams. These are very old and have not been cared for in centuries so are dangerous
to walk on. They creak And bow with every step. Several chairs are in here and some
rotted tapestries. A large pot-bellied stove sits under one of the arrow loops. Stairs lead
up and a door leads to the balcony.

Area 10: Second floor Tower

This room is a guard room. There are arrow loops in the walls all around the room
giving access to the bridge and areas outside the fort. The floor is made of very thick
wooden beams. These are very old and have not been cared for in centuries so are
dangerous to walk on. They creak and bow with every step. Several chairs are in here
and some rotted tapestries. A large pot-bellied stove sits under one of the arrow loops.
Stairs lead up and a door leads to the balcony.

Area 11: Chamberlain’s Study

The remains of a bookshelf are dumped on the floor. Several dozen rotted books, doz-
ens of old scrolls, and bound manuscripts are scattered on the floor. A table knocked
over and on the verge of disintegration is in the center of the room. Two arrow loops
are in the east wall and door on the west. A chain suit, rusted and worn, is crumpled
on the floor beside a sword, a shield, the remains of some boots and a few other items.
The chamberlain used this room for record keeping and doing what little research was
required of him. There are a few brass candle holders on the floor, bottles of dried ink
and other rotted and rusted detritus scattered around the room. The books fall apart


whenever they are touched. Nothing is of real value or interest in this room, except on
leather-bound book with vellum pages.
The book was written and each page covered in a thin coat of wax. It has remained
remarkably intact throughout the years. Kane nor his men cared anything about the
book. The book contains a heraldic history of the knight’s family and some notes on
each of the family members. The last entry is on Prince Elred Wenright. A few notes
describe the knight’s activities as a warrior and fighting against robbers and usurpers
to the local aristocracy. Then the acquisition of a gauntlet of great power. The notes
mention the knight’s desire to change his name. Then that the knight stood accused
of two murders.
The body on the floor is of an adventurer who came across the fort and decided to in-
vestigate it. He was killed by the gibbering mouther and eaten. All that remains at this
point are those items that would not perish. Underneath the chain mail is a decayed
and frayed backpack. Some rotten cloth and broken pottery falls out as well as some
coins, jewelry, and an iron vial. There is 200gp worth of coin and jewelry. The vial is
sealed in wax, made of iron and has two draughts of gaseous form.

Area 12: Chamberlain’s Room

This room belonged to the chamberlain. There is a collapsed bureau on the floor, the
remnants of a bed, dusted in spider webs, a fireplace against the wall, a trunk that
seems to have withstood the ravages of time. On the north wall a window overlook
the great hall below. There are two arrow loops in the east wall.
The trunk falls apart once it is handled. All that was inside was clothing which is just
dust at this point. The window on the north wall overlooks the great hall. Looking out
this window one can clearly see the seven flumph in the rafters of the great hall. The
flumph can fit through the window.
By the time the characters reach this room, the haunt definitely knows the characters
are in the tower and begins moving toward them.

Area 13: Kitchen

This is the kitchen. A large fireplace is along the east wall and the center of the room
is dominated by a large stove. Wooden shelving lines the west wall. It has mostly col-
lapsed, leaving broken pottery and ceramics scattered on the floor. Large iron pans,
pots, and skillets are scattered around the room. Rusted cutlery is scattered around
the room as well.
The stuff in this room has been moved around quite recently, within days. This is as far
as Jack made it while exploring the fort. The haunt found him in here and possessed
his body.

Area 14: Kitchen and Storage

This room was used for food storage and a lot of prep. A large table dominates the
center of the room. Old knives and cleavers are scattered on the table as well as some
bones. The remains of boxes, barrels, and crates are stacked around the room.

Digging through the barrels and
crates is dangerous. There are sever-
al hundred ear seekers in them. They
have curled up in little balls and just
rest until new prey arrives. Once dis-
turbed, they uncurl and proceed to
swamp any living thing in the vicinity.
There are 120 ear seekers.
Noise made fighting off the ear seek-
ers attracts both the haunt and the
gibbering mouther.
Ear seeker (This neutral aberra-
tion’s vital statistics are HD1d2, HP
variable, AC 10, and move special.
Their primary attributes are physical.
Their special ability are lay eggs.)
These small, seemingly innocuous
creatures look like thin, green mag-
gots. Ear seekers can be found in any
damp, warm climate. They are often
found in fresh corpses, old rotting wood or refuse pits in warm climates. If anyone
disturbs an area populated by ear seekers, these parasites attempt to crawl into the
ear canal of their victims. They attack in swarms, so it is difficult to rid oneself of all
of them before a lucky few make it to their destination. As a rule, the hapless victim
is allowed a dexterity save when attacked, with a CL of 5. Those failing will be suc-
cessfully attacked by the creatures. Those succeeding have successfully thwarted an
attack, but are subject to another the next round as the creatures reassemble and at-
tack again. These creatures can easily be killed with fire at the rate of 10-60 per round
if attacked. If fire is not used, and more traditional methods are (i.e. stomping them
to death under a boot), 5-30 can be killed in a single round. A victim that is attacked
may either attempt to dislodge the creatures from his body or attack those on the floor
or around him, not both.
Laying Eggs: As they burrow through the eardrum, the victim will take 1d3 points
of damage, experience excruciating pain and become deaf in that ear. After this, the
creature will deposit its eggs in 2d4 hours. Before the eggs are laid, the creatures can be
killed via a heal, a remove curse, remove disease, a limited wish or a wish spell. Once
the eggs hatch, the young will begin burrowing deeper for nourishment. To kill the
young, only a heal or wish will suffice. If no cure is performed within twenty-four hours
of the larvae hatching, they will burrow into the brain, killing their host.

Most of the floors on the third floor are wooden. The chance for the rotten wood
collapsing is 19-20 on a d20.
The characters should encounter the haunt on this floor at some time.


