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Vaccine Mandates:

An Erosion of
Civil Rights?

November 2020
Executive Summary......................................................................................... iii

I. Introduction.................................................................................................. 1

II. U.S. Mandates: How Did We Get Here?........................................................... 3

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
From Mandates for Emergencies to Mandates for “Prevention”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The Legal Sea Change in 1986. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Corporate Greed and Conflicted Regulators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

III. Dissecting Herd Immunity........................................................................... 8

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
False Logic and Troubling Consequences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Outbreaks in Highly Vaccinated Populations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Real Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

IV. Hepatitis B Vaccine Mandates................................................................... 12

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
A Questionable Rationale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The Outdated Legal Context for Mandates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Prescient Justices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

V. Anti-Parent Propaganda............................................................................ 16
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Insulting Parents’ Intelligence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Inflaming Anti-Parent Sentiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Removing Parental Knowledge and Consent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

VI. A Globally Coordinated Agenda.................................................................20

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
An Interconnected Global Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Mandate Mania. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Blowback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

VII. Where Do We Go from Here?......................................................................23

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Barreling Toward Us. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Asking the Right Questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Taking Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Coercion Must Backfire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Epilogue: COVID-19........................................................................................... 27



Executive Summary
➧ Vaccine mandates do not safeguard rights and health. In the U.S., which requires
more childhood vaccines than almost all other countries, officials appear willing
to ignore the ethical principle of informed consent while applauding censorship of
vaccine risk information and considering forced vaccination.

➧ The legal edifice shoring up compulsory vaccination relies on two century-old, small-
pox-era Supreme Court decisions. The first decision (1905) contained robust caution-
ary language that warned against “arbitrary and oppressive” abuse of police power
going far beyond what might be reasonably required for the safety of the public.

➧ In 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act exempted vaccine manufactur-
ers and medical practitioners from liability for childhood vaccine injuries and now
for adult vaccine injuries as well—leaving families with a striking absence of legal
protections. Since the Act’s passage, the U.S. has prioritized vaccine development
and promotion over vaccine safety science and injury compensation.

➧ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices (ACIP) is the driving force behind vaccine mandates, pushing mandates for any
illness declared “vaccine-preventable,” despite ACIP members’ conflicts of interest.

➧ Officials use the concept of herd immunity to justify mass vaccination, but 60 years
of compulsory vaccine policies have not attained herd immunity for any childhood
illness. In real-world conditions, vaccines often fail. Vaccine failure not only makes
herd immunity impossible to achieve but also allows illness to occur in highly or
even fully vaccinated populations.

➧ Mandatory hepatitis B vaccination is an example of the glaring disconnect between

risk and policy. Whereas most young people face little to no chance of hepatitis B
infection, the vaccines impose significant risks, including the risk of neurodevelop-
mental disorders, autoimmune illness and death. Hepatitis B vaccine safety testing
was shockingly inadequate in the targeted age groups (infants and young children),
and the vaccines have displayed poor long-term efficacy.

➧ A campaign is unfolding to discredit vaccine-risk-aware people by reframing their

concerns about vaccine safety as barriers, deploying industry shills to inflame
anti-parent sentiment and laying down a legal and medical foundation to allow chil-
dren to consent to vaccines without parental permission.

➧ Internationally, the World Health Organization, GAVI-the Vaccine Alliance, the Global
Health Security Agenda and other international initiatives and organizations are sup-
porting the push for vaccine mandates. As many countries transition toward more
punitive measures and more coercion, studies show that these steps are counterpro-
ductive and do not guarantee improved vaccine uptake.

➧ Because governments are failing to subject vaccines and vaccine mandates to

rigorous scrutiny free from conflicts of interest, the public and ethical profession-
als must step into the breach. In some U.S. states, citizens are urging legislators to
introduce conscientious belief exemptions and parental consent requirements. Oth-
ers are advocating for requirements to review scientific evidence, monitor vaccine
adverse events and communicate comprehensive risk information to parents. All of
these efforts and more will be essential to halt the erosion of informed consent and
vaccine choice.


I. Introduction
A round the world, vaccine mandates
are snowballing. Growing numbers of
legislators and public health officials—
the constitutional dimensions of the
right to refuse medical care7 and at
least paying lip service to the ethical
Extreme and Grotesque
“[S]tate-sanctioned forced
with wheels heavily greased by the principle of informed consent legally vaccination of adults for measles
pharmaceutical industry1—are imposing codified in the post-World War II seems extreme—evocative
oppressive mandates that trample on Nuremberg Code.8 Now, the pendulum of a police state and a sharp
religious, parental and
2 3
is swinging in the oppo- departure from the principle
human rights —including
4 …censorship site direction. Govern- that government may not invade
our bodies to benefit others.
the precious right to “secu- of vaccine risk ment officials appear
Execution of such orders could be
rity of person” guaranteed willing to ignore the
by Article 3 of the Univer-
information is fundamental premises grotesque.”
sal Declaration of Human earning plaudits of clinical informed con- Source: Cantor JD. Mandatory measles
Rights.5 Especially since and policy- sent—that “the patient vaccination in New York City—reflec-
the start of the COVID-19 tions on a bold experiment. N Engl J
makers are openly must be competent, Med 2019;381:101-3.
pandemic, countries and adequately informed
international organiza- entertaining the and not coerced”9—to
tions have been actively prospect of state- the point where cen-
preparing for COVID-19 sanctioned forced sorship of vaccine risk
vaccine recommendations information is earning
and mandates.
vaccination. plaudits10 and policy-
makers are openly entertaining the
Although compulsory childhood vacci- prospect of state-sanctioned forced
nation has been a cornerstone of U.S. vaccination (see Extreme and Gro-
public health policy for a long time, 6
tesque).11 Some vaccine proponents
until recently, nearly all states allowed unashamedly have begun to argue
for vaccine exemptions, recognizing that informed consent is a “legal


Turning Informed
Consent into a
“Legal Fiction”
In a 2018 article, Polish authors make a
convoluted argument against informed
consent, even though informed consent
is one of the foundational principles of
post-WWII medical ethics developed as
a response to wartime atrocities that
include actions committed in Poland:

“The World Health Organization…

emphasizes that one of the premises
for informed consent is voluntariness.
…[I]n the case of [vaccination] obli-
gation, voluntariness might be lacking
and thus from an ethical and legal
perspective, the whole informed con-
sent is invalid and, in reality, becomes
a legal fiction. … The principle of
autonomy and obligatory vaccination
fiction,” claiming that in the context context. In this Children’s Health are in conflict. Therefore, with obliga-
of compulsory vaccination, “the model Defense eBook, we: tory vaccination, the right to refuse or
of informed consent is confusing, withdraw the consent is also ineffective
➧ Review the tenuous legal under- and impossible to execute.”
inappropriate, and out of place”12 (see
pinnings of vaccine mandates in
Turning Informed Consent into a Source: Zagaja et al. Informed consent
the United States (Section II)
“Legal Fiction”). in obligatory vaccinations? Med Sci
➧ Discuss how officials have used Monit 2018;24:8506-9.
Meanwhile, as public health officials the false rationale of “herd
continue to add more inadequately immunity” to make unjustifiable
tested vaccines13 to the childhood claims about the need for man-
schedule, scholars at prestigious aca- dates (Section III)
demic institutions are helping to lay
a legal foundation for coercive legis- ➧ Present the flawed logic of hep-
lation that stops just short of forc- atitis B vaccine mandates as a
ible vaccination. In fact, each of the case study (Section IV)
reportedly “incremental” measures
➧ Explore the campaign to smooth
being floated as viable proposals14—
the path to further mandates by
eliminating nonmedical exemptions,
undermining parents’ role in vac-
developing “oversight mechanisms
cine decision-making (Section V)
for medical exemptions,” lowering
the age of vaccine consent and going ➧ Examine the highly coordinated
after vaccine “disinformation”—is agenda to push compulsory vacci-
already well underway. nation across the globe (Section VI)

At this critical juncture, it is time ➧ Discuss steps being taken to halt

to take a look at vaccine mandates the erosion of informed consent
in their wider historical and global and vaccine choice (Section VII).


II. U.S. Mandates: How Did We Get Here?
Overview vaccine mandates and flu vaccine
mandates for adults similarly threatens

N o other country requires as many

childhood vaccines as the U.S.15
However, the legal edifice shoring
adults’ rights and health.

