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VTFT Intern Name: Val O’Neal

Subject of Lesson: 3D Art and Its Applications

Topic of Lesson: Origami, specifically Moving Origami
Grade Level of Students: 6, 7, and 8
Time/Length of Lesson: 40 minutes
Date Taught: May 16, 2023
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In this lesson… students will listen to a brief lesson on Origami and its
applications and will then create constructs on their own using directions
provided for them online or by joining an optional demonstration lesson off to
Overview the side. Students are then encouraged to attempt to create more difficult
origami constructs on their own using the provided directions.

7.2 The student will apply steps of a creative process. a) Use, and record in a
digital or traditional sketchbook/journal, steps of the creative process, including
Standards of research to create works of art. b) Use ideas, concepts, and prior knowledge to
Learning solve artmaking challenges and create works of art.
7.16 The student will create three-dimensional works of art, using various
processes to include clay hand-building techniques.
Students will be able to… create a 3D piece of artwork based on the instructions
Objectives provided or the demo lesson.

Learning Target I can create a 3D piece of artwork.

Necessary Prior Students need no prior knowledge other than the ability to follow directions
carefully and be patient. Students are advised to take it slowly and to be patient
Knowledge with themselves and their origami creations.
Students were given traditional origami paper or scrap paper cut into an equal
square. At least one student per table will be instructed to use their
Materials Chromebooks and utilize the Google presentation that was posted to their
Canvas classroom for directions.

Teacher will start by discussing origami and its applications in the “real world”.
They will then introduce an origami artist as an example of the potential of
Introduction/Hook origami; this particular part of the presentation is included to get students
interested in what they can make and the complexities that this art form offers.
Teacher will propose the idea of moving origami and then suggest several
examples that students have prior experience with. Then the teacher will
introduce the lesson and the task of completing an origami jumping frog,
flapping crane, or flapping butterfly. The Teacher will inform the students that
there will be a demonstration lesson off to the side to show how to fold the
Instructional origami jumping frog in particular. The Teacher will initiate the lesson by
Activities & instructing students to get a piece of origami paper and either get out their
chromebooks to look at the instructions provided for them on Canvas or to join
Strategies the Teacher at the demonstration table.

At the demonstration table, the Teacher will explain how to fold the origami
frog step-by-step and will stop after each step to re-demonstrate the task for any
student in need of help and to make sure every student is on the same step.
When the Teacher has finished the demonstration, they will show the students
how to get their frog to jump and encourage them to try a harder challenge
provided for them in the presentation in Canvas.

The Teacher will then walk around the room and observe the students creating
different works of origami and helping students if they are in need of
something. If a student is working on origami that is deemed inappropriate (i.e.
origami weaponry), they will be asked to create origami from the provided
instructions exclusively. It is encouraged that students finish one of the easier
origami pieces (the jumping frog, the flapping crane, and the flapping butterfly)
before they move onto the more complicated pieces.
The Teacher will see every student’s origami and encourage them to continue to
Closure Activity fold more challenging creations and to be both patient and creative in their
Origami: the Japanese art of folding paper into decorative shapes and figures.
Key Vocabulary or Fold: bend (something flexible and relatively flat) over on itself so that one part
of it covers another.
Concepts Crease: make a harsh crease in (cloth or paper), Students are encouraged to use
their nails to make their creases sharp.
Students will be assessed on the effort they put into their origami creations. In
order to be dismissed, they must demonstrate they have made something out of

Assessments Eighth Grade Students will be graded on their ability to create an origami
jumping frog. For them specifically, they will be instructed to turn their frog
creation in in order to encourage them to actually participate in the assignment.
This detail was decided by my cooperating teacher.

For each origami instructions, there is a video linked and key with written
instructions and diagrams. This allows Students to pick whichever method suits
Accommodations them better. The Teacher will also be walking around the classroom to
demonstrate, but not do it for the students.

All videos and websites utilized in this lesson plan are linked in the google

Remember to submit your final lesson plan within 24 hours and reflection within 48 hours after teaching!

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