Haunt Prince Elred Wenright
Prince Wenright, the last of his line, was a good knight. He had even acquired a bit
of fame in the region and was well-liked by those who were in his domain. This all
changed when Elred stumbled upon a magnificent gauntlet in one of his adventures.
After donning the gauntlet, Elred changed. He became slightly crueler in his combats
and less forgiving. This eventually led to his becoming a notorious killer and having
no mercy for anyone. He would even take offense at small insults and slay those who
voiced them.
As a prince, no one could or would say or do anything. That is until he crossed swords
with several ruffians and, what many feared, brigands. He slew both for perceived
insults and placed their heads on pikes as a warning to others and to anyone who
might be considering brigandage on his lands. Unbeknownst to Elred, these two were
members of a group of raiders/brigands/sell-swords led by Kane the Godless.
Kane took the news of his men’s death poorly. He gathered his band and moved on
the knight, intending to kill him, his family, his friends, his associates, and those on his
estates as a warning to others to avoid raising Kane’s ire. Kane was successful in doing
so. Elred ran to his furthest estate, the Barrelhall, hoping to avoid deaths similar to
those others in Kane’s path.
This did not work. Kane found the Barrelhall and raided it with his men. They slaugh-
tered everyone inside except Elred. Kane recognized the gauntlet Elred wore as some-
thing magical, severed Elred’s hand and took the gauntlet for study. Kane left Elred
chained in the attic of the Barrelhall to die.
Elred’s ghost is tied to his body and the unfulfilled quest inspired by the gauntlet. Elred
must slay a lawful good person for no reason other than to slay them. This burning
desire is so consuming that Elred’s spirit must now try and accomplish that task. Elred
became a haunt. The haunt tries to possess the body of anyone that it can and moves
to find and then kill some lawful good person.
The haunt tries to possess the body of the person it believes will most likely be able
to accomplish his task. When the body is killed, the haunt is not killed. The haunt
goes back to its original body to wait for another victim. The haunt can only be killed
when it is not inhabiting another’s body. The haunt is incorporeal and can move
through walls if it can reach the other side of the wall (basically the haunt cannot
move through anything more than 4 feet thick). The haunt can float up and down as
well. If the haunt is damaged, it can return to its body to heal 1d4 points of damage
an hour. In combat, the haunt takes full advantage of its ability to move through walls
and floors.
The Haunt (This is a lawful evil, undead, whose vital statistics are HD 5d8, HP 39,
AC 20, and Move 30 feet. Its primary attributes are mental. It has a high intelligence.
Special attacks: incorporeal fists and possession.)

Area 15: Hall to Upper Floor

This hall is ominously quiet. The dust and debris on the floor has recently been dis-
turbed. There is a clear trail leading to the door in the west tower. The door to the

east tower has fallen off its hinges. The door to the north is open, beyond is another
small hall. The floor is damp and the wood is more rotten than the lower floor. A few
tattered tapestries hang on the wall.

Area 16: East Tower

The tower chamber has several crates, barrels, and rotted sacks in it. These contain
foodstuffs and supplies used by the troops. There is a box of crossbow bolts in a sealed
barrel. These were packed well and are in relatively good condition. One of the crates
has two heavy crossbows in it.
These were also packed very well and are in fairly good conditions. Several arrow loops
are in the tower giving sight to all angles around the east and north side of the fort.
The crossbows fire with a -1 to hit and -1 to damage because the mechanism and twine
need refurbishing. The bolts fire at a -1 to hit. Both the bolts and the crossbows can be
repaired after which they fire normally.

Area 17: West Tower

This floor was used as a barracks room for those troops serving in the fort. There are
two bunk beds in the room, rotted blankets, a table, and three old trunks. Several
arrow loops give unrestricted views around the west and north side of the fort. The
trunks contain the rotted remains of personal gear used by those living here. The trail
on the floor leads up the stairs of the tower to the room above.

Area 18: Foyer

The foyer gives access to several other rooms. Four large marble busts are in the room.
Each is in a corner of the room and sit on a stone pedestal. The weight of the busts and
pedestal has caused the floor here to sag more than on the remainder of this level. The
floor in here gives way on an 18-20. The busts are the last four rulers of the Barrelhall.

Area 19: Servant and Storage Room

This room was used for the personal servants of the lord of Barrelhall. There are four
beds along the east wall, several tables and chairs, four trunks, two bureaus and col-
lapsed shelving. Most everything has rotted and fallen apart. The trunks are still in
good condition but all of them have been opened and pilfered. Piles of broken pottery
and other goods are scattered on the floor. Arrow loops are along the west wall. At the
north end of the room an archway leads to the main chamber.

Area 20: Family Room

This room was used by members of the lord’s family. There are two beds in here with
a partition separating them. The partition is still partially standing and the bed frames
are still fairly intact. Several trunks and bureaus are in the room as well.
Arrow loops are on the east wall. An arch on the north wall leads into another room.


All the trunks were thoroughly ransacked at one time. A portion of this room has sig-
nificant fire damage on the floor, weakening the boards even further. Here the chance
of the wood breaking is 11-20 on a d20. The area is obviously weakened.
There is nothing of value in this room.

Area 21: Foyer

This foyer has a set of wooden stairs leading to the upper level. The steps on the east
side are collapsing. Those on the west side are in fairly good condition. A large double
door is located on the north wall. An iron chandelier hangs from the roof above.
The chandelier is barely hanging on. The wood has rotted and the nails holding it up
are about to give way. If any hits or tries to move the chandelier, a check is made to see
if it falls. A 12 or better indicates it remains in place. If it falls on somebody, it causes
1d6 damage. If it hits the floor without hitting anyone else first, the floor must make a
check or collapse and fall all the way down to room three. On a 15 or better the floor
remains intact.
If the floor collapses, it could cause other portions of the floor to collapse that any
characters are standing on, and in this room, and next to the hole. A check is made
for each character. A 12 or better indicates the floor remains intact.