When the NCVIA passed in 1986, the

up America’s compulsory childhood Act fundamentally altered the legal
vaccine program is surprisingly flimsy. landscape for vaccination by exempt- Vaccinated
As Children’s Health Defense General ing vaccine manufacturers and med-
Counsel Mary Holland explained in a ical practitioners from liability for
individuals have
2010 working paper,16 this edifice relies childhood vaccine injuries. Congress been left with
primarily on two century-old, small- then extended its liability protections an absence of
pox-era Supreme Court decisions— to adults for federally-recommended
legal protections
from 190517 and 192218—and on the vaccines as well. The NCVIA served
game-changing National Childhood as the coup de grâce that left vacci- striking
Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986.19 nated individuals with an absence compared
Examining the legal trajectory of vac- of legal protections “striking com- to almost all
cine mandates since the 1905 Supreme pared to almost all other medical
Court decision, Holland argues that interventions.”21
other medical
current childhood mandates are not interventions.
only radically different from what the From Mandates for Emergencies
earlier courts and legislators envisioned to Mandates for “Prevention”
but are “unreasonable and oppressive
and have led to . . . perverse results” The Supreme Court’s 1905 Jacobson
that do not safeguard children’s rights v. Massachusetts decision, as sum-
and health.20 The prospect of COVID-19 marized by Holland, justified the
for children and not for the
imposition on adults of one vaccine—
smallpox—“on an emergency basis”
entire population.” Jacobson v.
and under circumstances of “immi- ➧ Decisions in Mississippi and Massachusetts:
nent danger.” At the same time, the Texas in the early 1930s Keeping Laws
Jacobson decision established medical granted public health author- “Sensible”
exemptions, reasoning that it “would ities the leeway to define
be cruel and inhuman in the last public health emergencies in
Although the authors of the
degree” to vaccinate someone who whatever manner they saw fit.
Jacobson opinion endorsed
was medically unfit. compulsory smallpox
➧ A New Jersey court in the late vaccination under certain
Jacobson contained “robust cautionary 1940s interpreted Jacobson as circumstances, they also
language,” calling attention to the justifying all vaccine man- stated:
potential for “arbitrary and oppres- dates, “disregarding its lan-
sive” abuse of police power and guage to reject unreasonable, [W]e deem it appropriate…
warning against going “far beyond arbitrary or oppressive state to observe…that the police
what was reasonably required for actions.” power of a State, whether
the safety of the public.” Jacobson’s exercised by the legislature,
➧ An Arkansas court in the early or by a local body acting
authors urged courts to be “vigilant
1950s suggested that anyone under its authority, may be
to examine and thwart unreasonable
questioning vaccine safety or exerted in such circumstances
assertions of state power” (see Jacob-
efficacy should “lodge [their]
son v. Massachusetts: Keeping Laws or by regulations so arbitrary
objections with the Board of
“Sensible”). and oppressive in particular
Health rather than the court.”
cases as to justify the inter-
Despite the 1905 Supreme Court’s ference of the courts to pre-
words of warning, state-level courts Occasionally, legal officials expressed vent wrong and oppression.
did not wait long before broadening their disapproval of vaccine man- …“All laws,” this court has
the judicial interpretation of Jacobson dates outside of emergencies. In said, “should receive a sen-
beyond the notion of imminent danger 1919, a North Dakota judge did not sible construction. General
or necessity—although still primarily hesitate to pronounce childhood terms should be so limited in
within the context of the smallpox vaccination in the absence of a their application as not to
vaccine: smallpox epidemic an act of “bar- lead to injustice, oppres-
barism.” As quoted by Holland, the sion or absurd conse-
➧ In 1916, Alabama and Kentucky same judge also wrote presciently quence” [emphasis added].
courts allowed states to man- about the self-interest of the medical
date vaccination for prevention profession and vaccine manufactur-
of smallpox epidemics, stating ers—“the class that reap a golden
that state Boards of Health were harvest from vaccination and the
not required to wait until an diseases caused by it” (see A Century
epidemic actually existed before of Self-Interest).
taking action. The Alabama court
also broadened the rationale
for mandates beyond adults to
children. A Century of Self-Interest
➧ In 1922, the three-paragraph In comments that bear repeating today, a North Dakota judge stated in 1919:
Zucht v. King Supreme Court deci-
sion sanctioned vaccine man-
Every person of common sense and observation must know that it is not the
dates as a condition for public welfare of the children that causes the vaccinators to preach their
school attendance. According doctrines and to incur the expense of lobbying for vaccination statutes [emphasis
to Holland, this decision further added]. …And if anyone says to the contrary, he either does not know the facts,
shifted Jacobson’s paradigm “by or he has no regard for the truth.
upholding a mandate exclusively
The Legal Sea Change in 1986 conflicts of interest (see ACIP’s Con-
flicts of Interest).
Although vaccination mandates had
become legally “well-entrenched” by By 1981, after ACIP helped make
the mid-1950s—regardless of emer- multiple vaccines obligatory for
gency and “all but erasing” Jacob- school attendance in all 50 states,
son’s cautionary language—Holland the number of vaccine injuries began
emphasizes that this legal framework increasing. In 1986, Congress enacted
emerged in the context of a single the NCVIA. Although some legislators
vaccine for a contagious disease con- may have been well-intentioned when
sidered to be life-threatening. Even they passed the Act, Holland makes it
when the polio vaccine subsequently clear that the NCVIA has been noth-
appeared on the scene, the nonprofit ing short of a disaster. In essence, the
organization that helped develop and Act placed “vaccine promotion, safety
distribute the vaccine “opposed com- and compensation under one [gov-
pulsion on principle.” ernment] umbrella,” thereby creating

According to Holland, the creation of ACIP’s Conflicts of Interest

the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention’s (CDC’s) Advisory Com-
ACIP issues annual vaccine recommendations for the U.S. civilian population. ACIP’s
mittee on Immunization Practices industry-beholden membership roster reads like a “who’s who” of the individuals and
(ACIP)—“a federal advisory body with organizations who spearhead the nation’s vaccine business, with voting members from
little public participation and no leading medical schools, children’s hospitals and universities; ex officio members from
direct accountability to voters”—laid federal agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Department
the groundwork for far more coercive of Defense (DOD); and non-voting representatives who liaise with pharmaceutical
vaccine policies. Over time, in fact, companies and health insurers. ACIP members have longstanding and well-documented
ACIP has become the driving force conflicts of interest that hold them captive to vaccine company interests, with financial
behind vaccine mandates. Whereas entanglements that include co-ownership of vaccine patents, vaccine company stock
Jacobson justified mandates under holdings, research funding, payments to monitor vaccine trials and funding for academic
specific and rare circumstances, ACIP departments or appointments.
has created an “infrastructure” that
pushes mandates for any illness See: “Close ties and financial entanglements: the CDC-guaranteed vaccine market,” Children’s Health
declared to be vaccine-preventable, Defense, June 6, 2019.
despite ACIP members’ rampant
ACIP Recommended Childhood Vaccine Schedule, Birth to 18 Source: CDC

“the risk of trade-offs among com- Necessity no longer determines the

peting goals.” Holland summarizes validity of state childhood vaccination
the rather predictable result: “Reve- mandates. [. . .] New vaccine mandates
nue-generating vaccine development are guided by financial returns on low
and promotion have enjoyed priority prevalence diseases, not protection of
over vaccine safety science and injury the entire population against immi-
compensation since the Law’s incep- nent harm [emphasis added].
tion” (see The NCVIA Paradox).
The NCVIA Paradox
ACIP has also promoted a shift away
There is a paradox at the heart of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act passed in 1986:
from “necessity” as the rationale for
vaccine mandates. In fact, a number ➧ On the one hand, the legislation “for the first time publicly acknowledged that universal com-
of the vaccines that ACIP now calls pulsory vaccination is likely to cause permanent injury and death to some infants and children.”
for American children to get to attend
school—about 70 doses of 16 vaccines ➧ On the other hand, the Act forces healthy children to give up ordinary legal protections,
by age 18—are for rarely fatal illnesses including informed consent, and takes away from injured children the right to sue manu-
and for conditions “not contagious facturers directly.
through ordinary social contact.” Hol- Source: Holland M. Reconsidering compulsory childhood vaccination. New York University School of Law.
land’s conclusion is that: Public Law & Legal Theory Research Paper Series, Working Paper No. 10-64, September 2010.
(Merck, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline
Corporate Greed and
and Sanofi Pasteur) have exten-
Conflicted Regulators
sive records of documented
fraud and criminal and ethical
Some of the most troubling facts noted
by Holland concern the power of the
pharmaceutical industry, which has
been the most profitable industry in In a related article,23 Holland tack- There are
the U.S. since the 1980s: les the extensive collusion between more full-time
the pharmaceutical industry and pharmaceutical
➧ In a single year in the early government regulators. Whereas
2000s, “the combined profits of “demonstrably predatory corpora-
industry lobbyists
the ten largest drug companies tions selling compulsory products on Capitol Hill
in the Fortune 500 had higher net
profits…than all the other 490
to a vulnerable population should than there are
lead to a high level of government
companies [in the Fortune 500] legislators in
scrutiny and skepticism,” Holland
combined.” observes that “government appears both Houses of
➧ There are more full-time phar- to ally its interests with industry in Congress.
maceutical industry lobbyists on the arena of vaccines.”24 The second
Capitol Hill than there are legisla- Children’s Health Defense eBook,
tors in both Houses of Congress. Conflicts of Interest Undermine Chil-
dren’s Health, explores this unhealthy
➧ The leading manufacturers of government-pharma partnership in
childhood vaccines in the U.S. greater detail.25

Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies by Market Capitalization*

Johnson & Johnson $345.9 billion

Novartis $226.5 billion

Merck $216.4 billion

Roche $211.5 billion

Pfizer $205 billion**

AbbVie $128.8 billion

AstraZeneca $124.4 billion

Sanofi $114.4 billion

GlaxoSmithKline $110.2 billion**

Eli Lilly $108.7 billion

*Market capitalization (“market cap”) refers to how much a company is worth as determined by the stock market. Market cap (versus sales or total assets) is the key indicator
used by the investment community to assess a company’s size.
**In August 2019, Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline completed a merger of their consumer healthcare divisions.
Source: Philippidis A. Top 10 pharma companies of 2019. Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, November 18, 2019.


