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pSeries 690 Hardware Service Delta+ pSeries 690 Quick Reference Chart - I/O Drawers

The Eserver pSeries 690 system uses physical location codes in conjunction with AIX location codes to provide mapping of the failing field replaceable units (FRUs). A Quick Reference Chart has been developed to associate the PCI and DASD slot physical location codes with the AIX location codes. The chart identifys all 20 PCI slots and 16 DASD slots in each of the six I/O Subsytems (drawers) Topics discussed in this chapter include the following: q Logical and Physical Locations
q q q q

Location codes for Drawers and PCI Slots AIX Commands for identifying PCI Slots DASD Physical Location Codes Quick Reference Chart


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pSeries 690 Hardware Service Delta+

Logical and Physical Locations

The Eserver pSeries 690 system uses physical location codes in conjunction with AIX location codes to provide mapping of the failing field replaceable units (FRUs). The location codes are produced by the systems firmware and the AIX operating system. Physical Location Codes Physical location codes provide a mapping of logical functions in a platform (or expansion sites for logical functions, such as connectors or ports) to their specific locations within the physical structure of the platform. Location Code Format The format for the location code is a string of alphanumeric characters separated by a dash (-), slash (/), pound sign (#) or period (.) character. The base location is all of the information preceding the slash (/) or pound sign (#). The base location identifies a device that is connected to or plugged into the parent. AIX Location Codes The basic formats of the AIX location codes are as follows:

Examples of physical location codes and AIX location codes are: PCI adapter in first I/O subsystem, slot 1 (primary rack): q Physical location code U1.9-P1-I1 q AIX location code 2V-08 PCI adapter in fifth I/O subsystem, slot 1 (secondary rack): q Physical location Code U2.1-P1-I1 q AIX location Code 8V-08

For non-SCSI devices/drives: AB-CD-EF-GH For SCSI devices/drives: AB-CD-EF-G,H

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pSeries 690 Hardware Service Delta+

Location Codes for Drawers and PCI Slots

The physical location codes associated with each drawer is based on the rack in which it is installed and its EIA location within that rack. For example, Drawer 2 is located in rack 1, EIA location 5, therefore the physical location code is U1.5. Another example would be Drawer 5, which is located in the secondary rack, rack 2, at EIA location 1, therefore the physical location code is U2.5.

There are two planars within each drawer, each containing 10 PCI slots. As viewed from the rear of the rack, the slots are numbered left to right, 1 thru 10. In the graphic to the left, are examples of the how physical location codes are associated with PCI slots.

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pSeries 690 Hardware Service Delta+

Identifying Logical and Physical PCI Slot Locations Identifying PCI Slot AIX Location Codes Use lsdev to get AIX location codes

lsdev -Cc adapter

ssa0 Available 3J-08 IBM SSA 160 SerialRAID Adapter (14109100) ent0 Available 3M-08 IBM 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet PCI Adapter (14100401) fcs0 Available 3V-08 FC Adapter scsi0 Available 3b-08 Wide/Ultra-3 SCSI I/O Controller ssa1 Available 3k-08 IBM SSA 160 SerialRAID Adapter (14109100) scsi1 Available 3s-08 Wide/Ultra-3 SCSI I/O Controller sa0 Available -00 LPAR Virtual Serial Adapter sa1 Defined LPAR Virtual Serial Adapter sa2 Defined LPAR Virtual Serial Adapter

The AIX lsdev command can be used to identify the AIX location code associated with each adapter assigned to the Operating System. The lsslot AIX command can be used to identify the hardware location code associated with each adapter. The common element between the output of both commands is the device definition, e.g., ssa0 Looking at the output for ssa0 from both commands which is in bold: q the AIX location code is 3J-08

Identifying Slot Hardware Location Codes Use lsslot to get hardware location codes

the hardware location code is U1.9-P2.I2

lsslot -c pci
# Slot U1.9-P2-I1 U1.9-P2-I2 U1.9-P2-I3 U1.9-P2-I4 U1.9-P2-I5 U1.9-P2-I6 U1.9-P2-I7 U1.9-P2-I8 U1.9-P2-I9 U1.9-P2-I10 Description Device(s) PCI 64 bit, 66MHz, 3.3 volt slot Empty PCI 64 bit, 66MHz, 3.3 volt slot ssa0 PCI 64 bit, 66MHz, 3.3 volt slot ent0 PCI 64 bit, 66MHz, 3.3 volt slot Empty PCI 64 bit, 66MHz, 3.3 volt slot fcs0 PCI 64 bit, 66MHz, 3.3 volt slot Empty PCI 64 bit, 66MHz, 3.3 volt slot Empty PCI 64 bit, 33MHz, 5 volt slot ssa1 PCI 64 bit, 33MHz, 5 volt slot Empty PCI 64 bit, 33MHz, 5 volt slot Empty

The Quick Reference Chart shown on the next screen provides this association between hardware location codes and AIX location codes for all 120 possible locations. This information could be helpful in identifying the failing FRU reported as a result of a system failure or from executing diagnostics.