Area 22: Master Bedroom
This room is obviously the master bedroom. There is a huge fourposter bed facing the
north wall where there is a massive fireplace. The floor has a thin layer of stone atop
the wood. It is cracked in many places. The wood shows through in several places as
well. A long and deep trunk is turned over and open. A scattering of rotted material is
in front of it. A thick oaken table is against the west wall. Nothing is on the table ex-
cept a gauntlet. On the east are several small trunks, an upended desk, a bureau, and
shelves which have rotted and fallen to the floor. The tattered remains of tapestries
hand on the walls. There is an armor stand with nothing but a dented and rent helmet
on it. A weapons rack is nearby. Several polearms lie on the floor, their handles appear
brittle. A morningstar is laying by the table. An iron chandelier hangs from the ceiling.
The west wall bulges out slightly. This is a continuation of the bulge found in the lower
hall. The floor in that area near the wall has pulled away from the wall in several places
exposing a 6 inch seam between the wall and floor.
The most interesting thing in the room though, are the outlines of two concentric
circles about 5 feet wide on the floor. Just inside the circles are the outlines of runes
and sigils. These wrap all around the inside of the circle. The tile inside the circle of
runes is cracked, broken, and burned. A book, sodden and rotted lies beside the circle.
This room was once nicely furnished. Kane’s men destroyed everything and took all
the valuables they could find. They were not quite finished searching when Kane
started summoning rituals with the gauntlet. Once the creatures started coming out
of the portal Kane created, everyone was embroiled in combat. They slew what they
could and Kane gave chase to the largest while his men joined him or scattered.
The floor near the wall that is bulging is about to collapse. If it collapses, it will take
1/2 the room with it. Walking over to that portion of the floor requires a check. If
more than 150lbs moves across the floor, roll a d20. An 8 or better indicates the floor
collapses. Subtract one from the roll for every 25lbs over 150lbs. If the floor collapses
1/3 of the room immediately collapses with it. This would be the area right around
the weak spot. Roll a d20. On a 10 or better, within 5 minutes up to ½ the remainder
of the room collapses. These collapses could cause the floor in Area 22 to collapse as
well. This latter will take the bed with it.
Kane’s men did not find everything. The four-poster bed holds a magnificent treasure.
For years the lords of Barrelhall hid small gold bars in the posts of the bed. Each of the
four posts unscrews at the midpoint. The lower half of each post is hollowed out and
the lords would place small gold bars inside. There is 1,000gp worth of gold bars in
the posts. This is, incidentally, how much repairing the bulging wall and resetting the
foundation to Barrelhall would cost.
The circle and runes on the floor are a summoning portal. It is still active but not
open. Any magic-user, illusionist, or similarly trained arcane spell caster will know
immediately that this is an active portal. It is only missing one ingredient to open the
portal. If the gauntlet on the table is placed in the circle, the portal opens. With 1-10
rounds a creature comes through. Creatures continue to come through every 1d6
rounds thereafter until the portal is closed or ten creatures have come through. Then
it slows to 1 creature every hour, then one creature every day, then one creature every


year for ten years. Then it ceases to work. Destroying the circle or making inactive is
fairly simple. Remove the glove or erase wipe away all the runes.

To determine which creatures come through, roll a d10 and consult the chart below.
Some of the creatures are powerful. Some will not fight rather, they try and flee.
1 1-4 Stirges
2 Ghoul
3 Gibbering Mouther
4 Black Pudding (HD 1d10)
5 Gargoyle
6 Hell Hound
7 Wight
8 1-4 Troglodytes
9 1-6 Kobolds
10 Giant Spider

All of the floors on the third floor are wooden. The chance for the rotten wood col-
lapsing is 17-20 on a d20.

Area 23: Hall and Stairs

The stairs come up from Area 21. The staircase on the east is not functional and
appears likely to fall with any weight placed on it. The staircase on the west is in fine
shape though subject to the same rules as the floor. There is a double door on the
north end of the hall. These are open and one door is hanging by one hinge. The
doors to the east and west are likewise open. The door to the south is made of iron
and open as well. The roof is peaked and crisscrossed with rafter. Light from outside
shows through in many places. Broken tile and detritus from outside are scattered
across the floor.
Several dozen small boulders, about the size of human head, are scattered in the
southeast side of the room. Broken and burst barrels and crates are scattered across
the room. The remains of rope, several tools, stacks of lumber, and other material
used in the day to day maintenance of a fort are here as well. This includes, but is not
limited to ladders, pulleys, hammers, saws, nails, tile, and the like.
An easily defined trail can be seen in through the debris. Material has been pushed
aside to allow something to drag its way through this room from the southwest tower.
The latter is the trail left by the gibbering mouther. It leads from the southeast tower
and through the door to the south and onto the ramparts. That is where it climbs up
and on the roof. If the characters have not encountered the gibbering mouther yet,
this is the room where it should happen.

The gibbering mouther is one of the few creatures which survived after Kane sum-
moned them. Kane’s men left without killing it. The gibbering mouther, in a manner of
speaking, keeps the castle clean having eaten all the corpses it could, and anything else
that happens to wander into the place and fall prey to its many mouths. The gibbering
mouther usually crawls to the roof of the fort and sits there in the sun, rain, or snow
until it detects movement in any of the rooms below.
Gibbering Mouther (This neutral, aberration’s vital statistics are HD 4d8, HP 30,
AC 19, and Move 10 feet/20feet crawl/swim. Its primary attributes are physical. It at-
tacks with six bites. Its special attacks are gibbering, spittle, blood drain, engulf, amorphous
and darkvision to 60 feet.)

Area 24: Family Room

This room was reserved for family members or close friends of the lord. The roof has a
dozen leaks in it and the floor is wet, moldy and covered in debris blown in from out-
side. All the floorboards are creaky and bend under any weight. The remains of three
beds are in here. Several trunks have been overturned and emptied though nothing of
their contents remain. There are collapsed shelves and a collapsed chest of drawers.
Occasionally the gibbering mouther makes its way in here. A trail of its movement can
be seen on the floor. In the collapsed chest of drawers, some jewelry has fallen out of a
secret compartment. It is not visible to the eye, but is not hidden. The compartment it
was in has just rotted apart. Just shuffling the debris around reveals most of it. There
is 300gp worth of jewelry in the debris.

Area 25: Barracks

This room was used as a barracks. There is a row of bunk beds along the west wall.
These have mostly collapsed and rotted. Between the beds there are arrow loops in
the wall. Several broken and rotted tables are on the floor. Weapons racks and armor
stands are on the east wall. These have been knocked over. Most of the weapons and
armor have been removed. The tattered remains and disjointed part of various type of
metal armor are still around. There are three sets of chain, a half dozen helmets and
two metal shields. Spears, arrows, swords, and axes are also scattered around. The roof
leaks in many places and a tree branch is growing into one of the holes.
Most of these are unusable in their current state. The leather has all worn down and
none of the buckles or attaching devices work correctly anymore. The wooden and
leather parts of the weapons have all worn down as well making the weapons useless.
However, the helmets can still be used. The chainmail suits need cleaning and repair
to be serviceable. There are 30 spearheads and over 200 arrows heads in here.