III. Dissecting Herd Immunity
Overview the theory relies on flawed assump-
tions that, in the real world, do not and

H erd immunity is a largely theo-

retical concept, yet for decades, it
has furnished one of the key under-
cannot justify compulsory vaccination
policies. In fact, in a 2014 analysis in
the Oregon Law Review, Holland and
pinnings for vaccine mandates in the Chase E. Zachary (a legal scholar who
U.S. and elsewhere. The public health also has a Princeton-conferred doctor-
establishment borrowed the herd ate in chemistry) wrote that 60 years
immunity concept from pre-vaccine of compulsory vaccine policies “have
Sixty years of
observations of natural disease out- not attained herd immunity for any
breaks. Then, without any supporting childhood disease.”28 It is time, they compulsory
science, officials applied the concept to suggest, to cast aside coercion in favor vaccine policies
vaccination, using it not only to justify of choice. have not attained
mass vaccination26 but to guilt-trip
anyone objecting to increasingly oner- False Logic and Troubling herd immunity
ous vaccine requirements. Consequences for any childhood
Apparently, herd immunity bully- One of the principal arguments made
ing sometimes works. A review of 29 by Holland and Zachary is that herd
studies showed that “willingness to immunity is not achievable with
immunize children for the benefit of vaccines. In part, this is because the
the community” was a “motivating underlying assumptions upon which
reason” for about a third of parents.27 vaccine-related herd immunity is pre-
The problem with using herd immu- mised are largely “irrelevant in the real
nity as a motivator, however, is that world.” These assumptions include the
erroneous notions that (1) all members to measles due to the loss of maternal
of the population are equally susceptible protection in vaccinated mothers (see
to infectious disease and (2) all persons Infants at Risk).
behave identically in spreading disease.
Holland and Zachary also call attention
In reality, many different factors shape to the problematic assumption of “per-
patterns of risk and susceptibility to fect vaccine efficacy” that undergirds
disease, including age and sex,29 race/ claims about herd immunity, again
ethnicity30 and life circumstances.31 noting that this assumption has “lim-
A healthy lifestyle and a naturally ited bearing in real-world conditions.”
resilient immune system also matter, This is because vaccines often fail to
giving individuals the “upper hand” in perform in the manner predicted. For Infants at Risk
encounters with pathogens.32 Holland example, the phenomenon of “primary “Because an increasing num-
and Zachary further note that the herd vaccine failure” occurs in at least 2% to ber of women have acquired
immunity model “entirely discounts 10% of healthy vaccinated individuals; immunity by vaccination instead
the possible benefits of contracting these individuals are “non-responsive” of natural measles infection due
and overcoming disease naturally, to a given vaccine, meaning that they to decreasing opportunities for
thereby achieving long-lasting immu- fail to mount “sufficient protective anti- wild virus exposure, the immu-
nity.” In the pre-vaccine era, for exam- body responses” after either the initial nity gap in measles protection
ple, children got the measles routinely vaccine or a booster shot.37 occurring between the loss
and largely uneventfully. Once recov- of passive immunity derived
ered, children confidently carried their Secondary vaccine failure, defined as from the mother and immunity
natural immunity into adulthood waning vaccine-induced immunity that acquired from the first vacci-
without ever having to worry about no longer offers protection, also presents nation can be amplified. As a
the measles again. Even one of the vaccine scientists with a thorny prob- consequence, the proportion of
most enthusiastic early proponents of lem.38 What the term “waning immu- infants susceptible to measles
measles vaccination—the CDC’s chief nity” really means is that the duration infection increases progres-
epidemiologist Alexander Langmuir— of vaccine-acquired immunity is shorter sively” [emphasis added].
viewed measles as a “self-limiting than that of infection-acquired immu-
infection of short duration, moderate nity—and the shorter duration can have Source: Kang et al. An increasing,
potentially measles-susceptible pop-
severity, and low fatality” and acknowl- a considerable impact on the epide-
ulation over time after vaccination in
edged the “steady downward trend in miological patterns of infectious dis- Korea. Vaccine 2017;35(33):4126-32.
the [measles] mortality rate” in the ease.39 Notably, “where vaccine-acquired
first half of the twentieth century.33 immunity is not long-lasting (10 years or
under), vaccination does not markedly
The artificial immunity engineered by reduce infection prevalence.”40
vaccines—administered to children
before their immune systems have While removing maternal protections
even had a chance to develop—not for infants, childhood vaccination
infrequently leads to subsequent for illnesses such as mumps and
immune dysfunction34 and chronic measles has also pushed the average
illness.35 Moreover, studies have shown age of infection into the older age
that the “antibody repertoires” induced groups,41 exposing adolescents and
by natural exposure are qualitatively adults to new and historically unprec-
different from those induced by the edented risks. Again, vaccination has
corresponding vaccines.36 The insis- “changed the landscape for disease
tence on ignoring the critical distinction transmission,” making “preventable
between natural and vaccine-induced illness rarer…[but] also increas[ing]
immunity has given rise to many per- the expected severity of each case.”42
verse consequences, not least of which One study suggests that lapsed vac-
is the increased vulnerability of infants cine immunity has led to negative
Invisible but
“[I]nfections following either
vaccination or natural infection
may occur, and these secondary
infections may be less severe or
asymptomatic. [. . .] Our results
show that since the advent of
vaccination, asymptomatic cases
may be on the rise and be an
important source of continued
transmission. These potential
asymptomatic cases may not
necessarily be recorded (or
observable) in data.”
Source: Leung et al. Infection-acquired
versus vaccine-acquired immunity
in an SIRWS model. Infect Dis Model
outcomes that are 4.5 times worse for Outbreaks in Highly
measles, 2.2 times worse for chicken- Vaccinated Populations
pox and 5.8 times worse for rubella,
compared to the pre-vaccine era.43 Various forms of vaccine failure not
only make herd immunity impossible
There are other problems that also to achieve but also permit the occur-
make the theoretical concepts of rence of illness in highly or even fully
vaccine efficacy and herd immunity vaccinated populations. There are
highly imperfect in practice and, in numerous examples of this—span-
fact, unachievable. These include: ning decades—in the published liter-
ature (see Tales of Vaccine Failure).
➧ Mutation of the virus against One example cited by Holland and
which one is vaccinating,44 with
the mutation plausibly triggered
Tales of Vaccine Failure
by the vaccine itself (vaccine
researchers also allude to the ➧ “We conclude that outbreaks of measles can occur in secondary schools, even when
problem of “genotype mis- more than 99 percent of the students have been vaccinated and more than 95 percent
match”45 between the vaccine are immune.” (Gustafson et al., N Engl J Med 1987;316:771-4)
strain and the wild-type virus)
➧ “This is the first report of measles transmission from a twice-vaccinated individual
➧ Transmission by asymptomatic with documented secondary vaccine failure. [. . .] All cases had prior evidence of
vaccinated individuals, either via measles immunity.” (Rosen et al., Clin Infect Dis 2014;58:1205-10)
secondary infection (see Invisible
➧ “In outbreak settings, health care providers should maintain a high index of suspicion
but Transmissible) or, for some
for measles, even in vaccinated patients.” (Avramovich et al., MMWR 2018;67:1186-8)
vaccines, through viral shedding46
➧ “[A]ll children who were primed by DTaP [diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis]
➧ Importation of illness due to
vaccines will be more susceptible to pertussis throughout their lifetimes, and there is
no easy way to decrease this increased lifetime susceptibility.” (Cherry, J Pediatric Infect
➧ Recurrent outbreaks48 of illness Dis Soc 2019;8:334-41)
in vaccinated populations that, See also: Failure to vaccinate or vaccine failure: what is driving disease outbreaks? Children’s Health
say Holland and Zachary, “scien- Defense, March 6, 2019.
tists simply cannot explain.” ure-what-is-driving-disease-outbreaks/.
Zachary was a 1985 measles outbreak immunity is less effective than natu-
in a Texas high school where 99% of rally acquired immunity.”57
the students had been vaccinated and
96% had detectable measles anti- Real Solutions
bodies—the authors of the outbreak Outbreaks are
report acknowledged that “such an Astonishingly (or perhaps not), the
forcing some
outbreak should have been virtually solution proposed by most of the
impossible.”49 researchers who recognize the phe- researchers
nomenon of vaccine failure is—more to admit that
Studies from around the world vaccination. However, recommenda- vaccine-induced
describe recurrent mumps50 and tions for more doses and more boost-
pertussis51 outbreaks in highly or ers ignore the illusory nature of herd
immunity is
fully vaccinated middle and high immunity.58 As Holland and Zachary less effective
school populations, including in painstakingly show, illogical mandates than naturally
Belgium (2004),52 Korea (2006),53 the and “imperfect vaccine technology”
U.S. (2007)54 and Ontario (2015).55 In mean that “herd immunity does not
December 2019, a pertussis outbreak exist and is not attainable.” Even 100% immunity.
closed a Texas school down despite a vaccination coverage cannot reliably
100% vaccination rate.56 These out- induce herd immunity. Thus, herd
breaks are forcing some researchers immunity is a “weak rationale” to com-
to admit that “[v]accine-induced pel all vaccines for all children.

