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Ifugao Provincial Science High School

Mabatobato, Lamut, Ifugao


Quarter 2 Week 2

Name of Learner: _________________________ Section: _____________

Grade Level: _________________ Date: ______________

Topic: Multimedia Elements

Activity 1.Fill in the blanks. Read and understand the statements below
and write the correct answer on the provided blank.
1.The information they handle must be represented_____________________.
2.The interface to the final presentation of media is usually___________________.
3.Multimedia is heavily used in the entertainment industry, especially to develop special
____________________ in movies & animations.
4. A ______________ system is meant to be read nonlinearly, by following links that point to
other parts of the document or to other documents.
5.________________ not constrained to be text-based, can include other media,,example
graphics, images, and especially the continuous media sound and video.
6. _________________ the example of a hypermedia application.
7._________________Compact Disk Read-Only-Memory has become most cost-effective
distribution medium for multimedia projects.
8. In Education and Training Software; Online Courses, and Datasharing are used in
multimedia in Developing courseware For presentation____________________.
9. Multimedia is heavily used in the ____________________especially to develop special
effects in movies and animations.
10. _______________short term for electronic commerce, business transaction that occurs
over the internet.
Activity 2. Differentiate the Categories of Multimedia According through Medium of Delivery.
Write your answers on the provided Columns



Internet Connection


Delivery of Multimedia

Activity 3. Identification: Identify what is ask Write your answers on the provided blanks.
_________________1. It is a Technology of Virtual Reality that generates 20 to 30 frames per
second , the ever-changing images?
_________________2. It is the tracking system that continually reports the position and
orientation of the user’s head and limbs?
__________________3. _________________4. What are the technology of Virtual Reality
that is fro building and maintaining detailed and realistic models of the virtual world.
__________________5. This immerse the user in the virtual world and that block out
contradictory sensory impressions from the real world.
__________________6. What is the extension of multimedia?
__________________7. It is a Medium of Delivery that has become most cost-effective
distribution medium for multimedia projects.
__________________8. One of the Medium Of Delivery that increase the capacity and
capability of current optical technology to 18GB.
__________________9.What can the User use to inquire information on their health?
__________________10. What does Virtual Reality Uses to produce responsive virtual

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