Area 26: Storage, Body of the Haunt

This large room is very near collapse. The roof is giving way and is riddled with large
holes. Several tree branches are growing through it and into the room. The floor is
awash in leaves, limbs, and debris. There are even a few plants growing on the floor
near the holes in the roof. The floor is sagging on the west side where the wall is bulg-
ing out. There are old crates, boxes, trunks, and furniture scattered throughout the
room. Odds and ends hang from the ceiling like rope, tools, buckets, and even pile of
wood are on the floor. A musty smell of death lingers in the room. The rot of a corpse
is so overwhelming that it enough to make one gag.
This room was used for storage. Anything from cloths and food to tools and weapons.
If it did not have a place elsewhere, it ended up here. However, almost everything of
any value has rotted into uselessness or was taken by Kane’s men ages ago.
The corpse of Prince Elred Wenright is in here. It is chained up against the wall in a
far corner. The corpse is rotting but only appears to have been rotting for a week or so.
It’s crawling with maggots, flies, beetles, and roaches. All the clothes have rotted of so
that the Prince is naked. It is a wretched sight.
The haunt lives in the body. As long as the haunt is alive, the body will not decay, and
the haunt can constantly come back to it for healing and rest or to await a suitable
candidate for possession. The latter has only occurred a few times, and his attempts at
possession have always failed.
Having worn the gauntlet, the corpse has a lingering hint of the plane from which the
aberrations have come. None of the aberrations ever touched the body, though the

gibber mouthers comes back occasionally to check on it. To destroy the corpse one can
burn it or kill the haunt.

Area 27: Storage and Quarters

This room is used for storage and for extra sleeping space when necessary. The roof has
several holes in it. Debris is scattered on the floor. Several crates, boxes, and barrels
are in here.
This room was used mostly for storing foodstuffs. All of the food has long since rotted
away to nothing. There is one small cask amongst the material that is still intact. It will
not take long for anyone to find it, but they have to look. The cask is easily opened or
broken apart. A pile of goodberries fall out. There are 23 of them. They were placed
up here on accident and have remained in pristine condition because of their magical

Area 28: Storage

This room was used for storage of liquids like beer, ale, water, wine, and juices. There
are dozens of casks. All have exploded, leaked, or broken. The floor in here has rotted
and is ready to collapse. The floor check in here is 15-20 on a d20. The roof has mul-
tiple holes in it. There is nothing of value or interest otherwise.

Area 29: West Tower

This is the uppermost floor of the tower. The roof is on the verge of collapse. The
beams are rotted and cracked and half of the tiles are gone. The floor is stone and
still sturdy. It is covered with debris from outside. There is a trail through the debris
where the gibbering mouther crawls. It reaches up to the beams and crawls onto the
roof this way.

Area 30: East tower

This is the uppermost floor of the tower. It is covered with debris that has blown in
over the years. The beams holding the roof up are still intact though nearly all the
shingles are gone. Water has pooled on the floor. There is enough detritus that flowers
have sprung up on the floor.

Area 31: Rampart:

The ramparts wrap all the way around the upper portion of the fort. Like the rest of
the place, it is covered in debris and vines. The rampart is still sturdy except in one
portion. Along the northwestern portion, just above the bulge in the fort’s wall, the
rampart is at its weakest. Walking in this area is dangerous. Over 200lbs of weight in a
ten-foot space may cause the rampart to collapse. Roll a d20. A 16 or above indicates a
collapse. For every 25lbs extra, add 1 to the dice roll. If it collapses, much of the west-
ern portion of the wall collapses as well. This will cause 10d10 +10 points of damage
to anyone who falls with it.


After the characters leave the fort and return to the tavern, they may note several un-
usual things. However, for someone to notice these, they must be looking or searching
for tracks.
Deiter followed the characters up to the fort. He made a fire some distance away and
decided to wait until the characters came out to act. He had decided to let his band
know that the fort was cleared and give them any other information that might be
useful; such as whether or not the party was carrying any loot.
Unfortunately for Deiter, he was spotted by one of the fleshcrawlers, attacked, and
killed. The flesh crawler infested Deiter’s body and now wanders around looking for
prey. The fire snuffed itself out, but an observant character might note the smoke in
the wind. About 20 feet from the bridge is where the scuffle with the fleshcrawler
occurred. If the characters are the least bit concerned with their environment as they
leave the tower, one character should note something amiss on the ground. A success-
ful tracking check reveals human footprints, what appears to be a scuffle, and some
blood. The characters can backtrack Deiter.
Although they may not know what Deiter was doing in the vicinity. That he was here
at all should give rise to a concern. However the characters treat this, they do not
have much time to act. Within two days the brigands will ride down on the tavern
with the intention of slaughtering everyone in it and taking whatever it is they can.
When the characters return to the tavern, everyone is curious as to what happened in the
fort and what it is that lives there, if it has been cleaned out, and whatever other pieces
of information the characters may have. If mention of Deiter is made, it is said that he
left with Egelbard shortly after the characters left. They claimed not to want to be part of
whatever happened at the fort and intended to go north. Suspicions should be aroused.
A ranger could likely track the movement of both Egelbard and Deiter for a few miles
with the use of Kris’ dog. If the character can’t come up with the idea, then perhaps
Kris or Perin can. The tracks split up abruptly once several miles down the road. One
set continues down the road while another set doubles back and heads in the direction
of the tower through the woods.
At this point, the brigands are camped about 20 miles away in the opposite direction
of the tower. At some distance from the brigand’s encampment, the characters are able
to hear them and smell the smoke from fires, and even the cooking. They are not a
wise bunch and are fairly certain of their prowess.
At this point, the characters have several options. They can sneak up on the encamp-
ment and spy on the brigands or they can just saunter right into the brigand encamp-
ment and say hello. The former may reveal some important information. The latter
likely results in death of a character.
The brigands are enjoying a day of relaxation prior to their attack. Egelbard has as-
sured his leader, Barret Halffae, that no one is aware of their presence. They are drink-
ing, eating, and resting. They are also talking quite openly about the upcoming raid
on the tavern. They do not have a sentry or a guard watching the place until late at