Mean annual death rate from measles in children under Mean annual death rate from whooping cough in children
15 years of age, England and Wales. under 15 years of age, England and Wales.

Mean annual death rate from

scarlet fever in children under 15
years of age, England and Wales.


IV. Hepatitis B Vaccine Mandates
Overview are also extremely low for young
school-age children, but—in all but

H epatitis B vaccination offers a

glaring example of the disconnect
between risk and policy. Whereas
two states (Alabama and South
Dakota)—three to four doses of hep-
atitis B vaccine are not only recom-
hepatitis B is
hepatitis B is a disease for which only mended but mandated for preschool a disease for
a tiny portion of the U.S. population attendance, K-12 education or both.62
(mostly adults) is at risk, manda-
which only a tiny
tory hepatitis B vaccination targets New cases of hepatitis B were low portion of the
low-risk infants and schoolchildren in the 1970s; although they began U.S. population
selected for convenience. climbing in the early 1980s (coinci-
(mostly adults)
dent with the HIV/AIDS epidemic),
The CDC59 and the American Acad- they then started falling again.63 The is at risk,
emy of Pediatrics (AAP)60 recommend CDC began recommending hepati- mandatory
that newborn babies get the hepatitis tis B vaccination on a limited basis hepatitis B
B vaccine on their first day of life. in 1982 for the small population of
Health care providers administer at-risk adults (and infants of infected
about 12 million doses to American mothers),64 but even with this mea- targets low-
babies in any given year.61 However, sure, the agency attributed the risk infants and
unless the babies’ mothers harbor decline in hepatitis B cases during
the virus (determined by routine the 1980s and early 1990s to “reduc-
prenatal blood testing), newborns tion of transmission among men selected for
are probably the least likely human who have sex with men and injec- convenience.
beings on the planet at risk of actu- tion-drug users, as a result of HIV
ally getting hepatitis B. Infection risks prevention efforts.”65
At the time, hepatitis B was a relatively related to hepatitis B vaccination in
“obscure” infection of “little direct the 0-14 age group, including nearly
relevance to most Americans,” but in 800 deaths.78
the early 1990s the “picture of hepati-
tis B being held up before Americans” In congressional testimony in 1999,
changed,66 as the CDC began promot- the father of a five-week-old who died
ing a more comprehensive hepatitis immediately following a hepatitis B
B vaccine dragnet.67 With a stark shift shot described a 20:1 ratio of VAERS
in policy emphasis68 toward universal reports compared to cases of hepatitis
vaccination for all newborns (1991),69 B infection in the 0-1 age group (likely
adolescents (1995)70 and children an underestimate due to VAERS under-
through age 18 (1999),71 “a vaccine reporting).79 Given that the vaccine has
with a limited initial target population been shown—by the CDC itself—to
[came] to be accepted as compulsory wear off well before the age of any
for every child in the country.”72 likely exposure to hepatitis B virus,80
the father concluded that hepatitis B
A Questionable Rationale mandates for newborns represented
a “teaming up” of “ravenous corpo-
From the beginning, hepatitis B vac- rate greed and mindless bureaucracy”
cines have had critics who question against “common sense.”81
the public health logic of across- The hepatitis B
the-board hepatitis B vaccination for The Outdated Legal vaccines impose
infants and children. Whereas the Context for Mandates significant risks,
young people being vaccinated face
little to no chance of hepatitis B infec- As discussed in Section II (U.S. Man-
including the risk
tion, the vaccines impose significant dates: How Did We Get Here?), the of neurodevelop-
risks,73 including the risk of neurode- legal framework used to justify mental disorders,
velopmental disorders, autoimmune compulsory childhood vaccina-
illness and even death. In the decade tion—including hepatitis B vaccine
from 1991 to 2001 (when hepatitis B mandates for preschoolers—is aston- illness and even
vaccines contained the mercury-based ishingly out-of-date. The U.S. Supreme death.
preservative thimerosal), vaccine expo- Court has not addressed compulsory
sure in early infancy resulted in an vaccination in any depth for over a
estimated 0.5-1 million U.S. children century and has not revisited the
being diagnosed with learning dis- issue at all since 1922, despite the fact
abilities, representing lifetime costs in that “the contours of the vaccine issue
excess of $1 trillion.74 Other hepatitis B have changed fundamentally since
vaccine ingredients (including alumi- the early 1900s.”82
num adjuvants75 and yeast76) as well
as the vaccines’ use of recombinant Children’s Health Defense General
DNA technology77 have been linked to Counsel Mary Holland makes these
a variety of adverse outcomes. and other points in a far-reaching
discussion of hepatitis B vaccine man-
In 1986 (five years before the CDC dates in the Yale Journal of Health Policy,
began pushing for vaccination of all Law, and Ethics, published in 2012.83
newborns), the nation documented As already discussed in Section II, the
fewer than 280 cases of hepatitis B 1905 Supreme Court decision that set
infection in children under age 14; the stage for vaccine mandates (Jacob-
by 2006, the Vaccine Adverse Event son v. Massachusetts) did so in response
Reporting System (VAERS) had received to the “markedly different” one-dis-
over 23,000 reports of adverse events ease-one-vaccine context of smallpox.
safety testing in the targeted
Although the Court upheld smallpox
age groups (infants and young
mandates, in most cases, noncom-
children) and poor long-term
pliant individuals faced no worse
efficacy. The prelicensure clini-
than a relatively small monetary fine.
cal trials for GlaxoSmithKline’s
Subsequent courts, however, “have
Engerix-B vaccine monitored
used Jacobson to justify results that
about 5,000 subjects (adults
the original decision did not condone:
and children) for just four days
vaccination mandates exclusively for
following administration of the
children with no imminent disease
vaccine, without disclosing the
outbreaks and with serious penalties
proportion of subjects who were
for noncompliance”—not just forfei-
children, or their ages.84 The
ture of the right to an education but
pediatric prelicensure trials for
also outcomes such as “social isola-
Merck’s Recombivax HB vaccine
tion, parents’ loss of custodial rights,
involved a grand total of 147
child-neglect sanctions against par-
infants and children “monitored
ents, and, even, forced vaccination.”
for five days after each dose.”85
Holland finds the constitutionality
3. Is a hepatitis B vaccination mandate
of hepatitis B vaccine mandates for
proportionate to the risk of dis-
preschoolers questionable, particularly
in light of other legal precedents. What
ease (i.e., do disease risks outweigh A mandate
vaccine risks)? Holland states imposed on
might happen if today’s Supreme
that “this would be very difficult
Court were to evaluate a legal chal-
to prove since incidence of the
young children
lenge to a state’s hepatitis B mandate?
disease in the preschool popu- not primarily
Although the Court’s historical track
record displays a legal tug-of-war
lation is exceedingly low, yet the for their benefit
risks of adverse events from the
between limits set on individual liberty can be construed
vaccine, including anaphylaxis,
and support for individuals’ “funda-
encephalopathy, and death, are
as arbitrary and
mental claims to bodily integrity and
autonomy,” Holland suggests that the
well-documented.” discriminatory in
Court’s fairly reasoned answer to each application.
4. Does the government provide for
of the following six questions ought to
harm avoidance and offer a fair
be a clear “no.”
process for allowing medical exemp-
1. Is there a sufficient public health tions? Medical exemptions were
necessity to impose a preschool one of the core requirements
hepatitis B vaccination mandate? established by the 1905 Jacobson
Holland observes that “neither decision. A federal policy that
the federal government nor arm-twists parents into vacci-
states have alleged that [hepati- nating their newborns—whose
tis B] transmission among pre- medical history is largely a blank
schoolers is a serious threat to slate—“makes harm avoidance
public health.” almost impossible.”

2. Does a vaccination mandate for 5. Is the hepatitis B vaccination

preschoolers constitute a rea- mandate non-discriminatory?
sonable means of addressing A mandate imposed on young
hepatitis B in broader society? At children “not primarily for their
least two factors undermine the benefit” can be construed as
presumption of reasonableness, arbitrary and discriminatory in
including shockingly inadequate application.
6. Do parents have a “liberty interest ➧ In 1942, Justice Jackson cau-
in being able to refuse an unwanted tioned that “There are limits to
medical intervention”? Holland the extent to which a legisla-
notes that the Court has “repeat- tively represented majority may Vaccine compa-
edly acknowledged that the right conduct biological experiments nies’ freedom
to bodily integrity and to refuse at the expense of . . . a minority.” from liability
unwanted medical treatment is
deeply rooted in the historical ➧ And in 1990, Justice Stevens dis- for injuries and
traditions of the United States.” cussed the “sanctity, and individ- deaths related
ual privacy, of the human body”
as “obviously fundamental to lib-
to childhood
Prescient Justices erty,” adding that “every violation vaccines creates
of a person’s body is an invasion manifold finan-
Holland’s conclusion is straightforward: of his or her liberty.”
The hepatitis B vaccination mandate
cial motivations
“has failed to honor young children’s Holland also reminds us that the mil- to continue to
liberty, equal protection, and health.” lions of doses of hepatitis B vaccine expand vaccine
In support of this conclusion, she cites administered to babies every year
comments by three past Supreme Court represent “a substantial annual income
Justices over the century since Jacobson: stream” for vaccine manufacturers—in dations and
this instance, Merck and GlaxoSmith- mandates, even
➧ Justice Harlan foresaw, in 1905, Kline (see A Commercial Success).86 when the latter
that mandates “might be exer- Vaccine companies’ freedom from lia-
cised . . . in such arbitrary, unrea- bility for injuries and deaths related to
do not lead to
sonable manner, or might go so childhood vaccines also creates mani- optimal or even
far beyond what was reasonably fold financial motivations to continue to rational public
required for the safety of the expand vaccine recommendations and
health outcomes.
public, as to authorize or compel mandates, says Holland, even when the
the courts to interfere for the latter do not lead to “optimal or even
protection of such persons.” rational public health outcomes.”