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pSeries 690 Hardware Service Delta+

PCI Slot Quick Reference Chart
The chart below is a Quick Reference Chart developed to associate the PCI slot physical location codes with the AIX Location Codes. The chart identifies all 20 slots in each of the six I/O Subsystems (drawers). I/O Subsystem 4 is presented with and without an IBF installed.


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pSeries 690 Hardware Service Delta+

DASD Physical Location Codes
The following figure shows the DASD drive positions in an I/O subsystem. In the figure, x is equal to the rack number and y is equal to the I/O subsystem position in the rack. The SCSI ID for each drive is set when the drive is installed. Each I/O subsystem can have up to four DASD four packs installed. The SCSI IDs for the drives in each four pack are 8, 9, a, and b from left to right.

For example, if this I/O subsystem was installed in Drawer 2 position, the disk drive highlighted in blue would have a physical location code of: U1.5-P2/Z2-Aa

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pSeries 690 Hardware Service Delta+

DASD Physical Location Codes to AIX Location Codes Quick Reference Chart
The chart below is a Quick Reference Chart developed to associate the DASD slot physical location codes with the AIX location codes. The chart identifys all 16 DASD slots in each of the six I/O Subsytems (drawers). I/O Subsystem 4(Drawer 4/7) is presented with and without an IBF installed.

7040-681 DASD Bay Quick Reference Chart

Planar DASD Bay D(P6) Slot 12 C(P5) Slot 11 B(P4) Slot 12 A(P3) Slot11

SCSI ID (x=) Physical ID (y=) Drawer 1 Drawer 2 Drawer 3 Drawer 4 No IBF IBF Drawer 5 Drawer 6

8 A8

9 A9

10 Aa

11 8 Ab A8

9 A9

10 Aa

11 8 Ab A8

9 A9

10 Aa

11 8 Ab A8

9 A9

10 Aa

11 Ab

3s-08-00-x,0 U1.9-P2/Z2-y 5M-08-00-x,0 U1.5-P2/Z2-y 6s-08-00-x,0 U1.1-P2/Z2-y 8M-08-00-x,0 U1.13-P2/Z2-y U2.9-P2/Z2-y 9S-08-00-x,0 U2.1-P2/Z2-y BM-08-00-x,0 U2.5-P2/Z2-y

3b-08-00-x,0 U1.9-P2/Z1-y 57-08-00-x,0 U1.5-P2/Z1-y 6b-08-00-x,0 U1.1-P2/Z1-y 87-08-00-x,0 U1.13-P2/Z1-y U2.9-P2/Z1-y 9b-08-00-x,0 U2.1-P2/Z1-y B7-08-00-x,0 U2.5-P2/Z1-y

37-08-00-x,0 U1.9-P1/Z2-y 4b-08-00-x,0 U1.5-P1/Z2-y 67-08-00-x,0 U1.1-P1/Z2-y 7b-08-00-x,0 U1.13-P1/Z2-y U2.9-P1/Z2-y 97-08-00-x,0 U2.1-P1/Z2-y Ab-08-00-x,0 U2.5-P1/Z2-y

2s-08-00-x,0 U1.9-P1/Z1-y 4M-08-00-x,0 U1.5-P1/Z1-y 5s-08-00-x,0 U1.1-P1/Z1-y 7M-08-00-x,0 U1.13-P1/Z1-y U2.9-P1/Z1-y 8s-08-00-x,0 U2.1-P1/Z1-y AM-08-00-x,0 U2.5-P1/Z1-y

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pSeries 690 Hardware Service Delta+


The Eserver pSeries 690 system uses physical location codes in conjunction with AIX location codes to provide mapping of the failing field replaceable units (FRUs). The location codes are produced by the systems firmware and the AIX operating system. Physical location codes provide a mapping of logical functions in a platform (or expansion sites for logical functions, such as connectors or ports) to their specific locations within the physical structure of the platform. The format for the location code is a string of alphanumeric characters separated by a dash (-), slash (/), pound sign (#) or period (.) character. The base location is all of the information preceding the slash (/) or pound sign (#). The base location identifies a device that is connected to or plugged into the parent. The basic formats of the AIX location codes are as follows: q For non-SCSI devices/drives: AB-CD-EF-GH

s s

For SCSI devices/drives: AB-CD-EF-G,H

s s s

The AIX lsdev command can be used to identify the AIX location code associated with each adapter assigned to the AIX Operating System. The lsslot AIX command can be used to identify the hardware location code associated with each adapter. The Quick Reference Chart could be a helpful aid to quickly identifying the failing FRU reported as a result of a system failure or from executing diagnostics.

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