night. Two of the brigands have made their way through the forest to the outskirts
of the Tavern to spy on it and report back any pertinent information before the raid.
These will be headed back up the road by midnight. At around midnight, four guards
are set around the camp.
On the following morning, the brigands make their way to the tavern. It will take
them two days to get there as only a few of the leaders have horses. They will camp
again about five miles from the tavern. The same actions are take. Two scouts are sent
forward and come back around midnight. They are quieter and build no fires for the
night fearing they might be spotted. Before the sunrises, the brigands make their way
to the tavern.
About a 1/10th a mile out from the tavern, the brigands split into three groups. One
moves to the east side of the tavern, one moves to the west side of the tavern, while
10 brigands, Barret Halfface, Felicity Sinner, and Samual of the Mount make their
way straight to the tavern. While the two flanking groups arrange themselves for an
attack and sneak up to very edges of the tavern, Barret and his men start to go inside,
acting friendly, if not guarded. They assess the situation. Felicity will leave and signal
an attack.
From this point, it is impossible to determine what happens. Here are the most like-
ly of events. Whichever route is chosen, what makes this encounter and adventure
memorable will be the interplay between all the various characters in the tavern and
the brigands. Attacks, retreats, negotiations etc. can all make for a very entertaining
adventure so take advantage of the characters to propel the game forward.
1 The characters find out about the attack prior to its occurring and inform the
others: In this case, everyone suggests leaving. No one is willing to sell their life
for a tavern. Everyone can split up and make for the forest hoping to avoid the
brigands. Kris and Perin are in a difficult situation because they will likely lose
their life no matter what. There is nothing the characters can do to convince
them to stay.
What concerns them is a place to go. All want to make for the forests but that
presents an untenable situation because the forests are dangerous enough and
with brigands chasing them, becomes that much more so. In this case though,
they all split up except Kris and Perin. Those two remain with one another and
do the best they can.
2 The characters find out about the attack prior to its occurring and do not in-
form the others but remain: In this case, the tavern is surrounded and attacked.
Play this out as best as possible. Goff immediately tries to flee through the secret
tunnel in his room. He will invite others to do so as well. If the characters are not
there to help defend the tavern, all will be killed. Be aware of the magical effects
of the front door of the tavern and the Mark of Kane. It is possible that the tavern
can be defended successfully, but that is going to be difficult. Be sure to point out
the players all the weaknesses but do not try and dissuade them.
3 The characters attempt to waylay or mislead the brigands: The characters
may choose to confuse the brigands by attacking them first. It is possible that a


well-organized attack is successful. The brigands are not the bravest lot in the
world and many of the common brigands may break and run if an attack occurs
in the dead of night. If an attack occurs during the day, the brigands are unlikely
to flee knowing they outnumber their foes. However, an attack may be enough to
dissuade continued attacks or at least delay it allowing the others to escape.
4 The characters flee without informing the inhabitants: This is a horrible act
and the characters should suffer some fallout. Assume everyone is killed except
Perin. She is imprisoned and forced to be part of the brigands. She turns evil and
later encounters a member of the party. Relates the horrors of her life, then tries
and kills the character. Any lawful good character should suffer something worse.
5 The characters inform the inhabitants and leave them to fend for themselves:
In this case, the tavern is destroyed and everyone is killed except the hunters.
The brigands move into the Barrelhall and come to terrorize the countryside for
years to come eventually becoming a major force for the locals to contend with.
As above, Perin is forced to join the brigands.
6 The characters defend the tavern by themselves: This is an honorable ap-
proach but foolhardy. The brigand’s attack and have no mercy on the characters.
On the other hand, Goff will tell the characters about the secret tunnel and the
Mark of Kane on the door will help protect them.
7 The character move to Barrelhall: If the characters leave the tavern and head
to Barrelhall and set up a defense there, the brigands will not know. Their initial
concern is the tavern. A few days after taking the tavern, a half dozen or so will
go to Barrelhall to investigate it. If these do not return a few more will show up.
If those do not return the rest go to the fort to discover what happened. In this
manner the PCs have a greater chance of beating the brigands.
Further, if Barrelhall is chosen for defense, Kris, Perin, their two guards, Goff,
his companions, and one of the hunters accompany the party. They also help in
the defense of the fort. If all is successful, the party gains friends, have a tavern
they can frequent, and have a base of operations as the castle essentially becomes
theirs should they want it. From here, they can explore a vast and untamed land
near the Blacktooth Ridge.
If Barrelhall is significantly damaged in the process of the defense, its repairs
should cost between 8,000 and 10,000gp. An amount conveniently hidden in a
bed post in the fort.

KANE’S GAUNTLET: This is a mail gauntlet with several metal straps attached to
it for added protection. It appears old, a little rusted, the leather strappings appear to
need some repair. It is an altogether unimposing gauntlet the likes of which could be
purchased at any second rate armorers’.
The gauntlet, once worn, radiates strength up the arm, the bands tighten solidly
around the arm and forearm. The fingers fit seamlessly into place, and finger mobility
seems unaffected.

The Gauntlet is magical though it may not radiate magic. The gauntlet is slightly
aware and has an SR4. If any detection spells are cast on it, the SR must be overcome
before any possibility of information about the gauntlet is conveyed. The gauntlet is
then allowed a mental saving throw, as if level 5, to counter any magic detection. Only
then is it revealed to be magic. More could be gleaned about the gauntlet but the same
process must be passed for any information gathering spells are of any use.
The first benefit of wearing the gauntlet is that no aberration under 10HD will attack
the person wearing it. The only time an aberration will attack the person wearing the
gauntlet is if they attack first or the aberration is 10HD or more. The gauntlet is a
celestial force all aberrations recognize and the less powerful dutifully respect.
Initially, the gauntlet confers a +1 to hit and +1 to damage with any axe or bludgeon-
ing weapon when used with the hand on which the gauntlet is worn. It also confers an
SR1 to the character. Should the character wearing the gauntlet decide to show mercy
to a foe they have just been in a fight with, the gauntlet tries to counter that impulse.
The character must make a charisma check (CL5) to succeed. If the character fails,
they must attack and kill the foe. Unless physically stopped by others, the character
cannot stop attacking until the foe is dead.
Once that is done, the gauntlet’s curse takes effect. The gauntlet cannot willingly be
removed from the hand and the wearer actively fights anyone who attempts to remove
it. It can only be removed via a remove curse spell CL12, severing the hand on which
the gauntlet is worn, by killing ten people who are innocent of any wrongdoing, or
once the gauntlet has slaked its thirst for killing (see below).
After first killing someone to whom the character wanted to show mercy, the gauntlet
confers a +2 to hit and damage and an SR2. Next, the gauntlet desires to kill a true
neutral creature. This can be in combat or otherwise. If the character is presented the
least opportunity (some provocation) to do this, they must make a charisma check
at CL6. Failure means the character must kill that which it can’t fulfill the gauntlet’s
desires. The gauntlet then confers a +3 to hit and damage and an SR 3. The process
continues with a foe of good alignment, a lawful alignment person, and thence to a
lawful good foe. The CL for the save increases for each killing as do the to hit, damage
rolls and SR until a +5 and SR10 are attained. After this point, the wearer must kill at
least ten people innocent of any known wrongdoing before the character can remove
the gauntlet. Until it is removed, showing mercy is hardly possible and provocations,
even slight, are met with violence.