A Commercial Success
A 2017 article in the journal Studies in History and Philosophy of Bio- Whereas initial market expectations for the new hepatitis B vaccines
logical and Biomedical Sciences explores the “landmark” role played were “decidedly modest,” the authors argue that several factors
by recombinant hepatitis B vaccines in growing the medical biotech- made the vaccines “far more commercially successful than anticipat-
nology sector. Merck’s Recombivax vaccine was the first vaccine to be ed,” with consequential results:
developed using recombinant DNA technology. The authors state:
The unexpected commercial success of the recombinant
. . . [B]etween the 1960s and the 1990s, the “vaccine innova- hepatitis B vaccines marked a turning point in the fortunes
tion system” underwent a major shift, from a predominantly of the nascent biotechnology industry. [. . .] For the big
publicly-funded, public-health-oriented enterprise in the pharmaceutical companies, . . . the success of the recom-
years after the Second World War, to one dominated by binant hepatitis B vaccines helped to rehabilitate the idea
private industry, including the new biotechnology sector. . . . that vaccines could be worth investing in, paving the way
[Some authors] see the advent of the recombinant hepatitis for the development of other highly profitable vaccines,
B vaccines as symbolic of that shift. In the present paper, we including the first “blockbuster” vaccines against human
show that it was not just symbolic; it was instrumental. papilloma virus.
Source: Huzair F, Sturdy S. Biotechnology and the transformation of vaccine innovation: the case of the hepatitis B vaccines 1968-2000. Stud Hist Philos Biol Biomed Sci 2017;64:11-21.


V. Anti-Parent Propaganda
Overview is the general vilification of so-called The clever
“anti-vaxxers.” Other strategies include
playbook to
As we have seen, an increasingly reframing parental concerns about
tyrannical government-pharmaceutical vaccine safety as “barriers”;88 deploying discredit parents
industry partnership wants to vacci- media-savvy vaccine industry shills to includes refram-
nate 100% of children from the womb inflame anti-parent sentiment;89 and ing parental
on, no matter the child’s state of health laying down a legal90 and medical91
or the family’s beliefs—and in spite of foundation to allow children to consent
concerns about
vaccination’s demonstrated failure to to vaccines without parental permission. vaccine safety as
live up to its silver bullet promises.87 In the United Kingdom, government “barriers”; deploy-
With COVID-19, this public-private officials are considering making it a
ing media-savvy
behemoth is now coming after the criminal offense for parents and others
adult population as well. to post anything the government views vaccine industry
as “anti-vaccine propaganda” on social shills to inflame
One formidable interlocutor—the media,92 and UK officials are even “call- anti-parent
informed parent—has always stood ing for a clamp down on parents speak-
in the way of a complete victory over ing to each other at school gates”!93 In
sentiment; and
children. From the point of view of each case, the paternalistic implication laying down a
those who seek to impose vaccina- is that benighted parents are not acting legal and medical
tion at all costs, there is an obvious in their children’s best interests and that
foundation to
way to deal with these troublesome experts know best.
parents—recast them as the villains! allow children
And presto, an anti-parent campaign Insulting Parents’ Intelligence to consent
is unfolding, right on cue. The clever to vaccines
playbook to discredit parents includes The case of Ethan Lindenberger—an
multiple strategies ranging from the unvaccinated high school senior who
without parental
insidious to the overt, not least of which reportedly rushed to get multiple permission.
vaccines as soon as he turned 18—is by GSK (hepatitis A/B,
perhaps the best-known example of tetanus-diphtheria-per-
the strategy to depict non-vaccinating tussis and influenza)
parents as dangerous ignoramuses.94 In and one (Gardasil)
February 2019, U.S. and international made by Merck but
media catapulted the Ohio teen to also lucrative for GSK
public attention, with reports and inter- because of a cross-li-
views appearing simultaneously in The censing and settlement
Washington Post, People magazine, NPR, agreement between
CBS This Morning, Good Morning America, the two companies.101
the BBC and numerous other outlets— Merck gives GSK 10%
all applauding Lindenberger for having to 18% of every Gar-
turned to Reddit to criticize his “kind dasil sale—meaning
of stupid” parents and find out where that in this instance,
to get vaccinated.95 Within a few short according to the video
weeks of this media blitz, Lindenberger narrator, “a sale for Merck is a sale for
was furnishing testimony at a March GlaxoSmithKline.”
2019 Senate hearing titled “Vaccines
Save Lives,”96 followed by a TED talk Perhaps due to the influence of his han-
in April,97 meetings with social media dlers, Lindenberger’s story changed over
executives in May98 and testimony at time. In his original November 2018 Red-
the United Nations in June.99 dit post, the teen focused on the main-
stream media—not social media—as the
In August, 2019, a deeply researched source of his mother’s vaccine “misin-
video dissection of the “Lindenberger formation.” By the time of his Senate tes-
hoax”100 pointed out that the baby- timony in March 2019, the video shows
faced vaccine apologist had emerged that Lindenberger was “knowingly”
at just the right time to advance the peddling the “materially false and ficti-
public relations agenda of the CDC tious” tale that his mother, Jill Wheeler,
and vaccine manufacturers. Accord- was a prodigious anti-vaccine activist on
ing to the video, Lindenberger’s story Facebook. In reality, Wheeler had made
helped buttress efforts to (1) undo the a sum total of six Facebook posts on
Trump administration’s 20% cut in the the topic ever (in 2015 and 2016)—and
CDC’s budget, (2) push back against the the 2015 post trotted out by CBS News
growing proportion of American two- as proof of her Facebook engagement
year-olds receiving no vaccines (1.3% had only one like from Wheeler herself.
in 2015, up from 0.9% in 2011) and (3) However, in various media appearances,
soften or eliminate parental consent Wheeler never contradicted the false
requirements for adolescent vaccines. information provided by her son. More-
over, she made a puzzling claim about
As shown in the video, numerous hating public speaking despite being a
elements of the Lindenberger story are lifelong actress and drama teacher with
suggestive of a carefully crafted public performance reportedly baked into her
relations exercise. First, Lindenberger DNA.102 As of August 2019, Wheeler had
showed early signs of being “handled by relocated to Texas to launch a well-pub-
someone with close ties to GlaxoSmith- licized children’s theater company.103
Kline” (GSK). The video cites his
appearances at public events with GSK To cap off the family drama, Lindenberg-
experts, as well as the rather peculiar er’s older brother attended the Senate
assortment of vaccines Lindenberger hearing and described himself to all who
received: three vaccines manufactured would listen as an avowed libertarian
opposed to vaccination. After the hear- industry spokesman got major media
ing, however, observers filmed him being attention for his ominous calls to “snuff
whisked into a closed-door conference out” the antivaccine movement, and he
room by one of his brother’s handlers. continues to make similarly provocative
Some months later, he, too, publicly statements.108 Most recently, his hostile
declared that he had been persuaded to stance toward vaccine-risk-aware par-
a pro-vaccine viewpoint. ents was evident in remarks accusing
parents of standing in the way of their
Inflaming Anti-Parent Sentiment children’s rightful “access” to vaccines.109