Goff the Smithson
Goff is in his 5th decade of life. The grizzling life of a professional hunter, mercenary,
and later outlaw have left their mark on his spirit and body. He speaks plainly and
truthfully, rarely mincing words. Goff is suspicious by nature and has only become
more so over the years. Goff’s company was captured after a battle some years ago.
Most were executed for the crime of serving on the wrong side of that war. Goff es-
caped and made his way here with several companions. He wants little more than to


be left alone at this point and does not appreciate people disturbing the creatures that
live in Barrelhall. He believes a demon lives there.
(He is a chaotic neutral, human, 4th level ranger whose vital statistics are AC 14, HP
21, BtH +3, and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are wisdom, dexterity, and
constitution. His significant attribute is wisdom 14. He wears +1 laminar leather and
carries a bow and +1 battle axe ad has 10gp worth of coin and jewelry on his person.)
Ronny is a tall wiry person. He has a spotty beard. This is in large part due to the
wounds cut across his face. He is loyal to Goff as the two have been traveling together
for three decades. He is not terribly bright but has a keen sense of self-preservation.
(He is a lawful neutral, human, 2nd level fighter whose vital statistics are AC 14, HP
16, BtH +3, and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are strength, dexterity, and con-
stitution. His significant attributes are strength 13 and dexterity 16. He Wears leather
armor and carries a large cutting axe.)
He is a small and burly man with a thick beard and long unruly hair. Portman drinks
too much and it shows. By the end of the night if he is not passed out drunk it’s be-
cause they ran out of brew to drink. He is hardly loyal nor disloyal, he is, most of the
time, incapable of making any decision about anything.
(He is a chaotic neutral, human, 2nd level rogue whose vital statistics are AC 12, HP
5, BtH +0, and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are dexterity, intelligence, and
constitution. His significant attribute is dexterity 13. He Wears normal clothing and
carries four throwing daggers hidden on his body.)
Kris Cooper
He is a merchant traveling with his daughter and two guards/helpers. He has traveled
this region for years and made far more friends than enemies – even amongst the more
nefarious members of the region. The attempt on his daughter’s life has angered him
greatly and is willing to pay a month’s wages to anyone who goes to the Barrelhall and
slay whatever it is that’s in there. Kris believes there are demons in the castle and
claims that, on very good authority, the whole of the place is cursed.
(He is a lawful neutral, human, 3rd level rogue whose vital statistics are AC 11, HP
12, BtH +0 and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are dexterity, intelligence, and
wisdom. His significant attributes are intelligence 13 and charisma 13. He wears com-
moners clothing over padded armor. He carries a feather edged dagger that does +1
damage. He has 150gp worth of coin and jewelry on his person.)

Perin is Kris’ daughter. She is 18 years old and being groomed to take over the business.
Perin has a forceful personality born of the travails of living on the road and in the
wilderness. She believes Barrelhall is haunted and the man who tried to kill her was
possessed. She would like someone to clear Barrelhall.
(She is a lawful good, human, 1st level rogue whose vital statistics are HP 4, AC 12,

BtH +0, and Move 30 feet. Her primary attributes are dexterity, intelligence, and
constitution. Her significant attributes are dexterity 15 and intelligence 13. She wears a
leather vest. She carries dagger and hand axe.)
Rolan is middle-aged. He has been selling his sword since a youth. He enjoys his cur-
rent job because it allows him to travel to numerous cities looking for better pay while
at the same time, giving him regular pay with little to no conflict.
(He is chaotic neutral, human 3rd level fighter whose vital statistics are AC 15, HP
24, BtH +3, and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are strength, dexterity, and
constitution. His significant attributes are strength 13 and constitution 14. He wears
a chain shirt and carries a longsword, mace, and crossbow. He has 20gp wroth pf coin
and jewelry on his person.)
Kilm Shortbeard
Kilm is a dwarf who has traveled with Goff and Perin for a few years. He enjoys the
regular pay, good food, and company of Goff. Kilm is always anticipating danger in the
wilderness and is alert to all threats.
(He is a neutral, dwarf 3rd level ranger 1st level rogue. His vital statistics are AC 15,
HP 17, BtH +2, and Move 20 feet. His primary attributes are strength, and wisdom.
His significant attributes are dexterity 13 n d constitution 14. He wears +1 leather
armor and carries a +1 flanged mace, battle axe, and crossbow. He has 40gp worth of
coin and jewelry on his person.)
(This is a neutral, animal whose vital statistics are HD 2d6+1, HP 7, AC 12, and
Mover 40 feet. Its primary attributes are physical. It attacks with a bite for 1-2 damage.
Special: the dog is a bloodhound and is capable of tracking like a 10th level ranger.)

Robert is a hunter. He spends most of his time hunting deer, sheep, or other easily
killed prey. He tans them and sells the hides to Goff. He is a thoroughly untrustworthy
person though not a thief. He makes promises that are never kept and Goff long ago
quit depending on him for anything.
(He is a chaotic evil, human, 3rd level ranger whose vital statistics are AC 14, HP 15,
BtH +2, and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are dexterity, strength, and wisdom.
His significant attributes are dexterity 13 and wisdom 15. He wears leather armor,
hides, and a bearskin. He carries a wolf spear, a short sword, hatchet, and shortbow.
He has 15gp worth of coin and jewelry on his person.)

Westin is a ranger and occasionally hires out to local villages or farmers to track down
wolves, bears, or other creatures that are causing problems. He has just returned from
just such a foray and has three wolf pelts for sale or trade. He does not trust Egelberg
nor Deiter, having never met them before. He has spent some time around the Bar-


relhouse and suggests that there is something living in it, but he does not know what
nor is he inclined to find out. He warns everyone to stay clear of the place for fear of
stirring up problems best left alone.
(He is a neutral good, 4th level ranger whose vital statistics are AC 15, HP 32, BtH
+3, and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are strength, wisdom, and constitution.
His significant attributes are strength 13 and constitution 15. He wears hide armor,
carries a battle axe, and longbow. He has 50gp worth of coin and jewelry on his person.)
Egelbard is a fine-looking person, one might even say handsome with deep blue eyes,
deep voice, and lean build. His beard is well maintained and, for the environment,
very clean. He brushes his boots off religiously. He is also a unmitigatedly cruel per-
son. Since his youth he has learned to use his looks to beguile people and then take
advantage of them. He and Deiter are members of a group of brigands riding north.
They have been here several days sizing up the place (See notes for a Return to Kane’s
Gauntlet). Egelbard encourages the characters to go the castle.
(He is a lawful evil, human, 3rd level assassin whose vital statistics are AC 14, HP
12, BtH +1, and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are intelligence, charisma, and
dexterity. His significant attributes are dexterity 16 and charisma 16. He wears leather
armor. He carries a dagger, longsword, handheld crossbow and vial of type III poison.
He has 12gp in coin and jewelry on his person.)
Deiter is a thoroughly dislikable person. He has no sense of humor, is paranoid, de-
lights in the small sufferings of others, is greedy, and has an unctuous demeanor. It’s a
small miracle he has not been killed. He is, though, a very good tracker, if not a good
fighter. Deiter follows the characters to the fort after they leave while Egelbard goes to
inform the band that there just may be some loot for them in the near future.
(He is a chaotic neutral, human, 5th level ranger whose vital statistics are AC 14, HP
13, BtH +4, and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are dexterity, strength, and
wisdom. His significant attributes are charisma 6 and dexterity 17. He wears leather
armor and a bearskin. He carries a longsword and short bow. He has 10gp worth of
jewelry and coin on his person.)
Elrith Leban
Elrith is a handsome if not unkempt sort. His hair is long and flaxen but greasy and
flecked with dirt. His aquiline face is beardless with golden skin, but a little too gaunt
for his large eyes. He wears fine clothing but is travel-worn and patched in a few plac-
es. The mud on his boots cover fancy and expensive tastes. A long thin sword dangles
at his side at all times. Elrith’s voice is mellifluous, deep, and engaging, but not to the
point of obnoxious. Elrith is a half-elven bard making his way through the wilderness
gathering information for tales and histories and whatever else might interest him. He
knows a little about the fort, but not this tavern. He has no desire to risk his life at the
Barrelhall but certainly welcomes the character’s bravery as a footnote to the history
of the region.

If asked about the fort (Elrith never offers), Elrith gives a brief and inaccurate history.
The following is all that he has correct. The fort belonged to the Wenright family in
years past. The family were known for their devout service to their deity and pro-
tecting the kingdom from bandits, goblins, orcs and others. Then Kane the Godless
arrived at the doorsteps of the castle demanding surrender. They felt up to the task of
fending off Kane. However, the Wenright family was never heard from again.
Other than that he claims the fort withstood many sieges, holds a great treasure horde,
was the leaders once ruled a small kingdom here, a dynastic feud and magical sword
led to the family’s downfall, and that the descendants still wander the forests to this
day as robbers and brigands.
(He is a chaotic neutral, half-elven, 4th level bard whose vital statistics are AC 16, HP
23, BtH +2, and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are charisma, dexterity, and
intelligence. His significant attributes are charisma 16, dexterity 16 and a constitution
14. He wears +2 leather armor. He carries a +1 poignard and a dagger. He has a lute
of charming and 150gp worth of coin and jewelry on his person.)

Barret Halfface (Mounted)
Barret has been thieving, robbing, and murdering his way through life since he was
wee tyke. He is very good at what he does. He rarely takes chances anymore and is
no longer desperate for the next haul. He is quite deliberate and allows others to do
his dirty work for him. At this point, no gold is worth dying for because he has a large
stash hidden away.
(He is a lawful evil, 3rd level ranger, whose vital statistics are AC 18, hp 28, BtH +5,
and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are strength, dexterity, and wisdom. His
significant attributes are strength 16, Dexterity 16, and wisdom 14. He wears a chain
shirt. He carries a +1 morningstar and shield. He has a ring of spell shielding and belt
of perception allowing a +1 to all wisdom checks. He has 400gp worth of coin and
jewelry on his person.
He rides a light war horse whose vital statistics are HD 3d10, HP 21, AC 14, and
Move 60 feet. Its primary attributes are physical. It attacks with two hooves for 1d4+2
damage or a bite for 1d4 damage)

Garland Shakes
Garland is by no stretch a capable thinker. He is in fact as close to dumb or stupid
as one could be without descending into an animal’s state. Garand is, however, an
excellent fighter and knows little to no fear. He is loyal Barret and will do whatever he
is told. Garland is tall, muscular and ugly. Some even think he has a little orc in him.
(He is a neutral, half-orc, 3rd level fighter whose vital statistics are AC 16, HP 25,
BtH +4 and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are strength and constitution. His
significant attribute is strength 15. He has an intelligence of 7. He wears a chain shirt
and carries a shield. He wields a large double-bitted axe in combat. He has 22gp worth
of coin and jewelry on his person.


He rides a light war horse
Light War Horse (Its vital statistics are HD 3d10, HP 20, AC 14, and Move 60
feet. Its primary attributes are physical. It attacks with two hooves for 1d4+2 damage
or a bite for 1d4 damage.)