In the current climate of divide-and- Removing Parental

conquer politics and media censorship, Knowledge and Consent
we are witnessing numerous efforts
to pit the pro-vaccine camp against Most parents take their responsibility
those who are vaccine-risk-aware to protect their children very seriously.
while impeding meaningful exchanges However, judging by the growing num-
between the two sides. Internet sites ber of publications and organizations
and social media are now rife with sar- calling for changes to vaccine consent
castic, vitriolic and even violent posts laws,110 it seems clear that many vac-
directed against “anti-vaxxers.” Far from cine officials would prefer to sidestep Why expend any
displaying any willingness to engage this parental bulwark. Why expend any
in dialogue, these writers display an effort on convincing or bullying parents
effort on convinc-
ill-disguised hostility that characterizes into vaccinating if one can gain direct ing or bullying
parents who make thoughtful vaccine access to children through schools parents into
decisions as “idiots” and “cruel” and without parental permission?
vaccinating if one
“terrible” parents.
This perspective was on prominent can gain direct
While the vaccine propagandists are display in a July 2019 article in the New access to children
happy when they can trot out a teen England Journal of Medicine.111 Although through schools
like Ethan Lindenberger who “defied” the authors concede that “most states
and “broke with” his parents to get vac- would need to make substantive
without parental
cinated,104 perhaps even more useful are changes to laws governing medical permission?
parents who recant their views—seem- consent” in order for minors “to choose
ingly undergoing their own “transfor- to be vaccinated over parental objec-
mation” from “anti-vaxxer” to “ardent tions,” the authors are all for it—and
proponent of childhood vaccines.”105 they share the American Medical
In August 2019, teeing up the media’s Association’s opinion that children
support for the September passage as young as 12 are capable of making
of SB 276 in California,106 a formerly these complex medical decisions on
non-vaccinating mom branded those their own.112 From the authors’ vantage
who question vaccination as the “drunk point, overriding parental permission
drivers of public health”—and declared would have numerous advantages,
that she not only endorsed the measure including allowing children “to catch
to drastically limit medical exemptions up on any missed childhood vaccines”
but was proud of the “precedent” being and improving adolescent vaccine
set for vaccine laws in other states.107 uptake. While the authors pay lip
service to the importance of parental
Alarmingly, vaccine professionals are involvement in vaccination decisions,
also using their bully pulpit to wield they conclude that teen and preteen
violent anti-parent propaganda. In 2017, consent would pose “minimal” risk
a prominent vaccine developer and while offering “substantial prosocial
benefits, including reinforcement of that your parents don’t understand you.” wikiHow’s Unsafe Advice
the norm of vaccination.”113 wikiHow, a for-profit company “focused to Teenagers
on achieving a social good,”115 is an
Certainly, few young people read the enthusiastic Google partner;116 Google,
With no liability for the conse-
New England Journal of Medicine, but in turn, has made partnerships with the
quences, wikiHow’s “How to get
popular online communities like pharmaceutical industry a major prong
vaccinated without parental
wikiHow are a different story. Rein- of its corporate strategy.117
consent” webpage is filled with
forcing the message that taking action
numerous inaccurate statements
behind parents’ backs is a legitimate Finally, the burgeoning scientific lit-
that downplay the risk of vaccine
and risk-free approach to childhood vac- erature on “vaccine hesitancy” is also
adverse events. For example,
cination, wikiHow posted a “How promoting an anti-parent message,
wikiHow tells young people that
to get vaccinated without parental much of it dressed up in the veneer of
“severe reactions to a vaccine are
consent” page in January, 2020 (see impersonal academic research. The
quite literally one in a million”
wikiHow’s Unsafe Advice to Teenag- “vaccine-hesitant” moniker encom-
and states that the aluminum
ers).114 The range of sleazy tips wikiHow passes not just parents who dissent
and mercury in vaccines have
offers includes encouraging minors to lie from even one of the approximately 70
both been “tested thoroughly,
to their parents; providing guidance on vaccines currently administered to chil-
and are associated with little to
how to shop around for a clinic that can dren and adolescents, but also parents
no risk.” It also advises readers to
“help”; telling youth to “get vaccinated who accept the premise of vaccination
get the human papillomavirus
in secret” (while scheduling their secret but wish to follow an alternative vac-
(HPV) vaccine if they “want to
vaccinations just before a weekend or cine schedule. From vaccine hesitancy
do any kind of sexual activity or
school break because “vaccines often researchers’ perspective, beliefs that
want to be safe from [HPV] if
involve mild side effects like lowered factor into a parental decision to decline
[they] are sexually assaulted.”
energy”); advising teens to concoct a one or more vaccines are all “barriers” What about if a young person
“cover story”; and even—if the youth’s to be eliminated rather than legitimate needs medical attention after
parents are “really bad”—telling adoles- concerns to be taken seriously.118 From getting vaccinated? Two out of
cents to “petition the court for emanci- parents’ perspective, however, both the three options proposed by
pation.” The webpage also links to other law and science support their worries wikiHow involve hiding the truth
wikiHow pages with titles like “How to about too many vaccines, potentially from parents:
deal with anti vaxxers,” “How to get your serious side effects, adverse impacts on
phone back when your parents take it their child’s immune system, overstated 1. Tell your parents you were
away,” “How to deal with emotionally claims about vaccine efficacy, vaccine vaccinated (if you don’t think
abusive parents” and “How to accept mandates and government overreach. they’ll cause you physical or
mental harm for it),
2. Tell them what you’re experi-
encing without telling them
you got vaccinated and then
tell the doctor privately about
the vaccination, or
3. Get help from another trusted


VI. A Globally Coordinated Agenda
Overview Coercive Vaccination Policies: Central European Examples
A wide range of vaccination policies are possible, from the completely
T he push for vaccine mandates is playing out not
just in the U.S. but in other countries as well,
reflecting a broader—and indeed, global—agenda.
voluntary to the aggressively coercive. Some nations promote vaccination
but leave the final decision up to the individual, while others push harder
by financially incentivizing vaccination or imposing financial penalties for
Western European countries such as Italy,119
non-vaccination. Some vaccine mandates are limited to a single vaccine
France,120 Germany121 (home of the Nuremberg Code)
(such as polio or measles), or governments may have broader mandates on
and various Central European countries have been
the books but choose not to enforce them.
particularly aggressive in transitioning away from
government interventions that “merely nudge or per- Three Central European countries illustrate the more coercive end of the
suade individuals to vaccinate” and toward a more spectrum:
punitive exercise of “coercive power”122 (see Coercive
Vaccination Policies: Central European Examples). ➧ Slovenia: Vaccine refusal contravenes three different laws and can incur
In Australia, meanwhile, a 2016 “No Jab, No Pay” law fines up to 500 euros. Unvaccinated children are not allowed in nurseries,
now withholds thousands of dollars in childcare preschools, or kindergartens—and the state exacts harsh penalties from
subsidies from parents branded as “vaccine refus- the schools (up to 18,500 euros) if they admit an unvaccinated child.
ers,” and some Australian states restrict unvacci- Slovenia does allow for medical exemptions and provides compensation
nated children’s access to child care altogether.123 in cases of injuries caused by mandatory vaccinations.
These trends have now come to a head with the
global push for COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
➧ Slovakia: In Slovakia, “no objection to vaccination is possible.” In a
country that is 70% Catholic, the authorities do not accept religious
An Interconnected Global Network objections to abortion cell cultures in the MMR vaccine as a basis for
refusal. Fines are in the vicinity of 330 euros.
One of the primary cover stories that governments ➧ Poland: In Poland, those who refuse vaccines are fined, but “even when
are using to justify the fierce uptick in vaccine paid, [the fine] does not relieve parents of a vaccination obligation and
coercion is the argument that infectious diseases no compensation is offered in case of adverse events.”
pose a threat to national security. Measles was the
overblown threat du jour in 2019,124 while around Source: Zagaja A, Patryn R, Pawlikowski J, Sak J. Informed consent in obligatory vaccina-
the world, officials and media kept the public in the tions? Med Sci Monit 2018;24:8506-9.