Felicity Sinner
Felicity is a cruel woman. She really has a great distaste for those who simper and cry
and finds some great pleasure in torturing them. In combat, she enjoys incapacitating
her foes and watching them suffer or bleed out after a combat. Perhaps this is revenge
for all the suffering she has been put through. Perhaps she suffered so much because
she is a horrible person. In combat, it won’t matter.
(She is a lawful evil, 3rd level rogue whose vital statistics are AC 14, HP 11, BtH +3,
and Move 30 feet. Her primary attributes are strength, dexterity, and intelligence. Her
significant attributes are dexterity 17, strength 16, and intelligence 13. She wears leath-
er armor. She carries a +2 short sword of speed giving her a +1 to initiative as well.
She has 120gp worth of coin and jewelry on her person.
She rides a light war horse.

Light War Horse (Its vital statistics are HD 3d10, HP 20, AC 14, and Move 60
feet. Its primary attributes are physical. It attacks with two hooves for 1d4+2 damage
or a bite for 1d4 damage.)

Samual of the Mount

Samual is a very good tracker and a very good thief. His penchant for thievery is what
landed him with such a sour lot. He once served in the army but was caught stealing
from the stores, branded a thief and cast out. Samual had little choice after that but
to turn his predilection into a job. He has no loyalty to anyone in this group and will
run at the first sign the group will be overtaken, killed or otherwise might land him
at the end of a noose or sword. He dearly loves his horse and will not leave without it
nor risk it in battle.
(He is a chaotic neutral, 2nd level ranger and 2nd level rogue. His vital statistics are AC
16, HP 14, BtH +2, and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are strength, dexterity,
and wisdom His significant attributes are strength 14 and dexterity 14. He wears leath-
er armor and a shield, He carries a +2 dagger, spear and longsword of wounding. He
has a ring of the ram and 100gp worth of coin and jewelry on his person.
He rides a light war horse
Light War Horse (Its vital statistics are HD 3d10, HP 20, AC 14, and Move 60
feet. Its primary attributes are physical. It attacks with two hooves for 1d4+2 damage
or a bite for 1d4 damage.)

Barek Blackfoot
Barak cares for little else in the world other than himself and his deity. His mission
is to build a temple and believes the quickest and easiest manner of attaining such a

lofty ambition is to take other’s gold rather than earn it. Of course, his line of work is
hard and dangerous. He lacks the wisdom and common sense to realize this and this is
exactly why his deity favors him. He is also a coward.
(He is a lawful evil, 3rd level cleric whose vital statistics are HP 18, AC 18, BtH +2,
and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are wisdom, charisma, and strength. His sig-
nificant attributes are strength 15 and wisdom 14. He wears +1 chain mail and a +2
shield. He carries a +1 mace. He has 310gp in coin and jewelry, two potions of healing,
and a scroll with a bless spell.)

Legart Trap
Legart is spindly fellow with a mean temperament and an earnest desire to acquire
power. Being frail, Legart quickly realized that physical prowess was not his avenue
to leadership. Being highly intelligent, he decided to study the arcane arts. His over-
zealous nature got him banned from his school and shunned by many masters of the
arcane arts. So Legart struck out on his own and ended up with this band. As long as
his purposes are being met, Legart is willing to partake in thievery and worse. As soon
as his goals are put into to doubt, he switches tactics and leaves to find more lucrative
avenues to pursue.
(He is a chaotic neutral, half-elf, 5th level wizard whose vital statistics are AC 13, HP
14, BtH +1, and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes are intelligence, wisdom, and
dexterity. His significant attributes are intelligence 16 and dexterity 14. He wears a
cloaks and +2 bracers of defense. He carries a rod of the python, a ring conferring an
SR1, a ring of force shield, potion of levitation, a spellbook with ten spells in it and 120
go worth of coin and jewelry.)
Brigand Sergent x 2 (These are neutral evil, human, 2nd level fighters whose vital
statistics are AC 13, HP 13, BtH +2, and Move 30 feet. Their primary attributes are
strength, constitution, and dexterity. They wear leather armor and shields. They carry
spears and longswords. They have 30gp worth of coin or jewelry on their person.)
Brigand Sergent and Sapper (He is a neutral, dwarf, 2nd level barbarian whose
vital statistics are AC 14, HP 17, BtH +3, and Move 30 feet. His primary attributes
are strength and constitution. His significant attributes are strength 13 and constitution
15. He wears studded leather armor and a shield. He carries a +1 battle mace. He has
70gp worth of coin and jewelry on his person.)
Brigands x10 (These are neutral evil, humans whose vital statistics are HD 1d8, AC
12, HP 6, BtH +1, and Move 30 feet. Their primary attributes are strength, consti-
tution, and dexterity. They wear leather armor. They carry spears and maces. They
have10gp worth of coin or jewelry on their person.)
Brigands x5 (These are neutral evil, humans whose vital statistics are HD 1d8, AC
12, HP 6, BtH +1, and Move 30 feet. Their primary attributes are strength, constitu-
tion, and dexterity. They wear leather armor. They carry shortbows and maces. They
have10gp worth of coin or jewelry on their person.)


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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2004, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault
and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 2nd printing, Copyright 2006, Troll Lord Games; Authors
Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 3rd printing, Copyright 2007, Troll Lord Games; Authors
Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 4th printing, Copyright 2009, Troll Lord Games; Authors
Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 5th printing, Copyright 2011, Troll Lord Games; Authors
Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 6th printing, Copyright 2014, Troll Lord Games; Authors
Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasure, Copyright 2005, Troll Lord Games; Authors Robert Doyel
and Stephen Chenault.
Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasure, 2nd printing, Copyright 2007, Troll Lord Games; Authors
Robert Doyel and Stephen Chenault.
Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasure, 3rd printing, Copyright 2009, Troll Lord Games; Authors
Robert Doyel and Stephen Chenault.
Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasure, 4th printing, Copyright 2009, Troll Lord Games; Authors
Robert Doyel and Stephen Chenault.
Castles & Crusades Castle Keepers Guide, Copyright 2010, Troll Lord Games; Author Davis
Chenault. & Stephen Chenault.
Castles & Crusades Castle Keepers Guide, 2nd Printing, Copyright 2015, Troll Lord Games; Author
Davis Chenault. & Stephen Chenault.
Castles & Crusades Kane’s Gauntlet, Copyright 2019, Troll Lord Games; Author Davis Chenault.

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