dark about “measles vaccine risks.”125 the World Health Organization (WHO), Sidelining
They are now focusing their fear-mon- the World Bank, the African Union, the Whistleblowers
gering on COVID-19, again downplaying European Union (EU) and even, some-
vaccine risks. what ominously, Interpol.133
The first major meeting of the
Global Health Security Agenda
In 2014, the Global Health Security The GHSA promotes external coun-
(GHSA) in September 2014 took
Agenda (GHSA) formed to “elevate try-level evaluations134 to assess, among
place just a few weeks after CDC
global health security as a national other measures, steps taken to prevent
whistleblower William Thomp-
and global priority.”126 One of the eleven infectious disease threats—with “pre-
son issued his earth-shattering
“Action Packages” to which GHSA stake- vention” defined as “high immunisation
revelations of CDC vaccine fraud
holders agreed was an “Immunization coverage”135—and improve surveillance
on August 27. Distracting the
Action Package” that just so happened (via detection, assessment and reporting
public from Thompson’s shocking
to use measles vaccine coverage as its of “public health events”).136 The U.S. was
disclosures, GHSA meeting
proxy indicator for success.127 Consider- one of the first countries to step up for
participants instead solemnly
ing that the Action Package’s aim is to an assessment,137 conducted in close
declared: “A biological threat
marshall regional and global collabo- collaboration by external evaluators and
anywhere is a biological threat
ration to “accelerate” vaccine coverage, the CDC.138 (The CDC head at the time
everywhere, and it is the world’s
how should we construe the measles was Thomas Frieden, praised by Obama
responsibility to respond as one.”
hysteria that international organiza- as “an expert in preparedness and Sources: https://www.rescuepost.
tions,128 governments and the media response to health emergencies”139 but com/.a/6a00d8357f3f2969e201b-
fomented after the GHSA’s creation? arrested in 2018 on charges of sexual 8d05e4614970c-pi
And now, how should we evaluate the abuse.140) The evaluators gave the U.S. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.
COVID-19 panic that governments and top scores for measles vaccine cover- gov/the-press-office/2014/09/26/
the media have fostered? age and “national vaccine access and statement-chair-global-health-se-
delivery” while awarding lower scores curity-agenda-white-house-event-
Although generally not in the media for “dynamic listening and rumour man- septembe
spotlight, the GHSA attracted high-level agement” and “communication engage-
attention and commitments from the ment with affected communities.”141
powerful from the get-go. Within four
months of its February 2014 launch, the Other international initiatives buttress the
GHSA received a key endorsement from GHSA, including the WHO-coordinated
the G7,129 and in September of that year, International Health Regulations (IHR)
President Obama hosted the new entity’s established in 2005 (a 196-nation accord
first major meeting at the White House to “work together for global security”)142
while conspicuously ignoring CDC whis- and Target 3.8 of the UN’s Sustainable
tleblower William Thompson (see Side- Development Goals (SDGs), which pro-
lining Whistleblowers).130 In late 2016, motes access to “essential medicines and
then-outgoing President Obama signed vaccines for all” as part of a push for “uni-
an Executive Order that “cemented” the versal health coverage” (UHC).143 Reflecting
GHSA “as a national, presidential-level the globally focused zeitgeist, propo-
priority” and positioned the U.S. “as a nents of these intertwined initiatives
committed, long-term catalyst” for exe- are fond of celebrating “more joined-up
cuting the partnership’s goals.131 thinking,” “merging of approaches,”
“mutually reinforcing agendas” and “syn-
At present, the GHSA has 67 member ergy between health system strengthen-
countries.132 Taking the concept of an ing and health security efforts.”144
“interconnected global network” to an
entirely new level, numerous public and Mandate Mania
private “advisory partners” are also in on
the push for unitary action, including At the end of 2014, the EU made a point
various United Nations (UN) agencies, of declaring vaccination an important
public health tool, which the European Clearly, those seeking to override
public health community interpreted as national idiosyncracies consider it
“a crucial step to strengthen EU action “game on” in their push to impose a
supporting Member States . . . to imple- one-size-fits-all global vaccination
ment effective immunization policies agenda. However, one-size-fits-all
and programs.”145 With this groundwork proponents might want to consider the
laid, Italy—a G7 member—volunteered warning published in 2018 showing
to spearhead the GHSA’s Immunization that “mandatory immunization does
Action Package146 and also became one not guarantee improved vaccine uptake
of the first countries to ramp up its rate.”154 After reviewing the ethical,
own vaccine mandates. With massive legal and public health implications
investments by GlaxoSmithKline in of vaccine mandates, a consortium of
Italy,147 where better to start than on international researchers concluded
the home front? that not only is there “meager evidence”
that “hard mandates” are beneficial,
Although a change in government but mandates may have unintended
A consortium
initially delayed implementation of consequences such as exacerbating
Italy’s 2017 compulsory vaccination “negative vaccine sentiments.”155 The of international
decree, in early 2019, citing a “surge in authors also noted the potential for the researchers
measles cases,” the government told public to raise questions “about whose concluded that
Italian parents not to bother sending agenda is being served by mandatory
their youngest (under age six) children programs,” citing Serbia as an example
not only is
to school if unvaccinated, and promised of the blowback: there meager
to impose fines of five hundred euros for evidence that
older unvaccinated children attending In Serbia, the government responded
hard mandates
school.148 Likewise, in France, “non-vac- to the fall in MMR immunization and
cinated children cannot be admitted to 2014/2015 outbreak of measles with are beneficial, but
any kind of collective institutions such substantial tightening of mandatory mandates may
as nurseries, kindergarten, schools or immunization and harsher penalties. have unintended
any social activity if they have not com- As they had not addressed the prob-
plied with the vaccine mandates.”149 In lem with the families and the general
March 2020, Germany intends to follow public, the response to the tightened such as
suit with a measles vaccine mandate, law was heightened anti-vaccine exacerbating
making the vaccine compulsory for sentiments and enhanced attention
negative vaccine
preschool and school attendance and to negative vaccination messages
levying a 2,500-euro fine (roughly $2,800) in the media. [. . .] Now, the vaccine sentiments.
for noncompliance.150 uptake problem is compounded by
low confidence in the program, which
Blowback may have been further undermined
by the new harsher penalties.156
With measles headwinds at their back,
there is little doubt that decision-makers In December, 2019, some of the world’s
view mandated vaccination for school leading vaccine experts acknowl-
attendance as a winning strategy151 edged—behind closed doors—that
and that use of this strategy is grow- vaccines can be fatal, that safety
ing.152 The WHO did its part to help the studies and monitoring are inade-
global effort by placing measles front quate and that vaccine adjuvants are
and center when it declared vaccine risky, among other major problems.157
hesitancy—the “reluctance or refusal to In light of these confessions, it would
vaccinate”—one of the world’s top ten appear that the public’s questions and
health threats for 2019.153 lack of confidence are well justified.
VII. Where Do We Go from Here?
Overview are not only a population health
instrument, but a political one.”163

C hildren’s Health Defense believes

that it should be the parents’
choice—not the government’s—to
Barreling Toward Us

decide what goes into their chil- The legislation passed in September
dren’s bodies and adults’ choices 2019 in California and the proposed
to decide if and when to vacci- New Jersey legislation that went down
nate themselves. Recent events
in California,158 New York,159 New What Is at Stake?
Jersey,160 Maine161 and elsewhere
“[W]hat is really at stake when we talk about mandates or compulsion is total public
suggest that citizens representing
compliance with as many products as a government bureaucracy cares to nominate.
a wide spectrum of religious and
[. . .] [I]f the public have to have everything potentially an industry produces (as is in-
political affiliations agree—and are
creasingly the case already in the United States and is perhaps proposed by the European
not going to back down. Whether
Commission) then we have entered the realms of extreme tyranny and thoughtlessness.
they choose to engage in protests,
The very fact that public debate about it is being widely stamped on is itself a matter for
lawsuits or other actions, the public
deep concern and mistrust. [. . .] While the prevention of disease may in itself be a good
apparently has learned the lesson
thing, it cannot be a pretext for removing the most basic human rights, or ignoring hu-
that officials have not—namely,
man dignity. We seem to have forgotten everything we ever learned in the 74 years since
that tougher and more coercive
the Second World War. I see no evidence as I look around that the governments of the
vaccination policies fuel mistrust,
world have really become so benign and wise that we can just defer to them in this way.”
polarization and tyranny162 (see
What Is at Stake?). As researchers Source: Stone J. Measles, the Trojan horse to compliance with an unending list of products. BMJ
recently wrote, “Vaccine mandates 2019;367:15995.


to defeat in early 2020 are indicative
of what may be coming down the pike
in other states. Among numerous new
provisions pertaining to medical exemp-
tions, California’s SB 276 will now trigger
automatic review by the California
Department of Public Health (CDPH) of
any doctor who provides five or more
medical exemptions in a calendar
year.164 If the CDPH determines that
“there is a pattern of granting exemp-
tions based on clinical information that
does not conform to the standard of
medical care, there is potential that a
provider’s ability to complete further autism rates in the nation,170 these con-
exemptions will be suspended and the cerns were highly pertinent.
doctor will be reported to the California
Medical Board.”165 Asking the Right Questions

The failed vaccine bill aggressively As governments unconscionably fail to

pushed by New Jersey legislators (NJ subject vaccines and vaccine mandates
S2173)166 would have repealed the to rigorous scrutiny free from conflicts
state’s long-established religious of interest, the public and ethical profes-
exemption. As originally written, the sionals must step into the breach—and
bill pertained to “children attending get creative.171 In one U.S. community,
any school in the state”; last-ditch citizens put public health authorities on As governments
amendments to permit private-school the defensive when the latter attempted unconscionably
students and siblings of vaccine-injured to impose an HPV vaccine mandate,
fail to subject
children to continue to obtain exemp- citing the epidemic of autoimmunity
tions prompted outrage at the carve- in today’s youth and the “exorbitant” vaccine
out for wealthier families, and, in the amount of neurotoxic aluminum in vac- mandates
end, contributed to halting the bill in cines and questioning the rationale to to rigorous
its tracks.167 (As one New Jersey citizen “get a vaccine for something that can’t
commented, “[I]t just proves that it’s be caught in a classroom.”172 A parent
scrutiny free
not a public health issue. So, kids are responding to the news article reason- from conflicts
fine for private schools and healthy and ably asked, “Why should I as a mother of interest, the
in public [schools] they’re a danger? trust the Public Information Officer for
public and ethical
A menace to society? That’s ridicu- the state Department of Health when he
lous.”168) In an opinion piece written cannot even name the amount of alumi- professionals
shortly after the bill’s defeat, an inde- num in the vaccine?”173 must step into
pendent journalist noted that neither of the breach—and
the bill’s two Senate cheerleaders had Legislators who are contemplating new
furnished any data to corroborate their vaccine mandates or repeal of vaccine
get creative.
assertion that vaccine safety science is exemptions should recognize that the
“settled” or to answer “vaccine-sensible” hysterical propaganda about inter-
parents’ questions about the potential national disease outbreaks, whether
for “intensified negative side effects” COVID-19 or measles, has fostered a
resulting from the accelerated catch-up situation with “echoes of WMD [weap-
schedule that the bill’s passage would ons of mass destruction]”—and “pol-
have imposed on numerous children.169 icy is being hi-jacked.”174 Rather than
Given that New Jersey has the highest allowing themselves to be bought by
the pharmaceutical industry, legislators
Some Questions Legislators Should be Asking
should be addressing financial conflicts
of interest, insisting on the highest 1. How can legislators make consequential measles vaccination policies without in-
standards of vaccine safety and ques- formation about the proportion of measles cases caused by the vaccine? Measles
tioning both the overt and underlying symptoms can arise from either wild-type measles or the vaccine strain of measles
premises of unjustifiable vaccine man- virus175—but the lab testing176 that is necessary to tell the difference between the
dates (see Some Questions Legislators two is rarely done. When scientists performed laboratory virus sequences for 194 U.S.
Should Be Asking). measles cases in 2015, almost two in five (38%) were MMR vaccine sequences.177
2. How can officials consider vaccines effective when outbreaks regularly occur in
Taking Action fully or nearly fully vaccinated populations? This includes many recent measles,
mumps and pertussis outbreaks.178 In the latest example (December 2019), a pertussis
In many states, parents, legislators and
outbreak tore through a Catholic school with a 100% vaccination rate.179 Study after
other concerned citizens are fighting
study documents vaccine failure “despite high vaccine coverage.”180
to prevent mandates and keep per-
sonal belief and religious exemptions 3. What are the ramifications of turning school and day care center administrators
in place—or expand exemptions. The into “enforcement agents” who must “pass information about non-compliance to
Children’s Health Defense mandates authorities”?181 Vaccine mandates also pit parents against one another by offering
toolbox includes numerous resources benefits to “compliers” that they deny to “non-compliers.”182
to support these efforts, including
information for legislators; examples of 4. What does it mean for a child’s right to an education when mandates exclude
model and current legislation; resources unvaccinated children “for the duration of their education”?183 New Jersey parents
on vaccine safety, the Vaccine Adverse recently branded this form of segregation as “Jim Crow 2.0.” Academic researchers
Event Reporting System (VAERS) and the who recognize education as a “social determinant of health” have argued that linking
National Vaccine Injury Compensation vaccination to school attendance is both punitive and counterproductive.184
Program (NVICP); helpful charts and 5. What is the impact of vaccine mandates on the doctor-patient relationship?
graphs; links to published papers and Mandates grossly interfere with this privileged relationship, shutting down the poten-
reproducible Children’s Health Defense tial for respectful health care interactions and turning doctors into state agents who
articles; and action alerts.186 have knowingly and willingly abandoned their Hippocratic oath to “first do no harm.”
A study of nurses charged with providing vaccine education to parents who requested
A number of states proposed positive nonmedical exemptions found that many nurses had more “complex and nuanced . . .
legislative actions in 2019 and early evaluations of parents’ judgments and feelings about vaccines” than vaccine mandates
2020. Although COVID-19 subsequently would allow; the nurses also held “consistent commitments to respect parents, affirm
prevented them from being enacted their values, and protect their rights.”185
into law, they provide models worth
renewing and pursuing:
its carcinogenic or mutagenic
➧ Introducing conscientious potential or impairment of fertil-
beliefs exemptions: A bill under ity.’” Citing the Nuremberg Code
consideration in Hawaii stated and the principle of informed
that “individuals and parents of consent, the bill also asserted
minor children should have the “the right to exercise a conscien-
freedom to make an informed tious exemption to the manda-
and voluntary risk-benefit deci- tory use of one or more vaccines
sion,” including “consideration without penalty, exclusion, or
of family and individual medical harassment.”187
histories, vaccine ingredients,
potential adverse reactions listed ➧ Requiring mandates to be sup-
in the manufacturer’s pack- ported by scientific evidence:
age inserts, and the universal As mentioned previously, the
statement that such vaccine senators seeking to repeal New
‘has not been evaluated for Jersey’s religious exemptions
declared vaccine science “settled” reaction monitoring program and
without producing any science a database to collect reports from
in support of their assertion. The persons who have had an adverse
children and families implicated reaction following the adminis-
in proposed vaccine mandates tration of a vaccine approved by
have a right to see and query the federal [F]ood and [D]rug
legislators’ evidence base. [A]dministration.”192

➧ Requiring health care profes- Every state has one or more vaccine
sionals who administer vaccines risk awareness groups—these grass-
to provide parents with criti- roots entities represent the backbone segments of
cal information about vaccine of state-level efforts to resist erosion the public are
risks: The Arizona legislature of informed consent and vaccine
growing wise
considered a bill that would have choice. These critical organizations
required provision of risk-benefit should be the first stop for parents to the industry-
information, the manufactur- who want up-to-date information on government
er’s product insert, the CDC’s how to take action in their state. vaccine shell
list of vaccine ingredients and
instructions on how to report a Coercion Must Backfire game that not
vaccine adverse event.188 Health only seeks to hide
providers already are legally Like all medicines, vaccines come with well-documented
required to give out two-page sizeable risks. Fortunately, growing
risks through
vaccine-specific Vaccine Infor- segments of the public are growing
mation Statements prior to every wise to the industry-government vac- fake studies
dose administered, but many do cine shell game that not only seeks to and censorship
not adhere to this obligation.189 hide well-documented risks through but also is
fake studies and censorship but also
➧ Implementing “Parents’ Bill of is working to take all exemptions off
working to take
Rights” laws, including uphold- the table193 while clipping the wings all exemptions
ing parental consent require- of dissenting parents.194 In the era of off the table
ments for vaccination: Florida COVID-19, citizens increasingly recog-
while clipping
legislators reviewed a parental nize that vaccine programs are failing
rights bill that included, among them on multiple fronts, including the wings of
other rights, “the right to make giving little deference to individual dissenting
health care decisions for his or choice and bodily integrity and depriv- parents.
her minor child.”190 The similar ing parents of the “discretion to act in
legislation proposed in Arizona their own children’s best interests.”195
would have explicitly prohibited Public health would be better served
vaccination without the parent by policies that “take into account all
or guardian’s consent.191 the economic costs and health risks of
vaccination,” respect individual auton-
➧ Requiring states to monitor omy and provide vaccine consumers
vaccine adverse events: Washing- with complete information—recog-
ton state legislators introduced nizing that “prior, free, and informed
a bill that would have required consent is the hallmark of modern
creation of an “adverse vaccine ethical medicine.”196


Epilogue: COVID-19
W ith the advent of COVID-19, the trends
described in the previous chapters have
all converged into a steady drumbeat from
covered by “emergency use authorizations”
from the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human
Services, making any compensation in the
authorities who are painting vaccines as the event of injury or death virtually impossible.
only answer. As soon as the World Health
Organization declared COVID-19 a global pan- Pharma lobbyists and pay-to-play politicians
demic on March 11, 2020, following an out- are already lining up to consider state man-
break of a new respiratory coronavirus illness, dates for schools, employers and even for
it became clear that the race toward COVID-19 everyone in certain states. Because schools cur-
vaccine mandates had begun. rently have the best infrastructure in place for
vaccine mandate enforcement, they are likely
Pharma, government and the media have put to be some of the first mandate targets, despite
extraordinary focus on the development of the fact that children themselves appear to be
COVID-19 vaccines, almost to the exclusion at extremely low risk from this respiratory syn-
of therapeutic interventions against the viral drome. Much like with the hepatitis B vaccine
infection. Governments, the pharmaceutical and discussed in Chapter Four, the only rationale
biotech industries, non-governmental organi- for imposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates on
zations and private foundations have poured school-aged children is to benefit the popula-
untold billions into COVID-19 vaccine develop- tion at large—not the children themselves.
ment, purchases and distribution, including USD
$12 billion from the World Bank, USD $10 billion Given the highly experimental nature of forth-
from the U.S. government and “a few billion dol- coming COVID-19 vaccines, the existence of
lars” from Bill Gates and his foundation. While relatively effective therapeutic interventions and
most of the public discourse about COVID-19 a survival rate of 99.5% or greater for anyone
vaccines hasn’t, thus far, explicitly addressed under the age of 70, there are sure to be signifi-
mandates, the subtext is perfectly clear: man- cant legal challenges to any COVID-19 vaccine
dates for men, women, children and even infants mandate. What is also apparent is that the global
are on the global “health security” agenda. Offi- controversy over vaccine mandates is coming to
cial pronouncements across the globe illustrate a head: either governmental and intergovern-
that the mandates are part of a broader “biose- mental bodies will succeed in coercing people
curity” surveillance vision for the future. to vaccinate, or people will overcome the efforts
to deprive them of their fundamental rights and
When COVID-19 vaccines begin rolling out to liberties. As Children’s Health Defense founder
the public, they will have been under develop- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. stated in an October, 2020
ment for scarcely one year—from lab testing message to people around the world, the push
through human clinical trials—and they will be for vaccine mandates is part of a larger battle:
deploying vaccine technologies that have never
previously obtained regulatory approval. It is “You are on the front lines of the most
reasonable to assume, therefore, that they will important battle in history, and it is the
be even less safe than existing vaccines that battle to save democracy, and freedom,
generally have taken ten years from testing to
and human liberty, and human dignity
clinical trials. In addition, COVID-19 vaccines
will likely confer even greater liability protec-
from this totalitarian cartel that is
tions for manufacturers, health care practi- trying to rob us simultaneously, in
tioners and government planners than existing every nation in the world, of the rights
vaccines; at least in 2021, they will likely be that every human being is born with.


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